
daftykinsLordDragon: google xorg-edgers, read the guide on how to install it as a source (tip: it begins with "sudo add-apt-repository..." then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-346"00:00
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LordDragondaftykins: i was just gonna download it from nvidia and boot into advanced mode and install it from command line00:01
daftykinsLordDragon: nope. terrible idea00:01
daftykinsalso that's all wrong even if you did take that approach00:01
LordDragondaftykins: it worked perfectly in the past...00:02
daftykinshere's my favourite phrase in IT: just because it works, doesn't mean it's a good idea.00:03
LordDragondaftykins: ok so what would you recommend then  for the latest drivers?00:03
daftykinsthere's no need to reboot into some other mode to do it that way, anyway i've suggested a better one so chop chop :>00:03
Ben64look up a few lines00:03
daftykinsi already told you.00:03
b43anybody have any idea how to load lxle on a tablet, not virtual, to replace the existing os00:06
daftykinstablets aren't really relevant to this channel00:06
daftykins#ubuntu-touch might be more relevant, or perhaps #ubuntu-arm00:07
b43ok daftykins, switching over00:07
LordDragondaftykins: "unable to locate package nvidia-346"00:11
LordDragonforgot a step sorrry00:12
LordDragonout of curiosity, why is xorg edgers a better source of drivers than nvidia?00:13
daftykinsPPA based = updates00:13
daftykinsmanual download = none00:13
LordDragonare updates automatic? or do i have to check occasionally?00:14
OerHeksWith a new kernel you have to reinstall the manual nvidiadriver.3300:14
daftykinsLordDragon: you don't seem too new to Ubuntu, so how come you're not sure how package updates work? :)00:14
popeydaftykins: -touch is really only for phone/tablet - yoga 3 that b43 has is technially just a pc with a touch screen00:15
LordDragonwell i am. i just didnt know if this was something stand alone00:15
daftykinspopey: i don't believe that user was the one referring to a yoga 3?00:15
popeyhe was00:15
popeyturned up in -touch00:15
daftykinspopey: oh ok, another user was too - that one said only 'tablet - my bad.00:16
daftykins* 'tablet'00:16
* mcc is a she, and daftykins was addressing someone else00:16
daftykinsperhaps it's just a coincidence that you both had yoga 3s00:16
daftykinsvery rare chances that 0o00:16
mccoh! ok00:16
* mcc shrugs. i guess they did just come out00:17
daftykinsis it the broadwell one?00:17
mccyoga 3 pro and yoga 3 are both broadwell, the difference between 3 and 3 pro are very unclear to me00:17
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_com_can anyone support me? i have no hdmi output (video). thanks.00:18
popeydaftykins: maybe I'm also bad, seems multiple variety of that thing00:19
LordDragondaftykins: dont suppose you know an easy gui way to set refresh rate to 120 instead of xrandr command line?00:19
daftykinspopey: hehe, no worries though - i'll try and hold fire on pointing people the wrong way :) devices are getting so confusing now it's tough to know what goes where 0o00:19
mccanyway uh one way or another i got this yoga 3, it's like a laptop that you can bend over and use like a tablet, i'm trying to figure out if any linux distributions would do "something sensible" with the touchscreen00:20
daftykinsLordDragon: oh, install the nvidia-settings package too, run that and see if it offers anything. i don't think it does, so there are roughly a million guides online00:20
mccand i hear ubuntu is trying real hard on touchscreen support00:20
popeywow, coincidence00:20
popeywhat are the chances of that!00:20
daftykinsit's one o' those days.00:21
brenYeah, all about that silly convergence.00:21
daftykinsmy birthday too ;_;00:21
mccand i am out of touch on desktop linux so i am just trying to work out where to start00:21
daftykinswell i would think a live session would show the touchscreen working if it's meant to00:21
daftykinsbut to be quite honest, buying latest model laptops designed for Windows and wanting to run Linux is extremely risky.00:22
mcctouchscreen doesn't work at all in live.00:22
mccyeah, i'm sure.00:22
brenubuntu is definitely your best bet for touchscreen compatibility. i wouldn't think it risky though.00:22
mccwell, apparently the yoga 3s didn't work with wifi in ubuntu until like two weeks ago or something? D:00:22
daftykinsbren: misunderstanding of my wording00:23
lorddragon_ok. easier to type here00:23
daftykinsrisky in the sense that expecting bleeding edge hardware to run out of the box = no no00:23
brenOhh, gotcha.00:23
mcci'm just playing around right now.00:23
lorddragon_is one of those 0 values the refresh rate?00:23
daftykinslorddragon_: you seem to be somewhat ignoring what i'm saying and spamming us with details out of context regardless :)00:24
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lorddragon_daftykins, i dont mean too. i saw you say "theres lots of guides on the internet"00:24
daftykins/var/log/Xorg.0.log will likely confirm it's picking 60Hz00:25
daftykinsi've seen it 10 times in 10, for these people with their funny high-refresh screens00:25
lorddragon_i went through this several weeks back. theres no nvidia setting. and after lots of google, i found an xrandr command that worked. and then i added the command to run automatically. i was just wondering if there was an easier way00:26
daftykinswhy didn't you say that to start with?00:26
daftykinsno there isn't :)00:26
lorddragon_ah ok. well thats why i was asking. heh. ok now to find where i put that command00:27
daftykinsi would find the correct line to put in xorg.conf if it were me00:27
daftykinsas per the many guides online mentioned00:28
lorddragon_wow something is wonky with chrome00:33
lorddragon_when its running and i try to resize windows, its gets super laggy. window just freezes for a few seconds at a time00:33
mcchey, one more question. are kubuntu, lubuntu, and ubuntu really all that different? is it possible to switch between them on an existing install by just changing package repositories or whatever?00:33
daftykinsyes, by installing different desktop environment (DE) packages00:34
daftykinsso no, they're just ISOs with different defaults00:34
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daftykinsbut if you try to just install each you'll like get into a really messed up state very quickly00:34
mccDoes Kubuntu run its own package server, or ppa or whatever?00:34
mccOK, makes sense00:34
daftykinsmcc: best approach, from Windows, download YUMI from pendrivelinux.com , download all 3 ISOs and then you can test boot each and see which you like00:34
* mcc nods00:35
daftykinsmaybe even 4, i'd say ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, then lubuntu last00:35
mcci've been playing with something called unetbootin... will look at the pendrive thing :O00:35
mccjust ran the "Elementary OS" ISO and it wouldn't even boot >_>00:35
daftykinsunetbootin is quite terrible00:36
mccthank you for th ehelp00:36
daftykinsno problemo00:36
mccdaftykins: it hasn't been working very well, honestly.00:36
brenRufus is the best program for the job imo00:36
lorddragon_hmm did xorg.conf move?00:36
lorddragon_i dont see it at /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:36
mccbren: how does rufus differ from yumi?00:36
mcci should probably note at this point i am totally new to pc platform, all my previous linux experience has been on VPS or macs00:37
sarkeshrufus does not work to burn ubuntu 14.10 iso file on usb00:37
mccso the windows end of all this is also sort of new to me also00:38
daftykinsno idea whether rufus allows *multiple* ISOs on the same disk at once, providing a menu00:38
daftykinswhereas i can guarantee YUMI runs in Windows and does.00:38
satdavHi is Jenkins packaged in with Ubuntu00:38
daftykins!info jenkins00:38
ubottuPackage jenkins does not exist in utopic00:38
daftykins!find jenkins00:38
ubottuFound: jenkins-crypto-util, jenkins-crypto-util-doc, jenkins-executable-war, jenkins-executable-war-doc, jenkins-job-builder, jenkins-memory-monitor, jenkins-memory-monitor-doc, jenkins-task-reactor, jenkins-task-reactor-doc, jenkins-test-annotations (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jenkins&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all00:38
daftykinsno idea.00:38
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lorddragon_thats odd. i always remember there being an xorg.conf file already made. i guess i gotta manually create it in this case?00:39
daftykinsyes, there isn't one normally00:40
daftykinshasn't been for many years.00:40
lorddragon_ah. i always used the nvidia installer. maybe it created one all the time and i never noticed00:40
daftykinsyeah, runs nvidia-xconfig00:41
lorddragon_ahh ok00:42
favyiHow to split larger 7z files to parts 1.2.3    ?00:48
daftykinsspanned archives, dunno - also 7zip isn't really a Linux standard00:49
EriC^^favyi: try split00:50
EriC^^favyi: try it out first and see if it works00:51
favyiEriC^^>whats the command line syntax  ?00:52
OerHeksfavyi, install p7zip-full > 7zip -v ... http://superuser.com/a/18460100:53
EriC^^split -b <bytes per part> <file> i think00:53
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bruxCso I'm extending my external drive. I'm really nervous; I don't want to destroy any data. I'm under the impression cfdisk is what to use.. I've gotten as far as sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb1 but I"m not sure which option to choose. I'm guessing [ Units ] is the way to go?00:54
OerHekscarefull, 7z does not preserve  file ownership00:54
daftykinsbruxC: why extend? did you make the partition the wrong size originally?00:54
bruxCdaftykins, fair question. I use esxi so I allocated more storage in the datastore the external drive runs on.00:54
bruxCI'm starting to run low on the existing drive and I'd like to extend it.00:55
bruxC(which I have)00:55
daftykinsbruxC: ah so VM. boot live session then use gparted to resize, done.00:55
satdav!info eggdrop00:55
ubottueggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.19-1.2ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 442 kB, installed size 1181 kB00:55
bruxCnot to be too difficult00:55
bruxCbut I'd like to try via cli00:56
daftykinsyou shouldn't do it whilst mounted anyway00:56
daftykinsbut fair enough, you're on your own there though.00:56
EriC^^use cat to join them again cat file1 file 2 > file00:56
bruxCI can always umount00:57
jawnyFor some reason I cant use the arrow keys to navagate in the pdf viewer01:03
jawnyI think I might've accidentally clicked on some option, anyone know any way to change this back to normal?01:04
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platznvidia package depends on lightdm | gdm | kdm .. is there any way to uninstall lightdm completely without forcing another graphical login manager to be installed?01:16
EriC^^platz: what's your end goal?01:18
platzEriC^^: i had to override lightdm in /etc/init to get back to terminal on login.. but i'm getting some wierd errors on login with systemd-logind, and was just trying to eliminate stuff starting up that was not necessary01:20
platzthere's some systemd-shim thing and I thought lightdm put that there too01:21
EriC^^did you try adding "text" to the kernel line?01:22
Ben64i don't think systemd is supported yet01:23
DrBenwayanyone has noticed some screen tearing with unity and intel hd 4000?01:23
platzEriC^^: I don't think so, but it is booting to the terminal, just with stuff like this01:23
EriC^^maybe that would stop them from booting, who knows01:24
platz" stuff like this01:24
platz [01:23:58] [platz(+i)] [5:freenode/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)]01:24
platzah,, i'll look around though, thanks01:25
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physixerI added a ppa (apt-add-repository) from which I need packages that are in ubuntu-main as well (but older version). I apt-get update, and install the package. It installs the ubuntu-main one. Need help installing individual package or packages from given repository (already added). help01:27
EriC^^platz: nvidia depends on lightdm for certain stuff?01:27
wizkidsafoGreetings, So I have this problem where when I do something simple as browsing the internet my desktop freezes and the screen dims as if its about to power the screen off My  specs->  http://gyazo.com/ca5361f6c77f31d9759a0d3a1b3828bf01:27
wizkidsafoany tips/01:28
daftykinsphysixer: i think it's package:version01:28
physixerdaftykins: ok but I dont' know the version number, just that it's more recent, can I query packages and versions for a given ppa?01:29
EriC^^platz: if it doesn't depend on certain stuff provided by lightdm, and if you uninstall lightdm nvidia gets uninstalled too maybe you can force install it even if lightdm isn't there?01:29
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daftykinsphysixer: they may have a site you can visit and read, otherwise have you tried apt-cache policy/showpkg <package> ?01:30
physixerdaftykins: I did apt-cache policy and that's how I found out that it installed the trusty/universe package01:32
Ben64physixer: pick the version from synaptic01:33
platznvidia depends on lightdm, trying to uninstall lightdm forces it to ask you to install one of the other login managers (gdm,kdm etc)01:34
Ben64platz: do you not want graphics?01:34
platzI don't want to run a graphical login manager, i just want to boot to terminal and start x manually01:35
EriC^^platz: "text" in the kernel line does that01:36
phoenixzSo every now and then I have some weird runaway process that starts using memory like nuts (yes chrome, I'm looking at you).. This goes so fast that my kswap daemon will just completely freeze my computer until no memory is available anymore.. Is there anything I can do to avoid this? like, hey, a process wants 6GB memory? kill...01:36
brenHas anyone ever gotten Everpad to work? I've tried it on multiple systems with Ubuntu and it always crashes.01:38
platzEriC^^: sounds good. I'll also continue using the init override method.  Just don't understand the assumptions behind some of these dependencies01:40
EriC^^ubuntu is designed to be used with lightdm01:40
EriC^^platz: you should be able to remove lightdm though01:41
EriC^^if you it's nvidia thats making it ask to install another dm you could uninstall nvidia then uninstall lightdm01:42
EriC^^and maybe force nvidia to install without lightdm01:42
platzis there an option to suppress a dependency?01:42
platzwhen installing01:42
EriC^^there should be something like force install or something01:43
daftykinsinstall --no-dependencies ?01:44
platznvidia-331 depends on nvidia-prime, then http://packages.ubuntu/utopic/nvidia-prime those deps01:44
EriC^^platz: if you wanted you could make your own dummy lightdm package01:45
platzhrm.. --no-install-recommends seems interesting01:45
mccHey so I tried YUMI as recommended... i want to install a unlisted ISO, from my hard drive... it gives me two options... "unlisted ISO (via SYSLINUX)" and "unlisted ISO (via GRUB)"01:45
EriC^^there should be a force install though01:45
mccalso "unlisted ISO via grub from RAM"01:45
mccdoes anyone know what the difference between the SYSLINUX and GRUB options are for these purposes? is the idea it's gonna install GRUB on the usb stickā€¦?01:46
EndoresuAnyone get a fix for the bluetooth issue of not seeing devices?01:47
EriC^^platz: dpkg has a force option that turns dependency problems to warnings01:47
Endoresuubuntu 14.0401:47
sheena1anyone know how i'd find a support chat for spreadsheet work? googling is not helpful, i just get irc-rooms' spreadsheets!01:47
martwindows ftw01:47
daftykinsmcc: has a list of distros does it not? you pick the one you're loading then pick the ISO.01:47
platzEriC^^: that looks promising!  Thanks01:47
EriC^^platz: dpkg --force-depends01:48
daftykinssheena1: what about looking for a libre office one?01:48
mcci see01:48
sheena1daftykins: you mean general "libreoffice irc" ?01:48
daftykinssheena1: either way, go and use the alis bot - #ubuntu is not a personal freenode directory01:48
sheena1daftykins: alis bot? is that something online, or inside of the irc chat?01:49
sheena1daftykins: sorry to be a pain, i could have just asked my spreadsheet question and probably gotten a reply, though :(01:49
daftykinssheena1: /msg alis hi01:49
daftykinssheena1: maybe, not the most relevant thing in here though :>01:49
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agallegoso i'm running this on the latest ubuntu (upstart script) can't figure out why i can't set bash vars inside https://gist.github.com/senior7515/d2f832d0336ccaaf1b64 any tips? (different channel maybe?)01:52
sheena1daftykins: i'm still trying to get my old thinkpad to boot from a liveusb without success, if that's more on topic and you have ideas! :)01:53
TeddyMurraywhat is the best way to copy a cloud server that's ubuntu to a vm on my local machine?01:54
platzTeddyMurray: azure lets you download the image if you're using that01:56
daftykinsTeddyMurray: contact your provider and ask them i think01:56
TeddyMurraynope, im using digital ocean01:56
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daftykinsyeah you pay them, not us :)01:58
daftykins(seriously they have a pretty good wiki iirc)01:59
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TeddyMurrayi know they don't provide a way to do it, was wondering if there was a software option for it01:59
TeddyMurraylike, i heard about vagrant but i dont know how it works01:59
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nileshLTS 14.04 desktop does not boot on UEFI hardware with legacy partitioning?02:06
nilesh'switching to clocksource tsc'02:06
nileshthat's where it hangs02:06
nileshcan someone explain me what is the relation between UEFI and clocksource?!02:07
daftykinsnilesh: are you trying to boot in EFI or legacy mode?02:09
nileshlegacy of course02:09
nileshthe hardware supports both02:09
nileshIt's a official ubuntu certified dell laptop02:09
daftykinsthere is no 'of course' in this department, trust me.02:09
daftykinslatest BIOS?02:09
nileshI'm not sure about that... we just got the laptops and it came with precise pangolin02:10
nileshI tried to install trusty via ISO it worked, which installed with GPT and EFI... but another installation with MBR doesn't boot02:10
daftykinslshw -C memory | pastebinit02:10
daftykinsalso, 14.04.1 ISO i hope02:10
nileshthe MBR installation was done directly using apt-get using a PXE installer (fai-project.org)02:11
nilesheverything installed fine, except that the kernel doesn't boot02:11
daftykinsdid it update during install? i guess PXE installs might not do that02:12
nileshfai-project.org directly downloaded DEBs from archive.ubuntu.com02:12
nileshit works using debootstrap02:12
nileshso it's the latest02:12
daftykinsi would prefer precise answers rather than stories :)02:12
daftykinstry an older then, or come back with the info requested above02:13
nileshwell, what would you like to know more about the PXE installation?02:13
daftykinstbh PXE is at your own risk, so i'd rather only hear results for a direct flash drive-based ISO install first up02:13
nileshto answer your question, I installed Precise via PXE and it worked02:13
daftykinsto rule out surprises02:13
daftykinsthat doesn't prove a thing02:13
nileshI guess I'll another installation using the ISO and then update it. That would clear the doubts.02:14
bruxCGod I hope this works.02:16
bruxCMakes one truly appreciate backups. I need to look into backup solutions.02:16
daftykinss/God/Tux/ :)02:18
nomad111hey all, im just where is a good place to ask about netcat/socat? is here ok?02:23
nomad111just wondering*02:24
bruxCpartition length exceeds the msdos-partition-table imposed02:24
daftykinsbruxC: you can't just paste random stuff, form a question02:25
bruxCwhat can I do to fix this issue: partition length exceeds the msdos-partition-table imposed02:26
daftykins'after running...'02:27
daftykinswe don't know what you ran02:29
daftykinsso the query is context-less :)02:29
bruxCI am attempting to expand my partition. I currently have 1.8TB ext4 and 1.6TB of unallocated space.02:30
bruxCI would like to expand my partition. upon doing so, I receive the message: partition length exceeds the msdos-partition-table imposed02:31
daftykinsshow the command you're trying, is what i was getting at :)02:31
bruxCi've taken the advice of using live cd02:32
bruxCno command is being manually entered.02:32
EriC^^bruxC: msdos have 2TB limits02:33
EriC^^if you want bigger partitions use gpt02:33
daftykinswhich won't be available whilst data is on there. oooh dear.02:34
EriC^^you could convert02:34
bruxCEriC^^, when formatting my drive I specified my requirements. someone in here informed me to format to ext4.02:34
eikon81gHello Out there.. I wanted to stop by to ask a few questions.. I am new to Linux and Ubuntu but I am trying to figure a few things out. Is there a way to address the room or direct my question to a proper channel?02:34
EriC^^backup though02:34
bruxCAm i capable off changing it from msdos to gpt02:34
EriC^^bruxC: yeah you can convert using gdisk, but you should backup just in case02:34
bruxCI'm using liveCD is gdisk something that I can use within it?02:35
EriC^^yeah, is the stuff backed up already?02:35
daftykinseikon81g: here is fine, ask away on one line with detail if possible02:35
eikon81g@daftykins - Thanks02:35
bruxCNo, I don't and I won't since it's too large.02:35
bruxCI don't have another 1.8TB to back it up to. Gonna have to wait.02:36
bruxCis it fair to assume that gdisk theoretically converts msdos to gpt w/o formatting and erasing content?02:36
EriC^^theoretically yes02:36
daftykinsit's really stupid of you to risk it without backup02:37
rwwI've done it. I wouldn't be comfortable recommending people do it without backups.02:37
bruxCdaftykins, doesn't that go without saying?02:37
daftykinsi'm underlining it02:37
EriC^^rww: yeah i told him to backup a couple times02:37
daftykinsbruxC: and you clearly don't know the types of users we get in here ;)02:37
thurstylarkIs there a way to "upgrade" to 64 bit from 32 bit on 14.10? I want to avoid reinstalling if possible.02:38
rwwthurstylark: No.02:38
bruxCI'm starting to know by the hefty amounts of condescending undertones you're providing. but nevertheless, the assistance is appreciated on my end.02:38
daftykinsbruxC: hmm, no you must be adding those.02:39
thurstylarkrww: figured. Do you know if there's a difference between 64 bit and i686? System settings says that I'm running i68602:39
bruxCit wasn't an opinion.02:39
rwwthurstylark: i686 is the name of the "modern" 32-bit x86 architecture02:39
eikon81gI am using Ubuntu 14.10 with xfce and when I was running unity my volume controls on the keyboard (fn + vol up / fn + vol dn / fn + mute) worked fine but after the xfce install (or so I think) the volume buttons quit working. I did some research and I have the Indicator plugin running to make volume adjustments which works fine but I'd like to have my buttons available to use. After researching some I saw that there are bug repo02:39
eikon81grts in place already for this issue but I was unable to get my buttons working again after following a few of the fixes that were posted in the ubuntu forums. I don't recall the exact commands but they had to do with resetting pule info in a .dconf file I believe.. I may need to do some more research / investigating but I figured this would be a good avenue to get going in the right direction.. Thanks in advance02:39
rwwthurstylark: it'd say amd64 or x86_64 if you were on 64-bit, I expect02:40
thurstylarkrww: Ahh. cool. Thanks!02:40
FoxhoundzHow do I mount a Window share via the command line02:42
Foxhoundzas part of a bash script?02:42
elicoI was wondering if someone here had some expirence with buffer bloat related issues.02:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:46
elicoI am unsure how to make sure ubuntu 14.04 will not get "bufferbloated"02:47
Steve_Jobsis there a way to play an audio file without being logged into X?02:47
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Steve_Jobsor any desktop env?02:48
daftykinsFoxhoundz: sudo mount -t cifs //host/share -o credentials=/root/.smbpass,uid=#,gid=#,iocharset=utf8 # with the appropriate values replaced02:48
Steve_JobsI can use aplay something.wav when on the temninal in a desktop on the machine02:48
Steve_Jobsbut when I log out and remote to the machine, the same command does not run02:48
dupingpinghow can i create a debian package includes a binary file.02:49
dupingpingi meant that debian/include-binaries02:49
ForceMultiplierHow can I upgrade my OpenSSL to the latest (1.0.2) from 1.0.1f?03:08
ForceMultiplierI figured apt-get would do it, but it doesnt appear to do so03:08
ForceMultiplierI'm on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS03:09
rwwYou don't. Ubuntu backports security fixes to whichever version it released with, and doesn't add new versions to its repositories.03:09
rwwstops it from being a moving target for bugs and what not03:10
rwwWhy do you need to upgrade? Might be easier to provide insight if we know that :)03:10
ForceMultiplierfigured 1.0.2 > 1.0.1f03:11
rwwAh. Yeah, unless there's some specific need, I'd stick with the in-repository version.03:12
rwwAnd as said, you should be fine as far as security goes :)03:12
ForceMultiplierok thanks03:13
virgiliahow to i show dull path with ls?03:15
virgiliafull path, rather03:15
daftykinsvirgilia: of every single file? or what03:16
daftykinsjust 'pwd' the current dir03:16
virgiliayes, every file recursivly03:16
somsipvirgilia: use find, eg: find ~/03:16
rwwI note that the argument to `find' needs to be an absolute path to do what you want. So ~/ will work (shell expands it to /home/foo/), or /usr/local/share/foo or whatever03:17
user__wat the03:19
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user__anyone here03:20
somsipuser__: there are people here. do you have a support question?03:20
user__oh sorry um everyones quiting so03:21
daftykinsuser__: ask a question.03:23
cplxfor someone reason bind9 isn't starting, any idea how I can enable the logs for bind9 to see why?03:25
daftykinsrun it as a program instead of a daemon to see what's up03:25
daftykinsshould be in the docs03:25
ChronicChopsvirgilia: try using ls -RA03:25
rwwthat won't give absolute paths :|03:27
rww(also, they left already)03:27
ChronicChopsah ok, i have those notifications filtered out, but yeah i guess 'find' would work best03:29
StmeterHi guys. On one of my servers the network connection has totally stopped working, I have console access finally. What should I be looking for?03:31
AoeusnthI want to install ubuntu.  how do I verify the integrity of the iso once I download?03:34
somsip!md5 | Aoeusnth03:34
ubottuAoeusnth: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:34
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Aoeusnthsomsip, is md5 really a reliable way to verify the iso?  I thought md5 is broken03:39
somsipAoeusnth: md5 is not broken. It's not good to use for safe hashing, like passwords. Is that what you mean?03:40
Aoeusnthcan't an attacker create an alternate iso with the same md5 hash?03:41
daftykinsno doubt it is, the media did a number on understand MD5's weaknesses.03:41
* daftykins chuckles03:41
daftykinsAoeusnth: download from reliable servers and you'll be fine03:41
somsipAoeusnth: download from an official source. Check, it. Don't be so paranoid03:41
daftykinsno penguins were harmed in the packaging of this distro.03:41
AoeusnthIs there a way to download over https03:48
=== angela is now known as angela-
angela-hi all can enyone tell me how to upgrate ubuntu 1403 to 1410?03:52
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Ubuntu for bug #1403 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403). The error has been logged03:52
daftykinsangela-: 14.04 you mean presumably, 14.10 is not LTS so i wouldn't recommend it.03:53
AoeusnthI think this page will answer my problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto03:54
wilsonbUsing Ubuntu 14.10, is anyone else experiencing a double login / log off ? Example, I go up to top right and shutdown, then a few seconds later the main Ubuntu logon screen comes on and have to click the power/ shutdown again to shut down.03:55
daftykinsangela-: ?03:55
somsipwilsonb: I have that sometimes on 14.04, but I shutdown via command line. Sometimes I have to do it twice, sometimes it halts but doesn't power off. No big deal for me though03:56
wilsonbI have the same problem logging on03:56
angela-is then ubuntu 1404 still the newist verdion/03:56
rwwAoeusnth: "can't an attacker create an alternate iso with the same md5 hash" => they'd have to make an alternate iso that actually boots and does something, which is vanishingly unlikely03:57
rwwas in, it's mathemtically possible given infinite time, but realistically not03:57
daftykinsangela-: it's the newest Long Term Support edition.03:57
angela-ol thanks wen coms a nwer verdion ?03:58
significanceHello all! I've been trying to add a Startup Application via the GUI (ubuntu) and Terminal, and so far neither command has worked to run xmodmap. Yet, when I run the xmodmap command after logging in, it works. What might be the issue?03:58
rwwangela-: Ubuntu releases every six months. Every fourth release (i.e. every two years) is a long term support release.03:58
somsipangela-: next LTS in Apr 201603:59
rwwThe current LTS release is 14.04. The current non-LTS release is 14.10, and there'll be another release in 15.0403:59
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)03:59
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:59
angela-ok now i know04:01
significanceSorry to bump, but does anyone know why a startup application might not be working on my computer? I'm running `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` in a Startup Application created via the GUI, and when I run that command in the Terminal, the keybindings I want work. Nonetheless, when I log out and in, or even restart the computer, the keybindings aren't automatically activated. How might I debug this?04:04
aieqanyone know why my process in TOP is taking 300% cpu (3 cores) yet on the left side CPU states its like 5% total usage? wtf?04:04
aieqanyone know why my process in TOP is taking 300% cpu (3 cores) yet on the left side CPU states its like 5% total usage? wtf..?04:04
aieqCpu(s): 14.2%us04:05
aieqmeanwhile my process in top says 3xx%04:05
detorranyone having trouble with android studio in ubuntu?04:06
somsipdetorr: what is the problem?04:06
detorrcan't open sdk manager04:06
lotuspsychjeaieq: anything usefull in your syslog or dmesg?04:06
detorryes it is04:07
detorrException in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-gtk-3550 or swt-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file04:07
detorrat org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)04:07
detorrat org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)04:07
detorrat org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(Unknown Source)04:07
detorrat org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(Unknown Source)04:07
somsipdetorr: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3344903/problem-launching-android-avm-sdk-gui-using-the-tools-android-executable-in-the04:08
somsipdetorr: a few responses there, one highly upvoted04:08
lotuspsychje!upstart | significance maybe more luck here?04:08
ubottusignificance maybe more luck here?: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:08
significancelotuspsychje - what's the advantage of that over just a .bashrc?04:09
detorrwhat is the solution?04:09
lotuspsychjesignificance: upstart might be more persisent every boot, doing what you need04:10
somsipdetorr: can you read english ok?04:10
shoerainMy thinkpad x200 doesn't scroll with the middle mouse button after un-hibernating, is there some way to jigger it back into scrolling?04:10
detorryeah just use that command?04:11
detorr"sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp"04:11
somsipdetorr: check if it needs doing first. Or just go ahead and blindly do it and accept the consequences.04:12
detorrthat command worked!!04:12
somsipdetorr: good result then. Might be worth finding out why you needed to issue the command, as you might have the same problem on reboot04:12
lotuspsychjeshoerain: maybe the package gpointing-device-settings can help you04:14
detorrtrue, one more issue, gradle project sync always fails04:14
shoerainlotuspsychje: hmm i was hoping that there was just a command to reload the mouse settings, sort of like modprobe04:15
somsipdetorr: I had fun converting from eclipse to gradle too. I can offer no advice except read lots and try stuff. I can build now, but I don't know if it's right. So you're on your own there.04:15
lotuspsychjeshoerain: well, you need to findout why it resets after hibernate, its not normal behaviour right04:15
detorri am updating android sdk packages which might work04:16
detorrbecause i couldn't check them before04:16
detorrsomsip: thank you04:16
lotuspsychjeshoerain: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and dmesg and try hibernate after, see what realtime errors you get04:16
somsipdetorr: np04:16
lotuspsychjeshoerain: you can also check dconf-editor to see energy options perhaps04:17
shoerainlotuspsychje: that's cool, didn't think the events would be logged in /var/log/syslog04:18
lotuspsychjeshoerain: its not sure, but worth a check04:19
shoeraindoes dconf-editor just access/update the same stuff gsettings does?04:20
lotuspsychjeshoerain: are you on 12.04?04:20
detorri want to program an irc chat server for android anyone know where to start?04:21
lotuspsychjeshoerain: no dconf-editor edits stuff, gpointing is a package specially for mouse settings04:21
somsipdetorr: a different channel. Like #android maybe. This is not an ubuntu support issues.04:21
detorrthe client would be on android server would be ubuntu04:21
somsipdetorr: programing issue, not support.04:22
shoerainer i meant the CLI program `gsettings`04:22
rww#android-dev for developing android apps. There are way too many IRC servers out there as it is.04:22
detorrhow do i create desktop entries for unity desktop?04:23
bruxCchanging msdos to gpt was dreadfully easy.04:24
bruxCnot entirely sure what all the fuss was about.04:24
lotuspsychjeshoerain: dconf-editor is the new one04:25
rwwbecause you just overwrote your partition table and if it hadn't worked you'd be screwed04:25
rwwcongratulations on it working :)04:25
bruxCfollow a working theory and then there's nothing to fear?04:25
lotuspsychjeshoerain: did you install 14.04 fresh? i find alot of bugs about mouse wheel bugs after hibernation04:30
terribadHi! I'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time. I'm having some issues when I try to boot. When I boot normally, the screen turns black, then solid white, then solid white in only the upper left corner. It then becomes unresponsive. I get better results when I go to the help menu and boot from there - I see a Desktop-like setup, but my keyboard (which worked with BIOS) stops working. My mouse doesn't work either. What should I 04:32
lotuspsychjeterribad: is your system an uefi?04:33
terribadlotuspsychje: I'm not sure - what's the best way to find out?04:34
lotuspsychjeterribad: whats the Os default on your machine04:34
lotuspsychjeterribad: win8?04:35
terribadI think it used to have Windows XP on it, but by the time I got it the OS was gone04:35
terribadjust bios at the moment, i think04:35
lotuspsychjeterribad: you are trying the usb install with ubuntu?04:36
lotuspsychjeterribad: can you tell us at wich point your stuck04:37
lotuspsychjeterribad: you still in ubuntu setup, or did you finished install?04:38
lotuspsychje!details | terribad04:39
ubottuterribad: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:39
eikon81gsounds like it is at leasdt booting the USB drive..04:39
terribadlotuspsychje: It depends. If I select "Try Ubuntu without installing" I get a white screen which I can't get past. If I go to "Help" I can get to a Desktop-like screen, but my mouse and keyboard cease to work.04:39
terribadeikon81g: that's right - it appears to be booting04:39
lotuspsychjeterribad: you have usb mouse and keyboard?04:39
terribadlotuspsychje: I've tried with both usb and non-usb mouse and keyboard. Doesn't seem to make a difference.04:40
eikon81gcould the usb drive be corrupted? how'd you make the usb installer?04:41
lotuspsychjeterribad: is this a rther older system? can you tell us more about hardware, graphics card?04:41
terribadeikon81g: I used Universal USB Installer04:42
lotuspsychjethat should work good04:42
lotuspsychjeterribad: ubuntu 14.04 or 14.10?04:42
terribadlotuspsychje: warranty sticker on the side suggests it's from 2005. graphics card should be a nvidia geforce 6150 le, processor is an amd sempron processor 3400. (this is according to stickers on the case; not guaranteed to be true.)04:43
lotuspsychjeterribad: do you know if your graphics are optimus enabled?04:44
terribadlotuspsychje: I don't know04:45
eikon81gIt's a setting in the bios04:45
terribadShould I try turning that on?04:46
eikon81ghe's just asking if that is an option in there and if so is it enabled..04:46
lotuspsychjeterribad: if your card has this option, you need nvidia-prime to work properly04:47
lotuspsychjeterribad: you can also try a nomodeset on your 14.0404:47
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | terribad04:47
ubottuterribad: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:47
=== verzion is now known as brah
terribadI don't *think* it's an option in BIOS - I'm looking now and not seeing it.04:48
lotuspsychjeterribad: i would try the nomodeset or try a xubuntu/lubuntu, see if it makes any difference04:49
eikon81ghats off lotus good tips there..04:52
tnkhanhhi where is the log for this channel04:52
lotuspsychje!log | tnkhanh04:52
ubottutnkhanh: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.04:52
tnkhanhlotuspsychje: thanks! i got it04:53
eikon81gI think if you read through the nomodeset info on the provided link you may be able to get it past that issue you are stuck at..04:53
terribadHmm. I haven't been able to set boot options, and the screenshots in that section of the link are broken. I might go with Xubuntu eventually...04:55
lotuspsychjeterribad: i think with your system specs, you should be able to run ubuntu destop fine04:56
lotuspsychjeterribad: when ubuntu loads at boot, try F1 to enter more options, from there you can choose nomodeset04:57
Bashing-omterribad: lotuspsychje :: I had a AMD sempron system, ubuntu 12.04 was real slow on it, I wound up installing (L)ubuntu .05:03
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: i run 14.04.1 64bit on an old AMD 3200, rocketfast with ssd and old ati x800 :p05:04
terribadlooks like i needed to press tab to add boot options. i typed nomodeset after the double dash, which in retrospect was probably unwise. but it seems to be working better than before.05:05
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) !05:05
eikon81gsoPRo. Way to go05:08
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest5008
terribadthanks for the help, folks! one more thing: currently it's running very slowly (visible latency when moving the mouse). can i expect better performance after installing, or should i consider xubuntu?05:10
Guest5008is there someone using kali around ?05:10
lotuspsychje!kali | Guest500805:11
ubottuGuest5008: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)05:11
lotuspsychjeterribad: try ubuntu desktop first, if after install it lags too much, try xubuntu/lubuntu05:11
Guest5008ok then05:12
Guest5008i change my question05:12
Guest5008is there someone using BACKBOX here ?05:12
Guest5008ubuntu based !05:12
lotuspsychjeGuest5008: its better to ask your specific issue05:12
Guest5008well, i only see broadcast packets in wireshark, althought i'm on monitoring mode05:14
lotuspsychjeGuest5008: you can try the #wireshark guys05:14
Guest5008oh thats nice05:14
Guest5008ty dude05:15
lotuspsychjeno sweat05:15
Power_superin a bash script how can I check if a string is a valid file path05:17
Power_superI want to do an mkdir with that string if it is05:17
Power_superif not do some other stuff05:17
Guest5008hey back05:19
brightsparkPower_super: file test operators -e and -d05:21
Power_superbrightspark: the file path does not yet exist05:22
brightsparkPower_super: What do you mean by valid then?05:24
Power_superbrightspark: syntax wise05:24
Power_superlike check if its in format /foo/bar/05:25
brightsparkPower_super: Do all intermediate directories have to exist?05:27
brightsparkIe is /foo/bar legal if there is no /foo?05:29
=== crypt1 is now known as redreed
ciwolseyhey all05:43
ciwolseyanyone know how i can get a recent version of gnome on ubuntu?05:43
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xanguaciwolsey: wait until 15.0405:44
xanguaor use the unsupported PPA (it may also break Unity)05:44
ciwolseyyeah? when will that be out?05:44
ciwolseyi dont care about unity05:44
ciwolseywhich ppa should i use?05:44
ciwolseyand when is 15.04 coming and what will it have?05:45
ciwolseysorry, a lot of questions05:45
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:45
ciwolseyOctober 23, 201405:47
ciwolseyso 6 months from then i guess05:47
ciwolseyso we're probably a couple of months off05:48
EriC^^ciwolsey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Alpha2/UbuntuGNOME05:48
cfhowlett15 = year / 04 = month / April 201505:48
ciwolseywhat would be best between 14.04 and 14.10 if i wanted to get a gnome install?05:50
cfhowlettciwolsey, ubuntu-gnome05:50
ciwolseyi guess ill download and try that :)05:51
cfhowlett!ubuntu-gnome | ciwolsey05:51
ubottuciwolsey: Ubuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage05:51
arshavinwhat service is this Failed to start unit user@1000.service: Unknown unit: user@1000.service06:00
arshavinlightdm fails to light up have to start it manually06:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest2211
virgiliatrying to ssh over the internet but keep getting permission denied for the correct password06:20
EriC^^use ssh user@host06:20
virgiliaEriC^^: yes, did that. after that is when the password is asked for then subsequently denyed06:24
EriC^^can you log in locally?06:25
virgiliaEriC^^: yes, local works fine from the system or from another system06:25
virgiliaEriC^^: but not via the internet IP, on any system06:26
EriC^^virgilia: does the password have any special chars?06:27
virgilia0-9 and A-Z only06:28
Eric28Can anyone help me?06:28
cfhowlett!ask | Eric2806:28
ubottuEric28: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:28
EriC^^try to set the password to a numerical password only and test it06:28
Eric28I cant install ubuntu because it says kernal panic not syncing on install06:28
Eric28Thank you06:29
EriC^^virgilia: ^^06:29
cfhowlettEric28, install from what?06:29
Eric28Unbuntu 14.04.01 latest on HP pavillion AMD - from USB or DVD06:29
cfhowlettEric28, BOTH usb and DVD ubuntu fail???06:30
Eric28Yea I am burning it again on slower to check again06:30
cfhowlettEric28, 1.  torrent the .iso   2. md5sum (integrity check) the .iso   3. create boot media06:31
cfhowlett!md5sum | Eric2806:31
ubottuEric28: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:31
Eric28Ok thanks Ill try that now06:31
aphrodei am new here06:32
cfhowlettEric28, I'm guessing you have a bad .iso         md5sum will confirm06:32
cfhowlettaphrode, ask your ubuntu questions06:32
aphrodecould someone give me some advice about ubuntu?06:32
cfhowlett!ask | aphrode06:32
ubottuaphrode: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:32
aphrodei don't know how to use it06:33
aphrodei install this system yesterday06:33
cfhowlettaphrode, www.fullcircle.org/downloads       get issue 0.   Read.  proceed to issue 1.  Read.  Repeat.06:34
aphrodethank you06:34
cfhowlettaphrode, *www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downlads06:35
aphrodeI see06:35
=== robi_ is now known as Cromaglious
ash_mcan I ask a personal question?06:47
cfhowlettash_m, no.  ubuntu only06:47
ash_mcfhowlett: it's about ubuntu06:47
ash_mcfhowlett: it's actually about ubuntu vs debian06:47
cfhowlettash_m, one of those :)  take it up in #ubuntu-offtopic06:47
cfhowlettash_m, thank you06:48
ash_mcfhowlett: okie06:48
ash_mcfhowlett: thanks06:48
ash_mcfhowlett: btw, I just want to go on record as not having a bias between either OS06:50
cfhowlettash_m, lol.  noted.06:51
ash_mcfhowlett: I just heard a caddy remark and wanted to know what the general opinion was... I've asked it in offtopic though, like you suggested06:51
thelegendminkanyone know how to make scaleable resources? for instance, 1 person is using 1GB of ram out of 2 then the other people can use that extra gig07:02
Power_superHow can I use mkdir to make a directory named foo/bar07:03
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
Power_superwhere its one directory07:03
Power_supernot bar inside foo07:03
hateballthelegendmink: cgroups is one way07:05
hateballthelegendmink: but if you limit RAM it'll start to swap instead, so07:06
thelegendminkcan you msg me? cause thats not exactly what i meant07:06
akaWolfhow is x server starting in Ubuntu?07:07
thelegendmink i was talking about allowing people to use extra resources when needed(as long as they arent in use by others already)07:11
thelegendminkacross many servers07:12
SeveasakaWolf: upstart starts it at bootup07:13
Seveasthelegendmink: distributed computing is a very complex subject. Best attend a proper university course for that.07:14
thelegendminkseveas i have the infrastructure to scale up and down as i need to07:15
thelegendminki just dont know how to link it together like that07:15
Seveasthat's because there is no such thing as 'linking it together'07:16
Eric28It started this time but now when I select which partition (the 2nd drive, 1st is win7 and 3rd is another) It says: "No root file system is defined"07:16
cfhowlettEric28, wait, multiple drives?!07:16
thelegendminkseveas how do they(large companies) do that then, where they have 1 huge system(with many servers in one) and share resources across it07:18
Eric28Yea it asks to install inside windows 7 or over it. and then it says or something else. And when I choose that it lists the 4 partitions and windows is on the first and third one (trying to install to the 2nd one)07:18
cfhowlettEric28, "inside" windows 7?  INSIDE?!  please tell you are not using "wubi" windows installer07:19
Eric28Whats that? Im installing from the ubuntu dvd disk07:19
thelegendminkcfhowlett, he probably is07:19
Seveasthelegendmink: depends on the company. Where I work, we simply run the same code independently on thousands of nodes to distribute load, other workloads may require a more coordinated approach with more communication. As I said, this is a really complex subject, that's not trivial to explain.07:20
cfhowlettEric28, did you start windows and then start installing ubuntu?07:20
faraimi have ubuntu on VB, but could i make ubuntu primary and run windows in a VB?07:20
cfhowlettfaraim, yep07:20
unik00will I get every users being able to use some library once I install it?07:20
faraimcfhowlett, yea it's probably the only way i'll learn07:20
Seveasunik00: depends on how you install it, but generally yes.07:20
Eric28I need to install ubuntu to the 2nd partition, basically leaving the others alone. When it shows a list for edit partition. It says use as: Ext4 journaling file system or a fat32 etc. which one do I pick?07:21
cfhowlettEric28, default ubuntu is ext407:21
thelegendminkseveas, that works to some extent, but many copies of the same thing would be very expensive, and if you share the resources then you know they are being utilized almost completely07:23
Eric28Thanks. What is the "mount point"?   /    /boot   /home etc07:23
cfhowlettEric28, /07:23
=== Bruno is now known as Guest1458
akaWolfSeveas: it starts display manager first, which starts x server, right?07:24
Ether_ManHi. I have a service that dies every couple of hours which is kind of annoying. It's nothing serious really and can simply be started again with 'service zarafa-server start' again. But it's annoying. Is there any quick and easy ways to have it simply restart this service upon crashing?07:26
Eric28It now says I need a swap area thing and to go back and select it. Do I change ext4 to swap area?07:27
cfhowlettEric28, you need to create a swap partition.  it will be SWAP not ext407:27
SeveasakaWolf: I'm fairly certain it's the other way around. Though now you got me thinking :)07:28
thelegendminkseveas, i could see CoreOS or openstack working for the distributed nature, but do i run it with docker?07:28
SeveasEther_Man: monit, supervisord, inittab :)07:28
Seveasthelegendmink: throwing random technology around doesn't help. What's the actual ptoblem you're trying to solve?07:29
Eric28Now it says no root file system defined07:29
Ether_ManSeveas, cheers :)07:30
thelegendminkseveas, scaleable web hosting(redundancy across AZs/Regions, and high availability)07:30
Seveasthelegendmink: I'm available for $200/hour to help you implement that :)07:31
Eric28I cant create any more partitions to use as a swap. Is there anyway to install unbuntu to only one partition without needing to create more?07:31
Seveas(read: it's complex, depends on your application and does not have a one-size-fits-all solution)07:31
thelegendminkits easy to get more resources cause its on AWS but the most cost-effective drives are only 32GB(local disk)07:31
thelegendminkseveas, do you work at booking.com?07:33
Seveasthelegendmink: I do indeed, though I do not see how that's relevant.07:34
cfhowlettEric28, paste a pic of your gparted07:35
Eric28is gparted the install screen with the partitions? and where do i upload/post the pic?07:38
cfhowlettEric28, yes that is the gparted tool.  use tinypic.com07:39
Jonathan_Ri wish to make my own keyboard map. essentially its sort of in place, but i need to change a few things. i want to make an ancient hebrew keyboard map. ancient hebrew sorta uses the same 22 characters as modern hebrew. Here. Here is what i mean http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/28_chart.html07:40
LuyinJonathan_R: wouldn't it be enough to switch your keyboard layout to hebrew and use the character table application for the rest?07:42
Jonathan_Rthats what i was alluding to07:43
LuyinJonathan_R: then just change your keyboard layout and do so ;) do you know how to?07:43
Jonathan_Ras long as i can switch to hebrew and it types ancient hebrew, thats what i want07:44
Jonathan_Ri've never done anything like this before07:44
unikAfter long time, I come back to unity and I don't know why everything gets like 5 times larger07:44
LuyinJonathan_R: what desktop do you use? unity?07:44
Jonathan_Ri have the fonts installed at the user level07:45
Eric28http://i59.tinypic.com/k4t7w3.jpg gparted screen07:45
LuyinJonathan_R: I don't know kde well enough, but there must be an option to switch the keyboard layout. system settings -> input devices -> keyboard -> layouts tab -> configure layouts according to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=14121907:46
Jonathan_RLuyin, i have all the desktops and window managers installed07:48
celexilol why would you do that07:48
LuyinJonathan_R: did you read my last post?07:49
Jonathan_Ryes i did07:49
Eric28Can I use the same partition as a swap and main ubuntu one?07:49
celexino eric2807:49
Jonathan_Rmaybe this is better suited; https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_Xorg07:49
LuyinJonathan_R: "Note: XKB can be overridden by the tools provided by some desktop environments such as GNOME (XkbOptions) and KDE (set keyboard)."07:49
Eric28So if I cant and I cant create any more. Does that mean I cant have a swap at all?07:50
LuyinI'd prefer going the graphical way, but your choice07:50
LuyinEric28: you can change your current partition layout with a live partitioning distro07:50
Eric28Yea but can I leave the other partitions the same and its already maxed out at 407:51
Jonathan_Ri can do either Luyin07:51
celexieric28 follow instructions in https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-12-0407:51
celexishould be able to create a swap withotu partition that way07:51
Eric28Ok thanks07:51
Jonathan_RLuyin, i expect i can use the hebrew layout but just use the ancient hebrew fonts07:53
Eric28Is that only for VPS? and what happens if I dont use a swap?07:53
LuyinJonathan_R: from experience with ancient greek, I can tell you going via fonts is never a good idea, unless you're not sharing your documents with anyone, or only as PDFs07:53
Jonathan_Rancient greek Luyin ? linear a or linear b?07:54
LuyinJonathan_R: neither. just ancient greek.07:54
Jonathan_Rah ok. i want what works best07:54
penguin1hello everyone!07:54
penguin1need your help my fellow IT!07:54
Jonathan_Rlinear b is ancient greek, linear a is before linear b07:55
Jonathan_Ri have a certain fscination with ancient hebrew and greek07:55
penguin1I planning to put up a mail server in ubuntu. What server Brand and Specs would you recommend for 500 upto 1000 mail accounts?07:56
Luyinno Jonathan_R. linear b is the syllable script of Mycenaean Greek. "Ancient Greek" is an alphabet.07:56
LuyinJonathan_R: but that doesn't belong here. we can discuss this in a query, if you wish.07:56
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Jonathan_Ryes i know Luyin but we can discuss that later07:58
Jonathan_Rso Luyin using the system settings in kde isnt allowing me to quite do what i want08:00
Jonathan_Ri need to creat the layout first08:00
LuyinJonathan_R: then I'm afraid I'm out. I have no experience whatsoever with that. Hope you'll make it, anyway :)08:01
Jonathan_Ri will Luyin08:02
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Jonathan_Rnow Luyin we can talk about ancient greek, linear b and linear a08:03
Jonathan_Rin whatever channel08:03
LuyinJonathan_R: query?08:03
Jonathan_Ri guess08:03
NytramI have noticed kimpanel-ibus-panel and ibus-daemon are using 2.4gb and 1.8gb of memory respectively. As I understand these are used for multilingual purposes, something I do not need but can find no information on permanently removing or disabling them.08:04
Jonathan_Rthats what you mentioned before08:04
cfhowlettEric28, the /swap would be part of the ubuntu / "root" partition.  NO ADDITIONAL PARTS required!08:07
Eric28I just installed without swap. Is swap needed?08:07
rwwEric28: only if you want to suspend to disk / hibernate, or have additional space if you run out of RAM08:08
rwwi don't bother with it personally08:08
Eric28I just installed without swap. Is swap needed?08:08
Eric28So you dont use swap? I have 4gb ram08:08
cfhowlettEric28, depends on your ram and your usage.  generally, low ram = swap recommended.08:09
cfhowlettEric28, also: you are likely to quickly fill your ubuntu system.  suggest you move your /home to /dev/sda408:11
cfhowlettEric28, for comparison: dualboot of windows 7 / Ubuntu 14.04       http://tinypic.com/r/29f5atw/808:13
celexion my desktop computer i keep windows and linux on their own hard drives08:17
celeximuch easier than messing with partitioning08:17
celexiand use virtual machines for others i may want to try08:17
White_Cat!seen EriC^^08:18
ubottuI have no seen command08:18
White_Catoh hi EriC^^08:18
White_Catdo you have a few minutes08:18
EriC^^what's up?08:18
Eric28Thanks its installed now but it always shows the purple ubuntu boot screen with Ubuntu and windows 7 there. How do I get the old black boot menu back with the other windows and also the ubuntu which I added using easybcd.08:19
cfhowlettEric28, something wrong with purple?  that IS the default grub bootloader appearance.08:20
White_CatEriC^^ you recall my issues with boot from like 1.5 months ago08:20
Eric28oh yea but the windows xp isnt there08:20
White_Catafter a hiatus I am still working on it :)08:20
Eric28How do I get a menu with win 7, win xp and ubuntu? The purple ubuntu only has win 708:20
White_CatEriC^^ the commands I used back then were http://askubuntu.com/questions/509423/which-commands-to-convert-a-ubuntu-bios-install-to-efi-uefi-without-boot-repair08:20
cfhowlettEric28, you really did go with the most painful options ...   1.  do your OS's all boot?08:21
White_CatEriC^^ I pmed you a paste08:21
Eric28Yea they all can boot but only if I goto win 7 from the purple screen and then select it. Also selecting ubuntu from that black old boot screen only sends unbuntu to a command line08:22
cfhowlettEric28, easybcd means you were mucking around with windows bootloader NOT ubuntu bootloader.  choose one.  ONE.08:22
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, what happens when you boot now?08:22
White_Catit just reboots08:23
Eric28Yea I want a boot loader that can have all 3 options. Either add win xp to the ubuntu loaded or make the old loader come up. which ubuntu dont load from that menu08:23
White_Catyesterday morning it fell to grub but I botched that while attempting to use grub-rebuild08:23
White_Catit never booted from efi so far08:23
White_Catalways I had to tinker with bios boot options for legacy -> drive boot08:23
White_CatI have it up with ubuntu live cd (usb) at the moment08:24
cfhowlettEric28, open a terminal and run         sudo fdisk -l08:24
Eric28I dont have the new UEFI either08:24
cfhowlettEric28, paste the output to fpaste.org08:24
White_Catthe paste I have sent you via pm is what ubuntu pasted over boot options08:24
White_CatEriC^^ I suspect config is the issue but I am unsure08:25
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, is it a hp / toshiba laptop?08:25
White_Cathp server08:25
EriC^^type sudo parted -l | pastebinit08:25
White_Catits running on ubuntu-server 14.0408:25
Eric28I never got a pm, can you send again please08:25
Eric28can I take a screenshot in unbuntu?08:26
cfhowlettEric28, of course.  accessories > screenshot08:27
EriC^^White_Cat: the efibootmgr entry is off08:27
White_CatI thought so08:28
White_CatI posed the parted paste to pm as well08:28
EriC^^White_Cat: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 4 -d /dev/sda08:28
Eric28how do I upload the terminal windows with the sudo parted command? to fpaste.org08:28
Eric28Nevermind I just copied it lol08:28
EriC^^White_Cat: secure boot is turned off right?08:29
cfhowlettEric28, I suspect you see only 2 OS because you have MBR partition so = no more than 4 PRIMARY partitions.  MUCH easier to install your primary OS (ubuntu) and run windows or other OS in virtualbox.08:29
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, also type sudo cgdisk, select the efi partition and change it's type to EFI08:29
Eric28Yea but any way I can install 3 togethor?08:30
cfhowlettEric28, MBR?  no08:30
cfhowlettEric28, EFI?  yep/08:30
White_Catefibootmgr isnt know08:30
Eric28EFI has more than 4 but cant I still have 3 with MBR?08:30
White_Catshould I apt-get?08:30
EriC^^White_Cat: it should be ef0008:30
EriC^^for what?08:31
cfhowlettEric28, EFI has a limit of 26 IIRC.  MBR limits you to 4 primary partitions08:31
White_Catsudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 4 -d /dev/sda doesnt work08:31
White_Catsince it doesn have efibootmgr08:31
EriC^^White_Cat: oh, yes install efibootmgr08:31
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Eric28If i already have 3 installed now and they all boot. Isnt it possible to at least make a boot menu with all 3?08:32
cfhowlettEric28, more good news: I'm pretty sure MBR has a size limit and cannot handle your 1 TB HDD< but ask around08:32
cfhowlettEric28, this is a newer computer?  2012 or newer?08:33
Eric28no its 2010 or so08:33
White_Catcgdisk is asking for a device name08:34
White_Catshould I type sda?08:34
cfhowlettEric28, and is the 1 TB the ONLY storage on the computer?08:34
Eric28Yes only one08:34
White_Catpartition 4 is marked as an efi system08:34
brenthey guys a friend has asked me to put some things on his portable hdd. im using ubuntu desktop 14.04 and the disk is formatted as hfs+08:34
White_CatI think we did this step 1.5 monhts ago08:34
brentany way to easily mount this?08:35
White_Catit wasnt originally08:35
White_CatEriC^^ I also pmed you the pastebin from efibootmgr08:35
EriC^^White_Cat: hmm08:35
EriC^^White_Cat: type sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda08:36
EriC^^White_Cat: yes type sudo efibootmgr -v08:36
cfhowlettEric28, well, you have options.  I think Eric^^ has a much firmer grasp of EFI issues than I do.  Unless I'm wrong, it's possible to convert your system to UEFI as white_cat has been doing.  with that in place, your 1 TB will be seen and you partition the whole dern alphabet08:36
EriC^^Eric28: what's up?08:37
Eric28Ok so I can have all 3 in a boot menu with EFI? I dont think UEFI is in the bios though on this machine, it is for the newer laptop I got08:38
White_Cattwo more pastes for your pm08:39
EriC^^Eric28: type sudo parted -l | pastebinit08:39
Eric28sudo parted: http://www.fpaste.org/186411/24161770/08:39
cfhowlettEric28, he's triple booting, but with only 3 active partitions.  I dual boot and I've used 3 primary and 3 extended!  plus his grub only shows 2 of the OS08:40
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, ef00 is already set and the entry was already correct, boot-repair removes the "\" from the path i guess08:41
EriC^^White_Cat: when you boot, can you get a boot options menu when you can select which os to boot?08:41
White_CatEric28 no08:41
White_Catit imediately reboots08:42
White_CatI can select what to boot from, sure in bios end08:42
White_Catit does list ubuntu there08:42
White_Catubuntu and my flashdisk as well as stuff like network boot and boot from foo disk08:42
Tragicboyanyone good with mdadm and ubuntu?08:42
White_CatI think its a menu before grub08:43
White_CatEriC^^ in the first paste it is telling that it cannot find a boot kernel08:43
skittlesmicrosoft created ubuntu08:45
White_Catskittles well yes08:45
Eric28How do I wipe the whole drive and start with EFI (the one with more then 4 partition limit). And can I choose which one boots first and have a menu?08:45
cfhowlettskittles, not even close to true.  stop spreading FUD08:45
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt08:46
skittlesopen your eyes to the truth08:46
White_Catcfhowlett its true. with their crappy os (if you want to call it that) it motivated the development of ubuntu from debian08:46
skittlesObama is a reptilian from the past with royal blood of the Rothschild08:46
cfhowlett!ops | skittles08:46
ubottuskittles: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:46
EriC^^Eric28: you'd have to backup everything before converting to gpt08:46
Tragicboyon a command line, how do i format a drive?08:47
EriC^^Tragicboy: man mkfs08:47
skittlesthatsd a good question08:47
Eric28yes I dont need anything on the drive can I just start over using gpt?08:47
Tragicboyi'm trying to make a raid 0 setup, and need only one partition08:47
Tragicboyper drive08:47
skittlesok soz08:47
White_Catshould I mount sda4 too?08:47
cfhowlettEric28, boot ubuntu from USB, start gparted.  choose your HDD, delete the current partitions, format for efi, add new partitions08:48
White_Catmount /dev/sda4 /mnt/boot/efi08:48
cfhowlett!uefi | Eric2808:48
ubottuEric28: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:48
EriC^^Eric28: you can get a grub menu with 3 os's without uefi08:48
Eric28Wait, I got it half working. It now goes straight to the boot menu with all 3 there like I want. BUT choosing the ubuntu which I added only goes to a black command screen saying grub> and grub4dos08:48
EriC^^Eric28: type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt08:48
Eric28Warning! No such command: sudo08:49
EriC^^White_Cat: yes08:49
EriC^^Eric28: boot a live usb08:50
Eric28The easybcd had neogrub there. Is that what was supposed to be?08:50
EriC^^or boot into ubuntu08:50
Eric28Yea it wont, it shows the menu and I select ubuntu which I added using easybcd and selecting neo grub.08:50
cfhowlettEriC^^, oh, yeah, he also did some easybcd and windows bootloader stuff08:50
Eric28Yea so the easybcd I used to add ubuntu and now it goes to grub4dos instead of ubuntu08:51
EriC^^White_Cat: for i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /run /proc; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done08:51
cfhowlettEric28, grub doesn't work with EasyBCD, so I suspect you're still using the windows bootloader, i.e. your computer is quite likely very confused08:51
Eric28yeah and in easybcd it had neo grub there. How can it not work though?08:52
EriC^^Eric28: boot into ubuntu08:52
cfhowlettEric28, multiple bootloaders = multiple boot directives.  as I said earlier: choose ONE08:53
EriC^^you can change grub's background if you'd like08:53
Tragicboyok thanks EriC^^ i got them partitioned.  Now when i try to create them in a RAID i get "cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy"?08:53
Eric28It wont work any more. It only goes to the old boot black screen and has win 7 and win xp and the ubuntu I added which goes to grub4dos08:53
White_Catmount point mnt/dev doesnt exist08:55
cfhowlettEric28, I don't know about your XP, but win7 has a non-standard installation as does ubuntu.  non-standard configuration = non-standard performance.  normally, we can fix boot issues by reinstalling grub ...08:55
White_Catah forgot a /08:55
White_Catran throug fine08:55
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, sudo chroot /mnt08:55
White_Catfor i sounds such a poetic intro :p08:55
Eric28Maybe its the menu.lst I had to create. I typed root (hd1, 4) and  next line: kernel /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img08:56
EriC^^Eric28: do you have a live usb?08:56
White_Catfor i am root now :)08:56
Eric28no the usb wouldnt even install, said kernel error08:56
White_Catyes I know i is a variable08:56
Eric28root (hd1, 4) what do I type? do I have 4 there or 2 for the second partition?08:56
Tragicboyquestion what's the best format to put a drive in? ntfs or ext4?08:59
cluelesspersonTragicboy, I'd say ext409:00
cfhowlettTragicboy, drive = USB?09:00
Tragicboyoh no09:00
cfhowlettext4 is default09:00
skittlestype "rm -rf *"09:00
cluelesspersonTragicboy,  If you need it to be readily readable by windows, NTFS, however, windows has drivers available for EXT4 as well09:00
cluelesspersonTragicboy, ^ don't.09:00
Tragicboydont' need to worry about windows09:00
skittlesrm -rf /09:01
Tragicboyso should i put the hdd's in ext4?09:01
cluelesspersonTragicboy, EXT4 then, better for linux09:01
cluelesspersonTragicboy, yes09:01
cluelesspersonskittles, you're a party09:01
cluelesspersonskittles, Can I eat you?09:01
skittlesare you hot09:01
EriC^^White_Cat: :)09:02
White_Catyep? )09:02
White_Catoh :D09:02
cfhowlettcluelessperson, do not feed ...09:02
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, type apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed09:02
cluelesspersoncfhowlett, the ego on this one09:03
Eric28Works good now it goes to the purple screen after I select Ubuntu from the old black menu. BUT how can I skip the purple screen and auto select unbuntu? OR make a 5 second timer09:03
cfhowlettcluelessperson, ?  if you have hexchat, you can easily add him to /ignore09:03
skittlestry "sudo init 0"09:03
White_Catits already installed to newest version09:03
White_Catis there a command to reinstall it?09:03
skittlesthis should initiate the required programs09:03
skittlessudo init 009:03
White_CatI am not 100% confident that it isnt damaged09:04
cluelesspersonHey guys!  I'm getting an error in /apche2/error.log    .htaccess: RewriteEngine must be On or Off09:04
cluelesspersonAnyone know what's the cause?09:04
skittlesdo sudo init 009:04
cluelesspersonskittles, I am hot, actually.09:04
EriC^^!ops | skittles09:04
ubottuskittles: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang09:04
PhuzzyHave a question about preseeding... i am trying to get a custom disk to install the "standard" task via preseed tasksel command, but no matter what format i use, it does not seem to work. any advice?09:04
popeyskittles: stop now09:04
White_Catwasnt he just banned?09:04
White_Catman this guy must be bored09:04
cfhowlettpopey, he's already been warned 2+09:04
EriC^^White_Cat: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed09:05
EriC^^White_Cat: also, apt-get install linux-image-generic09:06
EriC^^White_Cat: run apt-get update before installing the kernel09:06
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White_CatI can abort?09:07
Eric28Can you change the purple boot menu to auto boot ubuntu?09:07
EriC^^White_Cat: did you run the linux-image installation?09:07
White_Catits downloading09:08
White_Catnow installing09:08
EriC^^np after it finishes run apt-get update then install the same package again09:08
EriC^^Eric28: yes type sudo nano /etc/default/grub09:08
White_Cat--reinstall for linux image?09:08
EriC^^if there's a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT remove it then save with ctrl+o09:09
EriC^^Eric28: ^^09:09
EriC^^White_Cat: no09:09
EriC^^i think it should install a new version if it finds one09:10
White_Catit didnt09:11
White_Cat42 not upgraded09:11
EriC^^Eric28: if you do edit the file run sudo update-grub afterwards09:11
White_Catwait 42? how mysterious09:11
EriC^^White_Cat: type exit09:11
EriC^^and try to boot it, if it works you can upgrade those packages with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:12
White_Catfor i am ! root now09:12
White_Catremoved usb flahdisk and rebooting09:12
White_Catits booting?09:15
White_Catit works09:15
White_Catits alive!09:15
White_Catso dist-upgrade09:16
Phuzzyim guessing thats a no then. Anyone know where i will have better luck with installer related support?09:17
Tragicboydoes anyone know anything about the softraid in ubuntu/? I try running sudo mdadm --detal --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and get -bash: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf: Permission denied?09:17
White_Catits not accepting my password I logged in with09:18
White_Catwhat the09:18
White_CatEriC^^ I am getting access denieds09:19
Ben64White_Cat: doing what09:20
EriC^^White_Cat: type sudo -l09:20
White_Catits prompting a password which is incorrect09:21
White_CatI logged in with it09:21
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Ben64White_Cat: what is the output of the command "groups"09:22
White_Catmyusername adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare09:23
White_Catroot password isnt working either09:23
murchahi, is there anyway to estimate the amount of cached files in ubuntu?09:23
White_Catand its a copy paste09:23
Ben64there shouldn't be a root password09:23
White_CatI defined one09:23
Ben64White_Cat: why09:24
White_Catthe password I logged in a minute ago is no longer letting me log back in?09:24
White_CatI am so upset I can cry right now09:26
White_Catwhy on earth can a password change itself on its own?09:26
Ben64it doesn't09:26
EriC^^White_Cat: do they both contain special chars?09:26
White_CatI dont think I am imagining th invalid password prompt :p09:26
EriC^^could be a keyboard layout thing09:26
White_Catno its a very simple password09:26
White_Cat5 letters and 4 numbers09:26
Ben64i'm leaning towards "user error" at the moment09:27
EriC^^White_Cat: boot into recovery mode and set them again09:27
EriC^^check caps lock num lock09:27
White_Catroot doesnt work still09:27
Ben64root shouldn't work09:27
White_Catmaybe it doesnt have a password defined09:27
Ben64theres no reason to enable root09:27
White_Catmaybe I just wrote down a password incase it was needed09:28
Ben64that makes no sense09:28
White_CatI generated like 5-6 passwords09:28
White_Catanyways it doesnt matter09:29
White_Catnow there is the matter of detecting tht drive09:30
White_Catis there a command that can list all currently detected drives?09:30
Ben64you should probably fix your users first09:30
somsipWhite_Cat: sudo fdisk -l09:30
EriC^^yeah, first things first09:30
White_Catit only shows a single drive :/09:30
Ben64and stop using root all the time09:30
Tragicboythis is buggin the hell outta me! Everytime i try to mount the drive, i get "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"?09:30
White_CatI never use root all the time09:30
Ben64people have been telling you that since october09:31
White_CatI was just trying to ssh to it for the first time09:31
White_CatBen64 and I stopped using it since october09:31
White_Catno since september I think09:31
Phuzzycan anyone assist or direct me somewhere that could?09:31
Ben64Tragicboy: correct09:32
Tragicboycorrect what correct?09:32
Ben64Tragicboy: correct, you do have to specify the filesystem type09:32
Tragicboyso do i do mount /dev/md127 /mnt/2TB -t auto?09:33
Tragicboycause i tried that too, and still says that09:33
Ben64what type of filesystem is "auto"09:33
Tragicboyi read it was a command to use09:34
Tragicboyi'll try just saying ext409:34
Ben64if its ext4, sure09:34
jargonanybody else having 403 Forbidden errors when running apt-get update or trying to install anything?09:34
jargonhttp://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  <-- this URL 404s, for example09:35
vegetablesalad19Hello, I'm trying to pass password as input, but it doesn't work like that, am I doing something wrong? "printf 'password\n' | encfs ~/.coded ~/decoded"09:35
jargonin the browser. from terminal it 403s09:35
PhuzzyJargon: that mirror is syncing. Try the main one (take the uk. out)09:36
TragicboyBen64 now i get this : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md127,09:37
Tragicboy       missing codepage or helper program, or other error09:37
Tragicboy       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:37
Tragicboy       dmesg | tail  or so09:37
jargonPhuzzy: ok09:37
Eric28Installed steam multiple times from the software centre and it disappears on restart?09:38
Eric28Nevermind it only dissapears from the menu09:38
cfhowlettEric28, are you booting from the HDD or from usb09:38
Eric28HDD, it dont work on USB09:39
antoncpuHi.  Could anyone help me to solve a problem with Ubuntu 14.10 freezes? Roughly a month ago I upgraded from 14.04 (where I had no issues) and immediately started getting those strange freezes. They happen occasionally, mostly when I use Chrome. The screen freezes for about 10 seconds, then I see a black screen with a built-in monitor message "No signal" and after 10 seconds screen becomes normal again. Sometimes it doesn't so I ha09:39
EriC^^vegetablesalad19: why are you passing a password like that09:39
jargonPhuzzy: still 403ing. i removed uk from everything in my sources.list09:42
Phuzzyjargon: did you run and apt-get update again after doing so?09:43
jargonthat's where i'm getting the 40309:43
jargonPhuzzy: http://dpaste.com/26S809Z09:44
murchahi, is there anyway to estimate the amount of cached files in ubuntu?09:50
k1ljargon: can you show your source.list?09:50
Phuzzyjargon: chances are the repo is being updated. Give it 30 minutes to finish09:51
k1lk1l> jargon: can you show your source.list?09:52
jargonk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10270698/09:52
satdav!find discourse09:53
ubottuFile discourse found in python-nltk09:53
k1ljargon: ok, i thought there could be some typo. but that looks good so far. either your ISP got issues with routes or the servers are syncing. so give it some 30mins.09:55
jargonk1l: Phuzzy: ok i'll wait it out09:56
ndut2-h4x0rhey may be u guys interested in this https://worldhacker.org/?p=48010:20
mdogendut2-h4x0r: nice website. doesnt load10:21
mdogedoes eventually10:22
ndut2-h4x0ris slow10:22
mdogendut2-h4x0r: pointless article10:22
cfhowlettndut2-h4x0r, no spam please10:22
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antoncpuSo could anyone help me to solve a problem with Ubuntu 14.10 freezes? It happened once again while I was browsing this chat now10:23
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jattwhat freezes10:27
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promobim from pune & you peoples ?10:29
antoncpujatt: The screen freezes for about 10 seconds, then I see a black screen with a built-in monitor message "No signal" and after 10 seconds screen becomes normal again. Sometimes it doesn't so I have to restart the computer, or there are some glithes (graphical artifacts) accross the screen so again I have to restart the machine. How to solve it? I'm sure it didn't happen before in 14.04 so it doesn't seem to be a hardware issue.10:31
jattcheck /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old for errors/backtraces10:31
k1lantoncpu: intel video card?10:31
jattcould be a video driver issue10:32
jstooneHi, is there a way for me to download the nginx-common soruce (1.6.2) manually?10:32
santhoshhai jatt that issue is not there in ubuntu 14.04 just check with hardware10:32
jstooneI'm on trusty.10:32
antoncpuk1l, jatt: Sapphire Radeon HD7750 1 GB10:33
jattare you using fglrx or the open source drivers10:33
antoncpuopen source, but I've tried to select fglrx (fglrx-updates) and after hitting "Apply changes" it selects back the open source ones.10:35
jatttry the latest proprietary drivers10:36
jattare you sure you don't have backtraces in /var/log/Xorg* ?10:36
k1lor dmesg. or the older dmesg in /var/log10:37
santhoshdmesg can identify the issue ,if  any issue10:37
antoncpuk1l: dmesg output https://gist.github.com/antonCPU/47d19e3d154bc46b7eb010:40
jattyou should check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old after you reboot after a freeze10:41
jattdmesg will look clean if it doesn't freezes10:41
antoncpujatt, k1l: Can see this message inside Xorg.0.old "Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)"10:46
k1lsudo apt-get install fglrx10:46
k1lmake sure you got the kernel headers installed too10:46
BrowserHi. Where is the network configuration stored? /etc/network/interfaces doesn't show my current configuration.10:47
antoncpuk1l: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  fglrx : Depends: fglrx-core but it is not going to be installed10:47
k1lantoncpu: what ubuntu is it? do you have ppas enabled?10:48
antoncpu14.10, how can I check "ppas"?10:48
jattnothing else? that shows fglrx wasn't loaded but doesn't explain the freezes, sure no backtraces are there?10:48
k1lantoncpu: ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d10:48
antoncpujatt: here is the file https://gist.github.com/antonCPU/da2ce2083e1cd5031c1e10:50
antoncpuk1l: no "ppas" in sources.list.d10:51
jatti see very strange freeze then the driver didn't even had time to react. anyway with the latest proprietary drivers should work better i guess10:51
antoncpujatt: could you clarify is it a correct way for installing the proprietary drivers http://askubuntu.com/questions/544217/how-to-install-proprietary-ati-amd-drivers-on-14-10 ?10:53
jattI would go to the amd site and get the latest version for your card10:55
k1ljatt: that way they dont have updates and need to reinstall after every kernel update10:56
k1lantoncpu: i would investigate why you cant install fglrx on your system10:56
jattor, follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD10:57
antoncpuk1l: done "sudo aptitude remove fglrx", "sudo aptitude install fglrx" . There were several apps that were blocking installing so I had to remove them, now installation seems to be running10:57
k1lantoncpu: i prefer apt-get. but did it show any error on building the module?10:58
antoncpuk1l: here is the log https://gist.github.com/antonCPU/cc2bdab5a8ce35f84afb . Seems to be no errors. After it finishes I can see "fglrx" is select in "Additional drivers" settings.11:01
k1lantoncpu: ok, looks good.11:02
dRealmUnder "System Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts->Launchers", the default settings for "Home folder" is "Explorer".11:03
antoncpuk1l, jatt: thanks a lot for your help! Going to restart the computer, hope for the best11:03
dRealmHow exactly (what key cominbations) do I launch the Home folder?11:04
lukes7913anyone know of any problems with 14.10 and display drivers? fresh install's just an unresponsive mess.11:05
jattwhich video card11:05
lukes7913it's an integrated chip err amd a7 something i think11:06
kokutHello, what is the path for the documents folder in ubuntu11:06
dRealmhow do I launch/invoke my Home folder using/following the default  "System Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts->Launchers" setting for "Home folder"11:06
k1lkokut: /home/usernick/Documents ?11:06
fauchitrying to build xplane 4.4.5:  /usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `rplayaudio.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output11:07
kokutk1l: yea ty11:07
fauchiI also tried the windows binary with wine:  fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}11:08
abhi-how does one start upstart session jobs when not using unity11:08
fauchidoes anyone here knows the game xpilot ?11:09
fauchiI tried  to build xpilot 4.4.5:  /usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `rplayaudio.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output11:09
jattask the xpilot mailing list11:10
Ben64fauchi: is xpilot-ng not good enough?11:11
fauchiwe need the globe map11:11
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fauchican it be converted into the new format ?11:12
Ben64idk anything about that11:12
lukes7913if my display drivers are borked on an amd card what packages would i want to reinstall?11:14
jatt!fglrx | lukes791311:15
ubottulukes7913: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:15
jattor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD11:15
NoobsFlyVFRI just installed SLiM and i3 on my Ubuntu Server 14.04 and tried setting the screen resolution with xrandr but every time I reboot, it's reverted back to 1024x768. Also, LVDS1 seems to be enabled by default. How do I fix this?11:21
lukes7913guys, is this significant? 'systemd-logind[1186]: Failed to start unit user@1000.service: Unkown unit: user@1000.service'11:22
k1llukes7913: no11:25
LabanI want to extract strings matching a certain regex from a text file. What's the best tool? Grep gets the whole line...11:31
tharinduNAhi ghrs11:32
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re86good morning, anyone here to offer some help?11:34
ghrsLaban: the -o flag may be of use11:35
NoobsFlyVFRLaban, you might want to try looking into ack .11:35
k1lre86: just ask11:35
re86k1l: cheers11:35
Laban-o sounds like the good stuff.11:36
re86I'm having an issue with suspend and wake. I have a HTPC running Ubuntu 14.04 with tvheadend11:36
LabanNoobsFlyVFR: ack? Not awk?11:36
re86however the system takes ages to suspend and then it won't wake back up properly and i have to manually hard reboot11:37
re86what options am i best looking at to why the system wont suspend immediately? Thanks11:37
NoobsFlyVFRLaban, awk's only faster. If you want something that's really fast, try ag.11:37
NoobsFlyVFRIt supports semantic searches, multiple cores and parallel processing.11:38
=== oh is now known as Guest74438
akaWolfcan someone say, which is current status of Compiz in latest Ubuntu? I mean, a few years ago it was very nice: 3d cube, fire effects, etc. but recently I have try to get this working in Ubuntu: most cool effects was deleted, even Compiz now is in Universal. what is situation now?11:40
giuseppe_82hi everybody. bootlogd is not showin anything on boot.log. does anyone why? thanks11:43
stachuuuuuJE TU JAKIŚ CFANIAK?11:52
Tm_Tstachuuuuu: hi you have entered the Ubuntu support channel, for everything else please use more suitable channels11:52
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BluesKajHiyas all11:53
Tm_Tstachuuuuu: english please11:54
stachuuuuuTm_T spierdalaj chamie11:54
stachuuuuuu understand?11:54
He4dShOthey guys11:55
He4dShOtis there a specific channel for snappy ubuntu core?11:55
OerHeksHe4dShOt, sure, join #snappy11:57
He4dShOtOerHeks, thanks11:57
OerHekshave fun11:57
bustershinhow can i make ubuntu the default boot os? i updated win 8.1 and i need to pull boot choices in order for me to boot in ubuntu11:59
EriC^^bustershin: sudo nano /etc/default/grub , edit the default boot11:59
EriC^^then sudo update-grub12:00
jargonwhere's the global version of ~/.xsession?12:03
philinuxjargon;~ try locate xsession from a terminal12:05
RahulANHi all i am using lubuntu12:05
RahulANi am trying to make my laptop as wifi hotspot12:06
RahulANhow can i??12:06
RahulANI tried hostapd..12:06
RahulANbut it wont do any thing..12:06
jargonphilinux: hmmm12:06
RahulANis there any other way??12:06
akaWolfjargon: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc12:08
lotuspsychjeRahulAN: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/12:08
k1lRahulAN: the networkmanager is easy for that12:08
RahulANk1l, that not worked for me12:09
jargonakaWolf: not working :-(12:09
akaWolfjargon: what exactly?12:10
jargonlxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE12:10
jargonakaWolf: ^12:10
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RahulANlotuspsychje, where to open in lubuntu12:11
lotuspsychjeRahulAN: http://askubuntu.com/questions/129579/creating-a-hotspot-in-lubuntu12:13
RahulANalso in down menu it is written that networkmanager is notrunning12:13
akaWolfjargon: I think, you should kill all *dm processes12:13
akaWolfjargon: and after "startx `which lxsession` -s Lubuntu -e LXDE"12:14
akaWolfjargon: because this scripts are executed by startx (xinit)12:16
akaWolfjargon: you are trying to start lxde session inside existing session12:17
RahulANmy network manager is not  working12:18
RahulANis there any way to enable it??12:18
jargonakaWolf: this is for making a remote desktop connection work12:18
akaWolfjargon: maybe I'm wrong, ofc. but what xactly didnt work?12:18
RahulANcurrently i used pppoeconfig to set up my connection12:18
RahulANand pon dsl-provider for starting it12:18
RahulAN need to use this ppp0 in wifi as a hotspot12:19
RahulANso that i can connect my android with it.12:19
MrElendigjust enable packet forwarding?12:21
RahulANi started it but it shows device not managed.,. in both eth0 and wlan o12:22
MrElendigshould check if your wifi card actually supports hostap first though12:22
RahulANMrElendig, how to check it??12:22
MrElendighostapd will yell at you if it doesn't12:23
RahulANMrElendig, is there any package for doing this??12:24
MrElendigmost cards/drivers that does mac80211 works12:24
MrElendigRahulAN: I just told you: hostapd12:24
RahulANi installed hostapd12:25
MrElendigbtw, first hit on google "http://seravo.fi/2014/create-wireless-access-point-hostapd"12:25
MrElendigalso http://w1.fi/hostapd/12:25
mac^^^although I can rsync files to a Western Digital external usb hd, the data gets there but I lose ownership and perms ..... should I instead put a linux filesystem on it? do people do that?12:25
MrElendigmac^^^: it is a good idea not to use ntfs if you don't need to access it from windows, yes12:25
MrElendigmac^^^: I would use btrfs due to snapshots and incremental send/recieve etc, but that is probably just me12:26
mac^^^my backups worked as far as preserving data but I lost ownership and perms and thats a somewhat hassle if you have to restore directories12:27
mac^^^yes I like btrfs too12:28
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Guest23442i want help12:30
Tg1help for what?12:31
Guest23442i want help eny one use irssi12:31
Guest23442how to use irssi12:32
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Frugalsyou are downloading comunisme12:36
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OerHeksFrugals, go back to school > communism12:37
MrElendigFrugals: https://torrentfreak.com/porsche-proves-mpaa-wrong-wants-you-to-download-a-car-131217/12:39
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faraimif given the option between KVM full virtualization and an OpenVZ container12:40
faraimwhat limitations does the container have?  assuming you're going to use the same OS on either12:41
Frugalscommunist ops12:41
MrElendigfaraim: you want kvm12:41
MrElendigfaraim: you get a lot better IO performance etc12:42
faraimah i see. i was suspicious of the price difference12:42
OerHeksfaraim, pro's and con's > https://crissic.net/kvm_vs_openvz12:43
faraimOerHeks, sweet thanks. i was googling for that12:44
OerHeksI would go for KVM too, or Xen12:44
jadesoturihi all. im installing an ubuntu server that will be used for hosting a webpage/webapp. do i need to install a DNS server package?12:50
jadesoturior can i just change the IP on my domainname to point to the webserver IP ?12:51
akaWolfcompiz (decor) - Warn: No default decoration found, placement will not be correct12:54
akaWolfcan someone help me with that?12:54
somsipjadesoturi: create an A record to point to the IP of the server, assuming it's fixed12:54
jadesoturiyeah its a fixed ip in a /29 net. so no DNS server needed then: thx:)12:54
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ubottugius: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».13:12
newuser789whats CUPS username password ?13:18
solsTiCenewuser789: your own I guess13:38
re86hello, which is best to use to remove a module rmmod or modprobe -r ?13:40
survietanimeHello, I've installed logcheck which depends on logtail, but apt tells me that this software is deprecated. How can I know which is the new software for that purpose please?13:41
solsTiCere86: I use modprobe -r but I don't know which one is the the better one if there is one13:42
survietanimeMy goal is to right replacement for logcheck which I find not optimal13:42
survietanimeto write13:42
k1lsurvietanime: with the change to systemd that will be different anyway13:43
re86solsTiCe: cheers, i'm trying to get my tvheadend service running again after a suspend13:43
survietanimek1l: ok, I can imagine that, but for my "old" servers running 12.04?13:43
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solsTiCek1l: it is still a thing of the future right ? will it be in 15.04 I mean ystemd13:43
k1lsolsTiCe: it will be standard for 16.0413:44
k1lsurvietanime: can you show the error you mean when installing it?13:45
BluesKajsolsTiCe, you can install it on 14.10..I have it and it seems ok13:45
re86has anyone got any tvheadend experience in here?13:46
solsTiCeBluesKaj: ok.13:46
BluesKajsolsTiCe, you have to install systemd-sysv to make it default, after installing run ps -p 1 , in the terminal to see if it is.13:50
BluesKajsolsTiCe, after rebooting13:51
solsTiCeBluesKaj: I am hesitant to try that on ubuntu. I am used to systemd on archlinux for example... But13:51
solsTiCere86: modprobe -r should (?) take care of dependancies (between module) from what I understand. rmmod will not13:53
BluesKajsolsTiCe, well, that's your call13:57
solsTiCeBluesKaj: does it boot faster ?13:58
deunneroWhat's this libdrm-radeon stuff that just installed via updates O_O13:58
solsTiCeAs long the init are not converted to systemd servie I don't see the point, yet ?13:59
BluesKajsolsTiCe, think that depends on your HW, on this old amd 5200+ cpu/6G Ram , not much difference14:00
re86solsTiCe: thanks for that. I have tested with modprobe -r and it seems to work fine14:01
re86solsTiCe: When it comes to putting this into a sleep.d script, is there a particular number i should use so that it's ran before config.d modules ??14:01
solsTiCere86: I don't know about that stuff14:02
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re86solsTiCe: ok cheers14:05
deunnerooh.. Direct Rendering Management  :O14:05
re86anyone else got any knowledge on sleep.d scripts?14:05
tomodachire86: im guessing there is nothing particular to it14:05
tomodachibasically the script gets launched when the machine goes to sleep14:06
tomodachiso its like any other script only its execution is different14:06
prabhu_I want to run firefox 35 in headless mode in ubuntu could someone help me with this14:06
re86i've noticed that others have numbers prefixed, are these so that they run in order?14:06
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solsTiCere86: look at SLEEP HOOK ORDERING CONVENTION in http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man8/pm-action.8.html. that's a start14:11
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AciD`hi, how do you play hevc video on ubuntu ? vlc does not seems to understand it (yet) ?14:12
re86solsTiCe: That's brilliant, Many thanks :)14:13
solsTiCeAciD`: http://askubuntu.com/questions/362745/how-to-install-h-265-hevc-codec-on-ubuntu-linux14:15
AciD`solsTiCe > thank you14:15
cfhowlettAciD`, if vlc doesn't understand it, it's probably too new14:16
pejotslm millet14:28
marianneHello group. anyone get Netflix working lately? It was working for me, but now it's dead...the app won't load from the software center either. any thoughts or help?14:29
OerHeksmarianne, choose chrome, it can handle netflix drm nativly14:30
marianneOerHeks: Thank you... I was running netflix with the little emmulator, I disabled that and we're good now. Thank you very much... Now if I can get VUDU to play I'm be a really happy camper... any ideas for that,14:35
daftykinsah yes the modern bane of streaming services and their hatred for open software.14:37
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OerHeksVUDU, never heard of that one.14:38
caonicaldroiddoes anyone know if odin will work good thru wine?14:38
k1l!wine | caonicaldroid14:38
ubottucaonicaldroid: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:38
daftykinscaonicaldroid: very, very bad idea14:38
caonicaldroidok thanks14:39
daftykinsas in, quite possibly worst idea of the week14:39
leeyaaguys why nfs complains it count mount share http://paste.ubuntu.com/10274103/14:39
daftykinsunless you don't like your phone/device :)14:39
leeyaastatd is enabled at /etc/default/nfs-common14:39
leeyaait cant*14:39
k1lwait, is odin the android flash thing? then i would not use wine at all14:39
leeyaait can mount it fine if i use nolock14:39
Exagone313caonicaldroid: there is heimdall14:39
daftykinsk1l: indeed14:40
marianneOerHeks: it's one of those sites that allows you to redeem and play digital copies of movies...14:40
caonicaldroidI used that and bricked my device :P14:40
caonicaldroidI need odin to unbrick it and do it correctly next time lol14:40
daftykinscaonicaldroid: Windows only - and also questionable activity that i don't think this network can candone or support14:40
daftykinsgo nuts in #cyanogenmod maybe ;)14:40
k1lnever needed odin for anything. ubuntu ships adb and fastboot. that is totally enough14:41
caonicaldroidIm just flashing a custom recovery to my android14:41
Exagone313daftykins: so if you want to format your computer tu replace windows to linux it is questionable activity? same thing with flashing14:41
k1lthat is what fastboot is for14:42
Exagone313(i ston off topic as well)14:42
jamesarch各位大ē‰› å­¦C꜉å“Ŗäŗ›ęÆ”č¾ƒå„½ēš„å…„é—Ø书ē±14:44
daftykinsExagone313: totally incomparable comments i'm afraid.14:44
k1l!cn | jamesarch14:45
ubottujamesarch: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn ꈖ /join #ubuntu-tw14:45
micahfi can't get multitouch to work in chrome!!!14:45
micahfit used to work on my acer w700 but it doesn't work in 14.04 on a thinkpad x220T14:46
micahftwo-finger scroll and pinch to zoom work but not multiple touch events14:46
cfhowlettmicahf, chrome browser?14:47
micahfyeah, chrome, chromium, chrome unstable, beta, none of them work any longer14:48
micahfI get one touch event but never more than one14:48
caonicaldroidim about sick of ubuntu freezing during important business lol14:48
micahfand I know chrome is built with aura now rather than GTK, so it should work in any of those builds14:48
caonicaldroidHow hard would it be to just remake the exact odin for ubuntu?14:50
xbustershinEriC^^ still no go i've restored IMG of windows 8.1 going to update then reinstall ubuntu14:50
micahfcfhowlett, maybe I need to try in gnome instead of unity.  dunno why that would make the difference but I do seem to remember that I used to use gnome when it used to work14:50
xbustershingoing to disable updates so windows will not change boot14:50
k1lcaonicaldroid: go and make it.... or use adb and fastboot since that are the tools without the clicky flashy nice icons things14:50
cfhowlettmicahf, or lxde xfce4 kde ...14:51
internetmandoes anyone know how I can get notified for the next flash sale of the Aquarius E4.5 Ubuntu phone?14:51
caonicaldroidi dont know how to use adb or fastboot that well yet14:51
caonicaldroidHow would I make it tho i would need help lol14:51
k1lcaonicaldroid: then stop with all that chat and go to reading14:51
cfhowlettinternetman, same way we ALL get notified ...14:52
internetmancfhowlett: which way is that? :D14:52
cfhowlettinternetman, reddit.com/r/ubuntu and omgubuntu.com14:54
k1linternetman: see the twitter from bq.14:54
internetmancfhowlett: k1l  cheers!14:55
popeyinternetman: follow ubuntu on twitter14:55
popeyinternetman: and bqreaders - that's where it's announced14:55
internetmanpopey: thcx14:57
chokiHow do I install teamviewer 9 on ubuntu? When I try to use the package downloaded from teamviewer.com I cant install with gdebi and get an error: Ā“AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_cand'Ā“14:58
chokiI now try to install python-dev python3-dev packages and see if this helps14:59
jacobz1Hi! Anyone here been using TeamViewer? I want it to start hidden, but the pesky "Computers & Contacts" window keep poping up in front of everything (stay on top)14:59
chokijacobz1: yeah this is a great idea to autostart teamviewer! does it work_15:00
jacobz1yes it works, by "Computers & Contacts" pops up15:00
jacobz1it seems like this part of TW uses wine15:00
chokijacobz1: so u need to close it each time?15:00
chokijacobz1: how did u install version 9?15:01
sneezewortI have this problem where when I come into work in the morning my previously locked system appears to have logged me out, and the login is on the wrong screen.15:01
sneezewortAfter I  type in my pass Instead of logging me in the login field switches to the correct screen.15:02
chokiHow do I install lib32asound2? There is no package for :(((15:02
sneezewortAfter typing my pass a second time then I am logged in.15:02
sneezewortAny idea what is happening?15:02
sneezewortI should also say that the system is not rebooting. If I run who - b I can see that the system has not rebooted since last Friday.15:03
OerHekschoki, install teamviewer 32 bit then. ( as there is no 64 bit  lib32asound2)15:04
OerHekschoki, it should be a warning on their crappy page.15:04
jacobz1choki: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/363-How-do-I-install-TeamViewer-on-my-Linux-distribution.aspx did you read that?15:05
chokiOerHeks: If I do I get an error http://pastebin.com/0xeTu5C215:06
chokiI tried 32 bit and this is the error :((15:06
chokiAnd I need version 915:06
OerHekschoki, sory to hear that. what can we do?15:07
chokiOerHeks: Idk, I tried with Ā“sudo gdebi teamviewer_linux.debĀ“ and the error appears. I think it is python and there may be a dependency or module i didnt install. i dont know how or which or what.15:08
OerHekschoki, the current is 10, use that one.15:08
OerHekschoki, or try apt-get install -f15:09
chokiOerHeks: I cant use, because my boss wants version 9.15:09
chokiOerHeks: What does this error mean?  http://pastebin.com/0xeTu5C215:11
OerHekschoki,  i am not interested in fixing things that are closed source, demanded by your boss.15:11
chokiOerHeks: Whats ur problem? teamviewer 10 is closed source too15:12
chokiOerHeks: And my boss dont wants to buy another license just because he already has version 915:12
OerHeksyou said you are installing 9.15:12
stangelandHi, i restarted my laptop running ubuntu 14.04 and xfce, and suddently i have no sound....how can i get it back?15:14
col7Hello, where can I go to report a bug in Ubuntu?15:15
jattrun ubuntu-bug15:15
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command Ā« ubuntu-bug <package> Ā» - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:15
col7Thank you!15:15
OerHeksstangeland, good start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure15:16
OerHeksbut 'suddenly' is strange, what did you do/install before that?15:17
chokifixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/139998315:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1399983 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "gdebi-gtk crashed with AttributeError in _maybe_append_multiarch_suffix(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_cand'" [Medium,Confirmed]15:17
OerHeks!ru | danilevskiy15:17
ubottudanilevskiy: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:17
choki!de | choki15:19
ubottuchoki, please see my private message15:19
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stangelandOerHeks, nothing...well i messed with python because i am doing python development....but all in virtual envs, and i installed rabbitmq also15:21
H3||Spawnis it possible to mount a drive (or partition) over a network??15:24
stangelandOerHeks, when i try to play a movie in totem it also suddently crashes....saying: AL lib: alsa_open_playback: Could not open playback device 'default': No such file or directory15:26
stangelandOerHeks, it might be some audio service which has not started?15:26
jattH3||Spawn: yes15:29
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stangelandOerHeks, i did pulseaudio --start and now it works15:32
stangelandhowever its very low15:32
HoloPedhi all, how do I setup Ubuntu to not boot into desktop ?15:33
OerHeksstangeland, nice you fixed it, just wonder what disabled it.15:33
stangelandOerHeks, yeah....that errormessage i got when i started totem gave me a hint15:34
Lidmesg detects tablet ... usb 1-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 7 using ehci-pci15:34
stangelandOerHeks, but why is it so low?15:34
Libut still not automatically mounted15:34
Lihow to mount it?15:34
OerHeksstangeland, check alsamixer in terminal, maybe some slider is low15:35
stangelandOerHeks, where do i look inside that alsamixer program?15:35
OerHeksstangeland, enlarge it, it might hide more sliders to the rightside15:36
stangelandOerHeks, its fullscreen15:37
OerHeksstangeland, it differs per soundcard, can you post a screenshot?15:39
HoloPedWhat is "single user mode" ?15:43
ikoniaa mode locking the system to one default user off the network15:44
ikoniawith minimal services running15:44
HoloPednot what I need then,15:44
HoloPeddo you know how I can setup ubuntu to not run X on startup ?15:45
HoloPedso I'm just left in terminal15:45
ikoniadisable the desktop manager15:45
HoloPedafter boot15:45
hubble25Single user mode is one of run level in Linux; this is also called as Init 1, in this mode all the filesytems will be mounted in read-write mode and can be modified by anybody; this is very insecure because it wonā€™t ask password for login unless you have configured grub password. In this mode networking services (NFS, NIS, DNS and many more) wonā€™t start (Ubuntu has option to start networking support), it is mainly used for troubleshooting system and15:45
hubble25administrative tasks by the super user. In Ubuntu, it is very easy to enter into single user mode because it has own recovery kernel option in the grub menu.15:45
hubble25Isn't the unity desktop different to X?15:46
hubble25what about Ubuntu server?15:46
HoloPedI'm not sure15:47
HoloPedtotal newb here15:47
ikoniadisabling the login manager will stop X from loading15:47
ikoniaso don't worry about the desktop, just disable the login manager15:47
hubble25Oh OK15:49
bynariecan anyone help me diagnose a usb problem. i get an error like "string descriptor 0 malformed" when booting.. http://files.androidhacker.us/error.jpg - error message15:49
bynariei have also copied the output of dmsg - http://files.androidhacker.us/dmesg_usb15:50
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hubble25Is anyone in Baltimore or New York.15:54
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hubble25Laukiamas luke15:56
hubble25Laukiamas Guest6016915:56
hubble25Hello Tumulte15:58
TumulteI'd like to run a script without a password (sudo). I know that I should use visudo/NOPSSWD... but do the script need specific chmood/chown ?15:59
OpenTokixTumulte: no, it has to be run as the user you gave sudo access.15:59
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choki2join #mint16:00
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TumulteOpenTokix: odd. I still have the PW prompt swowing16:01
OpenTokixTumulte: and if you use sudo as the user from a shell it works?16:01
bynarieTumulte, its NOPASSWD, not NOPSSWD16:01
Tumultebynarie: yeah, the typo's not in visudo but thx16:02
re86im trying to run a sleep.d script but under pm-suspend.log im getting suspend: not executable. I have done chmod -x but still same error, any thoughts??16:02
bynarieoh ok just makin sure Tumulte16:02
OpenTokixTumulte: and you have exited visudo and saved the file?16:02
OpenTokixTumulte: and relogged in?16:02
TumulteOpenTokix: not the later no16:03
bynarieshouldnt have to log out/in, might have to reopen a shell though16:03
Tumulteok thanks a lot16:03
TumulteOpenTokix: maybe a way to reload the settings ?16:03
Tumultesource visudo...16:03
Tumulteor whatever16:03
OpenTokixTumulte: exec bash16:04
OpenTokixTumulte: or start a new loginshell16:04
OpenTokixTumulte: is the script run by cron or similar?16:04
TumulteOpenTokix: no, it's for a ssh exec16:06
mazzyI'm running Ubuntu server 14.04 on a VM in VirtualBox. It has a nested DHCP which assign ip addresses to interfaces of the machine. The default behaviour is to assign ip address to eth0 interface. I have created one other interface but it doesn't receive ip address. Where is the config file in which I can which interface will get the ip address?16:06
OpenTokixTumulte: you are runnign like ssh user@machine "/path/to/script"16:06
OpenTokixTumulte: or ssh user@machine "sudo /path/to/script" ?16:06
mazzyany idea about that ?16:07
OpenTokixmazzy: /etc/network/interfaces16:07
re86OpenTokix: do you have any advice for sleep.d scripts?16:08
TumulteOpenTokix: yeah, that16:08
mazzyI have already tried to add the interface16:08
OpenTokixTumulte: Yeah "that" it was two options16:08
mazzybut It didn't reiceve the dhcp16:08
OpenTokixmazzy: how did you add it?16:08
OpenTokixmazzy: it should be: iface eth1 inet dhcp16:09
mazzyI'm going to post my commands16:09
OpenTokixand then ifup eth116:09
OpenTokixmazzy: And if you want it to run at boot auto eth1 before iface eth1-line16:09
OpenTokixTumulte: Im going afk in 2 minutes, fyi16:09
hubble25NGC6205 - Nice globular cluster16:11
OpenTokixmazzy: yes, that looks correct - and when you do ifup br0 it dont get not ip?16:11
OpenTokixmazzy: Is this the virtual ubuntu ?16:11
OpenTokixmazzy: did you install bridge-utils ?16:11
mazzyhere I am16:12
mazzyyes that is the config of virtual ubuntu16:12
hubble25Is anyone in Baltimore or New York?16:12
cfhowletthubble25, there are local user groups in both cities16:13
mazzyat the boot br0 stuck at DHCP DISCOVER and it doesn't receive any ip16:13
mazzyI'm going to check if I have bridge-utils16:13
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hubble25Thanks cfhowlett16:13
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mazzybridge-utils wasn't installed. I have installed right now OpenTokix16:17
mazzyI'm going to text if it works16:17
mazzyIt doesn't work16:20
mazzyI'm stuck at the boot with waiting for 120 seconds for network device. damnit16:21
blastoaderIs it normal my boot screen has sth like "partition not ready, press S to skip or wait" ..that's for I encrypted my Home folder during installation..16:23
Client_0Hi ! I have an old HTC EVO phone sitting on my shelf and I was wondering if there is some way to repurpose it using ubuntu like a mini tablet with differnt functionality than my phone.16:24
Client_0blastoader ya thats normal16:24
cfhowlett!touch | Client_0,16:25
ubottuClient_0,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:25
mazzyI come from CentOS and I used OVSDHCPINTERFACES="eth0"16:26
mazzyin that way I could tell to that interface to use the dhcp from eth0 interface16:27
Client_0I have read up on touch a bit but my main concern is weather or not the drivers will be compatible since its older model hardware16:28
Client_0well I'm not doing anything else with it gonna give touch a shot16:30
Client_0thanks for the help guys !16:30
* eikon81g sleeps16:30
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angela-hi all i whas sussesvul to upgrate ubuntu 1404 to 141016:44
mazzyI'm trying to give ip address to my interface16:45
mazzyit stuck at the bootup with DHCP DISCOVERY search16:45
mazzyafter a while the system boot u[ but the interface doesn16:45
mazzyhave any ip address16:46
BluesKajmazzy, run ifconfig your ip will be beside inet16:47
mazzyno ipv4 address assigned16:48
sudormrfello all.  anyone have a suggestion for a good journal program?  was looking at rednotebook, but that may not work out well.  self-hosted may ultimately be the best option if I can find something that I like.  that would allow for it to be the same across all platforms16:48
squarepheonixwhat chwhat irc client to use on ubuntutest16:48
sudormrfsquarepheonix, hexchat16:49
mazzyI love the CentOS times16:49
cfhowlettsquarepheonix, we see you16:49
BluesKajmazzy, ip a | grep inet16:49
squarepheonixah ok thanks16:49
mazzyBluesKaj no ip for eth016:50
sudormrfwill bring my question to OT16:51
BluesKajmazzy,  sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:51
mazzystill no ip address16:52
mazzyhere are my config http://pastebin.com/nrDe7Vs816:52
mazzyI'm using Open vSwitch16:52
BluesKajmazzy, run lspci  and look for the ethernet/nic16:52
squarepheonixman ifconfig16:53
O_OniGiriHi there, I was wondering if someone knows how to fix the bug where Chromium boot takes like 10 seconds on first launch. But gradually it boots faster. Does someone know how to fix this?16:53
mazzyI'm running inside virtualbox16:54
mazzywhat should I expect from lspci ?16:54
mazzyok lets try to explain the issues16:54
mazzyWhen I run Open vSwitch on CentOS16:55
mazzyeverything works16:55
cfhowlettmazzy, ?  meaningless here.  centos is not ubuntu or vice versa16:55
mazzythis was the configuration I was usually to use16:56
squarepheonixso I'm just looking to learn, can anyone recommend an ubuntu manual?16:57
BluesKajmazzy, nevermind i know nothing about openswitch or centos16:57
squarepheonixI do have 'Linux in a nutshell'16:57
cfhowlett!manual | squarepheonix16:57
ubottusquarepheonix: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:57
mazzythanks to OVSDHCPINTERFACES I could specify all the interfaces that can reach the DHCP server16:57
bazhang!rute | and this squarepheonix16:57
ubottuand this squarepheonix: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com16:57
mazzyin ubuntu it seems that this command doesn't exist16:57
mazzyand when the system run it doesn16:57
cfhowlettsquarepheonix, also : www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads         get issue #0, read, Get issue #1, read, repeat16:57
bazhangmazzy, sudo dhclient eth016:58
squarepheonixthank you ubottu16:58
bazhangmazzy, please , there is zero reason to mention centos, what it does or does not do here16:58
squarepheonixyeah !manual is not getting e anywhere16:59
bazhangsquarepheonix, it's a link to a pdf16:59
mazzymy problem is how to give to br0 the ip address17:00
angela- well i whas succes vul to upgrate ubuntu 1404 to 141017:00
mazzyI have run dhclient br017:00
mazzyas bazhang suggest17:00
Guest49392mazzy: what OS?17:00
bazhangmazzy, sudo dhclient br0 or whatever17:00
compdocA bridge can have an ip address17:00
squarepheonixthats dd, how do I get to the  or is it not accessible in ircii?17:00
mazzyyes campdoc and I'm trying to reach that17:00
Guest49392mazzy: you can add it to defaults in /etc/defaults17:01
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Guest49392i'm grabbing the settings now.17:01
squarepheonix!manual | testing17:03
ubottutesting: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:03
squarepheonixoh cool17:03
squarepheonix[A/who squarepheonix17:12
pawsanyone knows any decent network interface monitor that will show display real time stats on web php/html/java/jquery etc17:15
squarepheonixreal time stats? like what? traffic? memory usage17:18
davidfetter_fbni'd like to separate the steps of upgrading software from restarting services, in particular for PostgreSQL.17:18
davidfetter_fbnwhich resources should i be looking at for this?17:19
jirido_Hi. Her comes a Q . I would like to use an external program to create and manage databases on my ubuntu server.. Logicaly i would like to log in as root to be able to do that.. but ubuntu does not have root right. Do i have to enable root to do that or what?17:19
davidfetter_fbnjirido_, logging in as root is what you do when you can't figure out anything else to do. what specific kinds of databases are you trying to create?17:20
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jirido_davidfetter_fbn: I am not there yet but maria and mysql i think17:23
jirido_davidfetter_fbn: Like manage them over the net from this mashine17:24
davidfetter_fbnjirido_, you might want to see whether there's already something that does this. building is expensive17:25
jirido_No i dont want to build17:25
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jirido_davidfetter_fbn: Ther is programs that do that but i guess i would have to log in as root to be able to make databases17:26
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Guest49392mazzy: in /etc/defaults/docker.io17:32
Guest49392mazzy: add this line "DOCKER_OPTS='--bip='17:32
Guest49392mazzy: or any subnet you want to use.17:33
mazzyGuest 4939217:34
mazzywait I don't understand17:34
mazzywhy do you say to insert ip address on docker file?17:34
Guest49392it's the default configuration or else docker will automatically assign a subnet for your bridge17:35
mazzywhy do you think I'm using docker?17:35
Guest49392i'm sorry...17:35
Guest49392this was Virtualbox?17:35
mazzyI'm using openvswitch17:36
Guest49392oh.. o.k.17:36
Guest49392i apologize.17:36
sn33zyis there a way to get it to where i can use my earbuds headphones mic (non usb) instead of the built in laptop mic?17:41
OerHekssn33zy, only if your soundcard/laptop has that 1 plug-for-headphone+mic17:42
OerHekselse you need a converter17:43
onlaCan I link a tablet running ubuntu to a display station system that hook it up as multimonitor system like this on windows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUI2q1GDsdQ ?17:43
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sn33zyOerHeks: what do you mean by 1 plug-for-headphones+mic?  like a jack that handles both?17:43
OerHekssn33zy, see http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-5mm-M-F-Earphone-Headphone-Stereo-Audio-Cable-Adapter-F-PC-Laptop-Speaker-Mic-/37093749777017:44
SchrodingersScat!ot | Guest224717:44
ubottuGuest2247: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:44
k1lonla: not so far, since the unity8 desktop is still in the works.17:46
onlaand those display stations I wonder if they support linux. Not sure what is on that video, but another one called plugable ud-3900 doesnt support linux at least17:47
onlathat kind of station would be necessary perhaps, since those low-end tablet would probably have hard time processing the graphics on dual monitor system with the other monitor being on some 1900x108017:48
k1lonla: i bet its a closed thing for microsoft only.17:48
onlahttp://plugable.com/products/ud-3900 so a similar to this but supporting linux in the hunt17:49
k1lonla: i bet when the unity convergance is set up there will be manufacturers who will offer solutions17:50
onlaand that would be like a year or more from now?17:51
k1lat least a year. some others like android and motorola did already fail at this. so its not an easy task.but that is better suited into #ubuntu-touch17:52
AegNuddeloh wow17:55
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wizkidsafoGreetings, So I have this problem where when I do something simple as browsing the internet my desktop freezes and the screen dims as if its about to power the screen off My  specs->  http://gyazo.com/ca5361f6c77f31d9759a0d3a1b3828bf17:56
wizkidsafoany tips?17:56
AegNuddelIt's been FOREVER since I have used this computer.  I'm still on Lucid Lynx!  Anyway, is there a newer Flash player for Ubuntu?  And the OS did suggest upgrading to me, but how do I know if my system will support it?17:57
OerHeksAegNuddel, nope, not for your version, lucid desktop is EOL, time to upgrade17:57
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.17:58
AegNuddelYeah, this was a college computer17:59
AegNuddelI know17:59
AegNuddelI remember having to fool around and get Windows out of the way18:00
AegNuddelI just want to know how I know if my hardware will support the upgrade.18:01
k1lwizkidsafo: see "dmesg" what it lists there after that freeze18:01
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sudormrfanyone in here aware of a good japanese-japanese dictionary for ubuntu?  I found j-e dictionaries, looking for j-j.18:03
k1lsudormrf: better ask in the japanese channel? :)18:04
sudormrfk1l, #ubuntu-japanese?18:04
k1l!jp | sudormrf18:04
ubottusudormrf: ę—„ęœ¬čŖžć®å “合ćÆ /join #ubuntu-jp ć¾ćŸćÆ /join #kubuntu-jp ć‚’å…„åŠ›ć—ć¦äø‹ć•ć„怂18:04
AegNuddelHow can I find out if my hardware will support the current release of Ubuntu?18:06
Shoe14Guys wifi-menu is not installed so how do I connect to a network on Ubuntu server?18:07
LordDragonanyone know of a driver for the soundblaster Z sound card sereis?18:08
rwwAegNuddel: make a Live CD/USB, boot it, and see18:08
bazhangShoe14, a menu on server?18:10
AegNuddelI'm not sure if this can boot from usb, as that was not an option in BIOS, and the cd-rom drive won'r open18:10
Shoe14bazhang: ?18:10
bazhangShoe14, server is cli18:10
Shoe14bazhang: dialog18:10
rwwbazhang: so is wifi-menu18:11
Shoe14Uhh, so how do I connect to a network?18:11
rwwShoe14: set up /etc/network/interfaces18:11
wllsThat is what I"m trying to find out18:11
Shoe14How so?18:12
squarepheonixShoe14: you have to connect a ethernet and install the wifi drivers18:13
* rww shakes head18:13
Shoe14I mean, I installed it all from WiFi18:13
Shoe14... Why isn't it included18:14
squarepheonixI'm not sure what you're asking then18:14
kiborgHow do I install Nvidia drivers? I used a bunch of tutorials and I cant get to part 218:14
squarepheonixI came in halfway through convo..18:14
rwwShoe14: ignore squarepheonix. What type of wifi network do you have? WPA/WPA2 or something else?18:14
kiborgif I turn xserv off I can't get the terminal to show18:14
Shoe14rww: wpa2/pks18:15
k1lkiborg: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"18:15
k1lkiborg: dont load the stuff from websites18:15
rwwShoe14: does sudo ifconfig -a have a paragraph for wlan0?18:15
Shoe14rww: yeah18:16
rwwShoe14: sudoedit /etc/network/interfaces, add the following three lines to the end: iface wlan0 inet dhcp                  wpa-ssid "NETWORK SSID HERE"               wpa-psk "NETWORK PASSWORD HERE"18:16
kiborgk1l why not? It is the official nvidia site after all.18:16
MDTech-us_MANI had some funky stoff going on with my root drive, but its all ok now18:16
rwwonce you've done that, save and quit, then see if    sudo ifup wlan0    works18:16
BluesKajkiborg, which graphics ?18:17
MDTech-us_MANthe system remounted it read only18:17
k1lkiborg: why dont you use the drivers already made working with ubuntu? so you get automated updates and dont loose the driver after kernel update18:17
MDTech-us_MANhow to I switch back to read write18:17
kiborgNvidia Gforce 97018:17
k1lkiborg: use the xorg-edgers PPA for a driver that supports your card18:18
k1lkiborg: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:18
AegNuddelhmm failed to fetch18:19
kiborgSo this is a ppa for official nvidia drivers? I am confused... ( Sorry still quite a noob)18:20
wizkidsafok1l: would you like to see a screenshot of what dmesg displayed?18:20
Shoe14rww: uhh, how do I split that into three lines?18:20
rwwiface wlan0 inet dhcp18:21
wizkidsafok1l: I have no idea how to understand what im looking at.....'yet'18:21
BluesKajxoerg edgers don't support thier drivers very well, they fail on upgrades, kiborg recommend you install the "recommended driver", which is probly the nvidia-331 or the nvidia-34018:21
rwwwpa-ssid "NETWORK SSID HERE"18:21
rwwwpa-psk "NETWORK PASSWORD HERE"18:21
rwwShoe14: like that ^18:21
k1lwizkidsafo: do you need to restart after that freeze?18:21
Shoe14And how do I escape the space in my ssid?18:22
wizkidsafok1l: no, it freezes and then unfreezes frequently18:22
rwwShoe14: you don't, the quotation marks handle that18:22
Shoe14I used '\ '18:22
Shoe14Oh okay18:22
k1lwizkidsafo: the load "dmesg" text to a pastebin and show the link here18:22
rwwShoe14: anyways. Add that, sudo ifup wlan0, see if everything's working. If it does, edit the file again and add auto wlan0 before those four lines18:22
rwwi have to wander off for work stuff18:22
k1l!paste | wizkidsafo18:22
ubottuwizkidsafo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:22
rwwif you need further help, ask here or #ubuntu-server :)18:23
wizkidsafok1l: will this work? >http://gyazo.com/16f2b3514e42ab7a3d19da84a8b83aad18:23
kiborgrecommended on nvidia is 34618:23
AegNuddel------------my keyb-oar-d -is -n-o-w rand-o-mly --t-y-ping m-i--nus si-g--ns-18:25
k1lwizkidsafo: use the text upload. btw there is no issue on the image you showed18:25
wizkidsafok1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10277180/18:25
AegNuddel----is- ----t--here a w-a-y t-o -disble -my int-ern-a---l- -k-e---yb--o-a--r-d -s-i-n-c-e- --I am using -----an- -ext-e-rn-al one?18:25
wizkidsafok1l: hope i did that right18:25
k1lwizkidsafo: what machine is that? what does it run?18:28
wizkidsafok1l: ubuntu 14.0418:29
k69hi, may i ask that how can i find what mcast address and what mcast port my eth0 is using? i cannot find very good searches18:29
k1lwizkidsafo: is this a software raid?18:30
TumulteI'm using visudo to allow a script to be run as root for user (me). Yet it still promt the PW input18:30
wizkidsafok1l: software raid? its a fresh install of the distro18:31
Shoe14rww: yeah, no. Doesn't work. https://i.imgur.com/y8vlfBp.jpg18:31
Shoe14This is stuck in an infinite loop18:31
Shoe14And I have to reboot to get out of it18:32
k1lwizkidsafo: hardware: software raid?18:32
ikoniaTumulte: suggests your rule is wrong18:32
wizkidsafok1l: neither18:32
Shoe14Looks like I'll be using Ethernet to download wifi-menu18:32
Tumulteikonia: tumulte ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/tumulte/script.sh18:32
k1lwizkidsafo: you do have issues with processes  with the kernel with jbd218:33
ikoniaTumulte: ALL=(ALL)18:33
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wizkidsafok1l: can you elaborate in elementary terms18:34
ikoniaor just ALL = NOPASWD: /home/tumulte/script.sh18:34
k1lwizkidsafo: file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug linux-image" and see what the kernel guys think about that18:34
wizkidsafok1l: the channel i assume?18:35
k1lwizkidsafo: there is a process blocking your system for 120seconds. i am not sure what the reason is, but if you file a bug report the developers can see the errorsmessages and work on that issue.18:35
k1lput "ubuntu-bug linux-image" into your terminal and follow the process18:36
BluesKajuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL works for me in sudoers/visudo18:37
wizkidsafok1l: do you know of any packages that must be installed. I get an error message "cant be reported: the report belongs to a package that is not installed."18:38
k1lerm, try: "ubuntu-bug linux-image-generic"18:39
Tumulteikonia: as simple as that :)18:41
jirido_I have installed U-server and when trying su i get asked for a password.. should this not be disabled by default. Can i check the status of this somehow?18:42
wizkidsafok1l: so what I understand what that does is it sends a report to the devs. ant they will get back to me?18:42
Bashing-om!sudo | jirido_18:43
ubottujirido_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:43
k1lwizkidsafo: if you want that issue to be solved in ubuntu you need to report bugs to the devs. then it gets filed on launchpad.net (you need to make an account there) and the devs can then request more inforamtions etc if needed or ask about specific hardware specs etc.18:44
jirido_Bashing-om: i know this about sudo but i want to know for sure that i dont have root login enabled18:44
Bashing-omjirido_: By default there is no "root password" unless you have altered that default . Then you would know that you did .18:47
wizkidsafok1l: okay, thanks for attempting to find a solution. I've ignored it for 4 months and it has been getting to me18:47
k1lwizkidsafo: i dont know how to solve that issue besides making the errormessage to disapear. so you will need the devs to dig into it18:48
jirido_Bashing-om: Well a friend helped me some :)18:48
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analphabetHey, I'm having trouble burning the ubuntu 14.04 iso image on a DVD. Everytime I try, the DVD just stays empty. Can you help me?18:52
jirido_Bashing-om: I found it. sudo usermod -p '!' root18:53
jhutchinsanalphabet: Probably not. What system are you running on the burner?18:53
ioriaanalphabet: are you using a iso burn utility or are you just copyng it ?18:53
analphabetjhutchins: windows 718:53
analphabetioria: using windows' iso burn utility18:54
jhutchinsanalphabet: Did you verify the md5sum of the iso file?18:54
analphabetjhutchins: nope18:54
jhutchinsanalphabet: Start there.18:55
ioriaanalphabet: try another  iso burn utility18:55
analphabetioria: i also tried cdburnerxp, but no luck there either18:56
analphabetjhutchins: will do18:56
DiplomatAnyone has any experience with squid proxy ?18:58
fazzI use squid...18:59
fazzwhat is the question?18:59
DiplomatOkay so I have multiple IPs in my server.. so when I'm connecting to one of those IPs I'd like that IP to be outgoing IP too, but for some reason it defaults to main IP. Any ideas how I could fix that ?19:00
ikoniaDiplomat: it will proxy depending on your routing table19:00
Diplomatikonia: you mean iptables ?19:00
ikoniaI mean your routing table19:01
ikoniaand thus your squid config based on that routing table19:01
fazzyou can configure which IP to use.19:01
fazzjust set it in the settings...19:01
fazzinstead of using
fazzyou would use the IP you want.19:01
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Diplomatfazz: That's what I'm trying to do, but I'm not sure how yet19:02
fazzone sec.19:02
fazzlet me get my config19:02
DiplomatI sould make this acl for every IP i have ?19:02
analphabetioria: another question: It says on the download page, that 32bit is only to be used for computers with less than 2GB RAM.. Mine has 4GB but it's running windows 7 32bit19:02
Shoe14Guys how do I install a .deb file from CLI?19:03
Diplomatanalphabet: 32bit machine can't use more than 2GB RAM.. no matter what OS you are using19:03
ioriaanalphabet: it shouldn't be a problem, i think19:03
k1lShoe14: sudo dpkg -i package.deb19:03
DiplomatI think it was 2gb19:03
ikoniayes you can19:03
fazz# Squid normally listens to port 312819:03
ikoniayou can use more than 2GB19:03
fazzin /etc/squid/squid.conf19:03
ikoniathats the listen address19:03
ikoniathat is not the masquarde proxy address19:03
k1lDiplomat: see PAE, ubuntu uses that19:04
DiplomatOh yea sorry my bad it's exactly 4GB19:04
* analphabet checks system specs again19:04
k1lbut there is no reason to use 32bit if your hardware can use 64bit19:04
DiplomatHere's a good article: http://lifehacker.com/5431284/the-lifehacker-guide-to-64-bit-vs-32-bit-operating-systems19:04
Ulfalizeris there some nice way to get the sources corresponding to a particular version of a package and set up the right gdb paths? i'm trying to debug an issue with a package, and just the debug symbols aren't very helpful in and of themselves.19:04
Diplomatfazz: yes I have it so.. it accepts ALL IPs, but outgoing IP is still the main IP19:04
ikoniayou don't need source code to use gdb19:05
fazzi see...let me digest this.19:05
Ulfalizerikonia: if i want to see the source code i do :)19:05
ikoniathen what are you on about "setup all the right paths"19:05
virgiliai entered "sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:80,fork TCP4:myip:8080" now how do i undo it?19:06
Ulfalizergdb needs to know where the source files are to display them. otherwise you just get filename/lino.19:06
ikoniaUlfalizer: it doesn't need the source19:06
ikoniayou can pull the source package if you really feel you need it19:07
fazzthe easiest might be to make your main IP the ip you want to connect to the internet on.19:07
Ulfalizerit needs it if you want to see what the source lines look like. debugging information does not include source code.19:07
analphabetso, you're sure I need the 64bit version?19:07
k1lanalphabet: there is no reason not to use 64bit19:08
fazzyou can then add the other IP's to your loopback.19:08
Ulfalizerthe cumbersome way would be to just check out the right version of the package's source and set up paths manually, but thought this might be a common thing for devs to do so that there was something that automatically does it for you19:08
CrtxReavrFreeBSD has a snoop device and watch(1) utility that let's you take-ever a disconnected terminal.19:10
CrtxReavrlinux/ubuntu have any such means?19:10
ikoniaCrtxReavr: tmux, screen19:10
CrtxReavrNot what I'm talking abut.19:10
Bashing-omjirido_: Ya done better than I, All I found was to examine the '/etc/shadow' file . thanks for the sharing .19:11
TJ-Ulfalizer: usually, if you start gdb from the package's root directory, and use "--directory=$PWD" gdb should get the relative paths, but I've had issues in the past whereby it needed a "--directory=" ("-d ...") for each directory in the source tree19:11
jirido_Bashing-om: Sweet that you were looking. Thanks19:12
Diplomatikonia: you mean this: cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ?19:12
ikoniaDiplomat: no19:13
Diplomatokay I'll keep digging in google19:13
UlfalizerTJ-: hmm... i think i remember needing to do something like that earlier as well. the debug information itself seems to have paths like /build/buildd/ncurses-5.9+20140118/ncurses/base/lib_getch.c:643, so would need to rewrite it with some gdb options i guess.19:13
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Ulfalizerbuild server paths, obviously :P19:13
TJ-Ulfalizer: Yeah... I suspect it works when you do a schroot build and keep the chroot :)19:14
analphabetk1l: it says in that article that the processor needs to support 64bit... and I'm not sure if mine does that. It's a fairly old computer19:15
Ulfalizerjust discovered "apt-get source" at least. that takes care of one step. :)19:15
DiplomatBut the thing is, I had something in my config file that made it work perfectly before, but that server got reinstalled and I kinda lost that config..19:15
k1lanalphabet: that is what i said, too. so what is your cpu?19:15
analphabetk1l: I don't know, that's one of my problems right now19:16
ioriaanalphabet: start - right click on Computer19:16
Ulfalizerwould be nice if the sources were installed in the path the debugging info points to. then it would work automagically...19:16
ioriaanalphabet: and properties19:16
analphabetPentium(R) Dual-Core T430019:17
fazzDiplomat: did you get my answer?19:17
Bashing-omjirido_: I had never thought about it, and the possible existence of an unlocked root account got my interest .19:17
k1lanalphabet: that can go 64bit19:17
Diplomatfazz: sorry man, I think I missed it19:18
ioriaanalphabet: yep19:18
jirido_Bashing-om: So you are saying you'r not sweet :) You macho pig!19:18
analphabetwhy did they ship it with win32bit in the first place, then... amazing :)19:18
fazzDiplomat: setup the IP for your main, and other IP's in your loopback, as long as same subnet.19:19
CMSloveDDhey guys19:19
CMSloveDDhow can i manually enable an upstart service19:19
ioriaanalphabet: no clue. any luck with the iso ?19:19
CMSloveDDi mean where does upstart save the configuration which service gets started19:19
k1lanalphabet: we cant answer microsofts businessplans :)19:19
CMSloveDDi mean manully, not with service enable19:19
CMSloveDD/sbin/init is not runny19:19
analphabetioria: I'm downloading the 64bit image now, will take a while :)19:20
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UlfalizerTJ-: 'set substitute-path /build/buildd /home/ulf' worked (i put the sources there) :)19:20
Diplomatfazz: hmm.. and that should do the job ?19:20
ioriaanalphabet: but the iso burning has nothing to do with the cpu19:21
fazzDiplomat: as long as you don't mind all traffic going out through Main IP.19:21
analphabetioria: nope, should it?19:21
fazzDiplomat:it is probably the easiest.19:21
ioriaanalphabet: no ^_^19:21
Diplomatfazz: hmm naw, that's not good.. I'd like it to go out from the IP where I connected. It's such a shame that I didn't make a backup of my config19:22
TJ-Ulfalizer: yeah, that's the one. It's all documented in section 9.5 of the manual ("apt-get install gdb-doc", "info gdb")19:23
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DiplomatLooks like that's the only way: https://itechnology.wordpress.com/2008/05/26/setup-squid-proxy-server-to-use-multiple-outgoing-ip-addresses/19:27
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jumbledCan anyone give me a minute to talk about a systemd/upstart cross-dependency?  I need transmission to start after a mount in /etc/fstab.  Should I do that as an upstart job dependency override... or whatever the systemd way is?  I see scripts for both.19:33
lovetruthI've got 2 Network cards on the ubuntu server, which acts as internet gateway/firewall19:34
ikoniajumbled: ubuntu doesn't use systemd19:34
lovetruthI wanted to access the inside LAN https server from somewhere outside on the internet19:34
lovetruth... but when I port forward 443 to some destination nat... something strange happens: I can't access any https when trying to from inside the LAN19:34
bazhangjumbled, why not just set that in transmission, ie schedule as that has the capability19:34
ioriaopensuse does19:34
lovetruthI've been using http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/Linux_Firewall#Setting_up_port_forwarding19:34
lovetruthwhat can I do?...19:34
jumbledikonia: it doesn't?  I've got stuff in /etc/systemd/system.  I guess it's just service files for things in case I'd want to switch?19:35
jumbledbazhang, would I set that in transmission's upstart job? Or do you mean there's a settings.json option in Transmission I can use?19:37
bazhangjumbled, transmission itself has settings for when to start/stop, ie when nets are less bandw friendly, for instance19:38
tuorhi, I have a SD-Card, his size is 8GB. There was an ms-dos partition table on it but not finding it any more. Now I tryed to rescue data. The first step i did: (g)ddrescue (not dd_rescue). ddrescue printed this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10278279/ . It's telling me, that the SD-Card is only ~30MB. What can be the problem?19:38
jumbledbazhang, I know about the speed settings and schedules. I want it to wait until a CIFS mount is finished mounting though. I don't think it has a setting like that.19:39
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ralph4100I'm having a tricky problem with wifi on a new box ... I am connected, but speed varies widely. It seems to work great immediately after I connect but then will slow and speed up over time. Using a usb wifi dongle and my laptop, on same connection, is not experiencing any of these issues19:46
ralph4100I've tried to explore updating the realtek drivers for the usb wifi connector - but no luck so far19:47
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ralph4100any thoughts?19:48
tuorI no. It was not recognised. I was trying to read from the wrong device. Forget my question for now, pleas. Sorry.19:48
OerHeksralph4100, sounds like wireless N, seen lots of issues with speed19:49
NikeshHow do I change my user password, the one that I am asked for when I use 'sudo'?19:51
NikeshI don't want to enable root, just change my own password19:51
zerowaitstateNikesh: passwd19:51
Nikeshzerowaitstate: :D thanks19:52
tuorhmm, no it was the right one. But when i unplug it, the "/dev/sdi"-file is still there. "block special". When I plug it in, lsblk tells me that it's 30.6MB. So still on the same question, like befor. Sorry for confusing.19:57
fortuneHuntri'm trying to install updates and am getting two errors I cannot get passed.19:58
fortuneHuntrthe first is: Errors were encountered while processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libqtcore4_4%3a4.8.4+dfsp-0ubuntu18.3_amd64.deb19:59
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Mackan90096Where do I find recovery media?20:00
vifinoMackan90096: What problem do you have?20:03
vifinoAnd please don't say it doesn't work.20:03
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Mackan90096It doesn't find any boot media.20:03
vifinoWho or what?20:03
vifinoUbuntu doesn't boot anything.20:03
simosxMackan90096, you try to boot off a CDROM or USB?20:04
simosxMackan90096, is that the first booting after installation of Ubuntu?20:04
Mackan90096It is not.20:04
* vifino sighs20:05
simosxMackan90096, so, while Ubuntu was booting properly, now it does not boot when you start your computer? What message do you get on the screen?20:05
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TJ-Mackan90096: If no boot media is found, that is either a hardware failure, or firmware/BIOS change that is not trying the HDD as a boot device. What specific message/action do you see?20:06
Mackan90096It booted properly, I was compiling some stuff20:06
vifinosimosx: Bios telling him there is no bootable media.20:06
fortuneHuntranyone know how to fix update error : trying to overwrite /etc/xdg/Trolltec.conf, which is different from other instances of package libqtcore4:amd6420:06
Mackan90096The computer became unresponsive, I used power button to reboot as ctrl+alt+delete didn't work.20:07
vifinoMackan90096: Your disk and partition is most likely corrupted.20:08
TJ-Mackan90096: Have you started the problem PC from a Live ISO (on USB or DVD) - that will give you tools to identify the problem ?20:08
Mackan90096Now it says "No Bootable Device" under a hdd with a search icon over it20:08
Mackan90096I have not TJ-, How Do I Set Up That?20:09
TJ-Mackan90096: If you have access to another PC, and a USB flash device or DVD writer, you can download the Ubuntu Desktop Live ISO, write it to the media, and try booting the problem PC from it20:09
Bashing-omfortuneHuntr: Show in context the error from -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade <-  in pastebin, for our examination .20:10
MicekOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit DE:Unity Any suggestion for icons and themes?20:10
Mackan90096I'll try that TJ-20:10
notdanielhey guys, how do i make my ubuntu server accessible to linux and mac machines on the network via its hostname? (without modifying their host files or running a dhcp server.) windows sees it fine, but not other linux/mac machines20:11
notdanielwe have a file server that is accessible via hostname.local, though adding .local to my server in question doesn't find it either20:12
psayiannotdaniel: Is your dns configured correctly?20:12
vifinoMackan90096: That error does not come from ubuntu. That's your bios telling you that there is no media that you can boot from. When you shut your computer down forcefully while it writes, the partition where ubuntu is installed may or may not can become corrupted.20:13
Bashing-omfortuneHuntr: Look'n at your pastebin.com/RRYqwc1p .20:13
Mackan90096vifino, Oh. okay20:13
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k1lfortuneHuntr: saucy is EOL20:13
notdanielpsayian: on the server itself? havent touched dns. i was under the impression that some setting on the server will broadcast its name to the network without us having to run our own dns servers20:13
k1lfortuneHuntr: you should upgrade to 14.0420:14
fortuneHuntrthat's what i'm trying to do20:14
Bashing-omfortuneHuntr: _1 to k1l :: "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates/main" .20:14
notdanielwe have a synology diskstation file server that you just plug in and other machines can reach it via its hostname.local with no configuration changes necessary on the other machines or the network20:14
notdanieljust not sure how to have this ubuntu server broadcast the same way. windows machines can access it via its hostname currently20:15
MicekOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit DE:Unity Any suggestion for icons and themes?20:15
psayiannotdaniel: what's the whole issue i just saw that you couldn't reach by hostname.local20:15
hollazzoubuntu is for h@ckz0rs20:15
vifinoMackan90096: And the reason it became unresponsive is the reason you were compiling. It probably maxed out the CPU, ram and/or other resources, like your hard drive.20:15
k1lfortuneHuntr: well no. you need a ubuntu update to 14.04.20:16
fortuneHuntrBashing-om, is the best practice to change my paths.  should the update/upgrade fix this?20:16
Mackan90096vifino, Probably the cpu20:16
fortuneHuntrk1l, how do i do that?20:16
notdanielpsayian: yeah, i just want mac/linux machines on the network to be able to reach my ubuntu server via hostname or hostname.local. right now only windows machines can20:16
k1lfortuneHuntr: no one will fix stuff on dead ubuntus20:16
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vifinoMackan90096: Most likely a combination of these.20:16
k1lfortuneHuntr: "sudo do-release-upgrade"20:16
fortuneHuntrk1l, reinstall?20:16
BlackMoneyShould I use XChat or HexChat20:16
TJ-notdaniel: That sounds like SMB/NetBios (AKA Windows Networking). On Linux that is handled by 'samba'. Check out for starters "/etc/samba/smb.conf" and read "man 5 smb.conf"20:16
psayianAre your windows machines joined on the domain?20:16
vifinoMackan90096: For example compiling a new kernel is CPU, RAM and Disk intensive.20:17
k1lfortuneHuntr: no need for reinstall. run the upgrade to 14.0420:17
fortuneHuntrk1l, do that before updating?20:17
psayianona  domain?20:17
Malinuxmy computer is stuck @ 800Mhz. even in live-usb-session20:17
k1lfortuneHuntr: you are mixing things here.20:17
Malinuxthis is a thinpad t420s20:17
psayiannotdaniel: Are your window machines on a domain?20:17
notdanielthey're all just on WORKGROUP20:17
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Bashing-omfortuneHuntr: "best" practice is to do a clean fresh install of 14.04, one can release-upgrade from 13.04 on-line with a fair degree of certanity. But that is via EOL upgrade path .20:17
notdanieleverything is pretty much default20:17
k1lfortuneHuntr: you are mixing a regular update to a 13.10 to 14.04 upgrade. do-release-upgrade will get you to 14.04. just run that20:17
Mackan90096TJ-, Where do I find the live image download?20:17
fortuneHuntrk1l and Bashing-om , thanks! i'll give that a shot20:18
k1lBashing-om: no need for reinstall. he uses 13.10 and can upgrade20:18
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ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Utopic, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:18
zerowaitstateBlackMoney: real men use irssi20:18
k1lBlackMoney: hexchat is the new xchat20:18
notdanielTJ-: yeah, i have samba set up for a file server. mac/linux machines can access it by IP, windows machines can access it by hostname. i want the mac/linux machines to also be able to access it by hostname20:18
Mackan90096Is it the Kylin?20:18
hollazzois hexchat better?20:19
vifinoMackan90096: Unless you live in China, no.20:19
Bashing-omkiller: :) 13.10 upgrade path still in place ? without having to go the EOL upgrade route ?20:19
k1lhexchat is the new fork of xchat.20:19
hollazzooh, great20:19
albeitVLC won't open files when double-clicking or right-click "Open with", yet launches fine via a console with "vlc ~/path/to/video.avi". How can I fix this?20:19
hollazzomy first computer :-)20:19
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: there's two ways; DNS and NetBT.20:19
k1lBashing-om: yes.because the 14.04 repo is still up since its a lts20:19
albeit(Alright tried a purge and re-install of vlc)20:20
TJ-notdaniel: I think it depends on the nmb part of samba for naming using NetBios, but I stay away from that stuff. DNS or nothing :)20:20
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: btw, my opinion is that NetBT is horribly broken20:20
hollazzook, I go now. Have a great day.20:20
psayiannotdaniel:  I was about to ask you if you have samba setup20:20
notdanielzerowaitstate: so i'd actually need to run the whole network through a dns server, or is there some way for just the server to broadcast itself via dns?20:21
psayiannotdaniel: I am pretty sure it's a DNS issue that isnt allowing it to resolve by hostname20:21
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: NetBIOS/NetBT is the usual Windows broadcast way. It's a very old tech though, and Microsoft is letting it rot20:21
Mackan90096ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso ?20:22
psayiannotdaniel: You said you can access it by IP so its DNS or as TJ-  nmbd that you need to setup.20:22
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: Mac uses mDNS if i recall20:22
Mackan90096vifino ?20:22
k1lMackan90096: why 32bit?20:22
psayiannotdaniel: what you can do is you can edit /etc/hosts and add the ip and the hostname of the machine and it will resolve20:22
Mackan90096I need the 64-bit, but it's an intel..20:22
vifinoMackan90096: What version of ubuntu did you install?20:22
notdanielpsayian: yeah, we just have like 14 machines, heh. probably eventually should just grow up and run our own dns20:22
psayiannotdaniel: this will give you the ability of resolving the machines IP that you are trying to connect without DNS20:22
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: when you say "whole network" how big are we talking?20:23
k1lMackan90096: the patent is from amd so its called amd6420:23
k1lMackan90096: intel uses the same20:23
streulmafor all day use I use this Macbook Air 2014, is there an option to switch over to Ubuntu? But then the Macbook will be hot I find...20:23
Mackan90096Ah. okay k1l20:23
TJ-notdaniel: Maybe you can configure 'avahi'20:23
notdanielzerowaitstate: 30 devices at any given time including phones, etc. ideally wouldn't have to edit hosts.conf on all of them or run our own dns20:23
psayiannotdaniel: If you don't want to setup DNS or nmbd just add the fileserver ip and host name in /etc/hosts it will be able to resolve then.20:24
k1lMackan90096: the only reason there are still 32bit isos are that there is old and slow hardware (like first atoms) that are only 32bit. most distros want to scratch 32bit for mainstream desktop usage.20:24
MicekOS:Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit DE:Unity Any suggestion for icons and themes?20:24
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streulmaMicek: Numix20:24
notdanielzerowaitstate: i was just confused because we have a purchased file server that we just plugged into the network and all machines, mac/linux/windows, can access it by its hostname without modifying our network or the other machines. so it's possible somehow20:24
vifinoMicek: Please don't repeat yourself, if someone knows the answer, the'll respond.20:25
k1lMicek: its your choice. see imgur or reddit or other desktop posting sites to get a clue what you would like20:25
notdanielTJ-: yeah i saw that, but havent found any info on it from the last couple years, so i figured it was out of date or something else has taken over. but i'll check it out20:25
AegNuddelIs there an icon that tells me if my laptop is charging or not?20:25
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: they are running multiple discovery protocols, is why20:25
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: Bonjour is typically used by Apple devices instead of NetBIOS20:25
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: or Avahi20:26
notdanielzerowaitstate: yeah i figured i'd try bonjour/afp for the mac but what would other linux machines use to look it up by name?20:27
AegNuddelWhere are my brightness settings?20:27
caonicaldroidhow can I find out the directory of heimdall on ubuntu 14.04?20:28
caonicaldroidI downloaded it from software center I just don't know where it is20:29
psayianAegNuddel: System-config -> display i think20:29
zerowaitstatenotdaniel: yeah, that's the linux version of it i think20:29
psayianor if you are using unity click display.20:29
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AegNuddelcan't seem to find that20:33
Bashing-omcaonicaldroid: Maybe something like -> sudo find / -name heimdall-flash <- . Will take a bit to search the file system, patience .20:33
Jordan_Ucaonicaldroid: dpkg -L heimdall-flash20:35
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caonicaldroidok so i found out where heimdall is (usr/bin) but i need to copy a .rar file to the same directory that heimdall is in but its not letting me what do i do20:46
k1l_caonicaldroid: no i dont think you need to do that20:46
ikoniayou should not have a rar file in /usr/bin20:46
ikoniacaonicaldroid: what is your end goal/problem20:46
k1l_caonicaldroid: i think you wildly mix howtos there.20:46
caonicaldroidIm trying to fix my phone that wont boot20:47
caonicaldroidor better yet where is the terminal located?20:47
ikoniaon the launcher20:47
ikoniaare you running ubuntu on a desktop connected to your phone - or on your actual phone ?20:48
caonicaldroidI need the directory that terminal is located because the .rar has to be in the same directory for this to work20:48
k1l_caonicaldroid: why you need to load a rar into there?20:48
ikoniaare you running ubuntu on a desktop connected to your phone - or on your actual phone ?20:48
k1l_caonicaldroid: no, you can give fullpaths on linux. so it doesnt matter where the rar is20:49
ubuntu999I'm quite adept with Android if you'd tell us what you're trying to do we could help20:49
k1l_seems like heimdall even got a frontend20:50
caonicaldroidim trying to flash cwm to it20:51
ikoniaare you running ubuntu on a desktop connected to your phone - or on your actual phone ?20:51
DammitJimI don't know if this is a vmware thing or an ubuntu thing, but how do I see full screen on a Ubuntu VM in VMWare?20:51
DammitJimUbuntu Desktop here20:51
ikoniacaonicaldroid: are you running ubuntu on a desktop connected to your phone - or on your actual phone ?20:52
k1l_caonicaldroid: so what is your issue with heimdall flash --some_parameters /path/to/recovery.img   ?20:52
caonicaldroidon a laptop connected to my phone20:52
caonicaldroidIt said flash was successful but it got bricked and will only boot to download mode now20:52
k1l_caonicaldroid: no need to put anything into folders where you are gonna ruin your system20:52
col7Can I get some support for ClamTK?20:52
caonicaldroidwhat do i do then20:53
caonicaldroidIs there any way i can restore the phone with terminal from my pc20:53
ikoniacaonicaldroid: if the flash worked - take it to a phone shop20:54
ikoniacaonicaldroid: other than flash the phone with the correct OS image, what more can you do20:54
k1l_caonicaldroid: we dont know what you did. you can ask the android phone community like xda-developers what is on with your phone20:54
ubuntu999@canonicaldroid can you boot it into fastboot mode?20:54
ubuntu999you know you can flash bootloader from there20:54
caonicaldroidWhats fastboot mode20:54
ubuntu999what phone do you have?20:54
caonicaldroidsamsung galaxy proclaim (SCH-S720C)20:54
k1l_caonicaldroid: sorry to say but you seem to know that less about android phone roms, that you better ask the xda guys for guideance20:55
caonicaldroidive never needed to use fastboot is why i dont know about it im actually a dev of android roms20:56
caonicaldroidive never used this particular device either20:56
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ubuntu999Fastboot is what you flash with when you can't use ADB20:57
caonicaldroidadb wont work because it cant detect the device20:57
caonicaldroidso how do i use fastboot20:57
k1l_that is android rom basics 10120:57
ubuntu999You did try booting to recovery right?20:57
ubuntu999Yeah pretty much :P20:57
ikoniamaybe take this to the #android channel20:58
ikoniait's not really an ubuntu issue20:58
caonicaldroidlol thats what bricked my phone bruh20:58
k1l_caonicaldroid: i think you got a android-issue and not a ubuntu-issue here.20:59
ubuntu999Not flashing, just booting to stock recovery20:59
ubuntu999There's always a stock one20:59
schrodingusDoes anyone know how to do an https -S (listing virtual hosts) on Ubuntu?20:59
caonicaldroidubuntu go to #android with me please20:59
schrodingusapache2 -S doesn't seem to give me what I want20:59
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ikoniaschrodingus: apache2 is just the httpd binary renamed21:00
schrodingusOK, but -S doesn't seem to work, it gives me all kinds of errors21:01
schrodingusoh hmm21:01
moondoggyDoes anyone know if the v412_common module is available for download somewhere?21:01
ikoniaschrodingus: need to provide details if you want help21:01
schrodingusAPACHE_RUN_GROUP, APACHE_LOG_DIR, APACHE_RUN_DIR, APACHE_LOCK_DIR all seem to not be defined21:01
schrodingusThose are the errors I'm getting21:01
schrodingusworking on pastebin21:02
eikon81gI had a quick question about my machine's hardware in the system profiler..: A quick question if you don't mind.. I am running the t7200 @2.0ghz and in the system profiler it shows my processor with 2 entries (being both cores) at 1000.00mhz so the processor's cores each run at 1ghz to make the 2.0ghz?21:02
eikon81gOr are both cores supposed to be running @ 2.0ghz?21:03
daftykinseikon81g: no, likely those are intel speedstep speeds, the processor clocks itself down to save power21:03
schrodingusikonia: http://pastebin.com/4dhpctfD21:03
eikon81gok so would you recommend disabling speedstep in bios?21:03
daftykinseikon81g: run this in a terminal: watch -n 0.1 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz'21:03
eikon81gDafty thanks a million..21:03
daftykinseikon81g: no, this is how it's designed, i wouldn't touch it :) you should see the speeds change if you run my above command21:03
ikoniaschrodingus: why are you using sudo21:03
eikon81gOk I was just thanking you for your help I am still with ya21:03
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eikon81gok thanks 1 sec21:04
schrodingusThought I had to to run the -S command21:04
zerowaitstateeikon81g: there's no point in running 2.0 GHz if the processor is idle 95% of the time21:04
eikon81gOk I ran the command and I don't see any changes21:05
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NGC3982When did modern processors start using the down-clock?21:05
daftykinseikon81g: you need to induce some load on the system21:05
eikon81gthe terminal displays cpu: MHz : 1000.0021:05
daftykinseikon81g: one line or two?21:05
eikon81gI understand now21:06
zerowaitstateeikon81g: compiling a big program will put the processor under load21:06
eikon81gSo that command will give realtime load on the cpu cores?21:06
ikoniaschrodingus: it's complaining of an error in the config21:06
ikoniaschrodingus: fix that first21:06
schrodingusI haven't touched that config, that's how it was installed from the package21:07
ikoniaschrodingus: looking at that error wold be a stating point21:07
schrodingusI was about to reinstall the package21:07
zerowaitstateeikon81g: no, that just shows clock frequency. load average is a better indicator of system load21:07
daftykinseikon81g: it shows the clock speed if and when it changes :)21:07
schrodingusikonia: It looks like those constants are not being set somewhere, but I have no idea where they would be set21:07
yvearhello, I'm accessing a remote server with 14.04 installed and 2 x 2 TB SATA drives with a soft raid . it looks like I have access to only 2 tb. is there a way to make it one big 4 tb hdd? here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10279335/21:08
ikoniaschrodingus: looking at that error wold be a stating point21:08
schrodingusI have :P21:08
ikoniaand what does that error represent/what is causing it21:08
eikon81gok thanks to you both. I was just unsure if I was getting my machine's full potential and I was wondering if I should continue to leave speedstep enabled21:08
zerowaitstateeikon81g: top, htop, and uptime all show load average21:08
zerowaitstateeikon81g: nah, the proc is pretty good at keeping it at the right freq21:09
schrodingusIt says it can't find the mutex file, it's an invalid directory.. which also tells me that APACHE_LOCK_DIR is not being defined somewhere21:09
ikoniaschrodingus: no21:09
ikoniaschrodingus: it's complaining about an error in the config file21:09
zerowaitstateeikon81g: leave it enabled21:09
compdocyvear, is raid set up as a mirror?21:09
detorrhaving trouble with cinnamon on ubuntu 14.1021:09
eikon81gthank you both very much21:10
eikon81gI am still learning, I have a long way to go I'm afraid. LOL21:10
zerowaitstateeikon81g: no problem. linux is an evolving thing; we are all canaries in the coal mine21:10
schrodingusYes, but if you read the error, it says "Invalid Mutex directory in argument file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR}"21:10
eikon81gI like the analogy very fitting21:11
ikoniaschrodingus: forget taht - read the config file error21:11
yvearcompdoc, I don't know I'm renting it21:11
schrodingusWhich means that APACHE_LOCK_DIR doesn't point to a valid file, or is not defined21:11
ikoniaschrodingus: forget that deal with the config file error21:11
schrodingusMutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default21:11
schrodingusThat's the line21:11
ikoniaschrodingus: so thats probably set in the init script21:11
schrodingusI have no idea where those are on ubuntu21:12
schrodingusNothing matching APACHE_LOCK_DIR in /etc/init.d/apache221:13
ikoniawalk the script through21:13
ikoniafind out what it includes21:13
ikoniaor look at the apache user, see what it's environment sets21:13
scottzhave installation problem. I have done a fresh install 14.04lts to an unformatted, unpartioned harddrive. Install went great but upon a reboot i get "ERROR: Noboot disk has been detected or the disk has failed"21:16
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jake9444MY UBUNTU IS BROKEN21:17
compdocscottz, did you boot from a usb stick to install? how many hard drives are in the system>?21:17
jake9444CAN SOMEONE HELP?21:17
ikoniajake9444: don't talk in caps21:17
jake9444updated this morning killed it21:17
ikoniajake9444: just explain what you need with21:17
jake9444sorry, caps lock was stuck on @ ikonia21:17
jake9444k. my bar icons on top right are gone21:18
jake9444and reboot goes straight in without login prompt21:18
schrodingusLooks like it should be defined in /etc/apache2/envvars21:18
jake9444then goes black21:18
travnewmaticseeking maas node enlistment help21:18
scottzcompdoc: I booted from a DVD that I created from an image. 1 hard drive /dev/sda21:18
jake9444then loads login screen after 3-4 mins21:18
schrodingusvim envvars21:18
jake9444anyone know what could cause this?21:18
compdocscottz, thats the best way to go. the image was downloaded from ubuntu's mirrors?21:19
schrodingusSo this means that the apache2 package is broken21:19
zerowaitstatejake9444: CTRL-ALT-F1, log in under you normal user, then check available hard drive space with df -h.  Just curious21:19
Jordan_U!bootinfo | scottz21:19
ubottuscottz: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.21:19
jake9444oh, and mouse is missing, only touchscreen works21:19
yvearcompdoc, yes it's mirrored21:19
jake9444@ zerowaitstate i have 11% use.21:20
scottzcompdoc: yes it was. any ideas how to get it to boot after install?21:20
compdocyvear, then 2G is all you can hope for21:20
zerowaitstatewhat does your /var/log/syslog say?21:20
scottzhow can i run the script if I cant get the machine to boot?21:20
jake9444/dev/sda3 (/) is 764G avail, /dev/sda2 is 8.5gb avail (/boot)21:20
Jordan_Uscottz: Boot from the Ubuntu LiveUSB in "Try" mode.21:21
compdocscottz, I install the Server version, and it always asks near the end of the install if its ok to write the boot/grub to the drive. Dont know why it would fail to do so21:21
compdocscottz, is it dual boot?21:22
jake9444eb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop gnome-session[1506]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_icon_info_load_icon: assertion 'icon_info != NULL' failed21:22
jake9444Feb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop gnome-session[1506]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_icon_info_free: assertion 'icon_info != NULL' failed21:22
jake9444Feb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop colord: device removed: xrandr-AU Optronics21:22
jake9444Feb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop colord: Profile removed: icc-af900ed25686ee7ece35765198d2756621:22
jake9444Feb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop colord: Profile removed: icc-695a070f2357bc7932ba388eb209868621:22
jake9444Feb 17 16:15:10 jake-laptop colord: Profile removed: icc-9a78079d32eeaebc0db771920a8e5e8721:22
zerowaitstatejake9444: dude, use pastebin21:22
schrodingusikonia: I've purged the package and reinstalled.  -S still gives me the error I pastebinned21:22
scottzcompdoc: nope just gonna be a linux box21:22
schrodingusIt's like whatever is supposed to call envvars as a conf file isn't doing so21:23
compdocscottz, is the bios set for legacy ot uefi boot?21:23
compdoclegacy or uefi storage21:23
scottzcompdoc: legacy is greyed out21:24
scottzbooting now from dvd21:24
compdocscottz, I always use legacy. There might be steps you have to take to go uefi21:24
yvearcompdoc, from the custom install form on my provider's manager there is a checkbox "Do you want to install it solely on one disk? *By installing your system solely on 1 disk, you will lose all your data in the event of hard disk problems."21:25
compdocscottz, in the bios boot area, the drive appears as an option to boot from?21:25
yvearcompdoc, would that do it?21:25
compdocyvear, drive mirrors tend to be a good idea21:25
ubuntu999guys does anyone here know anything about configuring email access? vimbadmin and such21:27
zerowaitstatecompdoc: from the you-only-live-once department21:27
SienteHello guys, how to give myself permissions to /var/www/html ?21:28
zerowaitstateSiente: addgroup <myuser> www-data21:28
zerowaitstateSiente: sudo addgroup <myuser> www-data21:28
travnewmaticstill seeking maas help if anyone has a sec21:29
Sientezerowaitstate, and then chown www-data -R /var/www/html or ?21:30
scottzcompdoc: i just got booted into the dvd. let me run the scripts first then i will reboot21:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:31
Jordan_Uscottz: Please also run "sudo apt-get install efibootmgr" then pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".21:33
scottzcompdoc: paste.ubuntu.com/1027974721:34
schrodingusikonia: You should have read my pastebin more carefully21:34
schrodingusThe problem was that I was using the binary directly instead of apachectl21:34
schrodingusWhich you would have seen, had you read the pastebin21:35
compdocscottz, I think that vfat partition has to do with uefi21:35
scottzcompdoc: paste.ubuntu.com/1027976421:36
scottzjordan_u: paste.ubuntu.com/1027976421:36
k_89my laptop doesn21:37
compdocscottz, after you install, you might need to enter the bios and select the efi boot volume. that stuff changes after install21:37
k_89my laptop doesn't mount my phone on fastboot more21:37
texla paste.ubuntu.com/1027976421:37
k_89does anyone know why ?21:37
xbustershindoes it have to be 3 logical or it can be the 3 primary in partion for ubuntu/win 8.1 dual boot?21:38
xbustershinhttp://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html logical21:39
xbustershinhttp://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/ primary21:40
Bashing-omxbustershin: Win8 = UEFI = GPT partitioning, GPT does not have extended/logical partitions.21:40
scottzsame problem with legacy mode21:42
Bray90820What's a good backup system that copies just the files over I tried daja-dupe but it uses a proprietary format21:42
Jordan_Uscottz: Don't try to use legacy mode. It's interesting that Ubuntu is one of the boot options, but it's the last that the firmware is configured to try. Still, with no other OSs it should work.21:44
Jordan_Uscottz: Are you booted into the Ubuntu LiveDVD currently?21:44
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scottzJordan_U: booting as we speek21:44
Jordan_Uscottz: Make sure you're booting in UEFI mode rather than legacy, or we won't be able to use efibootmgr.21:45
Pinkamena_Dsometimes I have to stop a process with fuser -k or simply list with something like sudo fuser 80/tcp . Recently this has been freezing the terminal for many minutes. How can I find out why?21:45
scottzJordan_U: well I am booted but do not remember which way what would you like me to try and we will see.21:46
Jordan_Uscottz: Run "sudo efibootmgr" and pastebin the output again.21:50
Jordan_Uscottz: ... though you'll probably need to run "sudo apt-get install efibootmgr" first :)21:50
scottzJordan_U: pastebin.ubuntu.com/1027997721:52
Jordan_Uscottz: Great, you're booted via UEFI. Please run "sudo efibootmgr --bootorder 0000,0002,0001,0008,0009,0005,0006,000A" to make Ubuntu first in the boot order.21:54
scottzJordan_U: OK done, reboot?21:57
nymqrDoes anyone here know the name of the graphical frontend Ubuntu uses for NetworkManager?21:57
Jordan_Uscottz: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr" one more time first.21:57
svipHow does the recovery feature work?21:58
svipI try to enable networking, but it appears to be stalling.21:58
svipAfter it has mounted network filesystems.21:58
Gegenrungnm-applet nymqr21:58
Jordan_Unymqr: nm-applet is the applet, nm-connection-editor is for configuring network manager.21:58
nymqrThank you, Gegenrung21:59
scottzJordan_U: pastebin.ubuntu.com/1028002821:59
Gegenrungyw but Jordan_U went a bit more in depth22:00
Sientehow to install php on ubuntu? using the apache2?22:02
Sientesudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 ?22:03
annabel_Siente: i strongly recommend using nginx22:04
ObrienDaveBray90820, rsync22:05
Bray90820Thanks I'll have a look at that22:05
ObrienDaveBray90820, straight file copy. no zip, tar, rar, etc. works great22:05
scottzJordan_U: pastebin.ubuntu.com/1028002822:05
Bray90820ObrienDave: can it work incrementally22:06
len_I'm running nginx on 14.04.  Everything is working, except the nginx does not seem to be using gzip when the client is sets it's header to accept gzip.    nginx conf file has  "gzip on" set.  Is there something more I need to do?  gzip module is included by default, right?22:06
Jordan_Uscottz: Looks good. Try rebooting.22:06
ObrienDaveBray90820, no, it compares file to file. only sends what's different22:07
ObrienDaveBray90820, or new22:07
ObrienDaveBray90820, look into grsync22:07
svipI am having a strange issue with Xubuntu 12.04 on my old laptop.22:07
svipAfter it has loaded, it stalls with strange graphical errors.22:08
svipWith strange blue dots around the Xubuntu logo.22:08
Bray90820ObrienDave: what I actually wanted was every day it would copy the newer file to my backup folder and remove the old one22:08
svipIt then heats up the CPU until it finally cuts out.22:08
Jordan_Usvip: Has it been doing this since you installed or is this a new problem?22:08
ubuntu999Remember the "Android Dev" anyone? Who couldnt flash a rom?22:09
svipJordan_U: New problem.22:09
svipIt has been working fine for a year.22:09
ObrienDaveBray90820, it does that. i use it every day to back up /home to 2 usb drives22:09
ubuntu999Anyone maybe?22:09
Jordan_Usvip: Did anything change recently that you can think of?22:10
Bray90820ObrienDave: would I have to remove every file and recopy or would it keep the files if there the same22:10
svipJordan_U: Not that I can think up, besides installing the software updates.22:10
ObrienDaveBray90820, it can delete on destination what's not in the source. if you want22:11
Bray90820ObrienDave: Oh also if the fie is not in the destination file it want it to be removed22:11
svipJordan_U: I did notice that on the last time it ran fine, there was a graphical hiccup at one point, but since it returned normal almost immediately, I ignored it.22:11
ubuntu999Well anyhow the guy that claimed to be a software developer did a rm -r * on his root. GG22:11
svipJordan_U: I just thought the graphics cable was loose again.22:11
Bray90820ObrienDave: I wanted it to keep the fies if there the same insted of recopying it22:11
Bray90820I'll just try it out22:11
svipJordan_U: But that wouldn't explain this behaviour I think.22:11
svipApparently, it runs a non-PEA CPU, so I don't think I can install 14.04 on it.22:12
ObrienDaveBray90820, rsync will only copy if changed or newer or new22:12
Bray90820ObrienDave: Thanks22:12
Jordan_Usvip: How did you determine that it runs a non-pae CPU?22:13
ubuntu999No one is gonna laugh with me?22:13
svipJordan_U: Well, the kernel it boots is appended generic-pea22:14
ObrienDave!ot | ubuntu99922:14
ubottuubuntu999: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:14
gurrichello everyone, there is a wifi network I want my pc never to connect, how can I do that?22:14
Jordan_Usvip: That implies that it *must* have PAE support, since you're explicitly using a PAE kernel.22:14
ubuntu999Aight aight22:14
svipSo maybe it NEEDS Pea to operate?22:15
Jordan_Usvip: Think of "generic-pae" as  "generic dash pae" rather than "generic minus pae".22:15
svipIs that what forcepea is for?22:16
svipIs it safe to install 14.04 on it then?22:16
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Jordan_Usvip: No, not that either :) PAE is just nice to have if you have more than 4 GiB of RAM on a 32 bit processor.22:16
SienteHello guys, I have the following error in my phpmyadmin  The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. how to fix it?22:16
annabel_What is PAE ?22:17
Jordan_Usvip: If you can boot the installer (which I expect you can) then installing is perfectly safe, at least as far as CPU features are concerned.22:17
svipJordan_U: I will do that tomorrow.22:17
svipFortunately, my /home is on a separate partition.22:17
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Jordan_Uscottz: Have you tried rebooting yet? If so, what happened?22:25
yvearcompdoc, are you there?22:26
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Exagone313hello, I installed psad to block port scans, but it does not work. I tried nmap -sT <host> and it shows the opened ports. what can I do to enable it? thanks for your help.22:28
Exagone313also, iptables block all ports except these opened ports22:28
Exagone313i don't know how psad work22:29
redchickenAfter using sudo to create a postgres database -> sudo -u postgres createdb postgres22:30
redchickencould not change directory to "/root" permission denied22:30
redchickenWhat do22:30
redchickenI know I shouldn't be using the root user like that but why doesn't it gracefully return control to root22:30
bunthow do i see a list of chatrooms available?22:30
k1l_!alis | bunt22:31
ubottubunt: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:31
jayesh92I'm running into problem due to dependencies22:32
jayesh92I have installed all packages corresponding to libsystemd* from apt-get22:32
jayesh92Still, package says libsystemd-login (libsystemd-login.pc, required=210, installed=204)22:33
jayesh92OS says latest version, but packages says update your version22:33
jayesh92any help ?22:33
Emanuel_I'm having a problem printing to a printer on a Ubuntu system over the network. I have 2 laptops one can print one can't. They both run Windows and I'm not getting any error messages22:35
Jordan_UEmanuel_: Do both Windows laptops have the same version of the printer driver installed?22:37
Emanuel_Jordan_U I believe they do.22:37
Emanuel_Jordan_U: I think you helped me with the laptop power issue22:37
Jordan_UEmanuel_: Indeed. How has the pm script been working for you?22:38
Paddy_NIWould anyone know why I would be receiving a load of GPG Errors when performing "apt-get update" today?22:39
Emanuel_Jordan_U: It's working great. Right now I pulled the USB cable and am trying to connect it direcly to the laptop that won't print22:39
OerHeksPaddy_NI, broken lists ?22:41
Paddy_NIOerHeks, All of a sudden?22:42
Paddy_NIOerHeks, I tried using y-ppa-manager to fix missing gpg keys (no idea why they would be missing today) however that has failed22:43
Paddy_NIthis nonsense really grinds my gears22:43
jklihi guys22:45
ObrienDavePaddy_NI, could be a mirror error, try a different mirror22:45
Paddy_NIObrienDave, Good point22:45
OerHeksPaddy_NI, seen that before, maybe 1 bit tumbled, remove the broken lists, gpg keys are oke, and reload. >> sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:45
jkliim trying to make a ubuntu script work on centos, what do you guys get when you do: echo $XAUTHORITY ?22:45
jklii get an empty string22:45
OerHeks* if an other mirror gives the sameoutpu22:45
Paddy_NIOerHeks, Thanks :-)22:46
jkliI just want to know what this variable contains, so that i can replicate it on centos22:46
OerHeksPaddy_NI, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure22:46
Bashing-omjkli:  echo $XAUTHORITY >> /home/sysop/.Xauthority .22:48
jkliso it simply links to the .Xauth file22:49
jklii got one for one user, but the other user has no xauth file, how are those initiated / created?22:50
Paddy_NIOerHeks, I did both and still gpg errors22:53
Paddy_NIOerHeks, As much as I love Ubuntu.. I really hate it sometimes..22:53
Paddy_NIIt's sort of like a cat22:54
Paddy_NII love cats.. but they are assholes22:54
HowdyHowdyhi, i have a bit of a disaster on my hands... im doing ll in a certain folder, and by whatever magical voodoo, Ubuntu decided to turn every single one of my files into an executable22:54
Emanuel_Jordan_U: sorry about this but my gf needs her computer now22:54
OerHeksPaddy_NI, odd, can you paste the output of update?22:54
Paddy_NIOerHeks, Sure thing22:54
HowdyHowdyi can't just blanket undo thsi since some files have to be executables22:54
HowdyHowdyi have NO idea how this happened22:54
jkliBashing-om, what do you get when you "echo XAUTHORITY" ?22:54
stormpythonquestion, I have started up an ubuntu server and looking to connect it using the wireless card and can't get it to connect to the router22:55
ObrienDavejkli, /home/david/.Xauthority22:55
stormpythonwould anyone know of how to do this or have a resource they can point me to22:55
ObrienDavetry #ubuntu-server22:56
jkliso $XAUTHORITY and XAUTHORITY link to the same ressource i guess?22:56
OerHeksHowdyHowdy, did you perform "chmod +x -R /" or "chmod +x -R *" ??22:56
stormpythonI've tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/270901/ubuntu-server-12-04-2-wireless-connections22:56
HowdyHowdyDerHeks: no, never could I do that22:56
Jordan_Ujkli: This is no longer an Ubuntu support question. Please move discussion to more appropriate channels like ##linux.22:56
HowdyHowdyi haven't changed any permissions anywhere at any time22:56
giuseppe_82hi everybody. I'm running lubuntu 14.10. By default I have lxsession as session manager (working as a desktop environment), openbox as window manager (the only one used and installed) and lightdm as display manager. I have a veryyy old Pc desktop, what would you suggest to have best performance? Thanks in advance.22:57
HowdyHowdynever could or would i do that22:57
jkliJordan_U it is, because this is ubuntu specific22:57
Bashing-omjkli: Just an 'echo' of " XAUTHORITY " as direrected to bash . Bash doing as told .22:57
OerHeksHowdyHowdy, strange mistery.22:57
OerHeksBackup your data and reinstall i guess22:57
k1l_HowdyHowdy: ubuntu doesnt do this to fool you. so either you ran a comand that did that or there is something  like hardware failure22:57
HowdyHowdyim looking at my bash history... no chmod command has been ran in ages22:58
IcemanV9jkli: echo XAUTHORITY >> XAUTHORITY22:58
jklikk lol22:58
HowdyHowdyim running a VM of ubuntu, so if tere was a hard drive failure, woudln't the host system go as well?22:58
jklimy head was wrapped up22:58
IcemanV9it does nothing except echo the word22:58
jkliyeah, so i get the script now22:58
jklithose guys at ##linux couldnt figure it out22:59
Jordan_Ujkli: No, it is not an Ubuntu specific question at all.22:59
Paddy_NIOerHeks, here you go http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CsRjAWav22:59
OerHeksPaddy_NI, changing mirror gives the same output?23:01
Paddy_NIOerHeks, Exactly23:01
Paddy_NIOerHeks, I tried two different UK mirrors and one Irish23:01
Paddy_NIReverted back to the UK for speed23:01
Paddy_NIOerHeks, I think I might leave it until tomorrow to solve23:02
Paddy_NIOerHeks, It's getting a little late here, thank you for your help :-)23:03
OerHeksPaddy_NI, oke, don't worry, see you tomorrow maybe.23:04
Paddy_NI Cool :-)23:04
xcyclist_Say, I am coming here from the postgresql room with this question:  I am not getting phppgadmin to work correctly on a basic apt-get install on 14.04.1.  Anybody have a listed fix for this?23:11
xcyclist_curl http://localhost/phppgadmin yields a 404 page.23:11
craigbass76I ran dd if=sda of=somefile.  I can now fdisk somefile, but not sure how to mount one of the partitions in it.23:13
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Try: -> sudo mkdir /mnt/look , sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/look <- where 'X' is (a,b,c ect as in sda ) and 'Y' is the partition number (as in sdc3) .23:18
LiberalDouchesup dicks23:20
LiberalDouchewtf dude23:21
craigbass76Bashing-om, the file is called scsi-backup.  So when I fdisk scsi-back and hit p to see what's there for partitions, I see scsi-backup1   *        2048  1129267199   564632576   83  Linux.  This is the partition I want to mount.  But mount -t ext4 scsi-backup1 gives me a "special device scsi-backup1 does not exist"23:21
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LiberalDouchedon't make me h@x0r you with my l33t sk1llz23:22
k1l_LiberalDouche: go and troll somewhere else23:22
usermehello. on linux can u configure netgear routers just like windows23:23
craigbass76userme, if there's a regular web interface that doesn't require Internet Explorer, you should be all set23:23
k1l_userme: dont they do this with a webgui?23:23
LiberalDouchei have 6 TB of furry porn on my Windows ME machine. How do I move it to my new linux box?23:24
usermewhat u lost me mate23:24
usermeif i downloaded a new firmware could i update i with linux23:25
k1l_userme: does the router have a webgui? then it doesnt matter what OS your run on your pc23:25
usermeyeah a ip page of router23:25
Bashing-omcraigbass76: To mount a 'partition' (file system) you have to have a point to attach that "file system"; partitions have names as in sdc5 - where sdc is that 3rd hard drive, and '5' 1s the 5th partition. In order to access a file, one has to first mount the file system .23:27
usermeit downloads a img file for firmware off the site but need un zipping first23:28
grishahello! help me please install itunes on ubuntu 14.04, tried several itunes exe files through play on linux no luck23:28
craigbass76Bashing-om, I've got sdb mounted up right now, and it contains the file that got created with the dd command.  What I'm trying to do now is get that file readable enough to pull some data off.23:28
craigbass76Bashing-om, I believe I have to mount that file somehow.23:29
OerHeksgrisha, check the wineHQ database, i guess it is not going to work, iirc23:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:29
Bashing-omcraigbass76: One does not mount a file (there are menas to mount an .iso file), one mounts the partition that contains the file, Then one can access the file on that partition. -> sudo fdisk -lu <- does it show the partition that you dd'd ?23:31
craigbass76No.  It shows sdb1, which is the partition that contains the file I dd-ed to.23:32
craigbass76Bashing-om, ^^23:32
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Bashing-omcraigbass76: -> sudo mkdir /mnt/look , sudo mount /dev/sdb1 . ls -al /mnt/look <- ; do you see your file, and/or the directory that contains the target file ?23:34
craigbass76mount shows --> /dev/sdb1 on /home/me/borked type ext4 (rw) -- I mounted up sbd1 in a "borked" directory.23:35
craigbass76Bashing-om, ^^ Inside that I see a file called scsi-backup; this is where dd wrote to, so this is a 550G file of a whole (all three partitions) disk.23:36
Bashing-omcraigbass76: What now returns -> ls -al /mnt/look/scsi-backup <- ?23:38
craigbass76Bashing-om, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 586774740992 Feb 16 22:41 scsi-backup23:40
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Well ! It is a file. I did expect 'dd' to re-create the original file structure. In this case I just do not know .23:44
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