
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Guest83501morning all07:52
=== Guest83501 is now known as MooDoo
knightwisemownin :)07:57
knightwisehow are you this fine monday ?07:57
knightwiserough weekend ?08:03
MooDooweekend was fine, son was poorly and projectiled at 00:45 in the morning :(08:04
knightwisenot fun08:04
zmoylan-pito learn so young not to like mondays... hope he's recovering well08:05
knightwiseGoing to try out Ubuntu on my Surface pro today for an entire day08:06
knightwisesee how it holds up08:06
knightwisehave to find out how to enable hibernate / suspend08:06
knightwisestill cant believe canonical dropped that functionality in Ubuntu08:07
zmoylan-pii have never in my life suspended or hibernated a laptop... willingly.  though i do think it should be available as an option for those as needs it08:11
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:12
knightwisemy wife hasnt rebooted her mac for 79 days. She just opens en closes the lid08:12
knightwiseand that is how its supposed to be I think$08:12
knightwisemorning brobostigon08:12
brobostigonmorning knightwise08:13
zmoylan-piworks for some.  i wanted every last watt of battery life for usage so that ruled out suspend and with windows a clean boot cleared up /problems/ and on linux it was fast booting enough to make no difference08:14
knightwisezmoylan-pi: agreed. i still need to get it working on this surface :)  Would be cool to be able to suspend resume instead of having to bootup08:17
knightwisealthough bootup time is lightning fast08:17
davmor2Morning all09:28
MooDoomorning davmor2 how are you this fine day09:43
davmor2It's Monday and I'm in meetings :)09:43
MooDoodavmor2: shit then :D09:44
zmoylan-piwait wait, are donuts provided in the meeting...?09:45
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Innovation Day! :-D10:00
JamesTaito/ MooDoo10:01
popeyzmoylan-pi: Doughnuts over video chat...10:02
zmoylan-piwell then you can mute it and replace your image with a carefully crafted glove puppet :-)10:03
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:18
MooDoohowdy bigcalm10:19
knightwisehey MooDoo , bigcalm10:19
* davmor2 quickly throws together an lego arm that high fives JamesTait and remotely slaps him a high five....How's that for innovation :D10:31
renato95accidentally I wrote "$ sudo chmod -R 755 /lib"10:33
JamesTaitdavmor2, like http://youtu.be/m3fmMM_1wBc ?10:33
renato95have I corrupted the system?10:34
popeyrenato95: you may find things are a bit broken, yes10:35
davmor2JamesTait: no I type !slap JamesTait and it does if you're quick enough it only hits your hand and all of it is lego :D10:36
renato95but in the folder's property nothing is changed10:36
popeyrenato95: well, some things in that folder are already 755, but something else may not be. you might be okay.10:37
renato95how do i past images?10:38
renato95here you can see the properties10:43
renato95of the folder10:43
davmor2renato95: yeah but that is the properties of the folder after you changed it10:43
renato95but all the other folders look the same10:44
* SuperMatt wonders if renato is the renato that he knows, or if it's just a popular name10:46
renato95"SuperMatt wonders if renato is the renato that he knows, or if it's just a popular name"?? hahah!!10:47
SuperMattwell I don't know!10:48
renato95* -10:50
knightwisewish it had a "next" or "skip" button11:03
zmoylan-piover dose on donuts and wake up on tuesday...11:03
davmor2knightwise: but then tuesday becomes the new Monday11:03
zmoylan-pituesday becomes the day you wake up in a strange town wondering how you got there so you'll be busy and distracted11:04
knightwiseStupid kickstand on the Surface pro 1 .. only has one setting and the angle is not ideal11:07
knightwiseNeed to look for an alternative somewhere11:07
knightwisefor the rest : Fantastic machine to run ubunt on11:08
popeyyeah, they fixed that in the surface pro 2 I believe11:09
zmoylan-pimicrosoft often get so much right and then skimp on the little things that drive you bonkers. i think the stand was sorted in pro 211:10
knightwisefor the moment i'm using a tablet mount to get it sorted11:10
knightwisezmoylan-pi: agreed. for the rest .. the screen is fantastic11:10
knightwisesamsung could learn something from this display11:10
zmoylan-pino expense was spared in the screen by all accounts11:11
knightwiselove the resolution. I think the only machine that can top this at the moment is the nex XPS1311:18
knightwisejust need to iron out some quirks11:20
davmor2popey: I hate you, by the way, crossy road 250 jumps, Machines vs machines hard level 3, uu level 42 can you guess how I spent my weekend12:33
davmor2popey: uu gets too monotonous is my only complaint12:34
lubotu3rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 19th September 2015 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/3040-real-ale-train-2015/12:44
* bigcalm sneaks back to work12:44
davmor2bigcalm: big hint it's not very sneaky to announce it ;)12:52
=== zmoylan-pi is now known as ubuntuphone
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== ubuntuphone is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== deegee is now known as drussell
davmor2bigcalm, intrbiz: anyone else want to write pole on the end of adam's wolveslist email?14:12
intrbizdavmor2: very good, took me a while to work that one out14:13
davmor2diddledan: mailing list role call for the lug meeting we got a. ron m. bigcalm t. Ad z. intrbiz14:19
diddledanreally? apparently iphone users will discriminate against people that send them a message which appears as a "green bubble" instead of a "blue bubble" (blue means it's an imessage, green means it's sms)14:29
diddledanref: https://medium.com/message/its-kind-of-cheesy-being-green-2c72cc9e5eda14:31
zmoylan-piwell about 10% of irish males have some blue-green colour blindness :-)14:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: so they are there all wondering why they keep getting sms about enlarging the privates and emails from phone numbers then :)14:58
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== stryx`_ is now known as stryx`
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
SuperEngineerAnyone know about the requirements of in-car audio players [SD card slot]?19:29
SuperEngineerWhat format required? Can they read fat32? will they recurse directories? etc.19:30
davmor2SuperEngineer: manual should tell you, on the whole they will by default read whatever an sdcard is formatted in by default normally fat32, and on the whole will play mp3's that it finds on the card, what format is displayed is anyones guess19:32
SuperEngineercheers, davmor219:36
* SuperEngineer copies podcasts to sd card ;019:38
SuperEngineer[I would go to the car & fetch the manual - if it wasn't p'ing down atm - so here's hoping ;)19:43
qwertyI'm using ubuntu, one hour ago I wrote on the command line "sudo chmod -R 755 /lib"... If I reboot my computer do I have some error?20:29
=== qwerty is now known as Guest49464
Guest49464I'm using ubuntu, one hour ago I wrote on the command line "sudo chmod -R 755 /lib"... If I reboot my computer do I have some error?20:29
shaunoI realise it's bad form to answer a question with a question.  But why did you do that?20:34
MartijnVdS(subtle shauno)20:38
shaunowell, I mean I assume there's an underlying problem that he's trying to solve here20:40
Guest49464answer my question please20:42
Guest49464will I have some issue?20:43
shaunoluckily /lib is one of the safest places to make such an oops.  there's no bin, no libexec, so nothing that's suid, very little magic in there20:43
Guest49464and so?20:43
Guest49464i ensure me that i will not have problems?20:44
MartijnVdSshauno: some binaries are in there20:44
MartijnVdSshauno: for udev etc20:44
MartijnVdSGuest49464: it's hard to be sure20:44
Guest49464will I have issues?20:49
Guest49464because i don't know if i can shudown my computer this night20:49
Guest49464i have an exam in few days and i have to use this computer20:50
MartijnVdSGuest49464: It is hard to say. There might be problems, there might not be20:50
popeynobody can say for sure.20:50
popeyso, backup & re-install is the "best" option.20:50
Guest49464is there a way to undo the command?20:51
MartijnVdSrestore from a previous backup20:51
popeyyes, restore from backup20:51
Guest49464i have no backups20:51
Guest49464is there a command i can type?20:52
Guest49464what's the permission of that folder20:52
Guest49464by default?20:52
popeyits not the folder, its all the files20:52
shaunothe problem is that it's not "that folder" you've changed".  -R changes every single file and folder within it.  that's just over 10,000 files on mine.20:53
popeyyou're _probably_ going to be okay20:53
shaunoI suspect at the most you'll break ufw.  but if you have no backups, make some ASAP, else you're tempting murphy20:54
Guest49464what's ufw?20:54
Guest49464what's asap?20:55
popeyAs Soon As Possible20:55
popeyUncomplicated FireWall20:55
shauno(entirely aside, I have no idea why ufw stores its rules in /lib.  that seems wrong)20:56
Guest49464so it's better i do not shutdown the computer20:56
Guest49464because i'm afraid i've corrupted something20:57
shaunohonestly, I think your first job should be to backup anything that you'd miss.  if you rebooted right now and it didn't come back, what files would you worry about20:57
shauno(not that they'd be gone, but you'd be in a much better position to rebuild)20:58
Guest49464yeah, now listen21:02
Guest49464suppose i deleted evry single file of the system21:02
Guest49464suppose that21:02
Guest49464now, my computer starts with dual boot with windows21:03
Guest49464if I made a crap... forget what i said before and consider my case21:03
Guest49464if I maed something wrong21:03
Guest49464can i work with windows?21:04
popeyI dont understand.21:06
Guest49464i have dual boot21:08
Guest49464considering that i could have some issue while booting21:09
popeywhat you have done wont have affected windows21:09
Guest49464so i could use windows21:10
Guest49464are you sure?21:12
popeyNo guarantee you'll be able to get back into Ubuntu though.21:14
popeyBut you should be fine.21:14
mapphmm someone accessed my friends betfair account snd placed a £500 bet it won..but still how did someone do it? Only thing i could hink of was malware/spyware on his pc or android phone?21:45
mappsaid it was placed from a virgin media IP in haringey but that could just be a compromised home machine21:45
zmoylan-picontact them and place a hold on it's payout?21:51
mappthe account hasnt logged in again or tried to21:52
mappand my mate changed pass21:52
mappbut how could someone havew got access to his ac in the first place beyond the ways i mentioned?21:53
mappand is there any way i can check if the IP the login came from is a compromised host?21:54
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
shaunoman, apt-get upgrade on an old pi makes me realise just how much zippier the new one is22:53
zmoylan-pipi envy? :-)23:00
shaunojust kinda wish I'd got more than one :)23:01
zmoylan-pithere's an idea... a vending machine in london tube stations selling pis to bored geek commuters... :-)23:04
zmoylan-piimpulse pis23:04
shaunoeh.  by time it made it to galway, we'd have flying cars23:06
zmoylan-piwell with the humpback bridges on that side of the country i'm not sure we don't already :-)23:07
* daftykins clocks in23:19
daftykinshi all23:19
* zmoylan-pi breaks out the banjo and the lyrics for the klingon opera for the night shift...23:20
shaunoa bit random, but it's surprisingly difficult to find plain-text version of the shipping forecast23:34
zmoylan-pipage scraping from low bandwidth bbc page?23:56
shaunoeh, if I'm gonna scrape I might as well just manhandle the met office's xml23:57
shaunoI Did actually find it on a US server, which seems odd23:57

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