
dholbachgood morning07:44
nhainesGood morning!07:47
superflymorning dholbach, nhaines :-)08:55
dholbachhi superfly08:57
nhainessuperfly: good morning.  :)09:00
* superfly is from ubuntu-za09:01
nhainesYes, responsible for their stunning new webpage if I recall.09:01
superflyYes, that's me.09:02
superflyDidn't realise I was famous...09:22
nhainesIt was clearly very well constructed.  :)09:27
superflyI can't take all the credit, I used tools that are already there. Just stuff together, tweaked themes, and tada.09:29
nhainesWell, to very good effect.  Kudos to you!09:30
superflyTa :-)09:31
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FreeNet[node]los locos19:24
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose

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