
lordievaderGood morning.06:13
Mirvsitter: mornings. we're still blocked by not having plasma-workspace ubuntu2 uploaded, which blocks kglobalaccel, which blocks me building the three packages I'd like07:03
MirvI kicked a couple of rebuilds during the weekend and it seems this is the last step for kf5 5.7.007:03
Mirvbut I didn't dare to go to your staging and start uploading a package from there, even though I found it :)07:04
* sitter beats Riddell with a stick07:08
soeegood morning07:13
sitterMirv: [ubuntu/vivid-proposed] plasma-workspace 4:5.2.0-0ubuntu2 (Accepted)07:16
Mirvsitter: thank you! and it just turned out our Train (CI) is dead at the moment due to disk space so I'll anyway have an hour or two do to builds in the PPA07:17
soeesince few days in vivid: libdebconf-kde1 : Depends: debconf-kde-data (= 1.0.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not installed07:18
sitterhigh tech continous integration system stopped by not having enough empty buckets to put things into xD07:18
* sitter has a similar problem on kci but doesn't know why, all builds delayed by 4 hours on the launchpad build step for some reason07:19
sittersomeone needs to port kubuntu-web-shortcuts07:20
sittersoee: sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true dist-upgrade07:25
soeesitter: nothing more than i paste before http://paste.ubuntu.com/10251689/07:27
sitterwhat the07:27
soeei can do force overwrite and it will work though07:27
sittersoee:  sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true -f install07:27
sitterpaste the output07:28
sitterthen run upgrade again07:28
sitterpaste the output07:28
sittersounds a bit odd though07:28
sitterperhaps it's because the lib is multiarch:same but the data doesn't have multiarch declared at all07:29
soeesitter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10251699/07:29
soeeseveral people reported it and thers a bug on launchpad 07:29
sitterno one reads bug reports07:33
sitter  Uploading debconf-kde_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.07:33
sitterSuccessfully uploaded packages.07:33
sittersoee: ^07:33
sittershould be built in an hour or so07:33
soeesitter: cool, thank you :)07:41
sitterMirv: so, I am getting qt 5.4 this week? :)07:51
Mirvsitter: hopefully still today, yes...07:54
sitterdh: unable to load addon kubuntu-l10n: Can't locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/kubuntu_l10n.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::kubuntu_l10n module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20 /usr/share/perl/5.20 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 11) line 2.08:10
sitterwho broke that?08:10
tsdgeossitter: Riddell: sgclark: any idea why kf5globalaccel is stuck in proposed?08:11
sittertsdgeos: because someone didn't upload plasma-workspace08:12
sittershould be resolved soonishy08:12
sitteruploaded it an hour ago08:12
sittershadeslayer: you broke the l10n stuff in pkg-kde-tools >.<08:13
Mirvtsdgeos: I'll rebuild the 3 packages as soon as kf5globalaccel migrates and then theoretically we should be all set to publishing Qt 5.4 in a few hours08:18
=== sitter_ is now known as sitter
sitternow I am suspicious09:10
sitterwgrant: thoughts on this error https://launchpadlibrarian.net/197807925/upload_6982693_log.txt there also was an earlier occurance on a different source https://launchpadlibrarian.net/197798731/upload_6982099_log.txt09:11
wgrantsitter: Things are slightly on fire. That error means it's uploaded successfully but tried to upload again. You can ignore it, I'll be fixing the build status later.09:12
sitterok thanks09:12
sitter'slightly on fire' sounds like fun xD09:12
valoriefire extinguisher is on the wall over there09:12
* sitter scratches his head and wonders why he has no recollection of uploading software-properties qt509:32
Riddellsitter: what did I do to deserve being beaten with a stick?09:40
sitterRiddell: you didn't upload plasma-workspace09:40
sitterI even explicitly told you to not forget it >.<09:40
sitterqt5 port -> [ubuntu/vivid-proposed] usb-creator 0.2.65 (Accepted)09:41
sitterRiddell: is kdesu with sudo working yet?09:43
sitterand on that note is kdesudo still seeeded?09:43
Riddellkdesudo isn't seeded but e.g. muon-updater depends on it09:47
sittermuon-updater Oo09:49
sitter./libmuon/backends/ApplicationBackend/ApplicationNotifier.cpp:    QString kdesudo = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("kdesudo");09:50
sitterwhy is everything so shit09:50
tsdgeosMirv: they're in09:54
sitterRiddell: have you filed a bug about that?09:59
Mirvtsdgeos: I know, builds are ongoing in the PPA, and watch build job in CI (which is now fixed again)10:00
Riddellsitter: about hardcoding kdesudo? I don't think so10:01
soeesitter: your fix for debconf-kde-data works nice, thanks again10:04
sitterRiddell: I am actually not even sure how that is supposed to be solved10:13
sitterkdseu is as weird as kdesudo10:13
sitterIMO the cleanest solution would be to supply a desktop file that uses x-kde-suid to get kdesu10:14
sitternotable advantage being that we can simply krun it without having to QProcess in muon manually and it abstracts the sudoing away from muon10:14
sittere.g. if the upgrader were to become a polkit client the sudo bit only needs removing in the desktop file not 300 code locations10:15
RiddellSick_Rimmit: did you get anywhere with kdevelop? or did you say you'd do that this week?10:28
* Riddell uploads libkdeedu10:34
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Hi, I am working on that this week, will start tomorrow eveing ( Tues )11:01
Riddellnow where's manchicken with his digikam update?11:01
* Mirv spams vivid-changes list11:19
* mitya57 hugs Mirv11:19
Sick_RimmitDo we have a problem with the Print manager ?11:20
Mirvmitya57: has the fever gotten any lower now?11:20
Sick_RimmitI can't find it anywhere on the menu's11:20
RiddellSick_Rimmit: yes, it's for kdelibs411:20
mitya57Mirv: a bit better now, yes11:21
Sick_Rimmitdpkg says its installed, but I can't some to invoke it, (perhaps I don't know the command........11:21
Mirvmitya57: good!11:21
RiddellSick_Rimmit: the frameworks port needs tested then co-ordinated with the guy who ported it (lukas I think) to move it into trunk so it'll be released with the frameworks version11:21
Sick_RimmitAh OK, is it in the pipe for porting ?11:21
Riddellit's ported, just needs released11:21
Sick_RimmitThat's good, we can release without printers, that would be a proper fo pah!11:22
RiddellI still think a printer is required, alas many geeks do not11:22
Sick_RimmitOh boy really!!11:23
RiddellSick_Rimmit: I bought a printer to use at the office here in barcelona and got no end of stick for not just using my phone for anything11:23
Riddellthen vhanda had to print thing off for the paperwork the spanish need and he came crawling on his knees to me11:23
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Well that's ridiculous, perhaps even stupid11:23
Sick_RimmitI'm working in an office with 30 folks, with a shared printing pool. 11:24
Sick_RimmitIf I can't print from Kubuntu Plasma 5, that looks pretty poor11:24
Sick_RimmitAnyone else says we don;t need printers, you point them at me Riddell11:25
Sick_RimmitSo I've had to create a PDF open in Firefox, and use its Cups Printer function to print to the pool. 11:27
* Sick_Rimmit face palm11:27
RiddellSick_Rimmit: you can still run it with   kcmshell4 kcm_printer_manager11:31
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Ah right OK, I wll make a note of that11:32
BluesKajHi folks12:13
Riddellyay kdepim compiling12:15
soeehiho BluesKaj12:17
BluesKajHi soee, Riddell12:18
Riddellkubotu: newversion partition-manager 1.2.012:19
soeeBluesKaj: good news - Plasma 5.2.1 should be released this thursday :)12:19
kubotuPackage partition-manager doesn't exist yet!12:19
Riddellkubotu: newversion partitionmanager 1.2.012:19
BluesKajsoee, ok, any changes worth noting ?12:21
Riddellyay libkdeedu is accepted!12:21
Riddellsgclark: ↑12:21
soeeBluesKaj: i think most important are those that fixes some freezes, avoids propagation of teh same proccess etc. so we should have more stable Plasma now12:23
soeeBluesKaj: if you think about some new components etc. they will show up in Plasma 5.312:23
BluesKajsoee, like themes ?12:24
soeeBluesKaj: oh that i don't know, ask Riddell, i think this weekend he will talk with plasma devs about features that 5.3 release should have12:29
Riddellthis week actually, they're arriving now12:30
Riddellany requests?12:30
soeeRiddell: yes - color picker widget :D 12:30
Riddellsoee: where?12:31
soeeRiddell: plasmoid so we can place it in panel12:31
BluesKajcopy and paste without having to leave the source file open, Riddell, for one 12:31
soeethis one in KDE4 was most frequently used by me12:32
RiddellBluesKaj: well that's a bug and probably quite a fiddly one or it would be fixed already12:33
BluesKajRiddell, ok thanks12:33
BluesKajoh another is the power management settings, no matter what the computer locks the screen and drops to the login , altho some processes do continue 12:41
BluesKajafter about 5 mins12:41
BluesKajof inaction, has anyone encountered that?12:43
soeewhat about the logout bug - if you want to logout, plasma quits and system does nothing - stays with black screen12:43
BluesKajsoee, haven't seen that one 12:46
soeeBluesKaj: so logout works fine for you ?12:50
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
BluesKajyes soee, so far at least12:53
soeeRiddell: what i would like to have 'stable' in 5.3 are Activities, atm. they are very buggy and don't work. There is also related kwin bug i have reported where we can't assign app to single activity, in window rules we have only option 'All activities'. So if there is any chance to get it fixed and have usable activities, would be cool12:54
* mitya57 uploads okteta with fixed symbols to unblock qt 5.413:46
* Riddell spots https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.4.0+dfsg-4ubuntu213:47
RiddellI'll need to recompile frameworksintegration and a bunch of plasma stuff13:49
mitya57Riddell: that's already done13:50
Riddellooh nice13:50
Riddellbut also stuff like kwin and plasma-workspace which I believe has #ifdefs for qt 5.4 fixes13:51
mgraesslincorrect, kwin has ifdefs for 5.413:52
Mirvsitter: Riddell: hey, could you fix symbols for okteta which is failing autopkgtests? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-okteta/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/consoleText (or override)13:54
MirvRiddell: plasma-workspace, frameworkintegration and kdelibs4support recompiles are in archives13:54
mitya57Riddell: Yes, I think we only uploaded packages that were using private headers (and thus depending on qtbase-abi-5.x.x)13:54
Mirv+ the kdelibs4support which sitter uncovered to be "strange" :)13:54
mitya57Mirv: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/okteta/4:14.12.2-0ubuntu213:55
Mirvmitya57: \o/ :D13:55
Mirvmitya57 is faster than light, even when in fever13:55
BluesKajI also miss the quicklaunch widget 13:56
* ScottK <-- packaging the kf5 version of partionmanager13:59
shadeslayerneat! :D14:01
BluesKajquicklaunch like so, on the left beside the kicker http://wstaw.org/m/2015/02/16/snapshot1.png14:01
soeeso this week we should have QT 5.4 + Plasma 5.2.1 right ?14:03
mitya57oh no, okteta ftbfs14:06
mitya57looks like I need to wait for builds to finish on all architectures to do a proper symbols update14:08
mitya57Mirv: ^14:08
Mirvmitya57: ok14:13
* sitter still fails to comprehend why the symbols are there to begin with14:19
RiddellScottK: 14:20
RiddellScottK: thanks14:20
* Riddell on konversation14:20
sitterRiddell: we are landing kf5.8 one would suppose, so I guess we'll just have a full qt5.4 rebuild in ~2 weeks?14:20
Riddellsitter: and plasma 5.2.1 I suppose so we'll rebuild that14:20
Riddellwhat about frameworks?14:21
sitterI meant rebuild all frameworks against qt5.4 :P14:21
sitterworkspace we obviously get sooner14:21
* sitter hungry; afk looking for an orange14:22
sitterdat name14:30
Riddellso eloquent14:33
sitterRiddell: who do I annoy about libgit2?14:33
Mirvmitya57: now all 6 archs finished14:34
Riddellsitter: whoever uploaded libgit2-glib-1.0-014:35
Riddellor whoever cared about gitg14:35
Riddellso I guess some unity/gnome types14:35
Riddellsitter: d_ed says he's included some stuff from canonical into telepathy-qt5 and wonders if there's more stuff that's blocking him to release so we can upgrade14:37
sittereverything is on fire14:38
mitya57Mirv: I see, will do another upload now14:38
mitya57Mirv: uploaded14:48
sitterRiddell: doesn't even have a fix upstream for the build fail14:49
Riddellsitter: what doesn't?14:56
Riddellright, that's why I gave up too14:56
sitterI also don't understand why it ftbfs14:57
sitteroh wait14:57
sitterwe have 0.0.22 upstream latest is 0.22.0!14:58
sitterautomake: error: cannot open < gtk-doc.make: No such file or directory15:00
sitterinf(head -> desk)15:00
sitterdocs/reference/Makefile.am:include $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make15:01
sitterI think this entire library construct is just meant to piss me off15:01
sitterrelease upgrader still needs qt5 port landing15:13
sitteralso I think I have a merge request somewhere for that15:13
Mirvmitya57: probably succeeds now, only armhf building anymore. we'll see if migration now succeeds in ca. 1h15:18
Riddellkf5 konversation uploaded!15:22
Riddellsitter disappeared!  where does he go?!15:28
Riddellooh sitter returned!15:42
sitternot for long15:48
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
mitya57Yay, Qt 5.4 migrated!16:48
Riddellooh? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src still showing 5.3.2+dfsg-4ubuntu9  in vivid release16:55
mitya57Riddell: that's because it's "pending", not yet "published"16:56
Riddellnow it's showing two versions in release https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src17:00
RiddellI think qt is taxing launchpad somewhat :)17:00
Riddellanyway, well done mitya57, Mirv :)17:00
Mirvthanks :)17:04
Mirvyeah I remember cjwatson raising eyebrows the last time on the gigabytes flowing through infrastructure :)17:04
Riddellgood review for one of our derivatives http://betanews.com/2015/02/16/netrunner-15-prometheus-is-here-the-best-kde-based-linux-distro-gets-better/17:11
* Riddell out17:11
stikonasScottK: I think partitionmanager should not have any dependency on udisks now because  udisks was only used via Solid which is not used now...17:41
* ScottK looks17:42
ScottKstikonas: Looks like you're right.  Thanks.17:44
stikonasprobably kdelibs4support is not necessary either17:44
ScottKIt is.17:44
stikonasoh, ok...17:44
ScottKIt provides kdex.dtd.17:45
ScottKThe docs don't build without it.17:45
stikonasoh, ok, I will see whether it can be fixed upstream...17:45
ScottKThe code itself doesn't need it.17:46
ScottKstikonas: Your timing on the release was great.  Feature freeze for our next release is this week, so it was just in time.17:46
stikonasScottK: glad to hear... That's why I was trying to get it out...17:48
stikonasalthough, I didn't know exact date17:48
stikonasbut I thought it should be soon...17:48
ScottKstikonas: If you do any bugfix updates to partitionmanager 1.2, please pimg me.  I wouldn't have noticed 1.2 except for your post on Planet KDE.17:50
stikonasScottK: ok. I also posted it on kde-apps-announce17:50
stikonasbut it is still stuck in moderation :(17:50
ScottKWell, I don't read that one anyway.  I probably should.17:50
stikonasok, I will try to remember to ping you17:51
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
BluesKajok, I set up an old hdd and installed 15.04 on it so it now has it's own / and /home dirs witout resorting to extended partitioning 19:47
soeesomeone has this: KDEInit cannot run '': Cannot open library '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_'. Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)21:22
soeewhen trying to load partition manager ?>21:22
ScottKsoee: Which version?  Just uploaded a new one today for vivid.21:59
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
soeeScottK: i did the upgrades but didnt reboot22:01
soeedo i need it to make it work ?22:01
ScottKShouldn't for partitionmanager.22:01
soeeScottK: i can run if from terminal and i see windowd with input for password, if i enter password i have error22:03
soeesomething about pmlibpartedbackendplugin that cannot be loaded 22:03
ScottKDid you get the libkdeinit5_ error too?22:03
soeeif i start from terminal? no just this this window with error http://wstaw.org/m/2015/02/16/worksace7.png22:05
ScottKsoee: Would you please translate.22:10
soeeScottK: something like: Cannot load pmlibpartedbackendplugin that is set nor the default pmlibpartedbackendplugin plugin. Please check your install22:13
soeeok i googled it so it is in en: 22:14
soeeNeither the configured ("pmlibpartedbackendplugin") nor the default ("pmlibpartedbackendplugin") backend plugin could be loaded.22:14
soeePlease check your installation.22:14
soeeit was mentioned here https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/partitionmanager-git/?comments=all22:17
soeeok time to get some sleep, ScottK ill try to catch you tomorrow and ask about this issue22:36
ScottKOK.  Thanks for the feedback.22:37
stikonasScottK: looks like (non English) docs in the tarball are from kde4 branch, that's why you needed kdelibs4support-data. I will release 1.2.1 in the near future23:15
stikonaswill try to do it before Thursday...23:17
jussiMorning all23:19
ScottKstikonas: No rush for bug fixes.  Only new features are affected by the deadline.23:22
ScottKstikonas: Any thoughts about what might cause http://wstaw.org/m/2015/02/16/worksace7.png (translates as Neither the configured ("pmlibpartedbackendplugin") nor the default ("pmlibpartedbackendplugin") backend plugin could be loaded.23:22
stikonasyeah, plugins installed in the wrong folder23:23
ScottKWhere do I want them installed?23:23
ScottKI'll make sure they land there.23:23
stikonasKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATH should be on23:23
stikonasI think23:23
stikonasactually Riddell told me this tip, but it worked for me23:24
stikonasKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATH is a cmake option...23:24
ScottKRight.  They landed in /usr/lib/kde4/, which clearly isn't right.23:25
ScottKstikonas: Should that be enabled in the upstream CMakeLists.txt?23:26
stikonasdon't know, maybe I should...23:26
ScottK(I can do it for the package, but it seems like something everyone would want)23:26
stikonasI know gentoo enables this option for all kde packages23:26
stikonasI guess I can do it too23:26
ScottKSomething else for 1.2.1 then.23:27
stikonasok, agreed23:27
stikonasmy release got a bit rough :(23:27
ScottKI'll set it in the packaging in the meantime.23:27
stikonaswell, I think it was the first extragear project with KF5 support...23:27
ScottKIf that's the worst of it, not so bad.23:27
stikonasso it was a bit more difficult23:27
ScottKNo doubt.23:28
ScottKI appreciate the port.  The more stuff we can get to kf5 the better.23:28
stikonaswell, kbruch and kteatime were also ported by me :)23:28
stikonasbut they are much smaller projects23:28
jussican someone verify a bug on plasma 5/14.10 for me? Lock your screen on a laptop, then plug an external screen (Im using VGA)in and see what happens? (I get my programs come up for a moment so I can see everything on the screen, then lock screen comes up)23:31

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