
octoquadbzr branch or debdiff?00:04
LinDolhi all01:18
darkxst_octoquad, either is fine02:27
darkxst_except for packages that have a packaging branch (Vcs-bzr field in control), then branches are usually preferred02:28
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=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
octoquaddarkxst_, thanks. It does have a Vcs-Git field for syncevolution package though.13:13
octoquadSo I have the deb file for goa now and can see the .so in there.13:13
octoquadI'm see there are multiple architectures available for this, would I have to provide debdiffs for all archs as well?13:14
octoquador would that be an arch flag for sbuild --arch=all? I don't seem to have syncevolution-common because it's built for all archs.13:16
lindolum.. what is mean 'respin'?13:53
lindolI can not find it in Dictionary.13:53
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