
thuttAnyone know why www.mythbuntu.org/downloads has an "Authorization is required to perform that action" from Google apps script?00:44
tgm4883thutt: I'm not sure why that was showing up, but I don't have time to look too much into it now. I've fixed the page so you can download it. You should just need to refresh01:21
thuttThanks, the page now shows the download targets.02:14
=== Hydroponx is now known as Hydr0p0nX
Hydr0p0nXi can confirm running do-release-upgrade from mythbuntu 12.04.4 breaks mythweb as detailed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/130754823:56
Hydr0p0nXchanging the path from Directory paths in the mythweb.conf from /var/www/ to /var/www/html/ and restarting seems to have fixed it23:58
Hydr0p0nXh, and removing the -All option from the same file23:59

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