
=== moo is now known as Guest65340
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Guest35606Kubuntu is good?00:09
Guest35606or opensuse is better?00:09
mattnpatKubuntu is an ubuntu derivative, you get all the advantages of ubuntu, but it's based around KDE.00:16
mattnpatOn opensuse, it's it's own good system, and alot of people say that it's the best distrinution for KDE.00:16
mattnpatOh, wait, he's gone.00:17
Guest65340hi all can someone help me find the printer driver for Canon LBP6030W printer.00:21
Guest65340I'm wondering what PPD printer it's under.00:21
OerHeksLBP6030W is not listed in openprinting database :-(00:23
OerHeksand no linux printerdriver in http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/printers_multifunction/laser_printers/imageclass_lbp6030w#DriversAndSoftware00:24
juacom99_hi, i'm trying to run this programm http://sb0t5.codeplex.com/ using wine and i got this error http://pastebin.com/8GJtacNC. i alreaddy try to install vc2005 and newers but is not fixing the problme, I download the file msvcr100_clr0400.dll and put it in windows/System32 and it said a function is not implemented00:49
juacom99_sorry pastebin expire. here's a new one http://pastebin.com/eAtPMAHM00:51
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lordievaderGood morning.06:36
mattnpatHey again.06:37
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Guest76703OerHeks: can I use the drivers from Android on desktop Linux?08:41
Guest76703Even if I can extract the PPD?08:41
valorieGuest76703: how would the drivers work?09:23
valoriedrivers are device-dependent, usually09:24
Guest76703valorie: android is linux underneath09:24
Guest76703valorie: if canon is providing a driver for the printer on android then that driver should work in desktop linux09:25
valorieof course it is linux09:25
valoriebut a driver has to work on both ends, not just one09:25
Guest76703valorie: what ends?09:26
valorieit might work for the printer, but why would it work on your laptop/desktop?09:26
Guest76703valorie: what are you talking about?09:26
valoriethat is why there will be multiple driver files available for the same device such as a printer09:26
valoriewe have drivers available for most things09:27
valorieif you have kubuntu installed, there will probably be a canon printer driver available if it isn't installed by default09:27
valorieall pre-configured09:28
Guest76703well obviously there isn't09:28
paul__Is someone avaliable to help me get my wireless working again?09:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:31
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paul__realtek rtl8188ee not showing in network list how can I fix this?10:15
hateballpaul__: are you on 14.04 or 14.10 ?10:16
paul__Actually 15.04 but I was hopeing for pointers to fix it anyway.10:16
hateballThat would be over in #ubuntu+1 then10:17
paul__Ah, Thanks10:18
hateballBeing that it is dependant on the kernel you're running10:18
paul__I was comming to the conclusion.10:18
hateballAt any rate, my experience with Realtek is that I no longer will have anything to do with them. But with some luck and tears you may get it working10:20
paul__LOL new laptop.  I hate the things but, the wife insisted.  I wish I had my desktop.10:21
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hateballpaul__: a quick google hinted that kernel 3.14 might "just work". 3.13 is what is in 14.04, so I'd assume you'd have a later kernel in 15.0410:55
lordievaderhateball: 3.16 is in 15.0410:56
lordievaderErr 3.18*10:56
hateballlordievader: Alright10:56
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:56
desertgreyfoxhey everybody12:41
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petrutaGreetings, Earth cratures13:01
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CyberpirateAt last, Kubuntu installed13:02
Cyberpiraten'ice indeed13:03
CyberpirateIt's been quite a while since I haven't had Linux installed on a computer13:03
Cyberpirateactually this computer is not mine13:03
Cyberpiratebut I will also be using it when needed13:03
Cyberpirateand since Windose is so stoopid that can't see the soundcard properly13:04
Cyberpiratedespite all the drivers whatever13:04
CyberpirateI had to put linux,namely Kubuntu, because K looks better than Gnome or whtever new name13:04
Cyberpirateand I am glad I did. These later versions of Ubuntu I must say I am very pleased with13:05
Cyberpiratethe older version probably 5 was not what I needed13:05
Cyberpirateor It was Gnome whatever13:05
Cyberpiratethe first Linux I ever used was Knoppix 3.2 in 200313:06
soeeCyberpirate: you will love Kubuntu with plasma 513:06
Cyberpirateand I used mostly live systems, except for a while with Mandriva and PcLinuxOS whatever13:06
CyberpirateI love it already13:06
soeeyuo are probbly on 14.10 right ?13:06
Cyberpiratewhat I have hre is  Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma413:07
soeeyup, and Kubuntu 15.04 will ship with Plasma 5 :)13:07
Cyberpirateso what's the difference between the plasma 4 and 5?13:07
soeeyou have KDE413:07
CyberpirateI chose to install the latest stable version13:07
Cyberpiratebecause I don't know the beta one if it is ok or it has some bugs13:08
Cyberpiratethe only bug that I like is Bugs Bunny :P13:08
hateball15.04 is only 2 months off, so13:08
soeeCyberpirate: plasma 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z2u1pM8PeY13:08
Cyberpirategracias, soee13:08
CyberpirateI will check it out13:08
CyberpirateI was using a netbook which TOTALLY sucks and I wanted to go back to using my desktop13:08
Cyberpiratebut I had to fix this one as well, after failing and having to replace the motherboard13:09
Cyberpiratesoundcard issues with windows bla bla13:09
Cyberpirateso now I will be using this one instead of my win XP desktop which I used when I am home13:09
Cyberpiratesince I was travelling a lot got used to the laptop more13:09
Cyberpiratebut desktops are more versatile and more comfortable to use13:10
CyberpirateActually I was using external keyboard and mouse on the laptop sometimes13:10
Cyberpiratewhen space available13:10
soeeCyberpirate: i work mostly on my laptop and its perfectly fine13:10
Cyberpirateif it is not a netbook I am positive it should be fine13:10
Cyberpiratehey, have you heard of a program called TIPPTRAINER?13:11
soeeim not sure, something to proactice keyboard13:11
CyberpirateIt was on that old knoppix from 2002. and  haven't seen it since and it was rather good13:11
Cyberpiratefor typing training13:11
CyberpirateI just need to increase my speed13:12
Cyberpiratebut do you know a place where I can get it?13:12
Cyberpiratebecause I looked for it and didn't find it13:12
Cyberpiratehey question for whoever knows better13:13
CyberpirateI am well-aware that in windows, if I open more than 20 tabs in firefox I get massive RAM consumption13:14
Cyberpirateand when I use the new versions of skype I get massive consumption of CPU13:14
CyberpirateI want to test and try if I have the same issue here13:14
CyberpirateI will download that skype that I could test to be working13:15
Cyberpiratewhich is this one:13:15
Cyberpiratemy camera is detected just fine, I just have to change some settings to activate the bulit-in microphone on it13:15
CyberpirateI see a lot of people on this channel13:16
CyberpirateI presume that the default server on Quasel gets the job done13:16
BluesKajCyberpirate, I haven't used skype for a while , but I always had success with the static version, if that's still avaialble13:16
Cyberpiratefor whoever wants to IRC for the first time on ubuntu13:16
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Cyberpiratestatic version? can you translate13:16
* Cyberpirate is a bit dumb13:16
BluesKajjust google ststic skype13:17
CyberpirateI heard that since Microsoft took over skype there are issues with skype on linux13:17
Cyberpirateand I tested that particular version and it works just fine13:17
Cyberpirateonwindows on that netbook I can't send files13:17
Cyberpirateand when I change location I can't get video call fron ONLY ONE contact13:17
Cyberpirateok thanks mate:)13:18
Cyberpiratehey, when do you think IRC was in it's hay days?13:18
lordievaderStatically linked, BluesKaj?13:19
BluesKajit still is IMO despite all the texting and social media13:19
CyberpirateI used IMO on web brower13:19
BluesKajlordievader, yes I believe so13:19
Cyberpiratebut It doesn't work any more without some account13:19
CyberpirateI prefer using things without accounts13:19
Cyberpiratesuch as IRC13:20
Cyberpiratebut IRC is rather dead now comparing to some years ago13:20
CyberpirateI hope I am not flooding you with my typing13:20
BluesKajdead in the sense that the frivolous use is gone from irc13:21
Cyberpirateau contrair13:21
Cyberpiratethey are the ones who persist in staying13:21
BluesKajbut we are offtopic13:21
Cyberpirateand I can see so many assholes on the servers that were once full of people now they are ghost servers13:21
lordievaderThis conversation starts to get offtopic, could you guys continue in #kubuntu-offtopic?13:22
Cyberpirateand mostly idiots lurking there13:22
CyberpirateAye, aye, skipper :)13:22
BluesKajthe persistent users are more serious and interesting13:22
Cyberpirateyou are right as well but you are also wrong13:23
Cyberpiratein the case of some servers such as Undernet, it is the way I said13:23
Cyberpirateand even there there are very good people who are there since the old days and they are great13:23
Cyberpiratebut there are more assholes there I suppose now left from then13:23
Cyberpirateor maybe they left becaue they don't have  many victims left13:23
Cyberpiratewell I am glad to know there are reliable people still around here13:24
Cyberpirateand on this server I am sure if there is any issue about ubuntu I can ask13:24
Cyberpirateeven though I have someone I can ask any time if I get my ears stuck13:24
Cyberpiratebut ubuntu works flawless as I can see13:24
Cyberpirateno headaches13:25
CyberpirateI remember when I used to boot from liveCD that even teh colors were better on the display on linux13:25
anonymous_]-[ 4 C K 3 R  T3CK13:26
BluesKajwell we have serious jerks for sure, but soem a re very knowledgeable and they can be helpful13:26
BluesKajanonymous_, ??13:28
anonymous_How Are You This Morning13:28
Cyberpiratelol, helpful jerks?13:28
Cyberpiratethat sounds a bit contradictory13:28
Cyberpiratehey, anonymus, where's your mask?13:29
lordievaderAgain, this is Kubuntu support. Please join #kubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter.13:29
Cyberpiratenetwork mask:P13:29
BluesKajsome have knowledge about linux , but social graces are no where to be found :)13:29
anonymous_It is in another part of the country13:29
Cyberpirateyou just need to approach them gingerly :P13:30
anonymous_You can't find me Any way morning does not mean the sun is comming up !!13:30
anonymous_Thank You13:31
anonymous_For thee13:31
CyberpirateArt thou?13:31
anonymous_So do you think ISIS was a good KILL13:32
anonymous_ There servers shut down for communication13:32
anonymous_I wonder because they are FREEDOM Fighters but the Kill people13:32
anonymous_That they are not sure of therir targets13:33
drawkwardlordievader: is it possible to run a software on kubuntu, and at the same time see which methods or functions are being called in that software's code?13:33
lordievaderdrawkward: You mean strace?13:33
lordievaderanonymous_: This is not the place to talk about that.13:33
anonymous_Got it13:34
anonymous_just wanted to read13:34
lordievaderanonymous_: Also see /topic13:34
anonymous_Got it13:34
drawkwardlordievader: i am reading the source code of some softwares and i would like to understand them better by knowing which functions are being called13:34
lordievaderdrawkward: gdb ;)13:35
drawkwardthanks lordievader!13:36
drawkwardlordievader: can you tell me how and when you wrote your first patch for open source software?13:43
lordievaderdrawkward: I havent yet ;)13:52
lordievaderBut hanging around in #kubuntu-devel is a good start.13:53
drawkwardokay :)13:54
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swarnendumozilla crashes often17:52
swarnenduubuntu 14.1017:52
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