
eikon81gSo I am getting this error that appears to be a bug in 14.10 but I was wondering if anyone else has tried to tackle the issue with good results. It affects my splash screen (which I just fixed) but it is not detrimental.. init: Error while reading from descriptor: Broken pipe00:00
eikon81gWould this be a safe fix to try? >>00:01
eikon81gI can make it disappear, but I'm not sure what is the real cause :00:01
eikon81g$ sudo sed -i "s,or starting rc-sysinit,or spawned rc-sysinit," /etc/init/failsafe.conf00:01
eikon81gA patch in failsafe.conf and its gone.00:01
eikon81gLooks like some people think it may be an issue with the nvidia drivers other users are reporting the error without the nvidia software.. I know mine started after the install of the nvidia drivers :\00:04
eikon81gThe fix that was posted looks nice but I'm just not sure what the command actually does so I am reluctant to try it.00:06
holsteineikon81g_: when are you getting "broken pipe"?00:56
holsteini have had those when i had a bad installer image00:56
elfyI did have it in 14.10 after installing nvidia driver00:58
eikon81g_Sorry just saw this.. I am getting it at boot I've also got the tsc calibration error but the fix for that was an edit to a kernal conf file or some such jargon but it is along side that error00:58
eikon81g_the error shows then the splash screen opens00:59
holsteinerror? or message?00:59
eikon81g_message.. It doesn't halt anything it continues to load the login and I don't have issues from it but It's annoying01:00
holsteini know what i would do..01:00
holsteinsearch about it, and igrnore it, if all is well01:00
eikon81g_I thought it was from something I did when editing the grub file to adjust the resolution of the splash screen but it turns out others are affected01:00
eikon81g_haha Holstein I am with ya I figured i'd ask : )01:01
eikon81g_Very good support tip. If it ain't broke.. LOL01:01
eikon81g_I will let that one go and keep on pushin. I keep learning from fixing lil things here and there so it is a good way for me to get better01:03
eikon81g_Thank you again holstein01:06
eikon81g_I am trying the ctrl+alt+l command to try to lock the machine and it is not working.. what is the xubuntu method?01:16
samuel_hey guys whats up01:16
eikon81g_you know.. the ceiling the sky.. LOL (sorry had to do it..)01:16
samuel_haha yeah what did i except01:17
samuel_so just install xubuntu on my gaming pc :D01:17
eikon81g_congrats : ) .. (I'm no support btw I am a rookie..)01:18
samuel_oh everything works great!01:18
eikon81g_right on, that's great :) double congrats to that!01:19
eikon81g_most people I see come through this channel are seeking support (me..) and the guys here are really cool and pretty patient which is great01:19
eikon81g_What games are you running..? Steam..?01:21
samuel_yes I just wanted to start helping out in the community ya know01:21
samuel_yes on my windows which i actually need to install grub in a min01:21
samuel_to dual boot01:21
samuel_unless grub is outdated now?01:22
samuel_um i love cod, got 100s on steam01:22
samuel_skyrim, gta, far cry 3 etc01:22
eikon81g_right on.. I am really a console gamer (when I do game..) Ps4 is the one I use for the moment.. COD AW ftw01:23
eikon81g_Yea, I believe grub is the preferred method (btw)01:23
samuel_ok thanks01:27
samuel_and yeah AW is just not doing anything for me01:27
eikon81g_lol I've heard that from quite a few hardcore COD players.. I really don't get too into it but when I do play that is usually the one I go to. GTA5 is nasty too. I just don't spend as much time as I used to on the games.01:28
* eikon81g_ walks away sad....01:29
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mojiquegood morning from paris04:09
puffI have a dock and an external 24" monitor that I set to mirror my laptop screen.  Often, when I redock, I have to do Menu/Settings/Display/24" dell monitor/mirror this display.06:00
puffIt's linux, there has to be a way I can automate that step...06:01
bullgard4puff: May be reading http://ianmarmour.com/2012/01/22/setting-up-dual-monitors-on-xfce-arch-linux/ helps along.06:35
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xubuntu03whello there. i have a problem: sound is coming in (mic input on laptop) but i can't hear it on headphones ... any idea?08:13
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newuseri have a question10:26
Luyinthey will never learn...10:36
DReynoldshi all. hoping someone can help. I installed xfce by installing xubuntu-desktop (by apt get) on top of Ubuntu 14.04. when I lock the screen (key command or calling xflock4) it boots back to the login screen and not a lock screen. Logging back in works but i have to put me username in everytime and it wont JUST lock16:19
natuziHow can I mount a usb after a bad formating? I can see it with lsusb but impossible to remount it.16:23
bgardnernatuzi: If the format is bad, you probably need to reformat before you can mount it.16:23
natuzisudo mkfs.ntfs --label usbname /dev/sdb116:24
natuziis it okay ?16:24
bgardnernatuzi: Should be, but I can't speak specifically to NTFS as I don't use it.16:25
Unit193DReynolds: Xubuntu uses light-locker, which uses lightdm to lock.16:26
Unit193You can switch to something else if you need to of course.16:26
DReynoldsUnit193, is lightdm the same as used by Unity to lock? cause the result isn't the same16:27
natuzibgardner: nice it works16:30
bgardnernatuzi: :)16:33
Unit193DReynolds: Lightdm is used in Ubuntu as well, but with a different greeter.16:34
ochosiDReynolds: actually ubuntu uses a separate lockscreen that only *looks like* the greeter16:36
ochosidepends on your greeter config whether you have to enter the username16:36
ochosiin the default xubuntu setup you can just select the user (or in fact the logged-in user is preselected if you lock)16:37
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natuziSometimes, the logo of the menu Whisker dissapears and I have to move the cursor on it to solve the problem. Is it a driver problem?19:12
brainvvashnatuzi, probably not, seems to affect most gpus/drivers19:37
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=== champignon is now known as champignon9
KekaiI run Xubuntu 14.04 LTS, and recently I can't open my USB drive. I get this error: Failed to open directory "5DEA-F6BC"20:00
KekaiI need to get something off it, but the only help I have recieved is to format in Gparted20:01
holsteinKekai: i would try opening it on another machine, and consider using recovery on it if i find, or feel its broken or breaking20:01
holsteini like photorec20:01
holsteinKekai: i wouldnt format it.. that specifically can break it20:01
Kekaiit seems to be only one folder causing the problem20:01
holsteinKekai: i would be cautious. and keep in  mind, data recovery is not trivial.. take your time and research before doing anything drastic20:01
KekaiI used a windows machine and backed everything up20:20
KekaiI formatted and it works now20:20
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xubuntu32ohow would i update my version within terminal from 12.10 (quanzal) to a newer release?20:50
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal20:52
holsteinxubuntu32o: 12.10 is EOL20:52
holsteinxubuntu32o: for me, i think you can fiddle about, and get an upgrade to happen in the span of 6 or so hours.. i say, take the time to backup and fresh install..20:52
holsteinbut, you can do an upgrade.. and it should work fine, if thats what you prefer.. regardless, i suggest you have a backup20:53
xubuntu32oi understand, the reason i installed 12.10 was because i had no blank DVDs and 12.10 was under 700 mb... is ther any other way to eithe install another os suchh as ubuntu or even a newer releas of Xbuntu?20:54
geniiI tend to agree. You could use the old-releases archives until you upgraded to a non EOL release, then use the normal ones, but you'd be going 12.10-13.04-13.10-14.04 which is painful20:54
xubuntu32oright, but i dont mind , was planning on that process anyway20:54
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:55
holsteinyou can use smaller iso's for newer versions20:55
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy20:55
holsteinlets say, you backup, and that takes less than an hour, and it takes less than 4 per version.. you are looking at around 13-15 hours.. best case20:55
geniiSo it would be all EOL upgrades until Trusty20:56
knomesee the link i posted for instructions on how to install from a CD with later versions20:57
xubuntu32oright, well where would i find a minimal non EOL ISO ?20:57
knomeor as said, you can use the minimal ISO20:57
xubuntu32oright thats my current and most logical option thanks20:57
xubuntu32oi will explore the options and get back, thanks20:58
mkadirhi everybody22:16
LemberHello I'm looking for some help for my new installation process, my wifi and ethernet seem to be not working with any ubuntu based distro22:33
LemberAnything I can do?22:34
holsteinLember: i would just work with "seem" and make sure that, firstly, the hardware isnt broken. for example, boot windows or whatever officially supports the hardware, and/or, a "known good" live iso.. then, you'll know if the hardware is functional22:34
LemberYet it is, I installed crunchbang recently without any wifi or ethernet problems, same with Deepin22:35
holsteinthen, i would move on to trying diffrent live isos.. and, not xubuntu vs ubuntu vs lubuntu.. they are *all* ubuntu, with the same kernels and hardware support.. what i suggest is, 12.04, vs 14.04, vs 14.10, vs upcoming 15.04, for example22:35
LemberSo, different versions? Would that actually help?22:36
holsteinLember: sure.. so, you can look at, either #! or deepin, and see what drivers are supporting what.. since #! works, and you know it did, you can boot if live, and see that the hardware is functioning22:36
holsteinLember: im not referencing any "fix" here, so, no.. that wont "work". but, it will help you figure out what the issue is22:36
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:36
LemberSo I should install a distro that works fine and check the drivers22:37
holsteinLember: no22:37
LemberJust boot it from usb and check it?22:37
LemberLike, no install22:38
holsteinLember: the 'should' would be for the creators of the hardware, to make sure that they support linux and provide you with support.. since they likely didnt promise that, you will support it yourself22:38
holsteini would do that by running different live iso's and seeing what works, and why22:38
holsteinyou say, for example, #! works, so, boot that, see that the hardware is still working , and note the kernel version and modules in use22:39
LemberCould you give me some instructions on that22:39
holsteinyou say deepin works, so, see what ubuntu version your deepin was based on, and you'll like find, that *same* ubuntu version base will work22:39
holsteinLember: sure. put the stick you made with #! on in in the machine.. boot it22:39
holsteinLember: test the connections.. run "uname -a" and "lscpi" and/or "ifconfig". whatever you need to see what is being supported and how22:40
LemberWell, I'll check on this netbook I've deepin on because it has the same problems that the other one has with ubuntu22:40
holsteinLember: make a note of what is supporting that, while you are tyere..22:40
holsteindeepin, AFAIK *is* an ubuntu base.. so, you are likely comparing different base versions of ubuntu, and assuming its ubuntu vs deepin. when, actually, its different kernel versions22:41
LemberThat's true this is ubuntu based uhhh22:41
LemberI will check what ubuntu is based in and will try to boot that22:42
LemberI have the commands results, what do I actually need to see in them?22:43
LemberIt says it is Ubuntu 14.04 based22:46
LemberSo, probably ubuntu 14.04 will work on my computer?22:47
LemberSame with Xubuntu 14.0422:47
holsteinLember: i would start there22:50
holsteinLember: 14.04 is lts, as well22:50
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Xubuntu will be supported for 3 years. The current LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)22:50
holsteinanyways, try 14.04 xubuntu and see.. try it live22:50
LemberWell, they seem to be based on the same kernel and stuff, I will try it out, thanks!!!!!22:51
holsteinLember: sure.. cheers..22:51

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