
=== hughhalf is now known as hugh_afk
=== gerald is now known as Guest50782
=== hugh_afk is now known as hughhalf
hallynsforshee: is there some ppa particularly suited to building a mainline kernel with http://lkml.org/lkml/2015/2/12/735 added in?  Or is it better to just build by hand?04:28
* hallyn starts a build04:51
tjaaltonmeh, looks like 3.19 takes disk cache just as much as 3.18 and doesn't free it. wonder if it has anything to do with btrfs08:33
tjaaltonit doesn't go below 9GB after some uptime08:34
apwdoes drop_caches free it12:53
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=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
=== ChickenCutlass is now known as ChickenCutlass_a
=== ChickenCutlass_a is now known as ChickenCutlass
=== ChickenCutlass is now known as ChickenCutlass_a
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
JEEBsvhas anyone else noticed that since 14.10 (3.16) bootableness with 1st gen macbooks has gone way down?22:41
JEEBsvas far as I can see I get http://up-cat.net/p/ab549095 every time I successfully am able to get booted, and I guess that is happening during the failures, too22:42
JEEBsvas I test the mainline builds as well, 3.18 series is similar, and 3.19 I haven't gotten to boot at all22:43
JEEBsvin order to make sure it's not just a fluke with my hardware, if anyone else has a 1st gen (2006) intel macbook, I'd be happy to hear results...22:44
JEEBsvI only have one of these things, so I can't exactly do such testing :/22:45

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