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tennis_hi guys. What does this mean? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d07b97605b2deb8eb2aa15:35
Odd_Bloketennis_: What version of cloud-init are you running, and which data source are you using/where are you running it?15:36
tennis_Odd_Bloke: Its on a CentOS 7.0 box running on Vagrant.  Getting cloud-ini version ...15:47
tennis_Odd_Bloke: its version 0.7.515:47
tennis_Odd_Bloke: not sure what you mean by "data source" 15:48
Odd_Bloketennis_: Can you pastebin /var/log/cloud-init.log?15:53
tennis_Odd_Bloke: ok...just a sec15:53
tennis_Odd_Bloke: here is is: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f8df9e9903517df34a7415:54
Odd_Bloketennis_: So those warnings shouldn't be appearing; that's a bug.15:56
tennis_I think I see part of the problem. is the address for getting meta-data on cloud instances (aws).  That does not exist on Vagrant. Looks like i need to remove that part for vagrant instances (a hassle), or spoof the address if running under Vagrant (not sure if possible).15:56
Odd_Bloketennis_: But, yeah, they're just in exception handling.15:57
Odd_Bloketennis_: The exception is telling us that those metadata addresses don't exist.15:57
tennis_Odd_Bloke: Still a bug then?15:57
Odd_Bloketennis_: Yeah, those exceptions are expected so they shouldn't be showing up as warnings.15:58
Odd_Bloke(This might have been fixed since cloud-init 0.7.5)15:58
Odd_Bloketennis_: You can configure the data sources that cloud-init will use; that's probably what you want to do.15:58
tennis_Odd_Bloke: ah, ok.  Afaik, this is the latest version in CentOS 7.015:58
tennis_Odd_Bloke: Can you point me to an example? :)15:59
Odd_Bloketennis_: Do you have anything in /etc/cloud?15:59
tennis_Think so ... brb15:59
Odd_Bloke(I only work with cloud-init on Ubuntu, so the packaging etc. might be quite different)15:59
tennis_Here is the config file from /etc/cloud: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8ad13661fa1be5a4cb4416:00
Odd_Bloketennis_: You can add a 'datasource_list: [ None ]' line to that (or, possibly, to a file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d) which will stop it from trying to use the default list of datasources.16:03
tennis_ok.  Do you happen to know if anyone ever spoofed the 196.254... address for vagrant so the init files can be the same everywhere?16:04
tennis_Hmmmm .... I wonder, why does datasource even try to run on vagrant, it says "Ec2" as a keyword. That would imply it should ignore this def on vagrant/virtualbox16:06
Odd_Bloketennis_: The only way cloud-init knows which data sources to use is by being configured.16:06
Odd_Bloketennis_: Otherwise it tries them all until it finds one that works.16:07
tennis_Odd_Bloke: ok, but "ec2" is configured, and the environment is not ec2.  Just a thought. :)16:08
tennis_That is, the ec2 keyword is mostly meaningless. :)16:08
tennis_Not complaining, just saying.16:08
Odd_Bloketennis_: You'd have to speak to the package maintainer in CentOS; that's not in the upstream config file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/config/cloud.cfg16:09
Odd_Bloketennis_: (But, yeah, it's configuration that won't be used in your use case)16:10
tennis_Odd_Bloke: not sure what you mean by it not being in the upstream config file. ? 16:11
Odd_Bloketennis_: That "datasource:\n  Ec2:..." stanza isn't in the cloud.cfg distributed by cloud-init; I assume it's been added by the CentOS packaging.16:12
tennis_Odd_Bloke: ah, ok...16:12
Odd_BlokeBut, again, it doesn't really matter.  If you configure cloud-init to not use the EC2 datasource, it won't use that configuration.16:13
tennis_Odd_Bloke: yup.  Or I figure out some way to emulate the services at ... not sure which is the better solution.  16:13
Odd_Bloketennis_: Configuration.16:14
tennis_Odd_Bloke: think so?16:14
Odd_Bloketennis_: Given it's a single line to drop in, yes.16:15
Odd_BlokeMuch better than re-implementing EC2s entire metadata service. :)16:15
tennis_Odd_Bloke: true dat. :) Thanks16:19
ericsnowwhat would it take to get vSphere (vmware) support added to cloud-init?17:09
ericsnowwould it be better to take the approach of using ConfigDrive? (Ben Howard recommended this to me)17:10
ericsnowwhat about other cloud providers (rackspace cloud and softlayer)?17:11
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_
harlowja_fyi, go vote for https://www.openstack.org/vote-vancouver//Presentation/title-evil-superusers-howto-launching-instances-to-do-your-bidding :-P23:59

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