
Nothing_Muchi'm curious, why are the phones limited at this moment?01:16
Nothing_Muchflash sales and stuff?01:17
Nothing_Muchanyone? o.o01:20
balloonsahoneybun, did you send along the nexus 7?03:42
balloonsNothing_Much, it's the cool thing to do :p03:42
ahoneybunballoons, tbh I have not, I keep forgetting to get out house to do it after work sadly.04:02
ahoneybunI'm going to push myself and get it out tomorrow no matter what04:02
balloonsahoneybun, yea sucks. Saturday morning post office run if nothing else :-)04:02
balloonssometimes it's the only free time to do it all week04:02
ahoneybunI had time monday kinda (was hanging with a ex) but tues-thu I went to events04:03
Nothing_Muchballoons: limiting sales or something?04:04
Nothing_Muchmarketing stuff?04:04
balloonsNothing_Much, I was being a bit flippant. I can only speculate about why the sales are happening the way they are, same as you.04:10
balloonsI do hope you get a device if you want one. I trust the next flash sale will be kind to you in that regard04:10
Nothing_Muchballoons: well.. I'm not in Europe so... I'm out of luck on that :(05:41
Nothing_Muchbut people've been pretty harsh against you guys on omgubuntu05:41
Nothing_Muchhttps://plus.google.com/+LinusTorvalds/posts/jmtzzLiiejc vote for the new version number of the GNU/Linux kernel!06:44
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
mhall119Nothing_Much: it's a marketing strategy to keep the excitement going15:14
Nothing_Muchmhall119: yeah, but there's lots of people complaining about it and stuff17:15
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose

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