
travnewmaticwell i'm super flipping happy that i've managed to get maas setup00:00
travnewmatici got juju on one of the deployed nodes00:00
travnewmaticwith two machines part of that juju environment00:00
travnewmaticlife is good00:00
travnewmaticHOWEVER..  how to centos?  can someone point me in a direction?00:00
catbus1according to kiko, j^2 might know how.00:01
j^2ah yeah00:01
travnewmaticsorry i forgot how to read :D00:02
travnewmaticwell j^2 can you point me in a direction?00:02
j^2the tl;dr of getting Centos working: https://github.com/jjasghar/maas/blob/centos/recipes/centos.rb00:03
travnewmaticwould this same thing work for centos 6.5?00:06
j^2i think so but i’m not 100% sure00:12
j^2my requirements where just centos7 and 140400:13
travnewmaticj^2, apparently i dont know how to execute ruby scripts00:28
travnewmaticroot@tnewman3:~# ruby centos.rb00:29
travnewmaticcentos.rb:1:in `<main>': undefined method `include_recipe' for main:Object (NoMethodError)00:29
j^2oh sorry00:30
j^2yeah it’s a chef recipe00:30
j^2you’ll have to covert it to what you need done00:30
j^2the first one is check out the bazaar repo00:30
j^2then the execute blocks (command) are the bash commands you need to do00:31
travnewmaticso i need to install chef00:31
j^2technically no, that recipe is pretty straight forward, you should be able to pull out the code that you need to repo00:32
travnewmaticstill not sure how to use this thing :(00:35
j^2ah ok00:35
j^2yeah that’s the best i got :(00:35
travnewmaticwell poop00:36
travnewmaticperhaps if i could find out how the ubutu image was created and deployed00:43
travnewmaticso for those interested01:33
travnewmaticcurrently using this to attempt to build a centos 6 image (slightly modified to use our own mirrors)01:34
travnewmaticthis thing here:01:36
travnewmaticsudo ./bin/build centos amd64 --centos-edition 701:36
travnewmaticfor our purposes01:38
travnewmaticwe changed the 7 to 601:38
travnewmaticand as i mentioned before, modified the urls to our own centos mirror to speed things up a bt01:39
travnewmaticit seems as though it fetches the installer iso, installs it to a qemu virtual machine, takes a snapshot, and thats what gets sent to the node01:39
travnewmaticright now its in the process of getting installed to the qemu vm on the maas controller01:40
travnewmaticso i wonder02:17
travnewmaticdo yall know the guy that wrote this?02:17
travnewmaticAuthor: Blake Rouse <blake.rouse@canonical.com>02:17
rbasakblake_r: blake_r: ^^02:24
travnewmaticrbasak, thats awesome!  thanks!02:47
mn_Hi, i've got a problem with sticky ip addresses. even i assigned them successfully, during dhcp they are not assigned to the node - instead one from the dynamic pool is picked (using maas 1.7.1)09:56
mn_any ideas what the issue could be?09:59
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kikotravnewmatic_, woot!12:40
kikotravnewmatic_, but I thought you were not even managing to netboot -- did you get past that point or was a PXE request actually happening?12:41
kikooh I had an answer for mn_12:41
=== kiko changed the topic of #maas to: MAAS: Ubuntu's bare-metal provisioning tool | Ask, and your question will be answered -- but be patient, it may take a few hours :) 1.7.1 released: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/1.7.1 | Docs: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.7/ | Mailing list https://launchpad.net/~maas-devel
kikotravnewmatic_, what's the size of the resulting image?12:46
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
travnewmatic_good news everyone!  it appears as though the image creation succeeded!  when i arrived at work this morning i was greety with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbjlf7pafjk6g6t/Screenshot%202015-02-20%2010.09.25.png?dl=016:13
travnewmatic_kiko, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 264M Feb 19 22:02 centos6-amd64-root-tgz16:16
kikotravnewmatic_, that's what I get as well16:23
kikocool thanks16:24
kikoj^2, see ^^16:24
kiko-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 264M Feb 19 15:26 centos6-amd64-root-tgz16:24
kiko-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 264M Feb 19 13:41 centos6-amd64-root-tgz16:24
kikotravnewmatic_, is your mirror public?16:24
travnewmatic_our centos mirror is public yes16:25
kikoI'm asking because j^2 was having issues using the default centos mirrors and perhaps switching to yours would work better16:25
travnewmatic_yeah lemme find the url16:25
kikotravnewmatic_, either that or a bzr diff that he can just apply as a patch?16:25
j^2Ah that's cent616:30
travnewmatic_but we've got 7 on there as well16:30
travnewmatic_browse away!16:30
j^2kiko: how do I override the URL?16:30
kikotravnewmatic_ has a patch :)16:31
j^2Oh ok, link? And I'm not too versed in bzr, so some advice there too would be nice ;)16:32
travnewmatic_i just cut and paste16:35
travnewmatic_i modified the the urls in ~/maas-image-builder/builder/osystems/centos.py16:36
travnewmatic_easy peasy16:36
travnewmatic_you know what would be super mega flipping awesome16:38
travnewmatic_is if the maas image builder was build into maas proper16:38
j^2travnewmatic_: thanks for the pointer16:50
travnewmatic_though my friend suggested that things like this are supposed to use the round robin mirror16:50
travnewmatic_so the load is distributed16:51
travnewmatic_but of course we dont mind we're happy to help!16:52
travnewmatic_ https://www.dropbox.com/s/ql9bkd9zqyg0bq1/Screenshot%202015-02-20%2010.59.58.png?dl=017:00
travnewmatic_the shit worked17:00
travnewmatic_absolutely amazing17:00
kikocourse it did!17:01
travnewmatic_that image builder thing needs to get built into the maas front end17:03
travnewmatic_for realsies17:03
kikowe know17:04
travnewmatic_sorry :D17:05
travnewmatic_this is all very very very impressive17:07
travnewmatic_anything i can do to help?17:07
kikoyes, blog about it :)17:07
travnewmatic_i plan to ;)17:08
roadmrtravnewmatic_: /me should merge curtinator into maas-image-builder https://launchpad.net/curtinator17:19
roadmrer... me :)17:20
travnewmatic_i've seen curtains around17:20
travnewmatic_but i'm not sure what that does in the grand scheme of things17:20
roadmrtravnewmatic_: it builds maas-installable images from stock Ubuntu isos, useful if you want to deploy ubuntu desktop using maas17:20
travnewmatic_vs the maas image builder method with installs to a VM and takes a snapshot17:21
roadmrtravnewmatic_: that's pretty much what curtinator does, only the hooks it has are customized for ubuntu rather than rhel or centos17:21
travnewmatic_is theres a time difference?17:22
travnewmatic_the maas-image-builder took a very very long time (though i can't argue with the results ;))17:22
roadmrtravnewmatic_: as in, how long it takes? curtinator takes about 10 minutes on an SSD system, I'd imagine about 30 on a rotary hard disk17:22
travnewmatic_i think my centos bake took a few hours to complete17:23
travnewmatic_granted, this isnt super bleeding edge hardware17:23
roadmrtravnewmatic_: if yours is much slower (i.e. takes over 1 hour), maybe you're not using hardware virtualization...17:24
travnewmatic_tahts a good point17:25
travnewmatic_the servers i'm using arent super recent17:25
travnewmatic_dell 1950's17:25
roadmrtravnewmatic_: they should support hardware virtualization, nearly every server from the past 6-8 years should support it17:26
travnewmatic_hmm then thats something i can look into17:26
kikoroadmr, yeah, we should totally merge17:36
travnewmatic_rip it to shreds!18:43
catbus1travnewmatic_: \o/18:54
kikotravnewmatic_ rocks the boat19:02
kikoLinux clippings, dance music, and more19:03
j^2travnewmatic_: good writeup :)19:05
travnewmatic_feedback feedback what can i add or change or what do yall recommend?19:06
j^2travnewmatic_: that link to the script is to my pr isnt it?19:34
j^2yeah that’s to abranch that’ll be merged into master soonish19:34
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kikoj^2, when you can actually get the build to work i guess :)20:37
travnewmatic_j^2, what do you mean?20:47
j^2you linked a WIP branch20:47
j^2kiko: sad but true yeah20:48
kikoj^2, were you able to reproduce your problem?20:49
kikooh, really!20:49
kikoand you don't have a transp proxy in front of you or something odd like that?20:49
travnewmatic_j^2, https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/maas-image-builder <-this20:50
j^2kiko: nope, it’s a direct connection20:51
j^2travnewmatic_: https://github.com/jjasghar/maas/blob/centos/recipes/centos.rb20:52
travnewmatic_oh thats you!20:52
travnewmatic_didnt make that connection20:52
kikoj^2, so two machines on your network present the same issue20:53
kikoand always on different packages?20:53
kikoI assume you are able to install centos standalone (i.e. not in a VM) normally..20:53
j^2and yeah it’s been different pkgs21:01
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr

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