
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
robruout for dinner, bbl!01:08
imgbot=== IMAGE 102 building (started: 20150217-02:05) ===02:05
popeythat must mean bed time02:05
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 236 building (started: 20150217-03:05) ===03:05
imgbot=== IMAGE 102 DONE (finished: 20150217-03:40) ===03:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/102.changes ===03:40
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 236 DONE (finished: 20150217-04:25) ===04:25
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/236.changes ===04:25
bzoltan_trainguards: May I ask for a reconf of the rtm silo1? I just have added the gles branch05:18
bzoltan_robru: Mirv^05:18
robrubzoltan_: done05:22
bzoltan_robru: Thank you05:37
robrubzoltan_: you're welcome05:44
robrubzoltan_: no idea why that didn't work for you. Anyway, building.05:52
bzoltan_robru:  black magic :)05:55
robrubzoltan_: i think there's some kind of race condition, i guess i reconfigured before the previous build finished, and the previous build saved it's state over top of the new reconfigure.05:56
Mirvmagic morning06:08
Mirvrobru: saviq's unity8 was compiled against the new Qt correctly, but yes misses the clog entry06:10
robruMirv: good to know the released version is compiled correctly, but really we're just lucky that your release was a no change rebuild. Had your change actually had some content to it, it would have been reverted by the duplicate publication. Definitely not a happy situation.06:12
Mirvrobru: yes, but indeed I published Saviq's Unity 8 and checked it was alright, just missing that it should have nevertheless been rebuilt to pick up the changelog entry. I also pushed force rebuilds of all other components that were conflicting, but misunderstood the Unity8 silo was recent build enough06:15
Mirvrobru: but indeed we'll end up in more problematic situations sooner or later since we nowadays tend to be ok with assigning conflicting silos since it improves workflow otherwise06:16
robruMirv: yeah there's a few cases where conflicts need to be handled better. Eg when a conflict is published, I'd like the dashboard to indicate that the other conflicts are dirty and need rebuilding.06:18
Mirvkgunn: yes Qt 5.4 actually part of vivid now, including the vivid image #10206:19
Mirvrobru: and even flagging the conflicting silos in general (like 018 having red "003" text besides it) reminds people more often that they need to co-operate06:22
robruMirv: yeah that's a good idea too.06:22
bzoltan_Mirv:  could you help me to restart this build http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-ci/515/rebuild ?06:49
Mirvbzoltan_: done07:00
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Davmor3jibel sil2100: phone just reminded me I need to go to the docs at 09:3009:02
jibelDavmor3, OK, enjoy.09:03
sil2100davmor2: k09:05
nerochiarooSoMoN: good morning. Just saw the email you messages me about yesterday. any updates ?09:05
oSoMoNnerochiaro, not much, still trying to figure out a workaround for the fullscreen/autopilot issue09:06
sil2100cihelp: hey, what is the reason that we don't have smoketesting results for manta and flo devices for vivid/devel?09:07
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, so camera-app has still AP tests failing on krilling that need attention, right ?09:08
oSoMoNnerochiaro, yes, can you have a look at those?09:08
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, i am on it09:08
nerochiarooSoMoN: should i use the packages from here https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~bfiller/com.ubuntu.gallery_2.9.1.1149_armhf.click as bill said or build trunk myself ?09:09
oSoMoNnerochiaro, that’s a package for gallery-app :)09:09
vilasil2100: all flo and manta devices appear to be offline on q-jenkins09:10
vilasil2100: did you notice this recently ?09:11
nerochiarooSoMoN: right. he has camera packages on there too, but i guess i will try both rebuild and use from there, hopefully they will give the same errors09:11
sil2100vila: no, it seems they're gone since quite a while, we just didn't really put too much attention to that before09:12
sil2100But I suppose it would be nice to at least try getting those two working on smoketesting09:12
vilasil2100: will raise the issue09:18
evsil2100: can you help me understand the severity of this? Is someone explicitly needing manta/flo for a project?09:24
sil2100ev: currently we still don't put much pressure on tablets and flo, but these are still our officially supported devices for the development channel09:25
sil2100ev: with MWC around the corner, it would be also nice to actually see if those devices are still booting at least, and what's their general status09:26
ogra_ev, marketing and sales use the tablets to demo the sidestage09:27
pete-woodstrainguards: hi folks. I've added a new MR for indicator-network to line 41 of the sheet (rtm silo 007), and line 32 (vivid silo 015). could these be reconfigured appropriately?09:27
Mirvpete-woods: sure09:28
pete-woodsthanks :)09:28
evso we're bringing manta and flo to MWC and showing off the sidestage there? That's very useful information.09:28
Mirvpete-woods: there's no vivid silo 015?09:29
Mirvpete-woods: unping, wrong page :)09:29
ev(the big problem we've had with those two devices is that they're near-impossible to wire for automation - we cannot programmatically reboot them like we can with mako/bq)09:29
ogra_ev, not sure, but that is what happened the last years09:30
ogra_someone should confirm that indeed09:30
evyes, indeed09:30
pete-woodsMirv: no, I think you're correct. I was obviously hallucinating when looking up the silo for vivid, it doesn't have a silo allocated yet09:30
pete-woodsoh wait, now it does?? I'm super confused09:32
Mirvpete-woods: it did have, but the spreadsheet was then empty for a little while, and now that spreadsheet again knows about I'm reconfiguring it09:32
pete-woodsoh, cool. glad to know I've not lost my mind09:33
Mirvthe spreadsheet occasionally makes you think that09:33
sil2100john-mcaleely: hey! Is the device tarball ready already? :)09:36
sil2100I mean, did you test it fully already?09:36
sil2100Ah, I see you did09:36
popeycihelp: jenkins seems busted. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10270569/ - trying to rebuild this.
popey(is this known)?09:37
vilapopey: /me looks09:39
vilapopey: O_0 where did you get that jenkins gut spilling ?09:40
popeytrying to re-run https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/LiveEventModification/+merge/24771109:40
popeythen rebuild->
popeythen rebuild button09:40
vilapopey: ha, indeed :-/09:41
Mirvcharles: the rtm-019 diff somehow magically seems to have all of vivid in it as well even though the branch that was compiled is targeted against the rtm branch, last updated 20140925: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-019/+files/ubuntu-themes_14.04%2B14.10.20140925-0ubuntu1_14.04%2B15.04.20150213%7Ertm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz09:42
vilapopey: but indeed (too) the job doesn't define candidate_revision....09:43
vilawhich is very surprising09:43
Mirvcharles: QA has signed off the silo, but instead of a few files changed it's 29MB diff (compressed) <- sil210009:43
vilapopey: nor any of merge_proposal packaging_branch project_name use_description_for_commit09:44
Mirvcharles: so we'd kind of need to know what to do the silo. should you rebuild it? it will then miss the deadline for this milestone.09:45
vilapopey: yet, has them and has been started 15 mins ago09:46
popeywierd, huh?09:46
popeyvila: any ideas?10:01
john-mcaleelysil2100, yeah, all good to go10:07
vilapopey: nope, the config file for that job has been last modified on 2014-10-3110:08
vilapopey: I should be missing something obvious...10:08
psivaa_popey: so to rebuild https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/LiveEventModification/+merge/247711, Why are you rebuilding from 1019?10:25
psivaa_the MP has 1067 as the latest failed build10:25
psivaa_you would not be able to rebuild a downstream job on its own, there are someparameters coming from the upstream job10:27
popeypsivaa_: vila I am just trying to rebuild a failed landing10:28
popeypsivaa_: vila clicking the links provided. I don't quite understand what broke and where10:28
psivaa_popey: the 'rebuild' link provided in the MP is
psivaa_the second one is a downstream job, which will be triggered by the first one ^ and will use some parameters from the first build (1067)10:30
psivaa_popey: is now running10:31
vilapsivaa_: ooooh, thanks for the explanation, defines the missing parameters as 'predefined parameters' in the 'trigger/call builds on other projects' indeed10:31
vilapsivaa_: that's the "obvious" bit I missed ;)10:32
popeyI see. you're right. I am a doofus.10:33
psivaa_vila: popey: np, i'm glad that its running now10:34
popeysil2100: do we plan to release a mako update any time soon?10:34
popey(being asked by community people running mako)10:34
sil2100popey: mako ubuntu-rtm?10:53
sil2100popey: waiting for slangasek to be up and get status on the channel changes10:53
sil2100popey: in any way, the stable channel will only see updates once per month, but there will be an RC channel available for mako users with 2-week updates as well10:54
popeyok, will pass that on...10:57
dbartho/ hi trainguards, can i have a silo for line 63?11:00
sil2100dbarth: sure11:04
sil2100davmor2: how's the device tarball testing going so far?11:14
davmor2sil2100: it's downloaded11:15
jgdxtrainguards: can you reconfigure rtm 7?11:18
sil2100jgdx: sure, new component added?11:20
davmor2sil2100: it was too late last  night to start it, I needed to test something for tiagosh first thing so I've just downloaded it and started the flash process now, does that help?  Probably looking at 1:30-2:00 hours11:20
jgdxsil2100, a new mp for u-s-s.11:20
jgdxsil2100, might not warrant a reconfigure, but a build?11:20
sil2100jgdx: it still requires a reconfigure, but in cases like these the lander can reconfigure it by himself - but I already did it just now :)11:21
jgdxsil2100, okay, thank you. :) /me makes note.11:22
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* sil2100 jumps out for lunch11:46
sil2100I might be off ~1.5h since I need to jump to the store as well11:46
brendandsil2100, walk, it's safer11:50
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
bzoltan_sil2100: Mirv: who is the QA go-to-person in these hours? I wish to know if I can land two MRs with this round.12:12
Mirvbzoltan_: sil might know the answer to that, but during these ours QAs eg jibel, davmr212:14
bzoltan_Mirv: sil2100: jibel: davmor2: I have two MRs in the RTM silo1 (CI sheet line #61) Both are requred to the W9. But the build-test-plan-qa takes 3 days as we know. One of the MR is literaly a single line and this change is already merged to the Vivid branch. Soi it is a negative risk issue. But I need your ack on landing two MRs in one round.12:20
davmor2bzoltan_: I defer to jibel on that12:37
jgdxtrainguards: when a silo has been reconfigured, does the build need any special parameters?12:49
Mirvbzoltan_: while waiting for that answer, note that of the three unfixed bugs linked to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textHandlerCleanUpRTM/+merge/247388 only one has ww9 milestone currently, the rest should possibly be escalated to be crystal clear it's allowed to land at this time12:52
Mirvjgdx: not usually12:52
jgdxMirv, does it hurt if I try? The silo was reconfigured with the new branch, and built without it (it seems).12:53
bzoltan_Mirv: I am proposing to land two fixes for two bugs from this list -> https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-products/+milestone/ww09-201512:53
Mirvjgdx: no, it does not hurt. it should detect there's a new branch and rebuild, but if not then specify the package name on the next attempt.12:53
boikoMirv: hi, I now got top approval on the MR on vivid silo 7, all good to land now12:54
Mirvbzoltan_: my question is about line 26, ie bug 1407723 - the branch lists two other bugs and they probably should also have ww09 tag if you plan to land a fix for that bug12:55
ubot5bug 1407723 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu RTM) "Text cursor/selection handles too small and confusing" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140772312:55
Mirvboiko: ok!12:55
boikoMirv: thanks12:55
* Mirv goes through the whole spreadsheet13:01
bzoltan_Mirv:  I think the line 26 can be deleted13:03
Mirvbzoltan_: thanks13:03
jibelbzoltan_, no problem with landing 2 fixes. Is it silo 1?13:03
* bzoltan_ hugs jibel13:04
bzoltan_jibel: Yes, silo113:04
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jibelbzoltan_, because it contains 5 fixes :)13:04
bzoltan_jibel: hehe... true, it depends how you look13:04
jibelbzoltan_, that's fine13:05
Mirvjibel: so I was asking whether those two other bugs need to be also tagged ww09, which that one branch fixes13:06
Mirvbut I guess that doesn't matter as long as there's a branch that fixes a ww09 bug, even if there are other bugs linked13:06
jibelMirv, yes they should for tracking purpose.13:07
Mirvjibel: oh, ok. bzoltan_ ^ you need to get the other linked bugs other than 1407723 marked as ww09 too, so that they are properly tracked.13:07
Mirvfrom PM13:07
bzoltan_Mirv:  i think it is there13:08
jibelbzoltan_, and fix the silo so that the package builds on every archs13:08
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
bzoltan_Mirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1395118 is on w913:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1395118 in Canonical System Image "ActionSelectionPopover does not handle the 'visible' property of actions properly" [High,In progress]13:09
Mirvbzoltan_: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textHandlerCleanUpRTM/+merge/247388 -> bug #1391335 and bug #1415548 do not have canonical system image project or a milestone13:41
ubot5bug 1391335 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "TextArea cursor does not regard font size" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139133513:41
ubot5bug 1415548 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "text selection popover too small, icons pixelated" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141554813:41
jgdxcihelp: rtm silo 7 is ready for testing, btw.13:54
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vilajgdx: you probably want trainguards ^13:56
jgdxvila, right13:56
sil2100jgdx: QA will automatically have it on their queue once it's marked as tested14:01
jgdxsil2100, good.14:02
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sil2100kenvandine: hey! :)14:20
sil2100kenvandine: you working on u-s-s recently as well, right?14:21
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kenvandinesil2100, yeah14:24
seb128hey kenvandine, did you figure out the issue with u-s-s and CI?14:27
kenvandineseb128, no... it's worse than i thought too14:27
kenvandinesmoke testing started failing too14:28
kenvandinebetween images 95 and 98 i think14:28
kenvandineand it's all crashes related to QtFeedback i think14:28
sil2100kenvandine: could you take a look at vivid smoketesting? ;)14:30
sil2100Almost all tests are failing14:31
kenvandinesil2100, yes... that's what i'm talking about with seb12814:31
kenvandinesil2100, it's a crash14:32
kenvandineand it's crashing down deep in QtFeedback14:32
kenvandinewhich isn't anything we should be tickling ourself, i would think it's the uitk14:32
kenvandinebut then we'd see crashes all over the place14:32
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=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
davmor2jibel, sil2100, john-mcaleely: device tarball looks good  and that ^ is probably the announcement for it :)15:24
sil2100john-mcaleely: you are free to push the tarball15:25
jibeldavmor2, thanks! any news about a new custom tarball today?15:25
sil2100john-mcaleely: ^ ?15:26
sil2100I don't see any request for that on the spreadsheet15:26
davmor2jibel: I don't see cwayne in here15:27
pmcgowansil2100, custom should have fixes to scopes using OA and an apparmor cache update15:29
sil2100cwayne: hey, is the custom tarball ready already?15:30
davmor2\o/ cwayne is here now, we can party \o/  /me slaps cwayne for not being here earlier and making move the mouse to find a channel he was in ;)15:30
cwaynesil2100: just about to be, see #phablet15:30
john-mcaleelysil2100, ack, will push now15:34
john-mcaleelythanks davmor215:34
charlesMirv, wrt rtm silo 19, the indicator-power diff at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/197544824/indicator-power_12.10.6%2B15.04.20150203~rtm-0ubuntu1_12.10.6%2B15.04.20150213~rtm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz looks safe to me15:34
john-mcaleelysil2100, pushed!15:35
Mirvcharles: indicator-power is ok, ubuntu-themes is the question mark15:35
charlesMirv, however I was hoping to get someone to look over my shoulder on the ubuntu-themes packaging changes in that silo, as there wasn't an RTM branch before this15:35
Mirvcharles: I looked that the rtm branch + MP look sane, but the end result looks like coming from vivid so it's trange15:36
Mirvstrange, even15:36
Mirvsil2100: ^ in practice I don't know even how it's possible that the ubuntu-themes in that PPA is like it is, since the rtm branch is correctly from September and the MP is simple15:36
charlesyeah, would welcome guidance on what the Right Thing is here15:37
Mirvcharles: sil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-themes/rtm-14.09 + https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/ubuntu-themes/lp-1388235-add-new-power-icons-rtm-14.09/+merge/249695 looks sane, but somehow that ended up as https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-019/+sourcepub/4776206/+listing-archive-extra15:40
Mirvcharles: sil2100: I'm pretty EOD but I'd mostly ask from sil2100 if he thinks we should try force rebuild of ubuntu-themes to try to get the contents correct, or consider shipping ubuntu-themes as is as it was already approved by QA15:42
charlesack, will wait for opinion from sil210015:42
charlesit would probably be better to have a clean diff on this though15:45
charleslooks like most of the other changes are gtk/gnome related and would be no-ops for rtm, but looks like the weather apps got moved into a different directory for bug #128946515:46
ubot5bug 1289465 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Brightness icons are suboptimal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128946515:46
charlesmy preference would be to fix the MP, though looking at the first two links from Mirv above I don't see what went wrong :P15:47
charless/weather apps/weather app icons/15:48
rsalvetisil2100: what is the syntax to request a sync from another silo (vivid->rtm)?15:48
rsalvetisync:<silo number> it seems15:52
sil2100charles, Mirv: sorry, was in a meeting16:00
sil2100Need to backlog16:00
charlessil2100, ack16:01
sil2100john-mcaleely: thanks!16:04
sil2100charles: ok, one more meeting... but will be finished soon16:10
sil2100popey: hey, how's the calendar going?16:10
popeysil2100: iahmad is on it I believe16:11
jibelpopey, oops iahmad_ EOD long time ago.16:18
jibelpopey, sil2100 can you add a line to the spreadsheet for the calendar app and I'll find someone16:18
sil2100jibel: will add it16:22
sil2100popey: can you provide me with all the click links, test plans etc.?16:23
sil2100rsalveti: yeah, sync:<number> is enough if its vivid <-> 14.09, like sync:616:25
sil2100charles: ok, I would propose rebuilding ubuntu-themes in the silo now16:35
sil2100Since I have no idea how it ended up looking like that16:35
sil2100charles: let me do that16:37
charlessil2100, k16:37
robrusil2100: Hmmmmmmm my Wi-Fi seems dead17:04
sil2100robru: uh oh!17:04
sil2100robru: no worries, just make sure that if you don't have connectivity today, please poke cyphermox to fill in re. landings17:05
robruI guess i can't make the meeting17:05
* cyphermox sends robru some wifi waves17:06
oSoMoNtrainguards: can silo 11 be published, please?17:11
sil2100cwayne: just so you know, I filled in the landing request ;)17:18
cwaynesil2100: thank you :)17:19
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I haz a silo for line 73?17:32
robruoSoMoN: CONFLICTS WITH SILO EIGHT!!!!!!!!11!!eleven!!!!17:33
robruoSoMoN: just kidding, got you silo 2517:33
oSoMoN:) thanks!17:33
robruoSoMoN: you're welcome17:34
seb128why are those rtm landing (e.g indicator-power) having an empty changelog?18:00
seb128indicator-power (12.10.6+15.04.20150213~rtm-0ubuntu1) 14.09; urgency=medium18:00
seb128  *18:00
seb128 18:00
seb128seems buggy18:00
robruseb128: indeed, not sure why that's happening.18:02
robruseb128: will look18:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
pmcgowanom26er, once you bless silo 7 we can let it land19:28
om26erpmcgowan, ok, thanks for letting me know. I am almost there19:31
pmcgowanom26er, great19:32
pmcgowanom26er, myself and john-mcaleely tried it and while we agree UX could be better its ok for now19:32
robrubrb, lunch19:35
kgunntrainguards i'm getting 404 for the reconfig link the train sheet ...known issue? or am i the issue?19:36
om26erpmcgowan, everything is fine. except there is one issue that I found.19:38
om26erWith the silo installed if I do factory reset, put a SIM card in slot2 and leave slot1 empty. When the phone boots if I go to cellular settings page, it only shows 2G option. I have to go back and come in again, only then I can see 3G option. It would be safe to have that fixed atleast.19:38
om26erthis is the state that a new user will have when they first use their phone.19:38
kgunnoh nvmd...i recall now, i need to erase some of the url19:38
kenvandineom26er, i think jgdx said that was a race condition19:39
pmcgowanom26er, is that just a iming thing19:39
kenvandineom26er, but i think that's there without the silo?19:39
om26erkenvandine, without the silo we never have 3G on second slot, with the silo, the option is not there when the first time you open Cellular settings19:40
om26erprobably some property it needs to read when Cellular page is opened first.19:40
kenvandinebut i don't think that only happens on the second SIM19:40
kenvandinei think it's a race from libqofono19:41
kenvandinejgdx, you were looking at that right?19:41
om26erlet me share a screenshot19:41
kenvandineom26er, i know we have that in vivid on mako (single SIM)19:41
kenvandineom26er, and the tech switch stuff hasn't landed in vivid yet, we have that race without it19:41
kenvandineom26er, so if anything it's introduced by the new libqofono in that silo19:42
om26erkenvandine, this: http://i.imgur.com/OAeY5Un.png19:45
kenvandineoh... a little different19:45
om26erNow if I go back and come back in, it will have both 2G only and 2G/3G entries.19:46
kenvandineso on vivid sometimes the first time you open the page, the wrong one is checked19:46
om26erthis always happens the first time and at a few unknown occasions which I was not able to create steps for.19:46
kenvandinebut it does show all the technologies19:46
kenvandineom26er, but does it happen without the silo?19:47
kenvandinei'd bet that is also a race condition related to the libqofono update19:47
kenvandinelike the listview not handling the model update19:47
pmcgowankenvandine, tested silo 14 and worked as expected19:48
kenvandinepmcgowan, great, can you mark the spreadsheet?19:48
om26erlet me give it a try without the silo.19:48
kenvandineom26er, thanks19:48
pmcgowankenvandine, I dont have write access19:49
kenvandineom26er, the more i think about it, i am thinking it is from this silo, but confirmation would be good19:49
kenvandinepmcgowan, ok, you're on 237 right?19:49
pmcgowankenvandine, yes19:49
pmcgowanI did a clean flash in the end19:49
kenvandinepmcgowan, thx, i marked the spreadsheet19:50
kenvandinemaybe we can at least get that landing for this milestone... if we can't land 7 :(19:50
kenvandineom26er, so you have a single SIM in right?  which is it showing, it just not showing 3g as a choice?19:51
kenvandineom26er, and is that after you changed it to 3g?19:51
kenvandineman my english is terrible :)19:52
om26erkenvandine, hah, yes I have a single SIM, only in slot2.19:52
om26erthis issue only happens with slot219:52
kenvandineafter changing slot 2 to 3g right?19:52
om26erkenvandine, without silo it always have 2G... because the feature is only implemented in the silo.19:56
kenvandineoh right, it never says it can have 3g19:56
robrukgunn: wait what? the only 404 issue I'm aware of is if you're not logged in, but I thought I fixed that so it logs you in first and redirects. shouldn't be any 404s.19:56
om26erkenvandine, regarding the other question, I think slot2 is on 2G since if I try to change to 3G is spins for a while19:57
kgunnrobru: i'm definitely logged in19:57
kgunnrobru: willing to play if you'd like to help :)19:57
robrukgunn: what URL is 404ing? and what did you delete to make it work?19:57
kgunnrobru: and...altho deleting gets me there...looses all the relevant info (mainly unique request id)19:58
kgunnone sec19:58
robrukgunn: let me guess, you s/parambuild/build to make it work?19:59
kgunnhow bout19:59
davmor2kgunn: man what did irc ever do to you to deserve that ;)19:59
kenvandinerobru, trying to publish vivid silo 1519:59
kenvandineit's showing packaging changes for dialer-app20:00
kenvandinerobru, which isn't in the silo20:00
kenvandinerobru, should i be worried?20:00
robrukenvandine: did it used to be in the silo?20:00
kenvandinemaybe :)20:00
kenvandineit's not built in the ppa20:00
kenvandineand it was never part of my landing20:01
robrukenvandine: ok well it's not in the PPA, so there's no risk of anything incorrect being published. I'd just ACK it.20:01
kgunnrobru: and actually no, s/parambuild/build just gets me to ci-train.ubuntu.com20:01
robrukenvandine: after you publish, check the packagelist artifact, it should have just one line per package in the ppa20:01
robrukgunn: so that url looks fine to me, what are you changing to make it work?20:02
kenvandinerobru, ok, and the full diffs included dialer-app and history-service20:02
kenvandineso maybe just a bug in your new (and very cool) diff stuff :)20:02
kgunnrobru: well thats just it....i cant make it work, i just get to jenkins proj page only20:02
kenvandinerobru, indeed the packagelist is right20:02
robrukenvandine: my only guess is that the contents of the previous assignment for that silo got resurrected when we migrated to a larger disk. there's definitely no code that adds dialer-app to silos that don't have it ;-)20:03
kgunnrobru: i tried to copy in the mp list, but it still wants a unique id...which i see in the url, but can't get there with that in place20:03
robrukgunn: oh I thought you said you could delete a bit of the URL to make it work.20:03
robrukgunn: which spreadsheet row?20:03
kgunn...*almost* worked :)20:03
kenvandinerobru, figured...20:03
kgunnrobru: 3620:03
kgunnthanks for the help20:04
kenvandinerobru, btw... i do love the silo diffs!20:04
kenvandinerobru, thanks for that20:04
robrukenvandine: you're welcome! I wish I'd been able to do that 3 months ago when brendand asked, but there was a lot of stuff that had to be fixed first to get here.20:05
robrukgunn: https://pastebin.canonical.com/125772/ try the link in this paste, does that work for you?20:05
robrukgunn: it's a bit tricky because there's two layers of redirects here, google has their own click-counter redirect thing they put on URLs, and then the internal link redirects through the SSO login. what I pasted is the final URL after all redirects are done.20:06
robrukgunn: also, while we're fiddling with this, want me to just reconfigure for you? ;-)20:12
kgunnrobru: woohoo!20:12
robrukgunn: hmmm, ok so if that worked it means the redirects are broken...20:12
robrukgunn: when was the last time the reconfigure link worked for you? weird that it works for me...20:12
pmcgowankenvandine, what was the verdict on silo 720:15
pmcgowanom26er, ^^20:20
kenvandinethere is some kind of race condition there, it works but the UI is wonky20:20
om26erwe have the exact steps.20:20
kenvandinei'm browsing the code now to see if i can figure it out20:21
kenvandinebut i'm thinking it might be in libqofono20:21
jgdxkenvandine, what's up? When's eod for us guys?20:24
jgdxom26er, exact steps plz20:24
om26erjgdx, I mentioned them in the trello, do you have the link ?20:25
kenvandinejgdx, it could be the model tweaking in onCompleted from MultiSim.qml20:25
jgdxom26er, yea20:26
jgdxkenvandine, right, I'll take a look.20:26
kenvandineif ((sim.radioSettings.modemTechnologies.indexOf('umts') === -1)20:27
kenvandine198+                     && (sim.mtkSettings.has3G === false)) {20:27
kenvandinejgdx, ^^ maybe something with that the first time we load the page20:27
jgdxkenvandine, yeah, the techs are probably added async. So s/onCompleted/onModemTechnologiesChanged20:30
kenvandinejgdx, that's what i was thinking20:30
jgdxom26er, when do you close shop?20:30
jgdxom26er, thanks for excellent testing, btw. Again.20:31
om26erjgdx, in ~30 minutes20:31
jgdxom26er, I can't repro this20:52
jgdxom26er, it's on 2g, and when I click 3g it does the tech switch dance and comes back as 3g20:53
jgdx(krillin, 1 SIM in slot 2, --wipe, rtm, silo 7)20:53
jgdxI am missing something here…20:53
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
jgdxom26er, do I have to "Erase & Reset everything…"?20:57
om26erjgdx, yes20:57
robruuh huh20:57
om26erwell --wipe+silo should be the same, but incase you might have missed something, try after "Erase & Reset everything…"20:58
jgdx--wipe+silo seems to be different though, it's resetting now20:58
davmor2cwayne, rsalveti, robru:  Custom tarball is good, signon-apparmor-extension works with the custom tarball.  I don't know if you can add the package to the seed and then release custom so that the package is pulled in or what needs to happen there.20:59
rsalvetiI can add the package back to the seeds21:00
rsalvetiwould need cwayne for the custom tarball21:00
robrudavmor2: rsalveti: I have no opinion. go ahead with what you think is right.21:00
rsalvetialright, let me push signon-apparmor-extension21:00
=== _salem is now known as salem_
cwayneim good to push whenever you want me to21:02
rsalveticwayne: alright, I'll ping you in a few21:02
rsalvetibut guess we need to build a new rootfs21:03
cwaynecool beans21:03
cwaynei dont think thats a requirement, new custom should work without s-a-e as well21:03
cwaynebut im fine to wait if that's what we want to do21:03
rsalvetioh, cool then21:03
davmor2cwayne: I would prefer them to both land together-ish as one adds security and the other adds the fix to make it work :)   However one landing before the other I don't care about as long as neither are forgotten :)21:11
davmor2rsalveti: ^21:11
davmor2and with that I wish you both a good night21:12
rsalvetidavmor2: cwayne: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/1.20221:15
rsalvetiwill be available in the next image, which should be out in ~4 hours21:15
rsalveticwayne: so I'd say push it :-)21:15
kenvandineom26er, if this is only reproducable after doing a erase and reset, how do you feel about landing it and fixing that issue as a bug21:18
kenvandineit's probably not a common case, erase&reset with only a SIM in the second slot21:18
kenvandinei'd really rather get this landed for ww0921:18
kenvandineso people can have 3g on slot 221:18
kenvandinepmcgowan, jgdx: ^^21:19
om26erkenvandine, that happens on a clean install21:20
om26erI did not have to reset my device for it to happen21:20
cwaynedavmor2: rsalveti: \o/ pushing now21:20
om26erjust --wipe (that's what a user will have when he buys the phone.)21:20
kenvandinejgdx, said he couldn't reproduce it when flashing with --wipe21:20
jgdxtwo times in a row21:20
jgdxbut I'm not sure if this is ofono, libqofono or u-s-s yet.21:21
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
cwayneand pushed :D21:22
cwaynethanks davmor221:22
pmcgowanom26er, kenvandine hard to know but probably folks will boot the phone, then insert the sim and reboot, and likely use top slot21:23
kenvandinei just started a flash with --wipe21:23
kenvandinesee if i can repro it21:23
jgdxthanks kenvandine21:24
kenvandinepmcgowan, but i do think it's kind of a corner case anyway, it's more interesting to allow 3g on the second slot21:24
kenvandinei think most people will only have a SIM in slot 2 if they have 2 SIMs21:24
pmcgowankenvandine, om26er that silo is holding up several others so I think we should land it and improve that case later21:26
om26erpmcgowan, I am fine if you think it is. I and Jean-Baptiste tested the silo, we didn't find any functional regressions, just a few bugs/behavioral issues.21:28
kenvandinejgdx, can you please file a bug to track this issue?21:29
kenvandineom26er, thx, lets do that21:29
kenvandinethis will really help users with dual sims21:29
pmcgowanom26er, thank you21:30
pmcgowanwe have a list in this area already so we will keep improving things21:30
kenvandineom26er, and thanks again for the thorough testing!21:32
om26erkenvandine, heh, no problem, the change was a bit big at this stage :)21:33
kenvandineflash done... adding silo21:33
kenvandineom26er, indeed, but an important feature21:33
balloonsping fginther21:38
kenvandinepmcgowan, i couldn't reproduce it with --wipe either22:07
kenvandinepmcgowan, it's landed!22:07
pmcgowanit has22:09
kenvandinepmcgowan, i think that means it's time to call it a day :)22:09
pmcgowankenvandine, is 14 ready to go or need a resync?22:09
kenvandinepmcgowan, i kicked a rebuild22:09
pmcgowanwe need one more day, dang22:10
kenvandinepmcgowan, we still need QA to verify it22:10
kenvandinepmcgowan, it's as far as we can take it22:10
kenvandineneed QA22:10
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah, seems we'd need at least one more day for everything to be as we expect22:11
rsalvetiwhich is a bummer22:11
pmcgowanrsalveti, lets see what we can work out with jibel tomorow22:11
kenvandinepmcgowan, we got the silo ready for QA verification in time, i assume they will be doing verifications tomorrow right?22:12
rsalvetikenvandine: that's the idea yeah22:12
rsalvetibut they got a long list it seems =\22:12
kenvandineglad we got tech switch in!22:12
pmcgowanwe need to get 11,14, 0 and maybe 15 and 2022:13
rsalvetiboiko: building, should be there in ~20 min22:13
boikorsalveti: great! I'll go grab some food meanwhile, thanks :)22:14
rsalvetipmcgowan: 9 and 3 are good to go as well22:14
kenvandinepmcgowan, in the morning can you help give them our list of priorities?22:14
kenvandineso they can work down them in that order, instead of the order in trello22:14
kenvandineat least 14 and 11 are way down on their list22:15
kenvandinei don't even see 022:15
pmcgowan0 failed needs fixing22:16
pmcgowanwats in 3 rsalveti ?22:16
rsalvetipmcgowan: https://launchpad.net/bugs/142117022:16
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1421170 not found22:16
kenvandinewell good night guys!22:16
robrubfiller: just need this approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/fix-failing-tests/+merge/25005422:16
robrukenvandine: goodnight!22:16
bfillerrobru: done22:17
pmcgowanoh you are here22:17
pmcgowanhow's skiing? bfiller22:17
bfillerpmcgowan: trying to make sure stuff lands :)22:17
bfillerpmcgowan: skiing good, cold temps but good snow22:17
pmcgowanbfiller, sounds right, freakin cold22:18
rsalvetistill prefer summer22:18
bfillerrsalveti: so tomorrow when hopefully silo 17 finally lands would you mind updating the seed before they spin the final image?22:19
bfillerrsalveti: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras0.222:20
rsalvetibfiller: sure, just ping me when it lands (if you're around)22:20
rsalvetiotherwise I can try to keep my eyes on it22:20
bfillerrsalveti: I'll let the guys know to ping you if I"m not around22:20
rsalvetibfiller: great, thanks22:21

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