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Nikeshelimisteve: any info linux on the ASUS C300? It seems to have a slower processor but overall cheaper and in my opinion looks more attractive03:15
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:15
Nikeshnhaines: elimisteve and i were previously talking about ubuntu on chromebooks03:16
krabadorok, people, i know about "when it's ready " approach, on software development, but "when the new porting guide it's ready"? :D03:22
krabadorpreview porting guide mentioned android 10.1 ad driver base , it will be the same in the new?03:26
nhainesHopefully this week.  And we'll know about the base when the new porting guide comes out.03:27
krabadorok, why no more saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip file, but only vivid-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz ?03:56
wxlkrabador: saucy's eol?04:08
krabadorwxl, i mean not "saucy" "trusty" or what the future will have04:11
krabadori mean the .zip file04:11
wxlkrabador: where you seeing this?04:11
krabadorwxl, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled/pending/04:12
krabadorwith the firs, i can flash it on my gs2 with cm-10.1-20131129-UNOFFICIAL-i9100.zip04:13
wxlhm good question04:14
wxlit sure looks like zips haven't been happening for years04:14
wxlbut since you don't need the device-specific build (e.g. mako), you should be able to untar and then zip and you'dbe good04:15
krabadorwxl,  zip have a meta-inf folder04:17
krabadorthat tar.gz havent04:17
krabadorand it seems are build specific04:17
wxli have a suspicion that's circumstantial04:18
wxlin any case, that hasn't existed in 2 years so i suggest trying to find some other solution04:18
krabadorwxl, .zip file it's recovery flashable04:18
krabadori'm here to ask that , if some touch developer here, can explain me about04:19
wxlwhat is the specific question?04:20
krabadorwhy no more .zip file.04:20
wxlisn't that irrelevant? :)04:20
wxlif it's gone, it's gone04:20
krabadorif it's gone, it's because something. a reason that can help me to understand how can i move04:21
krabadori'm not properly religious , in that type of thinfs.04:22
wxlmy suspicion is that there was no need for it in light of the currently supported devices for ubuntu touch04:22
dobeyubuntu phone images are no longer based on CM04:22
dobeythey're based on AOSP04:22
krabadordobey, then portings how can be released?04:23
dobeygeneric images can't be supported for phones. one must build a custom image with the drivers in the image, for a specific device04:23
dobeya new porting guide should hopefully be going up on the web site soon04:23
krabadorreally great04:25
dobeyonly advice i can offer, is to wait for that04:26
krabadordobey, ok, but when images was based on cm, driver stuff was used from cm04:27
wxlkrabador: yes, but it's not, so…04:29
krabadortoday's armhf images, support the same amomunt, of hardware?04:29
dobeykrabador: drivers are provided by manufacturers. if a cm kernel was available for your device that included those drivers, then it might have worked. if the manufacturer provides drivers that work with AOSP then it should work fine as well04:29
krabadordobey, yes, my device was in this situation, cm kernel supporting it, but less manifacturer support04:30
dobeyunless someone else has already done a newer port to your device, i think the best answer is "wait for the new porting guide to appear"04:32
dobeyanyway, now i must go04:33
krabadorok, thanx for your time04:41
tsdgeospopey: ping08:35
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mvobzoltan_: good morning! click is available in the landing-013 ppa, would you have time to test if its good for the SDK? i.e. if all the bits are in there now that you need?09:11
mvobzoltan_: I will do the testing on the phone once I managed to flash it again09:11
bzoltan_mvo:  I have done it already :)09:11
mvobzoltan_: woah, you rock09:11
bzoltan_mvo:  I am motivated :) I need that click09:11
mvobzoltan_: ok, if you (or someone in your team) could test it on the phone that would help me, I killed my phone and currently struggle to get it back to live (even ubuntu-device-flash --boostrap in fastboot mode does not work right now and complains it can't enter recovery - but I'm not a phone wizz :/)09:13
bzoltan_mvo: OK, leave it to me09:13
ogra_mvo, probably because fastboot mode isnt recovery :)09:14
elimisteveDoes anyone know how I can tell my Ubuntu Touch device to vibrate via some API call?09:37
mvobzoltan_: ogra_ helped me getting my phone issues sorted, I should be able to work on this too soon!09:39
popeytsdgeos: pong09:39
elimisteveonly at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/platform/guides/push-notifications-client-guide/ do I see anything about vibration patterns, but that's for push notifications09:39
tsdgeospopey: i missed a bzr/launchpad link when reading your email about the document viewer09:39
popeytsdgeos: lp:~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/document-hub/09:42
NikThHello all. Someone here who is getting a blank screen with a cursor only when tried this ?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC09:43
tsdgeospopey: i could have found it, i mean next time it may be a good idea to have it in the email so peoepl might not do one extra click/search :)09:44
popeytsdgeos: added to http://people.canonical.com/~alan/docviewer/readme.txt (which was linked from the mail)09:46
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aLeSDhi all09:59
aLeSDis it possible ot install  ubuntu-touch on bq aquaris 4 ?10:00
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Innovation Day! :-D10:00
popeyaLeSD: no, the 4 isn't a supported device.10:02
aLeSDpopey, what's the problem ? Drivers ?10:04
popeyaLeSD: nobody has ported to that device10:05
elimisteveasked my vibration question on askubuntu.com10:09
Guest74758How can I run ubuntu on SumSung note3 mobile phone?10:13
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icewalkhello guys10:14
icewalkhow can run ubuntu on phone?10:14
Siilwynicewalk, you can by running it on a newer Nexus device. Or buying the BQ phone which has it pre-installed.10:22
aLeSDNexus 9 ?10:23
newbuntuerwould anyone be so kind to give me some hints as to install ubuntu on the bq?10:28
newbuntueras to how* to10:28
rpadovaninewbuntuer, what's wrong with https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/ ?10:28
rpadovaninewbuntuer, (as long as you talking about acquaris e 4.5)10:29
rpadovanioSoMoN, o/ when you will review the settings ui branch, if I'm online, could you please ping me? I would like to discuss (have a suggestion tbh) about a detail of the qml implementation10:31
newbuntuerkinda has less info on that specific device10:31
newbuntuercan't get all the steps done10:31
rpadovaninewbuntuer, where do you stuck?10:31
oSoMoNrpadovani, will do, as soon as I catch up with everything that happened while I was away10:31
oSoMoNrpadovani, how are your eyes btw?10:31
newbuntuerI need the exact working version in images10:32
newbuntuerlots of people bricked theirs by trying a wrong one10:32
rpadovanioSoMoN, only the right one atm, left one next 18 Mar. Good, I don't 100% yet but no pain and light doesn't hurt me anymore10:32
rpadovanithanks for asking :-)10:32
newbuntuerhope you recover soon10:34
newbuntueris it any painful to recover from that? or bothersome?10:34
popeynewbuntuer: which bq?10:36
rpadovaninewbuntuer, if you have Acquaris E4.5 the right command for flash is10:37
rpadovaniubuntu-device-flash touch ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 --device krillin10:37
popeythat wont work for retail bought E4.510:38
rpadovaninewbuntuer, nah, it isn't painful, only annoying because for 3/4 days you have to stay in the darkness10:38
rpadovanipopey, why not?10:38
popeybecause its locked10:38
popeyI think10:38
popeyyours is unlocked10:38
rpadovaniwell, but newbuntuer said he is stucked at flash step here10:38
rpadovaniso he should already unlocked the device10:39
popeywell, newbuntuer which device?10:39
popeydid you unlock it somehow?10:39
newbuntuerhardware wise, they are the same, it "should work"10:39
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newbuntuerbqs are unlocked from factory iirc10:40
davmor2newbuntuer: E4.5 on android, if so you would need bq to provide an image you can flash using their flash tool10:40
popeyI don't believe they are.10:40
newbuntuerhas anyone done that on the E4.5 before? anyone here I mean10:42
popeyi dont think so, no.10:43
newbuntuerI see, so I'm out in the wild then11:00
popeynewbuntuer: well, the answer is, buy a bq ubuntu phone ㋛11:05
newbuntuersure, buying the device twice is always a good solution :)11:12
jgdxwhen's the next flash sale?11:17
Elleojgdx: I don't think its been announced yet11:17
monkeyslutHi guys. I need som wifi help, if you have it11:19
monkeyslutI\m running ubuntu touch on a Nexus 5, and can\t connect to Wifi ch.1311:20
monkeysluthave been trying to get iw installed, but apt-get apparently doesnt work11:20
popeyjgdx: bq said on twitter that it would be this week11:21
popeymonkeyslut: the image is read-only by default, so yes, apt wont work11:21
popeydobey: you have nexus 5? is wifi broken on it?11:22
monkeyslutnah, not broken. its just that I cannot connect to channel 1311:22
monkeyslutsince the image is registered as a USA device, where channel 13 is forbidden11:22
monkeyslutthe advice Ive found online is to use iw reg set to change it, but iw isnt installed, and apt-get doesnt work...11:24
jgdxpopey, thanks. Hope it's outside EU this time as well.11:24
popeyjgdx: I suspect it's exactly the same store, just more stock11:24
popeyjgdx: where you based?11:24
popeymonkeyslut: you can make it read-write, but then you break OTA update process a bit. You could just grab the iw binary from the package?11:25
jgdxpopey, Norway11:25
jgdxoh well11:25
popeyi know Mirv asked about sending to finland, but not sure about norway11:25
monkeyslutpopey, thats of course right, might work, hadnt thought of that11:25
monkeyslutIll google the how-tos and try it, thanks for the help!11:26
Mirvpopey: jgdx: Finland was added during that day and I actually managed to order mine, Norway might be of course more problematic for them since it's outside EU11:26
jgdxMirv, right.. but it's _so_ close though.11:31
jgdxI'll ask them directly.11:31
Mirvjgdx: I asked in their support chat on the website, and they confirmed they're adding it. someone also asked on Twitter.11:32
jgdxMirv, cool, thank you!11:40
Mirvjgdx: to clarify, when I asked about Finland, to tip where you could ask too :) sorry if you already hoped for good news..11:41
Mirvthe support chat exceeded my expectations since they really had info at hand, maybe they would have on Norway too since I'm sure there have been several requests on the shipping countries lately11:42
davmor2jgdx: order it at timo's address and ask him nicely to forward it :)11:43
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jgdxMirv, ah. /me goes for more coffee.11:46
jgdxdavmor2, what about your place? you have a lot of free time :p11:46
popeyNo good, his house is full of lego and wool.11:47
davmor2popey: no it isn't only the office is full of lego and wool :P11:48
popeygiven I only ever see your house via your webcam, I believe the rest of the house doesn't exist :)11:48
davmor2popey: hahahaha11:49
popeyHave you ever seen the flim "Source Code"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0945513/ ?11:50
davmor2popey: well downstairs is kitchen and living room, kitchen is full of Kitchenaid stuff so Sue can do baking, and the Livingroom is mostly Corner settee and cds and dvd/blurays 3000 isn't a lot right?11:50
davmor2well techincally 2987 close enough in my book :)11:52
davmor2popey: yes11:54
davmor2popey: it is more vanilla skies-esq than actual coding11:55
davmor2popey: or loopers maybe, or timecop11:55
davmor2popey: does that help11:55
popeyyeah, i like it.11:55
davmor2popey: you might like the others too then11:56
popeynot seen vanilla skies11:56
popeyseen loopers and timecop11:56
davmor2popey: you might also like limitless11:56
davmor2popey: also Lucy which has the worlds weirdest ending11:57
* popey adds to list11:57
davmor2popey: minority report too that is iroboty crossed with timecop11:59
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davmor2popey: also if you haven't seen it now you see me12:01
Myself5popey, is there meanwhile a updated guide for porting Ubuntu Touch12:04
popeyMyself5: its in progress.12:04
Myself5hum k12:06
Myself5a friend told me what I need to do but the phone does not boot at all12:07
popeyMyself5: it's currently being reviewed, but a few people are on vacation today so I can't get you a full update12:07
Myself5I am not sure but it might related to my phone using a custom mkbootimg I guess12:08
Myself5can you at least verify if the install process on the page is correct ?12:08
popeywhat page?12:09
popeyand what device?12:09
Myself5searching at the moment .. I can't find it anymore12:10
Myself5device is Sony Xperia Z2 codename sirius12:11
Myself5I used the official sony AOSP 4.4.4 device trees and compiled a Ubuntu Touch build12:11
Myself5then fastboot flashed the boot.img the cache.img and the system.img12:12
Myself5and then run the tool to install the ubuntu prebuilt thingy12:14
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popeyah okay.12:17
popeynice device!12:17
popeyI'd love a sony device running ubuntu touch.12:17
Myself5yeah.. me too :D12:17
Myself5thats why I wanted to port it :D12:18
popeywell, I'm sure the porting guide will be available soon, sorry it's taken so long.12:18
popeyturns out it's not a straightforward document to craft12:18
Myself5the Flashing the Image part12:19
Myself5I flashed system.img in addition12:19
Myself5also this guy could gt a update too, as the newest version is vivid not utopic as usual12:20
Myself5*as used there12:20
sturmflut-workpopey, mzanetti, rpadovani: https://plus.google.com/102486542947898431342/posts/AE7m1rdR6Jm any additions or corrections?12:21
popeysturmflut-work: for "games" you should add "port all of simon tathams puzzles"12:22
sturmflut-workpopey: Ooooh!12:22
popeyoooh indeed12:22
popeyjs versions on that page work fine, just need the UI work12:22
Myself5popey, would it be possible to take a look at the yet to be verified guide ?12:23
popeysturmflut-work: fyi, file manager is getting samba support12:23
popeyMyself5: it's not my document, so no, sorry.12:23
* sturmflut-work takes notes12:23
Myself5ok :(12:23
popeysturmflut-work: also, there is a checkers game... https://launchpad.net/checkers12:24
popeysturmflut-work: would be good for someone to update as I know Filippo is busy.12:24
popeysturmflut-work: samegame exists https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.ken-vandine.samegame12:25
sturmflut-workpopey: Okay, it was not in the app store so I overlooked it, but I'll add a link12:25
Myself5popey, let me know when there is a possibility to take a look at the documentary :P12:25
popeysturmflut-work: can you add "Prey" to things that need porting.12:25
popeyMyself5: ask david calle when he's around. it's his12:25
* sturmflut-work furiously scribbles notes12:25
popeysturmflut-work: https://preyproject.com/12:26
popeysturmflut-work: on the subject of backup / data sync - See Syncthing12:26
popeyit works on the phone, but application lifecycle kills it in the background12:26
popeywould be nice to have a lifecycle exception of some kind for these kinds of sync services12:27
popeyif we made Syncthing the _blessed_ one, I think that would be awesome.12:27
popeyas it's FOSS, so beats dropbox, btsync and friends to a cocked hat12:27
popeyand could ship by default.12:27
popeysturmflut-work: on the subject of shazam, Elleo made https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/com.mikeasoft.eyrie12:28
Elleosturmflut-work: "Ports of popular open source apps" <-- I think the second entry for that should be 'closed source'12:28
Elleopopey: yeah, the echoprint database isn't terribly comprehensive though12:29
uuhimherewhen do you use cpio and when do you use tar?12:29
popeyuuhimhere: i haven't used cpio for years12:29
Elleosturmflut-work: for fitbit mzanetti has uFit and a scope (no syncing though)12:30
popeysturmflut-work: tic-tac-toe https://github.com/jamesodhunt/qml-noughts-and-crosses12:30
uuhimherepopey well the bootimg file for my phone uses cpio12:30
popeysturmflut-work: correlate this list of things that people made a while back but may not have updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection12:30
popeyuuhimhere: retro!12:30
popeywe should probably wipe that page as we no longer use the ppa12:30
uuhimherepopey, i believe most samsung uses it12:31
popeybut nice reference of stuff people have don12:31
popey\o/ lunch12:31
Elleopopey: was just thinking it might be worth trying to setup some sort of 'community porting team', gather together folks who are already porting apps from other platforms with the aim being a) port more stuff! b) act as a resource for any third party wanting to get started porting their own stuff12:32
sturmflut-workpopey, Elleo: Uff, thanks a lot! I took all your corrections and am about to correlate with the collection now.12:39
popeyElleo: +112:43
popeysturmflut-work: also.. Scummvm12:44
* popey nudges willcooke :)12:44
popeysturmflut-work: might be useful to add "frameworks / tools" to the list.12:44
willcookeScumm would be excellent.  I poked around at the weekend and it looks like bschaefer has the SDL1.2 Mir backend12:45
popeyfor example I'd like to see things like Love2D and Kivy ported12:45
popeybecause once those are brought over, there's the possibility for lots of apps/games written using those tools to come over easily12:45
sturmflut-workpopey: Excellent idea, I will make a section for libraries.12:45
popeyWe (community team) are considering buying a bunch (maybe 10) of bq phones, to give/lend to people if it may help them port stuff over12:46
popeyI'd be interested to hear of good projects / people to add to the list of potential candidates.12:47
popeysturmflut-work: last time I thought about this topic, this is the 2 minute list of things I wanted http://paste.ubuntu.com/10255328/12:48
popeya generic audio recorder would be nice.12:48
Elleopopey: I think that needs better support in the platform to be really useful12:49
popeyan audio book listening app (which isn't the music player) would be nice too.12:49
Elleopopey: so that audio recording doesn't get suspended12:49
popeyyeah, but we need apps to push that kind of thing12:49
popeyjust like the music app pushed media-hub and mediascanner12:49
popeybut also, we need to not let apps whither because the platform can't support their use cases12:50
popeysee also:- your spotify app12:50
Elleoyeah :/12:50
bzoltan_is here anybody who would be up for a pre-beta top secret SDK feature testing? :D I have a prototype for the single image SDK kit configuration what suppose to be much faster than the click chroot bootstraping12:56
bzoltan_popey: nik90: dpm ^12:57
DanChapmanbzoltan_: I can test it out for you if you want12:59
bzoltan_DanChapman:  so you feel brave :)12:59
DanChapmanbzoltan_: *braves* one of my many middle names12:59
bzoltan_DanChapman: Here is the branch -> lp:~bzoltan/+junk/static_chroots12:59
bzoltan_DanChapman:  It has two scripts, one is the tester and the other one the real deal13:00
bzoltan_DanChapman:  basically you can simple execute the tester script ... it will download 1.8GB+600MB, so you need fairly fast network13:01
DanChapmanbzoltan_: ok cool, network should be fine. Right it's just started now13:02
bzoltan_DanChapman: the story is that i want to sack the click chroot debootsraping because it takes ages and it is unreliable with development series ... so I have created few static images and plan to set up the static image as schroot directory13:04
DanChapmanbzoltan_: that's a nice idea!! Anything to speed it all up is a +1 from me13:06
bzoltan_DanChapman:  that is what i thought :)13:07
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sturmflut-workpopey, Elleo: I updated the blog post with most of your corrections/additions, including the Touch/Collection and popey's list.13:11
Elleosturmflut-work: cool :)13:12
sturmflut-workElleo: Now it just needs as much exposure as possible, I posted it on G+ but I have just five followers :>13:14
Elleosturmflut-work: post it to the ubuntu app developers group, that has ~7000 members13:16
Elleosturmflut-work: https://plus.google.com/communities/11135078027092554054913:16
sturmflut-workElleo: ...that is an excellent idea. I still struggle with the whole concept of those "Circle" thingies.13:18
* sturmflut-work is getting old13:18
Elleosturmflut-work: the link to love2d in your list is broken13:25
sturmflut-workElleo: Err, true.13:25
sturmflut-workElleo: Fixed :)13:26
Elleosturmflut-work: great :)13:27
Myself5popey, is it the davidcalle who just joined i should ask:P ?13:27
* davidcalle hides13:28
davidcalleMyself5, what's the question? :)13:28
Myself5I try porting Ubuntu Touch to my Sony Xperia Z213:28
Myself5but the official update guide is not really helping me13:29
Myself5and popey said there is a new one, which just needs to get verified yet13:29
Myself5so I was wondering if you could give me the unverified one13:29
davidcalleYes, for now, you can refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/NewPorting which is a being-updated version of the deprecated guide. The newer version (the NewPorting doc + more info) will land this week.13:30
Myself5oh cool13:30
Myself5thank you very much :D13:30
davidcalleMyself5, also if you have specific questions, just ping me :)13:30
Myself5will do13:30
popeythanks davidcalle13:31
Myself5so shall I use a CM11 based tree or a AOSP based tree ?!13:32
davidcalleMyself5, depends on the device, but it looks like there is an AOSP tree for it : http://developer.sonymobile.com/2014/11/06/android-5-0-xperia-z3-running-aosp/13:35
Myself5yeah there13:35
Myself5thats why I was asking13:35
davidcalleMyself5, ah :)13:35
davidcalleMyself5, well, AOSP is easier, but if you have experience with CM11, that works too13:37
Myself5well I have experiences with both13:38
Myself5so I guess AOSP would be easier then, right ?13:38
davidcallepopey, do you mind having a look at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/ ? I've changed it quite a lot and the CMS has made my life difficult this morning, it needs a second pair of eyes.13:40
davidcalleMyself5, I guess so, yes13:40
DanChapmanbzoltan_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10255917/ but there also seems to be some times dumped to the terminal do you need those aswell?13:45
popeyok davidcalle13:45
popeydavidcalle: mind if I edit directly? or do you want me to provide feedback only?13:46
davidcallepopey, I don't mind at all13:47
bzoltan_DanChapman:  thank you ... let me see13:48
bzoltan_DanChapman:  Yes, I need the consol logs too13:48
tsdgeossomeone please? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/address-book-app/aim_is_not_aim/+merge/24916113:49
DanChapmanbzoltan_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10256002/13:49
bzoltan_DanChapman: cool... we are 15 minutes faster with the static chroot13:50
bzoltan_DanChapman: thank you, I may ask an other round of tests later if you do not mind13:51
DanChapmanbzoltan_: yeah it was much quicker! Awesome!13:51
DanChapmanbzoltan_: sure thing, just give me a ping13:51
Myself5davidcalle: if this http://developer.sonymobile.com/knowledge-base/open-source/open-devices/aosp-build-instructions/how-to-build-aosp-kitkat-for-unlocked-xperia-devices/ is the roomservice I shall use for AOSP (only shinano and sirius device repos), do I need to add any additional hardware repos ?13:55
Myself5I think all needed repos (the stock google ones) are already in the Ubuntu Manifest13:55
davidcalleMyself5, this would need a confirmation from janimo (which is not here atm), but I believe you are good, yes13:58
Myself5hum :/13:58
Myself5guess I really need to fix my local setup then...13:59
Myself5I guess it is sonys custom mkbootimg14:02
popeydavidcalle: made a couple of minor changes, not published14:08
popeydavidcalle: want me to publish them?14:08
davidcallepopey, sure :)14:08
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bzoltan_DanChapman:  it would be great if you would pull the latest revision of that branch and re-run the test script.14:14
DanChapmanbzoltan_: sure... running it now14:15
bzoltan_DanChapman:  what is you geo location, if you do not mind the question?14:30
DanChapmanbzoltan_: i'm in the UK near London14:31
elopioping Kaleo, is there a way to know if the flash has been used?14:31
bzoltan_DanChapman:  Cool. That should have fairly good bandwidt to the main archive.14:32
elopioor ricmm ^:  is there a way to know if the flash has been used?14:45
DanChapmanbzoltan_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10256644/ hmm but it looks like it used the tar from the last run. Do you need me to delete it and re-run14:46
bzoltan_DanChapman:  good observation ... just pull the branch and re-run :)14:49
sturmflut-workElleo: Is the G+ "Ubuntu App Developers" Community moderated or something? I can't see my post on the website15:13
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Elleosturmflut-work: not that I'm aware of, you might need to be a member of the community first though15:14
sturmflut-workElleo: I think I am15:14
sturmflut-workElleo: I can see my post in the community on the phone, but not on the website15:15
Elleosturmflut-work: searching the members list here: https://plus.google.com/communities/111350780270925540549/members for "sturm" doesn't show any members15:16
Elleosturmflut-work: not sure if there's a delay in that being updated, but might be worth double checking you're in the community15:16
mhall119sturmflut-work: google will flag some posts as spam, in which case a moderator has to go through them and approve it15:27
mhall119which I've done for you post now15:27
ogra_spammer !15:27
popeybut it's such _nice_ spam!15:27
ogra_yummy :)15:28
sturmflut-workmhall119: Thank you very much!15:28
mhall119just about everything in that community's spam queue was valid posts, Google's being a little heavy-handed I think15:28
bzoltan_DanChapman: OK, I have added a simple fix and now the test should be fine15:28
popeyElleo: do we have a bug for apostrophes in the osk? seems hard to do "I'm" in the OSK15:29
Elleopopey: a fix for that just landed in vivid recently and is currently in a silo to sync into rtm15:31
Elleopopey: so now you can just type "im" and it'll autocorrect to "I'm"15:31
Elleosame for lots of words with apostrophes15:31
jgdxLaney, hey, wanna take another look at [1]? Added a fullstop. [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/cellular-insertsim/+merge/24883515:33
Laneyjgdx: thx, give me 30 minutes to finish up a meeting15:34
popeyElleo: reply from insider... "That's service! :)"15:34
Laneydo you know what's up with CI?15:34
Elleopopey: :)15:34
DanChapmanbzoltan_: ahh ok then i'll start a fresh run now15:34
jgdxLaney, no :|15:35
jgdxI'll do another run15:36
Elleosturmflut-work: I can see your post now :)15:46
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sturmflut-workElleo: Jep, it finally worked16:06
sturmflut-workElleo: I am one of those "Internet Celebrities" now?16:06
sturmflut-workBTW, was the PickerPanel component moved? According to the API documentation one has to "import Ubuntu.Components 1.1", but PickerPanel now only seems to be available with "import Ubuntu.Components.Pickers 1.0"16:09
sturmflut-workOne of my old apps no longer works because of this16:10
elopioping jibel: in order to check if the flash was fired or not, would it be enough to check the exif image properties?16:11
DanChapmanbzoltan_: hey, sorry took a while http://paste.ubuntu.com/10257872/16:18
jibelelopio, I guess so. Then if exif is OK, but flash didn't fire, it's another problem and should probably be covered by a lower level test.16:37
bzoltan_DanChapman:  Cool. Thank you. My tool saves 15 minutes :)16:42
DanChapmanbzoltan_: yw :) It really is a massive time save.. nice one!16:43
bzoltan_DanChapman:  It is really only a proof of concept :) I need to convince people to replace the click chroot bootsraping with the static images. But for that I need a place where we could host these images... for example wjere teh system images are and I need to patch the click project with this method16:45
caonicaldroidHelp anyone16:51
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:55
frecelcan someone explain to me what did I breake this time17:32
frecel2015/02/16 10:26:47 Cannot push /home/artur/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-24574f2485162756e588acf79501348b4a5c8c01699f4da1fabcd16c498fb2a0.tar.xz.asc to device: free space on /cache/recovery is 542M17:32
dakerfrecel: your cache partition doesn't have enough free space, maybe ogra_ can help you17:41
freceldaker: already solved, did exactly what you said17:43
freceldaker: popey came to the rescue17:43
popeyImagine me with a big orange cape on it.17:43
popeyUbuntu logo emblazoned on the back.17:44
popeyPhotoshop that someone please :)17:44
popeyOn second thoughts, don't :)17:44
frecelI think you meant to say "gimp that"17:44
popeyyeah, but if I ask people to "gimp a picture of popey" - I can only imagine what they come up with17:48
fredflegelcan someone enlighten me on the status of carddav/caldav sync on ubuntu touch?17:48
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SturmFlutJust reading the comments for https://plus.google.com/102486542947898431342/posts/NbLsB1Nk6Wp . It is about time that some manufacturer ships enough UT devices for everybody :/18:52
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davmor2SturmFlut: we only just released our first phone, so come on :)18:57
caonicaldroidhelp me19:01
simosxcaonicaldroid, what's up?19:02
caonicaldroiddoes touch work on s3 good yet19:03
simosxwhat is 's3'?19:04
davmor2caonicaldroid: Ubuntu does not make a build for the s3 there is a community port https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices listed but I have no idea how good bad or indifferent it is19:06
wxli assume caonicaldroid means a samsung galaxy s319:06
wxlcaonicaldroid: much of the information about ports is outdated, so i'd say it does not work "good" yet, although it may be easy to make happen. there's a new porting guide coming soon that should make this more of a reality.19:07
krabadori know that's annoying to read something like "when will be ready the new porting guide?" but19:36
krabadorwhen will be ready the new porting guide?19:36
popeykrabador: ask again tomorrow :)19:37
popeylots of involved people are on vacation19:37
krabadorooh, great, happy holidayz :D19:37
stuI have a problem where apparmor denies most of my apps access to mmap /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mir/client-platform/mesa.so. I'm not very familiar with apparmor, but I've tried to find something in the cnofig files that would allow this, and it seems it is not allowed anywhere that I can find. Could it be that apparmor config files were not updated at some point?19:51
popeystu: if you think it's an apparmor bug then I'd certainly file one. jdstrand works on that but he's on vacation today I think.19:53
tyhicksstu: please file a bug against the apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu package19:53
stuI guess this is tree questions, really: 1) how do I find the version history of config files for ubuntu touch? -- I looked at launchpad but was mostly confused. 2) Would it be likely that upgrading about weekly since some time in november could have missed something, and 3) maybe someone already noticed this?19:54
tyhicksstu: here's the answer to #1: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/trunk19:57
tyhicksstu: what you're asking about in #2 is unlikely19:57
tyhicksstu: for #3, I don't see any open bugs that relate to that denial (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/+bugs)19:59
wxlso i always see the mention of "getting sign off from qa." is this the same team as the qa team for desktop, etc? what does sign off consist of? all i see is exploratory testing mentioned on their qa, so maybe that's it, but i see no where this is tracked.20:00
stuOk thanks, I didn't realize that apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu was what I was looking for...20:02
popeywxl: yes, QA team does desktop and phone20:04
wxlpopey: is there a tracker for the progress of the "sign off?"20:05
popeyin the silo's they are marked as signed off by QA20:06
wxlpopey: how does someone in the community participate in that process/20:10
popeywxl: I would recommend speaking to jibel or davmor2 (as they work on QA) .20:10
popeyI expect that they will say they can get community help with things like the mako/flo/manta testing20:11
popeybut not for the bq/meizu ones because we have contractual obligations to fulfil for those.20:11
popeyhowever, I would expect there's a _big_ list of stuff that could be done20:11
popeyand suspect they'd welcome the help :)20:12
wxljibel: davmor2: ping me when you're around again, i'd like to talk about helping with mako testing20:13
caonicaldroidi just wanna try it out.20:26
caonicaldroidDoes it go off your phone plan and stuff still20:26
caonicaldroidand yes i mean samsung galaxy s320:26
caonicaldroidso theres no good way to do it yet20:28
caonicaldroidare they at least working on it20:30
caonicaldroidand is there a copy of build.prop i can have for a working device20:30
k1l_see the devices wiki list20:30
Myself5caonicaldroid, you mean if there is someone porting Ubuntu for your device ?20:31
Myself5do it on your own :P20:31
caonicaldroidIf i can get a build.prop i may be able to make it work on s320:34
Myself5popey, just to clearify, I only need a AOSP device tree to compile and a modified kernel, right ?20:35
Myself5cause then I'll try again with the new mkbootimg20:36
Myself5s/the new/sonys new/20:36
popeyI'm not the one to ask20:36
Myself5hum k20:36
popeyI am as eager to read the porting guide as you! :D20:37
Myself5I read it already xD20:38
simosxMyself5, you read the new version of the porting guide?20:38
popeyunfortunately there's no AOSP tree for my device20:39
Myself5should I not have said I did xD ?20:39
Myself5there is one for mine :) Sony y320:39
Myself5but Sony uses a different mkbootimg compared to stock AOSP20:40
Myself5and it seems like the option to select a different mkbootimg binary is not inside the Ubuntu build repo20:41
Myself5however it is in Android 4.4.220:41
Myself5so I guess it was removed20:41
JokerswwHas anyone had success installing Ubuntu touch to a Nexus 7 2013?22:02
nhainesIt's been the official development target for tablets for a year so... yes.22:02
Jokerswwok, I flashed mine to the devel channel and it is stuck on the Google load screen.22:03
Jokerswwcan anyone help with this?22:04
caonicaldroidDoes ubuntu touch use android at all22:24
PLA1Jokersww: I am running Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 7 2013.23:00
stutyhicks: I filed a bug now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/142252123:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1422521 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "mmap of ...mir/client-platform/mesa.so DENIED" [Undecided,New]23:01
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tyhicksthanks stu23:10
popeyhey PLA1, didn't see you lurking there :)23:51

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