lordievader | Good morning. | 06:36 |
ovidiu-florin | lordievader: aren't you a morning fellow | 08:01 |
ovidiu-florin | Good morning everyone | 08:02 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: gave me one a link where are the files for our Kubuntu business cards | 08:02 |
ovidiu-florin | does anyone know that link? | 08:02 |
valorie | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BusinessCards | 08:03 |
valorie | google knew it | 08:03 |
valorie | :-) | 08:03 |
ovidiu-florin | that's not it | 08:04 |
valorie | dang it | 08:05 |
ovidiu-florin | they are all blue and also have stuff on the back | 08:05 |
ovidiu-florin | they were made at the BSP in Munich 2years ago | 08:06 |
valorie | I know, I have some | 08:08 |
valorie | with my email address wrong | 08:09 |
valorie | :( | 08:09 |
ovidiu-florin | I want to edit it and make my own | 08:10 |
ovidiu-florin | and add there all my email addresses | 08:10 |
ovidiu-florin | and I have 3 + the one from work | 08:11 |
ovidiu-florin | :D | 08:11 |
ovidiu-florin | and one is an alias | 08:11 |
lordievader | ovidiu-florin: Not without coffee I'm not... | 08:21 |
valorie | I guess Riddell doesn't have that file stashed anywhere that google can find it | 08:24 |
valorie | I got some free moo cards, but I would really prefer kub. cards with my correct email | 08:25 |
valorie | probably my mistake.... | 08:25 |
* Sick_Rimmit arrives with a smash... | 08:55 | |
lordievader | o/ | 08:57 |
mgraesslin | fyi: I got two crash reports today indicating completely broken mesa on Vivid | 09:25 |
Riddell | valorie: what what? | 09:36 |
Riddell | valorie, ovidiu-florin: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/business/ | 09:36 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: you had one for each one of us | 09:46 |
ovidiu-florin | where are those? | 09:46 |
ovidiu-florin | ah | 09:47 |
ovidiu-florin | in the new folder | 09:47 |
ovidiu-florin | thank you | 09:47 |
Riddell | I guess so, sorry it's not very tidy | 09:47 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: why are all the front svgs empty? | 09:51 |
ovidiu-florin | and only the pdfs have the information? | 09:51 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: dunno I'm afraid, the front is the same for all and there's probably 1 copy somewhere I used for all | 09:58 |
ovidiu-florin | so I could be missing the Ubuntu font on Kubuntu? | 09:58 |
Riddell | mgraesslin: looks like 10.5.0 is going in [ubuntu/vivid-proposed] mesa 10.5.0~rc1-0ubuntu1 (Accepted) | 09:58 |
Riddell | mgraesslin: at least they updated is at feature freeze and not 1 week before release as is their style | 09:59 |
Riddell | mgraesslin: can you point me to your bug reports? I'll pass them on | 09:59 |
mgraesslin | Riddell: let's wait whether there is a pattern before making noise | 09:59 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: unlike we do ship with the ubuntu font | 09:59 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: open this please and tell me if you see other text then the SHA: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/business/new/kubuntu-ovidiu.svg | 10:00 |
ovidiu-florin | if you see any text other than the SHA* | 10:01 |
valorie | I don't see any other text, ovidiu-florin | 10:06 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: yes I see it all | 10:06 |
Riddell | in inkscape | 10:06 |
Riddell | what are you using? | 10:06 |
ovidiu-florin | Chromium and Karbon | 10:07 |
valorie | oops, I just opened it in FF, sorry for the noise | 10:07 |
ovidiu-florin | they both see null, nada | 10:07 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: use inkscape | 10:07 |
ovidiu-florin | I see them now | 10:08 |
ovidiu-florin | thank you | 10:08 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: can I make any changes I want to it? | 10:08 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: of course | 10:10 |
Riddell | but if you write "kubuntu smells" on it then don't expect us to pay for the printing :) | 10:10 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: why are there 2 dashes at the end of the SHA? | 10:10 |
ovidiu-florin | oh, I didn't expect you to pay for the printing at all | 10:10 |
ovidiu-florin | Riddell: but what if I write Kubuntu smells nice ? :P | 10:11 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: hmm no idea about the dashes, remove them | 10:12 |
Riddell | ovidiu-florin: you should, the donations money is there to be used | 10:12 |
* sitter calls for blackjack and hookers | 10:14 | |
sitter | how does one draw a box in gimp? | 10:15 |
sebas | Draw a rect, then cut out a rect in its center? | 10:18 |
sebas | My gimp skills are a bit rusty :) | 10:18 |
Riddell | use krita :) | 10:24 |
* sitter used inkscape | 10:26 | |
sitter | sebas: that would have worked I suppose | 10:27 |
sebas | inkscape seems like the more suitable tool for it, though | 10:27 |
ovidiu-florin | sitter: you don't draw in GIMP | 10:41 |
ovidiu-florin | use Krita or Inkscape or Karbon | 10:41 |
ovidiu-florin | Karbon still lacks a few basic things | 10:42 |
ovidiu-florin | so does most of the Calligra suite... | 10:42 |
ovidiu-florin | :( | 10:42 |
sitter | gprp | 10:47 |
sitter | wait, you are not my terminal | 10:47 |
* sitter squints | 10:47 | |
Riddell | Karbon is unmaintained and will probably be killed | 10:48 |
ovidiu-florin | do you guys know how to move 2 rectangles next to each other in inkscape? | 10:49 |
ovidiu-florin | except for super zoom and tedious mouse movement pixel by pixel | 10:49 |
sitter | either enable snap to grid or use the alignment feature creatively | 10:49 |
ovidiu-florin | I've tried the alignment thing... | 10:50 |
ovidiu-florin | eighter I'm stupid, or that doesn't work like this | 10:50 |
ovidiu-florin | how do I snap to grid? | 10:50 |
sitter | no clue, you ahve to enable the grid somewhere | 10:51 |
ovidiu-florin | I have the grid visible | 10:52 |
ovidiu-florin | solved: http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/29059/inkscape-align-edges-sequentially | 10:59 |
ovidiu-florin | I have 2 rectangles, one with round edges, on top of each other, aligned at a corner. How can I remove the corner that shows from the rectangle with straight corners? | 11:13 |
sitter | Mirv: I presume you'd prefer if I let you integrate qt fixes we'd need? | 11:14 |
ovidiu-florin | offff... wrong channel, sorry for the spam | 11:16 |
soee | Riddell: we need to wait for this 4 to be fixed before tests: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=vivid ? | 11:18 |
Mirv | sitter: preferably yes, and a have patience of a few days for regression testing. even though ubuntu-rtm is what ships to phone users, the quality focus starts to be more and more in vivid too. could you do MP:s against the ~kubuntu-packagers branches and I'll publish them via silos? | 11:19 |
Mirv | just ping me and I'll start churning on those | 11:19 |
sitter | Mirv: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/105744/ https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/101845/ https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/106729/ | 11:20 |
sitter | they all affect xcb so one would hope rtm isn't affected | 11:20 |
soee | oh next cloud storage: http://life.wamari.com/2015/02/20/mega-cloud-storage-50gb-of-cloud-storage/ | 11:21 |
sitter | also the last one isn't merged yet, so we can also hold off on that until approved | 11:21 |
Mirv | sitter: rtm is launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm, based on utopic, no worries it'd be affected :) | 11:21 |
sitter | ah fair enough xD | 11:22 |
Mirv | will be vivid later on | 11:22 |
Riddell | soee: I guess so, retrying | 11:22 |
Mirv | sitter: but, indeed, xcb shouldn't hurt when not using xcb like on the phones.. | 11:23 |
Mirv | sitter: if you don't mind, do a MP for me to upload to a landing PPA, but I can also just take a note of those and cherry-pick myself | 11:24 |
sitter | Riddell: did anyone volunteer for 5.2.1 packaging yet? if not I'll do a forward merge from kubuntu_stable to vivid_archive once I have an ISO. then at least someone who wants to do it doesn't have to mess with that | 11:24 |
sitter | Mirv: ok, I'll to get them done later today | 11:24 |
Mirv | ok | 11:25 |
Riddell | sitter: yes sgclark is on it | 11:26 |
Riddell | sitter: see http://goo.gl/TXeE7Y | 11:26 |
sitter | eh | 11:26 |
sitter | Riddell: and who merged the branches? | 11:27 |
Riddell | sitter: I'm not sure anyone did, what needs merged? | 11:27 |
sitter | kubuntu_stable to kubuntu_vivid_archive... | 11:27 |
sitter | i.e. what was uploaded is once again missing all stuff that happened in CI already | 11:28 |
Riddell | ah hah | 11:29 |
sitter | going to run a merge once I finished downloading :S | 11:29 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 11:56 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: you may also want to request your refreshments from the other night https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2015-February/038700.html | 12:01 |
Riddell | sitter: also replied although may be too late for FF https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2015-February/038701.html | 12:01 |
* sitter has an excitingly broken konversation that doesn't open urls :'< | 12:02 | |
sitter | Riddell: such pragmatism xD | 12:02 |
sitter | Riddell: the pizza mail's lat paragraph I don't understand | 12:07 |
sitter | also good news: vivid_archive and stable seem to be aligned anyway, nothing to merge anywhere | 12:07 |
sitter | which is god given that kwin has new symbols according to the status page | 12:07 |
sitter | s/god/odd | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | and the feature freeze now underway | 12:09 |
soee | where can i find konversation bugs ? | 12:18 |
BluesKaj | launchpad , soee, or http://bugs.kde.org | 12:23 |
sitter | brum | 12:23 |
sitter | Riddell: all 5.2.1 tars need respinning | 12:24 |
soee | BluesKaj: ok seems like the bug with opening links isnt reported yet | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | links open here soee, but I still ahve that weird cpu max-out on one core whenever I join this chatroom | 12:29 |
soee | open for you oO ? | 12:29 |
soee | the one from channel topic or chat itsef ? | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | the chat, if I switch to offtopic or most others the usage drops to 10% which is normal , | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | this chat and #konversation both suffer from the the same issue | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | soee, which browser do you have setup to link ? | 12:33 |
soee | chromium should be | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | chromium won't launch here if it's already open, it just blinks, then you have to click it | 12:36 |
BluesKaj | err chrome rather | 12:36 |
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter | ||
soee | BluesKaj: it all worked nice in previos vesion, | 12:38 |
soee | just thsi 1.6-beta1 has this issue | 12:39 |
BluesKaj | this beta version is slow to change rooms as well | 12:39 |
soee | ok solved it :o | 12:44 |
soee | in System Settings -> Applications, for webbrowser i had set: Open http and https in an app defined by URL content | 12:46 |
soee | i defined custom app (chromium-browser) and now links work fine | 12:46 |
soee | so konversation did not know what app to use if we dont specify one there ? | 12:47 |
sitter | Riddell: ping | 12:48 |
BluesKaj | soee, yes | 12:48 |
BluesKaj | soee, in konversation>settings>configure konverstaion>behaviour>general behaviour>use custom browser | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | also there | 12:54 |
soee | BluesKaj: i think konversation should use defautl system browser | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | soee, usually if the custom browser option is unchecked the default browser is supposed to be used, but that setting doesn't always work | 12:57 |
soee | BluesKaj: ok, thanks | 13:00 |
soee | scrolling by dragging in gwenview is broken | 13:25 |
Riddell | sitter: pon | 13:32 |
Riddell | sitter: pong | 13:32 |
sitter | Riddell: documentation is fucked beyond apprehension | 13:34 |
sitter | http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=plasma-desktop.git&a=blob&h=c2f27d53f9ba66343e50604bf50e61a6a08076fb&hb=a143f6cf09ab53945880741b36529866b393da71&f=doc%2Fkcontrol%2FCMakeLists.txt | 13:35 |
sitter | ifs like that cannot work | 13:35 |
sitter | the l10n structure is divergent from the structure in git pretty much | 13:36 |
sitter | http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=powerdevil.git&a=tree&h=49f8e9a90db38ac68dec4a610f03964c78d1acdc&hb=4d643cba8ad5c099aa540f7c968bbf36ea484ed3&f=doc%2Fkcm | 13:36 |
sitter | doc/kcm/ | 13:36 |
sitter | http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kf5/de/docs/kde-workspace/kcontrol/powerdevil/ | 13:36 |
sitter | kcontorl/powerdevil/ | 13:36 |
sitter | either the directory structure in git must be 100% like that in l10n or the ifs need to go | 13:37 |
Riddell | sitter: why do the ifs make a difference? | 13:40 |
sitter | Riddell: they can't be replicated into other languages | 13:43 |
Riddell | sitter: shall I just get rid of it? | 13:43 |
sitter | in en you'd if in kcm/CMakeListst.txt and in another language the directory suddenly is kcontrol/powerdevil/CMakeLists.txt | 13:43 |
sitter | Riddell: I don't know, either the ifs go or the directory structure in l10n must change | 13:44 |
Riddell | suse packager also says "all docs now go to en_US subdir instead of en, this is wanted behavior" | 13:44 |
sitter | have a fix for that, that's why all tars need respinning | 13:45 |
Riddell | uh oh | 13:46 |
soee | Riddell: some news maybe about 14.04.2 ? Softpedia: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Kubuntu-14-04-2-LTS-Officially-Released-Users-Can-No-Longer-Upgrade-to-Plasma-5-473789.shtml | 13:47 |
soee | "There is no official word from the Kubuntu team (as of yet) about this particular release" | 13:47 |
Riddell | um | 13:48 |
Riddell | I'm very confused by that article | 13:49 |
Riddell | have we ever packaged Plasma 5 for 14.04? | 13:49 |
soee | 14.10 had it through ppa-next, im not sure bout 14.04 | 13:50 |
sitter | http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kf5/de/docs/kde-workspace/kdesu/ <- the manpage is in there because in the same cmakelists there is a handbook install into kdesu | 13:50 |
sitter | guess who is going to open a bottle of booze now | 13:51 |
sitter | Riddell: I actually think l10n needs to change | 13:51 |
sitter | this structure is mental | 13:51 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: I don't have the receit for the refreshments anymore I think | 14:05 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: shouldn't be a problem | 14:06 |
soee | BluesKaj: ping | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | soee, pong | 14:13 |
soee | BluesKaj: could you please test one thing and confirm on bug tracker: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344384 ? | 14:13 |
ubottu | KDE bug 344384 in Image Wallpaper "Wrong item focus after wallpaper removal" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 14:13 |
sitter | Riddell: what would you have me do to fix documentation? | 14:15 |
sitter | as a matter of fact, probably just making it install to en again would be an improvement over 5.2.0 as it covers more localization now, albeit not all because of the pathing bullshit | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | soee, yes I can confirm that without trying it again, already encountered that bug | 14:16 |
soee | ah nice | 14:17 |
Riddell | sitter: install to en seems fine | 14:20 |
sitter | Riddell: pushed | 14:23 |
sitter | all tars need respinning | 14:23 |
Riddell | hmm, I'm about to leave for spanish alas | 14:23 |
Riddell | so it'll need to be later | 14:23 |
Riddell | sitter: and the if() in plasma-desktop docs cmake? | 14:24 |
sitter | Riddell: just leave it in for now | 14:25 |
sitter | you need to dicuss this with the l10n guys IMO | 14:25 |
Riddell | wibble | 14:25 |
Riddell | they're so much more elite than me I get scared of feeling unworthy | 14:26 |
* Riddell out | 14:26 | |
sitter | right now the entire l10n dir structure is based on the kde-l10n-xx thing, where it simply wasn't possible to have the if nonesense | 14:26 |
sitter | so if the relevant devs want to if then l10n needs to change structure to follow the structure in git (which would make sense for consistency reasons anyway I'd think) | 14:27 |
sitter | if the devs can live without the ifs or l10n doesn't want to change structure then the ifs need to go | 14:27 |
mparillo | I see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04.2/release/ is out. Do we want a news item on Kubuntu.org? | 14:28 |
sitter | third option possibly would be to write a cmake macro that installs everything in doc/ in a sane fashion | 14:28 |
sitter | that is to say it's not impossible to bridge the two expectations together, it's just impossible for releaseme as it would require actually being able to accurately parse cmake code | 14:29 |
kfunk | sgclark: wazzup with 5.2.1? :) | 14:30 |
mparillo | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1404-lts-update-out | 14:48 |
soee_ | mparillo: small typo "bufixes" | 14:50 |
mparillo | soee_: That is what I get for blindly copying from .1 ;-) Fixing... | 14:53 |
soee_ | -.- | 14:53 |
sgclark | kfunk: not sure, the two failed don't seem to care for the two packages with different versions, looking into it | 15:42 |
shadeslayer | yay for my stupid hw : https://www.apple.com/ca/support/macbookpro-videoissues/ | 16:05 |
shadeslayer | sgclark: could you plz join #debian-qt-kde on OFTC? | 16:09 |
sgclark | shadeslayer: yep sorry forgot to set that up | 16:11 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:12 |
shadeslayer | sgclark: you're working on kdevelop right? | 16:12 |
sgclark | yeah | 16:12 |
shadeslayer | ok, maxy had a question for you | 16:12 |
sgclark | libkf5filemetadata-dev : Depends: libkf5filemetadata3 (= 5.6.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed this is quite baffeling | 16:43 |
yofel | run the debug mode or aptitude, that alone doesn't tell much | 16:44 |
sgclark | debug mode? | 16:44 |
sgclark | this is in next-staging | 16:44 |
yofel | -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=1 | 16:45 |
yofel | ah | 16:45 |
sgclark | funny thing is it builds in ci lol | 16:46 |
yofel | well, then you at least know that it's fixable :P | 16:47 |
ovidiu-florin | yo | 17:32 |
ovidiu-florin | who here has inkscape and plasma 5.2 installed? | 17:33 |
ovidiu-florin | (on the same machine, in the same os) | 17:33 |
Neo31 | back | 19:26 |
Neo31 | sorry guys lost the exact versions that needs testing | 19:27 |
Neo31 | and i lost the irc logs | 19:27 |
Neo31 | any help please ? | 19:27 |
ovidiu-florin | I think this is broken: https://paste.kde.org/p7xwegseb/testhb | 19:30 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work | ||
soee_ | sgclark: how 5.2.1 looks ? | 22:33 |
sgclark | soee_: terrible, random fail on a depend that exists and I have no idea... it does not fail in ci and there is absolutely nothing different | 22:34 |
soee_ | sgclark: the only difference is that ci has more packages ? | 22:40 |
sgclark | soee_: plasma-workspace is the blocker. It does not fail in ci, but launchpad it fails saying a depend is not installable, but it is installable and in the same ppa.. | 22:43 |
sgclark | someone smarter than me needs to look because I am clueless | 22:44 |
soee_ | oh thats not me :) | 22:45 |
soee_ | yofel: ^ ? | 22:45 |
=== soee_ is now known as soee | ||
soee | sgclark: this is the problem libkf5filemetadata-dev : Depends: libkf5filemetadata3 (= 5.6.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed ? | 23:18 |
sgclark | yes | 23:20 |
soee | and libkf5filemetadata3 can't be installed ? | 23:22 |
sgclark | soee: sure it can, the build was a success and in the same ppa | 23:29 |
soee | sgclark: build of what ? | 23:30 |
sgclark | libkf5filemetadata3 | 23:30 |
sgclark | libkf5filemetadata3_5.6.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_i386.deb (28.3 KiB) | 23:31 |
soee | sorry for so many questions, but im not familiar with it and this is some opportunity to learn new stuff | 23:31 |
sgclark | np | 23:32 |
soee | and thers no info why it is not hoing to be installed ? | 23:32 |
sgclark | other sets of eyes are always good | 23:32 |
sgclark | I likely need to run it through verbose pbuilder, but i have not set up pbuilder since new install :( my next step though when I am done fighting with my kde ci stuff | 23:33 |
soee | can it be check with -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=1 ? | 23:33 |
soee | to get some detailed info why it cant be installed ? | 23:34 |
sgclark | right in pbuilder | 23:34 |
sgclark | hense why I need to set up pbuilder | 23:34 |
soee | ah i don't know what pbuilder is :) | 23:34 |
sgclark | mini launchpad to build local with a clean build enviroment | 23:35 |
sgclark | I guess it could be compared to a container, I think | 23:35 |
soee | what does the first 'p' letter means ? | 23:36 |
sgclark | lol no clue | 23:37 |
sgclark | package? | 23:38 |
soee | :) | 23:38 |
soee | uncle google: pbuilder stands for Personal Builder | 23:38 |
soee | this one right http://pbuilder.alioth.debian.org/ ? | 23:38 |
sgclark | cool | 23:40 |
soee | oh "It does not try to guess what a package needs, and in most cases it tries the worst choice of all if there is a choice to be made." | 23:41 |
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