
bazhang<prohobo> hi, im having trouble with Outlook Exchange Web App08:16
bazhangubuntu got outlook08:16
rwwno, but it has a web browser last I checked08:16
rwwand surpringly, Outlook Web App is a web app08:17
Tm_T...which is quite IE-dependent, or was last time I checked08:21
rwwiirc it works better under IE, but is fine under Firefox08:22
Tm_Tworks yes, I recall at some point half of the functionality wasn't there though09:27
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (can the polish contigent be kicked please)14:26
Myrttisame ip14:28
bazhangthe length of the ops list almost crashed my IRC14:30
Pici5 people use irssi.16:22
Picialso pi is exactly 316:22
bazhangheld back answer: how long is a piece of string16:22
bazhangPrezident> somsip: linux kernel is built on unix kernel.17:03
bazhanghis info is getting wronger and wrongererer17:04
k1l<ludocode> i'm not actually using ubuntu anymore. i'm on arch mainly, but i'm installing debian on another system right now and it asked me to choose a mirror17:15
k1ltotally the time to join #ubuntu and start ranting17:15
bazhangbetter than linus owns 10% of the kernel17:17
k1lBl4ckD34-: hi17:18
bazhanghe;s trying to prove linux is simply a rewrite of unix17:21
k1lhe should state that to the lkml :)17:21
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bazhangand PS android is LINUX17:22
k1l!guidelines > Prezident17:22
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iochokoit aka snardbarfulator in -ot == bad news18:07
bazhangPrezident> You can try #ubuntu-kde fspkwon9118:07
ubottuio called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()18:08
bazhangsuper duper bad news instabannage bad news18:08
ioI don't have my handy dandy scripts available to me and I can't do it manually because too forgetfull18:08
ioforgetful also18:08
bazhangprezident is so far wrong as to almost come around to right again18:09
iophunyguy: forget the guidelines. he is a troll4life18:09
iothank you18:09
phunyguyoh, common issue?18:10
bazhangtag team!18:11
io3 way18:11
bazhangslow draw mcgraw18:11
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bazhang(it's the App Store for Ubuntu)19:11
bazhangwe are doomed19:11
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
k1l_Hello, I am trying to dualboot Windows 98 and Lubuntu.... what?21:36
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ubottuBasketball called the ops in #ubuntu (christian3399)22:54

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