
cmaloneyWow, talk about timing: https://kimikoishizaka.bandcamp.com/album/bach-well-tempered-clavier-book-100:38
cmaloneyGood morning13:12
jrwrengood morning13:40
jrwrenhappy superstitious day13:40
rick_h_I WANT ONE! http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/13/google-and-mattel-revive-the-85-year-old-view-master-with-cardboard-vr/14:48
=== waf1 is now known as waf
brouschrick_h_: One of the first apps was a sterogram viewer for Google Cardboard20:40
jrwrenwtf is google cardboard?20:50
cmaloneyIt's a cardboard set of goggles you can use with your Android phone20:56
cmaloneyallows you to simulate VR20:56
cmaloneyaka Occulus Rift without the expense.20:56
brouschIt's a nifty gimmick21:03

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