
zequenceelfy: A sponsor?13:15
knomezequence, every blog that is listed in the planet needs to be a ubuntu member blog - and in the case of team blogs, it will need to have one ubuntu member as the "sponsor" who oversees that the content is suitable for the planet13:19
zequenceAh. Sure, elfy. I can be the sponsor.13:25
DalekSecAccording to the one thing you still use xscreensaver, so bug 1406825 might be relavent.16:00
ubottubug 1406825 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "xscreensaver complains "This version of xscreensaver is VERY OLD!"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140682516:00
elfyzequence: ta - at some point I'll deal with that 16:40
zequenceDalekSec: Thanks16:52
DalekSecSure, though as you can see not uploaded yet.  Hope it helps.18:24
elfymailed the list - but it appears to be hung up somewhere22:35
elfythe trusty point release is tomorrow if anyone has time to do some testing 22:36
elfyI did what I could 22:38
OvenWerkselfy: if it boots, the SW all seems to work for 14.04. I run it as my daily machine.23:27
elfyyea 23:28
elfyOvenWerks: I don't actually use it so wouldn't know23:28
OvenWerksI figgured.23:28
elfyalos tested in a vm and never even bothered to see if sound there works :p23:28
elfybut I got installs done in the end, and half the live session stuff 23:29
OvenWerksSound works for me, but sound is so diverse it could fail for someone somewhere.23:29
OvenWerksI have a new MB but I still run PCI sound cards23:30
elfyunderstand that - but I have enough trouble getting pavucontrol working without mucking about with jack :)23:30
OvenWerksI run both together.23:30
elfyI bought a cheap one for the new machine the other day, wish I'd not bothered - had more trouble with it than the really old one 23:31
OvenWerksI have been using jack as the sound device for pulse for almost a year now.23:31
elfylike really old ... 23:31
OvenWerksThe old ensoniq pci was one of the best consumer grade cards. I use mine for midi along with an ICE1712 card.23:32
elfyname does ring a bell 23:32
OvenWerksI am still in stereo land, I have not worried about surround at all here.23:34
elfyI'm 53 with knackered ears - I can tell stereo from mono usually :p23:35
OvenWerksI'm a year older, my ears sing with no aural input sometimes.23:35
elfyright - so it's not *just* me then :p23:36
OvenWerksI wish I could say it was the music, but I think it was my screaming kids23:37
elfythere'll be an echo in here if we're not careful :D23:38
elfythough there was a fair old bit of motorhead in my past23:38
elfynot quite old enough for seeing zeppelin or deep purple 23:39
OvenWerksI'm more ARS/April Wine/Chilliwack kinds of things.23:40
elfywell 23:40
elfynever heard of any of them :D but I'm actually more Gong than loud stuff :)23:40
elfyI just use it as an excuse for being deaf :p23:41
OvenWerks :)23:41

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