
greg-gI'm sick, it sucks.04:06
greg-gWhat's worse is the whole family is sick.04:06
greg-gWe bought an RV :)04:06
greg-ga 1983 Lindy (c-class, 20ft)04:07
greg-gso I've been dinking around in it all day :)04:07
greg-ghow's _stink_ ?04:07
jrwrenGR represent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9Dn-2ubGL814:10
cmaloneyGood morning14:25
cmaloneygreg-g: Sorry you're sick. Hope you feel better soon14:25
=== mthx|laptop_ is now known as mthx|laptop
* cmaloney is listening to Neurotech - The Halcyon Symphony16:03
cmaloneyAr we having fun yet?16:04
cmaloneyApparently today is unintentionally talk like a pirate day.16:05
brouschInteresting: Paczki On Demand is Arriving Tomorrow! http://goo.gl/VXg4w316:34
cmaloneyIs it really fat tuesday already?16:36
cmaloneyDamn, Easter is early this year.16:36
DrDaemonEyecmaloney: what?  already? Didn't we just have Valentines day?16:54
cmaloneyEaster waits for nobody17:19
ColonelPanic001I've never had a pczkaciia whatever spelling they are18:34
ColonelPanic001I kind of feel obligated to keep the streak going18:34
cmaloneyThey're quite good18:45
cmaloneythough I'm not one to seek themout18:46

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