
allstarsnorks2Hi guys. How do I install GTK 3.12 on Xubuntu 14.04?05:47
ChristofferGood morning05:48
allstarsnorks2Hey there05:48
ChristofferWhen I try to boot into xubuntu with two new displays I get no output to the screens, it's dual full-hd.05:49
Christofferthe loading screen and decryption of /home I can see05:49
Christofferbut I think it is the greeter that fails this high resolution05:49
Christofferis it lightdm in xubuntu 14.04?05:49
allstarsnorks2How do I install GTK 3.12 on Xubuntu 14.04?05:57
Unit193Christoffer: Right, lightdm with lightdm-gtk-greeter.06:00
allstarsnorks2Is there a way to update GTK 3.10 to GTK 3.12 in Xubuntu06:03
`devhello, i'm using xubuntu for an year now, very comfortable with this distribution.. until today, i changed hdd to SSD, installed the same 14.04 LTS , and i get this: http://s21.postimg.org/5xegoirid/prob.png07:25
`devwhen i minimize and maximize window (chromium) the top nav disappear07:26
`devuntil im sailing with the mouse on the top of the window and the buttons and labels coming back one by one -.-07:26
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Anarhisthi please help. i've somehow turnt on the 'lens' feature08:49
Anarhisthow do i turn it off?08:49
Anarhistahh, i found it08:50
Anarhistalt + mouse weel08:50
Anarhistq; -)))=08:50
Anarhistok, panic is over08:50
`devhello, i'm using xubuntu for an year now, very comfortable with this distribution.. until today, i changed hdd to SSD, installed the same 14.04 LTS , and i get this: http://s21.postimg.org/5xegoirid/prob.png09:06
`devwhen i minimize and maximize window (chromium) the top nav disappear09:06
`devuntil im sailing with the mouse on the top of the window and the buttons and labels coming back one by one -.-09:06
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dudebrohey guys, what is the best way to add a startup scripts in xfce4?14:54
dudebroi have been trying to run some xinput commands to start on my session but cant get it to work14:54
SumitabhaI'm running Xubuntu 14.0415:04
SumitabhaAnd my OS is running really slow.  It's freezing my PC, and making things run really slow15:05
SumitabhaEverything is loading really slow15:05
SumitabhaIs there a way to run a diagnostic test using my Xubuntu 14.04 live CD?15:07
elfySumitabha: open a terminal and run top - see what's going on there to start with15:13
SumitabhaRun top?15:14
SumitabhaElfy, could you give me a command to run top?15:14
elfyopen the terminal, type top and then press enter :)15:15
Sumitabhawhat am I looking for?15:15
Sumitabha140 tasks15:16
Sumitabha138 sleeping15:16
elfydown - below the top 4 or 5 lines15:17
xubuntu27wI am having a problem with my archive manager. After  each time of downloading software i.e AVG, musicloader, the message pops up after opening the file "error. archive manager can not load" How do I fix the archive manager?15:17
SumitabhaPID 495515:18
SumitabhaI'm running a live CD, so things should be normal, right?15:18
Alexfrenchmaybe a bad source location ??15:18
Sumitabhathe computer is not freezing and loading slow, like when I was running from the hard drive15:19
Sumitabhathe problems started with Chromium15:19
elfySumitabha: you need to be looking in the install rather than the livecd - but just for now, ram? cpu? graphics card?15:20
Sumitabha1.4 GB of RAM15:20
SumitabhaI think the capacity is 2 GB, though15:20
SumitabhaI'm pretty sure the problem is software related15:20
elfySumitabha: actually what version of Xubuntu is it?15:20
SumitabhaBecause when I had closed Chromium the short constant wines stopped and everything speeded up15:21
SumitabhaBut the problems returned when I ran updates and was installing them15:21
SumitabhaAnd when I shut off the PC, it took like over 5 min to shut off15:22
SumitabhaIt took over 5 min to boot up15:22
Sumitabhaactually more like 10 min15:22
elfypossibly issues with the hard drive15:22
Sumitabhanever had any hardware issues before15:23
AgAuwell you don't till you do :P15:23
SumitabhaI tested the hard drive a couple months ago and it looked really good15:23
Sumitabhathe hard drive is working fine now15:23
elfySumitabha: ok - boot into it again - then we can have a look in the logs to see if there's anything there15:23
SumitabhaBut I had problems with Google Chrome, and had to uninstall it.  google chrome had crashed15:24
Sumitabhaso did Chromium15:24
SumitabhaIt will take a long time to boot into my regular OS and I don't have an IRC account15:25
SumitabhaI'm using xChat now15:26
SumitabhaI think I'll have to do this on my own15:26
elfyyea - well just access us via the webchat link in http://xubuntu.org/help/15:26
Sumitabhaok, I'll try15:27
elfydoesn't matter how long it takes to boot - people will be about in here still :)15:27
SumitabhaOh, you want to see the Ubuntu crash logs?15:29
elfysort of anyway - you could pastebin them from livecd15:29
SumitabhaI had already pastebined them15:29
elfySumitabha: where?15:40
SumitabhaI need to paste them again15:41
elfyif it was fairly recent the urls will be good still15:42
xubuntu27wI have xubuntu 14.04 and after I have downloaded software and open the file the same message appears "error. there was a problem loading with the archive manager" How do I fix this?15:56
xubuntu27wI have attempted to download from several different sources with the same result15:56
knomexubuntu27w, what is it you are trying to download? is that not available in the repositories?15:57
SumitabhaI found the crash logs from the first crash16:03
Sumitabhathe Chrome crash16:03
SumitabhaBut I can't find the crash logs from the second crash16:03
Sumitabhathe most recent crash with Chromium16:03
Sumitabhathose logs are from the first crash16:05
SumitabhaI posted the crash logs from my second crash16:20
SumitabhaOh yeah, I should say Elfy16:21
Sumitabhaelfy  I mean16:21
SumitabhaI'm running a fully updated Xubuntu‭ ‬14.04‭ ‬OS on my HP dx5150‭ ‬SFF desktop PC16:23
SumitabhaEverything was working pretty well for the last‭ ‬6‭ ‬months,‭ ‬and I was running Firefox and Google Chrome browsers without any problems.‭  ‬Until Google Chrome recently crashed16:25
SumitabhaI got help uninstalling Google Chrome and then installed Chromium browser recently.‭  ‬Afterwards,‭ ‬Chromium appeared to be working fine16:27
AkusariOn my thinkpad, well, i had some chrome issues too  (crashes and window heat drawing bugs) but since xserver-lts-utopic everything runs fine16:32
SumitabhaBut later,‭ ‬I went to the BBC.com news website and it was working until I tried to play a video link.‭  ‬None of the video links were working.‭  ‬They all said‭ “‬Download Flash Player now‭” ‬in the video boxes.16:33
SumitabhaSo,‭ ‬I realized I probably didn't have any plugins installed.‭  ‬So I went browsing for Silverlight,‭ ‬and tried to install it,‭ ‬but I couldn't seem to install it.‭  ‬Then I read that Silverlight is not supported by Chromium.16:33
SumitabhaSo,‭ ‬then I installed Adobe Flash.‭  ‬And right after I installed it,‭ ‬my computer really slowed down and almost froze.16:33
elfySumitabha: sorry - was afk16:33
Sumitabhathat's ok16:34
SumitabhaSo,‭ ‬I checked all my Chromium plugins and realized that Silverlight was installed,‭ ‬and Flash was also installed,‭ ‬and they were both active at the same time.‭  ‬Did that cause the crash‭?16:34
SumitabhaI think something more serious is troubling my OS16:34
elfySumitabha: to see what might be causing slow boot. we'll need to some logs from /var/log/ - dmesg and syslog would be a good start16:35
SumitabhaI can do that from the live CD?16:35
SumitabhaYou want me to mount the hard drive, or is that asking for trouble when using a live CD?16:36
elfyshould be ok16:37
elfymount it somewhere then you can pastebin them16:37
Akusarisumitabha: do you have such error messages like this in /var/log/kern* ? :  Homer-Mobil kernel: [24347.052181] Watchdog[2961]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f18fbb58756 sp 00007f18eb106770 error 6 in chrome[7f18f7e69000+510c000]16:38
elfySumitabha: I'm likely to go quiet - right in the middle of trusty .2 release stuff for one16:38
Sumitabhafor how long?16:39
elfyanyone should be able to help you decipher what's hanging16:39
Sumitabhaok, thanks16:39
Sumitabhawhat is the command to open that directory?16:41
Akusaricat /var/log/kern.log |grep -i chrom16:42
SumitabhaNote I'm running a live CD16:43
SumitabhaI ran that command, and it just gave me back the command prompt16:44
Akusariohhh, well you need to mount filesystem anyway16:44
SumitabhaI mounted the hard drive16:44
SumitabhaHow do I mount the file system?16:45
SumitabhaMy hard drive is located at media/xubuntu16:47
Sumitabhasorry, no, that's my external drive16:48
Akusariwe need the kernel devices first16:49
Akusarilike /dev/sda or so16:49
Akusarimay try this to list them: dmesg |egrep -i '(sda|sdb|sdc)'16:50
SumitabhaPermission ddenied16:50
SumitabhaSudo....command not found16:50
Akusari dmesg |egrep -i '(sda|sdb|sdc)'16:50
Akusarino need for sudo in this case16:51
Sumitabhaoh, it worked16:51
Akusariif you know your root/var partition we can do a mount16:52
Sumitabhathere is no evidence of the error hallmarks you showed above16:53
SumitabhaI know my root home, I think16:54
elfySumitabha: cat /path/to/instal/var/log/dmesg |pastebinit16:55
elfythen the same for syslog16:55
elfythen give people the url's - then give people time to look16:55
Sumitabhapaste what my console shows?16:56
Sumitabhais path the actual word I should write?16:56
Sumitabhaok, I see16:57
elfypath will be wherever you mounted it16:57
Sumitabhaits mounted at media/xubuntu16:58
Sumitabhabut my root directory used my name when I was running it off the hard drive16:58
elfythen cat /media/xubuntu/var/log/dmesg | pastebinit16:58
SumitabhaNo such file or directory16:59
SumitabhaYou are trying to send an empty doc, exiting16:59
Akusaritry this command and copy the output in this chat:17:02
Akusari mount |grep -i media17:02
Sumitabha/dev/sdb1 on /media/xubuntu/VANTEC500 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)17:04
Sumitabha/dev/sda1 on /media/xubuntu/1f7a558d-8937-4f2f-9305-5f136e7713ac type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)17:04
SumitabhaVantec is the external drive17:04
Sumitabhasda1 is the big 500 GB hard drive with my OS on it17:04
Sumitabhasdb1 is Vantec50017:05
Sumitabhaboth drives are 500 GB17:05
Akusariso i guess elfy want the os data17:06
SumitabhaGive me a command for the OS data you want, if you please17:06
Akusarithat would be: cat /media/xubuntu/1f7a558d-8937-4f2f-9305-5f136e7713ac/var/log/dmesg | pastebinit17:07
Akusariyeah, so it's elfy time :-)17:10
Sumitabhawow, that's a lot of info17:12
AkusariI need more experince to evaluate this kind of data17:12
Sumitabhaelfy must be an expert17:13
AkusariMaybe i could, but elfy is better for sure :-)17:13
SumitabhaIs your name Japanese?17:15
AkusariI'm pretty new here, i have no glue17:15
Akusarioops, you mean myself17:15
Sumitabhathat's cool.  I love Japan animes17:16
Akusariyeah, that the background behind it :)17:16
Sumitabhathe name of the director?17:17
Akusarino, i think this name is created by myself. This name comes in my mind while i'm wachting hikaru no go17:17
SumitabhaI don't have plugins installed here, so can't search that, I think17:18
SumitabhaI just installed HTML517:20
Sumitabhaoh, damn17:22
SumitabhaI should not be doing that, because I mounted my hard drive17:23
Sumitabhathe installation went to the wrong place?17:24
SumitabhaAfter I installed HTML5 the plugin did not show up in my Firefox Browser17:24
Sumitabhaoh crap, my external drive is overheating17:26
SumitabhaI had to turn it off17:26
Sumitabhait's 28 C in here17:27
Sumitabhaand the hard drive felt like about 75 C17:27
Akusarii'm sorry, but i must leave now. i'm still not at home ;-) I think elfy or someone else will help you anyway :-)17:27
Sumitabhathanks Akusari17:27
Sumitabhahave a good day17:28
Sumitabhaelfy ?17:42
elfySumitabha: hi - as I said, I'm tied up with lots of things currently - constant pinging me is not helping17:43
elfyyour slow boot issue could also be looked at in #ubuntu - many many more people looking, perhaps try there - you have the pastebin output17:44
Sumitabhathanks for your help17:45
elfybut - quickly it looks like usb slowing boot at line 623,631,639 etc17:46
SumitabhaMy USB stick is not even hooked up to my PC17:49
SumitabhaWhich error log is that from?  From the Chrome or the Chromium crash?17:50
elfyit's the dmesg output - you can see in there where the time halts are17:51
elfyanyway as I said - try #ubuntu - more people - good luck17:51
Sumitabhaoh, this could be related to my external drive overheating?17:51
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Akusariely: How was the support case going two hours ago. the chrome case19:43
Akusarielfy: How was the support case going two hours ago. the chrome case19:44
* ochosi imagines a shiny metal case...19:45
argoneusdoes anyone here virtualize xubuntu using virtualbox?20:18
argoneusI'm wondering if it's normal to have a slight input lag, and choppy movement when moving windows, etc, I already installed guest additions20:18
holsteinargoneus: i would expect that with virtualization in general20:19
Akusariwell, i'm using vmware for my virtual tasks :-)20:42
AkusariWindows7 and XP runs smoothy and no lags so far20:45
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xubuntu35wHello, I am try to install xubuntu but when I install it it is very pixelated and the colors look rediculous. I am using a hp touchsmart iq 70023:40
holsteinxubuntu35w: i would look into my GPU.. i would see if i can get the desktop looking "right" with the live iso. i would research proprietary drivers23:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:40
xubuntu35wOk thanks for your help I will try those23:41

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