
charlesayhi, gdm fails to load during boot leaving me without a desktop, how can this possibly be fixed?00:36
darkxstcharlesay, would need to see logs01:08
darkxsthow far do you get? do you see the login screen?01:09
charlesaydarkxst: no -  it's showing "Starting Gnome Display Manager [fail]", then starts or stops some other services and the last message in the log is about samba services (this without further errors) and then hangs there01:38
darkxstcharlesay, can you paste /var/log/:0-greeter.log01:39
darkxst^ /var/log/gdm/01:40
darkxstalso :0.log as well01:40
charlesayhow exactly would i do this on my tty? i am not familiar with the format those logs are in01:46
darkxstthey are just text files. you could use pastebinit01:46
darkxstNoskcaj, if you want to merge gnome-user-share it can probably go into ppa:ubuntu-desktop/transitions now01:53
charlesayok, here goes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10181258/01:54
darkxstX seems happy enough, the other log?01:56
charlesayok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10181303/01:57
darkxstthat seems much less happy01:58
darkxstbut seems gnome-shell did start and no hints to what is failing01:59
darkxstcharlesay, enable Debug in /etc/gdm/custom.conf02:00
darkxstreboot and try paste that greeter log again02:00
charlesayis it enough to just uncomment the [debug] enable=true line?02:02
charlesayok, i'll report back in a minute02:04
charlesaydarkxst: here is the new log of :0-greeter.log, but to me it does not look more verbose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/108145402:11
darkxstthat link doesnt work02:12
charlesaysorry, forgot a digit : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1018145402:14
darkxstThere should be a heap of DEBUG lines02:14
charlesaycould i try to reinstall gdm?02:15
darkxstthat won't help02:16
darkxstseems gnome-session is somewhat absent02:17
darkxstyou do have that installed right?02:18
charlesayyes, 3.9.9002:20
darkxstcharlesay, anything gnome related in /var/crash/02:21
charlesaynot obviously so. there is an empty file called ' .lock'02:23
darkxstguess you need to find out why gnome-session is not launching then02:23
charlesaythe other new file there is called _usr_lib_tracker_tracker-miner-fs.1000.crash02:24
darkxstthat won't affect much02:25
darkxst(tracker dosen't even run until you login, and even when it crashes things should still boot fine)02:27
charlesayin the boot log there is one more fail-message, about the SMB/CIFS Active Directory Server, but that really should be unrelated.02:29
darkxstsince your intel I suppose you could try boot with nomodeset02:31
darkxstor try lightdm and see if you can login to GNOME session with02:32
charlesayi was just going to ask you whether trying lightdm would be an idea02:32
darkxstwouldnt hurt02:32
darkxstlightdm is a little more resilient with gpu issues, but the X logs looked fine02:33
charlesaydo I just apt-get install it, and how do I tell the system to use it?02:33
darkxstinstall it and it popup a configuration screen02:33
darkxstalso accessible via dpkg-reconfigure lightdm02:34
charlesayyou mean the config screen will show up when i reboot? or i'd just run the reconfigure command?02:35
darkxstconfig screen will show up when you install lightdm02:36
darkxstyou will need to run the reconfigure command to switch back gdm though02:36
charlesayah, it's there now02:37
charlesayit's finished installing lightdm, so I reboot into it?02:40
charlesayokay, let's see what happens...02:44
charlesaydarkxst: hm, in lightdm i get to the login screen, but when I enter my password the session doesn't start and the login screen returns/stays there without comment, it complains if the password is wrong02:52
darkxstpaste ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session-GNOME.log02:56
darkxstgnome-shell:2434): Gjs-WARNING **: JS ERROR: TypeError: Shell.StageInputMode is undefined02:59
darkxsttry disable maximus03:00
darkxstthough something seems to be killing your X server03:00
darkxstgtg though now03:01
charlesayok thank you for your help03:02
darkxstgsettings set org.gnome.shell extensions-enabled '[]'03:03
charlesayThat puts out "No such key 'extensions-enabled' "03:12
charlesayGnome fails to load and I have session log with a huge amount of window manager warnings and gnome shell errors. how do I find the root cause for this?03:48
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b-yeeziHi all. Is there a good resource that explains how to change the GDM theme?18:27
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UnDimHello everyone19:39
Noskcajhi UnDim19:42
NoskcajUnDim, You said that you're developer in your email, what programming languages do you know, and how would you like to help?19:49
UnDimlast couple of years it's been c# and java.  I have played around with vala a little in the last couple of months19:54
NoskcajUnDim, My suggest is, find a bug that affects you (bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu and bugzilla.gnome.org) and try and fix it. git.gnome.org will says what language a program is written in20:03
UnDimNoskcaj, Sounds good.  Quick question.  Is there a document that shows the correct way to submit a fix?  I have already install Mutt so I can send plan text emails.20:05
NoskcajUnDim, Make a diff, attach it to the bug report(s), then i'll work you through packaging20:06
UnDimAlso, I am open to doing anything to help you out until I get up to speed on the coding.20:07
NoskcajYou could maybe make some headerbar/titlebar patches. While gnome is switching to headerbars, all other DEs only look good with traditional menubars. Most gnome devs haven't bothered making the latter usecase work20:29
NoskcajMeaning we have to manually patch them20:29
UnDimOk.  Is there a bug for it?20:37
NoskcajUnDim, It's probably not that great to start with actually, since every package is different. e.g. bug v20:41
Noskcajbug 138556020:42
ubot5bug 1385560 in Gnome System Monitor "gnome-system-monitor 3.14.1-1 uses headerbar on all DEs" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138556020:42
NoskcajI'll try and find some unfixed ones now20:42
NoskcajGo back to my original suggestion, headerbar stuff isn't nice to start with20:47
UnDimno worries.20:48
Noskcajrhythmbox ans smuxi are both C#, so maybe bugs in them are a good place to start20:52
Noskcajdarkxst, Could you point UnDim in the direction of something he can help with?20:57
darkxstUnDim, both baobab and gnome-contacts need headerbar patches20:59
darkxstthey are both written in vala, which is somewhat similar to c# I believe20:59
UnDimdarkxst, vala is very similar.21:01
UnDimi will look into those21:01
Noskcajdarkxst, Also, appstream-glib branch is done. Still no response from grilo-plugins maintainer though21:02
darkxstNoskcaj, did you re-enable the tests?21:41
darkxstnm, looknig at it now21:42
darkxstNoskcaj, theres quilt noise in the debdiff21:43
darkxstalso the patch is missing headers21:46
darkxsttry .patch instead of .diff (on github)21:47
darkxstNoskcaj, also uess you saw Laney's email about not landing gtk 3.15, too many issues popped up22:15

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