
elfyinfinity: so ... looks like whatever happened to our trusty has happened with vivid as well :(07:06
darkxstelfy, but vivid uses tasks to build the images07:08
elfydarkxst: I'm afraid I don't understand that - all I know is *we* don't want ibus and are certainly not wanting unity-greeter ;)07:09
darkxstelfy then something else must be pulling them in07:12
darkxstas opposed to be being cause by building images from metapackages07:13
elfycould be - all I know is I'm critically failing my images :)07:14
darkxstelfy, you use lightdm with a custom greeter?07:17
darkxstelfy this line in lightdm/debian/control seems wrong07:21
darkxst"unity-greeter | lightdm-greeter | lightdm-kde-greeter"07:21
darkxstI suppose the middle one should be lightdm-gtk-greeter (that is what you use?)07:21
ochosiif that pulls in unity-greeter then i guess that explains a lot of the indicators and unity stuff that's being pulled in07:22
darkxstochosi, yes, I think unity-greeter would pull in the indicators, and then most likely ibus as well07:23
seb128that's not a typo07:45
seb128the lightdm-kde-greeter one seems buggy though07:45
darkxstseb128, there is no lightdm-greeter in vivid though?07:46
seb128the "lightdm-greeter" is a provide from the individual greeters, maybe some are missing that though? then the usual way is to use "the-preferred-alternative | virtual"07:46
seb128unity-greeter provides it, I didn't look at the others07:46
darkxstfair enought, then its something else07:49
DalekSecThere's been seed changes recently, fix should have been pushed.07:50
mdeslaurinfinity: xorg in trusty-proposed never got promoted, and it's required for the backport stack to work14:29
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ochosiLaney: we talked a longer while ago about the borked 14.04.2 xubuntu image (pulling in a lot of unity, parts of gnome too). while the issue in 14.04 was never solved (and 14.04.2 has been delayed), the same issue has resurfaced in 15.04 daily15:48
ochosifrom our team nobody was able to uncover the source of the issue (DalekSec tried and Noskcaj looked as well)15:49
Laneyochosi: I don't know what the issue in 14.04 is, infinity seemed to be on it so I stopped looking15:53
ochosioh ok16:02
infinityochosi: Whatever's broken in vivid has nothing to do with that I'm fixing in trusty.17:39
wxloh noes :(17:39
elfyinfinity: thanks - the search will go on17:41
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elfyhi - id there's someone here from -release with admin rights on the mailing list - there's one obviously from me - copy of one I sent from the right address - can you delete that one please - thanks and sorry :)22:34
cjwatsonelfy: done22:42
elfycjwatson: thanks, it should have been pretty obvious which if there was more than one :)22:43
cjwatsonThe other had already made it to the list proper.22:44
elfyaah cool - thanks :)22:44
elfythat'll keep Laney of my back for a bit :)22:44
wxlinfinity: since tomorrow's the tuesday before trusty's release,a re we ready to start testing yet or is the metapackages thing still all messed up?23:28
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