
Kiloshi tsega05:33
tsegaHi, I though I was here when I sent the message05:35
tsegait looks like the list is the same which is not a bad thing :-)05:35
Kilosno it is bigger05:35
Kilossome only arrive later05:36
tsegaI'm looking for some people in the Sudan, I recently connected with one guy there, I'm hoping he would be interested in Ubuntu-Africa05:36
Kilostunisia guys seem very busy so only get time later05:36
Kilosyes please try get him here05:37
Kilosthe whole east coast up there is in your hands05:37
tsegaWow, I'm delighted to take on the challenge05:37
Kilosi have mailed some countries whithout replies05:38
tsegaThe Kenyan Group seems to be really organized, stickyboy was suggesting a few things as well so I have no worries about that.05:38
Kilosthere is no ubuntu group active there atm, they are in the lug05:39
Kiloskenju254  is one ubuntu user thats here05:40
Kilosstill looking for the others05:40
tsegaHave you seen this, https://lists.ubuntu.com/05:42
Kilostoo much reading for me05:42
Kilosim trying to learn bzr and nikola for our upcoming site05:43
tsegaOK I just thought I'll pick some east african countries from there and send them emails, and just search the Internet for possible people in those countries that use Ubuntu. Just an idea.05:44
Kilosany way you do it is good05:45
Kilosadd this link in you mails too http://slexy.org/view/s2RNrWvZLY and add whatever you want to it05:46
Kilospeeps seem more keen if they see there are closer countries involved as well05:46
Kiloslol and remind them to add this channel in their favourites so they dont forget05:49
Kilosif i disappear its because of power, we are in serious load shedding times here05:54
tsegaThat's OK, it's Africa remember :-) we have the same problem here.06:06
tsegabut hopefully not for long06:06
tsegaI just sent messages to the Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania teams; let's wait and see what happens.06:07
Kilosty tsega06:11
tsegamy pleasure06:11
stickyboyKilos: You and your Ubuntu crusade!06:16
Kiloshaha stickyboy  its a start towards connecting all linux users in africa06:16
stickyboyNairobi GNU/Linux Users Group... GNU + Linux.06:16
stickyboyNo Ubuntu.06:17
Kilosubuntu being the flagship of course06:17
stickyboyThat's where we'll have contention, sir!06:17
Kiloswell one must look at the matter logically06:17
stickyboyBah humbug!06:18
Kilosi am an ubuntu user, battle with the bleeding edge distros06:18
stickyboyKilos: I guess we have two separate goals.06:18
Kiloswhat is your goal?06:18
stickyboyI want to promote free, libre, open-source software.06:19
Kilosapart from helping me of course06:19
Kiloshi eebrah06:19
stickyboyNot be a cheerleader for a certain "brand" of GNU/Linux.06:19
stickyboyIt doesn't help that Mark Shuttleworth's politics and technical decisions put him at odds with technical users.06:20
Kilosthe basic idea i had was to connect all linux users in africa and just because im doing it from ubuntu should scare anyone away06:20
Kilosthis is my project not marks06:21
stickyboyKilos: It's just a little to much "Ubuntu, fuck yeah!" for me.06:21
Kiloshaving different points of view should never be allowed to get in the way of progress06:22
Kilosthe idea is to have a channel where all linux help is available to everyone06:23
stickyboyKilos: Start by calling it "linux-africa" then ;)06:25
stickyboyYou have a good heart, Kilos.06:25
Kilosyou can be stubborn at times hey :D06:25
Kilospersonnaly i dont want distro choice to be in anyones way, so what if you use arch is my opinion06:26
stickyboyKilos: Start by calling it "linux-africa" then ;)06:26
stickyboyMight be a good time to do it, before we get 1000 users in here.06:27
Kilosinstead of nitpicking amongst ourselves we should all band together against the biggest os06:27
stickyboyKilos: Linux isn't perfect. Don't forget that.06:27
stickyboyWe have to remember our core freedoms, and promote those.06:27
Kilosyes its up to all linux users to improve it06:28
Kilosthe whole aim is strengthen and unite and support all linux users in africa, there will always be guys from other distros who prefer their choice06:30
Kilosso what, lets all do it together06:31
stickyboyKilos: Start by calling it "linux-africa" then ;)06:32
stickyboyKilos: Sorry :)06:32
stickyboySeems like a good answer to lots of your points. ;)06:32
Kiloshi emk  welcome to ubuntu-africa06:32
emkHey Kilos...06:32
Kilosstickyboy  all i can use comfortably without breaking it is kubuntu06:33
emkKilos: are you holding eany events in Nairobi06:33
Kilosemk  im still trying to get the nairobi guys here first06:33
Kilosstickyboy  was my first contact in africa outside of za06:34
stickyboyGod I hate URL shorteners.06:35
stickyboyLink on twitter: t.co/blahhhhh -> http://ars.to/1EGcsr2 -> real link.06:35
stickyboyThese URL shorteners, basically PHP + Linux + Apache or whatever, create another sort of "DNS" resolution. It's obscene.06:36
stickyboyIt's anti privacy. It's not good for longevity of links. It's obfuscation.06:36
emkwoah.. its telling that there is no mention of "Nairobi" or "Kenya" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams06:37
stickyboyemk: Ebb and flow. There probably was once.06:38
Kiloswe need to get them in emk06:38
emkKilos: there's a very active LUG06:38
Kilosi have made contact with one guy in kenya so far, will find more as soon as everyone pulls together06:39
Kiloslugs are welcome here06:39
stickyboyPoor tsega. Internet in Ethiopia is insanely bad.06:39
emkThere are 6 kenyans  or atleast (kenya residents) here06:39
Kilosoh ya i forgot my favourite first find06:40
Kilosstickyboy  +106:40
Kilosstubborn but so helpful06:40
stickyboyI'll drink to that.06:40
Kilosspotty  coffee on06:41
* spotty puts the kettle on06:41
Kilosstickyboy  just coffee please the bot06:41
Kiloscyber coffee is much cheaper than the real stuff06:42
spottyCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:45
Kilosspotty  ty06:45
spottyMy pleasure Kilos06:45
Kilosemk  i am actually scared to ask06:47
Kiloswhat os are you using06:47
emkDepends on the laptop I'm on, it's either Ubuntu 13.04 or Fedora2106:48
Kilosgreat. there is no ubuntu group there06:49
Kiloskenju254  also uses ubuntu06:49
Kilosstickyboy  is a serious linuxxer so using something else06:50
emkKilos: serious linux people dont' use Ubuntu?06:50
Kilosask for stickyboy  's opinion06:51
stickyboyQuestion: how can you get a raw gzip stream from a HTTP server?06:51
stickyboyKilos: Ubuntu on the server, almost as a religion.06:51
Kilosand kubuntu on the desktop06:52
stickyboyKilos: Never. :)06:53
Kilosi love it06:53
Kiloseverything works here06:54
stickyboyKilos: MariaDB vs MySQL06:54
stickyboysystemd vs upstart. Whyyyyyyyyy06:54
eebrahstickyboy: gzipped html? ama anything?06:54
stickyboyUnity vs GNOME. Wyyyyyyyyy06:55
stickyboyWayland vs Mir. Whyyyyyyy06:55
Kiloswe can learn from restaurants. they serve meat and vegetarian dishes06:55
stickyboyMark Shuttleworth pretends he's Steve Jobs, up to the turtleneck!06:55
Kilosforget all that06:55
eebrahstickyboy: We are the chosen ones, the "apple" of linux, you do not question our choices06:55
stickyboyeebrah: Hah :D06:56
stickyboyeebrah: yes, gzipped html output.06:56
Kilosthe main goal is to get you all pulling together06:56
emkstickyboy: on one point MariaDB vs MySQL... the answer should be "Just use PostgreSQL"06:56
stickyboyeebrah: I'm comparing gzip compression levels of nginx's gzip compressor.06:56
stickyboyeebrah: Indeed!06:56
eebrahemk: not really06:56
stickyboyI think there is no usecase where MySQL is better at anything than PostgreSQL...06:57
stickyboyExcept "easy to understand".06:57
eebrahstickyboy: I remember how to force it in PHP ... but there is a simple apache config entry for that06:57
stickyboyeebrah: Nah, I'm just trying to curl it, but it handily comes out uncompressed.06:58
eebrahstickyboy: Really wanna rant and rail about flipboards web offering but I am not part of any web dev communities on IRC07:00
stickyboyeebrah: Got it.07:00
stickyboy$ curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" https://blah | gunzip - | less07:01
eebrahstickyboy: nice07:01
eebrahI think I'm hijacking other peoples chatroom :(07:01
stickyboyeebrah: Linux is winning.07:02
stickyboyNo more, no less.07:02
stickyboyeebrah: Let's start a BSD user group.07:02
stickyboyI don't even think I could install it.07:02
stickyboyI desperately want to try DragonFly and FreeBSD.07:02
stickyboyThe BSDs are doing real engineering. Academic stuff, man.07:03
stickyboyNetBSD consistently sets Internet speed records.07:03
stickyboyOpenBSD, you know they're paranoid as fffffff with code quality, documentation, etc.07:03
stickyboyDragonFly BSD and their work on concurrency and filesystems...07:03
emkFreeBSD is easy (and the handbook gives you step by step), and I've read somewhere the the PF ver is FreeBSD is either more current or more stable (cant remember which)07:04
eebrahstickyboy: I'm in ... we should track down chiteri07:05
eebrahBSD these days feels very linuxy07:06
eebrahor is it the other way round ... or a combination?07:06
eebrahopenBSD have GNOME 3 working very well, It's on track in FreeBSD as well07:07
stickyboyeebrah: GNOME 3.what? Last I checked, GNOME was getting too systemd -> Linux dep heavy.07:08
arnaudmezHi Guys07:39
Kiloshi arnaudmez07:39
arnaudmezWould like to thank Neo31 for his reply07:40
Kiloshe comes on late07:40
Kilosthey sleep lots in tunisia it seems07:40
arnaudmezbeing a French person like me, the source he put in my disposition is helping me a lot07:40
eebrahstickyboy: 3.10 is the last I remember working08:23
stickyboyeebrah: Ah ok.08:24
stickyboyFor all we know, Kilos is part of Equation APT.08:57
Kiloslol im to dumb to be part of that kinda stuff08:58
Kilosmy greatest skill is breathing09:00
* stickyboy has to briefly go into the Java zone.09:01
stickyboyarnaudmez: Sup14:11
arnaudmezhi stickyboy14:32
stickyboyarnaudmez: Hacking on a Java project, listening to deep house music, and answering emails.14:33
stickyboyWhat are you up to?14:33
stickyboyOh, I'm also pushing a bunch of commits to GitHub...14:33
arnaudmezstickyboy: :D15:02
arnaudmezstickyboy: Listening to Soft Instrumental Music, Preparin' on Command Line course, answering mails, configuring a POS, anwering phone and making sure I don't hangup and become a script15:04
Neo31hi arnaudmez :)15:07
Neo31welcome back15:07
Neo31hey stickyboy :)15:07
Kilosafternoon guys15:07
Neo31Kilos, welcome to the chan15:07
arnaudmezWill ubuntu take over the entire15:09
Kiloshi tsega15:39
tsegaI've got word from my Sudan contact and he said he would be happy to join us. I'll send him an email to join us here.15:40
Kilosarnaudmez  no one is taking over anything, we are just making a channel where everyone can get together in one place15:40
Kilosgood nwews that tsega15:41
Kilosnews as well15:41
arnaudmezKilos: Ubuntu should take it whole !15:42
Kilosstickyboy  will fight with me15:45
Kiloshe says this channel should be linux-africa15:46
Kilosthe nairobi lug has many linux users and few ubuntu users15:47
Kilostsega get each one of your contacts to get the groups of ubuntu users together, they can all join here or even just a representative of the group15:50
Kilosthen ask Neo31  to sort the wiki page accordingly15:51
Neo31roger that Kilos15:57
Kilosty Neo31  we will get there15:57
Kiloswho is going to find out how to contact that guys, he was on th za channel for help or something about 1 year ago and i get his tips in a mail but dont know how to contact him16:55
tsegaKilos: it looks like he's got a Google+ page, https://plus.google.com/+ChukwudiEmmanuelUdegbunam/posts17:37
Kilosi dont use G+ even though i have an account, but whoever gets contact and say the search is from Kilos on #ubuntu-za17:39
Kilosi get mixed up with all these funny online things17:39
tsegaOK I'll do it!17:53
Kilos'ty tsega17:54
Kiloscool ty man17:57
Kilosi think we still need contacts in nigeria, he can work on that17:58
stickyboyKilos: :D18:08
Kilosstickyboy  :D18:08
stickyboyKilos: I ordered shoes from Asos last year.18:08
stickyboySame as that guy in Nigeria. It was a fucking shlep.18:09
stickyboyBut nice shoes, really cheap.18:09
stickyboyShlep because of Kenyan customs and revenue blah.18:11
Kiloscustoms is a pain everywhere18:12
stickyboyWe don't pay customs in US. :D18:12
stickyboyShit just arrives on your doorstep. :)18:12
Kiloswe even battle to get a shipment of official ubuntu dvds cleared18:12
stickyboyKilos: Wow!18:12
Kilosevery seems to want their cut of everything, but the dvds are free so upsets the cart18:13
stickyboyJust had amazing red snapper with some LUG guys.18:28
stickyboyKilos: You were probably using a BBS on dialup, eh?18:32
* stickyboy was using AOL in 1990s.18:32
Kiloswhats a bbs18:33
Neo31lol stickyboy how old are u?18:34
stickyboyNeo31: 3018:34
stickyboyKilos: bulletin board :)18:35
stickyboyKilos: Some really old Internet shit. :D18:35
Kilosi dont even know how to use them18:35
stickyboyKilos: Me neither. :P18:35
stickyboyThey were before the "Internet" (aka WWW).18:35
stickyboyOk, one cup of coffee and I will finish this git repo stuff.18:41
stickyboyI got a monster blog post coming about nginx.18:41
tsegastickyboy: nice to finally find you here19:04
stickyboytsega: Yah19:07
stickyboyIn the office, working on DSpace. :)19:07
stickyboyFuck my life, eh?19:07
stickyboyNah, pushing code to GitHub, drinking coffee, life is good.19:07
tsegaWhat ?!?!?! Still at the office!!!19:09
tsegaOh OK ... I get it19:09
stickyboytsega: Yeah, listening to good music, merging a bunch of dev branches for the test server.19:10
stickyboytsega: Drinking Tomoca btw. :)19:10
tsegaKilos, I believe when stickboy mentioned the BBS, he was referring to the website you are working on.19:10
tsegaTomoca, you mean the actual brand from Addis?19:10
stickyboytsega: Nah. Old school pre-www bulletin boards. :P19:11
stickyboytsega: Of course. Got 3 bags of Tomoca and some Robera here. :)19:11
stickyboyWe have a bean-to-cup machine in the office. Beans in the back, espresso out the front.19:11
tsegaHmm ... I was under the impression Kenya had some good brands as well.19:11
Kiloshahaha tsega  he is so cheeky19:11
Kilosits because im using bzr instead of the git stuff19:12
stickyboytsega: I dunno, Kenyan coffee can be nice, but it's twice the cost of Tomoca.19:13
stickyboyWe get 500g bag for ~180 ETB equivalent!19:13
stickyboyTomoca is ~95 ETB, and Robera is even cheaper, like 75 or so!19:13
tsegaKilos: Yeah you should meet him in person, he is CRAZY about Linux & git, everybody in the office knows that19:13
stickyboytsega: Why thank you. :D19:13
stickyboyAlso, my coffee is in an Arch Linux mug on my desk... ;) Kilos!19:14
stickyboyAnd the lanyard on my ID is Arch Linux too.  I bought them and gave them to everyone in the office!19:14
tsegastickyboy: Maybe I should Posta some to you :-)19:14
stickyboytsega: You are also a great user of GitHub. I watch your commits and the way you use issues.19:15
stickyboyVery good, man. Top notch.19:15
Kilosgit is too difficult for me to even consider19:15
stickyboyKilos: No problem. :)19:15
stickyboyKilos: bzr is too simple for me. I don't think I would get it.19:15
tsegaKilos: I bet if you use for a week you would love it.19:16
Kilosit would take me 2 months to even understand it19:17
tsegaAll you need to know is a handful of commands to get started.19:17
Kilosthats the prob19:17
Kilostoo many commands all over19:17
Kilosim too old to learn so much so fast19:17
Kilosand been where none of you have19:18
stickyboyKilos: The Moon?19:18
Kilosthe working half of my brain is lying on a farm after head busted open19:18
stickyboyJokes, I feel like that too. I want to quit my job and get on a bus to Malawi.19:18
Kilosno man stickyboy  the happy hunting grounds19:19
Kilosneeded to be rebooted in icu19:19
tsegaKilos:  I've read your bio19:19
Kilosso first ill do bzr and nikola then maybe look at git19:20
tsegaAll I can say is that you're one tough cookie!19:20
tsegaNever heard of it19:21
Kilosna too stupid to know when to give up19:21
Kilosyou saw the ubuntu za site right?19:21
stickyboytsega: Nikola == static site generator19:21
stickyboyWritten in Python19:21
tsegaYeah I just googled it19:22
stickyboyRaise your hand if you want me to tell you the best gangsta rap album of 2014.19:22
tsegaHmm ... how does it overcome the maintenance headache?19:22
stickyboytsega: https://nairobilug.or.ke is statically generated too, using Pelican. We have the entire repo + site on GitHub.19:23
stickyboyhttp://github.com/nairobilug/nairobilug.or.ke   <--- 26 forks, with half that many users contributing blogs, merging fixes, etc.19:23
stickyboySuper democratic.19:23
stickyboyFor the record, Y.G. - My Krazy Life is the best gangsta rap album of 2014.19:24
stickyboyListen to "Left, Right" and see if you can stop your head from bobbing up and down.19:24
tsegaYG, Gangsta Rap ... not really my style and I saw the "Left, Right" video just a bit and I confirm it's not for me.19:37
tsegaThe static sites looks good but what's the process there, how do you edit it?19:37
stickyboytsega: You write content in markdown and then run `pelican`. :)19:43
stickyboyIt generates your site based on HTML templates and Jinja2 magic.19:43
stickyboyThen the site is just HTML + CSS + JS.19:44
* stickyboy turns on Left, Right, to see if it's for him.19:44
stickyboyBut like an hour ago I was listening to Death Metal, soooooo.19:45
tsegastickyboy: I don't think we have the same taste in music19:51
stickyboytsega: I don't think so. :D19:51
stickyboyI think I am an extreme person.19:51
tsegaI'll give you that!19:51
Kiloswe noticed19:52
tsegaOK people, I think I'll just call it a day for me, I have a busy day tomorrow. I'll try to drop in though.19:55
tsegaKilos: I definitely send you a message if I have any updates19:55
Kilosnight tsega19:55
Kiloscool tsega  ty19:56
Kilossleep tight19:56
tsegastickyboy: pleasure talking to you ... as always ... catch you later19:56

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