
korrigan1any wireless gurus around01:02
korrigan1I'm facing a issue with my wireless card with today's image01:03
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FritigernSo i installed 15.04 Alpha2 yesterday, and there are a few things so far that i am missing. 1 - the ability to set a different background for each of mty 4 desktops, and 2 - a weather plasmoid ogf any kind (preferably yAWP, but any would do)03:06
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lordievaderGood morning.10:08
xubuntu51fhey everyone10:28
xubuntu51fas I understand Xubuntu 15.04 won't have network manager applet10:28
xubuntu51fcan anyone explain me what will be replacing it?10:29
ikoniaxubuntu51f: where did you get that information ?10:37
xubuntu51fikonia, I read it somewhere, can't remember now where precisely10:38
xubuntu51fmaybe in #xubuntu-devel10:38
ikoniaworth getting that link if you could10:38
lordievaderxubuntu51f: They likely are able to explain that decision in #xubuntu-devel too.11:00
xubuntu51fI got sent here lordievader11:02
lordievaderThat's odd, if you ask me.11:03
ikoniaI've not seen anything on that discussion let alone decision11:04
xubuntu51fmaybe I misread it and it probably was just a reference to the fact that NetworkManager 1.0.0 was released11:06
ikoniaI don't see any reference to xubuntu in there11:07
ikonialet alone xubuntu not using it11:07
ikoniaor anything to do with network manager other than "an update release has happened"11:07
xubuntu51fmaybe I just misread the all thing11:09
ikoniawhich thing ?11:10
ikoniathe word "xubuntu" doesn't even appear in that link11:10
ikoniaso how can you be missreading that link as xubuntu is dropping network manager ?11:11
xubuntu51fI'm not saying that I misread it in that article ikonia, I'm saying that I probably misread it when I referred to #xubuntu-devel11:13
ikoniaI see11:13
xubuntu51fanyway, thanks for answering11:14
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BluesKajGreetings from the Great White North13:21
elfyhi BluesKaj :)13:22
elfybit chilly?13:22
BluesKajhey elfy13:22
elfyhi gbb :)13:22
BluesKajyup, and getting chillier13:22
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archetechvivid   sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic18:03
archetecham i supposed to use -f  on this18:03
archetechlibdebconf-kde1 : Depends: debconf-kde-data (= 1.0.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not installed18:04
geniiautoremove is supposed to be called without a packagename18:20
geniiIf you want to remove that package just use remove18:20
archetechprob is libdefconf18:25
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