
lifelesswgrant: haskell lp auth working09:14
lifelesswgrant: next release of authenticate-oauth will be usable out of the box09:15
wgrantlifeless: Just needed the body -> header tweak?09:16
lifelessyeah and just on +access-token09:17
wgrantHaskell hasn't melted your mind yet?09:17
lifelessthere's some initial get-to-grips on how monads compose to burn through09:18
lifelessI nabbed a little of erikd's time to help be bootstrap on that09:18
lifelessand now I'm terrorising ghc happily09:18
lifelessI'm not superproductive yet09:19
lifelessI don't think I'm going to tackle wadl processing at this sstage though :)09:50
mwhudsonheh, my first (and only) ghc bug report was nearly 15 years ago: http://code.haskell.org/~dons/haskell-1990-2000/msg06263.html09:53
lifelessmwhudson: what was your 'real' thing ?09:54
mwhudsonlifeless: undergraduate computational maths project09:55
mwhudsonmodular arithmetic iirc09:56
mwhudsonhm, i still had the code a while ago09:56
mwhudsonthere were lectures on pascal for people who hadn't programmed before09:58
mwhudsonbut i implemented my projects in common lisp, python, haskell and bash...09:58
cjwatsonwe had lectures on ML, on the basis that that way nobody knew WTF they were doing even if they'd been self-taught programmers for >10y09:59
cjwatson(explicitly so!)09:59
mwhudsoncjwatson: a pretty sound approach!09:59
mwhudsonoh heh, iirc the haskell was cracking rsa10:00
mwhudsonfor super exciting key lengths like 32 bits10:00
cjwatsonwe had an end-of-first-term assignment to decrypt RSA with some tiny key length using pencil and paper10:01
cjwatsonwhen deciphered, the plaintext was "ONLY EIGHT MORE TERMS"10:01
* mwhudson zzz10:07
=== elmo_ is now known as elmo
cjwatsonblr: OK, I finally have your turnip charm deploying with the local provider now that I've figured out WTF was up with HTTP proxies.16:43
cjwatsonblr: I had to apply http://paste.ubuntu.com/10207023/ - does that make sense?  check-rev isn't a command, I don't believe you can "juju set turnip" before you "juju deploy", and it doesn't look like the charm takes a revision config option anyway16:45
cjwatson(if that makes sense, I'll send an MP, but with doc updates as well)16:45
cjwatsonblr: I probably can't sanely hook it up to a local LP until we make turnipserver much less hacky and actually driven by the juju config, though16:54
cjwatsonblr: would it make more sense perhaps, rather than running turnipserver, to (write and?) run separate processes for each element of the stack?  turnipserver is a reasonable stopgap when developing, but this would fit better with longer-term scalability needs16:56
cjwatsonwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/git-basic-model/+merge/248976, https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/turnip/auto-create-repository/+merge/249058, and https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/git-namespace/+merge/248995 should all be ready for re-review now.18:36
cjwatsonand I think that's a reasonable point to declare EOW18:47
blrcjwatson: I think we want to be careful there, CI ran into difficulties coupling their code to juju.21:34
blrcjwatson: ah quite right, an error in the makefile which I think is corrected in one of the more recent revisions of the charm21:35
blrcjwatson: and yes, I think we're going to want to run the processs independently, absolutely.21:39
blrcjwatson: how revisions are managed still needs work, might return to that after I have the block storage sorted.21:39
blrregarding the first point, I think it would really hinder development to have to rely on juju in any way in development.21:40
blrugh, the word 'development' is a bit overloaded, but hopefully that makes sense.21:42
cjwatsonblr: I'm definitely not suggesting coupling development of turnip itself to juju - what did you read as suggesting that?23:56

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