
Whiskeyit has to be "*-Old" and not "*-NewOld" killall00:03
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daemon_erebuscan anyone tell me how to auto-generate the menu in openbox ?00:07
pavlosWhiskey, so your match pattern is dash Old, since dash is special you need to escape it so the command becomes ps -ef | grep "\-Old"00:08
xikitoalgum brasileiro por aí ???00:20
pavlos!br | xikito00:21
ubottuxikito: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:21
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leonardo_aguihi new to ubuntu and I just needed to know how to mount a usb key thanks00:26
Mike321EriC^^: ok bud, i installed from the minimal disc and the installation worked fine but when i boot from the computer now it doesnt even send a signal to my monitor.00:26
k1l_leonardo_agui: on a desktop that should work just when putting it in00:27
leonardo_aguithanks ill try a different usb port00:27
k1l_leonardo_agui: see "dmesg" if there is a hardware issue00:27
Tincheleonardo_agui, you can also try using the 'Disks' application (search for it in the dash) to see what's going on, and mount the usb key partition00:29
Mike321EriC^^: just realized that even though i chose desktop it installed the server edition, running apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop00:29
Mike321ping EriC^^00:30
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leonardo_aguiThank you seems it cant read the disks format as it is recognized by ubuntu00:35
k1l_leonardo_agui: what is this disk?00:35
redemptionsongHas anyone seen a mysterious file named list.htm on their computer. In: $ pwd00:35
redemptionsong/home/me/Downloads/internet   I have this file. Pasted content : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10299016/00:35
redemptionsongIs this something I should pursue? Or not worry about? Any info on this file? Cause I really, strongly, don't think I dl that of my own volition.00:35
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daftykinsredemptionsong: maybe you hit ok to download something without noticing and forgot about it00:37
daftykinswho knows00:37
redemptionsongdaftykins: Seacching one of the items in the file's content (googling it) I see AtheOS come up. I did check out AtheOS recently so perhaps you're right. No worries  :>00:39
geniiredemptionsong: Seeing as www.erhuveno.info doesn't even resolve and has no whois entries, it's probably nothing to get overly concerned about00:40
Mike321ok guys, i was having trouble installing 14.04 so i used the minimal iso. it installed the server edition even though i selected pc version. have already run apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop, what else do i have to do to make this a desktop os?00:40
forever_lucasUsing f-irc lol00:41
forever_lucasFrom SSH00:41
redemptionsonggenii:I think I figured it out.  googling "luckelejg16" (with quotes - which happens to be one of the items in the content of that pasted file), see second entry "AtheOS" the seach result reveals not jsut the searched term but numerous maching (ie: identical) entries to the content of the pasted file.00:43
redemptionsongHope that wasn't written too confusing :>00:43
daftykinsdon't worry, he's a geniius00:44
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redemptionsonggenii: Hah! What you said reminded me just precisely where that file came from. When you try to dl AtheOS the link is broken and won't resolve. I bet that's it.00:44
EriC^^Mike321: ok00:46
digilinkhi... running Ubuntu server 14.04 and need to make persistent entries in /etc/resolv.conf I edited /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d to include my changes but they dont appear to be taking effect. Is there something else I need to edit?00:46
daftykinsdigilink: easier way to make life simple: purge the package 'resolvconf', reboot, then hardcode resolv.conf - job done00:46
Mike321EriC^^:  so after this LOOOONG instalation is finished what else must i do to make this a desktop version?00:46
digilink daftykins: lol... good idea ;)00:47
EriC^^are you sure it installed the server? kind of odd00:47
daftykinsEriC^^: Mike321 i think someone failed their tasksel choice on picking desktop, is what it is.00:48
daftykinsby 'server' you just mean it installed without X and a DE00:48
Mike321EriC^^:  when it booted from computer there was no signal to the monitor,  i held the ctrl+alt+f1 an it gave command line. i rebooted to the same issue. i then ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop which is still running. and daftykins when prompted i selected ubuntu gnome desktop00:50
EriC^^Mike321: that doesn't mean it didn't install the desktop, as you have graphics driver issues it will boot to the blank screen00:50
daftykinsyeah so that's not actually it not working, that's it having an *issue*00:50
Mike321EriC^^: daftykins ok so after it finally finishes with this set up for gnome desktop what should i proceed to do?00:51
EriC^^Mike321: did it ask you which de to install while you were installing?00:51
EriC^^Mike321: install the nvidia-195 driver00:51
EriC^^it's the one you were running with 10.0400:52
Mike321EriC^^:  yes it gave me a long list including server, lubuntu, kubuntu etc of which i chose ubuntu gnome00:52
craigbass76Is there a way to test what kinds of usb ports I have on this computer?  I'm trying to get a plantronics wireless headset working, and every time I plug it in, the mouse goes wonky.  I intermittently can't click on things.  I'm wondering if I need USB3 and all I have is USB2.00:52
EriC^^craigbass76: lsusb00:52
craigbass76EriC^^, I tried that, and all I see are entries saying 1.1 or 2.  I'm up the creek?00:53
daftykinsa headset needing USB 3 is a big no no.00:53
EriC^^Mike321: ok, try to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:53
EriC^^craigbass76: does it say 2.0 root hub or 3.0 root hub?00:54
Mike321EriC^^: daftykins  ok so assuming that the graphics card created an issue which booted me with no monitor output and i then ran the apt get to install gnome desktop what do i need to do once i get the driver running becasue it seems to me as id have multiple desktop files00:54
craigbass76daftykins, maybe that's not the case, but I remember it only worked in one of the ports on the windows laptop I sent back to my employer after getting laid off.  I never dug into it, but suspected that was a 3 port.00:54
daftykinscraigbass76: well, if you look in the connecter and it doesn't even have USB 3 pins, that's a sure sign that's wrong00:54
Mike321EriC^^: and ok, as soon as its done"setting up" from the desktop apt-get00:54
EriC^^Mike321:  once you install the driver just restart and it should work00:55
Mike321EriC^^: ok thanks again dude00:55
EriC^^no problem00:55
volga629Hello Everyone, I have question about lightdm and RSA secure id integration. I got working pam_securid.so with ldap and pam, but when it prompt for login  it should ask instead of "enter password" "enter passcode" is anybody have experience with kind of case ?00:56
Guest27144I am facing (false?) overheating issue. My laptop is HP Envy (link http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/458069/HP-ENVY-Laptop-Computer-With-156/) running Ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS 64 bit dual booted with Windows 8.1.01:00
Guest27144I have ran many more heavier processes simultaneously on Windows and nothing ever happened. But Ubuntu shuts down abruptly even on half the load. I even tried changing CPU Governor from ondemand to powersave. Didn't help.01:00
craigbass76daftykins, I only see the four "pins," so I guess it isn't 3 after all.  I guess the next question is who's gotten one of these things to work, but I'll google a while yet...01:00
daftykinssounds like a plan.01:00
Guest27144And on restart the boot screen shows that the laptop was turned off due to overheating01:00
EriC^^Guest27144: did you install psensors to check the temperature?01:02
EriC^^Guest27144: also does top show any processes consuming way too much cpu?01:02
deepbluewassup peo-ple01:03
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Guest27144EriC^^: I installed sensors01:03
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Guest37624can i use this clinet to chat with people in other irc rooms?01:03
EriC^^Guest37624: yes01:04
Mike321EriC^^: unable to locate package nvidia-19501:04
Guest27144EriC^^: the outpit of sensors is http://pastebin.com/grMPLALq01:04
EriC^^Mike321: the link i showed you earlier said 173 seems to work, but it has issues with coming back from suspend01:04
Mike321EriC^^: as well as unable to locate package dist-upgrade01:05
EriC^^Mike321: you could try installing the latest nvidia binaries01:05
EriC^^Mike321: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:05
Guest27144EriC^^: currently top look normal01:06
Mike321EriC^^: 0 installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded from dist-upgrade01:06
EriC^^Mike321: did you run sudo apt-get update before it?01:06
Guest27144EriC^^: sometimes compiz climbs up sharply for a sec01:07
EriC^^ah nevermind, i guess since it's a minimalcd it installs the latest packages01:07
EriC^^Guest27144: does sensors show that the cpu is in fact overheating?01:07
Mike321EriC^^: package nvidia-173 is not available but is referred to by another package this may mean the package is missing, has been removed or is only available from another source01:07
EriC^^!info nvidia-17301:08
ubottuPackage nvidia-173 does not exist in utopic01:08
Guest27144EriC^^: Actually, whenever I check, its below the high mark. But as it shutdowns abruptly at times, I dont get any time to check just before that01:09
Guest27144EriC^^: the sensors I mean01:09
EriC^^Mike321: can you paste lspci | grep VGA again?01:09
Mike321EriC^^: give me a sec, cant paste it have to type it into this machine by hand01:10
Guest27144EriC^^: could it be chrome? chrome seems to consume too much resources at times. I will stick to firefox01:10
EriC^^ok, just type model and number01:10
EriC^^Guest27144: you could try that, personally i find firefox sometimes turns into a blackhole for the cpu and usually ends in a kernel panic01:11
Mike321EriC^^:  rebotted after everything else ran and now im at blank screen and cant even get ctrl+alt+f1 to bring up prompt01:11
EriC^^Mike321: yikes01:12
Mike321EriC^^: rebooted and got grub up. what do i do now? lol01:12
brx_can i check internet traffic (if i didnt already have tcpdump/wireshark running)01:13
EriC^^Mike321: press e over the ubuntu entry and add nomodeset to the line with Linux vmlinuz... quiet splash01:13
ali_hi peiople01:13
ali_how r u01:13
Guest27144EriC^^: hmm... but most of the time it did shutdown abruptly, I had chrome running. Are there any logs I can check to know the exact reason?01:13
aurorausercan someone help me with the dd tool?01:13
EriC^^Guest27144: check /var/log/syslog maybe01:13
Mike321EriC^^: just type "nomodeset" in front of it?01:14
EriC^^Guest27144: try without using chrome01:14
Guest27144EriC^^: Yup01:14
ali_hi guys01:14
EriC^^Mike321: yeah, then press ctrl+x01:14
pavlosaurorauser, what's the question about dd01:14
ali_what are we talking about tonight01:14
k1l_!ot | ali_01:14
ubottuali_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:14
aurorauserpavlos, I am trying to clone a SSD onto a HDD01:14
aurorauserand it seems like its not copying over the partition table correctly01:15
Mike321error:cany find command 'nomodeset'. unaligned pointer 0x8 aborted press any key to exit01:15
EriC^^aurorauser: what's the command you're using?01:15
Mike321EriC^^: cant*01:15
EriC^^Mike321: did you add it after quiet splash?01:15
aurorauserdd if=/dev/sdc | pv | dd of=/dev/sdd bs=512 conv=noerror,sync01:15
Mike321EriC^^: no i added it in the beginning of the script. thats what i asked and you said yeah then press ctrl+x trying again01:16
daftykins512 byte block size is a bit pointless :)01:16
EriC^^Mike321: oh, i thought you said add it after it01:17
aurorauserwell i tried 512 and 1M and same thing01:17
LaravelnewbieHi guys01:18
Mike321EriC^^: ok im trying this again, it actuslly says "splash quiet" but im adding "nomodeset" after that correct?01:18
Guest27144EriC^^: I found this line the log  -->   [47485.592634] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached(128 C),shutting down01:18
LaravelnewbieI setup xrdp for the ten time,it still fails to work correctely.01:18
EriC^^Mike321: yes01:19
aurorauserGuest27144, sounds like an overheating issue, check the fans make sure they're working01:19
daftykinsGuest27144: check for BIOS Updates for that machine01:19
Laravelnewbiecan someone help me install it w/o experiencing furth issues01:19
EriC^^Guest27144: that's pretty high01:19
Mike321EriC^^: YES it worked. now how do i fix it so it boots into desktop everytime? or did i just do that?01:19
Guest27144daftykins: yup. Its updated. Had an windows update abt it a couple of weeks ago01:20
EriC^^Mike321: install the nvidia drivers01:20
Guest27144aurorauser: Yup. The fans are working. Can hear the sound.01:20
daftykinsMike321: did you tell us what model card it is yet? graphics card.01:20
EriC^^Mike321: no, that's only a one time thing01:20
LaravelnewbieNo help :/01:20
daftykinsGuest27144: Windows Update does not provide BIOSs01:20
Mike321EriC^^: nvidia-195? daftykins and how do i find that?01:21
Guest27144daftykins: sorry. It was through the HP Assistant01:21
EriC^^Mike321: lspci | grep VGA01:21
daftykinsMike321: like EriC^^ told you now and also earlier :)01:21
Mike321daftykins: ok then yea i posted that output but give me a sec to find terminal and ill post again, first time on 14.04 unfamiliar with layout01:22
Guest27144daftykins: I heard somewhere it might be an Intel Speedstep issue. Any idea where and how I can disable it?01:22
daftykinsGuest27144: that makes no sense, try avoiding chrome for a bit, see if it's to blame01:24
pavlosaurorauser, not sure I follow the dd command you wrote, I know if=device of=device bs=1M && sync. What is that pipe pv you have?01:24
Guest27144daftykins: thanks. will let you know01:25
Mike321daftykins: EriC^^ 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation c61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)01:25
mulga_hi guys, for some reason when i run software update it tells me i don't have enough free space. Only prob is  for some reason it's looking in /boot  for some reason. >>  pastebin01:25
Mike321EriC^^: the "drivers install popped up with three options for nvidia, proprietary tested, open source, and proprietary01:25
daftykinsaaaah 6150SE provided as part of an nforce chipset01:25
mulga_can't understand why it doesn't look at / instead01:26
EriC^^mulga_: it's probably trying to install a new kernel01:26
EriC^^mulga_: cause kernels go in /boot and you have a separate partition for it01:26
EriC^^mulga_: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image01:26
daftykinsanother victim of messy kernel filling :D01:26
mulga_EriC^^,: oh, ok. is see. thanks, i'll try that out now.01:27
mulga_daftykins: it this a prob since 14.04?01:27
mulga_haven't had this kind of problem before now.01:27
EriC^^Mike321: i'm not sure, but proprietary tested sounds like a winner01:27
daftykinsmulga_: no this is someone having a small /boot in the past and upgrading, most installs these days don't do a separate /boot so we don't really see it01:28
Mike321daftykins: EriC^^ so software and updates gives me three options for drivers.nvidia legacy binary driver proprietary, tested. x.org x server nouveau display driver from xserver open source and the nvidia legacy binary again but it just says proprietery01:28
EriC^^Mike321: you could try the open source one if it's not already selected01:28
daftykinsnouveau won't work on that 6150 onboard i don't think01:29
EriC^^daftykins: ^01:29
daftykinssaw something similar the other day01:29
Mike321EriC^^: the open source ia already selected01:29
daftykinsMike321: try nvidia 304.01:29
daftykinsso proprietary tested01:29
Mike321daftykins: they are both 304 one just says propreitary tested and the other says proprietary01:30
Mike321daftykins: ok01:30
mulga_really? OK. Then this would be partly due to this netbook  being preloaded with MS and then installing Linux? and then me not removing the partition maybe? Or maybe because i did have probs due to EUFI boot while installing ?01:31
mulga_EriC^^: ^^01:31
daftykinslets just focus on you fixing it, mulga_01:32
daftykinsspeak of the past won't help now :)01:32
EriC^^mulga_: next time just partition manually01:32
mulga_daftykins: sure, point taken, however knowing what actually caused the problem would ofc help prevent again in the future01:32
mulga_EriC^^: i see. ty01:33
daftykinsmulga_: using a poor partition layout01:33
daftykinsthen running a distro for any length of time that keeps issuing new kernels, without sudo apt-get autoremove'ing the old ones01:34
mulga_daftykins: i see. thanks01:34
mulga_fresh install actually, but point taken01:34
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daftykinsmulga_: are you gonna show us the requested info then? what about: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -al /boot | pastebinit"01:36
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Mike321EriC^^: daftykins ok guys. i originally came to the channel running 10.04 and trying to get my netgear a6100 wireless adapter to work. thats when everyone started me on the road to upgrade. now that im upgraded....... how do i get my wifi adapter to work?01:36
mulgaok output from ./dpkg -l | grep linux-image > http://paste.ubuntu.com/10299927/01:38
EriC^^is there anything in the additional drivers?01:38
daftykinsugh wireless. please say it's not a USB thing?01:38
Mike321EriC^^: daftykins nothing in additional drivers. and yes its usb01:39
EriC^^mulga: type uname -a01:39
EriC^^or just uname -r01:39
mulgaLinux tASUS 3.13.0-44-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 00:22:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:40
EriC^^mulga: type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{32,43}-generic01:41
mulgawould backups be necessary for anyt of this?01:41
EriC^^not if this kernel is running as you'd like01:42
BobbyJenkinsHello, I am new to Linux, but I am trying to connect to connect to my school computers using a VPN connection, but I am having a tough time understanding how to install OpenVPN, as I am new to Linux01:43
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN01:44
Mike321EriC^^: daftykins anything?01:44
daftykinsMike321: sorry not up for it, it's my bedtime.01:45
Mike321daftykins: ok dude, thanks for the help you provided01:45
KaZeRhi there01:46
BobbyJenkinsI looked at that article, but I was told to use OpenVPN01:46
mulgaEriC^^, : ok, so thats about to free up some ~400MB...01:46
mulgaalmost done01:46
EriC^^Mike321: this seems promising http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223577801:47
EriC^^give it a look01:47
mulgaand as yo01:47
EriC^^mulga: ok01:47
Mike321EriC^^: already ran that. on 10.04 and now on 14.04 and no wireless01:47
KaZeRi am trying to install a bunch of servers using ubuntu 14.04 and preseed but it seems to be much more difficult than i would have expeced, especially for the partman part.01:48
KaZeRcan someone help me ?01:48
mulgaEriC^^,  and as im sure you know, this is doing something to my kernal img and /boot01:48
mulgaremoving i see01:48
EriC^^mulga: yup01:48
mulgaEriC^^,  ok01:48
EriC^^mulga: after it's done the upgrade should work i guess01:49
mulgacool, will give it a go when done. thanks for your help, mate. much appreciated ;)01:49
EriC^^no problem :)01:49
mulgaactually for some reason it was also doing something with virtual box, too?01:50
Mike321EriC^^: installing xchat on the nex system, coming in as Mike12301:50
mulgaremoving it seems01:50
EriC^^mulga: yeah that's normal, i think it's the dkms stuff01:50
mulgai see01:50
EriC^^Mike321: ok01:51
mulgaEriC^^, : yup, that's fixed it. thanks again :)01:54
EriC^^you're welcome :)01:55
hey_joeso i have upgraded to MariaDB as a replacement to MySQL. I am having a lot of speed issues on my low end VPS. I notice a ton of mysqld processes running, even after issuing mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown01:55
hey_joewhats up with that?01:56
hey_joei just want to kill them to confirm that MySQL is what is eating my resources01:56
mike123EriC^^ ok im back01:57
mike123EriC^^ any other thought on the wireless?01:57
EriC^^mike123: try this maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222824402:00
mike123EriC^^ i think thats the same command from previous thread but i'm trying it02:03
EriC^^it's a different github, worth a shot02:03
mike123EriC^^ it keeps telling me how much will be downloaded would you like to continue y/n. when i hit y and enter it says abort02:05
fazzanyone have any recommendations on an app for making a usb startup disk on ubuntu?02:05
EriC^^fazz: unetbootin02:05
EriC^^fazz: or startup disk creator02:06
mike123EriC^^After this operation, 22.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.02:06
mike123Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y02:06
fazzi tried startup but it doesn't want to recognize knoppix02:06
EriC^^yeah, i think it's only for ubuntu iso's02:06
cfhowlettfazz, unetbootin02:06
fazzso unetbootin will work for any? awesome thanks...02:07
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mike123why when installing via terminal it says 22.7mb will be install would you like to proceed y/n. no matter what i do it aborts02:12
satelitemy date and time on the  unity panel regularly disappears (Im running 14.04).  I have followed the instructions listed here to re-active date and time: http://askubuntu.com/questions/45970/missing-date-time-applet-from-top-unity-panel02:18
satelitebut after a few days date and time disappear again02:18
sateliteis there a more permanent solution? does anyone know why date and time regularly disappears?02:18
FoxhoundzHello #1631602:26
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FoxhoundzThank you. I was about to put you in the 16,316th place in line to receieve assitance. :)02:26
Mike_H1960im here to asist if i can02:27
Foxhoundzok good maybe you can help me. How do I edit the welcome ssh message on the latest Ubuntu servers that has stats like the uptime, update status, and other tidbits when you first login?02:28
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EriC^^Mike_H1960: hmm, no ide maybe the versions don't match?02:28
EriC^^oops, was meant for someone else02:29
Mike_H1960well im not on ubuntu but i have ran ubuntu on other comps02:29
gr33n7007hFoxhoundz: /etc/motd ?02:31
ilosamartFoxhoundz: if Ii may, i think this is what you're looking for: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man5/update-motd.5.html02:31
FoxhoundzThank you!02:32
ilosamartFoxhoundz: if it was meant for me, you're welcome02:33
ilosamartif not, sorry02:33
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jeffrey_filosamart: Ask your question(s)02:49
ilosamartjeffrey_f: sorry, i was greeting yuan02:53
ilosamartjus a little late02:53
jeffrey_filosamart: :) oops, carry on02:54
satelitemy date and time on the  unity panel regularly disappears (Im running 14.04).  I have followed the instructions listed here to re-active date and time: http://askubuntu.com/questions/45970/missing-date-time-applet-from-top-unity-panel but after a few days date and time disappear again is there a more permanent solution? does anyone know why date and time regularly disappears?02:57
uhhimherehi guys im on 11.04 and i just got a warning saying that my disk space is less than 2g on /home; wheni i run df i see that i have at least 13G02:58
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daftykins11.04 hahaha02:59
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.02:59
daftykinssooo, 2 years 4 months dead OS02:59
daftykinsyou should not be using that. seriously.02:59
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes02:59
daftykinswas it a typo? :)02:59
mike123will linux mint commands for kde work in ubuntu?03:00
uhhimhereso anybody knows why im getting that messahge03:02
daftykinsuhhimhere: you're going to want to respond to my messages first03:03
daftykinsas if you're running a dead release, there's no point even fixing it03:03
daftykinsyou said 11.0403:03
uhhimhereanybody excluding daftykins have any suggestions?03:03
daftykinswe don't help those running an EOL release03:03
Dark-knighthey people i don't know03:04
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Dark-knightim just trying to spread the good word03:04
daftykinsyou're putting yourself at risk of some MASSIVE security issues that've cropped up in Linux in the last couple of years03:04
Dark-knightif you are having problems with the HTML5 player on youtube then look at this http://pastebin.com/R87dtKgZ03:04
Dark-knightthat is all03:04
daftykinsking_1: quite frankly you're endangering yourself, you need to backup and upgrade.03:04
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bruxCa little lost with moving a directory with files in it into another directory. checked the mv manual but do not see any parameters that are applicable. Am i using the wrong command?03:09
daftykinsmv folder path03:10
somsipbruxC: what command are you using?03:10
bruxCsudo mv FOLDER1 FOLDER2/FOLDER103:11
daftykinsyeah you don't name the original folder03:11
bruxCI do for categorizing purposes.03:12
bruxCI believe I figured out the problem. Folder had spaces. Stupid backslashes.03:12
daftykinsno i'm saying if you're moving folder1 to be beneath folder2, you don't name it in the command again03:12
bruxCThanks for letting me talk it out.03:12
daftykinsyeah best to avoid spaces in files and folders in *nix :>03:13
bruxCOh. I see, I tried doing it that way and it gave me an error message.03:13
bruxCmv: cannot move ‘FOLDER1’ to ‘DIR1/FOLDER1’: Directory not empty03:13
ilosamartanyone with the problems Dark-knight mentioned, please, keep in mind that ADOBE does not  provide updates to their FLASH plugin for Firefox03:14
bruxCWhat's *nix :> ? Or should I be googling it?03:14
* daftykins goes to bed03:14
ilosamartbruxC: any uNIX03:15
bruxCgotcha. Won't forget that.03:17
ilosamartbruxC: mv FOLDER1 DIR1/03:18
ilosamartbruxC: ls DIR1 -l03:18
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ilosamartbruxC: you should see FOLDER1 beneath DIR103:18
bruxCI was luckily able to get it to work but for whatever the reason mv FOLDER1 DIR1/ didn't like me.03:18
ilosamartglad it worked03:19
bruxCthanks for the help, ilosamart03:21
MannyLNJI started installing an app using software center but it seems to have stalled. How can I check the status?03:22
ilosamartbruxC: you're welcome03:24
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lotuspsychjekeepthelightonba: welcome03:36
omgitsmitMannyLNJ: thats happened to me before, i usually just kill the software centre03:38
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omgitsmitMannyLNJ: when i relaunch it will either show it's already installed or i can attempt to install it again.03:38
theprezzSorry to all just installed the app and chanvged my nick03:39
theprezzwill hang around next time and have a chat03:44
skweekdoes anyone have a tablet/slate/ultrabook running ubuntu and have a rotation method they would like to share?03:47
NetworkingProHey everyonee03:49
Cybussi have a question about log files in /var/log, do i have to have a special text editor to open them?03:49
NetworkingProCybuss: No, in fact I dont recommed a text editor as they are dynamic.03:50
NetworkingProI would use something like cat to read them03:50
NetworkingProand grep to filter03:50
Cybussis cat a shell?03:50
lotuspsychje!info colortail | Cybuss03:50
ubottuCybuss: colortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (utopic), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB03:50
NetworkingProCybuss: Cat is a command03:51
omgitsmitCybuss: do you know how to get to the terminal in linux?03:51
NetworkingProCybuss: What are you trying to do exactly?03:51
lotuspsychjeskweek: what do you mean with rotation method03:51
somsipCybuss: you can use a text editor to read them, but to watch them something as simple as 'tail -f /var/log/filename' can be sufficient03:52
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CybussI do know how to get to the terminal. im just trying to check my logs to make sure my fresh install is running properly03:52
NetworkingProubottu: Holy crap bro, thanks for colortial...03:52
NetworkingProthats magical.03:52
omgitsmityeah i bookmarked that today also <303:52
lotuspsychjeno sweat03:52
omgitsmityou just leveled up03:52
NetworkingProCybuss: I would do       colortail -f /var/log/syslog03:53
omgitsmitnow go install zsh with byobu03:53
NetworkingProyou may have to do   sudo apt-get install colortail    first03:53
NetworkingProIm running Ubuntu 14.04, and Im trying to setup an SMB server (or NFS) that has a single user account that can login to a share, r/w, etc.03:54
Guest9153daftykins: hey. I m the guy with overheating problem. It happened again. I didn't had chrome running this time03:54
NetworkingProSeeeems pretty basic but I cat seem to get it to work to save my life.03:54
=== Guest9153 is now known as emotionul
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AegNuddelhelp my internet keeps disconnecting03:54
emotionulldaftykins: Changed nick. I m the guy. Sorry03:54
AegNuddelit lets me reconnect quickly enough to keep my connection here03:55
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: wifi or ethernet?03:55
Cybussthat colortail works pretty nice. thanks!03:55
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: wifi card chipset?03:55
AegNuddeli dunno03:55
lotuspsychje!yay | Cybuss03:55
ubottuCybuss: Glad you made it! :-)03:55
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: sudo lshw  -C network03:56
AegNuddelI just upgraded03:56
NetworkingPromtr is another magical linux tool03:56
NetworkingProthats essential in my book03:56
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: upgrade from wich to wich?03:56
NetworkingProAnyone have experience with NFS or SMB?03:56
lotuspsychje!nfs | NetworkingPro03:57
ubottuNetworkingPro: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:57
AegNuddelhold on03:57
omgitsmitWOW mtr!03:57
omgitsmitsysadmin rejoice!03:57
NetworkingProubottu: un momento03:57
omgitsmiti use nethog and iptraf also03:57
NetworkingProomgitsmit: Had you never seen that before?03:57
omgitsmiti use tracert03:57
NetworkingProIts magic..03:58
omgitsmitlove it03:58
NetworkingProNot anymore you dont!  lol03:58
emotionullI am facing (false?) overheating issue. My laptop is HP Envy (link http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/458069/HP-ENVY-Laptop-Computer-With-156/) running Ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS 64 bit dual booted with Windows 8.1. I have ran many more heavier processes simultaneously on Windows and nothing ever happened. But Ubuntu shuts down abruptly even on half the load. I even tried changing CPU Governor...03:58
lotuspsychje!smb > NetworkingPro03:58
emotionull...from ondemand to powersave. Didn't help.03:58
ubottuNetworkingPro, please see my private message03:58
omgitsmitleveled up my life just now03:58
emotionullAnd on restart the boot screen shows that the laptop was turned off due to overheating03:58
omgitsmitemotionull: have you tried default BIOS settings?03:58
omgitsmitemotionull: are you overclocking after install?03:59
lotuspsychjeemotionull: are you sure this is cpu overheating?03:59
emotionullomgitsmit: nope nope.. I havent done anything with BIOS.03:59
omgitsmit"I even tried changing CPU Governor"03:59
AncientIs it possible to add the trusty package repo to precise without doing a dist upgrade? Keeping the distro working doesn't matter. (Travis CI is stuck on 12.04 and I need some 14.04 updates for it)03:59
lotuspsychjeemotionull: can you tell us what happens exactly? freeze? shutdown?04:00
emotionullomgitsmit: Ya. But I changed back to ondemand. Still same prob04:00
emotionulllotuspsychje: shutdown04:00
omgitsmitAncient: wouldnt the kernel depend on the packages? i would assume the repo would think you would be at least a certain kernel level04:00
escapeVelocityhmm just tried colortail..nice04:00
emotionullabrupt shutdown. No time to anaylze anything04:00
lotuspsychjeescapeVelocity: glad you like04:00
Ancientomgitsmit, I won't be installing any packages that depend on newer kernel features.04:00
escapeVelocitylotuspsychje thanks for the tip04:01
lotuspsychjeno sweat mate04:01
omgitsmitAncient: if you're so sure on that then i wouldnt see the issue04:01
omgitsmiti personally wouldnt mix em04:01
lotuspsychje!atheron | AegNuddel04:01
lotuspsychje!atheros | AegNuddel04:02
ubottuAegNuddel: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:02
derduiHi :) One question about PHP. I wanna open a PHP-File in Firefox. But everytime, i try to open, a dialogue-window pops up, how to open it. open it throughout an HTML-File, it works. Any Ideas?04:02
emotionullomgitsmit: I changed governor via cpufrequtils04:02
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: some atheros cipsets might need firmware update to work properly04:02
omgitsmitemotionull: yeah i bookmarked that today also, were you asking about that earlier?04:02
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: also check your logs to see whats happening with your wifi04:03
emotionullomgitsmit: yup...about 4 hours bacl04:03
omgitsmityeah hahaha04:03
AegNuddelwhere are the logs?04:03
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: /var/log/syslog and dmesg04:03
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: you can type dmesg in a terminal04:04
Cybussshould i be worried about this line in my syslog? http://pastebin.com/gqUyHN3a04:04
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omgitsmitCybuss: it wants you to install a package04:04
omgitsmithere lemme try04:05
omgitsmit!nns-myhostname | Cybuss04:05
emotionulllotuspsychje: would upgrading to 14.10 help?04:05
somsip!info nns-myhostname04:06
ubottuPackage nns-myhostname does not exist in utopic04:06
omgitsmitoh wow04:06
somsip!info nss-myhostname04:06
ubottuPackage nss-myhostname does not exist in utopic04:06
Cybussim googling it right now04:06
somsip!find nss-myhostname04:06
ubottuFound: libnss-myhostname04:06
somsipseems like its a there, but dunno what it does04:06
omgitsmiti usually just use sudo apt-cache search04:06
lotuspsychjeemotionull: you need to findout whats happening exactly first, did you check bios for cpu heat?04:07
omgitsmityeah its complaining about changing hostnames?04:07
omgitsmitsystemd-hostnamed is making the call04:07
Cybussmaybe i dont need that package but its still referenced?04:07
omgitsmitwell its just a warning message04:08
AegNuddeldang it04:08
AegNuddelIt worked in lucid04:08
omgitsmitbut ive never seen it before, so04:08
emotionulllotuspsychje: how do I check BIOS? I checked /var/log/syslog  It has this message ->   kernel: [22600.504915] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached(128 C),shutting down04:08
omgitsmitemotionull: sounds like its overheating bro04:08
lotuspsychjeemotionull: thats doesnt sound good indeed04:08
omgitsmitthermal shutdown04:08
lotuspsychjeemotionull: how old is your laptop?04:09
omgitsmitwhen you turn it back on does the BIOS report anything about thermal shutdown?04:09
emotionullOk. Its brand new. Just a month old04:09
Cybussi would dust your laptop heatsinks and check your thermal paste04:09
lotuspsychjeemotionull: what brand?04:09
emotionullYup. the bios reports overheating04:09
emotionullHP Envy04:09
omgitsmityeah factory may have fudged the thermal compound on the heatsink04:09
emotionulli7 quad core04:09
omgitsmiteasy fix04:09
lotuspsychjeemotionull: did you try defaults in bios?04:09
omgitsmitbut if its brand new, call it in04:09
emotionullYup. I didnt change anything in the bios. Still faced the same problem04:10
emotionullAnd in windows, I had more than double processes running. Still no such shutdown04:10
lotuspsychjeemotionull: checked hp website for bios flashes that could fix cpu overheat?04:10
Goose_sup guys04:10
omgitsmitThat goose is totally loose04:11
emotionulllotuspsychje: nope. Checking now04:11
Goose_So, I have a .sh script that will autoreconnect a vpn that I want to run every time I login, how do I make that happen? Where would I save the file?04:11
Goose_loosey goosey baby04:11
omgitsmitGoose_: you have options04:11
omgitsmitGoose_: easiest? add @reboot entry to cronjobs04:12
omgitsmitGoose_: correct way? rc.d start scripts04:12
lotuspsychjeemotionull: if ubuntu report such warnings, its always true04:12
omgitsmitubuntu wouldnt lie04:12
AegNuddelfrom lucid to 12.0404:12
omgitsmitOR WOULD IT04:12
Cybussjudging by this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/127760804:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1162475 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1277608 [hostnamed] Changing hostname doesn't update /etc/hosts" [Low,Triaged]04:12
Goose_I'll try that04:12
Cybussmy hostname warning is nothing serious but a small bug04:12
omgitsmitCybuss: yeah it was just a warning message04:13
emotionulllotuspsychje: Ok. But windows never reports any such thing04:13
omgitsmiti get a similar one because i havent set up my hostname for my default webserver04:13
lotuspsychjeemotionull: i had a win laptop recently with dead cpu on win7 that still reached login..tryed ubuntu on it and the install refused to install on broke cpu04:13
omgitsmitblah blah warning04:13
AegNuddelI just want my wifi to stay connected!!!04:13
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: you need to play around with atheros drivers04:13
emotionulllotuspsychje: Oh! Thats scary! Will contact HP04:13
bleezy208Can I get some help please. I tried to fix system updater when I rebooted all I get is a black screen but mouse cursor works04:13
AegNuddelit won't for more than 30 seconds it seems04:14
Goose_Would this work for auto-reconnecting my VPN? http://pastebin.com/Nkcftmky04:14
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: check the wifi link i paste you and atheros drivers website04:14
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: did you check your additional drivers section?04:14
lotuspsychjeemotionull: you can also try a fresh 14.04 install single, see if it makes any difference04:15
omgitsmitor just live cd04:15
Cybussi checked a log file with colortail, when i prss ctrl h it just shows ^h04:16
lotuspsychjeCybuss: what are you trying to do?04:16
omgitsmitCybuss: why ctrl h?04:16
emotionulllotuspsychje: single? u mean I should wipe out windows?04:16
lotuspsychjeemotionull: yes try it single install04:16
Cybussim trying to exit the thing so i can check another file04:16
omgitsmitemotionull: honestly, i think you overclocked your cpu and damaged it04:16
lotuspsychjeCybuss: press q04:16
omgitsmitnow its reporting thermal shutdown even tho its fine04:17
emotionullomgitsmit: No. I havent touched the BIOS. I am a noob. I dont knw how to do that04:17
omgitsmitits a month old04:17
omgitsmitcall hp04:17
emotionullomgitsmit: Yup. thanks04:17
lotuspsychjeemotionull: had any short circuits in home? thunder?04:17
emotionulllotuspsychje: Nope.04:18
Cybusslotus q does nothing but type a q04:18
omgitsmitbut you were playing with which package 4 hours ago?04:18
lotuspsychjeCybuss: og your on tail, just close the terminal04:19
omgitsmitemotionull: so you're saying cpufrequtils had nothing to do with this?04:19
omgitsmitnothing at all04:19
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omgitsmitThat's the name of the game.04:24
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lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: there's a hardware icon in your dash, 'additional drivers'04:26
lotuspsychjeAegNuddel: did you install ubuntu with ethernet cable and updates during setup?04:27
yvearhello! I created a new user on a server (14.04) and am accessing it through ssh/sftp. though, I cannot move/create/etc. files. how do I fix that? I also have root privileges04:35
omgitsmityvear: is the new user moving files that arent theirs?04:35
omgitsmitsounds like permissions04:35
omgitsmitas basic user should only have permission to create files within their home folder, i.e. /home/omgitsmit04:36
yvearomgitsmit, it says denied yes04:36
omgitsmitso its doing its job04:36
omgitsmityvear: im not sure what you're trying to move, but maybe th read-only perms will allow you to cp instead04:37
omgitsmitescapeVelocity: its a new user on a server, i dont think they're in the sudoers file04:38
Power_superIs a malformed path just a synaxicallty wrong path04:39
Power_supere.g /this/directory/does/not/exist04:39
escapeVelocityomgitsmit ah-huh04:39
Power_superor a path that does not exist04:39
Ben64Power_super: give us more details04:39
somsipPower_super: a syntaxically wrong path does not exist, so it's the same thing04:39
yvearescapeVelocity, omgitsmit, I can sudo but I want to sftp directly using new user and start moving files04:40
Ben64yvear: moving what files, to where04:40
omgitsmityvear: you might be able to cp, instead of mv04:40
omgitsmitthe user you're using doesnt have perms over those files04:40
yvearomgitsmit, how do I give it permissions?04:41
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:41
lotuspsychjesomeone knows the gksudo command to open firefox on the guest account from an existing user?04:44
Cybussthats a tough one. i never run a guest account, i really dont show my linux os with anyone so i never thought it useful04:45
omgitsmitwouldnt it just be gksudo guest firefox?04:46
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: lemme try04:46
omgitsmiti use su <user> all the time04:46
omgitsmiti would assume gksudo would be the same04:46
jishjishhi all, is it possible to use Find command and ask it to show you all directories which contain files with XYZ and ABC extensions? I only know how to search for one or other (directory or file) in the name. Not how to ask it to show me the directories which contain these kinds of files.04:47
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lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: lotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ gksudo guest firefox04:48
lotuspsychje(gksudo:13242): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion 'value != NULL' failed04:48
lotuspsychjethink it needs X somewhere if i can recall04:49
lotuspsychjenormally i use sux, but its too much outdated04:49
Ben64lotuspsychje: gksu -u user firefox04:50
omgitsmitthere it is04:50
lotuspsychjelets try04:50
azizLIGHThow do i tell if a package i have is from a 3rd party source like ppa or from official repo04:50
Ben64azizLIGHT: apt-cache policy <package>04:50
azizLIGHTcool, thanks ben04:50
lotuspsychjeBen64: No protocol specified04:51
lotuspsychjeNo protocol specified04:51
lotuspsychjeError: cannot open display: :004:51
lotuspsychjesize == 0' failed04:51
ranger81how do I grep for certain string from a set of files with in lines 11 to 20 only?04:51
Ben64lotuspsychje: why are you trying to do that anyway04:52
lotuspsychjeBen64: i would like a quick guest firefox session, that wipes history after using04:53
lotuspsychjebut from an existing user04:53
jishjishBen64: do you know how I can use FIND to list all the folders which contain file types ABC and XYZ? I only know how to search for directory or file names, not how to get directories which only contain certain files.04:53
lotuspsychjejishjish: man find?04:53
somsipjishjish: you come here often enough to know not to address people directly if they are not already talking to you.04:54
omgitsmitjishjish: you want GUI?04:54
gr33n7007hlotuspsychje: gksu -u <user> /usr/bin/firefox #maybe?04:55
omgitsmitjishjish: check out searchmonkey and/or regexxer04:55
Ben64the problem is the user doesn't have permission to use :004:56
omgitsmitgreat search utils04:56
CoWeAnHello everyone. I need some help installing Korean input on my Ubuntu laptop, and if anyone would kindly help me...04:56
lotuspsychjegr33n7007h: same error04:56
jishjishomgitsmit: can you do it just with find and without special search tools?04:56
gr33n7007hah, damn like Ben64 said gonna be permission issues04:56
omgitsmitCoWeAn: check-language-support -l kor04:57
omgitsmitjishjish: someone that knows their way with find would probably know04:57
omgitsmiti use find so basically in terminal04:57
yvearhow do I change a directory's owner and all files and sub-directories to 'userZ'?04:57
jishjishme too, so basic.04:57
CoWeAnomgitsmit: nothing happened04:57
omgitsmiti rely on GUI tools for advanced stuff04:57
somsipjishjish: find . -type f -name 'ext1' -o -name 'ext2'04:57
somsipyvear: chown -R user /path (probably need sudo too)04:58
somsipjishjish: sorry *ext1 and *ext204:58
jishjishsomsip: but won't that only show me where the files are (as compared to the directories where file types ABC are located, which would be considerably smaller?04:59
jishjish*would be a considerably smaller list?04:59
omgitsmitCoWeAn: sudo apt-cache search language-pack05:00
Goose_jesus christ I give up. How can I make my VPN autoconnect?05:00
Goose_I've written a script, and found 2 others and none of them work right05:00
somsipjishjish: you want to exclude where the path is the same except for the filename?05:01
omgitsmitGoose_: they all cant be winners05:01
omgitsmitGoose_: ive seen articles on persistant ssh connections05:01
omgitsmitmaybe you can start there?05:01
jishjishsomsip, no I want to see the Paths to only the directories which contain files of ABC or XYZ file extension?05:02
diegoviolahow do I install ubuntu to a btrfs subvolume?05:02
omgitsmitGoose_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106724705:02
lotuspsychje!btrfs | diegoviola05:02
ubottudiegoviola: Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs05:02
diegoviolaand is there a way I can tell ubuntu not to intall grub as I already have it installed?05:02
omgitsmitGoose_: you just gotta find a init.d script that does work05:02
jishjishso instead of there being two .py files in one folder and ten in another I would just get the paths of the two directories05:02
azizLIGHTif i want to test a package from ppa, what do i do to properly uninstall it after i added i did "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get package"05:04
nickSweIs it even possible to have the top panel completely transparent? I have googled for days trying to find an answer. This is Ubuntu 14.10 and Unity05:04
topanybody have experience to install LAMP on centos?05:04
lotuspsychjenickSwe: i thin unity-tweak-tool can do that05:04
azizLIGHTthis is #ubuntu05:04
=== top is now known as TopSpace
lotuspsychje!info unity-tweak-tool | nickSwe05:05
ubottunickSwe: unity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 325 kB, installed size 2550 kB05:05
nickSwelotuspsychje: Ive set it to 0.0 opacity but it still is not completely transparent...05:05
CoWeAnomgitsmit: what do you want me to do with that?05:05
goose_and I'm back05:05
yvearomgitsmit, somsip, tyvm05:05
omgitsmitCoWeAn: you were looking for language packages?05:05
lotuspsychjenickSwe: you can also check ccsm and play around with the unity plugin05:05
Cybussim not entirely new to linux, though im a bit inept. more so with unity, so the question is. anyone know any useful applets to mak organization easier?05:06
nickSwelotuspsychje: you mean compiz config? if yes - ive tried that too... Its impossible05:06
CoWeAnomgitsmit:  no, I am having trouble getting it to work. I already have it installed05:06
nickSweIs there maybe a .png file somewhere in the system that is rendering the panel that I can replace with a new png that is 100% transparent?05:06
goose_Cybuss: What kind of applets you looking for?05:06
lotuspsychjeCybuss: organize what exactly?05:06
azizLIGHThow do i properly undo adding package from ppa, its files, and ppa itself, so i can normally install the official repo package version?05:06
Cybussperhaps a dropdown menu for launchers and misc05:07
omgitsmitazizLIGHT: sudo apt-get remove?05:07
goose_sudo apt-get autoremove?05:07
azizLIGHTdoes that kill the ppa too?05:07
lotuspsychjenickSwe: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys might know a deep down workaround?05:07
goose_only the obsolete ones05:07
omgitsmityou can rm the ppa from your sources folder05:07
omgitsmitthats how i kill mine05:07
omgitsmitim sure there's a "proper" way05:07
nickSwelotuspsychje: thanks for the tip, ill go there and check!05:08
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:08
omgitsmit+1 lotuspsychje05:08
lotuspsychje!cookie | omgitsmit05:08
ubottuomgitsmit: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:08
jishjishsomsip: any ideas to return just the directories which contain those files?05:08
omgitsmitthere's always a better way to do it05:08
somsipjishjish: wait or find it yourself05:08
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: thats another neat tool05:08
goose_Cybuss: For a dropdown launcher like you want you can try this, it's similar to gnome2's dropdown05:08
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: i like neat ubuntu toolz :p05:09
azizLIGHTi was using y-ppa and it always messes up saying ppa exists or someting05:09
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: sux was one of it to run X packages over other users05:09
somsipjishjish: here's your example. Change path and extensions as appropriate find . -type f -name '*.png' -o -name '*.log' | xargs -n1 dirname | uniq05:09
omgitsmitazizLIGHT: how are you adding it?05:09
Cybussthanks goose05:10
azizLIGHTomgitsmit: with "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get package"05:10
omgitsmitalright just making sure05:10
azizLIGHTthats correct?05:10
omgitsmityeah thats what i do05:10
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goose_JCybuss: ust look up ubuntu applets or indicators online and you can find a bunch of useful stuff. Anything else specific you wanted05:10
* omgitsmit shrugs05:10
omgitsmitworks for me05:10
azizLIGHTafter i do ppa-purge do i have to do sudo uypdate ?05:10
azizLIGHTsudo apt-get update05:11
omgitsmityeah you should05:11
omgitsmitso when you attempt to install, it hits the repo05:11
azizLIGHTahhh ok05:11
Cybussis there any in particular you find useful goose?05:11
lotuspsychjethe classicmenu-indicator is very neat also, showing all menus items nicely (good for starters)05:11
azizLIGHTCybuss: there was this website i saw with nice screenshots of many indicators05:11
azizLIGHTCybuss: let me find it for u05:11
solidus-1iverhow do i enable or disable upstart scripts in ubuntu?05:11
Cybussthanks aziz05:12
lotuspsychje!upstart | solidus-1iver05:12
ubottusolidus-1iver: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:12
azizLIGHTCybuss: this is for 14.04 but u get the idea http://www.noobslab.com/2014/08/useful-panel-indicators-collection-for.html05:12
goose_Cybuss: I just use f.lux, cpufreq (preinstalled), multiload,05:12
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: wait, no more init.d start scripts?05:12
lotuspsychjegoose_: multiload is neat05:12
goose_I love multiload, super useful05:13
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: init.d is the older system, use upstart now05:13
azizLIGHTCybuss: i use pushbulet and multiload and a temperature thing05:13
goose_and everyone should use f.lux05:13
lotuspsychjegoose_: url?05:13
lotuspsychje!info f.lux05:13
ubottuPackage f.lux does not exist in utopic05:13
goose_pushbullet is amazing. Didn't know they had an actual applet for the OS itself though, just been using it on chrome05:13
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: but i have so many init scripts that i need :(05:13
azizLIGHTCybuss: oh and i also use one that lets you put in custom command outputs. so i put my hdd df -h output05:14
goose_Well I'm using it now05:14
Cybussvery useful suggestions, thanks xD05:14
goose_azizLIGHT: What temp thing?05:14
azizLIGHTCybuss: eventually i ll put a weather temp in F. and i also had a bitcoin price one05:14
azizLIGHTgoose_: psensor05:14
azizLIGHTits got nice graphs too05:14
azizLIGHTgoose_: and alarms05:14
goose_i need one for real weather too05:15
omgitsmitconky is neat05:15
goose_havent gotten around to finding one05:15
azizLIGHTgoose_: look at this screenshot its nice http://www.webupd8.org/2014/06/psensor-updated-with-option-to-display.html05:15
goose_Conky is great05:15
azizLIGHTi thought people use something different than conky nowadays?05:15
Cybussmulti load is very nice05:16
omgitsmitdamn dude, is all my linux stuff out-dated?!05:16
omgitsmitwhat the heck is going on05:16
azizLIGHTnah im asking05:16
omgitsmitWE HAVE TO GO BACK MARTY05:16
goose_<omgitsmit>: What do you mean?05:16
omgitsmitconky <305:16
omgitsmitinit.d <305:16
omgitsmiti hate you all05:16
lotuspsychjeapt-cache search indicator, to see all05:17
goose_dont be that way05:17
Cybussis there a psensor package for 14.10?05:18
lotuspsychje!info psensor | Cybuss05:18
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ubottuCybuss: psensor (source: psensor): display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 57 kB, installed size 430 kB05:18
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: hold up, i have to install this? so its not fully adopted out of the box yet05:18
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: install what?05:18
Cybusslol thanks lotus. ill have to remember to use the bot :)05:18
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: no, upstart is default now, the older system uses init, and there are plans to use systemd on ubuntu future05:19
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | Cybuss05:19
ubottuCybuss: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:19
jishjishsomsip: my apologies I didn't realise it was étiquette not to address people directly when they are not talking to you. I'll keep that in mind for next time.05:19
goose_how do I get conky working? I haven't used it in forever05:20
lotuspsychjegoose_: apt-get install conky?05:20
somsipjishjish: fair enough. Did it work though?05:20
omgitsmitjust buy the lad a pint05:21
omgitsmitand call it even05:21
goose_I meant actually setting it up, adding things, etc05:21
lotuspsychjegoose_: apt-cache search conky shows all you need05:22
goose_Cybuss: You can also add docky if you want a little dock at the bottom, but the sidebar kind already does that05:22
omgitsmiti got all into docky05:22
omgitsmitawn dock also05:22
Cybussi have tried docky before. this was 2-4 years ago, it was a buggy mess05:23
goose_Yeah, docky is actually really nice suprisingly05:23
lotuspsychjeand after playing all those around, unity left bar stays the most intuitive one :p05:23
omgitsmiti switched back to gnome3 and never looked back05:23
* omgitsmit ducks05:23
Cybussyeah docky is very nice looking. have they fixed its issues?05:23
goose_Yeah, I only never liked the sidebar cause it looked bad, but I got numix gtk now and it looks amazing05:23
lotuspsychje!info docky05:23
ubottudocky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-2 (utopic), package size 591 kB, installed size 3594 kB05:23
goose_As far as i can tell05:24
lotuspsychje!info docky precise05:24
ubottudocky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-1 (precise), package size 830 kB, installed size 3329 kB05:24
omgitsmitto be fair, if you set your wallpaper to a cheat sheet of unity keyboar ninja shortcuts, its really awesome05:24
lotuspsychjeversions climbed up, thats a good sign :p05:24
goose_just hold your super button for the shortcuts!05:25
omgitsmit"super button"05:25
omgitsmitthat goose is totally loose05:25
lotuspsychjegoose_: check ubuntu /conky keywords on deviantart, shows alot of happy candy eye users05:25
goose_dude how do I fix it to when I open things it doesn't go to the bottom of the sidebar?05:25
goose_that's what they call it on here, never knew the name lol05:26
omgitsmityeah just browsing through the screenshots makes you want to theme your own05:27
omgitsmitit snowballs from there05:27
* lotuspsychje dreams about the unity left bar be able to drag to bottom one day...05:27
Cybusslogging out brb05:27
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: ubuntutweaks?05:27
goose_Just like when I put rainmeter on windows, that was a long night of customizing05:27
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: i never been able to make that work05:28
omgitsmiti just run it05:28
goose_Once I put the numix theme and icons I was happy05:28
omgitsmitand then select how big my epeen will be that day05:28
lotuspsychjeomgitsmit: unity sidebar to bottom as docky right?05:28
omgitsmitlotuspsychje: im sure you can move it using tweaks05:29
lotuspsychjeurl? :p05:29
lotuspsychjeno ubuntu-tweak cant do that05:29
lotuspsychjeive used it alot05:29
diegoviolahow do I install ubuntu to a btrfs subvolume? the installer will just show me the partitions05:30
Cybusswell with all the recommendations so far im very much happy, i got a heat indicator, load indator a switch for performance or powersaving, gnome style drop down. i do not think i need anything else05:30
omgitsmitsudo apt-get install unityshell-rotated libnux-1.0-005:30
omgitsmitrotate that shell bro05:30
lotuspsychjelemme look that up05:30
goose_f.lux. You need f.lux05:31
goose_Morning? Where are you? haha05:31
omgitsmitone thing ive learned, dont mention time of day in an public forum05:31
goose_How do I manage the programs that launch on startup?05:31
omgitsmiti just search for start up05:32
ROKO__i have to ask about pwmconfig on ubuntu, it seems not work properly.. a lot of times i try to set up but it doesnt see fans. or when it seen and colocated when start fancontrol it doesnt increase speed when temperature is up..05:32
goose_I'm an idiot haha05:32
ROKO__any notes for that ?05:32
diego1how do I install ubuntu to a btrfs subvolume? the installer will just show me partitions05:33
Cybusshey goose theres a program i can not remember what its called. but its in the ubuntu store. it lists all startup programs and it shows the ones that are normally hidden but are not important05:35
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lotuspsychjeCybuss: sudo sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop in terminal05:37
lotuspsychjeCybuss: then more startup items will show your list05:38
goose_Thanks man!@05:38
jishjishsomsip: I think it worked but it didn't come up with any of the directories I was expected. I'll try it again later. Thank you !05:39
goose_wow that helped ALOT05:39
Cybussthere it is. thanks lotus05:39
jishjishtry again running the command you mentioned.05:39
Cybussi thought it was a program. bad memory...05:40
lotuspsychjegoose_, Cybuss you can also disable unwated services manually like cups, by creating a file .override05:41
azizLIGHTim trying to change order of indicators on 14.04. i know where the order config is stored but it doesnt have the name of the applet. how do i figure out the name of the applet. this command isnt showing me the applet name like it usually does: dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.canonical.indicator.application /com/canonical/indicator/application/service05:41
azizLIGHTcom.canonical.indicator.application.service.GetApplications | grep "object path"05:41
lotuspsychjethose old init.d programs arent very reliable and dont show them all05:41
goose_Oh I already knew that, but thanks man!05:41
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lotuspsychjeCybuss: like printing services, if you dont need that on a laptop example05:42
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Cybussthanks again lotus05:43
goose_anyone got a good weather applet?05:43
goose_Can't find a decent one05:43
lotuspsychjegoose_, Cybuss preload is another great boost tool05:46
Cybussyeah, its a double edged sword though, uses more ram, how ever it makes stuff start up faster, so if you got lots of excess rams + if not then -05:47
goose__okay I'm back05:47
goose__what were you talking about? Apparenlty I can't use my VPN and chat here05:47
lotuspsychjegoose__: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/10/install-weather-indicator-ubuntu-14-1005:47
lotuspsychje!test | lisa_05:48
ubottulisa_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )05:48
goose__that's perfect! Thanks!05:49
allstarsnorks2Hi guys. How do I install GTK 3.12 on Xubuntu 14.04?05:49
nickSweI am in the process of installing burg on Ubuntu 14.10... I have come to the step where it asks me: GRUB install devices:    I have 2 options:   /dev/sda   and /dev/sdb... which one should I check (if any) before I continue? I dont want to break my bootloader. I am running dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.1005:51
lisa_I'm sorry05:51
lotuspsychje!dualboot | nickSwe05:51
ubottunickSwe: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:51
lotuspsychjelisa_: this is an ubuntu support channel, do you have ubuntu?05:51
jimmydxubuntu I have a question about making room in the boot partition for an update it says The upgrade needs a total of 67.1 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 3,556 k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.05:52
lotuspsychjeallstarsnorks2: maybe the #xubuntu guys can help you while you wait?05:52
nickSwelotuspsychje: How would that info help me? It says nothing about burg? or am I missing something?05:52
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | jimmyd install and clean with this one05:53
ubottujimmyd install and clean with this one: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (utopic), package size 249 kB, installed size 1930 kB05:53
goose__jimmyd: What's the question? That should work05:53
allstarsnorks2<lotuspsychje> the fourms is currently not very active. I posted a question there with no avail.05:53
somsipjimmyd: Possibly due to old kernels? http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu05:53
goose__yes bleachbit is awesome05:53
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jimmydthanx guys05:54
nickSwecant I just read the grub config to figure out where my grub is located?05:54
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lotuspsychje!mbr | nickSwe never installed burg myself, maybe more info here05:56
ubottunickSwe never installed burg myself, maybe more info here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:56
kib_why is my VLC stuck sometimes in ubuntu05:56
lotuspsychjekib_: be carefull with vlc, its a security risk05:56
diegoviolalotuspsychje: how is vlc a security risk?05:57
lotuspsychjekib_: you using vnc over ssh?05:57
Cybussvlc media player?05:57
lotuspsychjeoh my bad05:57
kib_VLC is security risk? :o05:57
lotuspsychjenevermind was too quick05:57
diegoviolakib_: nobody can answer why vlc is stuck, are you playing a stream over the network or something like that? perhaps due to that?05:57
lotuspsychjekib_: did you try launch from terminal05:57
Cybussi was scared for a second, ive used vlc so many times05:58
kib_no,,,just locally05:58
_eddyMorning guys. I am a web developer been doing this for over 4 years now. I want to set up my own hosting server for some of my projects, ideally i want to host atleast 70 per server. I have look at some articles online and some of them are years old. So I came here to ask you guys, what tools are you using both to set up the server and also fully secure it to the teeth. My budget is about £1000. THANK YOU05:58
lotuspsychjeCybuss: well actually if vlc is not updated, is also a risk05:58
lotuspsychje!server | _eddy05:59
ubottu_eddy: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server05:59
goose_Quick quesiton. I'm setting up a temp monitor, is acpitz just my overall system temp (not hardware specific)?05:59
kib_i open VLC when its stuck from terminal like ,,,,      vlc & exit05:59
lotuspsychjethats weird05:59
lotuspsychjekib_: ubuntu and vlc version?05:59
Cybussanything out of date is a security risk, how ever some updates have accident security holes05:59
diegoviolatry mpv06:00
nickSweI found this very nifty script http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/?source=typ_redirect   it scanned through my system and gave me a clear text saying where grub2 was installed! Awesome!06:00
kib_ubuntu 14.04.1 ,,, and Vlc ????06:00
goose_those damn zero days06:00
lotuspsychjekib_: anything interesting in syslog or dmesg?06:00
lotuspsychjekib_: maybe tail -f your logs and start vlc06:01
kib_diegoviola ,,,, is mpv good?06:01
diegoviolakib_: yes06:01
kib_Thanks guys,,,, i will try mpv06:01
diegoviolait's basically an improved version of mplayer06:01
lotuspsychje!info mpv06:02
ubottumpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 764 kB, installed size 1951 kB06:02
lotuspsychjelookin nice06:02
diegoviolampv is at 0.8.0, 0.4.2 is pretty old06:03
haiCan mpv play video with sub file .srt?06:04
diegoviolahai: yes06:04
=== _eddy101 is now known as _eddy
haithanks diego06:04
allstarsnorks2Do you guys think I will be able to update my GTK to 3.12 by using a tutorial for Ubuntu instead of Xubuntu?06:04
lotuspsychjeallstarsnorks2: whats your end goal with this exactly?06:05
allstarsnorks2update my GTK 3.10 to 3.12, and install a theme that is supported for 3.12 and up06:06
lotuspsychje!themes | allstarsnorks2 maybe more info here06:06
ubottuallstarsnorks2 maybe more info here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:06
allstarsnorks2I'm trying to install Paper theme06:06
_eddylotuspsychje: #ubuntu-server doesnt exists06:07
_eddylotuspsychje: got it now06:07
haiubuntu server channel is empty06:12
Tm_Thai: 424 nicks there06:12
_eddywhat is the different between 14.04 LTS and 14.10?06:13
haiI like using LTS06:13
haiI think it's more stable than 14.1006:13
Tm_T_eddy: 14.04 is supported for several years06:13
_eddyTm_T: thats it?06:14
lotuspsychje!lts | _eddy06:14
ubottu_eddy: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)06:14
Tm_T_eddy: of course 14.10 is newer release so there's plenty of changes software wise, but nothing radical that I can see06:14
_eddylotuspsychj and Tm_T thanks. Was just curious. I have a 14.04LTS running on my vm06:18
zergutis there any wi-fi network analyzers somethin like inSSIDer06:19
zergutsome like06:19
zergutfor ubuntu ofc06:20
lotuspsychjezergut: for network packets analyze you can use wireshark06:21
lotuspsychjezergut: or you want ssid scanning?06:21
jak2015hi all06:21
EriC^^hi jak201506:22
jak2015wich is the first step for checking why i am not connect to my server via ssh and not answer the ping ?06:22
jak2015note yesterday worked...06:22
lotuspsychje!info kismet | zergut06:23
ubottuzergut: kismet (source: kismet): wireless sniffer and monitor - core. In component universe, is optional. Version 2013.03.R1b-3 (utopic), package size 1918 kB, installed size 4682 kB06:23
lotuspsychje!info wavemon | zergut this one looking nice too06:25
ubottuzergut this one looking nice too: wavemon (source: wavemon): Wireless Device Monitoring Application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.6-2 (utopic), package size 47 kB, installed size 141 kB (Only available for linux-any)06:25
lotuspsychjejak2015: maybe the ##networking guys can help you with that06:26
jimmydthat seems to have worked06:30
somsipjimmyd: which one?06:30
jimmydthe bleach bit one06:30
jimmydit was a graphical inter face06:31
jc__hello can you guys help me about installing f.lux on ubuntu?06:32
jimmydi had to guess at the right boxes to check aftera few tries it worked06:32
SohamGFor creating virtual machines, which program should I use? KVM, VMWare ar virtualbox?(or any other one)06:32
somsipSohamG: which ever suits your needs06:33
Tw33kSohamG: I prefer Virtualbox but each has its merits06:34
diegoviolaI prefer KVM06:34
haihi,what is grep command?06:34
diegoviolaSohamG: what are you going to virtualize?06:34
somsiphai: man grep (it searches for patterns in lines of text)06:34
Tw33kt3flon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grep06:34
t3flonI know what grep is06:35
haithank you06:35
Tw33ksorry hai: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grep06:35
t3floncan someone help me explain a line06:35
t3flon perl -p -i -e 's/complete/slide/g' master_wired.m3u806:36
t3flonwhat exactly is perl doing here06:36
diegoviolayou can do perl --help and see what each of those options do06:36
t3flonim familiar with perl language06:36
t3flonbut not the command perl06:36
somsipt3flon: replacing occurences of complete with slide in that file, in place, globally06:36
diegoviolasee `man perl` also06:37
t3flonthanks somsip06:37
haithank you @t3flon06:38
t3flonwhen I man perl, it only tells me about the perl language06:38
t3flonwhich is why im confused about the functionality of the command perl in that line06:38
somsipt3flon: it's basically doing what sed does06:39
t3flonI see, could I run sed instead of perl there and get the same output?06:39
somsipt3flon: pretty sure so, yes06:40
t3flonthanks somsip06:40
t3flonfor your l33t input06:41
SohamGdiegoviola, sorry for the late reply.....I wanna virtualize different linux distro's and MAYBE windows and/or mac....06:45
SohamGdiegoviola, should I use KVM as it seems to be 'made' for linux..?06:45
diegoviolaKVM *is* part of the linux kernel itself06:46
jimmydis that what you want to be running when you do it sohamG06:46
diegoviolaand it's probably the fastest VM for that reason06:46
diegoviolaSohamG: any of those tools will work for what you want to use though06:47
SohamGdiegoviola, oh right.....might as well use kvm if its already there :P...06:47
SohamGhave you had any issues with ti?06:47
diegoviolaSohamG: when virtualizing linux with KVM/QEMU I simply use SPICE (spicec) to connect, when virtualizing Windows I enable RDP on the windows guest and connect to it with something like remmina, it works great06:48
diegoviolaSohamG: no issues, worked great every single time I needed to use it06:48
jak2000my server not answer ping http://postimg.org/image/915p0r2g1/    its correct?06:49
whatamidoingHi everyone, I'm new to Ubuntu and I was wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to install Ubuntu, but the installer doesn't detect my existing operating system (Windows 8), but I don't want to get rid of it until I know I like Ubuntu.06:50
kib_Check your BIOS setting06:50
somsip!who | kib_06:50
ubottukib_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:50
kib_dual boot should be enabled from BIOS06:51
kib_sure !ubottu06:51
whatamidoingkib_: Ah ok, thanks. I will check it out06:51
somsipwhatamidoing: I have no experience of dual boot, but check these out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html06:52
whatamidoingsomsip:  Thanks :)06:53
somsipwhatamidoing: there are plenty of other guides and walkthroughs as it's a common issue, so read around a bit and make sure you are happy with the advice you are reading06:55
whatamidoingsomsip: Will do06:55
SohamGdiegoviola, thanks :)06:57
diegoviolasure, you're welcome06:58
NetworkingProanyone know samba well?  Im trying to install/configure samba and having a terrible time getting it to work.06:58
kib_What is the best resource if I want to learn linux kernel's networking subsystem?06:59
haisame as kib_07:00
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)07:00
somsiploads of links from there to places like kernel.org and suchlike07:00
haiI want to learn linux LPI 107:00
haiCan somebody tell me what is the good resources07:01
haiThank you07:01
rpp601hey guys, what command will tell me what version of linux this machine i'm logged into is running?07:04
EriC^^uname -r07:05
EriC^^rpp601: uname -a for a complete listing, and cat /etc/issue for the release info07:05
rpp601EriC^^: that tells me 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-6407:05
Kipjenis there any one?07:06
strehi_lsb_release -a07:06
kib_rpp601: thats your kernel version07:06
PrezidentOld kernel, latest is 3.19 http://www.kernel.org rpp60107:06
Prezidentusing 3.17.8-r1 myself07:06
strehi_uname -r tells you the kernel version... lsb_release a shows you distribution info07:06
Kipjenis there any one who can help me for my linux issue07:07
rpp601kib_, Prezident, -a gives me Linux zion 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 18 14:48:24 CET 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:07
rpp601is it even ubuntu?07:07
PrezidentI dont know07:07
EriC^^rpp601: nope, i think it's based on ubuntu though, check #zionos07:07
Kipjenyes ubuntu07:07
Prezidentuname -a is not necassary for all distroys.07:07
Prezidentyou can try cat /etc/*release*07:07
SohamGdiegoviola, can you send me the link to the guide you used for KVM?07:07
rpp601Kipjen: ask your question07:07
Prezidentrpp601: do my command and you will find your answer07:08
Prezidentwill give you a reply something like this07:08
PrezidentName Id Pretty Name etc07:08
Kipjeni am able to access the internet but unable to ping any of the web sites and i have internet access through ubutu07:08
rpp601Prezident: ok cool, thanks! that told me what i needed to know07:08
Kipjenplease help me to resolved this issue07:09
Prezidentrpp601: wich distro was it? :)07:09
rpp601Prezident: kali07:09
PrezidentOk :)07:09
rpp601Prezident: :)07:09
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diegoviolaSohamG: I didn't really used one, but look at the arch wiki for QEMU and KVM, most of those are not distro specific and might work for ubuntu as well07:09
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strehi_Kipjen: so if you connect to www.google.com trough browser it works... when you do ping www.google.com in the console it doesn't07:11
strehi_Kipjen: is that so?07:11
rpp601Prezident: actually, i was logged in to more than one machine and ran the command in the wrong window! it was CentOS07:11
Kipjenu r right07:11
Prezidentrpp601: i see, kali i never tried07:11
Prezidentnot a fan of centos neither07:11
strehi_Kipjen: That's really weird... I have never had an issue like that... But I can take a wild guess07:12
PrezidentKipjen: are you able to ping any ip?07:12
PrezidentIs it just the dns wich isnt possible?07:12
KipjenIP i can ping, it does not have any issue07:12
Prezidentwhat happens if you type dig instead ping?07:12
PrezidentMost likely you are looking at the lack of the DNS server in your settings.07:13
Kipjenall those ip are my local IP07:13
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Prezidentare you behind any proxy or vpn?07:13
PrezidentI belive you are behind a firewall.07:14
firelegendHi all. I run Ubuntu 12.04, I attempted to enable the location bar, both from gconf-editor and dconf-editor, the checkbox has been ticked for always-use-location-entry but there is no locatiob bar appearing.07:14
strehi_Kipjen: try ping
stikkemzeven if behind proxy, if he can ping ip but not domain name .. he should probably just set a dns07:15
Prezidentstikkemz: yup07:15
stikkemzgo with the standard google
PrezidentBut he pinged his local ips he said.07:15
PrezidentThats fine behind a firwall.07:15
strehi_I thought it's DNS problem... But in that case he also shouldn't connect trough the browser07:16
Kipjen74.125.136.99 i checked , it does not work07:16
strehi_though so07:16
strehi_the problem is prolly your firewall07:16
strehi_it is blocking the ping port07:16
stikkemzwhat firewall are we talking about?07:16
Kipjenso how will i fix it07:16
PrezidentNobody knows, its an idea since we lacking information.07:17
strehi_Kipjen: do you have a local router?07:17
Prezidentlol what?07:17
Kipjenbut from router to ubuntu and from ubuntu to wsitch07:17
stikkemzsorry i was trying to catch up with the situation and your answer threw me an odd ball :))07:17
strehi_Kipjen: Do you have some other computer connected to the router?07:18
strehi_Kipjen: Try to ping it from there07:18
PrezidentKipjen: i gotta run soon, but take a look in07:19
Prezidentresolv.conf whats under your nameserver?07:19
themusicgod1I've found a bug (though not to the point of having a patch to the bug) that affects like 6 different packages and is caused by at least 2 packages(same bug).  When creating a bug report in launchpad, should I have a) two bug reports (ie one for affected packages for being affected and one for the ones that are actually causing the problem) or 1?  or one bug per package?07:19
Kipjeni alreay checked that, its working07:19
strehi_cat /etc/resolv.conf07:20
PrezidentKipjen: then ceck your resolv.conf, dunno where it is located on  your os but try /etc/resolv.conf07:20
strehi_give us the output07:20
Kipjenbut when i tried to ping through ubunto then i got ping problem07:20
stikkemzKipjen, can you run in a terminal: netsh interface show interface and let us know what you see?07:20
Prezidentcat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver Kipjen type that in terminal07:21
Kipjenthanks i will do that...07:22
PrezidentAha, with such patiance he wont succeed, np07:22
stikkemzyeah he`s not approaching linux one should07:23
strehi_Kipjen: are you still here?07:26
SailorRealityjoin ##poker for game07:26
Prezidentlmao, dont join.07:26
jamie_hey my bluetooth is not not working properly07:27
stikkemzi mean the amount of info in "hey my bluetooth is not not working properly" is just too much mate07:27
jamie_not sure, has been working properly for the use of sixad, but when i switch it back to standard use its not connecting07:27
jamie_when i pull up the bluetooth panel it shows that it is on, but it will not connect to my keyboard of fxos phone07:28
themusicgod1jamie_: is this on a laptop?07:28
themusicgod1have you tried disabling & reenabling bluetooth via a keyboard shortcut?07:28
jamie_yes, its connected to my internet button07:29
themusicgod1ie does your laptop have an enable/disable bluetooth button?07:29
themusicgod1and that didn't work?07:29
jamie_i have a touch panel and the wifi and bluetooth are in the same part07:29
jamie_themusicgod1: no07:29
themusicgod1jamie_: what version of ubuntu?07:30
jamie_it works under sixad but not under blue-tooth07:30
jamie_gdm gnome 3 de07:31
jamie_if that helps at all07:31
jamie_bluetoothd version 4.10107:33
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stikkemzhave any of you guys manage to integrate facebook with ubuntu 14.10 accounts?07:34
jamie_that sounds like fun to try to figure out07:35
themusicgod1stikkemz: how recently?  I seem to remember doing so quite a few months ago07:35
strehi_I just use facebook chat using pidgin =)07:35
strehi_and gtalk of course07:35
stikkemzwell at this point in time when i open the Online Accounts and click on Facebook it doesn't do anything, no errors no login screen nothing07:36
jamie_okay i now when i toggle the bluetooth switch in the ui its going right back after a second07:36
stikkemzjust a black screen for a second then pops out of it07:36
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stikkemzyeah i`ll do pidgin, though Jitsi is way cooler but has unmet dependencies07:38
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strehi_stikkemz: even pidgin is really buggy in the newest version07:38
strehi_stikkemz: I had to compile the older version07:39
stikkemzstrehi_,  i managed to get it rolling on the latest release, i just hate its lack of features..07:40
strehi_stikkemz: which features?07:40
jamie_im seeing if i can set it up under gnome3 de07:40
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stikkemzstrehi_, not sure if you can send files with it for starters.. and you can`t encrypt your chat if both parties use the program07:41
strehi_stikkemz: ah i see... I don't use these features so.... It's completly fine for me =)... In the newest version I have a problem that it's keep hanging07:42
strehi_when I minimize it to the try... It keeps hanging as soon as I close the active chat07:42
stikkemzstrehi_, i`m getting that a lot in ubuntu 14.10 though but I knew what i was signing up for when not on the LTS07:44
stikkemzbtw a little hint: for some reason they decided to remove Startup Applications in 14.10, but you still have it if you upgrade from 14.04 instead of a clean 14.10 install07:45
jamie_is there a way to reset the bluetooth daemon07:45
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jamie_its saying there are no bluetooth adapters found on the system07:47
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xanguastikkemz: I can see my startup settings on utopic, don't recall installing or removing anything extra07:50
strehi_stikkemz: I had the problem in LTS =)07:51
jamie_this is really getting annoying\07:51
strehi_stikkemz: I always stick to LTS distributions since I've moved from archy07:51
jamie_that was odd... now its working... it was not literally 20 seconds ago07:53
Seveasjamie_: bluetooth is magic07:53
jamie_im gonna dig deeper into this07:53
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Seveasdon't dig too deep, here be dragons07:53
jamie_not working again.... :\07:54
Guest36115Hello, has anybody ever heard of malicious programs running from un-allocated space on a hard drive?07:55
Exploitneed help07:55
* Exploit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28601089/using-multiple-wordpress-installations-under-one-root-in-nginx07:55
jamie_Seveas: do you know much about blue-tooth problems07:56
Seveasjamie_: only that on any given system bluetooth either works flawlessly or is a royal PITA07:56
jamie_Seveas: it has been fine... but all of a sudden not so well07:57
jamie_the weird part is it was after i connected my fxos phone to it again07:57
somsipExploit: I have no experience of nginx but wouldnt this be the same fix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24351114/nginx-multiple-subdomains-with-their-own-config07:58
SlartGuest36115: I find it hard to believe that the cpu would somehow run code that isn't allocated and reachable in some way.. or are you talking about something else running it? like hard drive controllers/gpu or something like that?07:58
Exploitlemme see thnx07:58
jamie_I was trying to switch to from my ps3 controller to my fxos phone to debug ota08:00
poopsquestion about centos. hope its ok. ifconfig and system-config-network shows different eth number. how come?08:02
Guest36115More along the lines that I don't want to wait for a low level format on a drive if I don't have to. It's an old windows box, previous owner claimed it was loaded with virus.08:02
hateball!centos | poops08:02
hateballYou depress me, ubottu08:02
hateballpoops: This channel is for Ubuntu support, other distros go in their various channels08:03
poopssorry. thanks.08:03
jamie_any idea yall with the bluetooth08:04
stikkemzGuest36115, just do a quick format and you will be fine08:04
SlartGuest36115: I wouldn't worry about that at all, linux compatability isn't very high on malware-writers todo lists so even if the bad code would somehow end up in files that the system can actually read it wouldn't run.08:05
Guest36115Alright, thank you.08:05
jamie_okay i may know the cause... and its weird08:07
jamie_tell me if this makes any sense, as soon as I connect my flame the bluetooth says connected and then connection say no, and if i switch off the bluetooth its stops working for a little. I think it may be that the device is some how interfering with the laptop08:10
jamie_also is there a way to set up the computer to allow the device to browse internal files on the device08:11
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jamie_ToAruShiroiNeko: ello08:14
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ you have a moment or two?08:15
EriC^^yeah sure08:15
ToAruShiroiNekoI am trying to detect the new harddrive I put into the server08:15
ToAruShiroiNekobut it doesnt show on ubuntu at all08:16
EriC^^did you try /var/log/syslog ?08:16
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: try dmesg and /var/log/kern.log08:18
EriC^^to see if its picked up08:18
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: how did you try to detect it08:19
ToAruShiroiNekoI tried parted and few other linux commands08:19
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ do you have a grep for me08:22
ToAruShiroiNekoits fairly long and detailed08:23
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: try to unplug the hd if you can, then plug it in and check dmesg08:23
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ it is entirely possible that I have to activate the drive inside bios somehow08:23
falloutHello everyone. I'm in need of assistance. I've already searched the forums but I've found no fix. I'm wondering if someone here (who has expierenced the same problem) can help me?08:23
stikkemzfallout, you gave zero information on what your issue is08:24
ToAruShiroiNekooh I am not phsyically near the drive yet08:24
ToAruShiroiNekothat'd be in 1.5 hours08:24
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ what should I expect to see?08:25
ackpacketHaving some rsync trouble... seems to wanna copy over all the files instead of making a snapshot like I want.  Here's the command i'm using:08:25
ackpacketrsync --progress --backup-dir=/Data/Documents/sen_server_backups/2-19 -bvan /mnted /Data/Documents/sen_server_backups/2-18/08:25
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: something like [187733.172260] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 008:25
falloutSorry about that. I was typing it out. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04.1 on my Windows 7 computer. It completes the download of the iso and I get an error. "Permission denied" is the error08:25
ackpacketIf I'm interpreting that command correct, it will copy into 2-19, every file in /mnted that is of a newer modified-time or different size than it's twin in 2-18, is that right?08:26
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: kern.log might mention something about trying to set modes for it or something while booting08:26
falloutSorry about my grammar and spelling. It's really late here and I haven't slept much for the last few days08:26
jamie_fallout: what exactly are you doing08:26
ToAruShiroiNekotrying to grep dmesg for attached08:26
falloutWhat do you mean?08:26
stikkemzfallout, not sure when you are getting that error08:27
jamie_that is what i am saying08:27
stikkemzwhat exactly are you doing when you see that error08:27
falloutOkay. I'm sorry. I'm starting the download of Ubuntu. Let me go back to my main computer and I'll type out the steps as to how the error appears08:27
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: does cat /proc/partitions mention anything?08:27
ToAruShiroiNekojust sda08:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI should see an sdb I imagine08:28
jamie_fallout: if you are installing it should be from a boot cd or a flash drive08:28
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: try to grep kern.log for sdb08:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI am not very grep proficient yet08:28
ToAruShiroiNekolet me look it up08:28
EriC^^grep -C20 sdb /var/log/kern.log08:29
ToAruShiroiNekoI had went for grep -a sdb grep /var/log/kern.log :)08:30
falloutIt is from a flash drive. I can't get it to boot from the flash drive. I've installed Ubuntu by extracting it to my desktop before.08:30
ToAruShiroiNekoyours give more information08:30
ToAruShiroiNekothe sdb it mentions is for a kingston datatraveler08:30
ToAruShiroiNekowhich was indeed the usb I used for live cd08:30
falloutThis time I got the error; "Can not download the metalink and therefore the ISO"08:30
ToAruShiroiNekowhen I was strugling with boot08:30
stikkemzToAruShiroiNeko, you should probably see if the device is present if you ls -l in /dev/disk/by-id/08:31
ToAruShiroiNekosd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk08:33
jamie_fallout: have you tried to just make a boot img08:33
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ this one seems it08:33
ToAruShiroiNekoI havent initilised the disk yet08:33
ToAruShiroiNekoits straight out of the package08:33
falloutjamie_, how would I go about doing that?08:33
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: i see08:33
jamie_fallout: just download the version you want from the ubuntu site you choose a program you want to use to create the img and put it on the flash drive08:34
ToAruShiroiNekoin windows you cannot do anything with a disk until you initilise it08:34
stikkemzget unetbootin or something and make a bootable drive08:34
falloutjamie_: I'll try that. Thank you08:34
stikkemzthen go in bios and set it to boot from usb drive on a higher priority08:35
ToAruShiroiNekowhich writes mbr/gpt even if the drive remains unformatted08:35
jamie_fallout: oh and you may run into a thing when you go to boot from the usb that says error cannot find com3208:35
jamie_just type           live08:35
jamie_stikkems: thanks I have not been on windows in quite a while and have no clue what programs to yse08:37
ToAruShiroiNekoEriC^^ would that be it?08:37
ToAruShiroiNekoshould I see it more often?08:37
jamie_sorry i spelled you name wrong stikkemz08:37
stikkemzjamie_, 20$ says he`s gonna lose all his data08:38
ToAruShiroiNekothat entry was from yesterday at 9:5408:38
ToAruShiroiNekoabout when I inserted the drive08:38
jamie_stikkemz: that is not a fair bet, he is08:38
ToAruShiroiNekowhy bet only 20$ ?08:38
shaaradHello, I have made an executable JAR file which is a GUI application. I want it to launch on ubuntu startup.. How to do it?08:38
jamie_no thanks, i know that is a loosing bet08:38
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: dmesg | grep -C20 Attached08:39
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: what else does it say?08:39
ToAruShiroiNekoI only see an attached for sda08:39
jamie_I have been using ubuntu since 9.4 i think it was, im not dumb, when you install the now os unless you some how copy the file system you will lose it08:39
ToAruShiroiNeko[    1.512798] scsi 6:3:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 1208:39
ToAruShiroiNeko[    1.512935] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 008:39
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: where did you get the attached for sdb? kern.log?08:39
ToAruShiroiNeko[    2.154449] sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk08:40
ToAruShiroiNekoyes in kern.log08:40
ToAruShiroiNekoit may be for my usb flashdrive08:40
shaaradI tried adding it to /usr/local/bin08:40
yuanStable release 0.91 intended for production use is available.08:40
ToAruShiroiNekoalso what is the nuber 2.154449 ?08:40
jamie_stikkemz: i was flashing a new image to my other hdd the other day and that is how i know about he com32 problem... it took a little bit to figure out the solution08:41
yuaninkscape 0.9108:42
yuandeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/inkscape.dev/stable/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main  deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/inkscape.dev/stable/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main08:42
stikkemzjamie_, i never encountered it myself08:42
jamie_stikkemz: neither had I till the other dady08:42
jamie_stikkemz: its funny i found the solution down stream from ubuntu08:42
stikkemzjamie_, i will be reminded of this conversation when i will hit that wall08:43
falloutjamie_: Thank you so much! It's working now08:43
jamie_fallout: did you run into the com32 issue08:43
leeyaahow to find out which package is part of this file /etc/logrotate.d/libvirtd.lxc08:43
falloutjamie_: Nope. I'm at the normal screen thingy. Anyways, I've installed Ubuntu on another one of my computers before. I know what to do from here. Thanks for the help08:44
jamie_fallout: okay np08:44
jamie_wtf why did i run into it then!!!08:44
jamie_i tried dd, startup disk creator, disk image creator, and unetbootin08:45
stikkemzjamie_, hey man, it`s not linux if it doesn't trip you off once in a while08:45
jamie_stikkemz: good point that is the fun of it08:46
jamie_stikkemz: high usability comes at a cost some times08:46
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: it's the seconds since startup08:47
stikkemzjamie_, i run dual boot with windows 8.1.. Most of the time i sit in ubuntu cuz you get to do all these great things for free with just a few key strokes.. but there`s always that one in 100 thing that you wish you had windows for it08:48
brainmIs there in ubuntu analog of debian util debsecan?08:49
jamie_stikkemz: i find a way to make it work, i have not used windows since ubuntu 9.4, I spend to much time fixing other peoples windows i dont want my own08:49
White_Cat_mobil_Ah. I'll hop into my ride. Should be back in 3008:49
jamie_stikkemz: I dont think ubuntu likes my phone though......08:50
stikkemzjamie_, you say you can always make it work.. go buy an nvidia card and we`ll talk after08:50
strehi_Did anyone here ever create a game using inkscape, gimp and java or c++?08:50
jamie_stikkemz: I have one from the gseries08:50
stikkemzjamie_, gt540m here.. pain in the arse!08:50
jamie_i will say the nvidia 331 bug is a pain but there is a work around08:50
stikkemzjamie_, the only way i managed to make it work is with bumblebee08:51
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jamie_stikkemz: i just run sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-33108:51
jamie_i just have to do it every time after the kernal update08:52
jamie_stikkemz: or when the try to update the graphics support... i have NVS 3100M/PCIe/SSE208:52
jamie_i thought i had another one.. whoops08:52
jamie_stikkemz: does the nvidia 331 bug affect you also08:53
stikkemzjamie_, not sure what bug you are talking about.. most of the nvidia drivers simply don't work and the ones that do give video tearing on everything, including moving windows around which, saying to be annoying is an understatement..08:55
stikkemzjamie_, at least for my card08:55
jamie_stikkemz: its a problem with the graphics drivers, but mine is fine, i run steam all the time08:55
jamie_stikkemz: i will say with my setup its kinda funny to watch startup and login and look at the system details... :p08:56
stikkemzjamie_, i do too.. but i run steam from nouveau and optirun the games08:56
jamie_stikkemz: i natively run steam off my grapics card\08:57
stikkemzjamie_, i guess yours has better support then08:57
BlackVenomGood morning08:57
BlackVenomDoes anyone know what this means on irc08:58
BlackVenomClosing link: (textual@cpc67682-pres16-2-0-cust243.18-3.cable.virginm.net) [Registration timeout]08:58
jamie_stikkemz: no clue, let alone i am runing a diffent dm and have several different de is kinda funny that it works so well08:58
stikkemzjamie_, what dm are you running?08:58
jamie_stikkemz: gdm08:58
stikkemzjamie_, and why?08:58
jamie_stikkemz: and litteraly other than i like the look, because i can08:59
jamie_stikkemz: me and someone on here the other day literally got bord and decided to see how much we could manipulate and change ubuntu09:00
stikkemzjamie_, oh i thought there was a performance aspect to your decision09:00
jamie_stikkemz: well actually i think gdm uses more09:01
jamie_i also have kdm and xdm09:01
jamie_stikkemz: oh and of course i have lightdm09:01
jamie_stikkemz: one sec let me list the different de i have lol09:02
stikkemzhmm gdm uses Wayland?09:02
stikkemzjamie_, i thought wayland is still in it`s early stages09:02
jamie_not sure09:02
jamie_stikkemz: all i know is that i really like the feel of gdm and gde09:03
jamie_i dont know much about the dev stage its in i know that its only on gnome 309:03
stikkemzjamie_, i just run lightdm with a numix theme that really pops out09:04
jamie_stikkemz: in my opinion themes do not do much other than icons09:04
stikkemzjamie_, yeah but as long as it looks ok, i`m good with that09:04
jamie_stikkemz: i have gnome, plasma workspace, kubuntu desktop, cinnamon, xubuntu desktop, unity and two others i dont use very often other than for maintenance09:05
jamie_stikkemz: my problem is i like to take stuff and see how much i can change it and mess with it09:06
stikkemzjamie_, you wouldn't be using linux otherwise..09:06
jamie_stikkemz: :) yep let alone my mozilla work is based around linux09:07
stikkemzjamie_, but you really got me searching for a display manager that runs on wayland09:08
jamie_stikkemz: let me take a look09:08
jamie_stikkemz: yes gde uses wayland and a lot of others are in testing/experimental09:10
stikkemzjamie_, the idea is that x11 basically has a server running that doesn't actually do anything but pass things around between buffers where wayland actually runs the whole thing on the server09:10
jamie_stikkemz: i know i kinda wanna see if i can get it to run under tty809:12
jamie_stikkemz: apparently wayland has an official rep on ubuntu09:14
hey_joe_so theres a lot of hype it seems about http/2. so I did some googling and saw I could run http/2 to serve static content with nghttpx in Ubuntu in replacement of my nginx server. However I use Wordpress for all of my sites, and MariaDB(reduces mem usage a little on my crappy VPS). So, with nghttpx, I can't server PHP content. Perhaps with this nghttpx proxy, or what have you (scarcely any documentation from what i can find) I09:14
hey_joe_ can use it as a front end for nginx to sever the PHP Wordpress pages. Any suggestions? Goal here is to reduce overall mem usage of daemons.09:14
White_CatEriC^^ okay so should I detach and reattach the drive?09:14
stikkemzjamie_, i`m actually gonna give it a shot09:15
jamie_stikkemz: same09:15
hey_joe_to backup this up a little, I did do some testing and saw a huge performance increase when serving pages with nghttpx over nginx HUGE actually09:15
jamie_stikkemz: do you want the command09:15
jamie_stikkemz: one sec, switching to wayland brb09:16
stikkemzjamie_, yeah gimme the command lol09:17
jamie_stikkemz: sudo apt-get install libwayland009:17
jamie_stikkemz: once sec switching real fast09:17
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jamie_its not working i gonna do more searching09:20
stikkemzjamie_, you probably need to install the server too09:21
jamie_stikkemz: it didnt seem to work for me... i might have to use the gnome version on mine... lol09:21
jamie_stikkemz: i may have to use the gnome verson due to my setup09:21
stikkemzjamie_, i know i`m too tired for this cuz i have my web pages on 150% zoom09:24
jamie_stikkemz: lol same... its 4:30 am here09:24
stikkemzjamie_, 11:30 here, up for over 20 hours09:25
jamie_im right there with you... i got up at six am to knock out some of my mozilla work before going to file my tax returns09:25
stikkemzjamie_, yo mentioned it before, do you work for mozilla?09:26
jamie_stikkemz: i work on the firefox os09:26
mR_T-RSAHi, Im on connect on a varsity wifi network. We do have proxy servers with authentication to configurer on our devicesn.  I am un familiar about how to set this up on ubuntu. With android this is done automatically.  Will i still need to configure the proxy on my laptop if im tethered to my android device?09:27
stikkemzjamie_, oh.. firefox lost me a few years ago when they changed the interface a lot and nowadays i really find chrome to suit my needs better (this is coming from a web dev)09:28
jamie_stikkemz: i work on the phone09:28
jamie_stikkemz: its funny because we recommend using ubuntu for working on the fxos phone09:30
vilcewhy I got permission denied when setting acl on NFS mount with acl enabled?09:31
jamie_stikkemz: have you tried developers edition09:31
White_CatEriC^^ I did detach and reattach the drive09:31
White_Catit did seem to power up09:31
White_Catits a server so I may have felt the vibrations of everuthing else09:31
White_Catit did feel warm though so it should be on for a while09:32
stikkemzjamie_, yeah.. don't get me wrong, ff is a great browser, but it has some awkward bugs in its engine, that webkit doesn't09:32
jamie_stikkemz: you mind elaborating, i would be more than happy to pass it onto the qa team09:33
White_CatEriC^^ what should I try?09:34
jamie_stikkemz: also when was the last time you used firefox developers edition09:35
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stikkemzjamie_, idk, a while ago.. but between sublime text and chrome i have all the tools i need. I recall a weird issue in ff with multiple shadows a while back that didn't quite allow me to get the same quality that i got out of webkit09:37
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stikkemzjamie_, and most recently image loading from gallery3 on ff is a mess09:38
jamie_stikkemz: hey i would recommend trying again if you have not it awhile, it has came quite far09:38
stikkemzjamie_, the only thing i really like firefox for is the privacy.. that is indeed a trade off when using chrome09:40
jamie_stikkemz: the whole phone projet is based around it also09:41
jamie_stikkemz: hey you said you are a web developer right09:41
stikkemzjamie_, also, why do they run all the tabs in the same process? it basically makes swap useless09:41
k1l_stikkemz: there is chromium in the repos which is chrome codebase without the google stuff.09:42
jamie_stikkemz: im not sure about that, I have enough ram that i have swap dissabled and i dont have a ssd09:43
stikkemzk1l_, yeah but chrome also includes the proprietary software09:44
jamie_stikkemz: you said you are a web developer right09:44
stikkemzjamie_, not as a full time job but yeah.. mostly project based09:45
stikkemzjamie_, when i have the time for it09:45
jamie_stikkemz: i could not pay you, but if you could give me a hand with a project, i only know minimal html and i am trying to build a facebook app for firefox os09:46
jamie_it would be greatly appriciated, and you would get credit for and and probably a device from it09:46
stikkemzjamie_, keep talking ..09:47
stikkemzjamie_, i have no clue how firefox os works though09:48
jamie_stikkemz: its all in html5 and java script09:48
aLeSDhi all09:48
aLeSDhow could I sed as default compiler c++ distcc ?09:48
jamie_stikkemz: fxos is a web standard phone09:48
k1l_jamie_: stikkemz better put that topic into the firefox phone channel? (if there is any on freenode)09:49
jamie_k1l_: sorry there is not09:49
jamie_i know that for a fact09:49
HateDreadHey, I'm super new to Ubuntu and trying to follow this tutorial. I have 0 idea how to accomplish step 12; http://affy.blogspot.com.au/2007/09/setting-up-ubuntu-perforce-server.html09:49
HateDreadAny advice would be super09:49
HateDreadUnder 'Configure Perforce', I mean09:50
MaxFramescan you tell me if these informations are still current and accurate? http://www.tuxtrix.com/2014/10/install-sonicwall-netextender-vpn.html09:50
jamie_stikkemz: are you interested at all09:50
MaxFramesI am looking for a client to connect from a lubuntu machine to a sonicwall vpn09:50
stikkemzjamie_, so wait, it`s an os that runs basically a browser as it`s starting point and you need an app for a website that is, well, viewable in the browser?09:51
virtualerhello! i am trying to install ubuntu using virtual box on windows 7 but i keep fialing :(09:51
virtualerafter following this guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox09:51
virtualerubuntu 14 lts has an internal error09:51
jamie_stikkemz: it would be built around its own app but by reading the website code from facebook and in producing a output to push updates09:52
Squall5668MaxFrames: still accurate09:52
stikkemzjamie_, so using the fb api09:52
Mackan90096I managed to boot from a live usb. How do I fix my corrupt hdd?09:52
k1l_!ot | jamie_ stikkemz09:53
ubottujamie_ stikkemz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:53
jamie_stikkemz: yes and push updates to the phone via apis email me or something at charja13@live.com09:53
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SeveasMackan90096: if your harddisk broke: throw it out, buy a new one and restore from backup.09:53
virtualeri get some error codes but i cant understand them09:53
stikkemzk1l_, omg man ok, sorry.. we`ll go private09:53
virtualersuch as executable path /usr/bin/compiz09:53
HateDreadJust don't know how to 'Add the following lines to the end of /etc/profile.'09:53
HateDreadIs that like a text append or something?09:53
k1l_HateDread: yes09:54
Mackan90096I don't have any backups Seveas. And, It's a laptop.09:54
virtualercompiz crashed with sigill in poll()09:54
SeveasHateDread: keep in mind that that document is 7.5 years old. It may be obsolete.09:54
virtualerhave i come to the right place?09:54
HateDreadSeveas: I couldn't find much that would help a total Ubuntu noob with it09:54
Squall5668virtualer: not really. It sounds like you forgot to accelerate 3D in virtualbox though09:55
SeveasMackan90096: call it a learning moment then :) You can try to make a backup now by mounting the harddrive and rsyncing to another host.09:55
Squall5668virtualer: haven't used virtualbox for years, so i might be wrong09:55
SeveasHateDread: why are you trying to set up perforce? Join us in the wonderful world of git instead ;)09:56
HateDreadSeveas: No thanks :p09:56
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virtualerSquall5668, how would you run ubuntu on a windows machine?09:56
SeveasHateDread: I had a quick look at that tutorial, it seems to make sense mostly, so just open /etc/profile in an editor with sudo and add the lines.09:56
Mackan90096Seveas, The other hard drive is the internal, it got corruped after I shut the computer off when it was compiling.09:56
Squall5668virtualer: I use vmware, but that's offtopic :)09:56
HateDreadSeveas: How do you open it in an editor? Internet said 'gedit'?09:56
SeveasHateDread: gedit will do. gksudo gedit /etc/profile09:57
virtualerso where should i ask for assistance in installing ubuntu if not on this channel?09:57
Ben64virtualer: installing ubuntu you ask here, but you're talking about running it in windows?09:58
k1l_!details | virtualer09:58
ubottuvirtualer: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:58
Seveask1l_: he's using cirtualbox on windows :)09:58
Mackan90096I found something about fsck.. But I don't know what drive it is....09:58
HateDreadSeveas: gksudo gedit /etc/profile gives me 'Gt-kWARNING **: cannot open display:'09:59
k1l_Seveas: yes, but installing ubuntu on vbox should not bring errors09:59
virtualerBen64, i have to run windows in my company computer but i would like to develop on linux so i have to use some virtual something to run both at the same time09:59
Seveasvirtualer: I'm not too surprised compiz causes issues when virtualized. Try a dual boot, or just running from a live usb,  and see if that works.10:00
SeveasHateDread: does your Ubuntu even have a gui?10:00
virtualerlive usb?10:00
HateDreadSeveas: Nah it's over putty / ssh (sorry I should have said so)10:00
Seveasvirtualer: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows10:00
MaxFramesSquall5668: do you reckon the same procedure will work on lubuntu as well as on ubuntu?10:01
Squall5668virtualer: Like i said, try messing around with graphics accel. options in vbox, up the vram and try installing guest additions on it. It'll probably work10:01
SeveasHateDread: ah then you'll need to use a console editor :) sudo nano /etc/profile10:01
Mackan90096And Gparted only gives me the usb10:01
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Squall5668MaxFrames: Can't see why it wouldn't. Pretty sure it'll be fine10:03
Mackan90096So, What should I do?10:03
SeveasMackan90096: does sudo fdisk -l show the internal disk?10:04
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Mackan90096I don't know Seveas, It shows four lines..10:05
Squall5668MaxFrames: not a prob. Btw, how can you live with sonicwall vpn? Happy I got away from it.10:06
Mackan90096it shows /dev/sda1 to 410:06
Mackan90096and over that, it shows my usb wich I'm running it off10:07
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SeveasMackan90096: pastebin the output.10:07
Mackan90096I'll trt10:08
Mackan90096try *10:08
Mackan90096Seveas, http://hastebin.com/xupeqadiru10:10
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snadgeh264 in firefox on ubuntu 14.10 (current) isn't working for me.. have i broken something? or uninstalled a dependency.. or is this a known issue?10:12
Mackan90096So.. What to do Seveas?10:13
snadgewhen i go to youtube.com/html5 .. i have a red ! next to h26410:13
jacobianIs there a way in the gui to get Alt-Gr mapped to Alt?10:13
jacobianThis used to be an option in settings10:13
Seveasjacobian: it's not anymore?10:13
bazhang!find h26410:13
ubottuFile h264 found in aolserver4-doc, asterisk-dbg, asterisk-modules, blender-data, crtmpserver-dev, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc, kino (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=h264&mode=&suite=utopic&arch=any10:13
avinsonis there an ubuntu installer with restricted drivers available? i have a 2009 mac mini that needs a restricted wifi driver.. no way to install it unless the wifi works :(10:13
jacobianIt doesn't appear to be an option anymore (in 14.10)10:13
avinsonspecifically i need bcmwl-kernel-source10:14
Seveasjacobian: hmm. Looks like they gutted lots of things from the settings dialog...10:14
avinsonbut it's not available on ubuntu server 14.04 installer image10:14
jacobianIt looks we're back to setxkbmap territory10:17
jacobianCurious that they gutted all that stuff10:17
jacobianIt's supremely irritating as an emacs users .10:17
Seveasjacobian: I hear you. Maybe ubuntu-tweak can help you, but I've not used it so far.10:18
Seveasjacobian: or something in gsettings. I usually map alt gr to compose, and gsettings shows this:10:19
Seveasorg.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options ['compose:ralt', 'caps:none', 'altwin:left_meta_win']10:20
Seveasmaybe 'alt:ralt' or something10:20
Mackan90096Seveas ! What should I do?10:20
SeveasMackan90096: you should at least not be impatient :-)10:21
jacobianI like to have compose on my caps lock10:22
jacobianWhich I never use10:22
jacobian(as a capslock key)10:22
Squall5668avinson: You can grab the package put it in a usb and install it manually. There is no ubuntu image with it preinstalled10:22
Mackan90096Alright then Seveas. I just want to get it working again :P10:22
Cybussi have a question, i keep messing up my gui, is there anyway i check and makesure im not breaking stuff?10:22
SeveasMackan90096: looks like your disk is quite broken.10:22
Mackan90096It got corruped when I shut my computer down while compiling.10:23
Seveasyou can try mounting those partitions and see if you can find anything, but none of them identify as linux partitions10:23
SeveasI'm not going to help any further, this rabbithole is deeper than I have time for.10:24
Mackan90096I tried mounting them, didn't work..10:24
MaxFramesSquall5668: I have never used it yet. I'm configuring an appliance which was bought years ago and then never used, for some reason. If it was me, I'd use pfsense + openvpn10:24
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avinsonSquall5668: ok that's what i was thinking.. thanks10:26
HateDreadI used 'wget http://www.perforce.com/downloads/perforce/r10.2/bin.linux26x86/p4d' to get the p4d file, then 'chmod +x p4d' to make it executable. After doing that, even in the directory it's in; 'no such file or directory'10:27
Squall5668MaxFrames: I see. Good luck. I have only used the small tz series, but I hate the vpn. If I were you, i'd set up a vpn server behind it10:27
HateDreadI swear I just put it there! 'ls' lists the file in the /usr/local/bin directory10:28
HateDreadAlso ldd on p4d is saying 'not a dynamic executable', What does any of that meaan. The file is right there and I'm typing the name exactly10:31
White_CatEriC^^ I amanaged to detect the second drive10:32
White_CatI had to configure it as a single drive raid 010:32
White_Catwhich feels bizzire still10:32
HateDreadSeveas: You still around, man?10:33
White_Catokay so now I am probably going to need to congigure backup finaly10:34
generalbadwolfQuick Q: Mixing newer AMD and NVidia cards10:35
White_CatEriC^^ do you have any suuggestions for me?10:35
generalbadwolfDont want to SLI, just two Xservers capable of hardware10:35
White_CatI am thiking of a GFS sceheme10:35
White_Catrsnapshot any good?10:37
umbra_puruscan someone help me?10:40
umbra_puruscan someone help me with a issue i have?10:40
k1l!details | umbra_purus10:40
ubottuumbra_purus: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:40
White_Cat!details ubottu10:41
popeyWhite_Cat: i use rsnapshot every day for my backups, works for me10:41
umbra_purusOkay. I want to send files to my phone with ubuntu. How do I do that?10:41
popeyumbra_purus: what kind of phone?10:42
White_Catpopey I have a new drive and I need to configure it too10:42
umbra_purusAndroid. gt9301I10:42
White_Catit will be exclusively for backup10:42
White_Catany suggestions?10:42
umbra_purus popey: Android. gt9301I10:42
popeyumbra_purus: I have heard some people say gmtp is a good app for transferring files to their android device10:42
bazhangit is10:43
umbra_puruspopey: no but I want to learn how to do it in a terminal window. is that possible?10:43
bazhang!info gmtp10:43
ubottugmtp (source: gmtp): simple MP3 player client for MTP based devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.7-1 (utopic), package size 101 kB, installed size 472 kB10:43
popeyumbra_purus: i have not done that, sorry.10:44
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yuanubuntu install tool loadown?10:44
k1lumbra_purus: use adb10:44
umbra_purusk1l: how do i use adb. can you refer something that I can start from?10:45
k1ladb push. its the android debug bridge. it can push and pull files and other stuff.10:45
fidel_yuan: can you rephrase your question?10:45
k1lumbra_purus: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html10:46
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diegoviolais there a way to configure ubuntu in such a way that it will never remmeber browser history, passwords, etc, anything?10:48
Mackan90096How do I make my corrupted drive into a linux partion without deleting anything on it?10:48
bazhangdiegoviola, run it from live usb10:48
bazhangMackan90096, you dont10:49
diegoviolabazhang: there's no other way?10:49
Mackan90096bazhang, oh?10:49
Mackan90096Can I recover the files in any way?10:49
bazhangdiegoviola, save nothing at all?10:49
Squall5668diegoviola: maybe you mean configure firefox that way? and not Ubuntu10:49
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Mackan90096I currently have my laptop booted from a live usb10:49
umbra_purusk1l: thanks10:50
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diegoviolabazhang: nothing at all10:51
Cybussokay i have a flickering problem with some things, it seems to have been partly resolved by forcing complete redraw work around in compiz, is this the only way to solve this issue?10:54
White_CatI have an ubuntu server 14.04 and am thinking of which scheme to follow for backup. I have a dedicated drive for backup. I am thinking of a gfs scheme with rsnapshot. Is this a good idea?10:56
bazhang#ubuntu-server White_Cat10:57
jacobianDoes gchat in firefox randomly reorder capital letters for you when you type them?10:59
White_Catbazhang no response there11:00
bongmaim learning my way around the command line but it does not copy a file to the directory. what am i doing wrong??11:01
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~$ cd Desktop/11:01
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop$ cp newfile foo - This is good as it created a new file foo.11:01
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop$ cp newfile /newdirectory11:01
bongmacp: cannot create regular file ‘/newdirectory’: Permission denied11:01
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo cp newfile /newdirectory11:01
somsipbongma: users can't usually write to /. Did you mean to create in ~/newdirectory ?11:01
k1lbongma: does /newdirectory exist? and got your user write permissions there?11:03
bongmasomsip: im the only user and i meant to copy a file to the newdirectory on Desktop.11:06
Squall5668bongma: you are actually trying to copy a file in 'newdirectory' on / though and not the desktop11:06
Squall5668try '~/Desktop/newdirectory' instead11:07
k1lbongma: just use "newdirectory/" without the first /11:07
bongmak1l: yes it exists. how do i know my permissions?11:07
Squall5668k1l: that still wouldn't be the desktop, he's in ~11:07
k1lSquall5668: it is11:08
Squall5668k1l: you are right, he is. I'm blind...11:08
yuanchecking for xgettext... no11:09
yuanchecking for msgmerge... no11:09
yuanchecking for msgfmt... no11:09
yuanchecking for gmsgfmt... no11:09
yuanconfigure: error: GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool11:09
bongmaSquall5668: how do i get to the Desktop11:09
yuanchecking for xgettext... no11:10
yuanchecking for msgmerge... no11:10
yuanchecking for msgfmt... no11:10
yuanchecking for gmsgfmt... no11:10
yuanconfigure: error: GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool11:10
k1lyuan: see the readme what requirements that software got11:10
Squall5668bongma: k1l was right, you did cd Desktop, i just didn't see that. My bad. '/newdirectory' though, still means a newdiretory in the root. try 'newdirectory/' as k1l suggested11:11
Squall5668or cd to it11:11
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop/newdirectory$ sudo cp newfile newdirectory11:15
bongma[sudo] password for bong:11:15
bongmacp: cannot stat ‘newfile’: No such file or directory11:15
bongmabong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop/newdirectory$ sudo cp newfile newdirectory/11:15
bongmacp: cannot stat ‘newfile’: No such file or directory11:15
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rnzhi all11:16
rnzanybody use gsutils for google drive (not for google cloud storage)?11:17
Squall5668bongma: For now, stop using sudo as it's not needed. The 'newfile' is in a directory above the one you are in. So either copy it with the full path or '../newfile'. Try reading through guides such as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:17
idox_hey i instaled ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop samsung np300a5e and i cant get my laptop cam to work. how to fix that?11:26
tomodachiidox_: is it detected by lsusb?11:26
illizian@idox_ does it show in lsusb?11:27
idox_i wil send pastebin of lsusb11:27
tomodachiillizian: first11:27
tomodachiidox_: doit11:27
illiziantomodachi: :P11:27
bongmaSquall5668: so how would you do it if you were in bong@bong-desktop:~/Desktop$11:29
tomodachiidox_: doesnt look like there is any webcam there. what about lspci?11:29
k1lbongma: dont use sudo11:29
idox_tomodachi, one sec11:30
k1lbongma: does "ls -al" list your newfile?11:30
idox_tomodachi, http://pastebin.com/uhvatFy811:31
bongmaok thank you all.  cp newfile newdirectory did it.11:32
idox_tomodachi, is it maybe becouse i installed ubuntu i386 and i have x64 machine, but i didnt have x64 instalation11:32
tomodachiidox_: no that wouldnt do any differnece really11:33
tomodachiidox_: seems that the kernel doesnt detect any webcam at least11:33
tomodachiidox_: so i think that its basically not supported by  the kernel :(11:34
idox_tomodachi, then only solution will be to instal win in vbox and use it when i need it11:34
tomodachiidox_:  you could try instaling a more bleeding edge kernel and booting it, checking if there is support for it there11:34
tomodachiill give you a link to a site,11:34
tomodachiits quite harmless as you can uninstall the deb, or just boot the old kernel11:34
Squall5668idox_: if your cam is not detected by anything anywhere, I doubt it will be passed through to a vm11:35
tomodachiidox_:  what ubuntu release do you use currently?11:35
idox_14.04.1 lts11:35
tomodachiSquall5668: idox_  if the virtualization tech has pci pass through its possible, but probably just easier getting a external webcam really than trying to get that working11:36
tomodachiidox_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/11:36
Mackan90096Okay, I managed to get my corrupted hdd to show up using testdisk. What partion type is it? gparted says unallocated..11:36
idox_but i will go on arch, i just test laptop to se can the hardware is comatibale11:36
idox_its my new machine so its just test, i dont really like ubuntu it was just fast to install for test11:37
tomodachiidox_: if you dont care about lts perhaps 14.10 is more up to speed as well with driver support,. you could try it from a usb live boot11:37
tomodachiidox_: whatever distribution you choose , in your case the real importat factor is really the kernel11:37
tomodachithat its new enough to possibly contain a driver11:37
idox_i cant acces bios on this laptop by any way so i cant boot from usb, i have aalot of distros on USB but cant access bios :/11:38
idox_tomodachi, tnx man, i will check on web for some solutions11:38
tomodachiidox_: boot from cd then?11:39
tomodachigood luck!11:40
idox_yeah i will but first to decide what, and then to buy empty cd :D11:40
idox_long time i didnt use CDs11:40
fidel_idox_: why cant you access bios?11:41
idox_fidel_, i dont know i see alot of same issues on web about this model having problem whit bios11:41
White_CatI have this output11:43
fidel_idox_: lenovo?11:43
idox_samsung np300a5e11:43
White_CatI dont want to get multiple subgid and subuid definitions11:43
White_Cathow can I fix this?11:43
Squall5668idox_: sounds like that's an issue you should be looking at before you choose a distro. Still, try using F8 or your manufacturer's equivalent for selecting a boot device without accessing the bios screen. I'd still look into that if I were you though11:44
psiodrakehmmm ... cp cannot create regular file: No such file or directory ...11:47
idox_Squall5668, i am not pro user but i tried that, tried all buttons and nothing11:47
psiodrakejust trying to copy an example config file from where it is to where I want it to be11:47
hateballpsiodrake: Probably a matter of wrong permissions11:49
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psiodrakehateball I even tried with sudo :/11:49
hateballpsiodrake: Are you trying to cp a file to a directory/sub-directory that does not exist?11:49
psiodrakehateball, I'm trying copy from /Unreal3.2/doc to /Unreal3.211:50
hateballpsiodrake: I hope that's not the actual path11:50
psiodrakeit kinda is *cringe*11:50
psiodrakeI have no idea what I'm doing11:50
Squall5668psiodrake: please post your cp command. And I recommend not having the IRCd direcotry there...11:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:51
psiodrakeSquall5668: "sudo cp /Unreal3.2/doc/example.conf /Unreal3/example.conf11:52
tonyyarussoYeah.....creating top level directories is a terrible idea.11:52
Squall5668psiodrake: you forgot '.2' in the destination.11:52
psiodrakewhere should I put the IRCd though?11:52
Squall5668psiodrake: try autocompleting commands with tab. It helps a lot11:52
psiodrakeSquall5668: forgot '.2' ?11:52
Squall5668psiodrake: yup. re-read the destination of your cp command11:53
rturHi guys, how can I disable update-notifier  ? It is called on every login on my bananpi and takes ages until the login is complete11:53
psiodrakeSquall5668: oh right, that was just a typo... dunno how to copy/paste11:54
tonyyarussopsiodrake: Custom software should go in /usr/local or /opt11:54
psiodraketonyyarusso: since I've already configured and done a make, can I just copy it over?11:54
psiodrakewell... move it anyway11:54
rturssh login, not gui. And it isn't in my bash.rc/profile where from is it called ?11:55
tonyyarussopsiodrake: Depends on how they wrote the scripts, but I'd clean, move it, and then configure and make again.11:55
psiodrake*grumbles* oh well11:56
Squall5668psiodrake: other than that typo, the command seems fine. To make sure you type everything correctly, try navigating in the doc/ and making sure the file is there11:56
spliffyhello fellows. how can i see if an upgrade of a package triggers a daemon restart? in my current case mysql-common. Will it restart my server, or can i upgrade it seamlessly?11:57
psiodrakewhy can't I tar zxvf the tarball unless I'm in the same folder as it?11:57
psiodrake"tar zxvf /Downloads/Unreal3.2.9.tar.gz /usr/local" doesn't work11:58
psiodrakesays no such file or directory11:58
k1lpsiodrake: you dont have write permissions there?11:58
spliffypsiodrake: you are trying to extract /usr/local from the archive11:58
spliffybut it isn't in the archive11:58
psiodrakespliffy: I'm trying to extract the tarball to /usr/local11:58
spliffypsiodrake: but that isn't what this command will do11:59
psiodrakeman tar11:59
psiodrakedammit wrong tab11:59
spliffythe pathname at the end refers to a path in the archive11:59
simosxpsiodrake, there is a parameter to indicate where to untar into.11:59
simosxpsiodrake, I think the '-C' (but verify)12:00
psiodrake-C, --directory DIR change to directory DIR12:00
Squall5668spliffy: There is usually a 'postinst' file that handles that in a deb. I seriously doubt that mysql-common will do that, but you can check12:01
_zoom_is there any generic scanner driver, my scanner is brother 700d12:06
spliffySquall5668: thank you. i think you're right. this packages doesn't have a postinst file, so i guess it wont restart the server.12:06
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psiodrakewhat's the diff between having Unreal in / and having it in /usr/local?12:07
tomodachipsiodrake: programs that you have under /usr/local . indicate that they do not come with the distribution but are compiled / installed by you manually12:07
tomodachiwich is good for separation,  so an update doesnt happen to overwrite a parallell "local" installation you have made yourself12:08
kubblaihi i have a ubuntu server running trusty - ntpq -nc peers shows a different entry to the ntp.conf is ntpd getting the time from this server or the server in my ntp.conf ?12:08
psiodraketomodachi: so when I sudo apt-get install something where does it put that12:09
Squall5668spliffy: it's not 'in' the deb package. You should read up on the pack process. And more importantly, set up a test server12:09
desperate_joeubuntu 14, dual boot win 7 laptop hp pavilion, my homenetwork in win works ok, in ubuntu ALL internet programs are experiencing a way to slow to be normal conection12:10
tomodachidesperate_joe: are you connecting over wifi?12:11
tomodachiit sounds like a wifi driver issue then12:11
psiodrakemv example.conf unreal.conf12:11
spliffySquall5668: really? how do mean it - not in the deb? i think i remember having seen such file in a deb.12:11
desperate_joeboth in win and ubuntu12:11
psiodrake... I did it again? Really?12:11
tomodachidesperate_joe: but in win the speed is acceptable right?12:11
desperate_joein win the speed is ok comparing to my providerpackage12:12
tomodachidesperate_joe: sometimes wifi power management can have performance issues in linux12:12
tomodachitry turning it off for the wifi driver12:12
tomodachidesperate_joe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/85214/how-can-i-prevent-iwconfig-power-management-from-being-turned-on12:13
Mackan90096Guess I won't be getting those files back :(12:13
tomodachiif this does not help , perhaps its better to try to install a newer driver. But start with this , since its easier12:13
simosxdesperate_joe, another potential issue would be problems with the DNS resolutions when ipv6 is involved. Once you work out the power management of WiFi, do a google search to see if other Ubuntu users have such issues with your Internet provider (or branch of router), or WiFi card.12:15
desperate_joestill loading the page!12:15
tomodachidesperate_joe:  sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off12:15
tomodachithe page describes how to do it permanently12:15
Mackan90096Fuck it.12:18
Mackan90096I'll just format the drive12:18
desperate_joei get this message: "no talloc stackframe at .../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory12:19
Mackan90096Without getting my files back :(12:19
White_Catwhat command would tell me where the content is being written12:19
k1ldesperate_joe: running samba?12:19
White_CatI attempted to mount a drive to a directory12:19
White_Catand I want to verify stuff will be written to the correct drive12:19
k1lMackan90096: if the drive is gone its gone, hardware wise. but see the errors when mounting to see what the error is12:20
desperate_joei'm an absolute noob... i have no idea what that means12:20
desperate_joewhat is samba?12:20
cfhowlett!samba | desperate_joe12:20
ubottudesperate_joe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html12:20
desperate_joei'm kin brazil, but the samba has passed already, it was the last few days only ;)12:20
k1ldesperate_joe: its the network file change thingy from windows12:20
desperate_joeand what does it? i am running a dual boot... is that what it means?12:21
k1l!samba | desperate_joe12:21
ubottudesperate_joe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html12:21
k1lsee if you are running it. that error indicates its a known error with it12:22
desperate_joe??? how do i see if i am running an unknown program?12:22
k1lps -ef |grep smb12:23
desperate_joe@k1l: is that meant for me?12:23
k1lsince you asked how to see if samba is running12:24
desperate_joeok, but i was not sure, maybe you were helping other people as well.... better safe etc12:25
BluesKajHowdy all12:25
k1lMackan90096: i see you now again asking without giving informations. no one can help you that way12:26
desperate_joeif iam running samba, what does it have to tell?  root 606 1 0 08:56 ? 00:00:00: smbd -F12:26
Mackan90096I can't mount this drive. Ubuntu only throws Read Errors at me. How do I fix it?12:26
k1ldesperate_joe: that means samba is running12:26
k1ldesperate_joe: sudo apt-get remove libpam-smbpass12:26
k1lthat should remove that error12:26
Mackan90096I'll do anything to get some files back from it.12:27
White_CatEriC^^ around?12:27
desperate_joeok, it removed libllvm3.4:i386 and some tohers12:28
White_CatHow can I check what partition a specific directory is bound to?12:28
desperate_joeby the way: it still is loading the links about samba that you have sent ... giving some timeouts12:28
k1lMackan90096: what errors exactly? if there are a lot error it can be some hardware failure and you cant do anything at all12:29
nichlasWhite_Cat: by running df12:29
nichlasit will show you all your mounts12:29
White_CatI am confused then12:29
Mackan90096I have no idea k1l12:29
White_Catit is mounted to both?12:29
k1l!paste | Mackan9009612:29
ubottuMackan90096: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:29
desperate_joe@k1l: i have done the ps -ef etc again, but is is giving exactly the same answer asbefore i did the remove thing... i thought i removed it?12:29
k1lMackan90096: how should one help you if he has to guess all the time what is going on form reading your ramblings?12:30
nichlasWhite_Cat: you have a partition mounted twice?12:30
Mackan90096no idea.12:31
k1ldesperate_joe: no. it just removed the part that was making the error message due to a bug12:31
White_CatI want /dev/sdb1 to be mounted as /backup/disk112:31
k1lMackan90096: ok. i give up. if you dont want to give any informations and exact errormessages no one can ever help you. so stop to ask anyway12:31
desperate_joeso, what to do next? the sudo iwconfig line?12:31
nichlasWhite_Cat: it looks like it is already12:31
White_Catwhy do I see dev/sda2 on that pastebin?12:31
Mackan90096k1l, I'm working on it. chill12:32
White_Cator is that the root directory?12:32
nichlasWhite_Cat: sha2 is mounted as root12:32
torrentehi, who can help me?12:32
nichlasWhite_Cat: so, everything else12:32
White_CatI see it lists everything12:32
k1lMackan90096: you already demotivated me since i asked several times for informations to help you but i just got ramblings. so good luck, maybe others will help if you give actual informations12:33
cfhowlett!ask | torrente,12:33
ubottutorrente,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:33
White_Catnichlas so i am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Automatic_Mount_At_Boot12:34
psiodrakeseems I've just got unrealircd working12:34
Mackan90096k1l, I'm working on getting a image for you.12:34
White_CatI added /dev/sdb1    /backup/disk1   ext3    defaults     0        212:34
psiodrakenow to try install services lol12:34
psiodrakeand then maybe a lamp stack12:34
desperate_joe@k1l what to do now? use the "sudo iwconfig" line again?12:34
Mackan90096k1l, http://imgur.com/Utxhwql12:34
White_Catdo i need to do anything else for auto mount?12:35
nichlasWhite_Cat: that sounds right. If you want to test it before you reboot, you can unmount the current one and run "mount -a"12:35
k1ldesperate_joe: i dont know what your other issue is. see what wifi card you got and what driver it uses and if there are known issues12:35
nichlasWhite_Cat: better to get the error now than during boot :)12:35
bongmawhy does ifconfig tell me a different ip address than the one im on?12:35
desperate_joedon't understand what you mean: i deleted the thing you said, but my internet is still dragging on, that's the issue... so how to continue from the point that you asked me to delete?12:36
Mackan90096Gonna format it.12:36
nichlasbongma: what does it show? which one are you on?12:37
nichlasbongma: just write part of the address12:37
k1ldesperate_joe: you gave a error "<desperate_joe> i get this message: "no talloc stackframe at .../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory"   that is what i saw and helped you remove that error12:37
desperate_joe@k1l for your info, the links about samba that you gave me (a while ago) still don't open because of too slow a speed12:38
desperate_joe@k1l i thought you where helping me with the slow internet thing12:38
k1ldesperate_joe: close the links. we are done with that error already12:38
desperate_joebut ok, so if you were helping me with one thing, is there anybody who can help me with my deadbeat internetspeed?12:39
k1ldesperate_joe: your slow internet issue could be a wrong /bad wifi driver or a bad netowrk setting (from your isp). but i am not too much into networking. maybe others will help if you explain again what exactly you use, got hardwarewise and what the errors are12:40
bongmanichlas: i mean its different what whatsmyip.org shows.12:40
desperate_joei did "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off", but there is no improvement in my connection: browser is still slow like ..12:43
nichlasbongma: sure, whatismyip will show you the external IP, and ifconfig will show you the internal12:43
bongmanichlas: whats the difference between the two??12:44
torrentewho can help me?12:44
nichlasbonma: you can have many internal IPs on your network, but your ISP will only give you one external IP to share.12:45
illizianwith what @torrente ?12:45
torrentein the last cd of ubuntu12:45
torrentedoes have Transmission embedded?12:45
torrenteor i have to download ?12:45
nichlasbongma: if you need to serve traffic from your computer to the internet, you will have to look into "port forwarding" in your router.12:46
illizian@torrente I believe transmission is installe12:46
ROKO__hey anybody here?12:47
bongmanichlas: ok. thanks12:48
desperate_joeplease, anybody shed some light on my slow internet pls?12:51
wamHi, what do I have to do to get the kernel config option CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH enabled in the coming ubuntu kernels? Is there an issue tracker for ubuntu kernels=12:51
bongmadesperate_joe: call ur isp. they might be able to help u with that.12:53
bongmaur internet service provider.12:54
desperate_joeinternet service provider? if you meant that, it is not my homenetwork that is the problem: the same network gives ok speed in win7 on this dualboot12:55
desperate_joeand even so, they do not provide help with ubuntu12:55
leo123Hi, I would like to take a screenshot of another computer and user. The user is using the Gnome and I am connected with ssh in his machine. Is it possible?12:56
White_Catnichlas it is telling me that it is in use12:57
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bongmadesperate_joe:  aaaaahh ok there are guys who are into network stuff here. maybe can they can help. guys, where are you?12:59
Ben64leo123: "DISPLAY=:0 gnome-screenshot" ....maybe12:59
BTDherohi, anybody here?13:00
BTDheroI  would gladly accept some help regarding my pariions13:00
BTDheroI  would gladly accept some help regarding my partitions*13:01
leo123Ben64, thx, could you explain more details about it?13:01
Ben64leo123: gnome-screenshot is a program that takes screenshots, usually runs when you hit "print screen"13:01
leo123Ben64, ok, but how can I use the gnome-screenshot logged in a ssh session?13:02
Ben64leo123: i already told you13:03
hateball!ask | BTDhero13:03
ubottuBTDhero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:03
BTDherowhen  I installed ubuntu on my PC, a long time ago, i set one 100GB partition as swap space. can I format and use it as ntfs now ?13:05
hateballBTDhero: Sure13:06
leo123Ben64, I got this messagem trying that "(gnome-screenshot:13303): WARNING **: Unable to use GNOME Shell's builtin screenshot interface, resorting to fallback X11. Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.Shell was not provided by any .service files"13:06
hateball!gparted | BTDhero13:06
ubottuBTDhero: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:06
shr3kHey guys, sorry bit of a newbie unfortunately, I know my way around linux but stuck at the moment, I have a dedicated server with 2 x 3000tb drives and wan't to assign as much ass possible to home directory to store backups and media, eventually have plex, can't seam to find commands on line!  Any pointers appreciated13:06
hateballBTDhero: Be sure that you know what you're doing when messing about with partitions tho13:06
Ben64leo123: are you logged in as the user you want to screenshot13:07
leo123Ben64, yes13:08
Ben64then i'm not sure why it's not working13:08
BTDherohateball: I installed gparted and identified the right partition to modify. Is it ok to right click on it and select 'swapoff' option?13:08
Ben64BTDhero: how much ram do you have13:08
leo123Ben64, sorry, not, I am logged as root, and I want to get a screenshot from another user13:08
hateballBTDhero: It should be for resizing purposes. But you most likely have it in your /etc/fstab, so you need to adjust that accordingly to any changes you make13:09
Ben64leo123: then you can probably ignore that and it still works13:10
BTDheroBen64: 2GB DDR213:10
hateballBTDhero: That is, if you format to something else, your computer will still try to swapon a partition that is no longer there. That's not so good.13:10
Ben64BTDhero: i'd really recommend not taking swap away then, that is pretty low13:10
hateballI agree with this ^13:10
hateballIf you afforded 100GB previously you can most likely afford 2-4GB now13:11
BTDherothis HDD is partitioned: 30 GB for Ubuntu, 100GB for important data and 100 GB for swap. Should I use my other HDD instead? 500 GB13:11
Ben64100GB for swap is quite excessive, 4GB would be good, like hateball said13:12
BTDheroso  if i simply resize mi  swap space for 4 GB and use the rest as NTFS would be ok ?13:13
Ben64yeah, but not sure if you can resize swap, you can definitely delete it and create a new one though13:13
BTDherousing gparted?13:13
hateballYou can resize a partition as long as it's not swapon'd13:14
hateballOnce you swapon /dev/whatever it'll just use whatever size it can13:14
jessemuffinGood morning! Quick Question, when my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is idling (with nothing open but htop) it is using 1300 mb of ram. Is this normal? If I log out then log back in it goes down to about 500 to 600 mb of ram. At the moment it has 8 instances of Compiz running in htop.13:14
Ben64jessemuffin: pastebin the output of "free -m"13:15
=== Guest21838 is now known as hxm
jessemuffin             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:16
jessemuffinMem:          7686       4580       3106         46        244       309213:16
jessemuffin-/+ buffers/cache:       1243       644313:16
jessemuffinSwap:         3298          0       329813:16
jadesoturihi guys..13:16
exhumaHi, I think I have borked my NetworkManager (Kubuntu 12.04). When I try to restart it, it says: "Unknown job: network-manager". I've tried a dpkg-reconfigure, and even an "aptitude reinstall". No luck. Any ideas?13:16
hxmhello, i want to create a netboot USB installer of a ubuntu server for ARMv7 - i am in this page http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/arm and i see a vmlinuz file and initrd.gz files, i am on mac, can i still do that?13:16
jadesoturii created a new LVM pv and vg, but when trying to mount it to /mnt/var (as i am moving my /var to the new lvm) i cant mount the newly created lvm..13:17
Ben64jessemuffin: doesn't seem too bad really, compiz isn't known for being lightweight13:17
jessemuffinBut the problem resolves if I log out and log in?13:17
Marvinnick MarvinMicek13:17
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jadesoturigives unknown ilesystem type 'LVM2_member'13:17
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Ben64jessemuffin: is it really a "problem"13:17
exhumajadesoturi: You are talking about only a PV and VG. You also need to create a LV!13:17
jadesoturiexhuma, that to is created.13:18
exhumajadesoturi: -> lvcreate13:18
jessemuffinNot really, I'm just being picky, I was just making sure there wasn't an underlying issue.13:18
exhumajadesoturi: does it show up in /dev/mapper/<vgname> ?13:18
jadesoturihang on. but i think so..13:18
jadesoturiits there.13:19
jadesoturii also formated it with ext413:19
exhumajadesoturi: have you formatted it? mkfs13:19
exhumajadesoturi: ah...13:19
jessemuffinThanks ben64! :)13:19
jadesoturiexhuma,  when trying to mount it with : mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/var i get : Allready mounted or /mnt/var busy..13:20
jadesoturibut neither /etc/mtab nor blkid shows anything mounted there.13:20
exhumajadesoturi: to me, the error message hints at something with your FS (the formatting step). But I'm not 100% sure13:20
jadesoturihm ok i can reformat it again if you thing it willhelp?13:21
tomodachiexhuma:  jadesoturi  dont think so13:21
tomodachiit seems to be mounted already so its warning that its being in use13:21
tomodachitype mount13:21
tomodachiour even mount |grep /dev/sdb113:22
hateballI'm not sure how /dev/sdb1 would be mountable if you've created a LV13:22
tomodachito see if it actually is mounted13:22
hateballIt... would be in /dev/mapper as someone already said13:22
jadesoturiblkid -c /dev/null -o list shows that dev/sdb1 is (in use) while /dev/mapper/vgvar-var (not mounted)13:22
tomodachithere wouldnt be a sdb1 if it was a pv at all I guess?13:22
jadesoturiok. so should try to: mount /dev/mapper/vgvar-var /mnt/var instead?13:23
exhumajadesoturi: a simple call to "mount" shows everything which is currently mounted. If it is indeed mounted, the LV-name should show up in there.13:23
jadesoturiexhuma,  its not there..13:24
jadesoturimount /dev/mapper/vgvar-var /mnt/var worked..13:24
hateballtomodachi: You would still have /dev/sdX, but fdisk -l should show it as LVM and not ext4 or some such13:24
jadesoturinow to move all the stuff :)13:24
exhumajadesoturi: as a sidenote: "mount /dev/vgvar/var" should be identical to "mount /dev/mapper/vgvar-var". They are symlinked IIRC.13:24
jadesoturiexhuma, ok thx:)13:25
hvoidjadesoturi: hello, what kind of device are you mounting13:25
exhumajadesoturi: out of curiosity, what was the exact command that you used which failed?13:25
jadesoturimount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/var - following a guide on the net for setting up LVM13:26
b-phi, help me pls. how can i set to not log 'sql plugin' lines to auth.log: http://pastebin.com/KiktwCJ613:26
jadesoturihvoid, its a esxi virtualdrive for the virtual server im working on rightnow.13:27
exhumajadesoturi: well, that command is incorrect ;) With that command, you are accessing the raw device, which is a member of a physical group. There's no partition table on there.13:27
jadesoturiexhuma, yeah.understood that... the guide was wrong.. thanks for thehelp guys!13:28
exhumajadesoturi: you should also be able to use "/dev/vgvar/var" instead of "/dev/mapper/vgvar-var". But that's only a cosmetic thing.13:28
exhumajadesoturi: glad to be of service ;)13:28
jadesoturiok. ill stick with the mapper, since that is whats usedin the fstab :)13:30
jadesoturithe normal user run level is 5, right?13:31
exhumajadesoturi: I actually don't remember... :) It's been too long since I messed around with runlevels.13:34
Ben64jadesoturi: runlevels don't really do anything anymore, except for 0,1, and 613:34
jadesoturihehe ok.i change to init1 to make sure there was no writing etc to the var while moving it..13:35
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NEI4U2Khi, i was looking to change splash screen. and installed plymouth manager deb through software center. but it somehow doesn't work. so i tried to uninstall using software center. but it only has reinstall option. so i opened terminal and typed sudo apt-get remove plymouth. but it seems that it's gonna remove quite a lot of stuff. So, I want to know if plymouth is some kind of essential software in ubuntu.13:41
iamganeshWhich wireless receiver do you use in Ubuntu that works very well for you without having to go through those tweaks and edit config hassles to set it for optimum performance? Thought I'd get one that works already well. Thanks!13:41
BTDheroif I decide to reinstall linux in order to rearrange my partitions, how much space should I set on the ubuntu partition? currently it's 30GB and it has only 5 GB free13:42
oslo2015Anyone know why Eclipse only is version 3.8 in the Lubuntu Software Center?13:42
hateballiamganesh: I have Intel 6325 and Intel 726013:42
hateballiamganesh: and the Broadcom BCM43228 I have in this laptop is OK too. As long as it's not Realtek I tend to be happy.13:43
iamganeshhateball: are they on your laptop already or external?13:43
hateballiamganesh: the 7260 is in a desktop I have, the others in laptops13:43
b-phelp me pls. how can i set to not log 'sql plugin' lines to auth.log: http://pastebin.com/KiktwCJ613:43
captaineBombermaanyone who uses kali ?13:43
iamganeshhateball: thanks, and yes,  Realtek seems to have bad relationship with Ubuntu.13:44
hateballiamganesh: Some of them you can get working, I just don't find it worth the trouble and anger when Intel chipsets arent that expensive13:45
BTDheroif I decide to reinstall linux in order to rearrange my partitions, how much space should I set on the ubuntu partition? currently it's 30GB and it has only 5 GB free left13:48
shr3kHey guys, having irc issues so not sure if post came through. I have added a new 3tb drive to my ubuntu server, and wandering if I can extend my current home partition to include this space despite it being a seperate physical drive13:49
OerHeksBTDhero, as much as you can use13:54
hateballshr3k: No. You could backup your data and pool new/old disks together using LVM tho, and restore data to that13:54
shr3kOk so adding a new drive it would be best to create a new partition and then use that for say Media and the original for the backups or vice versa, so split the data?13:55
BTDheroOerHeks: well, i can use at most 250 GB, but I would like to keep my data on a separate partition in NTFS in order to be accesible for my other OS. how much would be just fine?13:57
OerHeksBTDhero, really, that is up to you.13:57
OerHeksIf i said 100 gb, and you run out of space, i feel bad.13:58
BTDheroIs it enough for now to use a 30GB partition for ubuntu only ?13:59
iamganeshIf I have a dual boot Ubuntu and Windows PC, and I delete the Ubuntu partition completely from Windows Disk Management, then at the next restart the boot screen shows "grub rescue >>>  " and I'm not able to log into Windows either. I know buying Windows  again and booting would work, but any solution?13:59
OerHeksBTDhero, so if you choose 30 again, and reinstall all, you would have 5 left again...14:01
iamganeshnarindergupta: asalaam waleikum bhaijaan.14:03
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz
iceboltCan I ask sombody for help?14:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:06
iceboltI have problem with squirrelmail and courier-imap server (on Debian) (I know it's not Ubuntu, but maybe the server is well known)14:07
iceboltMy problem is14:07
OerHeksjoin #debian then for support?314:07
iceboltDon'tyou know courier-imap?14:08
White_Cathmm I am strugling with the configuration of rsnapshot14:08
White_CatI want to backup everything except a specific directory14:09
White_Catand I want to backup to that directory14:09
OerHeksicebolt, ubuntu = !debian, we handle user/root account differently. unless you want us to wreck your system with wrong answers, join Debian please.14:10
iceboltI will go Debian14:10
neurei installed ubuntu 14.10, how do i change font size of Qt programs?14:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:12
neurefor who was that at?14:13
neurei already asked my question14:13
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest86373
KC9YDNOerHeks: how does ubuntu handle user and root accounts differently?14:13
OerHeksKC9YDN, we have no root account, first account created during install has root priv.14:14
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:14
OerHeksWhite_Cat, i was just reading this, include list and exclude list > http://how-to.linuxcareer.com/guide-to-rsnapshot-and-incremental-backups-on-linux14:15
KC9YDNOerHeks: that's not really an issue being that you can sudo -i14:17
KC9YDNand `passwd`14:17
adacGuys, I cannot choose a printer with acroread14:18
adacany ideas?14:18
=== jarr0dsz is now known as jorridax
smokejohnhello guys. I want to discuss if it is possible to install ubuntu directly from the hdd14:33
smokejohnThe hdd is unformated. I want to find out if I can load the installer on the hdd and make a laptop I got boot from that hdd and then continue on an installation14:34
smokejohnAll this is done because the cd reader of the laptop is dead. So is my spare external cd reader. And on top of all this the laptop does not support usb booting14:35
psiodrakeugh my client wants me to stay with my contractor rather than let the contractor bow out of the project14:35
pattehi'm trying to run a program with a libconfig++9 dependency, but apt-cache search only shows libconfig++8 as available14:35
psiodrakethe contractor is ~6months behind deadline so I really don't get it14:35
pattehis there any official repo with v9?14:35
dsg_hey, guys. I have a Compaq Presario CQ61 running Ubuntu 14.04. My fan will NOT shut up, and my processor cores are only running at about 20% each. please help14:36
pattehdsg_ did the fans always make noise?14:37
pattehor only since ubuntu install14:37
dsg_@patteh no, only since Ubuntu14:37
psiodrakedsg_: what are the odds I'd have the exact same laptop sitting next to me on my desk haha14:37
hateballdsg_: Does it have an nvidia gpu?14:37
dsg_@psiodrake I'm in luck, maybe!14:37
dsg_@hateball it has an AMD GPU14:38
hateballI don't know anything about AMD, but a guess would be that it's the same as nvidia and requires a restricted driver to do fancontrol properly14:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:38
psiodrakedsg_: I wouldn't count on me for help... I know nothing about linux14:40
dsg_hateball: my GPU is a Radeon HD 4225, the list of supported GPUs lists the 420014:42
dsg_is that the 4200 series, or just the 4200 GPU itself?14:42
iLabsHello everybody14:42
hateballdsg_: Like I said, I know nothing about AMD. Have a in the extra drivers installer, if you can enable the fglrx driver14:43
hateballa look*14:43
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.14:43
dsg_hateball: there are no proprietary drivers that show up available for me to install. what is the fglrx driver, and how do I go about installing it?14:45
dudebrohey guys14:46
dudebroim trying to add a custom startup script to my xfce session but can't get it to run14:46
el3Hi guys, I have a problem. I deleted my /boot directory, and cannot boot. I tried copy the boot directory over from another ubuntu machine, but that didnt work. I got into the menu where I choose ubuntu or windows, but it boots to windows when I choose ubuntu14:46
dudebroi can run the script fine from the terminal and it works14:46
dudebrobut when i add it to the session manager nothing happens14:47
OerHeksdsg_, see !ati > that ati 4xxx is not supported by the prop drivers anymore :-(14:47
fffaxIf UID matches, PROC is a direct child and ptrace_scope = 1 (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/security/Yama.txt), what could be the reason for "Operation not permitted", when I try to attach to PROC?14:48
dsg_0erHeks: so should I install the last available driver (released in January 2013)?14:48
dudebrois there a better way to add a startup script in xfce?14:48
OerHeksdsg_, same answer, it will not support those old 2xxx 3xxx 4xxx cards AFAIK14:48
OerHeksnot with current xorg14:49
dsg_0erHeks: Crap. how can I be sure that the problem is the GPU? or could that be the only culprit? CPU temp is at 94C14:49
hateballdsg_: I'm not saying it *is* the GPU fan, but if the CPU isnt working too hard that shouldnt be the culprit14:49
trijntjeel3: yeah, that wont work, I'd suggest just installing again, after you make a backup of all important data14:50
hateballif you have the means you could open it up and have a look14:50
dsg_hateball: what would I be looking for? dust?14:50
dudebrowould it help if i posted the contents of the script?14:50
hateballdsg_: Well, that's one thing. I was more thinking carefully stopping the fan using your finger or such, see if the noise goes away14:51
iLabsHow I can add indicator sensors-applet to indicator's panel on Ubuntu Unity?14:51
hateballdsg_: CPU temp at 94C seems rather high14:51
dsg_hateball: when I type sensors in the terminal, I get --  http://pastebin.com/C4nHrKVx14:53
iLabsGuest93308: Хахах. Что случилось?14:54
hateballdsg_: Sure, could just as well be your GPUs core temp unless you're certain it reads the correct sensor14:54
Guest93308не туда запостил)))14:54
hateballdsg_: In most modern BIOS you can see CPU temps, so a quick reboot and look there should show also14:54
iLabshateball: How I can add indicator sensors-applet to indicator's panel on Ubuntu Unity?14:54
hateballiLabs: No idea14:54
iLabsGuest93308: ))14:55
el3trijntje: I found this. If I got a live usb I can do sudo grub-install /dev/sda14:55
dsg_hateball: I'll go look. brb14:55
dsg_also, thanks14:55
iLabsiLabs: You know change timeout on grub?14:55
=== PeppoTux is now known as Peppo`aW
MusicJunkieK1hateball: I'm back. couldn't find anything in BIOS15:01
trijntjeel3: that depends on how you 'deleted' your boot partition, but you can always give it a try after you make a backup of all important data15:01
MusicJunkieK1(it's dsg_, by the way)15:01
trijntjeel3: I just think it would be faster to reinstall15:01
SumitabhaI'm running Xubuntu 14.04 and my PC keeps freezing15:02
SumitabhaIt's loading everything really slow15:02
SumitabhaIt's so bad, I had to boot up a live CD15:02
SumitabhaI thought there was a way to use the live CD to run a diagnostic test15:03
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=== Dark_Matt3r is now known as crimson83
Pinkamena_DIs there any way to get $(id -u) to reflect the specified user when using sudo -u <other_user> ?15:05
Pinkamena_Dfor example, sudo -u echo $(id -u) will always be 1000 for me15:06
Sumitabhacould you help me?15:12
fidel_!ask | Sumitabha15:12
ubottuSumitabha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:12
mjohnson15good morning, has anybody upgraded the base-files package? linux-mint says it's high-risk so i'm hesitant to pull the trigger15:13
SumitabhaCan I use my Xubuntu live Cd to run a diagnostic test?15:13
OerHeksmjohnson15, sure, but we don't support mint, they have their own issues.15:15
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:15
Guest93308минт говно убунту рулит))))15:16
somsip!ru | Guest9330815:17
ubottuGuest93308: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:17
mjohnson15thank you15:17
ChanitoHey, i am looking for advice regarding installation of Gnome 3.14 on Ubuntu-Gnome 14.10.. Is it stable and working? And how can i install it without adding testing ppa's.. Thanks15:17
lucas__I need help to disable Xorg Xserver driver, in order to install the nvidia, when I install the nvidia it gives error to be running this Xorg15:18
OerHeksChanito, 3.14 is still in progress, not installable without ppa and not recommended, wait for 15.04 vivid15:18
prashant_123456hello to all amazing people at ubuntu15:21
Ackishmmm - can you integrate shellcheck with nano at all?15:22
simosxhi prashant_123456!15:22
White_CatEriC^^ back?15:23
thehebswhat is ~/.cache/upstart?15:27
thehebsi somehow ran out of space and i hit examine and its saying that folder is using 49 gigs15:27
thehebsgnome-session-unity.log is the one that is 48.7 gigs15:28
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Chanito0erHeks: Thank you15:33
Chanito<OerHeks> Thank you15:33
kalletraHi, I'm trying to update libssl1.0.0 to something higher than 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.21 ... I'm running ubuntu 12.04 on azure, and we are vulnerable to CVE-2014-0224... It just doesn't work.. it searches through security.ubuntu.com, but it can't find any newer version..15:35
ubottuOpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injec... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0224)15:35
simosxkalletra, try 'apt-cache policy libssl1.0.0' and 'apt-cache policy libssl0.9.8' to see what's there.15:36
kalletraI just saw that version 5.14 is what I need, but git 5.21.. it looked like .12 ... :-/15:37
kalletrawill restart all services and do the security scan again...15:37
somsip!info libssl precise15:38
Picikalletra: You may want to look at the changelogs that we are shipping, 5.21 is patched against that CVE https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/openssl/+changelog15:38
ubottuPackage libssl does not exist in precise15:38
simosx!info libssl0.9.8 precise15:38
ubottulibssl0.9.8 (source: openssl098): SSL shared libraries. In component universe, is important. Version 0.9.8o-7ubuntu3.2 (precise), package size 851 kB, installed size 2221 kB15:38
kalletrayes, I need to use "libssl1.0.0" instead of 0.9.815:38
simosx!info libssl1.0.0 precise15:38
ubottulibssl1.0.0 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.21 (precise), package size 987 kB, installed size 2690 kB15:38
Fire^foxhi i have problem with optimus nvidia card15:39
Fire^foxubuntu 14.10 asus x53s nvidia driver 3.4315:39
simosxkalletra, type those commands I put earlier and post the output on pastebin.ubuntu.com. Finally, give the URL here. It helps to know what's installed.15:39
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Fire^foxin the last update seems the screen is not working15:40
=== Vyom2 is now known as Vyom
kalletrasimosx: http://pastebin.com/FX5D1MHW15:47
simosx!info libssl1.0.0 precise15:48
ubottulibssl1.0.0 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.21 (precise), package size 987 kB, installed size 2690 kB15:48
kalletraok, then it should be fine...15:49
simosxkalletra, according to ubotu, you got the latest version. Did you try a test program that shows you are vulnerable to CVE-2014-0224?15:49
ubottuOpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injec... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0224)15:49
kalletrasimosx: but qualys.com says that it is still vulnerable..15:49
simosxkalletra, Qualys is reading the SSL lib version, which while it's 1.0.1, is patched.15:51
kalletrasimosx: ok, so it's impossible to pass their test if I'm running 1.0.1...15:51
whatisclubwhich distribution of linux os have you found best fit to crack WPA-2 networks?15:54
simosxkalletra, I am not sure how they check. For that bug, I think it's invasive to actually try it out so to be 100% sure.15:54
simosxwhatisclub, it does not depend much on the distribution but on the app to use.15:55
whatisclubwhat club music is recommended,house/techno, when installing ubuntus newest distribution and going back to linux....wiping new hd, jamming out to club?15:56
k1lwhatisclub: go and troll somewhere else please.15:57
=== vegetablesalad19 is now known as vegetablesalad-a
=== vegetablesalad-a is now known as vegetable-afk
whatisclubhow is that trolling you lb?15:57
Agent_09BOOM heheh15:58
* simosx wonders why the troll did not engage to my WPA answer...16:01
Agent_09about to insall ubuntu on asus UX31E zenbook - looks like everything is going to work out well on it - anyone have any issues with it?16:03
roshanavandHi, what's the best way to calculate a route? for example I want to summarize the route for networks,, and
mazzyI have an host and it has two NICs. the first one in the network 10.0.2.x/24 the second one in the 192.168.33.x/2416:08
mazzywhen I try to configure the second after having configured the first one I got an error because I'm try to assign a gateway16:08
mazzyI don't understand why I get this error. I mean they are two different NICs16:09
alenhi ,i need a bash script which can disable net connection in first and enable net connection on 02:00 and next run two commands.how to write it?16:09
mazzyand they work in two separate networks16:09
raubHow can i get the key out of a .p12 file? openssl pkcs12 -in pickles.p12 -nocerts -out the.key does not seem to work16:09
jfmcarreirahey guys16:10
jfmcarreiracan anyone point me out for the best way to automate package builds16:10
AegNuddelI was trying to install the alternate madwifi drivers as my wireless kept disconnecting, but I need to get them back.  How do I remove something from the blacklist?16:13
AegNuddelI tried gksudo /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but nothing showed up\16:17
k1lAegNuddel: because you didnt run a program. you just gave sudo rights to a filepath16:18
KlausedSourceAegNuddel, you should try using a texteditor (as in "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf") and edit the corresponding lines16:19
=== deus_ is now known as DeusExMachinae
jfmcarreiraheyy guys16:19
jfmcarreirawhich is the alternative to bzr to build packages16:19
somsipjfmcarreira: bzr is a version control system. What are you trying to achieve?16:23
=== med_` is now known as medberry
jfmcarreirasomsip:  http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html16:24
=== medberry is now known as medberry2
somsipjfmcarreira: that's a link. It doesn't tell me what you are trying to achieve16:24
jfmcarreirasomsip: i am trying to create a source pkg16:24
somsipjfmcarreira: ok - so what are you stuck on?16:24
jfmcarreirasomsip: just saying that i followed that tutorial16:24
jfmcarreirasomsip: i dont want to do it based on that page since it is based on bzr16:25
somsip!packaging | jfmcarreira (this may be the same url or a different one)16:25
ubottujfmcarreira (this may be the same url or a different one): The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring16:25
jfmcarreirasomsip: i will look through those links thanks. the first one will end up pointing to the bzr tutorial that i dont want16:27
somsipjfmcarreira: I understood that launchpad uses bzr, but I may be wrong. If that's the tool it uses, then so must you16:27
somsipjfmcarreira: it does - http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/udd-intro.html 3.3 Bazaar16:27
somsipjfmcarreira: though there are references to the Traditional Packaging, so maybe that is still an option. See what you can find on those links16:28
jfmcarreirasomsip: i must use bzr to upload packages into lauchpad?16:28
bweirCan anyone help me with a networking problem I have in Ubuntu 14.04? Basically I cannot complete a failed software update as name resolution no longer works, so cannot hand drive apt-get or any of its derivatives.16:29
somsipjfmcarreira: I'd only be reading the text on that page. Better for you to find it or get advice from someone who has experience in packaging16:29
somsipjfmcarreira: my last words on this one - http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/traditional-packaging.html16:30
AegNuddelbeen trying to configure my wi-fi16:30
AegNuddelI know this16:31
AegNuddelI need to know what I need to change or update16:33
jfmcarreirasomsip: i am going throught those links.. trying to find what suits me better. i am trying to make it automatically16:33
aLeSDhi ... is it possible to set distcc as the default compiler ?16:34
AegNuddelalso this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10301537/16:34
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avrdudeif i upgrade my ubuntu version, will i lose all my programs and drivers and stuff?16:43
avrdudei currently have 12.0416:43
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k1lavrdude: no. but backups are suggested if something goes really wrong16:45
AegNuddelI'm trying to get my wi-fi enabled16:46
avrdudenah, yolo16:46
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest29022
AegNuddelthe atheros chipset16:46
ROKO__somebody about custom kernel configuration in ubuntu\16:47
ROKO__i just wanna rebuild lowlatency kernel16:47
ROKO__with some options16:47
ROKO__but something going wrong16:47
ROKO__debian/rules editconfigs16:47
ROKO__and edit lowlatency config skip all other configs and then just failed16:48
serspanregister ayrtonse116:50
serspanhelp quickstart16:50
simosxhi serspan. If 'ayrtonse1' is your password, you should change it.16:51
simosxserspan, also '#ubuntu-gr'.16:51
ROKO__any ideas for my question ? thanks in advance16:51
simosxROKO__, low latency or realtime kernel?16:52
ROKO__lowlatency kerne16:54
AegNuddelthe atheros chipset/.17:00
AegNuddelmy dog typed17:00
el3trijntje: yes the reinstall is probably faster.17:01
AegNuddelwould the fact that I ended up installing a 32-bit OS on a 64-bit system make my wireless not work?17:03
mazzyI'm trying to make packet forwarding17:08
mazzyI have added to iptables the following rule17:08
mazzyiptables -A FORWARD -i deth1 -o deth0 -j ACCEPT17:08
mazzywhere deth1 and deth0 are my NICs17:08
mazzybut it doesn't work17:09
mazzyI should add something more?17:09
lotuspsychje!iptables | mazzy17:13
ubottumazzy: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:13
mazzyI have read that doc17:14
amiritehow is pam integrated into ubuntu by default? it is, right? sorry if that's a stupid question17:14
mazzyI'm working from terminal then no GUI17:14
mazzywhat I would know if that rule could be enough or I should add something more17:14
lotuspsychje!pam | amirite17:16
ubottuamirite: PAM is plugable authentication modules17:16
Picithats not really that helpful...17:19
nikreanyone familiar with this hadoop problem? http://pastebin.com/6kfWgALH17:22
lotuspsychjePici: it explains what it is, and if more info is needed someone should update the trigger17:22
Picinikre: Have you asked #hadoop?17:23
nikreyes asked there too17:23
vamshihow can i play windows games on ubuntu...???17:23
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | vamshi17:24
ubottuvamshi: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB17:24
nikrevamshi steam is porting games to linux too17:24
vamshibut i am getting an error while i am installing it17:24
k1lvamshi: see wine or playonlinux. but best is to see if the gmae got a native linux client :)17:24
dbearI'm trying to find a good source if information related to the nautilus file manager. I want to manage the list of 'server connections' that accumulate over time. I think the Files 3.x app that comes with ubuntu is based on the nautilus code -- but I hate called a program 'files' because its too generic an identifier. It makes googling for something impossible.17:25
vamshithanks for the reply17:25
SchrodingersScatdbear: not sure what this 'Files' is that you talk about17:27
keevitajaanyone knows the name of the icon in the sidebar which opens the laucher?17:27
dbearSchrodingersScat: its the file manager bundled with ubuntu desktop17:28
lotuspsychjekeevitaja: dash?17:28
dbearGnome files -- according to wikipedia17:28
vamshipackage dependencies can't be resolved - what do this error mean...?17:29
keevitajaunless it is not stored in /usr/share/icons17:30
vamshi package dependencies can't be resolved - what do this error mean...?17:31
lotuspsychjekeevitaja: what are you trying to do exactly?17:32
lotuspsychjevamshi: did you try sudo apt-get update?17:32
keevitajafigure out where is this icon stored!17:32
vamshii am trying to install see wine!17:32
vamshithen i got that error17:32
lotuspsychjevamshi: did you sudo apt-get install wine17:33
khildinvamshi, can you be more specific... the crystal bowl is a bit misty17:33
vamshilotuspsychje      yes17:36
omoresecany one here?17:37
TMess_Hey guys17:37
omoresechow are you17:37
TMess_I'm good17:37
JuonHi guys17:38
TMess_How about you?17:38
TMess_19 m india17:38
k1l!ot | omoresec TMess_17:38
ubottuomoresec TMess_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:38
Juonhow make to change my password in freenod ?17:38
TMess_BTW I have a ques17:38
ubottuTMess_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:38
k1lJuon: #freenode can help you with that17:38
JuonThank you17:39
JuonI don't know17:39
TMess_I am trying to configure out how to configure cntlm17:39
TMess_and I am unable to do so17:39
lotuspsychjekeevitaja: maybe this can help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles17:40
TMess_I am trying to configure out how to configure cntlm ... Can someone help me?17:40
k1l!info cntlm17:41
ubottucntlm (source: cntlm): Fast NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.3-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 66 kB, installed size 182 kB17:41
lotuspsychjeTMess_: the man page show anything usefull?17:41
TMess_I once configured cntlm for windows but I never did for linux17:42
k1lTMess_: this helps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9181637/how-to-fill-proxy-information-in-cntlm-config-file17:42
Sumitabhaelfy told me to come here for help with my xubuntu 14.04 problem17:46
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: ask your issue here mate17:46
SumitabhaI posted the problem and the error logs in the #xubuntu channel17:46
OerHekswe cannot read that, unless we were there when you posted.17:47
SumitabhaWhat should I do?  Cross posting is against the CoC rules, I think17:48
OerHeksWhy does someone in Xubuntu send you over here ?17:49
k1lSumitabha: if they send you over here from the xubuntu channel because they dont know how to help you, its ok this time.17:49
Sumitabhaelfy is still there17:50
Sumitabhaok, she has to go17:52
=== EdenStudio is now known as pilppe
AmadeusIs there any way to run a .exe with Wine from the terminal?17:53
SumitabhaI'm runing a live CD, because my Xubuntu OS slowed down so much and is loading really slow17:53
Sumitabhaalso the updater crashed17:53
Amadeus 17:54
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: did your xubuntu worked good before?17:54
Amadeus 17:54
Sumitabhafor a couple years17:54
crank__hi there, how do i make a .gif file with transparent background in xubuntu?17:55
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: dis you upgrade to 14.04 recently?17:55
Sumitabhaalmost a year ago17:55
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: when did it start to go wrong, and what errors do you have?17:55
SumitabhaI'm running a fully updated Xubuntu‭ ‬14.04‭ ‬OS on my HP dx5150‭ ‬SFF desktop PC17:56
Sumitabha Everything was working pretty well for the last‭ ‬6‭ ‬months,‭ ‬and I was running Firefox and Google Chrome browsers without any problems.‭  ‬Until Google Chrome recently crashed17:56
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: maybe its time for  a fresh xubuntu install?17:57
Sumitabha I got help uninstalling Google Chrome and then installed Chromium browser recently.‭  ‬Afterwards,‭ ‬Chromium appeared to be working fine17:57
Sumitabha But later,‭ ‬I went to the BBC.com news website and it was working until I tried to play a video link.‭  ‬None of the video links were working.17:57
Sumitabha So,‭ ‬I realized I probably didn't have any plugins installed.‭  ‬So I went browsing for Silverlight,‭ ‬and tried to install it,‭ ‬but I couldn't seem to install it.‭  ‬Then I read that Silverlight is not supported by Chromium.17:58
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: can you check if you have xubuntu-restricted-extras installed?17:58
firebird1how to shedulle cron to call job for every 30 seconds17:58
lotuspsychje!cron | firebird117:58
ubottufirebird1: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto17:58
SumitabhaSo,‭ ‬then I installed Adobe Flash.‭  ‬And right after I installed it,‭ ‬my computer really slowed down and almost froze.17:58
Picifirebird1: You can't cron's higest resolution is 1 minute.17:58
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: how did you install flash?17:58
OerHeksAthlon 64 3500+  ATI Radeon Xpress 200 , not really a racemonster, even for Xubuntu. do not expect youtube to work flawlessly17:59
elvisPim confused, I have username and email in my git config --local and --global but each time I do a git push to my repo it prompts me for my username. I'm on ubuntu linux.17:59
Picifirebird1: er, add a comma or two in there.  If you need to run it every 30 seconds, consider running a script with a sleep 30 in there.17:59
SumitabhaSo,‭ ‬I checked all my Chromium plugins and realized that Silverlight was installed,‭ ‬and Flash was also installed,‭ ‬and they were both active at the same time.‭  ‬Did that cause the crash‭?  I think something more serious is troubling my OS17:59
yxahi is anyone familiar with bitbake?17:59
AmadeusWhen I try running a .exe file with Wine, I get "This application must be ran with administrative privileges". What's wrong?18:00
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: you could examine your syslog and dmesg logs, to see whats happening exactly18:00
OerHeksyxa, last supported version was in Precise 12.04 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitbake18:00
AmadeusI am the Administrator though18:00
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: but i would go for a fresh xubuntu 14.04 install18:00
tharkunSo I am debuging an isue with notion and ubuntu, how can I save the personalizations I made to this install. HDD is out of bounds. but I have a few GB in a usb stick.18:01
lotuspsychjeAmadeus: did you sudo18:01
lotuspsychjetharkun: backup data or configs?18:01
tharkunlotuspsychje: I installed a wm and tweaked a few config files. If there is a blanket way of saving stuff would be best.18:02
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lotuspsychjetharkun: aptoncd can backup your favorite packages18:03
Amadeuslotuspsychje: I'm not using the terminal, I just right click and select "Run with Wine", but it gives me the error. Sorry for being such a noob, I'm new to ubuntu18:03
tharkunDo I need to install or is it on regular ubuntu_18:03
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | tharkun18:03
ubottutharkun: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (utopic), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB18:03
SumitabhaWhat about ubuntu 14.10 instead of 14.04, lotuspsychje ?18:04
lotuspsychjetharkun: or rsync is promoted by many users also18:04
SumitabhaOh yeah, I showed elfy the error logs from both crashes18:05
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: thats your choice really mate, im a fan of 14.04 LTS18:05
tharkunlotuspsychje: lol it is beyond my reach. Currently to run notion I had to create a user and logout then login within notion, Since the system does not have a root account I can no longer install programs <P18:05
psychephylaxHi arges18:05
psychephylaxAre you around?18:05
Sumitabhashe said she noticed something strange about the USB in the system data Igave her18:06
Amadeus 18:06
Amadeus 18:06
JuonI need help18:06
AmadeusJuon: What do you need?18:06
OerHeksJuon, what is that url ? i dare not click it.18:06
lotuspsychjetharkun: without root its gonna be hard18:06
PiciJuon: That looks like a fedora install. This is #ubuntu18:06
lbracherHi there! I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu from an USB stick, but the reinstall option is not enabled. Do you know how can I do in order to force it? TIA!18:07
JuonAnybody respond me18:07
PiciJuon: Ask in #fedora, not here.18:07
Amadeuslotuspsychje: Any ideas?18:07
AmadeusJuon: go to #fedora18:07
lotuspsychjeAmadeus: what is it exactly you try to 'run with wine'?18:07
OerHeksAmadeus, running a wine app as root, is not really safe. use the proper windows version, see this last answer >>> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2169620.html18:08
SchrodingersScatlbracher: re-install? you can either try to fix it from livecd or do a new install, afaik.  putting /home/ on separate partition sometimes makes this easier18:08
AmadeusOerHeks: Thank you.18:08
tharkunlotuspsychje: lol Guess It is staying up until I figure a way to fix it <P18:08
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captaineBombermasomone using kali ?18:10
Sumitabhalotuspsychje, here are the logs from the first crash:18:10
lotuspsychje!kali | captaineBomberma18:10
ubottucaptaineBomberma: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:10
psiodrakehow do I check what my ip address is... wait *googles it*18:11
captaineBombermasame server ?18:11
Sumitabhalotuspsychje, here are the logs from the second crash... http://imgur.com/a/EKJdB18:11
k1lcaptaineBomberma: yes, but they might block root irc users like you18:11
captaineBombermafor what reason?18:12
Sumitabhalotuspsychje, here is the system data that elfy requested http://paste.ubuntu.com/10310749/18:12
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: logs are complaining about packages you need to update18:12
k1lcaptaineBomberma: ask them.18:12
SumitabhaI did that when I installed Chromium18:12
Guest15179Anyone heard anything about 14.04.2 release ? Is it coming today ?18:13
SumitabhaI uninstalled google Chrome and then installed Chromium18:13
lbracherSchrodingersScat: yes, I'm using an livecd ISO on an USB stick. However, when I reach the "Instalation Type" screen it only allows me to erase all. I would like to maintain my /home without wiping it (it's on same partition...))18:13
OerHeksSumitabha, so chromium crashed on silverlight? but silverlight is not supported/updated anymore, just use chrome to see netflix and such.18:13
psiodrakehmmm my eth0 is on a 192.168.x.x ipaddress but my other computers, and the router are on a 10.0.x.x ... subnet mask is the same so how does this have internet connectivity?18:13
Sumitabhaunless you are talking about the chromium error logs18:13
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: i would try a fresh reinstall of xubuntu 14.04 with cable internet and updates enabled18:13
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: then see if your chromium is workable again18:14
SumitabhaI can do that, though my connection is slow18:14
Sumitabhausing a phone line18:14
Sumitabhashould I install Chrome or Chromium?18:14
AmadeusHow would I try telling an .exe file to run under Win98, when possible?18:14
Sumitabhaoh, may be best to avoid both, and stick to Firefox?18:14
lotuspsychjeSumitabha: chromium browers is the more lightweight18:14
k1l!wine | Amadeus18:15
ubottuAmadeus: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:15
BluesKajpsiodrake, route -n will give the router/gateway IP , if that's what you need18:15
lotuspsychjeAmadeus: what kind of exe are you trying to run with wine?18:15
k1lAmadeus: its in the settings of wine. but best is to ask the wine guys. see the bots mesage18:15
Sumitabhaok, I"m going to hook up a new graphics card before  I make the fresh install18:15
SchrodingersScatlbracher: don't think that's possible, you can try to repair.18:15
psiodrakeBluesKaj: I want the ip address for my pc18:16
lbracherSchrodingersScat: Oh, what a pity. No problem. Thank you! :)18:17
KlausedSourcei recently changed my hostname. now sudo prompts me everytime "sudo: unable to resolve host <hostname>"18:17
KlausedSourceis that bad or can i ignore it?18:17
lotuspsychje!hostname | KlausedSource18:17
ubottuKlausedSource: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:17
OerHekspsiodrake, " ifconfig | perl -nle'/dr:(\S+)/ && print $1'  "18:17
psiodrakeOerHeks: O_O18:18
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:18
samuel_anyone know how to install gvfs 1.20.3?18:18
KlausedSourceguess i didnt change /etc/hosts thx18:18
OerHeksKlausedSource,  did you change it both places? see ubottu18:18
BluesKajpsiodrake, ifconfig, the inet line will give the pc IP18:18
psiodrakeBluesKaj: I saw it thanks18:19
psiodrakeweird though coz I can't see this box on the network from any other computer at all18:19
samuel_anyone know how to install gvfs 1.20.3?18:20
lotuspsychjesamuel_: maybe here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs18:21
samuel_do I have to compile then lotuspsychje ?18:22
lotuspsychjesamuel_: whats wrong with your version right now?18:22
samuel_the timeout issue with FTP18:23
samuel_it's been a bug for years18:23
samuel_and looks like it is fixed in that ver.18:23
BluesKajpsiodrake, what kind of network, workplace, school , home ?18:23
psiodrakeBluesKaj: home18:24
lotuspsychjesamuel_: you can click on that url on the 1.20.3 and download the .deb18:24
psiodrakemy linux here is running on vmware and I can actually ping the host os from here18:24
BluesKajpsiodrake, otherwindows pcs running W8?18:25
psiodrakeBluesKaj: all other pcs running W7 actually18:25
psiodrakeoh wait I can ping the linux from the host... can't from other pcs though lol18:26
BluesKajok psiodrake , vmware is not my forte, so i can't suggest much18:26
psiodrakeBluesKaj: s'ok I just wanted to understand the networking here and I understand better now18:29
AmadeusDoes anybody know "Tanji"?18:29
AnonymooooozDoes anybody know the program Tanji?18:29
k1l!info tanji18:30
ubottuPackage tanji does not exist in utopic18:30
Anonymoooooz!info tanji18:30
k1lAnonymoooooz: that program doesnt exist18:30
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AnonymooooozIt does, it just doesn't appear here18:30
Anonymoooooz"How does one guess a password by brute force?" Haha18:31
k1lAnonymoooooz: that is not a topic for this channel18:32
AnonymooooozWhat channel do you suggest?18:32
miguel_morgenstemy ubuntu work on vm18:35
Anonymoooooz"Tanji must be ran with administrator privileges"18:35
zookoHi folks! whoopsie seems to be unable to upload crash reports to Ubuntu because, if I'm understanding correctly, "server replied with: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates".18:36
zookoE.g. https://defuse.ca/b/R7pZn5tTAvpkEWoHBObcgA18:36
zookoI'm actually not sure if it is an Ubuntu server that is saying it can't authenticate my client, or if the "server" in that error message is actually a local service running on my laptop.18:37
AnonymooooozRoses are red, Violets are blue, I ask questions and nobody replies, Boo-hoo18:37
k1lAnonymoooooz: aka amadeus. we already told you what to do with your windows programs18:37
OerHeksAnonymoooooz, you'll find no help here.18:37
zookoI have ca-certificates and ca-certificates-java installed, versions 20130906ubuntu2 and 20130815ubuntu1 respectively.18:37
k1land we dont help you run running brute force programs. go and read the documentation if you need it for not illegal purposes.18:38
crank__hi there, how do i make a .gif file with transparent background in Gimp?18:39
zookoOpened a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/whoopsie/+bug/142365718:41
lbrachercrank__: it will be quicker to ask that on #gimp channel. I think only a few here knows how to use gimp...18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1423657 in Whoopsie "Sent; server replied with: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates" [Undecided,New]18:41
lotuspsychje!info gifsicle | crank__18:41
ubottucrank__: gifsicle (source: gifsicle): Tool for manipulating GIF images. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.84-1 (utopic), package size 116 kB, installed size 359 kB18:41
miguel_morgenstei install ubuntustudio on virtualbox for test and not run jumin18:41
genii!info jumin18:42
ubottuPackage jumin does not exist in utopic18:42
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zookoOh, looks like I needed some security updates to nss and related packages that just arrived.18:42
miguel_morgenstethe program good job? or it is unstable soft18:42
crank__ubottu > tnx, i'll just take a look. It's a programme?18:45
ubottucrank__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:45
lotuspsychjecrank__: this looked interesting for your issue: --background color18:47
lotuspsychje            Set the output GIF’s background to color.  The argument  can  have18:47
lotuspsychje            the same forms as in the --transparent option below.18:47
keevitajaunity has this "system menu" on the right side of the panel. where can i configure items it holds? suddenly Shutdown does not show the shutdown/restart dialog option anymore and just logs out.18:47
dagerianAnyone mind helping me solve my boot issue?18:48
lotuspsychjekeevitaja: there's an interesting indicator : classicmenu-indicator18:49
crookseyIs there an official ipsec vpn application for ubuntu? I can see PPTP support and strongswan/cisco. But no standard Ipsec?18:49
lotuspsychjekeevitaja: shows you all categories, system prefs etc18:49
trismcrank__: you don't have to do anything special, just make sure your layers have an alpha channel (right click the layer, add alpha channel if not)18:49
lotuspsychjedagerian: if you mind to share your problem18:49
trismcrank__: then Export as/ and end the filename in .gif18:50
lotuspsychjergb-one: welcome18:50
rgb-oneDoes anyone here have experience with matlab and matplotlib?18:50
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Squall5668crooksey: you should already have ipsec available on a default Ubuntu installation. Unless you need a daemon running on a server to connect via ipsec18:51
crookseySquall5668: ipsec is not a default VPN option, checked my laptop and desktop18:51
lotuspsychjedagerian: did you try a sudo update-grub?18:51
crookseyI have an external server I need to connect to18:52
crank__trism > tnx. i'll try that too. I just installed gifsicle18:52
lotuspsychje!dualboot  | dagerian this might help also18:52
ubottudagerian this might help also: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:52
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trismcrank__: of course if you created a new image with the default settings, the default background will be filled with white so you'll need to add a new layer and delete that one (or clear it)18:53
dagerianOk thanks for the information I will try to restart now and see what it does after the update-grub18:53
lotuspsychjedagerian: good luck18:54
rgb-oneanyone here with experience using matplotlib18:54
dgarstangOn a ubuntu repo, where do I drop the .deb files?18:55
crookseyrgb-one: yes18:55
dgarstangdists? pool?18:55
crank__trism > well, i'm not used to work with layers. so, i installed gifsicle18:55
nibblerdgarstang: you mean, if you maintain a repository?18:56
dgarstangnibbler: yah18:56
rgb-onecrooksey: Can you help me convert some matlab code to the matplotlib equivalent?18:56
rgb-oneHere is a link to the code https://bpaste.net/show/677af94b1daa18:57
crank__trism > but now i don't find the programme in my progr menu  :-/18:57
lotuspsychje!repo | dgarstang18:57
ubottudgarstang: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:57
Squall5668crooksey: try the 'network-manager-vpnc' package. I can't help you, but i can tell you that regular vpnc works fine18:58
dgarstanglotuspsychje: that doc only talks about the official repositories18:58
Squall5668crooksey: it might do the job18:58
crookseySquall5668: yea it doesn't for my use case, but thanks18:58
lotuspsychjedgarstang: how about this1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal19:00
crank__hi there, i installed the programme GIFSICLE. But now i don't find the programme in the menu..?19:00
lotuspsychjecrank__: man gifsicle from terminal, its not gui19:01
crank__lotuspsychje, tnx. what do i exactly write in terminal, then?19:02
lotuspsychjecrank__: read the manual mate, never used it myself19:02
trismcrank__: probaby easiest just to use gimp, File/New Image, go to Advanced options, select Fill With/Transparency then you have a nice blank image to work with19:02
crank__trism > oki, trying now (my Gimp is in french and i'm danish, but however  :)19:05
jaybuntuhi all, I'm trying to install remastersys. I followed this tuto that alredy worked for me : http://www.linuxmintusers.de/index.php?action=wiki;page=remastersys when I did "dpkg -i", it crashed the system, so I rebooted and tried again but it returned errors: http://pastebin.com/wr66D812 someone in french channel suggested to do sudo apt-get install *.deb but it returned only errors: http://pastebin.com/1B0XDray can someone help?19:12
lotuspsychje!es | HueHueBr19:12
ubottuHueHueBr: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:12
lotuspsychje!info remastersys19:13
ubottuPackage remastersys does not exist in utopic19:13
OerHeksjaybuntu, linuxmint?19:13
OerHeksthey have their own issues19:14
jaybuntuOerHeks: this part of this system is common isn't it?19:14
lbracher!br | HueHueBr19:14
ubottuHueHueBr: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:14
OerHeksjaybuntu, as common as ubuntu+debian, seek help in the mint channel please19:14
Ben_gI know this probably isn't the right channel for that, but does someone here know a lot about PC hardware?19:14
PiciBen_g: ##hardware does19:15
jaybuntuOerHeks: i know but they don't help... those channels are so much less active than ubuntus....19:15
Ben_gPici: also on freenode?19:15
PiciBen_g: indeed19:15
Ben_gPici: thanks.19:15
OerHeksjaybuntu, see line 10: dpkg: warning: downgrading oem-config-remaster from 2.18.8-1linuxmint8 to 2.18.8 > clearly a mint issue19:16
jaybuntuOerHeks: ok thank you !19:16
lotuspsychjejaybuntu: so make your life easy and install a fresh ubuntu 14.0419:16
=== IdleOne is now known as io
mazzyI have created a forwarding rule using iptables. very simple iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT19:27
twilerHello, everyone, I need help understanding something in android studios development page... It says: To launch Android Studio, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory in a terminal and execute studio.sh., So, how do I navigate to a specific directory in terminal?19:27
mazzyall the traffic comes from eth1 have to be forwarded to eth0 interface19:27
PrezidentBen_g: whats up_19:27
mazzythe traffic arrives correctly to eth119:27
mazzybut executing tcpdump on eth1 I don19:28
Cybusstwiler cd /directory/directory/directory19:28
mazzysee any traffic19:28
mazzyubuntu server 14.0419:28
twilerAnd, do I have to use a "run" command, or something like that, or, is that assumed by linux when you specify a file?19:28
twilerOh, ok, cybuss!19:28
mazzydoes exist a way to debug iptables?19:29
Cybusswhere is the android studio on your computer?19:29
TJ-mazzy: If you don't see the traffic using "tcdump -i eth1 ...", how do you now it is arriving?19:29
twileroh yeah, and how do I give someone a cookie?19:29
twilercookie | cybuss19:29
twilercybuss | cookie!19:29
mazzyno trafic is printed out19:29
twilercookie! | cybusss19:29
OerHekstry !cookie | Cybuss19:30
mazzythe counter in iptables is 019:30
twiler!cookie | cybuss19:30
ubottucybuss: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:30
mazzythese are all signs that the traffic is not forwarded19:30
twilerAwesome, thanks a lot Oerheks@19:30
TJ-mazzy: Yes, you said. But then how then can you also say " the traffic arrives correctly to eth1" ?19:30
twiler!cookie | OerHeks19:30
ubottuOerHeks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:30
twilerYou too, OerHeks!19:31
mazzysorry TJ- reading again what I have written I realized I made a mistake19:31
mazzyI mean eth019:31
mazzyI execute eth0 and I don't see any traffic coming in19:31
ColdfusionstormHi Everybody, Im Having problems with my Ethernet, It seems Wonky, And im suspecting it's the ALX driver19:31
TJ-mazzy: Ahhh! :) So you're looking for the egress packets on eth0 that should be being forwarded from eth1, and you don't see them?19:32
Cybuss2 useful things for navigating directorys in shell, LS to display files/folders in the current directory, and to finish the name of a directory/file hit tab19:32
mazzyexactly TJ-19:32
mazzyI have activated all the required flags19:32
VoltasaltHey, I just got a vps with Ubuntu 14.04 server installed, java can't connect to anything, something about a keystore, what could this be caused by?19:32
mazzyI don't have any idea19:33
mazzyI have tried everything19:33
TJ-mazzy: Can you show me: "pastebinit <(sudo iptables-save)" ?19:34
geniimazzy: Does ifconfig actually show a device called eth0 ?19:34
mazzyyes genii sure19:34
TJ-mazzy: My bet is you have a rule in the FORWARD table prior to your ACCEPT rule, that is DENYing19:34
mazzyok TJ- I'm going to post it19:34
genii( some machines like Dell have different interface names now)19:35
clevrpwnis anyone else having problems with the vivid repositories?19:35
mazzythe name is deth1 and deth0 don't considering it19:35
twilerDamnit, It's not working19:36
mazzyconsider that is eth1 and eth019:36
twilerCan anyone help me out?19:36
twilerI'm trying to intall Android Development Studios19:36
twilerBut, I can't seem to get the studio.sh file to open or work, or whatever19:36
Tinchetwiler, what's the problem19:37
clevrpwntwiler you have to set the executable bit in the file properties19:37
twiler@Tinche: OK, thanks a lot for respoding to me!19:37
OerHeksclevrpwn, support for vivid in #ubuntu+1 please19:37
mazzyas you may see just a simple iptables19:37
clevrpwnOerHeks thank you19:37
twilerOK, Cleverpwn, I don't know what that menas19:38
VoltasaltHey, I just got a vps with Ubuntu 14.04 server installed, java can't connect to anything, something about a keystore, what could this be caused by?19:38
twilerMaan lol19:38
Tinchetwiler, no problem, just give us a little more info :)19:38
twilerLinux is HARD19:38
twiler@Tinche , ok!19:38
TJ-mazzy: That's not output from iptables-save19:38
Tincheso you downloaded android studio and unzipped it?19:38
acz32did anyone switch to ubuntu from debian?19:38
mazzyok I'm going to post iptables-save19:39
mazzyhere is TJ-19:39
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TJ-mazzy: Thanks. You should know that by default 'iptables' only shows you the 'filter' tables. There's also 'nat' (used in forwarding), 'mangle' and 'raw'19:40
twiler@Tinche: So, I downloaded the android studios SDK a little while ago.  And I extracted it to:Home/Desktop/Downloaded Software.. SO, the directory to any file that they're referring to, is; Home/Desktop/Downloaded Software/android-studio19:40
mazzyok I didn't know it19:41
TJ-mazzy: The interface names, "dethX" should be "ethX", surely?19:41
Tinchetwiler, alright. I'm guessing there is a bin/ subdirectory in Downloaded Software/android-studio, right?19:41
twiler@Tinche, som it says on their page, that to install it, all I have to do is: "Nnavigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory in a terminal and execute studio.sh."19:41
mazzyyes it named by me but don't considering it19:41
twilerThere is.19:42
Tinchetwiler, alright. Inside there is a file called studio.sh?19:42
mazzydeth0 is eth019:42
mazzydeth1 is eth119:42
mazzyis just naming convention i'm using here19:42
twilerYes, there is19:42
twilerSo., what do I do?19:42
TJ-mazzy: Does "ip link show" list the interfaces as "ethX"? If so, you need to use those same names. Unless you have alias interfaces configured19:42
Coldfusionstormdid somebody highlight me?19:43
mazzyno sure iip link show shows deth1 and deth019:43
clevrpwntwiler are you running ./studio.sh or just studio.sh in the terminal?19:43
mazzydon't worry about it it is just naming convention I'm using here19:44
twilerI don't understand the question, clevrpwn19:44
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OerHeksColdfusionstorm, what makes you think that?19:44
Coldfusionstormmy chat blinked19:44
mazzyTJ- do you see something weird on iptables?19:44
Coldfusionstormbut isee that can't be it19:44
Coldfusionstormbecause i heard the sound this time19:44
Coldfusionstormand theres no way i missed that before19:44
twilerI am trying to just run studio.sh, like it says to do on the website19:44
ColdfusionstormAlso my microphone is listed and it shows input in Pulseaudio19:45
ColdfusionstormBut no audio is actually passed on to skype19:45
Tinchetwiler, you need to execute this file. You're using the normal Ubuntu?19:45
Coldfusionstormit has worked just a couple of days before btw19:45
clevrpwntwiler in *nix you have to put a ./ in front of studio.sh in the terminal or it wont run19:45
twilerI am running Ubuntu19:45
twiler14.XX whatever19:46
Tinchetwiler, alright. Are you browsing using the file manager or a terminal application, like gnome terminal?19:46
twiler14.04 right?19:46
twilerFile explorer19:46
geniitwiler: Files that have .sh extension are supposed to be run with sh (shell) so yopu have to do like either: sh studio.sh  or else ./studio.sh and the file should be set executable19:46
OerHeksColdfusionstorm, good start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeTroubleshooting19:46
twilerLIke  in windows19:46
VoltasaltHey, I just got a vps with Ubuntu 14.04 server installed, java can't connect to anything, something about a keystore, what could this be caused by?19:46
Tinchegenii, he's using nautilus, so it's a little harder :)19:46
twilerWhich is what I'm used to .. :/19:46
ColdfusionstormThanks OerHeks , Sigh, il look at it19:46
Tinchetwiler, alright. It's not wrong :)19:47
Tinchetwiler, do this. right click on studio.sh, click properties19:47
TJ-mazzy: Does "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" report "1" ?19:47
TJ-mazzy: Secondly, does this "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/forwarding" report "1" for every interface?19:47
twilerOK, done19:47
twilerSO, what tab to I want?19:47
TJ-mazzy: And thirdly, can you confirm it is mainly IPv4 traffic you are trying to forward (if it's IPv6 we need to check other settings, too) ?19:48
twilerOpen With?19:48
Tinchetwiler, go to the permissions tab, down at the bottom check 'execute: allow executing file as program'19:48
mazzyfor the first question about 1 on the ip_forward file the answers is yes TJ-19:48
twilerok,  it was aready checkec!19:48
Tinchetwiler, ok, we're not done though. the file manager is configured to be careful with executable shell scripts19:48
hidi'm trying to install flac 1.3.119:49
TJ-mazzy: We're hoping for "1" on all those since "1" == TRUE, or YES (0 == FALSE or NO)19:49
Tinchetwiler, now close the properties window, and open the file manager preferences (from the file menu)19:49
hidbut after a 'make' i have a problem with '-fPIC'19:49
twilerok, Tinche19:49
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twilerThe file menu?19:49
Tinchewell, the 'files' menu19:49
hidi tried to add -fPIC to the Makefile CXXFLAGS but it does not work19:49
twilerI'm not familiar with that..19:49
Tinchetwiler, with the file manager selected, go top left19:50
mazzyTJ- 1 for both the interfaces19:50
mazzyand third question yes is ipv4 traffic19:50
Tinchetwiler, there will be a menu19:50
Tinchetwiler, like in windows, where every window has a menu19:50
Tinchetwiler, but in Ubuntu this menu is in the top of the screen19:50
Coldfusionstormthat fixed it19:51
twilerYeah, ok19:51
twilerI'm with you19:51
TJ-mazzy: OK, so how I have to ask... the connection to the physical port 'deth1' - what is it connected to, a router or switch, or another host PC ?19:51
Tinchetwiler, so the first item will be 'files', inside there select 'preferences'19:51
mazzyit isn't a physical connect19:51
mazzyit is a virtual connection19:52
TJ-mazzy:  iptables reported the counters for the FORWARD chain at 0, which suggests no packets are arriving on that interface at all, regardless of rules19:52
twilerdo you mean "properties?"19:52
mazzyto an linux bridge19:52
Tinchetwiler, left item of that19:52
twilerCause, I don't see a peferences option in the files submen19:52
Tinchetwiler, there are two top-level items, 'files' and 'file'19:52
mazzyI'm going to check if I can generate traffic from that port19:53
Tincheit's confusing now that I think about it :p19:53
TJ-mazzy: OK, so what is supposed to be feeding packets to deth1? I'd be looking at the 'device/VM' that is connected to it, by monitoring its output into that 'pipe'19:53
twilerOH I found it19:53
twilerIt's under edit19:53
twilerFYI ;)19:53
Tinchetwiler, yeah that works19:53
Tinchetwiler, behavior tab19:53
twilerOK, I'm there19:53
Tinchetwiler, executable text files -> ask every time19:54
twilerWith you :)19:54
Tinchenow try double clicking studio.sh19:54
TJ-mazzy: Is 'deth1' an interface connected to a bridge "brctl show" ? If so, you'll need to forward using the bridge interface19:54
twilerK, Its asking me, if i want to run it in terminal, or just run?19:55
Tinchejust run19:55
twileraWW MAN@19:55
twilerYou are the man@19:55
twiler!cookie | TInche X 100019:55
ubottuTInche X 1000: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:55
mazzyyes TJ-19:56
Tincheby the way, the next ubuntu release will have access to a tool called ubuntu make, which will allow you to automate things like this (and it supports android studio)19:56
twilerx1000 !cookie | Tinche19:56
twiler!cookie | Tinche19:56
ubottuTinche: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:56
Tincheactually you can use it now, but you need to add a ppa, maybe it's a little complicated if you're still new19:56
twilerTinche, have you ever heard of bitcoin?19:57
twilerOr done anything with it?19:57
Tinchea 'thanks' is enough ;)19:57
Tinchealright, gotta bail for now19:57
twilerCause, I have about 10 Ths of mining power in the basement119:57
lotuspsychjetwiler: there's a #bitcoin channel19:57
twilerOK, Tinche thanks for all of your help!19:58
twilerOH really?19:58
Tincheyou are very welcome, I hope you have fun with Ubuntu!19:58
twilerHow do I get thyere?19:58
lotuspsychjetwiler: there is also software to create an ubuntu bitcoin miner server19:58
twilerI already am Tinche!19:58
twilerOh really?19:59
lotuspsychjetwiler: type /join #bitcoin19:59
twilerThat's super4 cool!19:59
twilerRIght from here?19:59
twilerI can type that?19:59
twilerOK thanks a lot, guys!19:59
twileroh, how come you were able to type that in a message to me?20:00
twilerWithout joining yourself?20:00
twilerAround the part you didn't want to be executed?20:00
lotuspsychjetwiler: chat clients recognize the # as a joinable channel20:00
twilerOK, cool thanks20:01
guest-lFtnPEHello guys20:01
twilerI get the hint.20:01
pilppeis Xubuntu the same as Ubuntu?20:01
pilppebut just with XFCE?20:01
guest-lFtnPEI have a big problem20:01
twilerThanks a lot, everyone!20:01
lotuspsychje!xubuntu | pilppe20:01
ubottupilppe: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:01
OerHekspilppe, yes20:01
pilppewut can i intall xubuntu from ubuntu?20:01
pilppedo i need to wipe my HDD?20:01
OerHekssudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:01
pilppebefore installing xubuntu20:02
guest-lFtnPEI don't know what happen but when I start my computer I can't loggin in my session. I can only connect as a guest session20:02
pilppeim installing xubuntu20:02
pilppeafter that i restart and its XFCE?20:02
guest-lFtnPEWhen I try connect myself througt tty6 I can20:02
OerHekspilppe, no, after install, logout, change to xubuntu and login20:02
lotuspsychjeguest-lFtnPE: wich ubuntu version?20:02
guest-lFtnPE14.04 MTS20:02
pilppeso i dont need to restart? lol20:02
guest-lFtnPEIn my tty6, when I am logged, I run "unity" but it doesn't start20:03
lotuspsychjeguest-lFtnPE: maybe try the recoverymode failsafeX20:03
OerHeksguest-lFtnPE, try tty7 ( ctrl alt F7)20:04
guest-lFtnPElook the result of unity : http://paste.ubuntu/1031299220:04
pilppeis XFCE way better than Unity?20:05
doomlord_1i prefer it20:05
pilppeive heard only good things about xubuntu20:05
doomlord_1its simpler and more traditional so there's less to go wrong20:05
pilppeand it doesnt take as much AM20:05
doomlord_1my conclusion on linux desktop environments is simpler is better. the complicated ones dont work as well as , say, OSX.(Imo).20:06
lotuspsychjepilppe: xubuntu runs lightweight yes20:06
guest-lFtnPEOerHeks, When I try to login throug tty7, I can't20:06
guest-lFtnPEActualy, I can't start unity under my session20:06
pilppeim very new to ubuntu20:06
guest-lFtnPEbut under guest session it's work20:06
pilppeand i liked the way XFCE looks like20:06
pilppeclose to windows20:06
pilppebut not too close20:06
pilppeand more lightweight20:06
pilppecan i keep the same drivers as on normal ubuntu?20:06
lotuspsychjepilppe: ubuntu has a different method of drivers then windows20:07
pilppeyeah ik20:07
doomlord_1i assume xubuntu just uses the same repositories ?20:07
pilppebut im using ubuntu 14.10 atm20:07
pilppei change to xubuntu do i keep the same drivers?20:07
pilppedoes my game performance get worse? im sorry if im asking stupid questions20:07
guest-lFtnPESomeone can help me ???20:08
lotuspsychjepilppe: if you install xubuntu-desktop from your existing ubuntu, it will use same drivers20:08
pilppei got unknown media type20:08
lotuspsychjeguest-lFtnPE: something got wrong with your user, try recoverymode20:08
pilppeis it bad?20:08
Mike321ok guys i need some help. yesterday i got help with installing ubuntu 14.04 on an older desktop. i then used the internet to find some commands to enable wireless via my usb netgear a6100 wireless adapter. i had the computer (desktop) on the other side of te house plugged into the ethernet. once i got the wireless working i moved everything to where it would be used. it has done an update now and there is no wireless. someone help so 20:08
guest-lFtnPEHow can I do that ?20:08
pilppeit seems to be a problem with kde.xml after a quick google20:08
lotuspsychje!recovery | guest-lFtnPE20:08
ubottuguest-lFtnPE: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode20:08
pilppedoes it affect my installation?20:09
pilppewhatever im switching to xubuntu :DD20:09
guest-lFtnPElotuspsychje, the problem is : When I use "unity" I have a problem20:10
guest-lFtnPEBut When I use "startx" unity run20:10
lotuspsychjeguest-lFtnPE: guest also uses unity right?20:11
mazzydeth0 is connected to a bridge20:11
lotuspsychjeguest-lFtnPE: you can try to make a new user, test unity from there20:11
mazzydeth1 is connected to a different bridge20:11
mazzyI need to forward the traffic between these two bridges through the host20:12
TJ-mazzy: OK, so the forwarding rule should use the bridge names20:12
mazzywhat does it mean?20:13
mazzydo you mean bridge1  (deth1) -> bridge0 (deth0) ?20:13
mazzydo I need to use the bridge name ?20:14
mazzyinstead of the interfaces?20:14
OerHeksguest-lFtnPE, startx is depreciated, " sudo service lightdm start'"  is current way to start unity20:14
EdenStudiowhy does Xubuntu think chromium is untrusted?20:14
KlausedSourcewell, i just created a new partition, should i add it to mtab or fstab?20:14
mazzyif so it doesn't have any sense. the host (a docker container) running ubuntu 14.04 sees only deth1 and deth020:14
EdenStudioand yeah xubuntu feels way better compared to unity <320:15
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lotuspsychjeEdenStudio: that depends on hardware20:15
TJ-mazzy: "sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o br1 -j ACCEPT" - but if you have other interfaces connected to those bridges all traffic will be forwarded. If you don't want that you'd have to alter the configuration so some interfaces were not using bridges, or used alternative bridges20:15
OerHeksEdenStudio, chromium is in the repos, if you download it manually, it is untrusted ( no gpg keys)20:15
EdenStudiohow can i make it not untrusted?20:15
EdenStudiomark as executable?20:15
mazzyTJ- no is impossible is not that the configuration20:16
OerHeksEdenStudio, chromium is in the repos, use that version? and you will get updates20:16
EdenStudiosudo apt-get chromium?20:16
mazzyyou need a schema I'm going to post it20:16
EdenStudioim pretty sure i downloaded chromium from the software center20:16
lotuspsychjeEdenStudio: chromium-browser20:16
EdenStudiook awesome20:17
OerHeksEdenStudio, if you want the game, yes3333333333320:17
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lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | EdenStudio20:17
ubottuEdenStudio: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 40.0.2214.111-0ubuntu0. (utopic), package size 48502 kB, installed size 177534 kB20:17
EdenStudiohow do i delete my current chromium?20:17
EdenStudiosudo uninstall or what20:17
TJ-mazzy: Have you looked at https://docs.docker.com/articles/networking/20:17
lotuspsychje!purge | EdenStudio20:17
ubottuEdenStudio: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P20:17
mazzyyes sure20:17
guest-SOJoF0So, If I create a new user, i can't start lightdm20:17
argoneusdoes anyone here virtualize (x)ubuntu using virtualbox?20:18
TJ-mazzy: That document says docker will maintain it's own rules if you allow it, for forwarding, and other scenarios20:18
mike321ok i was wrong. im getting an error when going into networking saying t" the system netqwork services are not compatible with this version. can anyone help? it was working fine this morning.20:18
argoneusI'm wondering if it's normal to have a slight input lag, and choppy movement when moving windows, etc, I already installed guest additions20:18
lotuspsychjeargoneus: ask your issue20:18
lazl0wAt school, they are running Ubuntu 9.something, when you try to shut down the computer from the menu, it hangs forever. But if you choose reboot, it works fine. Is it becuase it isn't allowing sudo?20:18
mazzyyes I know it20:18
lotuspsychje!eol | lazl0w20:19
ubottulazl0w: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:19
TJ-mazzy: The output of iptables-save didn't show any docker-specific rule chains20:19
lazl0wlol I don't have the authority to change my whole universities os of choice20:20
lazl0wi just want to know if that's what could be causeing that bug20:20
j3imihello. does someone know if I install gnupg 2, can I use this newer version in evolution? or will it keep on using version 1?20:20
mike321im getting an error when going into networking saying t" the system netqwork services are not compatible with this version. can anyone help? it was working fine this morning.20:20
OerHekslazl0w, maybe, if that was a bug, it is fixed now. use a supported version.20:21
mazzyTJ- https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpps0frsgc0a2dg/Screenshot%202015-02-19%2021.21.08.png?dl=020:21
mazzyhere is the schema20:21
lazl0wIf the university has not allowed our accounts sudo, would that stop the shutdown feature from working? I don't think it's a bug, they just have it configured wrong.20:22
ikoniaI don't see how thats wrong20:22
TJ-mazzy: I think you need to seek some docker-specific help. The information I'm seeing doesn't match the data you provided.20:22
ikoniayou can set permissions on anything to be set how you want, inside/outside sudo20:22
EdenStudiohow many users can an IRC hold?20:22
ikoniaEdenStudio: depends on many things,20:23
ikonianot really something #ubuntu deals with though20:23
j3imitwitch uses IRC for their stream chats, and some streams have something like 100k viewers20:23
j3imiso definitely many20:23
EdenStudioguys, when im moving a window in Xubuntu really fast, why is the window so slow? didnt happen in Ubuntu20:23
mazzyTJ- I was pretty convinced that the problem was ubuntu20:23
mazzybut maybe is something releated to docker20:23
EdenStudiook works now20:23
mazzyalthough I don't have any idea20:24
lazl0wguests aren't really in the irc though i dont think20:24
listerhello, I need to give permissions to the users to the serial port at login time , right now I have to go and type sudo chmod every day to every client20:25
ikonialister: change the udev rules,20:25
listerhow can I do it automatically without having to type the roort password20:25
ikoniaor put users in the group that can access it20:25
TJ-lazl0w: In my experience, those GUI-shutdown hangs were caused by poor interfacing of back-end power management scripts. If it's Ubuntu 9.x that is even more likely; there were issues around that time-frame with ACPI interfaces20:26
AndreeeCZhi. How can i map shift+backspace to act as delete?20:26
listerwhat would be a way to add the permission permanently to a user?20:28
mike321can anyone help me with network issues?20:28
ikoniaput them in a group that can already access it20:28
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jkdoes anyone know where i can get the id from a binary package for launchpadlib?20:29
ikoniajk: the "id" ?20:29
simosxlister, for the serial port, you add the users to the 'dialout' group.20:29
Guest7798installing 14.04 on a macbook pro. I need "bcmwl-kernal-source" in order to use WiFi. When using the live USB, I can install with apt-get no problem. But now that Ubuntu is installed, apt-get fails to install bcmwl-kernal-source20:29
mike321was working fine yesterday and this morning. machine powered off and rebooted itself leaving no internet and the error message "the system network service is not compatible with this version" in network manager20:30
Guest7798Why does it work on the USB, but not the installed ubuntu?20:30
jkikonia: the example url is https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/<distribution.name>/+archive/<binary_package.name>/+binarypub/<id> but where do i get the <id>20:30
listeri just created a group for it but now again how do I give that permission to the group permanently?20:30
ikoniajk: what do you mean "id" ?20:31
KlausedSourcei learned that mtab shows mountpoints according to fstab20:31
ikoniajk: what ar eyou tyring to install ?20:31
KlausedSourcewhy is my fstab on ubuntu empty?20:31
ikoniaKlausedSource: no, mtab shows what it thinks is currently mounted20:31
jki try to access the lauchpad api20:31
Guest7798any way to use apt-get from USB to install package on an installed partition?20:31
KlausedSourcei got a new partition, am i going to add it in fstab? or how do i proceed "the ubuntu way"?20:31
ikoniaKlausedSource: you can add it to fstab just fine20:32
simosxlister, you asked earlier about the serial port. there is already a 'dialout' group in /etc/group, so you add the users to it. if you try to change permissions, etc, you will have a bad time (because AppArmor).20:32
listerok thanks20:32
jkikonia: i try to access the launchpad api with python, https://api.launchpad.net/1.0.html#binary_package_publishing_history20:32
KlausedSourceikonia, i also have another partition which is not in fstab, but mounted on /media is that a problem? my owncloud server uses it as data directory20:32
ubottufavasto: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:33
ikoniaKlausedSource: thats happening as a userspace mount, normally with fuse20:33
KlausedSourceikonia, it is ext420:33
ikoniaKlausedSource: the file system doesn't matter20:33
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KlausedSourceikonia, i thought fuse is ntfs20:33
listersimosx , ok I just test it and it is working , great thanks20:34
Guest7798Maybe I should rephrase. Why can apt-get on the liveUSB install this package without the internet, but apt-get on my newly installed partition not?20:34
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems20:34
ikoniaKlausedSource: no20:34
mike321can anyone help me with network issues?20:34
mike321was working fine yesterday and this morning. machine powered off and rebooted itself leaving no internet and the error message "the system network service is not compatible with this version" in network manager20:34
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jkjoin #launchpad20:37
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Guest7798are the repos used by the liveCD different than the repos on a default ubuntu install?20:42
j3imican I check if a package is installed on my system with apt-get?20:43
_eddyhow do i download my sql database using cmd?20:44
Rory_j3imi: you can do so with dpkg like this: dpkg -l | grep packagename20:45
_eddyi wanna save it on a file20:45
TJ-j3imi: "apt-cache show $PACKAGE_NAME | grep Installed". but the preferred method is "dpkg -l $PACKAGE_NAME"20:45
ikonia_eddy: download from where ?20:45
Rory_TJ- 's one is better20:45
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_eddyikonia: MY LOCALHOST20:45
j3imithanks Rory_ and TJ- I'll read documentation about dpkg and apt-cache20:45
_eddyits on my pc20:45
_eddywanna download it a .sql file20:46
ikonia_eddy: you want to back it up ?20:46
ikonia_eddy: you can use mysqldump to export it20:46
ikonia_eddy: you can then move that file anywhere20:46
Rory__eddy: look into the program "mysqldump" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8444108/how-to-use-mysql-dump20:46
_eddyikonia: kinda so i can move it to my live database20:46
TJ-j3imi: "dpkg" is the Debian package manager. It knows about *all* packages you installed, even those installed manually. "apt" only know about packages installed from the archive sources20:46
onlaI was looking for silent laptop alternatives and pref 500 bucks or under. I found a site that listed this t100 but apparently I cant install linux on it http://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2014/apr/17/are-there-any-silent-windows-laptops20:49
onlaor maybe I can20:49
onlaThe ASUS "Bay Trail" T100 Is Not Linux Friendly - Phoronix20:50
ikoniawhat do you want us to do about it ?20:50
onlaCan anyone recommend very silent laptops like that T100 and that are 500eur or less and can run ubuntu?20:51
ikoniaI have a thinkpad that is very low noise, it really depends on your needs20:51
ikoniatry ##hardware20:52
onlaok thanks20:52
onlahmmm. am I not identified with the nickserv o.O I have setup a sasl identif20:53
onlaoh 16:48:15 [Freenode] -!- Irssi: SASL: authentication timed out20:54
ikoniaonla: this isn't an #ubuntu issue20:54
ikoniatalk to #freenode if you need help20:54
onlaoh sorry. I sometimes get a bit carried away :)20:55
=== opal is now known as Guest47265
b-phelp me pls. how can i set to not log 'sql plugin' lines to auth.log: http://pastebin.com/KiktwCJ621:02
RAMSayhow do you identify in linux if RDS (Reliable Datagram Sockets) is running?21:06
k1lRAMSay: see at the output of "ps -ef"21:07
jakesylany way to take a screenshot of my server "AS IS" and apply it to another server?21:07
twilerHello, everyone, I ned a little bit of help installing android SDK...21:08
twilerSo, here's where I'm at with it:21:08
twilerI have downloaded and extracted the files to Desktop/Downloaded/android-studio/21:09
twilerI am attempting to run a file called "studio.sh"21:10
twilerFrom the terminal21:10
_eddyikonia: and Rory_ thank you21:10
twilerIt's  located in android-studio/bin/21:10
RAMSayk1l: http://pastebin.com/1A3TnegC21:10
twilerWhen I cd to to /bin/ and I type studio.sh, I get this:21:11
RAMSayk1l: is it a service?21:11
twilerstudio.sh: command not found21:12
twilerSO, I tried typihg bash studio.sh21:12
twilerFor some reason, I don't know21:12
twilerAnd, I got this:21:13
k1ltwiler: /bin/ is not the same as ~/Desktop/Downloaded/android-studio/bin21:13
twilerERROR: Cannot start Android Studio\nNo JDK found. Please validate either STUDIO_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.21:13
twilerI know but, I was already in /bin/21:13
twilerIt said so, on the left side of the terminal21:14
k1ltwiler: /bin is a total different folder21:14
twilerOK, so, what should I be entering in the terminal?21:15
k1lwhat gives "pwd"?21:15
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OerHeksSo your errpr is: you have no java/openJDK installed21:15
twilerI think..21:15
twilerI don't even know if "bash" was the right thing to type..21:15
k1lRAMSay: i dont know rds, sorry21:16
twilerI just typed it.21:16
OerHekstwiler, What does the manual say, do you need oracle java or openjdk? i prefer openJDK, not the oracle binairy blob21:16
twilerIt seemed right at the time.21:16
twilerThe manual?21:16
RAMSayk1l: no worries, tx21:16
twilerThe manual to what?21:16
twilerANdroid sdk?21:17
k1ltwiler: the readme or manual of what you want to install. or are you just blindly typing stuff int your terminal?21:17
twilerWow dude, ok..21:17
OerHekstwiler, really, i have been reading for some time now, how would you develop android stuff if you give those answers.21:18
twilerWOw, guys21:19
game0heyo ubuntu players21:19
k1ltwiler: i dont know what command you actually used, what error that command produced and what folder you were running that.21:19
game0wooow, almost 200021:19
twilerThan ks  a lot, I feel sufficiently stupid.21:19
k1ltwiler: you did not answer my questions about that so i can only suggest you look into the readme/handbook to sort it on your own. :/21:20
twilerNot at you k1l21:20
twilerok, I will answer your questions:21:21
game0I'm trying to install in my machine a server for the first time, I don't want to remove my old ubuntu version21:21
twilerSo, I typed the following inhto terminal:21:21
game0I think it's better using teamviewer21:21
leeyaahow to install a package without installing extra dependancies21:22
leeyaafor example when i want to install zabbix-server-mysql21:22
game0but when I saw the tutorial, I saw that ubuntu server is kernal view21:22
=== badon_ is now known as badon
twilercd Desktop/downloaded/android-studio/bin/studio.sh21:22
game0not UI21:22
leeyaait also pulls apache and tons of other crap21:22
twilerIt said:21:22
twilerstudio.sh: command not found21:22
game0So I don't have much time for learning this21:22
k1ltwiler: you cant "cd" into a file21:22
twileryeah, I figred tha tout21:23
game0these days I'm really busy and full21:23
twilerso, then, to correct myself21:23
twilerI cd'ed into the bin folder21:23
twilerAnd, I got the same answer: studio.sh: command not found21:23
k1ltwiler: what says "pwd"21:24
twilerSo, then, while STILL in that folder, I typed the following:21:24
twilerbash studio.sh21:24
game0I need some a good documentation or something that will help me install ubuntu server in my machine21:24
twilerAnd it then said:21:24
KlausedSource_is there a reason why i should use rsync over cp -r?21:25
twilerERROR: Cannot start Android Studio\nNo JDK found. Please validate either STUDIO_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation21:25
tgp1994Hello! I just installed the latest Ubuntu/Mint onto my laptop in the hopes that Linux in general has reached a point where a user like me can use it everyday. Not so good so far! My Lenovo Y560P laptop appears to be one plagued by a "kworker bug" where it eats up quite a bit of cpu doing jack-all. This heats my laptop up, and doesn't do any favors to battery life. I've tried doing the trick of putting a bash script in a pm folder to disable gpe18, but21:25
tgp1994 this does not actually disable it. Any help?21:25
twilerSo.. that's where I'm at.21:25
k1lKlausedSource_: it checks the files with rsync21:25
twilerWhat do you mean, what says "pwd"?21:26
KlausedSource_k1l, like "if file exists in destination, don't overwrite it"? and cp -r does that not?21:26
k1ltwiler: type pwd in that terminal. it will print the fullpath of the folder21:26
k1ltwiler: it helps us to exact see where you are right now21:27
twilerSo, you mean, from the /bin/ directory>21:27
k1luff. twiler you are mixing /bin/, /home etc etc etc so we need to start on a basis and sort out the easy mistakes.21:27
twilerThat;s where I'm at21:27
twilerWhat is 'uff' sposed to mean?21:28
k1l<k1l> *sigh*21:28
twilerI;'m assuming it's an acronym similar to ffs21:28
KlausedSource_k1l, did you read my last post?21:28
scorpio18hi guys , i'm having some problems with my ubuntu server 14.10 on apt , when i run apt-get update i'm getting some error like this one "Err http://ubuntu.bhs.mirrors.ovh.net utopic-backports/restricted i386 Packages 404  Not Found" and this one "W: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.bhs.mirrors.ovh.net/ubuntu/dists/utopic/restricted/source/Sources  Bad header line"21:29
scorpio18anyone know any fix for this ?21:29
k1ltwiler: please show the output lines form "ls -al" in that folder in a pastebin21:29
k1l!paste twiler21:30
k1l!paste | twiler21:30
ubottutwiler: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
k1lKlausedSource_: yes. and other stuff you want to make sure you get copied what you want21:30
KlausedSource_k1l, so rsync is better (but more complicated) any good resource where i can learn about it?21:31
KowabungaDude^Has anyone had an issue using the Ethernet from a PC you booted in Linux from a CD?21:31
KowabungaDude^... I'm trying to boot a Dell Optiplex 7010 from an Ubuntu 12.04LTS CD21:31
KowabungaDude^but network manager says "Cable unplugged"21:31
KowabungaDude^and if I do it from the terminal ping returns Destination Host Unreachable21:31
k1lKlausedSource_: learning by doing or give yourself a read on the manpage :) or goolge some howto that suits you best, i dont have one at the hands21:32
twilerok, give me a sec I needed to install pastebinit21:32
KlausedSource_k1l, alright i just stumbled over it on the owncloud documentation and asked myself why not just cp -r21:32
k1ltwiler: you can just copy the text and past it onto the site mentioned there.21:33
KowabungaDude^I thought it was a bad NIC so I connected a USB2ETH but got the same result.21:33
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OerHeksDivx, not DVIX21:36
spitziHello. Using 14.04, got segmentation fault (core dumped), but no idea where core file is. Any idea?21:42
voip_hello guys, my last ubuntu server instlalation assigned interface nmes like em1, em2. whats the diference beetwen eth ?21:44
OerHeksspitzi, if you have apport installed, in /var/crash https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash21:47
geniivoip_: Dell has a constant naming scheme for interfaces now. You can disable this and revert to eth0 type naming by using  biosdevname=0 as a kernel boot option21:48
voip_genii, i want to know its just naming or functionaly changed too ?21:49
geniivoip_: The idea of the new naming scheme is that whether you add or remove things all the names stay the same21:49
geniivoip_: Functionally any operation you could do on ethX you can still do, just the name changed21:50
voip_genii, thank you21:50
geniivoip_: You're welcome21:51
KowabungaDude^Using 12.04LTS on a CD to boot a PC but eth0 displays "Cable Unplugged" with a static IP set and a cable plugged. Terminal shows no IP assigned. Configured it from terminal and eth0 is up but ping returns "Destination Host Unreachable". Help please ... :|21:55
driziHi guys, i'm on 14.04 and on boot and when pressing atl+alt+f1-6 the console text size is quite large. Seems like a graphics issue. any one got any pointers where to start looking to fix this ? (nvidia card)21:55
voip_genii, one morphis question, if i type biosdevname=0 will i lose connection with server ?21:56
k1lvoip_: you will need to reboot for that21:56
geniivoip_: The proper way would be to add into /etc/default/grub the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="biosdevname=0"  then to issue sudo update-grub and reboot21:57
voip_it also will change in file /etc/network/interfaces ?21:57
geniivoip_: Yep21:58
voip_thank you !:)21:58
ColdfusionstormAlright, So, Here it is im Using the ALX driver for my Ethernet card, And i have Lot's of issues, THis same PC works perfectly on Windows22:02
ColdfusionstormHowever here, In Linux the internet connection randomly disconnets22:03
bekksColdfusionstorm: Which ALX chipset exactly do you have?22:03
ColdfusionstormIm not sure22:03
Coldfusionstorm*i have no idea22:04
Coldfusionstormhow do i check22:04
ColdfusionstormThis is my Output bekks from doing22:05
Coldfusionstormlspci -nn | grep 020022:05
ColdfusionstormI don't have much experience with command line22:05
bekksWhy do you grep for 0200?22:05
Coldfusionstormi looked at a Network debug "tutorial"22:05
Coldfusionstormdid i ruin something?22:05
drewbertSo sound on my computer works, but when I try to play anything through the terminal I don't hear anything.22:06
bekksColdfusionstorm: No, but is is unclear what you are grepping for :)22:06
Coldfusionstormalright, It was just me trying to do something22:06
drewbertI have tried play, aplay, mpg123, and beep.22:06
Coldfusionstormi don't even know the function of either grep or lspci22:06
bekksColdfusionstorm: Just pastebin "lspci -vn" please.22:06
=== badon_ is now known as badon
bekksColdfusionstorm: lspci lists all PCI devices found, and grep filters the output for (in your case) all lines containing 020022:07
Coldfusionstormahhh, so grep is bascially a search function in the output of a given command?22:07
bekksColdfusionstorm: basically, yes.22:08
ColdfusionstormDo note i have disabled my Wireless in the GUI here22:08
bekksColdfusionstorm: So pastebin "lspci -k" please, too.22:09
ColdfusionstormHere you go bekks http://pastebin.com/jd2ads5N22:10
bekksColdfusionstorm: When the connection is being dropped - do you see any error messages in "dmesg"?22:11
Coldfusionstormwell, The symtyps are Skype drops call every few minutes22:12
ColdfusionstormWebpages stops loading22:12
Coldfusionstormand steam slows22:12
bekksColdfusionstorm: When the connection is being dropped - do you see any error messages in "dmesg"?22:12
Coldfusionstormwhat is dmesg?22:12
aeon-ltdColdfusionstorm: application, type that in a terminal22:13
bekksColdfusionstorm: dmesg is a program to display the debug messages in the kernel ring buffer.22:13
mike123can anyone tell me how to open ports for transmission?22:13
Coldfusionstormalright so, i don't know if it did that22:13
bekksColdfusionstorm: That would be important to know, since it will help diagnosing the issue.22:14
mike123my windows computer will download at 3 and 4mbps but my new ubuntu will only download at around 40kbps every port i have tried says closed22:14
Coldfusionstormil start steam22:14
solsTiCemike123: so you are using a firewall on ubuntu ?22:14
Coldfusionstormand see if i can replicate the bahavior22:14
mike123solsTiCe not by choice. i just installed yesterday and im not that familiar. i didnt set one up though22:15
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solsTiCemike123: so did you check use upnp for my router intransmission preferences22:16
mike123solsTiCe yes i did22:16
solsTiCehow did you check they are closed ?22:17
mike123solsTiCe: the test port button22:17
ColdfusionstormIm still here bekks , im just waiting for steam to remove files22:18
Coldfusionstormi did a copy operation the other day and did not get a chance to reintialise all the games22:18
mike123solsTiCe, i also tried changing the port and tried about 20 different ones. all said closed22:19
solsTiCemike123: did you check that the port are forwarded/natted on the rotuer ?22:19
Coldfusionstormwell, it seems stable now22:19
solsTiCemike123: it could be the torrent anyway22:20
Coldfusionstormbut as soon as i booted into windows ealier the symptoms went away and everything worked22:20
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
drewbertI'm still kinda struggling with this, and google is not being helpful.  When I try play, aplay, mpg123, and beep I get no sound playing, but I'm listening to music right now from a flash video.22:21
mike123solsTiCe, they are indeed. like i said everything else works flawlessly just the ubuntu machine. and its multiple torrents. 9 tried to be exact. and two of which will download at 4mbps on the windows machine. (same torrent) but only 40kbps on the ubuntu22:21
Coldfusionstormbtw, Bekks, when running dmesg it just outputs what have happend22:24
Coldfusionstormit does not run like top would do22:24
solsTiCemike123: paste output of "iptables -L"22:24
kqiraPhello everyone, could you please correct me if I am wrong? the 'Dejavu Sans Light' font is preinstalled on ubuntu, right?22:24
SCHAAP137i believe so kqiraP22:25
mike123solsTiCe, mike123@Ellis-Server:~$ iptables -L22:25
mike123modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ip_tables': Operation not permitted22:25
mike123iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)22:25
mike123Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.22:25
solsTiCemike123: sorry "sudo iptables -L"22:25
mo1ok__im bored an theres serveral feet of snow on the ground. what are some fun things i can do with linux?22:25
solsTiCemike123: and not here but on a pastebin22:26
mike123solsTiCe, how do i do a pastebin?22:26
mike123solsTiCe, im fairly new22:26
jakesyl_mobileanyway to do like run script python example.py if python example.py not already running?22:27
solsTiCemike123: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo iptables -L|pastebinit"22:28
mike123solsTiCe, http://pastebin.com/8uqfxtsf22:28
game0I wana install a simple linux server22:29
mike123sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:29
game0have anyone tried to install ubuntu server, and work with it22:30
solsTiCemike123: I don't know what's wrong22:30
k1lgame0: a lot did. so what is the issue?22:30
game0cause all I see is that it's not having UI22:30
MrJeromeHow can I set a keyboard shortcut (shift-ctrl-alt-t) to open a byobu terminal?22:30
game0I wana try to install web application on that server22:30
mike123solsTiCe, so no ideas?22:30
b-phelp me pls. how can i set to not log 'sql plugin' lines to auth.log: http://pastebin.com/KiktwCJ622:31
k1lgame0: servers dont have a GUI. that is because the run down in the basement without any monitor, the most time22:31
k1lgame0: so use the terminal. maybe over ssh.22:31
game0I have a desktop on my home22:31
k1lgame0: yes, that is a desktop. you can run the server programs, too. but for real webservers you dont want a running desktop to take away all the cpu and ram.22:32
drewbertI figured it out finally.  Just had to fiddle with the default sound device.22:33
game0I have to, cause the program needs at least 4giga of ram22:33
game0to run22:33
k1lgame0: so what do you want to do?22:33
game0I'm confused a l want to test the application but my problem is that ubuntu server isn't having a UI22:34
game0and I wana install the application it's .bin22:34
k1lgame0: servers dont have a gui22:35
k1lgame0: you use the CLI22:35
game0what's CLI22:35
k1lcomand line interface. "terminal"22:35
game0OK, is it the same as the user ubuntu version22:36
k1lgame0: the server install is basically a ubuntu base system without a desktop.22:36
k1lgame0: so what is the issue? that you cant install something using the terminal?22:37
OerHeksgame0, so does that .bin application come with a manual?22:37
=== medberry2 is now known as med_
game0I have to install it from the website22:37
_DBim having a problem with ubuntu and my asus laptop22:37
game0and then run it in the server22:37
_DBits not letting me enter the root of my HDD22:38
k1lgame0: that is not a problem. use wget to get it22:38
_DBalos its not picking up my mouse clicks -_-22:38
game0OK, I will try tomorrow to install ubuntu server on my desktop and see how it's going to work22:38
drewbertIs there a way I can configure my shell to play a sound when any long running command finished?22:38
SCHAAP137drewbert, theoretically yes, but you'd have to build it yourself22:39
aeon-ltdSCHAAP137: that answer applies to nearly everything22:40
SCHAAP137aeon-ltd, hmm, you're right22:40
EriC^^drewbert: if you have mplayer installed you can just ; mplayer /path/to/soundfile22:40
game0thanks k1l nad OerHeks22:41
drewbertbut what if I forget to do that, usually it's hard to tell if a command is long running until it is run.  I'm looking for something that will bring me back from the ADD tangents I go on.22:41
EriC^^drewbert: write a script that checks a given pid you give it, and once the pid is gone it plays the sound22:42
drewbertEriC^^: hrmm, that sounds closer to a viable approad.22:42
drewberterrr, approach22:43
dansmith_btcpoilop, no22:43
kqiraPSCHAAP137, are preinstalled fonts on OSes not expected to look the same when they are used for a website text?22:43
kqiraPI mean look the same through different browsers and OSes22:43
SCHAAP137kqiraP, that depends on the way the particular browser renders the font, and also any font smoothing/rendering from the OS22:44
SCHAAP137but generally, yes, i think they _should_ look the same, that is the goal obviously22:44
MrJeromeHow can I set a keyboard shortcut (shift-ctrl-alt-t) to open a byobu terminal?22:45
SCHAAP137MrJerome, what desktop environment are you using?22:47
SCHAAP137just regular ubuntu, ok22:48
drewbertEriC^^: could I use the debug trap and prompt command to store times when commands start and finish, then check the difference and play a sound?22:48
drewbert* I am using bash.22:48
Ben64long command; mplayer /path/to/annoying.mp322:49
OerHeksMrJerome, sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator22:49
EriC^^Ben64: i suggested that, he wants it to do so if he forgets to add mplayer22:49
jfb_just setting up icinga / nagios. I'm getting a Disk Space critical error on a remote server (using a nrpe agent) that is actually the error from my localhost (both are displayed). why?22:50
EriC^^drewbert: the pid is very easy22:50
EriC^^drewbert: it's just one line22:50
_DBhow do i mount a HDD ?22:51
EriC^^while true; do if [ ! pgrep <long command> ]; then mplayer /path/to/soundfile; fi; done22:51
EriC^^drewbert: something like that ^^22:51
_DBits picking it up but I cant go into its root currently22:52
SCHAAP137MrJerome, Go to System Settings → Keyboard, select Shortcuts tab and add a new custom shortcut22:52
_DBhmm nvm its mounted I dont have the permissions to view the files22:54
_DBanyway to change that?22:54
_DB(i remember i had to bring up the terminal and run a command to grant access not sure which one though)22:54
SCHAAP137a general must read for anyone: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html22:55
MrJeromeSCHAAP137: I've tried that but I don't know what command to use to launch it. I've tried /usr/bin/byobu and byobu22:55
kirklandMrJerome: you're going to need to launch a terminal (like gnome-terminal) and have it run /usr/bin/byobu22:55
SCHAAP137MrJerome, go in your terminal and type: whereis byobu22:56
SCHAAP137it will show you where the executable is22:56
OerHeksdoes byobu not show up in sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator ?22:57
kirklandbyobu has to run inside of a terminal (Hi, I'm the author of Byobu, btw)22:58
MrJeromekirkland: i currently have it set to run byobu instead of my normal shell but I want to be able to use ctrl-alt-t for a regular gnome-terminal22:58
MrJeromekirkland: and ctrl-shift-alt-t for byobu22:58
kirklandMrJerome: you can set gnome-terminal to automatically run byobu by default22:58
MrJeromekirkland: awesome I just started using it a week ago22:59
spitziOerHeks: thanks22:59
MrJeromekirkland: yes that's how I have it configured right now, but sometimes I just want a normal gnome-terminal session to be launched with ctrl-alt-t so I want a separate shortcut for byobu22:59
SCHAAP137cool, i'm not familiar with byobu, lemme search22:59
kirklandMrJerome: Edit -> Profile Preferences -> Title and Command -> Run a custom command -> /usr/bin/byobu22:59
spitziThanks and bye23:00
kirklandMrJerome: ah, okay23:00
loleyanyone here?23:01
EriC^^MrJerome: you could set a shortcut in shortcuts that opens gnome-terminal -e /usr/bin/byobu23:01
EriC^^and remove the profile preference23:01
loleydo I have to 'Install Ubuntu" if I plan on booting from a thumb drive? It doesn't seem necessary23:02
EriC^^loley: just to use a live session?23:02
SCHAAP137loley, it's a live session, you can try it and use it without having to install23:02
loleyto use the gui/op sys23:02
loleyI'm using it now... without installing23:03
loleywhat does it gain me?23:03
SCHAAP137installing would replace the operating system currently on your hard drive23:03
MrJeromeEriC^^: Thank you! that is exactly what I was looking for23:03
EriC^^MrJerome: no problem23:03
loleythat's what I thought... and though I don't plan on using it any more... I don't necessarily want it nuked23:03
k1l_loley: with a install to a disk/ssd you get better performance and more changes to install packages23:04
MrJeromekirkland: awesome work with byobu thanks23:04
claudiociao a tutti23:05
claudiociao a tutti23:05
k1l_!it | claudio23:05
ubottuclaudio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:05
ubottuclaudio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:05
loleyI got an old laptop... I'm afraid if I install over the existing data, I might lose something I might want later (specifically the Office version)23:05
k1l_loley: if you install over the old install you will loose data. what is installed there?23:06
loleyI can back up the docs and photos and crap... but the licensed ver of Office I can't23:07
linusfargodoes anyone know if you can still use google voice with yate? I cant seem to get my setup to work anymore, but I keep finding conflicting information about its status.23:09
acz32those of you who use wine, what's your favorite frontend?23:10
k1l_loley: you can use libreoffice23:10
loleyI intend to...23:11
linusfargoplay on linux is the best wine front end23:11
drewbertI figured it out.  trap 'last_command_time=$command_time; command_time=`date +%s`;' DEBUG   and then command_time_difference=$(expr `date +%s` -  $last_command_time); if [ $command_time_difference -gt 10 ] ; then play_sound ; fi23:12
acz32i don't need it for games though23:12
acz32is playonlinux best for apps, too?23:12
drewbertsecond part needs to be assigned to PROMPT_COMMAND23:12
kqiraPhello again, I found out that some fonts are not preinstalled on libreoffice or ubuntu. the texts on a web page that are originally done with these fonts do look different in this case when they are not preinstalled on OS. even though the browser is set to 'allow websites to show their own fonts'..how then  can web pages ever look the same everywhere?23:12
drewbertprobably best to stick 'em in your bashrc23:12
linusfargoyes play on linux is great for all windows programs on wine23:17
aumhi - across a wide crop of ubuntu and debian servers, what's the simplest way to determine how much free space is available in whatever partition includes /tmp ?23:18
linusfargoplay on linux lets to sandbox all apps, or launch them with preservable configurations23:18
k1l_aum: df -h23:18
linusfargoshit beat me to it23:19
linusfargoi was thinking of something snarky to but before df23:19
aumk1l_, the problem being that different servers have different arrangements for /tmp - some have /tmp in its own partition, others have /tmp symlinked to another partition, others just have root partition -23:20
aumok - my bad - giving /tmp as arg reveals all23:20
acz32linusfargo: playonlinux lets you create and manage wineprefixes?23:21
lazl0wWhat do I need to do to install a .tar package to Ubuntu? I have already tar -xvf'd it23:21
lazl0wthem .deb files23:22
linusfargonot sure about prefixes but id think yes, there are so many possible settings I dont remember them all sorry23:22
acz32no problem23:23
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hardtailis there a way on OS X to create a bootable USB without the DD command?23:32
SCHAAP137Disk Utility?23:33
Elimin8erStupid Queston but im going to ask anyhow, Is it possible to take out my system drive and install it in another system that pretty much uses the same chipset as the system that its currentlly on? only diffrents is still amd ATI gfx, but diffrent serries.. Did get black screen on boot. ? So is it possible or would be not good ?23:33
k1l_hardtail: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx23:33
SCHAAP137Elimin8er, yes that should generally be possible23:34
SCHAAP137there are a few issues you could run into23:35
hardtailSCHAAP137 I can format with disk utility and then just drag the iso?23:35
mcphailElimin8er: I do that sort of thing a lot. Usually not a problem. Have you been using open source or proprietary graphics drivers?23:35
Elimin8erschaap137, THe only thing I did run into was black screen.. the screen shut it self off.. thats why I asked about the gfx card drivers? would I just be able to log into remote and instal the correct drivers?23:35
SCHAAP137not sure hardtail, but you could use this, its for OSX as well: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/23:36
k1l_hardtail: did you see my link?23:36
SCHAAP137specifically made to create linux bootable USBs23:36
Elimin8ermcphail, I used what ever came with ubuntu23:36
hardtailk1l_ yes thanks, that's what I was following but I have had trouble with the 'dd' command, it seems to time out23:36
SCHAAP137Elimin8er, it might as well be the screen resolution23:37
SCHAAP137you can try to switch to a different terminal, and reinstall the drivers from the console23:37
mcphailElimin8er: what resolution is your screen?23:37
SCHAAP137ctrl alt F2 at the black screen23:37
Elimin8erschaap137, and mcphail, Not sure screen size, this system is 15.6 screen while my other is 1723:38
Elimin8eril just log on with another terminal and reinstall drivers to switch for the new sizes and screens23:38
Elimin8erschaap137, Thank you for your help...23:39
SCHAAP137ultimate test would be to switch the screens temporarily as well, then u know whether the resolution is the issue23:39
Elimin8ermcphail, thank you for your help also23:39
SCHAAP137cool, yw23:39
Elimin8erschaap137, it turned my screen all the way off23:39
Elimin8erI mean blinked off.. like sleep23:40
Elimin8erapon the booting23:40
mcphailElimin8er: no prob. Your issue is likely to be kernel modesetting not detecting your resolution properly. May need a bit of tweaking23:40
Elimin8erwhen it loaded the drivers im sure23:40
SCHAAP137yeah i think so too23:40
Elimin8erok il try again in a bit.. thank you for all your help23:40
mcphailElimin8er: a tremporary workaround is to add "nomodeset" to your boot options but it will leave you with an awful low-res vesa driver23:41
Elimin8ermcphail, ill try the reinstall drivers for the new screen set gfx card23:41
Elimin8erboth are amd ati's just diffrent serries23:41
mcphailElimin8er: good luck23:41
Elimin8eragain.. thank you both........... ill try in a bit.23:42
* mcphail uses the boot option "drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/1920x1080.bin" to get rid of the black screen23:43
Elimin8ermcphail, How would I add that23:45
mcphailElimin8er: at the bootloader, press "e" to edit the boot commands and add it between "quiet" and "splash". This will only work if the 1920x1080 resolution is supported by your monitor23:46
mcphailElimin8er: other built-in ones are 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1680x1050 and maybe 1600x1200. If your monitor doesn't support these the process is more difficult23:47
SCHAAP1371024x768 should be a fairly secure choice23:48
SCHAAP137given the physical screen size23:48
Elimin8erok thanks23:49
mcphailactually, 800x600 seems to be an option in modern kernels as well23:51
bipulI am not able to download anythings from email, my ubuntu terminal is almost blurish.23:52
janmsistooschrHow can 12.10 be upgraded?23:52
k1l_!eolupgrade | janmsistooschr23:52
ubottujanmsistooschr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:52
Elimin8eri just hope something works. I dont wanna reinstall my whole linux system again.. way tomany things to reinstall and backup23:53
k1l_janmsistooschr: you need to upgrade to 13.04, then 13.10 and then 14.04. maybe a fresh install of 14.04 is faster23:53
DSdavidDSquestion: why is eclipse will version 3.8 on ubuntu?23:54
k1l_!info eclipse23:54
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-5.1 (utopic), package size 15 kB, installed size 122 kB23:54
mcphailElimin8er: it should work. If all else fails, boot once with "nomodeset" and install the proprietary drivers. However, I like the open source radeon drivers better23:54
k1l_14.10 got eclipse 3.8.123:54
bipulMy gnome has different looks, even i am not able to read anythings on my terminal.23:55
DSdavidDSYeah, but my question is why it isn't using version 4.4 as the latest release?23:55
TincheDSdavidDS, the simple answer is because no one has packaged it23:55
k1l_DSdavidDS: sorry but your questions dont make sense. can you rephrase it?23:56
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DSdavidDSThe latest version of Eclipse is 4.4. The latest eclipse package in Ubuntu repo is 3.8.23:56
DSdavidDSWhy haven't they updated to 4.4 (or even 4.3) yet?23:57
TincheI don't know but it's probably not that simple23:57
Tinchehowever, you can use ubuntu make to install the newest Eclipse23:57
Piciiirc, it hasn't been packaged for debian either.23:57
k1l_see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/101927323:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019273 in eclipse (Ubuntu) "Version Bump to 4.4" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:58
DSdavidDSOkay, actually I just did a quick google search on it (as I should have) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19792909/why-does-ubuntu-14-04-stick-with-old-eclipse-3-8-when-4-3-is-out23:58
Tinchehere, add this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-make23:58
Tinchethen install ubuntu make (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make)23:59
Tinchethen you can use ubuntu make to install the newest Eclipse and a bunch of other dev tools23:59

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