
lordievaderGood morning.06:13
BluesKajHi folks12:13
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elfyhi PaulW2U16:07
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feliwirhey, my ubuntu 15.04 gets stuck at "creating ext4 partition"20:51
feliwirhelp is appreciated20:52
feliwir(during installation)20:52
feliwiri also made sure my ssd doesn't have any bad sectors20:53
BluesKajfeliwir:  are you getting a notification that it needs formatting for example ?20:53
feliwirno, it just doesn't make any progress anymore20:53
feliwircould it be due to me having 2 ssd's and one hdd?20:54
BluesKajfel which partitioning mode did you cjhoose , guid4e3d, auto or manual ?20:54
BluesKajoops guided20:55
BluesKajfeliwir: ^20:55
feliwiri used auto on my old ssd with ubuntu 14.04 (which was broken thats why i couldnt upgrade it^=20:55
feliwirbut if it helps i can try to format it before i try installation20:56
elfyI had some issues like that a while back, did the partitions before installing with gparted20:56
elfyheh :)20:56
BluesKajhave you manually partitioned hdds/sdds in the past ? if so it's best to use that20:56
feliwirwell, i still have the old partitions20:56
feliwirback from ubuntu 14.10,20:56
feliwirno, i've never done that before to be honest :D20:56
elfytry that then20:57
feliwirright now i am on my liveusb and have gparted opened, no idea what to do with it though20:57
BluesKaj'then you have to format them as well when choosing ext420:57
elfywell feliwir if you've never done it before - make sure you do it right ;)20:58
feliwirelfy: haha very good advice20:58
elfymeasure twice - cut once ...20:58
elfyyou might even have where it 'tried' to create one20:59
feliwiri am not quite sure why i need to make new partitions at all :( i thought the old ones would be ok20:59
elfyand you're using 'Something Else' as the option ?21:00
elfyand just marked the old one for formatting and as / ?21:01
BluesKajyes , they are you just need to reformat them to get rid of the data21:01
feliwirwhere would i reformat anything here?21:02
elfyI would be extremely careful about reformatting that partition unless you are completely positive that 68Gb used is all old and unused21:03
BluesKajthw yellow portion of the partition is the data from the old install , it needs to be erased by formatting to nsetup the partition for installation of the new OS21:04
BluesKajunless you want to rpreserve the dat from the old install21:05
BluesKajpreserve the data , that is21:06
feliwirbut where to put my / ?21:07
elfyright - so you're going to be resizing it one way or the other21:09
BluesKajfeliwir:  the whole partition will be / if you choose not to create a /home  as well21:09
feliwirit says it has no root21:09
elfyfeliwir: if you do that - it WILL remove any data in that partition - all 68Gb21:10
feliwirno problem21:10
feliwirall my data is on my hdd21:10
feliwirdo i need to set a mount point for swap aswell?21:11
elfyno swap will deal with itself21:11
feliwiralright, can i ignore the warning?21:12
elfywhat warning?21:12
k1l_what? no you need to direct the swap partition to be used as swap21:12
k1l_if you dont to it, it will not use swap21:13
BluesKajthe swap warning is most likely di=ue swap being turned off21:13
elfyk1l_: no - I have never in the last 3 years once told the installer anything about swap21:13
jtaylork1l_: you just whatever swap is available21:13
feliwirit says: use as swap anyways21:13
elfythat warning is what I normally see21:14
k1l_elfy: i dont use swap since 3 years or so.21:14
elfyI don't use it - I just have some for Justin Case21:14
k1l_the live cd uses any swap it finds. i am not sure about the install.21:14
feliwirstarting now21:14
feliwirit seems to reenter the old step -.-21:15
elfyk1l_: in my experience - live uses what it finds, then uses same for the install21:15
feliwirnvm it makes progress :D21:15
feliwirhow long is that step supposed to take?21:18
BluesKajfeliwir: are you using gparted atm ?21:18
feliwirno, i am installing atm :D21:18
feliwirbut i used the manual way21:19
feliwirand told it to format ext421:19
feliwirgot stuck again though -.- : http://i.imgur.com/4bAnXr0.jpg?121:19
BluesKaj, did you choose the partition as the / moiuntpoint21:19
feliwiryou saw the screenshot21:20
elfyfeliwir: the 2nd to last screenie is the slideshow :)21:20
feliwirwell, time for a new try i guess -.-21:21
elfyif the installer keeps hanging on that stage - which is what I had a while back, just do the format in gparted21:22
elfythen start up the installer - choose the same 'Something Else' option21:22
elfythen when you set it up - just do the mountpoint - don't format it again21:22
elfyit'll say you're not formatting - ignore that warning21:23
feliwirThe driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.21:23
feliwirgparted keeps telling me that warning^^21:23
elfybut I'm not that comfortable saying format a drive that's half full ;)21:23
BluesKajfeliwir:  don't worry about that either21:23
feliwirhow can i stop the setup from always going back to its old step?21:24
elfyyou need to cancle the install21:24
elfythen start gparted from whatever menu your version uses21:25
feliwiryeah i just did that21:25
feliwirbut i am not sure if installation will go back to the same step21:25
elfyoic - no it will start from the beginning again21:25
feliwirbootloader will go into sdc or sdc1 ?21:25
elfywherever you tell it to when doing Something Else - not sure21:26
k1l_are you sure the ssd is working properly?21:27
elfynot going to be much help there - as I put them in different places here ;)21:27
feliwirAlmost finished copying file it says21:27
feliwiri just started :D21:27
feliwirthe ssd is working properly 100% SMART tells me that21:28
jtaylordoes smart even have any meaning for ssds?21:29
BluesKajfeliwir in the future use gparted to create a / partition around 15 G at the beginning of the drive, you st the mountpoint as / when installing, then the remainder of the partition can used for a /home partition that contains all your data and config files etc , so reinstalling to /  only will then take about 20 mins and you /home mountpoint just needs to be set during installation thus preserving all your previous data21:29
feliwirBluesKaj: alright thanks. The thing is that my previous ubuntu installation was really broken and i wanted to get rid of everything :)21:30
feliwirinstallation finished21:31
feliwirtime to restart21:31
feliwiri'll reconnect and tell if it worked21:31
jtaylorI wish the installer was somewhat smarter about swap size21:31
jtaylordid a server install today, gave it 70GB for root, ended up with 64GB swap ._.21:31
jtaylorwas to be expected as it has that much ram, but still kind of dumb for a server21:32
jtaylorgiven the 70gb limit21:32
BluesKajfeliwir:  understood , but when you find a stable install but just want to upgrade to next version keep the idea in mind21:32
feliwir_DAT BOOTTIME21:33
feliwir_amazing :D thanks guys21:33
feliwir_is grub starting by default?21:33
BluesKajjtaylor:  that's waaay too much , you'll never use any of it if you have more than 16GRAM21:34
jtaylorI know21:34
jtaylorluckily shrinking is simple for swap + lvm21:35
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BluesKajwell that's it for today , my old eyes are getting tired21:35
BluesKajlater gents21:35
jtaylorafter installaton I had some 200mb left in root :)21:35
elfyjtaylor: surely that's enough :)21:37
feliwirhow to make new tabs in the ubuntu 15.04 terminal?21:44
jtaylornot ctrl+shift+t  anymore?21:44
feliwirah that does work, i used to use rightclick :P21:45
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