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cyphermox@pilot out02:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
hallynpitti: hi - so debian bug 777649 has the long sordid tale of trying to get an important cgmanager fix into jessie.  Looks like we're finally there.  Would you mind sponsoring http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cgmanager/cgmanager_0.33-2+deb8u1.dsc ?03:33
ubottuDebian bug 777649 in release.debian.org "unblock: cgmanager/0.33-2+deb8u1" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77764903:33
hallyn(into testing)03:33
tnkhanhHi when will 14.04 have Java 804:58
tnkhanhI mean to install from apt-get04:58
tnkhanhhello anyone?05:08
pittihallyn: yay, good05:32
pittihallyn: will do, but have to create a jessie schroot first05:33
tnkhanhHi when will 14.04 have Java 806:11
tnkhanhanyone? =='06:11
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LocutusOfBorg1good morning to everybody08:03
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Mirvtjaalton: Qt 5.4 landed with your openvg build dep removal included08:34
tjaaltonMirv: great08:34
pittitjaalton: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html \o/08:38
* pitti sheds a tear of joy08:38
pittithat must be the earliest "empty NBS" of all releases :08:39
pittihallyn: uploaded08:47
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tjaaltonpitti: enjoy while it lasts :)09:05
joern_hi everyone!09:57
joern_I'm looking for someone who could help debugging/triaging a problem with Ubiquity... maybe I should introduce myself, I am Jörn and I help the Lubuntu team. I've created a live iso with LXQt as a tech preview, but Ubiquity refuses to start (both GTK/KDE versions), and there seems to be no log file entry even with --debug09:59
joern_Tim from Ubuntu Gnome mentioned the name xnox :D are you or some other able to help me?10:00
xnoxjoern_: depends what with.10:11
xnoxjoern_: in general ubiquity knows only about certain types of DEs / environments. Is LXQt Qt5 or Qt4?10:12
xnoxjoern_: you should see logs in /var/log/installer/* as well as messages in /var/log/syslog10:12
joern_hi xnox10:13
joern_LXQt is now Qt5 only10:13
joern_there are no messages in /var/log/syslog (even with --debug)10:14
joern_wasn't /var/log/installer the place for logs on an installed system?10:15
joern_the only kind of error I get is (I'm not sure if it is important): "umount: /run/udisks2/inhibit-polkit: not mounted"10:17
joern_that is /var/log/syslog after running Ubiquity with --debug10:20
joern_there is no folder /var/log/installer10:20
joern_anything more informations I could give you?10:21
geserpitti: a systemd question: as I permanently moved to systemd (and purged upstart instead of keeping it in removed state), I tried yesterday to boot with upstart but it sort of failed (only two messages visible on the terminal, otherwise blank and no boot progess visible, like starting lightdm). Booting with upstart should continue to work even after switching, right?10:39
pittigeser: right, with upstart-bin10:39
pittihm, wait10:40
pittiI have it removed, but not purged10:40
pittigeser: indeed, the "upstart" package contains a ton of /etc/init/ jobs10:40
pittiwhich one actually needs for booting with upstart10:40
pittigeser: so these would need to move into upstart-bin or a new binary pacakge, or we need to put upstart's /sbin/init into a different binary10:42
geserI guess I should switch back to upstart, then install systemd-sysv again to have upstart in removed state (for now) to have a working upstart fallback10:43
geserpitti: should I file a bug (against upstart) about it?10:45
pittigeser: yeah, can't hurt10:48
tnkhanhHi when will 14.04 have Java 811:01
tnkhanhI mean to install from apt-get11:01
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bluesabrepitti, would you mind reviewing https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/+bug/1295405 for inclusion in vivid? If possible, the xubuntu team would like to upload this to the archive and include it in the seed for this release. As I understand it, the Mate team is also interested in including this utility12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295405 in Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[needs-packaging] Package and upload to vivid" [Wishlist,In progress]12:12
pittibluesabre: sorry, busy; can you please just put it into the sponsoring queue?12:23
bluesabrepitti: np, I've subbed ubuntu-sponsors, so it should be visible12:24
bluesabrethanks for getting back to me so quickly12:24
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jbassett_Hello all13:10
jbassett_Is this a place where I may make a suggestion, I do not believe it is a bug, more likely just not a realised use case I have a query about?13:10
rbasakIf you want the suggestion to be read by someone who is in a position to act on it, it might be better to file a "Wishlist" bug against the relevant package.13:15
Riddelldidrocks: any news on bluez 5?13:30
Riddellpitti: any news on systemd transition?13:31
didrocksRiddell: syncing with the Touch team is today (in a couple of hours), will keep you posted13:31
didrocksRiddell: the desktop-side is almost fully ready, won't block anyway13:31
pittiRiddell: still blocked on fixing bug 1312976 (slangasek), and updating juju and maas :(13:36
ubottubug 1312976 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs-utils needs systemd unit or init.d script" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131297613:36
seb128slangasek said he would have his bits done previous week, not sure what's going on with that :-/13:39
Riddellpitti: thanks, do you expect that this cycle?  (feature freeze being next week)13:40
didrocksRiddell: this week, rather? (not on Thursday?)13:40
Riddelldidrocks: good point13:41
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pittiRiddell: we know that juju will only release in March, but we could work around that by booting juju generated instances with upstart; as for NFS, I don't know -- I hope so13:52
pittiRiddell: at that point we probably should have a meeting with the foundations team, to discuss the next steps13:53
mdeslaurpitti: also need apparmor support before it can be default...ask tyhicks when that's planned13:54
pittimdeslaur: oh? that's news to me; from my POV that has worked for months, what's missing?13:55
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mdeslaurpitti: it needs to load the apparmor policy at boot like it does with selinux, smack, etc.13:55
mdeslaurit currently doesn't13:55
mdeslaurit uses an init script which loads policy after services have started (ie: too late)13:55
pittiit's in rcS, so started very early13:56
mdeslaurpitti: does boot wait for it to complete before starting other services, or can apache be started before it?13:56
pittiso it sounds like we merely need to make sysinit.target block on this?13:56
pittimdeslaur: apache can't13:56
mdeslaurpitti: well, the real solution is to fix it properly :)13:57
pittithat's what will ensure that apparmor starts in very early boot, before any real service13:57
pittimdeslaur: well, in my POV that *is* properly working13:57
mdeslaurpitti: before network devices come up?13:57
pittimdeslaur: before NM and /etc/init.d/networking, but we can make that stronger (make network-pre.target come after apparmor)13:59
pittimdeslaur: so, there's no bug or work item for this, do you have a list of those concerns?13:59
mdeslaurpitti: ideally, we should load in src/core/main.c at the name place where selinux and smack get done13:59
pittimdeslaur: yeah, certainly sounds faster than having to call an init.d script; but I thought that was mostly optimization13:59
mdeslaursure, there are work items, hold on14:00
mdeslaurpitti: we kept getting races with it being a script in upstart, which is why we want it to be at boot in systemd...but this requires using a pre-compiled apparmor policy at boot so as not to hang for a couple of minutes...this exists, but hasn't been uploaded to vivid yet14:02
mdeslaurpitti: that's why every there are apparmor bits sprinkled all over the upstart jobs :P14:02
pittimdeslaur: so, I'm happy to add a network-pre ordering for apparmor; services already come after sysinit.target (which apparmor is part of), just network devices have a separate dependency tree14:04
pittimdeslaur: ah no, I lie -- network-pre.target already comes after sysinit.target, so it's all good14:04
* pitti missed the DefaultDependencies=yes14:04
mdeslaurpitti: tyhicks can take a look with you when he gets here14:05
pittiso the only things that run without apparmor are mounting local and virtual file systems, swaps, cryptsetup unlock, starting udevd14:05
mdeslaurexcept we'll hang boot while policy is being compiled14:06
pittiand they are all needed to allow running apparmor or even getting enough of your file system, so nothing can't really run even earlier14:06
pittimdeslaur: on first boot, you mean?14:06
mdeslaurevery kernel update14:07
pittimdeslaur: how is that different under upstart?14:07
pittiI mean, if we have a dpkg trigger to update the cache for a new kernel, that should apply to any init system?14:07
pitti(or a kernel/postinst.d script)14:08
mdeslaurin upstart, we've sprinkled apparmor policy in the different upstart jobs so only a few profiles get compiled during the boot process, the others are handled by the init script later on while the system is coming up14:08
pittimdeslaur: ah, so isn't that essentially the same then?14:08
mdeslaurpitti: well, we _could_ defer the init script later on, and then sprinkle apparmor bits in a bunch of systemd units14:09
mdeslaurbut that's...ugh.14:09
pittimdeslaur: (don't get me wrong: if we can make it faster, let's -- but before that I'm interested in making it work correctly)14:09
ochosididrocks: since it just got uploaded to NEW (by Mirv) and we need an archive admin to approve (before FF), do you have a minute to take a look at this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/+bug/129540514:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295405 in Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter "[needs-packaging] Package and upload to vivid" [Wishlist,In progress]14:10
mdeslaurwe're pretty much ready with the ideal situation...the apparmor code to cache is written, just needs to be uploaded to vivid14:10
mdeslaurat which point, the systemd patch is pretty trivial to load it at boot14:10
didrocksochosi: will do later today and keep you posted14:10
mdeslaurand then we can add the postinst triggers to the kernel packages14:10
ochosididrocks: thanks a lot, it's much appreciated!14:11
didrocksyw! :)14:11
mdeslaurtyhicks: please discuss apparmor plans with pitti when you get here14:12
pittimdeslaur: ack, thanks for the heads-up!14:12
pittimdeslaur: so, the summary from this conversation for me is: it currently works correctly, but slow, and we have a "pre-build cache" in the works to avoid recompiling the policy at boot14:13
pittimdeslaur: does that sound right to you?14:13
mdeslaurpitti: I don't know if it works correctly, someone needs to check. Based on your statement that it loads early in the process, it's plausible.14:14
mdeslaurif it does work correctly with no races, then it's ok for vivid as-is14:15
mdeslaur(my opinion)14:15
=== marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson
pittimdeslaur: *nod*; yeah, I'm fairly convinced that it runs just about as early as it could, and it can't plausibly run earlier14:16
pittimdeslaur: the one thing that potentially could move after it is udev, if we have an apparmor profile for udev14:16
pittieverything else seems okay14:16
pittibut given how udev rules are pretty much almighty, it doesn't seem to make much sense to try and confine it14:17
pittiupstream runs udevd in its own mount namespace, but we have some bits that rely on that it doesn't14:17
mdeslaurI don't care about confining udev...just about how udev handles having network devices pop up, for example14:18
mdeslaurbut I gather it waits for NM14:18
pittimdeslaur: right, that's already sorted; apparmor runs before sysinit.target which is a dependency of network-pre.target, and everything regarding network conf depends on that14:18
pitti(both statically from /etc/network/interfaces and dynamically via ifup@.service, i. e. udev events)14:19
pitti(FTR, network-pre.target is the place where firewalls and the like should hook into -- to run before the first interface is brought up)14:20
hallynpitti: thanks!14:20
mdeslaurpitti: ok, so if it starts before networking, should be ok14:21
mdeslaurgood thing vivid isn't an LTS :P14:21
pittimdeslaur: heh, yes; we wouldn't swap out init in an LTS..14:22
pittithen again, my doubts whether we'll actually switch in vivid are relatively high now, given how long the three last items have dragged on14:22
pittiRiddell: are you asking just for personal interest, or does Kubuntu actually require/work better with systemd?14:23
mdeslaurpitti: so you have a workaround for juju...what are the other two? nfs? does that mean nfs isn't currently handled in debian?14:26
Riddellpitti: Plasma developers say they'll requre it from the end of this year, so no rush there.  and I was wondering if we'll need to worry about it for beta 1 or otherwise test this cycle14:26
pittimdeslaur: Debian uses NFS's init.d script; but our's is split into several upstart jobs, which slangasek wanted to keep; he said he'd rather do that himself14:27
mdeslaurpitti: oh, I see14:28
pittiRiddell: hm, I had expected KDE (or GNOME etc.) to rather use session systemd, and not really care about the system init?14:28
Riddellpitti: yes of course, but aren't they related somewhat?14:29
pittiRiddell: you need system systemd in order to run session systemd (I guess)14:39
pittibut so far we are still using upstart for sessions14:39
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tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: re apparmor changes> We're (upstream apparmor) currently discussing the libapparmor API changes to allow systemd to load apparmor policy cache files14:52
tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: v1 of that patchset is written and works great, but there are changes that need to be made to the API14:53
tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: After that lands, we need to add one more feature (support multiple apparmor policy caches) and then update kernel postinit script to generate a policy cache after installation14:54
tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: So, we're still a ways away from landing everything14:54
tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: But, jdstrand seemed to think that the init script is sufficient for now. (We all acknowledge that we want systemd to be able to do its own policy cache loads ASAP)14:55
tyhickspitti, mdeslaur: I haven't had a chance to look at the init script but what pitti said about it above is promising14:56
pittityhicks: thanks for the update!15:05
pittityhicks: right, that seems to confirm the "it works correctly but slowly" status quo, and how we'll improve it15:06
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LocutusOfBorg1hi, can anybody please sync virtualbox/guest additions from debian/experimental?15:44
LocutusOfBorg1bug 142213415:44
ubottubug 1422134 in virtualbox-guest-additions-iso (Ubuntu) "please sync virtualbox from debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142213415:44
caribouis there any issue with package synchronization from Debian (experimental especially) ?15:59
caribouI uploaded makedumpfile to experimental end of last week and it's still at the previous version in Vivid ?15:59
cariboushould I sync manually ?16:00
dobeycaribou: i think it's no longer auto sync after alpha or something like that perhaps?16:06
dobeycaribou: also did your change make it to unstable? i don't recall if we sync from experimental or unstable, but i think the latter16:07
cariboudobey: no, unstable is frozen awaiting Jessie's release16:07
mitya57pitti: Can you please look what happened to paramiko autopkgtest? The trace indicates that python(3)-crypto is not installed, however it should be pulled in via dependencies.16:08
cariboudobey: but that's fine, I can sync manually I just wanted to be sure of the process16:08
didrocksochosi: accepted (building now)16:37
mdeslaurinfinity, slangasek, kees, stgraber: meeting?17:01
infinityOh, err.  Yes.  One of those.17:02
jdstrandtyhicks (and pitti and mdeslaur): re apparmor init script as sufficient> I was speaking for Ubuntu Core and snappy apps. I don't know about system policy we ship in traditional desktop/server. that said, it sounds like pitti said it should be ok there too, so I guess I'm 'ok' with not landing it, but if systemd is pid 1 on the phone, the speed improvement would be quite good17:18
tyhicksjdstrand, pitti, mdeslaur: I think we can land, in lp:apparmor, the changes needed for systemd to do policy loading in 1-2 weeks17:29
jdstrandcool, let's continue to shoot for that17:50
cjwatsoncaribou: We never auto-sync from experimental.18:03
cjwatsondobey: import freeze is Thursday18:03
dobeyah ok18:04
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melodieI would like to know what function the 3 following packages have: "libc-dev-bin", "libc6-dev:<arch>", "linux-libc-dev:<arch>", because they are in Ubuntu, they used to be in Lubuntu, when I made a custom version and didn't have them, the live iso booted to the login screen instead of booting to the desktop. What exactly is their function?19:09
melodieI have had this question in mind for a real long time, and never had an opportunity to ask. now would be the time. :)19:10
melodieespecially as I have never seen them in the "ubuntu-standard" nor in the "ubuntu-minimal" packages...19:10
melodieif anyone has a clue?19:17
dobeyapt-cache policy $package didn't answer it for you?19:20
melodieI can see two of them come from the eglibc source, and linux-libc-dev is related to kernel headers.19:32
melodiedobey if it's not in Lubuntu apt-cache policy would not answer. I was looking in the Ubuntu packages19:33
melodieis there a command line which will say which package could possibly pull them in the flavors where they exist?19:33
dobeyerr, not policy19:34
dobeyi meant apt-cache show19:34
dobeyseeded-in-ubuntu tells you where packages are seeded (if they are)19:34
dobeyapt-cache rdepends will show you what packages depend on them19:34
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melodiedobey I look thanks. I will perhaps try to read through eventual comments if any, in the sources19:57
melodiedobey seeded-in-ubuntu brought me nothing because the packages I seek info are not "primary" packages, but rdepends says things. quite funny actually20:28
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melodiethere are many reverse depends for each, what I notice is "libc6-dev" has one rdepends on "linux-libc-dev", and "linux-libc-dev" is also pulled in by "libc6-dev". (Several times in the list).20:29
melodieisn't that strange?20:29
melodiedobey I still don't know all the features they bring but I might have found why they are not in lubuntu20:45
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jdstrandsbeattie, tyhicks: hey, I had a question about apparmor 2.9 and ff21:20
jdstrandsbeattie, tyhicks: this is prompted by two things: a) there is an apparmor 2.9 in the security proposed ppa, and b) bug #142252121:20
ubottubug 1422521 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "mmap of ...mir/client-platform/mesa.so DENIED" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142252121:20
jdstrandsbeattie: does 2.9 introduce features over 2.8.98-0ubuntu4?21:21
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sbeattiejdstrand: no, everything has been purely bug fixes in the polishing for the 2.9.0 and 2.9.1 releases.21:22
sbeattie(well, there are minor things like supporting the generation of coverage information in the utils/ tests)21:25
sbeattiebut there should be no user visible features added between 2.8.98 and 2.9.121:25
sbeattiejdstrand: ^21:26
jdstrandtyhicks, sbeattie: with that in mind, is there any urgency in getting 2.9 into vivid this week? it sounds like 1422521 is causing problems at least on the nexus 521:26
jdstrandand it we fixed that, it seems we would want to update to 2.9...21:26
jjohansenmore urgent than ecryptfs or systemd changes?21:26
jdstrandwell, I was thinking sbeattie would do it, and he isn't working on those as much, but certainly that is a consideration21:27
jdstrand(to be clear, no I don't think more urgent than those)21:27
sbeattiejdstrand: I'd been meaning to push 2.9 in to vivid for a while, but had gotten pre-empted by other priorities.21:28
jdstrandright, hence the question here :)21:29
jdstrandshould it continue to be preempted or should it get uploaded21:29
jdstrandtyhicks: thoughts? ^21:29
sbeattieI ran the packages through qrt at one point, and I'm running them on my laptop, so I'm pretty confident in them.21:29
tyhickssorry, got distracted in another channel21:30
* tyhicks reads backscroll21:30
jdstrandsbeattie: is what is in the ppa what you would want to push?21:31
jdstrand(aforementioned bug aside)21:31
sbeattiejdstrand: there are some minor fixes, mostly policy touchups, awaiting a 2.9.2 release.21:34
sbeattie... that have already been committed to the upstream 2.9.x branch.21:34
sbeattieBut I'd kind of like the gcc-5 issue to reach a statis point before releasing
tyhickssbeattie: how much work is it to cut 2.9.2, package, and test it?21:36
sbeattieThat said, we could come back with a 2.9.2 after FF, as it shouldn't have anything but bugfixes as well (other than what's needed for systemd support)21:36
sbeattietyhicks: not much, a day.21:36
* jdstrand notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor21:37
tyhicksis 2.9.1 ready to push to vivid today?21:37
tyhicksright - the test plan adds a bit to it21:37
jdstrandtyhicks: we would need to run the test plan21:37
sbeattieokay, the test plan would take longer, as I haven't run through that before.21:38
jdstrandit could be split up21:38
jdstrandeg, I have a spare device I could do the touch testing on21:38
jdstrandso the question is, test what we have and wait for 2.9.2 and upload that later, or wait for 2.9.2. I'm guesing systemd would be after that21:39
tyhicksso if we get the gcc 5 fixes upstream today, cut a release tomorrow, and then test and upload on thursday, we could do 2.9.221:39
tyhicksjdstrand: systemd is definitely after that21:40
jdstrandI don't think we need heroics for the ff since this isn't a ffe21:40
jdstrand(since now I know it is just bug fix)21:40
jdstrandso no it is simply is now a good time for sbeattie to do it or not21:41
tyhickssbeattie: what's your feeling?21:42
tyhicksI'd assume that he's going to eventually cut 2.9.2 no matter what21:42
tyhicksbut you're right, there's no need to rush around right before FF for a bug fix release21:43
sbeattieI'd kind of like to get it in, as I imagine it would make the FFe for the systemd changes go easier if there aren't unrelated changes to go along with it.21:43
jdstrandthat said, we may not want to make 1422521 wait too long21:44
* tyhicks looks at the gcc 5 issues to get a feel for how long that'll take21:44
jdstrandsbeattie: are you thinking 2.9.2 upstream will be ready some time this week?21:44
jdstrandsbeattie: also, can I assign 1422521 to you?21:45
sbeattieyeah, I was thinking that making sure the parser compiles under gcc-5 was worthy of cutting a release.21:45
sbeattie(as I'm not sure of other downstreams timeframes for incorporating gcc-5)21:45
sbeattiejdstrand: 1422521> sure.21:46
jdstrandsbeattie: done (thanks)21:46
sbeattietyhicks: re 2.9.1 readiness> it's packaged and sitting in the sec-proposed-ppa, it could go after testing and incorporating the fix for 1422521.21:47
tyhickssbeattie, jdstrand: lets go with 2.9.1 + the 1422521 fix21:48
tyhickssbeattie, jdstrand: no need to stress ourselves out for 2.9.221:49
sbeattietyhicks: okay, that works.21:49
* jdstrand prepares spare device21:49
chilukdid someone finally fix the lockscreen lockup problem?  I haven't had my desktop lockup in a few days now.21:49
melodiegood night22:46
argeshallyn: around?23:03
zacthespackHello, out of interest how are the Ubuntu core rootfs generated? there are many build tools about but im interested in the best method to replicate a Ubuntu core rootfs from source23:04
zacthespackif anyone has the info please drop me a PM or email: zacthespack@gmail.com23:14

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