
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
dholbachgood morning07:08
dholbachhey dpm08:07
dpmmorning dholbach, welcome back!08:07
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
belkinsadholbach, did you get my e-mail from last week?12:35
dholbachbelkinsa, yes, I was on holidays for a few days and had a number of things to do13:01
dholbachbelkinsa, I didn't have much time to look into harvest into the last months/years13:01
belkinsaI figured, but is it possible to pass on the ownership?  And I hope you had a good holiday.13:02
dholbachbelkinsa, I added ubuntu-women to the development team13:03
dholbachwhat else do you need access to?13:04
belkinsaBut it doesn't give us power to add or remove members.13:04
belkinsaWell, just add members, not remove.13:04
dholbachI made you an admin13:05
belkinsaThank you.13:05
dholbachand no disrespect or anything, but up until now nobody on the team produced any patches at all - I really don't feel comfortable giving up my admin status before that has happened13:06
dholbachI know I could probably have done more to support you13:06
belkinsaI understand, I only needed power to add people.  I will allow you to have the review of the merges before they merge.13:07
dholbachbut I just didn't know where to start helping out as it's really been a long time since I hacked on it13:07
dholbachand I don't know how many people still use harvest nowadays13:07
dholbachbut it's good that Dylan still wants to help out :)13:07
belkinsaI have a plan and let me forward that e-mail to you.13:08
belkinsaBasiclly, we are think about starting with the bugs and getting them coded in before working on something else.13:09
dholbachso to respond to the mail: as I said, I don't think working on bugs requires ownership status of the team13:11
belkinsaOh.  But I thought you need to be a member of the team to create a patch.13:13
dholbachanyone can propose a patch13:14
belkinsaGotcha.  So, we could started work on this earlier.  *facepalms*13:14
dholbachno worries :)13:15
belkinsaOkay, I think I know what to do, based on what you have said, and keep the discussion and the work on the Ubuntu Women mailing-list and submit the patches via assigned bugs in order for you to review.  I will also report to you when needed.  Sounds good?13:19
dholbachsure :)13:29
belkinsa\o/ and thank you.13:32
ochosipopey: ping16:53
popeyochosi: hi16:53
ochosipopey: would it be ok if i quickly PM you about a community donation application?16:54
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dpmok, calling it a day here. See you all tomorrow!17:23
belkinsapopey, have you e-mailed UW Mailing-list on how to get invoulved in Ubuntu Phone Project?17:38
popeyno. :(17:39
popeyi suck17:39
belkinsaOkay, just checking.17:39
belkinsaNo, I understand, you have other things to do.17:39
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
dagerianAnyone mind helping find a solution to my problem?18:46
popeydagerian: that entirely depends what the problem is18:47
dagerianIt is a boot issue.18:47
popeyYou probably want #ubuntu for support18:47
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
knomewow, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-community/ looks dead22:03
knomelet's say i had a wordpress theme that would be ideal for community teams to use... under which team/project should it go?22:03
pleia2maybe https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-webthemes ?22:05
knometoo bad all this is so scattered and non-documented :(22:05
pleia2maybe you can help us gather it up :)22:06
pleia2there's a wiki here that references it, but it's hard to know how you'd find this wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes22:06
* pleia2 pack up for airplane now22:07
knomelet me underline that i'm not against doing something, but for once, i'd like to be a contributor, not a maintainer..22:11
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
* Bl4ckD34Th Bl4ckD34Th return to take your soul! You own to Bl4ckD34Th!!!22:38
knomeBl4ckD34Th, uhhh...22:39
Bl4ckD34Thmy bnc go crazy22:39
Bl4ckD34Thi stop it right now22:39
knomeit's fine, thanks for the consideration :)22:39

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