
pittiGood morning06:12
larsumorning pitti! Wie geht's?06:14
pittilarsu: prima, danke! und Dir?06:15
larsuauch. Nur müde06:15
pittilarsu: war zur Abwechslung mal ein Wochenende zuhause, sehr entspannt06:15
larsuha schön!06:15
pittilarsu: nicht jeder Hacker steht um 7 auf...06:15
larsupitti: stimmt, aber manche anscheinend schon ;)06:16
seb128good morning desktopers07:45
seb128hey mlankhorst08:07
mlankhorstwhat's up?08:09
seb128it's monday!08:12
mlankhorstindeed it is!08:13
seb128xnox, pitti, hey, what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/system-service/python3/+merge/192805 , seems like it was mostly approved and the review comment got addressed since? should that land? (and what about https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/system-service/pac-support/+merge/243904 then?)08:36
pittibonjour seb128, hey mlankhorst08:36
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts? had a good w.e?08:37
pittiseb128: yeah, at home for a change -- very relaxing! :-) and your's? enjoyed valentine's day?08:38
pittiseb128: py3 merge> ah, I didn't see the followup comment08:39
seb128pitti, indeed I did! we had a nice w.e, went to saw a choir on friday, to the theatre on saturday and relaxed/enjoyed the sunny weather yesterday08:39
seb128to see*08:40
Noskcajthanks for the sponsoring seb12808:41
seb128Noskcaj, hey, yw!08:41
NoskcajIs there any reason we don't have yelp 3.14 yet? Did it break something?08:42
happyaroncan someone sponsor this? https://code.launchpad.net/~nobuto/ubuntu/vivid/unzip/fallback-encoding/+merge/24964408:43
happyaronor should I subscribe sponsors team?08:43
seb128happyaron, it's already in the sponsoring queue08:48
seb128happyaron, I'm unsure about the change, why isn't that done upstream and/or in Debian?08:49
happyaronseb128: upstream want's universe solution instead of locale hack, for Debian I'd like to wait until freeze is over08:50
happyaronfor which?08:51
seb128things can be forwarded to the BTS/discussed during the freeze08:51
happyaronyes, but not done yet08:51
seb128right, it should ;-)08:51
seb128comment on the mp saying we at least need a bug report explaining the issue08:51
seb128so we have references on why we carry the change08:51
happyaronseb128: bug 142229009:06
ubot5bug 1422290 in unzip (Ubuntu) "Default charsets handling for Windows archives in CJKV+th locale" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142229009:06
happyaronmorning, :)09:06
seb128happyaron, thanks09:07
seb128hey willcooke, Laney, how is u.k this morning?09:07
Laneyvery wet09:07
seb128of course ;-)09:07
Laneyseb128: good weekend?09:09
seb128excellent, thanks!09:13
seb128went to see a choir and to the theatre, enjoyed a sunny sunday as well09:13
seb128Laney, what about you? good w.e?09:17
Laneyyep, had friends over for dinner on saturday & went climbing / played games yesterday09:20
seb128Laney, pitti, can one of you sponsor http://paste.ubuntu.com/10253033/ for me?09:27
seb128I never receive an update on the Debian rt to replace my key, I wonder if they did it without getting back to me or if that's still waiting?09:28
pittiseb128: can do, yes09:29
seb128pitti, danke09:29
Laneyah, faster than me09:29
pittiseb128: hm, when I got my key replaced I did get a notification09:29
LaneyI'm being killed by fstrim atm09:30
pittiseb128: ah, svn head has another change, I'll merge09:31
seb128pitti, sorry about that09:31
pittino worries09:31
seb128pitti, my most recent email on the rt to change key was gunnar asking if you could send again your email but inlined, did you do that?09:31
seb128inline-signed rather09:32
pittiyes, I thought I did09:32
seb128hum, k09:32
pittiseb128: I take the liberty to drop the wrong commas from the manpage09:32
seb128pitti, wfm :-)09:32
pittiseb128: given Debian's freeze, is that something you want to see in unstable now, i. e. do you want to send an unblock request?09:33
pittiseb128: or sohuld I upload it to exp, or only an svn snapshot to vivid?09:33
seb128pitti, no need to be in unstable no, it's just in the ubuntu sponsoring queue and I wanted to get it out of it09:35
seb128so exp sync or I can upload to vivid if you want09:35
seb128then we can sync on the next debian upload09:35
pittiseb128: I'd upload it as 0.7.6-2svn109:36
pittiseb128: svn commit running for 2 mins now (alioth is clogged..)09:36
seb128pitti, feel free, or let me know if you want me to do that09:36
pittiseb128: I'll do it, after svn commit ever finishes..09:39
seb128pitti, danke, I nudged on the debian rt to know if I need to do anything for the key replacement still09:40
Laneypitti: let me know if/when you have time to debug suspend - I've tried pm-suspend 20 times or so without failure now so seems this method is working properly09:43
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pittiLaney: ah, interesting; do you have anything in /var/cache/pm-utils?09:47
pittilike a last_known_working.quirkdb09:47
Laneypitti: nothing there, empty directory09:50
LaneyI have a pm-suspend.log if that's interesting to you?09:50
pittiLaney: possibly; but I suppose one needs to enable debugging for it to actually say which quirks it does09:51
Laneyis PM_DEBUG=true pm-suspend enough?09:51
pittiLaney: could be (I don't remember any more, sorry)09:51
Laneynod, let's see09:52
pitti/usr/share/doc/pm-utils/README.debugging:  PM_DEBUG="true" to have the script log each action as it performs it.09:52
pittisounds good :)09:52
Laneyone second09:52
pittiLaney: so you just did "sudo pm-suspend" 20 times?09:52
pittiLaney: i. e. without all the indicator/desktop integration/screen lock/etc. overhead?09:53
Laneypitti: indeed; I think those call suspend via logind now?09:58
Laneyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10253345/ <- don't see any quirks there09:58
pittiLaney: right; could you do the same loop with just "echo mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state"?09:59
Laneyis this poking the kernel to suspend directly?10:00
pittiLaney: yes10:04
pittiLaney: that's essentially what pm-utils and logind do10:04
pittibut without the desktop overhead10:04
pittiLaney: I'm interested in whether any of the other pm-utils hooks make a difference here, as it's not the quirks10:04
Laneypitti: ok, 20 times it worked10:04
pittiseb128: libnotify uploaded10:04
seb128pitti, danke!10:04
flexiondotorg_I noticed that gsettings is misbehaving, to some extent in 15.04.10:05
flexiondotorg_This is confirmed by the MATE maintainers in Fedora rawhide also.10:06
flexiondotorg_rawhide is glib2 2.43.4 and vivid is glib2 2.43.310:06
flexiondotorg_Editing some gsettings key/value pairs in dconf-editor doesn't make the change immediately. Requires a log in/out for changes to be active.10:07
flexiondotorg_In MATE, some control center applets don't make a change until a log in/out. Such as Appearance and Sound themes, where changes are not applied directly.10:08
seb128flexiondotorg_, thanks, that's likely buggy code impacted by a glib change10:09
flexiondotorg_seb128, One sec...10:09
seb128flexiondotorg_, https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=8ff5668a458344da22d30491e3ce726d861b361910:10
flexiondotorg_seb128, I thought this commit looked "interesting" - https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=8ff5668a458344da22d30491e3ce726d861b361910:10
flexiondotorg_Yes. I was reading the commit log last night.10:10
seb128flexiondotorg_, typically your fix looks like https://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/commit/?id=c84f4e0039353e3846afda132a53d96fcadc071510:10
seb128you need to connect first and then read the value10:10
seb128some code does it the other way around10:11
flexiondotorg_seb128, So, this is not a regression is glib2?10:11
flexiondotorg_seb128, This is a change to enforce the intended use?10:12
seb128it unfortunately making code that seemed to work stop working though10:12
flexiondotorg_seb128, Thanks. Useful feedback.10:12
seb128but the code was wrong before, it just happened to work10:12
flexiondotorg_I'll progress this upstream.10:12
flexiondotorg_MATE upstream that is.10:12
seb128the goal was not to enforce the intended use just for the sake of doing that10:12
seb128but rather to fix a performance issue, explained in the glib commit you pointed10:13
seb128the side effect is that it does less work than before and make incorrect code stop working10:13
seb128pitti, debian rt guys said you didn't send the inline-signed email, fwded you their reply10:15
seb128in fact replying and Ccing you if you prefer?10:15
seb128so maybe you can resend it, in case it got lost?10:15
pittiseb128: ack10:18
pittiseb128: sent again (gosh, complicated!)10:20
seb128pitti, danke!10:23
margaxnox, your latest gnome-keyring upload is giving me pain again.10:29
margaxnox, do I need to change the upstart override that I had created before? (/etc/xdg/gnome-keyring.override containing manual)10:30
xnoxmarga: go on.10:30
xnoxmarga: yes.10:31
margaxnox,  how do I stop gnome-keyring from getting the ssh sock?10:31
xnoxmarga: instructions in the bug report. To kill gnome-keyring ssh agent, you can - GUI Open Startup Applications untick gnome-keyring-ssh10:31
margaheh, I want this globally, GUI is not a good solution...10:32
xnoxmarga: or use any of the xdg paths to override gnome-keyring-ssh (like in 12.04 and before)10:32
xnoxwhich are in /etc10:32
xnoxmarga: or the name of the ovveride is now gnome-keyring-ssh.override10:32
xnox(upstart jobs')10:32
margaSo, instead of /etc/xdg/upstart/gnome-keyring.override containing manual, it should be /etc/xdg/upstart/gnome-keyring-ssh.override containing manual?10:33
xnoxmarga: you probably want to override gnome-keyring-gpg agent as well. Then one can use GPG subkeys on e.g. yubikey u2f neo ;-)10:33
xnoxmarga: yes.10:33
margaI only care about ssh10:33
margaOk, thanks.10:33
xnoxmarga: instead of upstartish override, the desktopish override is supported as well now. `find /usr/share -name gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop`, cp that to /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop, echo X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false >> /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop .....10:35
xnoxmarga: that would be very forward looking, e.g. if we switch to systemd for user sessions in 16.04 the xdg/autostart override method will persist.10:36
margaI'll look into that then, thanks10:36
margaIn the past, we used to actually remove that file from /etc/xdg/autostart10:37
xnoxmarga: that's the "system-wide" way to disable xdg-autostart files (and is the same action that startup applications thing does, but on user-level, into ~/.config/autostart)10:37
xnoxmarga: good point.10:38
xnoxmarga: in the upstart job, i didn't check for presence of the /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop, but rather for the "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false" inside it.10:39
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margaRight, I understand but it's a bit cumbersome that this keeps changing...10:40
xnoxmarga: another sru, but now to be compatible with good old ways to kill gnome-keyring-ssh?10:40
margaAnyway, I'll fix it, it's not such a big deal.10:40
xnoxsuch that removal of /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop works once again ?! =)))))10:40
xnoxmarga: if only you would have told me that months ago =)10:40
margaheh :)10:40
margaYou think it will work like that for systemd?10:41
margaInstead of removing files from /etc/xdg/autostart, we will modify them to say Autostart-enabled=false?10:41
marga(I have no idea how systemd works :)10:41
xnoxyes. X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false is the best one - it will work for systemd, upstart, gnome-desktop, and all the other alternatives (e.g. forked mints, cinnamons, etc)10:42
margaok, thanks again.10:42
xnoxmarga: systemd --user is not that capable at the moment, the plan will be similar to how systemd support init.d scripts. There will be a binary that will parse .desktop files in autostart paths, and generate systemd units to run.10:43
xnoxthere is code on github to do that already, which was part of demos that my current manager did back in the moblin/meego days10:43
Laneypitti: suspended 20 times using the logind dbus call...11:54
Laney...maybe it's fixed11:54
pittiLaney: hm, my gut feeling is rather that the bits around it (screen saver, etc.) change this11:54
pittiLaney: unless it was fixed in the kernel itself; I kinda hoped it would turn up with the mem > /sys/power/state test11:55
larsupitti: still not seeing any entries in the journal unless I'm root (or in the systemd-journal group). Is there a bug tracking tha issue?11:55
Laneylast thing is to try with an actual lid close11:55
pittilarsu: debian bug 77198011:56
ubot5Debian bug 771980 in systemd "systemd: /run/log/journal is not readable by the adm group" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77198011:56
larsupitti: thanks111:56
pittilarsu: it's fixed in upstream master (i. e. 219), but as that probably won't get released this week, I'll add a little hack to it (easier than backporting the large patches for generic ACL support in tmpfiles)11:56
larsupitti: it's not urgent. I just wanted to know the status. I'm fine with adding myself to systemd-journal for now11:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneynow I'm in some differently borked state where lid suspend doesn't suspend at all (screen stays on)12:00
Laney...and after I say that, it works again /o\12:01
pittisome inhibitor? (systemd-inhibit)12:06
LaneyJust looks like normal stuff12:07
Laneymaybe there's a timeout or so preventing you suspending again too fast12:07
Laneyor one of these inhibitors does that12:08
Laneyanyway I've lid closed 15 times now without error12:08
davmor2Laney: that or it just hates you ;)12:08
Laneyof course the system knows I'm trying to reproduce a bug and I'm not putting the laptop in my bag for a few hours, so it would work. :)12:08
Laneydavmor2: I feel like a QA engineer atm ;-)12:09
davmor2Laney: Welcome to our world of machines hating you :)12:10
* Laney peers at mitya57 12:17
Laneyare we still meeting?12:18
mitya57I just thought that having "Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-02-10 | Current topic: endmeeting" in topic is not sane12:18
Laneywillcooke: care to #endmeeting ?12:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Feb 16 12:20:17 2015 UTC.12:20
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-02-10-15.32.moin.txt12:20
larsuLaney: we decided not to take gtk 3.16, right? Can you please downgrade the one in the destkop ppa?12:23
Laneylarsu: I deleted it from there12:23
* larsu is confused12:23
larsuLaney: thanks anyway12:23
Laneyyou'll have to manually downgrade though, apt won't do that for you12:23
larsuI thought I did... but got 3.16 again in the last upgrade12:23
* larsu could have checked...12:24
Laneyapt-cache policy libgtk-3-0 ?12:24
larsuya, that shows 3.1612:25
Laneyit should show you where it comes from12:25
Laneyin the "Version table:"12:26
larsuright, /var/lib/dpkg/status12:26
larsuso ...  local?12:26
Laneyso apt doesn't know about any sources which have it any more ...12:26
Laneytry to downgrade it and see if Candidate: is still 3.15 after that12:27
larsuugh, wants to uninstall all the things12:29
larsuI guess in addition to -dbg, -dev, -common, -bin I also need to downgrade gail?12:30
Laneyya you probably have to add libgtk-3-bin libgtk-3-common (at least) too12:30
larsustill not enough12:30
Laneyadd the name of one of the packages it wants to remove (possibly repeatedly) and you'll get to the problem after a few iterations12:31
larsuall of them?12:31
larsuit's ~80 packages12:31
Laney(that, or use aptitude and say 'no' until it gives you just the downgrades)12:31
Laneyjust one should be enough12:31
larsuLaney: ah thanks (was missing gir)12:32
larsuneat trick12:32
Laneyit's "please keep this installed"12:33
Laneythen apt says "umm, I can't, because of this"12:34
larsumakes sense12:34
seb128hum, new qt landed13:02
seb128Laney, you still plan to restore a working storage? I didn't look at what Mirv uploaded yet but I think it's incomplete13:02
LaneyI think he was going to turn off the page13:03
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Laneylet me look, might be best to copy in the function or some of it for now :/13:11
flexiondotorg_seb128, Regarding https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=8ff5668a458344da22d30491e3ce726d861b361913:14
flexiondotorg_I see alot of python2 applications using Gio.Settings that are going to be affected.13:15
larsuflexiondotorg_: and all of them have a bug that is very easy to fix13:16
flexiondotorg_larsu, I would say they all have a regression that is fixable.13:20
flexiondotorg_An easy fix, man hundreds of times, is not so easy though.13:20
larsuhundreds of times?13:21
larsucan you point me too all of those apps?13:22
flexiondotorg_No, not all. I haven't review everything available. I'm just trying to access the scope of the issue.13:23
larsuhow can you know that it's 100s of apps then?13:23
larsuand like I said, those apps have a legitimate bug which is now surfacing because of the gsettings change13:24
flexiondotorg_Because of cultural practices.13:24
larsucultural practices?13:24
flexiondotorg_larsu, I am not disagreeing. I understand that previously stuff worked even though it was incorrectly implemented.13:25
MirvLaney: the page is off now in the archive version, but with your wip branch integrated so that the storage line is there with the free space shown13:58
MirvI've fake-synced to trunk so that train continues to work, but I've not pushed the actual changes (= your work-in-progress branch with my fixes, added with commenting out the three lines so that storage.qml is not loaded)14:01
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
flexiondotorg_larsu, dconf-editor is affected for example.14:17
larsuflexiondotorg_: how so? dconf-editor.vala never listens to change signals and nothing else uses the GSettings API14:22
flexiondotorg_larsu, Right, understood. So if I am tweaking settings with dconf-editor it is the application that is at fault if those changes are not reflected directly?14:24
larsuflexiondotorg_: yes. The application needs to connect to the change signal before reading the first value14:27
flexiondotorg_larsu, Yes, understood.14:28
desrtbonan lundon, ubuntanoj14:30
mitya57desrt: labas pirmadienis14:32
* desrt ne parolas litovan lingvon14:32
desrtsed, saluton!14:33
pittidesrt: Hej, kiel vi fartas ?14:39
desrtpitti: bone.  preskaŭ sane, denove :)  kaj vi?14:40
pittidesrt: very well, thanks! survived the flu?14:40
desrtyup... lingering annoying dry cough, though14:40
desrtand never really had 'the flu' proper, i think14:41
desrtit's also starting to get warmer again... up to -18°14:44
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
willcookedesrt, anyone ->  Can someone provide me with the minimum working metacity config.15:17
willcookeWhat are the absolute min. packages I have to install to get it to work15:17
willcookeOn the phone it's just giving me a grey screen and no applications are visible15:17
willcookemlankhorst has been playing as well, and we think we're missing a couple of packages15:18
desrtwillcooke: you'd probably want something like gnome-panel in there...15:19
desrtif you're looking for minimalism, maybe xfce is a better bet?15:19
desrtat least it's theoretically maintained15:19
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/142240415:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1422404 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "The selection dialog uses GtkHeaderBar under unity" [Undecided,New]15:43
seb128just as a fyi15:43
Laneydo you want to learn how to fix those? ;-)15:44
seb128no, thanks ;-)15:44
seb128well, I know how to fix those15:44
seb128can have a look to this one tomorrow if you want15:44
LaneyI already submitted a bug upstream, just need to add another case to it15:45
LaneyI found another one15:48
Laneyright click a directory -> properties -> permissions -> change permissions...15:48
seb128oh, yeah, indeed15:49
LaneyI didn't grep for GTK_DIALOG_USE_HEADER_BAR when doing the patching before15:49
Laneythat's one other way to make them15:49
ochosiby the way, we discovered a teeny-weeny problem with the no-headerbar patch in evince under xubuntu (patch attached): https://launchpad.net/bugs/142235415:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1422354 in evince (Ubuntu) "Show traditional titlebar when maximized with no GtkHeaderBar present" [Undecided,New]15:50
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larsuochosi: just remove the call altogether15:59
larsudefault is to not hide the titlebar when maximized15:59
larsuand please submit upstream15:59
ochosilarsu: ok, will do!16:05
ochosioh, you have push-rights to evince upstream..? :)16:06
larsuyes, but one of the maintainers will have to give the ok16:07
ochosiwas just (positively) surprised is all16:07
larsuochosi: gnome commit rights are all-or-nothing16:07
larsuand then people behave by not stepping on other maintainer's toes16:08
* Laney coughs16:08
larsuLaney: that paren was for me :)16:08
mitya57Guys look what I have: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mitya57/csd-window-buttons.png16:10
mitya57(that is thanks to recent gtk commit that added separate css classes for each decoration button)16:11
larsumitya57: you'ee welcome16:11
larsumitya57: thanks for making this btw16:11
* larsu will gladly review patches to ubuntu-themes16:12
Laneydoes it just use the same icons as ssd buttons?16:12
Laneycan we get that commit into gtk-3-14? ;-)16:12
larsuLaney: it just sets some classes. Backport should be trivial16:12
larsuI hesitate to put it upstream though16:12
mitya57Laney: yes, I can upload gtk with that cherry-picked right now16:13
Laneyalready is no?16:13
Laneymitya57: I mean upstream16:13
Laneyat least first16:13
larsuLaney: upstream 31416:13
Laneyhow come?16:13
ochosilarsu: upstreamed: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74460116:13
ubot5Gnome bug 744601 in general "Titlebar is hidden when window is maximized" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:13
mitya57It uses the same icons, I had to make a symlink assets-csd -> ../metacity-1/16:14
mitya57Now I need to figure out how to remove the space between icons16:14
larsuochosi: cool thanks! Ping me if this doesn't get an answer in a couple of days16:16
larsuLaney: was the "how come?" for me?16:16
ochosilarsu: okeydokey, will do! and thanks for pointing me upstream, it's good practice and i guess i should do that more often...16:17
larsuLaney: because adding style classes is kind of like adding API, and I generally dislike doing that on stable series16:17
larsuochosi: indeed ;)16:17
larsuLaney: would it help us that much to have it upstream? It's just one more _git patch, right?16:18
* larsu can ask to get it into 3.14 if Laney really wants it16:18
LaneyIt's okay, if that's the policy then you're right16:19
LaneyI just like to avoid one more patch if possible :)16:19
larsuin fairness, gtk has been really bad about that in the past16:19
larsuI'm trying to make it better though16:19
larsuLaney: understandable16:19
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
NoskcajLaney, Are you going to upload evolution 3.12.10 before FF?19:15
seb128Noskcaj, that update is a simple stable one, feature freeze has nothing to do with those19:17
Noskcajseb128, Do we want libgweather 3.15.90? Adds one symbol and updates the docs and translations19:23
seb128Noskcaj, no idea, I personnal don't want it, but feel free to update/find a sponsor if you think it's worth it19:24
NoskcajI'd like to get the fixed docs included, so i'll put in in the sponsor queue19:25
NoskcajAre there any 3.15 components we want?19:25
Noskcaje.g. gitg 3.15.1 is needed to get a lib update so kde's kate works properly19:26
willcookehey robert_ancell19:54
robert_ancellwillcooke, hello19:55
willcookehow goes Tuesday?19:55
robert_ancellIt's fulfilling all my Tuesday expectations at the moment.19:55
willcookeI don't need no stinking Window Manager!20:26
willcookeI'll make my own out of xdotool and bash script20:27
willcookeFull screen Xmir apps20:27
willcookehrm.  Staged -> WIndowed = seg fault.20:29
willcookeNot so clever after all20:29
willcookeright enough for today I think20:33
robert_ancellIf I had a dollar for every time I've heard that - " I don't need no stinking Window Manager! I'll make my own..."20:34
robert_ancellTheMuso, does /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher expect gnome-settings-daemon / unity-settings-daemon to exist / be ready?22:49
TheMusorobert_ancell: I don't know.23:08
=== darkxst_ is now known as darkxst

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