
wxlhey anyone who is not an admin of the team want to do me a favor and go to the loco team portal while authenticated and see if you see "join this team" even though you are a member of the team?20:47
shirgallwxl: sure21:12
wxlshirgall: so it does?21:12
shirgallI see "Contact this Team"21:13
wxland that's it then21:13
shirgallI think I already joined years ago21:13
wxli mean in the nav at the top top21:13
shirgallAh, there it is "Join this team"21:13
shirgallA link to "https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-or/+join"21:13
wxlwhat's your launchpad id?21:13
wxland indeed you are a member of teh team21:14
shirgallAh, I was logged into launchpad but not SSO apparently21:14
wxland not an admin21:14
wxlyeah try again then21:14
shirgallSo, yes, once authenticated I don't see "Join this team"21:14
wxlyou just see nothing there?21:14
shirgallI only see "Add New Event" "Add New Meeting" in the space where Join This Team was21:15
wxlyep ok cool21:15
wxli just submitted a merge request to include "Team Details" in there21:15
shirgallTakes time for the stuff to propagate21:16
wxloh yeah i know21:16
wxli just wanted to make sure that my understanding of the code is right :)21:16
wxlpretty simple fix https://code.launchpad.net/~wxl/loco-team-portal/more-details21:16
wxlor better link to the review https://code.launchpad.net/~wxl/loco-team-portal/more-details/+merge/25021021:17
wxlanyone got time to do some quick lubuntu testing today?21:45
wxlwe just had a rebuild at the last minute and my regulars are off doing other things21:45

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