
cmaloneyGood morning14:32
mrgoodcatjust heard a student tell another student "you don't need to know any of this if you're going into java" in my databasing class15:16
mrgoodcatmy head desk'd so hard15:16
greg-gcmaloney: on the upswing of sickness now16:26
cmaloneymrgoodcat: What was that they didn't need to know?16:27
cmaloneygreg-g: Awesome! :)16:27
mrgoodcatanything from this class16:27
mrgoodcatapparently java devs don't need databases16:27
cmaloneyReally? Such as?16:27
cmaloneyWell, it's a real pain in the ass to get Java to do anything with Databases. ;)16:27
mrgoodcatyea but good luck making something useful without one lol16:27
cmaloneyJDBC is a 4 letter word16:27
brouschThe bastards removed the odbc-jdbc bridge from java 816:28
brouschI have literally 1 java program here. It uses that16:29
cmaloneybrousch: Someone took that seriously?16:29
cmaloneyodbc is another 4 letter word.16:29
brouschIt worked16:29
brouschIt worked without me touching it twice a day for like 6 years16:29
cmaloneybrousch: it might be that I'm not Windows enough to want to use those things16:30
brouschSometimes all you have is odbc on windows16:30
cmaloneyAny time I played with ODBC it felt like magic when it worked16:30
brouschI use pypyodbc now16:30
cmaloneymagic in the sense that anything I did to accidentally change it would somehow cause the whole thing to spin apart and leave a crater where my machine once sood16:31
cmaloneyapparently I can't typo16:31
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jrwrencscheib: i never got a PACZKI23:41
jrwrenbrousch: why pypyodbc? no native driver for you?23:42
brouschjrwren: foxpro db23:56

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