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pittiGood morning06:09
pittistgraber: \o/ cheers; I noticed that the test went green again yesterday06:09
pittihallyn: so apparently slangasek sponsored the new cgmanager, great06:11
pittixnox: launchpadlib bugs> ♥06:12
xnoxpitti: ;-(06:12
xnoxpitti: ;-)06:12
xnoxi'm sure you will find more.06:12
xnoxhow far is the apport port?06:13
pittixnox: oh wow, what an unusual time for you :)06:13
pittixnox: quite far actually; I locally worked around the four that I sent the other day, and I got several PASSes06:13
xnoxah, cool. Well they should be all in now.06:13
pittixnox: I'll move my piece this morning, after the email flood ;)06:13
pittixnox: wrt. bug 1377624, nice that you got to the bottom of it06:17
ubottubug 1377624 in systemd (Ubuntu Trusty) "udev fails in trusty OpenVZ containers, when /etc/init/udev.conf is missing (OVH misconfig?!)" [Low,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137762406:17
pittixnox: I'm not sure why someone closed it as "opinion", that seems like a strange state06:18
xnox"opinion" -> such that one can find the bug report. As it's merely documentation from now on.06:18
xnoxclearly a few of us affected, and clearly the vps provider is popular enough with many users affected.06:19
pittiah, so that was you; o :)06:19
xnoxi'm now hunting for a VPS provider that will route /48 or /64 ipv6 allocation06:20
pittixnox: meh, already got the next bug, but it's not a blocker06:20
pittixnox: bug 1422249; I'll work around by logging in with py206:26
ubottubug 1422249 in python-launchpadlib (Ubuntu) "TypeError crash if credentials are expired and needs to re-login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142224906:26
pittiI guess I first ran the tests with py2 the last time, so I didn't notice this06:26
xnoxthanks =)06:26
pittixnox: I moved to https://www.netcup.de/ a few months ago, I'm really happy with them (/64 IPv6, kvm, good support)06:32
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pittixnox: hm, I get eternal hangs from staging right now, I guess I'll have to do this at another time :/06:51
pittiit hangs in createBug()06:52
pittiinfinity: FYI, bug 1404509 got verified now in trusty07:01
ubottubug 1404509 in systemd (Ubuntu Trusty) "[precise, trusty] udev does not automatically load modules with kernel >= 3.11" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140450907:01
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wolandtelTrying to launch pure debian on T72X 3G (MTK 6582 / 8312). Can anybody explain how to build right initramfs?10:50
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pittiogra_: dude!!12:09
pittiogra_: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *hug*12:09
ogra_haha, thanks !!12:09
* pitti wirft eine Luftschlange12:09
ogra_wheee !12:09
pittiogra_: did you get a bunch of "Krapfen" instead of a cake? :-)12:09
highvoltageHappy birthday Ogra :D12:10
highvoltageI mean, ogra_12:10
ogra_heh, thanks highvoltage12:10
ogra_pitti, choco croissants ;)12:10
mdeslaurogra_: happy birthday!12:18
ogra_thanks a lot !12:18
smbogra_, Kalau! Err, Happy Birthday, too. :)12:39
ogra_thanks smb12:47
flexiondotorg_stokachu, Are you about?13:27
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caribouI'm working on backporting memleak fixes to rsyslog from v7.4.5 & v7.4.6.14:15
caribouI have found 6 commits : should I build one single quilt patch for those six commits14:15
caribouor one quilt patch for each of the commits ?14:15
hallynpitti: yup.  hopefully this finally takes care of the mounts propagation bugs14:17
rbasakcaribou: either way I think, and describe what's going on as best as you can in dep3, unless some here says otherwise. It starts to get tedious and less useful at six otherwise.14:26
caribourbasak: well, each commit msg is pretty descriptive. I may go for one patch/commit as it is more discriminative in case one single commit causes problem14:27
rbasakcaribou: sure14:28
rbasakcaribou: you can even have subdirectories in debian/patches I think. I'm not sure though.14:28
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rbasakpitti or jibel: could you retest vivid-adt-redmine please? I think it might be fixed now that I rebuilt ruby-mysql.14:30
pittirbasak, jibel: will do14:31
pittirbasak: ah, ruby-msql now succeeded14:31
rbasakYeah it just detected a version mismatch and assumed there was an ABI problem.14:31
rbasakThe ABI is actually identical (since the libmysqlclient sover says so!) so a rebuild for it to pick up the new version string to match against was all that was needed.14:31
jibelrbasak, done14:32
jibelrbasak, same error, redmine depends on ruby-mysql2 not ruby-mysql14:40
rbasakjibel: ah, sorry. I saw the same (unusual) error string and assumed it came from the same package. I'll reproduce locally and rebuild ruby-mysql2 if necessary.14:43
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flexiondotorg_stokachu, Hi16:52
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flexiondotorg_cyphermox, Are you about?17:45
cyphermoxflexiondotorg_: I am17:45
cyphermoxin fact coming up on my turn to sponsor.17:45
flexiondotorg_cyphermox, stokachu Uploaded a bunch a Ubuntu MATE packages on Friday last week.17:46
flexiondotorg_cyphermox, I can't see them in the archive anywhere? Err. New at this 😉 What happens next?17:46
cyphermoxthey are brand new packages, so they are waiting in the NEW queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+queue17:46
cyphermoxflexiondotorg_: for a review from an archive admin; you could ping people in #ubuntu-release to see if someone is available to look at them\17:47
flexiondotorg_cyphermox, Thanks.17:47
cyphermox(I don't have these privileges)17:47
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wer_ruHello I try to install Meshmixer by AutoDesk19:23
wer_ruthis program was disign for 14.0419:23
wer_ruand i have problem with 14.1019:23
wer_ruMeshmixer is depended on libsuperlu319:24
wer_rubut 14.10 has libsuperlu419:24
davmor2wer_ru: this is a development channel general help can be found on #ubuntu19:28
wer_ruok davmor219:28
cyphermox@pilot in19:28
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox
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jtaylorhm why is byobo triggering an apt-check every few seconds?21:55
jtaylorcauses almost a load of 1, kind of wasteful for something you have running all the time21:56
jtaylornot directly bug 1010505, as it is using flock ..21:57
ubottubug 1010505 in byobu (Ubuntu Precise) "byobu should not run apt-check so much" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101050521:57
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aeorildarkxst_ I am trying to find the function definition terminal_receiver_call_exec_sync() used in the gnome-terminal source.  I cannot find it anywhere on the web or in Ubuntu or in the source for gnome-terminal.  Do you have any ideas?23:16
darkxst_aeoril, its autogenerated as part of gdbus23:21
aeorildarkxst_ do you knwo what it does?23:21
aeorildarkxst_ or where I can find source to figure out what it does?23:22
aeorildarkxst_ I am trying to find in gnome-terminal (or wherever) the -e/--command command is actually executed (fork()'ed, pthread'ed, etc)23:23
aeorilI am guessing it would be fork()'ed23:23
darkxst_aeoril, look in your build directory23:23
darkxst_it a dbus call on org.gnome.Terminal.Terminal0.Exec23:24
aeorildarkxst_ sorry if this seems stupid, but what do you mean by "build directory"23:28
darkxst_aeoril, like in gnome-terminal source directory after running 'make'23:28
aeorilI grep'ed recursively for org.gnome.Terminal.Terminal0.Exec but found nothing23:28
darkxst_aeoril, its defined in the xml file23:29
darkxst_but you can see the generated code after 'make' runs23:29
aeorildarkxst_ oh, i have not made it yet - that would require downloading all the build dependencies.  I have just been looking at code23:29
aeorilok, will do23:29
darkxst_aeoril, apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal23:29
aeorilyes, ok, thanks23:29
aeorildarkxst_ there is no configure file - only configure.am.  But there is an autogen.sh.  I seem to remember some step that makes the configure file - do I just run autogen.sh?  Are there any specific command line parameters I need to pass autogen.sh?23:34
aeorildarkxst_ looks Iike I need to install autotools then do autoreconf -vi?23:38
darkxst_aeoril, I think you can just run autogen.sh23:40
aeorildarkxst_ ok, I was hoping - I'll give that a shot, its a git repon anyway ...23:41
aeorildarkxst_ bad dependency versions - looks like I will have to run it on vivid, not trusty.  I hope that will work.  Any other way you can think of?23:43
darkxst_aeoril, if you are building 3.14, you will need to do it on vivid23:44
aeorildarkxst_ figured, will do - thanks23:44
darkxst_aeoril, or inside a vivid schroot23:45
aeorildarkxst_ yes, I was thinking about that ...23:45
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