[01:05] HFSPLUS HAS ARRIVED! === IdleOne is now known as io [08:46] cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (skittles) [09:04] EriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu (skittles) === zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th [13:44] hi Bl4ckD34Th === Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th === zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th [14:20] Bl4ckD34Th: would you mind to leave this channel? [14:20] why? [14:20] ok [14:20] because its a team channel. you are free to join if there is something you want to deal with the ops team [14:20] sorry [14:20] have a nice day [14:20] ok, sorry my friend [14:21] i belive it was a ubuntu discussion channel [14:21] i like and i use ubuntu [14:21] ok [14:21] bye [18:12] rww is alive [18:12] bazhang: I'd hope that's my default status. [18:12] @random yay HURD [18:12] HURD [18:12] aww [18:25] ------------my keyb-oar-d -is -n-o-w rand-o-mly --t-y-ping m-i--nus si-g--ns- === idleone_ is now known as io === IdleOne is now known as io [20:53] In ubottu, zz_Bl4ckD34Th said: zz_Bl4ckD34Th is currently away, try again later