
=== IdleOne is now known as io
ubottuTo get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.01:37
=== dae- is now known as [FR]dae-
=== [FR]dae- is now known as [FR]Dae
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
=== Michaela is now known as Mikaela
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
=== idleone_ is now known as io
=== IdleOne is now known as io
Bl4ckD34Thcan you set a cloak for me20:41
Bl4ckD34Thubuntu cloak20:41
Unit193!membership | Bl4ckD34Th20:41
ubottuBl4ckD34Th: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember20:41
k1l_are you an ubuntu member? can you link your launchpad page?20:41
Bl4ckD34Thi have tutorials on ubuntu forum made by me20:41
Bl4ckD34Thi have launchpad20:42
k1l_Bl4ckD34Th: you need to be an ubuntu member. see the message from the bot20:42
Bl4ckD34Ththank you20:44
Bl4ckD34Thi read it right now20:44
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
Unit193!away > zz_Bl4ckD34Th20:53
ubottuzz_Bl4ckD34Th, please see my private message20:53
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th

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