
Kiloshi Tonberry  and other early birds04:50
mazalMorning everyone04:52
Kiloshi mazal  04:52
Kiloshi popp05:45
Kilosmorning superfly  inetpro  06:43
superflyhi Kilos06:43
inetprogood mornings everyone07:09
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:09
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:19
TinuvaMacmorning kilos07:29
* mazal loer in07:38
inetproMaaz: coffee on07:51
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:51
KilosMaaz  coffee please07:52
MaazKilos: Done07:52
KilosMaaz  large07:52
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos07:52
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!07:55
KilosMaaz  ty07:56
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:56
mazalAircon technitian here again. Visit nr 5 now I think08:12
mazalAnd everytime someone esle , which makes it difficult cos he then don't know what previous guy did08:13
mazalRemoved the pipe and it's completely vrot. Only half of it left. So explain to me how the previous 4 guys did not see that08:18
Kilossome peeps lokk but cannot see08:20
mazalYou does inetpro always say AI !!!!!!08:20
mazalhow even08:20
mazalHet oom krieket gekyk ?08:21
mazalStruggled in our first match. Bowling a big problem for this trournament08:21
Brainiarc7Hello guys09:24
superflyhi Brainiarc709:25
Brainiarc7Hey superfly 09:26
Brainiarc7I was lurking around the Nairobi Linux User Group mailing list and saw mention of the #ubuntu-za IRC chaneel and thought, why not connect and interact with you guys?09:27
TinuvaMacall the way from Kenya, heh why not :P09:28
Brainiarc7I currently run Arch Linux in a dual boot setup..09:30
Brainiarc7And Ubuntu in a VM09:30
superflyBrainiarc7: Kilos is trying to get everyone from Africa together in #ubuntu-africa09:30
Brainiarc7You guys know kilos?09:30
superflyjust trying to basically connect Africa together09:31
superflyBrainiarc7: all too well09:31
Kiloshi Brainiarc7  welcome to ubuntu-za09:32
Brainiarc7Thanks kilos09:32
Kilossorry i was asleep09:32
Brainiarc7Probablu woken up by the IRC notification09:32
Kilosthem nairobi peeps09:32
Brainiarc7I know that feel....09:33
Kiloshi Neo31  09:33
KilosBrainiarc7  dont forget the channel for the africa getting together is #ubuntu-africa09:34
Kilosand if you can , spread the word to other peeps in africa09:35
Kiloshi drussell  10:09
Kilosty superfly  10:09
superflysup drussell10:12
drussellyo yo Kilos & superfly ... how was your weekend?10:12
Kilosthe fly is killing me drussell  10:13
Kilosactually the pro is and fly sorting my mess ups10:13
Kiloshi Guest14422  you forgot you nick graeme?10:14
=== Guest14422 is now known as ThatGraemeGuy
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy  10:15
ThatGraemeGuywhat happened there I wonder10:16
Kilosoh i thought lurking incognito10:16
* inetpro having to catch up again10:27
inetproKilos: you talk too much :-)10:27
Kilosnono man i was asleep10:27
Kilosits them10:28
Kiloshi magellanic  10:36
magellanicgreets :)10:36
superflydrussell: Good thanks. Friends, Code. What more can you ask for?10:54
superflysup magellanic10:54
magellanicsuperfly: :)10:55
stickyboyRaining in Nairobi.11:31
Kilosrain is good anywhere11:31
Trixar_zasuperfly: sandwich and a cold beer?11:36
Trixar_zaglass windows are fun12:25
Trixar_zaThey have weird dynamics12:25
ThatGraemeGuyyou're playing minetest now?12:34
Trixar_zaI have my own server - what do you think? :P12:36
Kiloslooks good12:36
ThatGraemeGuyew boring12:36
ThatGraemeGuyi stopped playing on our server because nobody else played12:37
Kilosyip alone sucks12:37
ThatGraemeGuynice to build still with others and see what's been done already12:37
Trixar_zaI have a creative server, so you pretty much have everything you could need. Does have a slight survival element.12:37
ThatGraemeGuyew, creative is boring too12:38
ThatGraemeGuywell, for me12:38
Trixar_zaInteresting thing about the window panes is that you can leave out the corner blocks and water and lava sources will stay in place12:38
Trixar_zaMind you, without the corner, the water and lava will mix, so for lava in water you need to leave the corners in place12:39
Trixar_zaI have too many mods loaded, but it's mostly for fun and to build more stuff12:40
Trixar_zaGuns just to fire at stuff - lol12:41
ThatGraemeGuyi'm building a rubik's cube12:41
ThatGraemeGuywhich reminds me let me work on it some more12:41
Trixar_zaThere's a few physics quarks that are fun to mess with12:51
Trixar_zaLike the worldedit tool doesn't activate physics - so you can technical build air pockets in water and lava12:51
Trixar_zaIt does collapse if you build within one block away from the edge12:52
=== deegee is now known as drussell
Kiloshi SDCDev  14:34
SDCDevhey Kilos14:35
SDCDevek's in Simon's Town14:35
Kilosen jy14:35
Kiloslekker ne14:35
SDCDevhahaha jk14:35
SDCDevsorz for language :(14:35
SDCDevI dont talk like that usually, but im drunk14:35
Kilosyou naughty14:35
SDCDevin muzenburg right now, busy having a few beers by the sea, then going to catch the train back to SImons Town14:36
SDCDevMuizenburg even14:36
Kilosthey stay a persons true nature comes out when drunk14:36
SDCDevthats why I always get bitches drunk14:36
SDCDevnaaaat :P14:36
Kilosyou naughty14:36
Kiloshow much longer on the touring14:37
arnaudmezHi Guys15:43
arnaudmezHi Kilos15:43
Kiloshi arnaudmez  15:43
Kilosjoin the africa channel too , 15:44
Kilosadd it to your favourites15:44
arnaudmezalready done15:45
Kilosarnaudmez  ask here too the see who answers first15:46
arnaudmezin a need of a flyer model in svg format.15:46
arnaudmezpreparing an event here arround ubuntu15:46
arnaudmezfor those who find please send me everthing here arnaudmez@gmail.com15:57
mazalOi I wish they would change the color of the chrome icon , I keep opening thunderbird when I want to open chrome :P16:10
mazalThe revenge of the favourites menu16:11
Kiloshi octoquad  16:26
octoquadHey Kilos16:26
Kiloshi Tonberry  16:32
* mazal needs another drill16:40
magespawngood evening17:30
Kiloshi magespawn  17:32
Kilosai! net splits again17:32
inetprogood evening18:10
magespawnhi inetpro 18:20
magespawninetpro: do you use cron?18:21
inetpromagespawn: obviously18:21
Kilosohi inetpro  sorry i had scrolled back and couldnt see what was causing the plings18:22
magespawninetpro: example?18:22
magespawnnot of cron itself, but what you use it for18:23
Kilosmazal does that cron stuff18:23
Kiloscrontab i think18:23
Kilosi stay awake and watch things happen18:24
magespawni understand what it does and how, i was curios about a real world example18:24
inetpromagespawn: man -s5 crontab18:24
magespawncrontab is where the commands are stored that you want to run, and the times etc18:25
inetprosee: EXAMPLE CRON FILE18:25
Kilosso you can start an upgrade late after you have gone to bed etc18:26
Kilosi spose backups too18:26
magespawnalmost anything you want Kilos 18:27
inetpromagespawn: 0 8,17 * * * /batch/routinejobs > /dev/null 2>&1 # Run routine jobs at 8:00 and 17:0018:30
inetprothere's one of many real world jobs I have18:31
magespawneveryday i assume since there is only time specified there18:32
inetpro# minute hour dayomon monoyear dayoweek command18:33
magespawnand that then runs the file routinejobs with what you have specified there18:33
magespawni do not understand "/dev/null 2>&1"18:35
magespawnis that for the output of routinejobs?18:36
inetpromagespawn: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10508843/what-is-dev-null-2118:36
inetpro /dev/null is the bitbocket18:37
inetproor dustbin if you may18:37
Kilosinetpro  shout when you got time please18:38
magespawni see18:38
inetproin other words redirecting output to nothingness18:38
Kilosim sure i made a branch for twit but can find it18:38
inetpromagespawn: 2>&1 redirects standard error (2) to standard output (1), which then discards it as well since standard output has already been redirected18:39
magespawnthat means if there is an error you would not see it18:39
inetpromagespawn: correct18:40
magespawnis that wise? i would have thought it would be a good idea to be notified of errors18:40
inetproyou typically make pretty much sure that errors are dealt with in the script18:40
magespawni see, so if there is an error of some sort then the script should have a way to deal with it?18:41
magespawnso for somebody like me i would leave that out, because i still learning and it would help to see the errors18:42
inetpromagespawn: cron jobs don't run in interactive mode18:44
magespawni see, but if i set one up and it fails because of something i have done, or did not take into account etc, i would like to know without having to go back and check18:46
magespawnthat seems like a very useful tool18:47
magespawnKilos: this might be easier to read than the man pages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron18:49
Kilosnono man no place for anything else18:49
Kilosone thing at a time and one step at a time18:50
magespawnindeed, store it for reference later then18:50
Kiloslol ty18:50
magespawnKilos how good is that machine that you use there?18:56
magespawnharddrive, ran, processor?18:56
magespawninetpro: so batch then would be a folder where you store the scripts that you would like cron to run?19:02
magespawnhmm if i understand this correctly you can also have cron pass data to the command that you have cron execute19:06
Kilosmine here is lekker magespawn  19:07
Kilos1tb drive 4g ddr3 19:07
Kilosonly 3g dual core though19:07
magespawnhave you read anything about virtual machines?19:07
Kilosnot much but i tried virtualbox here once, was kinda slow19:08
Kilosbut ran 7 and kde19:09
Kiloshad probs making it work with 3g though19:09
Kilosnow got 4g so must be more hassles19:09
magespawni was just thinking you could set up a virtual machine or three, so you could try commands out to see their effects before doing them on your live machine19:10
Kilosthis system is rock solid magespawn  19:10
Kilosthe only thing im battling with is bzr19:11
Kilosi got another pc with kde on where i can test unknown commands19:15
magespawni really like the idea19:17
magespawnyou could run a LAMP server virtually for looking at websites that you make, which would also allow you to get experience with web servers19:18
mazalNight everyone19:21
magespawngood night mazal19:22
Kilosi go bath now wb19:32
Kiloswbb too19:32
magespawnhmmm really so much to learn and so little time19:33
inetpromagespawn: the /batch folder is just my choice to keep my own scripts in one place19:34
magespawninetpro: makes sense though19:35
magespawni like things to make sense, then other people can also understand what you have done19:35
inetpromagespawn: if you want to learn about serious scripting see: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/19:36
superfly*grumble* *grumble* *grumble*19:36
inetpromagespawn: oh but don't tell the fly about it19:37
inetprorather do it using python :-)19:37
superflymagespawn: if you like things to make sense, use Python, it's WAY more readable than anything else out there19:38
inetproperl ftw!19:38
superflyinetpro: I converted StickyNotes to use PostgreSQL... hopefully no more timeouts19:40
inetprosuperfly: ah, that's good news19:40
inetprowas hoping that I wouldn't have to reverse back to slexy19:41
inetprowb smile19:46
smilehi! :) thanks19:46
inetprooh and even Wraz19:46
smileI finally fixed my ChatZilla setup :p19:46
inetproKilos: you not the greeter bot any more?19:46
inetprosmile: when last were you in here?19:47
inetproyou even missed Kilos' promotion ceremony?19:49
Kilosohi superfly  19:49
Kiloswhy grumbling19:50
Kiloswhat i broke now19:50
inetproKilos: don't ask that19:50
Kiloshi smile  19:50
smilehi Kilos :p19:50
smileinetpro: I did :(19:50
smileI was here a few weeks ago, I think? :p19:51
smilethree weeks?19:51
Kiloshaha inetpro  you so cheeky19:51
Kilosi also both now and again19:52
Kilosonce in summer and not so often in winter19:52
inetproKilos: me cheeky? Never!19:54
Kilosyou are supposed to be doing the africa site for your membership app19:55
Kilosand magespawn   too19:55
Kilosinetpro  ^^19:56
Kilosi go sleep now19:56
inetpronow that he's a member he is....19:57
Kilossay it19:57
inetprook, lemme leave it there rather19:57
Kiloslol im gonna hit you19:57
Kilosyou can sing to me19:58
Kilosstay as sweet as you are19:58
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:59
smileslaapwel :D20:04
magespawnMaaz tell Kilos i am working on it20:31
Maazmagespawn: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:31
magespawngood night all20:31

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