
=== idleone__ is now known as io
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NoImNotNineVoltwould the creation of an #ubuntu-impolite be out of the question?17:40
NoImNotNineVolt(context: some of us surly neckbeards swear like sailors and find the requirement for family-friendly/professional discourse to hinder our ability to communicate effectively)17:41
k1l_imho a channel that asks for roughness is not working with the idea of ubuntu.17:43
NoImNotNineVoltwhat about s/asks for/accepts/17:44
NoImNotNineVolti don't mean to say that malicious intent should be tolerated. merely casual use of expletives, profanity, etc.17:45
k1l_if you accept that it tends to be a "asks for it" on the internet17:45
Tm_TNoImNotNineVolt: no17:45
NoImNotNineVoltno, it would not be out of the question? or no, it's not happening? :P17:46
Tm_Tlatter, not going to happen17:46
NoImNotNineVoltfair enough. was just curious.17:46
=== emma_ is now known as emma

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