
Unit193knome: Herro?00:04
Unit193So see comments about translations?  Do you have admin rights on there?  Can you look at info?  Does it not import if it's set to 'development'?00:05
* Unit193 is starting to really dislike translations. :P00:06
knomei'll check00:06
* Unit193 has started getting the hang of transifex, though still doesn't get the autocommits, easier than LP!00:06
knome Translations are imported with every update from branch lp:xubuntu-docs. 00:07
Unit193Well whatever.. :/00:10
* Unit193 doesn't have to care.00:10
knomewell if that's the problem, i can request a one-time import00:10
knomethere isn't anything that is not open on the import queue at least00:11
knome desktop-guide/po/desktop-guide.pot in Xubuntu Documentation vivid series 00:11
knomeUploaded by Pasi Lallinaho on 2015-02-15 01:50:22 EET00:11
knomeare you sure it's not fixed now?00:11
Unit193Yeah, saw the queue.00:11
knomein what sizes and shapes would you like me to saw it into?00:11
Unit193Did a pull, nothing new.00:11
knomesince when has this been lagging?00:13
knomeoff to bed. nighty and ttyl00:39
bluesabrerelease done, https://launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/2.0/2.0.0, now to package it up :)00:54
bluesabreso many updates for the greeter packaging03:33
bluesabrewow, he has done a good job with the settings (gtk3 + settings manager integration!) http://i.imgur.com/TMYRS7X.png04:10
Unit193Wow indeed.04:12
elfyUnit193: that's really just :| 07:05
elfyand I thought the background behind try/install was fubar as well, then I see the wallpaper is changed and isn't blue or pink :p07:05
ochosibluesabre: wowza, the gtk3 plug is nice! the 100% tab-width is a bit funny ;)07:11
elfyhi ochosi 07:11
ochosimorning elfy07:11
ochosiwhat background where?07:11
elfywallpaper in vivid 07:11
elfyif you look carefully you'll see ibus in the panel too ... 07:13
elfyUnit193: any idea what's causing it?07:14
Unit193elfy: Might, tried a fix a few hours ago so we'll see with the next images.07:14
elfyokey doke 07:15
elfyI'll see lunchtimeish then 07:15
ochosiah good, the "in development" wallpaper has made it :)07:17
ochosiwait, indicator-keyboard?07:17
ochosidid you install that?07:17
ochosiand indicator-datetime07:17
elfynope - that's what I'm talking to Unit193 about 07:18
Unit193Wow, someone reads me.07:18
elfyof course :)07:18
ochosik, i see07:18
ochosithat diff reminds me a bit of 14.04.207:19
Unit193bluesabre: Oh was supposed to tell you, ll is up in staging, source package in /source/ on sigma.07:19
Unit193So images pop out 12:00utc?07:24
elfya bit before iirc - round about 11:00utc 07:24
Unit193Ah, 6am...07:29
elfyno - that was hours ago now :p07:29
elfyanyway - what did you do to hopefully fix?07:29
Unit193Pushed a fix to the seed.07:29
elfyok 07:30
elfyI see 07:30
elfyit's going to be one of those days is it ;)07:30
Unit193Also, should have light-locker to pull from a PPA.07:32
ochosiwell, if it's really lightdm that is at fault then i guess it's going to be an easy fix07:33
Unit193What makes you think lightdm?07:33
ochosiUnit193: as you're not in release, i07:33
ochosi'll repeat it here :)07:33
ochosilightdm's debian/control file contains this line "unity-greeter | lightdm-greeter | lightdm-kde-greeter"07:34
elfyochosi: he is in there 07:34
ochosiwhile it should say "lightdm-gtk-greeter"07:34
ochosioh, he is?07:34
Unit193ochosi: That's not the problem.  gtk provides lightdm-greeter.07:34
ochosiweird, why did my autocomplete fail then07:34
elfyyea - he's daleksec ... 07:34
ochosiawwwh, man07:35
ochosithat's just annoying07:35
elfyat least when I'm goblin, I'm goblin everywhere :D07:35
ochosiUnit193: would be cool if you could step in and enlighten darkst and seb if you know more than us07:49
Unit193Wasn't looking.  I'm eating cookies. :(07:50
Unit193And, don't know for sure, but we'll see.07:50
ochosianyway, i think they're figuring it out on their own already07:50
DalekSecSeed issues, shouldn't happen but oh well.07:51
Unit193Or, chances might be.07:51
ochositalking to yourself..? :)07:51
Unit193You, cupcake.07:52
* ochosi likes it when Unit193 or DalekSec call him cupcake07:52
ochosi(or at least i prefer it to "sir")07:53
Unit193hah, weeeird preferences there, man.07:53
elfyyou get used to that 'sir' business from there - sometimes it's 'dear' and sometimes it is both 'dear sir' 07:58
ochosione step at a time, next would be "sir cupcake"08:00
Unit193Yes, babe.08:04
elfyUnit193: what are you using to show those diffs? 08:42
elfyoic - just diff08:45
elfyso nvm - because that's obviously not *just* diff if you ask me08:50
Unit193elfy: Why not?09:50
elfynot pretty colours :(09:51
Unit193pastebinit -f diff09:51
elfyaah k - thanks09:52
elfywas looking for something to use locally rather than pasting - hence my confusion :D09:53
slickymasterWorkochosi, unless you strongly disagree, I'm going to give my ok to https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/fixes/+merge/24976810:21
ochosislickymasterWork: if i understand this correctly, that means that translations that are only 70% complete will also be included?10:28
knomeochosi, ja 10:28
slickymasterWorkexactly, currently it will potential mean that we'll ship two - three idioms other then the two were already shipping 10:29
knome122 responses on our survey10:29
knomemore than half still consider themselves power users10:30
knome6 use the accessibility options in xubuntu10:30
knomewhich is interesting, because i don't know exactly what those would be10:30
knome39% use xubuntu for software development, so i'm not sure if we still have a descriptive sample...10:30
ochosislickymasterWork: i saw you discussed this with others already in the channel, i don't disagree with you (despite not having a good idea of the status quo of docs-translations), anyway i trust you on this10:31
knomealso, 28 people want to know more about contributing to xubuntu10:31
ochosislickymasterWork: let's hope it's a good incentive for ppl to contribute to docs translations10:31
knomenow that we've asked that, we might want to consider how do we contact them :)10:31
slickymasterWorkdidn't they left an email?10:32
knomeochosi, at least it gives me more time to slack off until fi is dropped ;P10:32
ochosiyeah, secret recruiting routine ;)10:32
knomeslickymasterWork, sure, but that's just half of the story10:32
knomewho sends them email10:32
knomewhat do they say10:32
slickymasterWorkjust a generic text emphasizing what is the regular process to start to contribute, iei, areas and ways to do it10:34
knomewell my idea is that since they came to the form, filled it, and specifically wanted to know more... it would be nice to be not a generic one :P10:34
brainwashbluesabre, greeter 2.0 has no transparency effects (panel and login window corners). it also loads the default background first and then fades to the user one, but that's maybe intentional10:35
knomebut of course it needs to be a preset one, we don't know about their preferences10:35
knomebut it would be nice if it was something else than something from the website10:36
knomeor we can test them with some new stuff10:36
slickymasterWorknew stuff?10:36
knomelike /getinvolved/teams/ on the staging server10:36
slickymasterWorkI see, that could be a good idea10:37
knomeeven if i say myself, that's a fantastic idea10:38
knomegot to go now though10:38
knomebbl, hf :)10:38
slickymasterWorkyou too knome 10:38
knomewill try to..10:39
ochosibrainwash: simple-scan is fine11:04
ochosilet's take this over here11:04
ochosiobviously it's x/ubuntu specific11:05
brainwashI noticed that I have evince installed and not evince-gtk, not sure if that matters11:07
brainwashok, it doesn't11:07
bluesabrebrainwash: I think ochosi needs to patch greybird for the greeter 2.011:10
bluesabreand I think the initial bg transitiion is intentional... eases default (plymouth-like) background -> user background11:11
ochosii do?11:11
bluesabreI remember andrew p. mentioning something about it way way way way way way back11:11
ochosihumm :)11:11
ochosiguess i'll have to either read the source again or try to launch gtk-inspector in the greeter11:12
bluesabreochosi: if you add "allow-debugging=true" to the greeter config, you can use gtk-inspector11:12
brainwashbluesabre, the fade effect is nice, but not needed is some cases (when relogging, or when the plymouth boot screen is not working properly). maybe it could be made configurable11:14
ochosioh noes, not more configurability11:14
ochosijust look at what unity-greeter is doing11:14
brainwashI'll disable it on my local machine then11:16
brainwashit's a small thing, but it somehow annoys me :)11:16
ochosias long as we don't get many bugreports about stuff like this, let's not touch it11:16
bluesabreuser-background=false or transition-type=none or transition-duration=011:17
brainwashheh, you can configure it already?11:17
ochosiwell yes, but you can't configure *when* the transition should happen11:18
ochosiso different scenarios like boot vs. logout/lock are not accounted for (and shouldn't be as separate options, that just makes everything too confusing)11:18
ochosianyway, off for lunch11:18
ochosibluesabre: i added a workitem for myself to update greybird btw11:19
elfyhi bluesabre brainwash 11:19
brainwashhey elfy 11:20
brainwashochosi, bluesabre: I did not take a look at the updated .conf file, so I missed the new options11:21
bluesabreochosi: cool, thanks11:21
bluesabrehey elfy11:21
brainwashthe xubuntu-default-settings greeter conf needs to be updated11:21
bluesabreyeah, will get to it shortly11:21
brainwashgreat :)11:21
elfyUnit193: new image - looks no different - still ibus etc11:22
ochosihumm, the unlock button also doesn't seem to have the "default button" look anymore11:22
bluesabreochosi: if you get a list of issues together, I can probably patch the greeter for a quick 2.0.1 tonight11:24
bluesabreor create a single bug for "theming issues"11:25
ochosiyup, i'll take a look, maybe i'll also address it in greybird11:25
ochosithose things can usually be fixed two ways11:26
ochosibrainwash: wanna create a bugreport for evince and link it to v-bugs?11:27
ochosigotta run, ttyl11:27
elfybluesabre: you likely to set meeting before beta? 11:28
bluesabredoes this time on Wednesday work for you, elfy?11:29
elfythat'll be this week in case you're not date sure :p11:29
bluesabre(this hour)11:30
elfyabsolutely anytime this week - holiday all week :)11:30
elfyhopefully we'll even have a vivid image that's ours by then 11:30
bluesabreelfy: where do I add it to the google calendar again?11:38
elfygoogle calendar11:40
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, "The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 23rd of Jan 2015 11:00"11:40
slickymasterWork2016 ;)11:40
elfylooks right on wiki 11:40
slickymasterWorkyou mail to the ML11:40
bluesabredang it11:40
bluesabrebad ML11:40
slickymasterWork* your11:40
elfybluesabre: did calendar11:43
bluesabreelfy: thanks11:43
bluesabreochosi: do you want to begin the motu hunt while I'm out today?12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295405 in Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[needs-packaging] Package and upload to vivid" [Wishlist,In progress]12:34
bluesabreSee my last comment12:34
knomewhy two?12:37
bluesabre"Two MOTUs must advocate the package."12:38
knomei've poked Mirv12:38
knomei really should make a list of people i "know" for my sue12:39
bluesabreI wonder if Logan would be willing to sign off on it as well12:39
bluesabreIf I was quicker, could have asked micahg last night12:40
bluesabrebut hadn't started the packaging yet :\12:40
knomethat's okay12:42
knomewe'll find the motus12:42
knomewhat else people we might need than ~motu and ~ubuntu-core-dev?12:46
bluesabrethat should be it... once its uploaded we can move it into the seed and packageset12:47
knomei mean generally, not in this case :)12:47
bluesabreknome: when is the translations deadline?12:47
bluesabrebecause currently it only has ru12:47
* knome opens the release schedule for bluesabre12:48
knomemarch 1912:48
knomeis the doc string freeze12:48
* bluesabre runs to the shower to get ready for work12:48
knomeapril 9 is the deadline for *translations*12:48
knomeso still good time12:48
knomeuifreeze is march 12, subject to some docs stuff12:48
knomelike the installer slideshow12:49
slickymasterWorkless than a month :P12:51
knomethe ui freeze, sure12:51
knomebut generally we are not in a huge rush yet12:51
andrew_the_phi all13:05
andrew_the_pbluesabre: the simpest (at the current moment) way to fix greybird - adding something like "#screen.lightdm-gtk-greeter {background: transparent;}" somewhere in lightdm-gtk-greeter.css13:08
bluesabreandrew_the_p: thanks!13:08
bluesabreochosi: ^13:08
knomepleia2, ping me when you're around. we need to talk about the policies for incoming messages @xubuntu-contacts13:09
bluesabreandrew_the_p: working on getting settings into ubuntu this week :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/+bug/129540513:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295405 in Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[needs-packaging] Package and upload to vivid" [Wishlist,In progress]13:09
bluesabreyou've done a fantastic job with those, and the xfce integration is a nice bit of flair ;)13:09
bluesabregotta run to work now, bbl13:10
knomei like the progress that stuff has been getting lately, both in the xubuntu "in-house" developments, xfce stuff, their ingtegration and much more13:10
knome++ for bluesabre and others who have worked on those :)13:10
elfyI can ++ that too :)13:11
knomei'll top that off with chocolate cookies for everybody13:11
knomeIRL too if you happen to be around helsinki :)13:11
andrew_the_pthx, and about crossfade in greeter: its behavior will be slightly changed in future versions. Some things must be done before it.13:19
brainwashochosi, bug 142235413:20
ubottubug 1422354 in evince (Ubuntu) "Show traditional titlebar when maximized with no GtkHeaderBar present" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142235413:20
elfywe don't use that - evince-gtk works fine here 13:25
brainwashelfy, it does? maximize the window13:27
flexiondotorg_elfy, Atril is an option 😉13:54
brainwashwell, nice titlebar13:56
elfyevince works :)13:59
elfytitlebar is titlebar 13:59
brainwashI did test evince-gtk and it was missing too on my system14:01
elfymmm 14:01
brainwashand ochosi can confirm it14:01
brainwashand the source code says that it should be hidden when maximized14:01
ochosielfy: what version of xfwm4 is that?14:02
elfyok - can see the fail in the failing daily 14:02
ochosiyeah 4.11.3 is the version that exposes the problem14:03
elfyso why do I have a working version 14:06
elfymind you I'm not surprised - I still appear to have dodgy scrollbars in things even after purging that PPA14:08
ochosiright, slightly messed up install maybe ;)14:10
ochosii wouldn't give it too much thought, the problem in evince is well confirmed and explained14:10
ochosiand there's a patch, so soon you won't be the only one with a working version14:10
elfyentirely possible messed up14:10
brainwashonly affects Xfce though, just tested with lubuntu, mate and co14:10
ochosibrainwash: i suggest you do a MR directly with that patch and i'll follow up with seb128 on that14:35
elfyochosi: so - who should we ping about the fubar vivid images ?15:42
elfyany idea? 15:42
ochosielfy: fubar images?15:43
ochosiwhat again now?15:43
ochosiah... you mean because of the messed up depends pulling in unity?15:44
elfyvivid with unity settings and greeter and ibus15:44
ochosihmm good question15:46
ochosii'm not really sure to be honest15:46
ochosipinged Laney again, since he seemed willing to help with 14.04.215:49
ochosiwe'll see what comes of it15:49
elfyyep saw that - thanks15:49
ochosiwell thanks for the reminder, we really need to resolve this asap15:51
elfyyea, I'll try and spend a bit of time getting my head around it15:52
elfybeta arrives next monday/tuesday 15:52
ochosielfy: so Laney kinda suggested we should ping infinity16:17
ochosiso let's do that then16:17
elfyI did - before you were talking to darkxst16:18
ochosiyeah, but that was already a few days ago16:20
elfyno - it was this morning at 07:06UTC :)16:21
ochosioh :)16:21
ochosiin that case i guess we can give it some time16:21
elfyI think he is in the far east or something atm - so timezones even worse :)16:23
PaulW2Uelfy: hi, sorry, only just seen your "hi" in ubuntu+1 :)16:47
PaulW2UDon't like the new wallpaper. Is that for keeps? I prefer 14.10's.16:48
elfyI'm not really sure what goes on over in the arty department ;)16:50
ochosiwell this is the "in development" wallpaper that we'll be using each release from now on until there is a final wallpaper16:51
ochosithat is to visually indicate "you are using a development version, if you break your thumb because you have to type so much to fix all bugs/problems, we're not at fault"16:51
elfyoh - news to me - but fairly logical :)16:52
PaulW2Uso Xubuntu will remain blue (-ish) ?16:52
ochosivery likely16:52
ochosieither way, changing the wallpaper/theme really isn't a big deal...16:53
flexiondotorg_bluesabre, ochosi, elfy, ali1234 - Just you're aware- http://paste.mate-desktop.org/podvawj9x16:56
ochosiluckily most of our stuff uses xfconf16:57
ochosibut thanks for the heads up, i read it in #u-devel too btw ;)16:57
flexiondotorg_ochosi, Just letting you guys know. I suspect there is other "old" GNOME apps that are affected. Not sure what you ship in Xubuntu but if you encounter weirdness, you know what it is.17:02
bluesabrehey all17:27
elfyhi bluesabre :)17:27
ranuhi :)17:29
elfyconfusing myself trying to work out why all these messed up depends we've got 17:30
bluesabresounds like an exciting task17:36
elfyeven more so when it's all double dutch to me ... 17:40
ochosibluesabre: woot, what are you doing around here at this hour??17:51
bluesabreso much snow17:51
ochosialso, the greeter-settings build seems to have failed (says Mirv), which is why i haven't pursued that any further17:51
bluesabrefixing now17:51
ochosibtw, do you know of any apps that could be affected by the gsettings problem that was mentioned by flexiondotorg_?17:57
ochosi(cause i personally don't)17:57
bluesabreochosi: light-locker, for one18:02
bluesabrebut it does not seem to be affected18:02
bluesabremugshot and catfish also use gsettings18:02
bluesabrebut don't seem to be affected18:02
elfygiving up - really confused now ... 18:04
brainwash_unity 1 - elfy 018:05
elfywell I'd go further than just unity :p18:05
ochosibluesabre: yeah, already checked light-locker18:05
elfypackages 1 - elfy 0 :D18:05
ochosibluesabre: i think this is only a problem for oldish apps, of which we don't ship many18:06
elfybrainwash_: I ended up at indicator-keyboard somehow 18:06
brainwash_elfy, it's a nightmare :)18:19
brainwash_bug 1292290 gets bumped regularly with useless comments or status updates, but there is no one to verify the SRU :/18:23
ubottubug 1292290 in Xfwm4 "[SRU] Window manager keybindings don't work after reboot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129229018:23
elfyyep and eventually someone will ask why it's not been fixed yet18:25
ochosibrainwash_: have you actively tried to find people to verify it outside of this channel?18:37
brainwash_I will have to try that18:39
pleia2knome: I won't be around much until Sunday or so19:12
elfyhi pleia2 - have fun :)19:12
pleia2elfy: hey :) thanks19:14
bluesabreochosi: care to test https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings ?19:19
bluesabrejust looking for a second confirmation before requesting motu and archive admin eyes19:20
ochosibluesabre: will do in about 30mins, just have to finish something real quick19:23
bluesabrebrainwash_: I now have exo access, will handle this patch today https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1150419:34
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11504 in Helpers "Update mimeapps.list location (glib >= 2.41)" [Major,Assigned]19:34
bluesabrebrainwash_: and done19:48
brainwash_bluesabre, great. I'll try to re-test it later19:50
brainwash_to make sure that everything works19:50
bluesabreochosi: be sure to test19:50
ochosibluesabre: getting ready to test now...20:21
bluesabreochosi: cool, I've started pinging :)20:21
ochosiok :)20:21
bluesabreit works for me, at least20:21
ochosithat's a good start :)20:22
ochosibluesabre: wowza and ouch20:24
bluesabreoh god20:24
ochosidon't use that with a theme in your home folder :D20:24
ochosiotherwise you'll get the root fallback theme20:24
bluesabresilly ochosi20:24
bluesabreuse greybird or numix :P20:24
bluesabre(we'll fix that in 1.1.120:25
ochosinot knowing what it is, that button looks scary without a tooltip: http://i.imgur.com/drZTLyx.png20:25
ochosi(will it remove the item..?)20:25
ochosii know now what it is, because i clicked20:26
ochosibut i think a tooltip might be helpful20:26
ochosinow i updated some settings, locked the session and got a white screen that was constantly repainted20:28
ochosi(i.e. flickering mouse cursor)20:28
ochosii guess restarting shouldn't be needed, should it?20:28
bluesabreshouldn't be20:28
bluesabresounds like you're exposing some nice greeter bugs20:28
bluesabrebut overall, the settings works, right?20:29
ochosiwell i can't say20:30
ochosibecause the whitescreen never recovered20:30
ochosilemme quickly save my work and then i'll give it another try20:30
sidiwrapping up what's being told right now in #xfce-dev, there won't be a RC for Xfce 4.1220:31
sidiyou should test the latest 4.11 components instead, if willing to do some last minute testing20:31
sidiXfwm just had a release, settings is following20:31
ochosibluesabre: i like it when sidi gives us a heads up! (:20:31
bluesabreI hear an echo20:31
sidisome people here are not on #xfce-dev ;P20:32
sidiand those people are the people doing the testing for Xub :p20:32
ochosibluesabre: ok, i'll quickly reboot and then test again20:32
bluesabrefair enough :)20:32
bluesabreochosi, a simple switch between two system-wide themes would have been sufficient for me :P20:33
bluesabre(for now, approaching FF as we are)20:33
ochosiok, now it works20:36
ochosithe reboot has fixed everything20:36
ochosicould be that i just updated greeter, lightdm and the settings app without rebooting20:36
ochosimaybe that wasnt such a swell idea...20:36
bluesabreliving dangerously20:36
bluesabrewant to comment on the bug that you tested the package and it works for you?20:37
ochosialready on it20:37
bluesabreI subbed ubuntu-sponsors after my last comment to set this up to notify >:)20:37
ochosigreeter development was always dangerous ;)20:37
elfysidi: thanks for showing some of the kindness of telling us things that others in here just assume we know :p20:44
elfys/showing some of us 20:45
ochosiwell, we'd have told you on time though ;)20:45
ochosifor now it seemed a bit like "no news"20:46
elfyha 20:46
sidielfy, you're welcome :p20:46
ochosiwe've all been guinea-pigs for 4.11 all along, so i have no idea what else we could do to test it more20:46
sidiochosi, that's quite true20:47
sidiit'd be good to have people do a clean install20:47
sidijust to check the xfconf keys we ship by default20:47
ochosiright, but the thing is that the xubuntu team is already doing quite a lot of testing...20:47
ochosithis sort of clean install you're referring to (vanilla xfce) is something you should contact the arch users about ;)20:48
slickymasterUnit193, https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/fixes/+merge/249768 approved and merged20:48
ochosifolks, all the help links seem to be broken in vivid's settings manager, can you confirm that?21:01
slickymasterI'll just be able to tomorrow ochosi :P21:02
elfyworks here - but as we worked out ... bit broken - booting vm 21:02
* slickymaster wanders to see how's his fish going21:04
elfyround and round looking out the glass21:04
elfyor frying ... 21:04
bluesabreochosi: broken in what way?21:05
elfyochosi: vm - tried 4 or 5 helps - all work 21:05
bluesabrethere is an issue with firefox 35+ in vivid that links don't open21:05
elfyreally? 35 worked when I had it21:05
bluesabremaybe just 36 then21:06
elfy36 failed badly - had to go back, but there was only 34 available by then :|21:06
elfyyea - I could ack that for sure :)21:06
elfyyea ... though I actually only noticed from inside (he)xchat21:06
ochosihm, so maybe it's ff then21:07
bluesabreif ff opens at your home screen, then most likely21:08
elfyif that's what you're seeing I would think so 21:08
elfybluesabre: I got - click link - ff opens new instance at 'home' iirc21:08
ochosiyeah, got that too21:08
elfyochosi: panic ye not :)21:09
ochosiok ok21:10
* ochosi calms himself down21:10
knomepleia2, that's fine21:33
ochosibluesabre: indeed, help works fine with chromium21:36
* ochosi shakes his fist at firefox21:36
knomesilly ochosi, being mad at software :)21:37
bluesabrefirefox protects your privacy by not letting you access the internet while drunk21:37
bluesabreor sober21:37
knomewell it should if you're a jerk like ochosi...21:38
* knome hides21:38
elfyhello knome 21:38
knomeelfy, i can't talk, i'm hiding21:38
elfyballoons is as good 21:39
knomegood in what?21:39
ochosijjfrv8: i think we have a "job opening" for you... :)22:20
elfyslickymaster: remember https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1404275/+merge/24520122:20
elfybug is not invalid now :) 22:21
elfycan I go now ochosi :p22:22
ochosiwhich bug is not invalid now?22:22
elfytestcase one - still no need to panic :)22:22
elfybig 140427522:22
elfybug 140427522:23
ubottubug 1404275 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Imgur hosting option missing" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140427522:23
knomebig big22:23
elfyfix the little bugs and the big big's are so big - they'll get left 22:24
elfyochosi: I'm getting a bit itchy re 14.04.2 - if we only get the chance to do some quick smoketests to prove install - what's your opinion on that? 22:25
ochosihow many days are left now?22:26
elfynot including the 2 hours left today - 3 22:26
ochosii'd say we continue to ping infinity22:29
ObrienDavewhich test case do you need help with the most?22:30
slickymasterelfy: I'll review it tomorrow22:30
elfyochosi: mmm - let's not all do that - given that I'm sure wxl will be doing it as well :)22:34
elfyslickymaster: okey doke - thanks 22:34
elfyochosi: if you don't notice -release often - check now and you'll see what I meant :)23:29
Unit193bluesabre: Can you refresh and upload xubuntu-meta?23:31
Unit193slickymaster: Thanks for the comments!23:32
bluesabreUnit193: it's time?23:32
Unit193I'd say so.23:32
elfyUnit193: did you catch the image still being fubar? 23:33
Unit193elfy: Yeah, hoping this might help.23:33
ochosielfy: i actually read it, mr release manager ;)23:34
Unit193Otherwise, will have to try and revert some changes.23:34
elfyok Unit193 - as soon as I know the new one's there I'll sync it and check it here 23:34
elfyochosi: ha - don't know if you've got things set to ping you there or not :)23:35
elfyI shall now wander off until Friday and see how the other 2 in release team did :D23:35
Unit193bluesabre: Of course take a look at the changelog and make sure nothing too odd.23:35
bluesabreUnit193: looks good for now23:36
elfyUnit193: at some point if you could point me at 'what' and 'where' you look to see what this sort of issue could be - I'd love to know 23:36
elfyespecially if you're going to be doing more 'other' stuff here23:37
elfyjust not today ;)23:37
slickymasterat you service Unit193 ;)23:38
elfywhich might be completely a non-starter, but if I can lessen *our* load somehow - always good 23:38
elfyochosi: so I've never brought this up as a bug nor reported, because just assumed - apps, run some qt thing - clementine for example23:42
knomebluesabre, want me to ping Mirv again tomorrow?23:42
elfychange them - it changes, change them - it doesn't - fails to see theme change second time - needs reboot23:42
ochosielfy: but generally it applies the theme the first time?23:43
ochosineeds reboot or restart of the app/s?23:43
elfyyep - clementine has numix - even though changed back to greybird23:43
elfynope - only restart23:43
ochosii guess there's not much we can do about that...23:43
ochosithat used to be a problem wth gtk3 as well23:44
ochosibut they fixed it23:44
elfyok - this is why I've not bothered mentioning it :)23:44
ochosii'd say it's very low priority23:44
elfyassumed QT 23:44
elfyyea yea 23:44
ochosiqt or the gtk-qt interaction23:44
bluesabreknome: sure, and I'll reach out to a few others in the morning23:45
elfythe trolltech thing we did a short while ago at least meant I didn't need to do any more than install tbh23:45
knomebluesabre, oki, i'll do that when i woke up or sth :D23:45

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