
=== drkokandy_ is now known as drkokandy
tewardare sync requests still being processed?22:51
cjwatsonhow do you mean?  sync requests are no different from any other sponsorship request nowadays, really23:01
Ukikieteward: Not FF, so yes.23:03
cjwatsonsync requests aren't necessarily impeded by FF anyway23:04
cjwatsonit depends on what actually changes23:04
tewardcjwatson: substantial feature additions for `znc` package, but a bunch of security improvements as well (such as SSL Protocol selection ,Cipher selection, also the default disabling of SSLv3 for its SSL listeners per POODLE, etc.)23:29
tewardcjwatson: so this one would need FFe consideration if Freeze hit23:29
tewardalready filed the request23:29

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