
=== martinst is now known as martins-afk
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axisysanyway to recover data from a raid5 lun /dev/sdb .. it says Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table01:06
axisysfdisk /dev/sdb says http://dpaste.com/18JVV0Y .. any chance to get old data back?01:09
Patrickdkare you sure it *ever* had a partition table?01:19
Patrickdkand what do you mean by recover data from raid5 lun /dev/sdb01:19
Patrickdkyou don't need that disk at all to recover a raid501:19
axisysPatrickdk: yes.. I had to replace two of the failed disks using the megacli gui and brought it back up .. so most likely no chance to recover data.. but I wanted to double check here01:20
Patrickdkif your using a raid card01:21
Patrickdkyou will have to use the raidcard to recover the data01:21
axisysLSI megaraid controller made that /dev/sdb raid5  run01:21
Patrickdkthat is your problem01:21
Patrickdkyou didn't add it into the raid01:21
Patrickdkbut as soon as the raid card sees 2 bad disks, your raid5 is toast01:21
axisysPatrickdk: that is what I thought.. it moved the /dev/sdb offline01:22
Patrickdkand no, there should NOT be any partitions on that disk01:22
axisysbecause raid5 lun /dev/sdb is rebuilt?01:22
axisysrebuilt being replaced two bad disks.. so theoretically no need to try to recover .. right?01:23
Patrickdkcause what do partitions have to do with the raid card making a raid?01:23
Patrickdkpartitions are a user concept01:23
axisysPatrickdk: ok so I guess I could just use that /dev/sdb to create a new pv01:24
axisysand then a vg and lv01:24
axisyspvcreate /dev/sdb; vgcreate volg0 /dev/sdb; but it shows the whole disk is free.. It should have 87% full.. I guess data is gone.. no problem.. wanted to make sure I tried everything01:27
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NineTeen67CometHi all ..  know this' a Wordpress "Q" but they are silent tonight .. my recent install is giving me a 403 error when I try to open my uploads directory via the www (http://www.openlug.com/wp-content/uploads/) .. I've went so far as to 777 the directory with the same error .. help? Ideas? (Yes, www-data owns user/gid and it is currently at 777)05:07
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White_Catpmatulis well08:15
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White_CatI installed ubuntu-server and it was working fine08:15
White_Catexcept I cannot detect new drives08:15
White_Catjust the hardware raid508:16
White_Catwhich appears as a single disk08:16
White_Catso I tried to convert my boot from legacy to efi08:16
White_Catas far as I can tell, grub2 installed fine without errors. owever I cannot boot through efi08:17
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lordievaderGood morning.09:06
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jargonhttp://dpaste.com/26S809Z  <-- can anybody help with why i keep getting 403s when i run update or try to install anything?09:47
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Walexjargon: try the same URLs in a browser...10:00
NoobsFlyVFRI just installed SLiM and i3 on my Ubuntu Server 14.04 and tried setting the screen resolution with xrandr but every time I reboot, it's reverted back to 1024x768. Also, LVDS1 seems to be enabled by default. How do I fix this?11:21
pmatulisNoobsFlyVFR: sounds like you have a graphical environment11:26
NoobsFlyVFRI do, I installed i3-wm and SLiM.11:26
NoobsFlyVFRpmatulis, also, my xorg.conf seems to regenerate every time I reboot.11:26
pmatulisNoobsFlyVFR: i think #ubuntu would be a more suitable channel for your questions.  this is #ubuntu-server11:29
NoobsFlyVFRThanks, pmatulis.11:29
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argeshallyn: should i mark bug 1414153 as fixed released since its in vivid already?14:39
hallynarges: huh.  why did it not get auto-closed?14:44
argeshallyn: not sure14:44
hallyni marked the wrong bug in changelog?14:45
hallynarges: yeah i marked hte wrong bug in changelog.  so yeah pls do mark it closed14:46
argeshallyn: ok14:46
* hallyn fixes it in git for now14:51
bananapieis there a linux command to which I can pipe columns of data that will generate a nice line graph and output it as a png fileƉ16:12
Walexbananapie: yes16:29
UnderbyteW: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/mirrors.digitalocean.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty-updates_universe_i18n_Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch17:57
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X123use another mirror ?18:24
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stormpythonquestion, I have started up an ubuntu server and looking to connect it using the wireless card and can't get it to connect to the router22:57
stormpythonwould anyone know of how to do this or have a resource they can point me to22:57
stormpythonI've tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/270901/ubuntu-server-12-04-2-wireless-connections22:58
sarnoldstormpython: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces, someone might spot something wrong23:18
stormpythonsarnold: http://pastebin.com/TxkPDfwZ23:22
sarnoldstormpython: (wild guess) try "allow-hotplug" instead of "auto" for wlan023:26
stormpythonsarnold: thanks, but didn't get it working23:38
sarnoldstormpython: dang. :/23:38
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