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travnewmaticnot sure if this is the right place to ask00:39
travnewmaticbut can anyone point me in the direction of deploying centos with maas00:40
sarnoldtravnewmatic: #maas ?00:40
travnewmatici've asked00:40
travnewmaticthe closest they've got was this thing https://github.com/jjasghar/maas/blob/centos/recipes/centos.rb00:41
travnewmaticsaid it was a chef recipe00:41
travnewmaticbut i'm not sure how to use it00:41
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hazmattravnewmatic: requires uploading custom linux image03:11
travnewmatici got that03:12
travnewmaticits where do i get that custom linux image thats the question03:12
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toyo|workfor whatever reason juju-gui is stuck pending07:37
toyo|workdunno whats up07:37
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MuraliHi jamespage12:00
jamespageMurali, o/12:00
Muraliwe are able to see the ipaddresses for lxc containers12:01
Muraliwith fastinstaller12:01
Muralijamespage all the charms for openstack are installed and showing green in juju-gui. But we are not seeing the relations b/n the charms does it takes some time to come-up12:07
jamespageMurali, \o/12:07
jamespageMurali, I think the gui will wait for all units to come up and then add the relations12:08
Muraliit looks like everything is started12:09
Muralior installed12:09
Muralithese keeps repeating the debug-logs12:11
Muralijamespage its waiting for longtime. do we need trigger something here?12:18
jamespageMurali, looking12:24
jamespageMurali, I don' think that log message is anything to worry about12:32
jamespageMurali, I'm at a bit of a loss as to why no relations12:32
jamespageMurali, any errors in the juju-gui?12:32
Muralijamespage we saw one notification that error oaccured but no description12:43
jamespageMurali, tbh I'm not a juju-gui expert12:44
jamespageMurali, you can use juju-deployer to try and add them now12:44
jamespageMurali, download the bundle and use "juju-deployer -c bundles.yaml" - it should see that the services are deployed and just add the relations12:44
Muraliok will try this12:48
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Muralijamespage do you need to do juju bootstrap again?12:59
jamespageMurali, no12:59
Muraliwe are seeing this meassage?13:00
jamespageMurali, does your bundles file look like this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10324139/ ?13:06
Muraliours is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1032414913:08
Muralibasic in top is missing in my file13:08
jamespageMurali, I have no idea why it does this but use - https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/bundle/openstack-28/archive/bundles.yaml.orig13:10
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Muralijamespage after adding "openstack:" in our bundle.yaml file we able to see relations are getting adding13:28
Muralitop corner of the file13:29
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CompanionCubeIs this the right channel for questions about building juju from source?15:27
jw4CompanionCube: probably - what is your question?15:30
CompanionCubewait, I think I'm missing some packages15:30
* CompanionCube forgot to install mercurial15:30
jw4CompanionCube: I think the make install-dependencies step will ensure all those dependencies15:31
CompanionCubeyes, but mercurial is apparently needed to download some of the packages used by go get15:31
jw4CompanionCube: yes, I'm pretty sure make install-dependencies will install mercurial, and 'go get github.com/juju/juju' will get that makefile at least15:32
CompanionCube...good point15:32
lazyPowerCompanionCube: epic handle. o/15:41
CompanionCubelazyPower: Been using it on multiple networks for a few years.15:43
CompanionCubeFreenode is not one of my usually frequented ones however :p15:44
lazyPowerWelcome to the crowd :) really happy to see new potential juju-core hackers15:44
CompanionCubenot a hacker, just a bug that's affecting me is at 'Fix Comittted'15:45
CompanionCubeWait, damm. Just realised my target-system is an ARM computer, so I'll need to dig out an ARM emulator.15:49
adamgreigmbruzek: heya15:50
lazyPowerCompanionCube: thats typically how it starts right? :)16:00
mbruzekadamgreig: Have a nice day, let me know if you have any other questions.16:13
adamgreigthanks again, will do16:14
adamgreigit certainly all makes a lot more sense to me now :)16:14
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whitadamgreig, was nice to meet you!16:23
whitadamgreig, and thanks for coming to charm school so well prepared :)16:24
adamgreigit was good to meet you too, thanks for your time! haha, you're welcome16:24
adamgreigwish I'd found the debug tools before I started just sshing into everything ;)16:25
whitadamgreig, yeah, they make a huge difference. especially the syncing w/ dhx16:25
adamgreigyea that sounds ace16:25
adamgreigvery familiar with fixing something on a running system and then nuking it and realising I hadn't copied the changes back...16:26
whitadamgreig, "the joy of the cloud"16:26
whitadamgreig, I know you are on a rather tight deadline for the demo, so just to reiterate, do not hesitate to pick our brains16:28
whitadamgreig,  if anything does not make sense or is not intuitive.   that's why we are here!16:29
adamgreiggot it, thanks very much :)16:30
adamgreigtime to get started on this charm then I guess ;)16:30
adamgreigshould I mostly be sticking with trusty for new stuff?16:32
lazyPowerunless you have a specific need to target p recise, i would target trusty16:35
adamgreigis there any particularly juju-integrated way to worry about mapping machine IPs to DNS, or do you tend to do that out of band?16:47
lazyPoweradamgreig: actually - interesting that you ask that16:47
lazyPoweri have written a bind9 charm to use in dev (not in prod)16:47
lazyPowerbut i have plans on extending this with "proxy service wrappers"16:47
lazyPowerlet me fish up the url for you16:47
lazyPowerhttps://github.com/chuckbutler/dns-charm - again, not prod ready (so this may not be useful to you)16:48
adamgreigah neat, so a service could tell bind what its IP is and what it'd like its hostname to be?16:48
lazyPowerbasically you define a blanket domain on this bind provider16:48
lazyPowerand each service gets its own group/host dns entry, and upon relation-join it updates the resolvconf template to add that dns server16:49
lazyPowerso you can add the ip of that dns-charm to your workstation and get the perks of not having to know your service ip's16:49
adamgreigcool. and then in theory you have that be authoritative for that zone publically and now your services automatically get their IPs publicised?16:50
lazyPowercorrect, its a huge SPOF but as POC ware - thats what its achieved16:51
adamgreiggot it16:51
lazyPowerall contributions in forms of bug reports, feature requests, comentary are appreciated16:51
adamgreigin theory you could do something very similar only instead of installing bind and updating its local conf, you publish new records to some dns service (AWS's or linode or whatever)?16:51
lazyPower(and pr's if you're feeling adventerous)16:51
lazyPowerexactly i wanted the dns-charm to be a one stop shop for that16:52
lazyPowerby implementing a provider, you wrap their API and execute the proper motions on behalf of the user in their given provider16:52
lazyPowerlike godaddy, awsrt53, dnsimple - all have api's and were targets for the 1.0 release16:52
lazyPowerthats all outlined in docs/HACKING.md16:52
lazyPowerand https://github.com/chuckbutler/DNS-Charm/blob/master/docs/provider.md16:52
lazyPowerI'd love to get back on this in the near future, i haven't touched it since mid 2014 unfortunately. but with some new interest - lets plan and make something great :)16:57
adamgreigsounds fun! it seems like a pretty neat way to get everything totally set up17:00
adamgreigatm vzzual's infrastructure is mostly on rackspace's cloud for various reasons but I imagine their DNS API is amenable (not played with it yet)17:00
CompanionCubeI'm getting 'storage/volume.go:11: undefined: names.DiskTag' when running 'go install'17:01
lazyPowerCompanionCube: might want to join #juju-dev - as the core devs are typically paying attention in there.17:07
CompanionCubeah, okay17:07
CompanionCubeI'll be there shortly17:08
marcoceppiCompanionCube: you shouldn't need to run go install17:08
marcoceppiCompanionCube: just `go get github.com/juju/juju/...`17:08
marcoceppiCompanionCube: you may also need to run `JUJU_MAKE_GODEPS=true make godeps`17:10
CompanionCubeyay works now, got an ARM version of juju built.17:11
marcoceppiCompanionCube: if you're bootstrapping anything other than local17:12
marcoceppiyou'll need to bootstrap with --upload-tools when you compile from source17:12
CompanionCubemarcoceppi: anyway to upload tools like that with an already bootstrapped environment? or do I need to tear-down and redeploy17:14
marcoceppiCompanionCube: was the fix you need on the client or agent side?17:15
marcoceppi(what was teh bug, btw?)17:15
CompanionCubehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1420049 - visibly affetcs ppc64el, but I spotted the error on my ARM deployment also17:17
mupBug #1420049: ppc64el - jujud: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") <deploy> <openstack> <regression> <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420049>17:17
marcoceppiCompanionCube: yeah, so you'll need to upgrade juju. You can try a juju upgrade-juju with --upload-tools from the newly compiled juju17:21
marcoceppiCompanionCube: but it might be easier to just re-bootstrap17:21
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lazyPowernicopace: gave you some initial looks over those test plans on the charms i'm familiar with17:58
CompanionCubeWorks. Yay :)17:58
lazyPower+1 on those - good strategies. thanks for publishing the bugs.17:58
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AirdawgHi ppl. Did something happen with juju-charms? There's only 13 charms/solutions and no bundles.18:41
AirdawgThe number is slowly increasing though.18:42
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ctlaughI'm looking for some help on the correct way to configure the charm(s) to deploy Nova correctly to use either Neutron or FlatDHCPManager (whatever is easier) when deployed by Juju on a MAAS node.  The node only has 1 network interface that is brought up (eth0) and it is already bridged to juju-br0.22:35
ctlaugh^^ The examples I find all involve needing more than one network interface, but MAAS/Juju only bring up 1 of them.22:37
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