
robert_ancellAnyone using simple-scan in LXDE? The newer versions use GtkHeaderBar by default - should LXDE be added to the "traditional window decorations" whitelist like Unity/XFCE/MATE?01:29
Unit193I would say very much so, that it should be added.  Clashes with the rest of the desktop if not.01:29
robert_ancellUnit193, can you confirm that the environment variable XGD_CURRENT_DESKTOP is set to LXDE in LXDE?01:30
robert_ancellthat should be XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP01:30
Unit193All I have handy is Trusty, but it is there.01:31
Unit193wxl: Still here? ---^01:31
wxlwhat huh?01:58
wxli have trusty here too fwiw Unit19301:59
Unit193Ah, alright.01:59
Unit193robert_ancell: So I'd still say that's a safe bet. :)01:59
robert_ancellok, thanks Unit193, wxl. I've updated simple-scan to do that02:00
wxlsounds good robert_ancell thx02:00
Unit193LXQt is likely too early to think about, too.02:01
wxlmight be worth playing around02:02
wxlrobert_ancell: you can contact the devs through the lubuntu-qa mailing list02:02
wxlor actually go upstream to lxde.org and use their mailing list02:03
Chelsea_JurgensHi, ai am having an issue with my wifi? It seems to drop the connection after only a couple minutes14:24
=== IdleOne is now known as io
MrAskHello, I run lubuntu on netbook with 128 mb ram and it worked. But when I did same on system with 2gb ram desktop alone used 1gb. How the fuck can I contron it? I need ~1.6gb only for runing virtual machine I want. Am I fucked or is there something I can do?18:12
wxl!language | MrAsk18:12
ubottuMrAsk: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:12
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
phillwMrAsk: most likely, your RAM is being used for buffers... this is still 'free' RAM. People do misread 'top'. Allocate the 1.6GB of RAM to the VM and just check it is not hammering swap. I only allocate 512Mb to lubuntu VM's and they are happy little VM's.19:23

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