
* PaulW2U_ counts summaries - 14 done, 12 to do09:29
* PaulW2U_ counts summaries to be done - 717:00
imnicholIt seems to me that the "Ubuntu is airborn" story and the "Internet of things: Erlebot" story are actually referencing the same thing.18:36
imnicholIs there a way to combine them?18:37
PaulW2U_Like that :)18:52
imnicholDown to two undone19:30
PaulW2U_Make that three - I've just added another phone article19:34
imnicholI saw19:34
imnicholPaulW2U_, you planning to write it up?19:44
imnicholI see your cursor on the URL19:44
PaulW2U_You can take one if you want to19:44
PaulW2U_or that one even :)19:45
PaulW2U_jose: All summaries done. I'll be around until about 2300 GMT in case anything new turns up.21:08
josePaulW2U_: cool, thanks!21:08

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