
kgunntrainguards could someone delete ubuntu-system-settings out of the vivid silo 0 ppa ?? we've reconfig'd that out of there, so no longer needed00:01
robrukgunn: sure, one sec00:01
robrukgunn: alright, i hit the button, that should disappear shortly.00:02
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ToyKeeperGrr, what happened to rtm build 241?  It still hasn't finished...01:17
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cyphermoxToyKeeper: I can try to look it up01:33
cyphermoxstarted building 4 hours ago or so?01:35
ToyKeeperYes, about 4.5 hours.01:36
cyphermoxyeah, looks right01:36
cyphermoxso image 2015021901:36
cyphermoxsome part of it got built at least: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/20150219/01:37
cyphermoxToyKeeper: does this look right? seems like the right changes to me at least: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/20150219.changes01:44
ToyKeeperI think so, but I don't see 241 on the image servers.01:44
cyphermoxyeah, there's some kind of second step that may be still running I guess?01:45
cyphermoxrsalveti: still around to look into this?  ^^01:45
ToyKeeperJust confused, since usually it takes about 90 minutes but something seems to have failed this time.01:45
rsalveticyphermox: the import happens in the same machine01:48
rsalvetibut yeah, 4 hours is too much01:48
rsalvetiusually if it's showing under ogra's website it means it got published in system-image01:48
rsalvetilet me check01:48
cyphermoxthe dated image is there but not the numbered one01:49
ToyKeeperI just know that UDF query is showing me 240 still.01:49
cyphermoxso it goes beyond what I know of that build process01:49
rsalvetiyeah, no image for today in system-image01:50
rsalvetirootfs was built 4 hours ago01:50
rsalveti# System image imports01:51
rsalveti#*/5 * * * *TMPDIR=/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/tmp /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/import-images01:51
rsalveticyphermox: from nusakan01:51
rsalvetibest to ask stgraber01:51
cyphermoxstgraber might not be very reachable, afaik he's away01:52
cyphermoxat least not in this channel :)01:52
rsalvetiright, pinged him in release01:53
rsalvetiwonder if that was because of snappy or whatever01:53
rsalvetihard to know01:53
rsalvetisergiusens: do you know?01:53
rsalvetiToyKeeper: it seems this is critical enough to call someone, right?01:54
rsalvetias QA would need to validate that image01:54
ToyKeeperPossibly, since this is the promotion candidate we're hoping to get out the door by the end of the week.01:54
ToyKeeperIn practical terms, getting it fixed now would only save about ~6 hours though.01:55
rsalvetiToyKeeper: cyphermox: running importer by hand now01:58
rsalveticross your fingers01:58
imgbot=== IMAGE 106 building (started: 20150220-02:05) ===02:05
rsalvetishould take ~30min I guess02:17
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 241 DONE (finished: 20150220-02:20) ===02:20
ToyKeepers/30/3/ ...  heh, what's an order of magnitude between friends?  :)02:21
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/241.changes ===02:21
ToyKeeperrsalveti: Thanks!  I'm not sure what broke, but I think this unblocks the image promotion process.  :)02:21
rsalvetiyeah, there you go02:21
veeberstrainguards, dumb request, could I get a link to the  spreadsheet please? :-)02:48
Ursinhaveebers: wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain :)02:48
veebersUrsinha: awesome thanks. Thats the link I was looking for02:49
Ursinhayou're welcome!02:49
veebers(and should have probably already known about :-P)02:49
veebersIt's a little scary how much I rely on my browsers history and bookmarks, means when I'm using a backup I've lost a bunch of info02:50
robruUrsinha: whoa, you're up late!03:08
robruveebers: you got silo 903:08
veebersrobru: awesome, thank you03:08
Ursinharobru: yeah, am here by accident and there was a fire on03:08
robruveebers: you're welcome03:08
robruveebers: also, the channel topic links to the dashboard, which has a link to the spreadsheet, just in case you ever lose it again03:09
veebersrobru: ah right, now I feel _really_ blind :-) Cheers03:09
robruveebers: hehe03:09
veebersoh, the jenkins looks quite different too03:10
robruveebers: oh yeah, we did a big rollout recently. migrated from precise to trusty, got a new version of jenkins, etc.03:28
veebersrobru: nice. I understand that it's improved performance a bit?03:29
robruveebers: oh I hadn't noticed a change in performance... I think that email was talking about some other jenkins.03:29
veebersah ok :-p03:30
imgbot=== IMAGE 106 DONE (finished: 20150220-03:30) ===03:30
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/106.changes ===03:30
robruveebers: yeah, ted' email is congratulating people for s-jenkins speeding up. That's the one that does CI on MPs among other things.03:32
veebersah ok, my bad. I take back the nice things I said ;-)03:32
robruveebers: damn right you will! :-P03:45
robruveebers: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-1-build/lastBuild/ one nice thing is that diffs are now produced at build time, so you can see those if you want03:45
veebersrobru: oh that is cool, I'll check it out03:45
Mirvg morning05:30
ToyKeeperIs anyone around yet who can investigate what happened to image 241?08:28
jibelogra_, ^ is it something you can investigate or someone else is needed?08:30
ogra_imgbot, status 24108:30
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-02-19 20:54:30 UTC, Finished: 2015-02-19 21:43:00 UTC08:30
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch/+build/2030708:30
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/241.changes08:30
ogra_looks fine to me08:31
jibelogra_, apparently the build never completed on its own, and the image doesn't show up for OTA. I don't know much I just woke up08:31
ogra_jibel, the bot reads from the server, so it must be there :)08:33
ogra_i think the image importer on system-image was disabled for a few hours yesterday08:33
jibelogra_, I'm on 240, go to update and don't see the image08:33
ogra_the image is properly shown at http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/krillin/index.json08:36
ogra_server side everything is fine08:36
jibelit would be a client side issue?08:37
ogra_i see nothing wrong on the server08:37
jibelToyKeeper, did you check on the client if anything was wrong?08:43
ToyKeeperimgbot is confused.08:44
ToyKeeper<imgbot> === IMAGE RTM 241 building (started: 20150219-21:00) ===08:44
ToyKeeper<imgbot> === IMAGE RTM 241 DONE (finished: 20150220-02:20) ===08:44
sil2100What's up?08:45
ToyKeepersil2100: The build/publish process failed for image 241, and we're not sure why.08:46
sil2100So we don't have image 241?08:46
sil2100ogra_: ^ ?08:46
ToyKeeperWe do, sort of, but it's invisible for OTA updates.08:46
ToyKeeperIt was invisible to UDF and imgbot too, until rsalveti kicked something manually.08:46
sil2100huh, now that's strange08:47
ToyKeeper"running importer by hand", he said.08:47
sil2100Aah, damn, yeah, maybe the release team switched the importer off for FF or related08:47
sil2100Or the .2 release even08:47
jibelsil2100, ogra_ system-image crashed on the client08:48
jibel    sig path : b23d5b2a14027f6775f4012123f5e8c108:48
sil2100But strange that it's not visible as an OTA, shouldn't matter08:48
jibel               /tmp/system-image-bk33lz3z/channels.json.asc08:48
jibelfull error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10321090/08:49
ogra_sil2100, slangasek worked on the channel config for snappy afaik ...08:49
ogra_importer was off til ~3aam UTC08:49
sil2100Ok, so maybe there's some issue with channels right now?08:49
ogra_looking on the server now it appears everything is fine08:49
* sil2100 looks at available channels08:50
sil2100Looks ok here08:50
ogra_but jibel's error above is worrying08:50
sil2100jibel: does that happen constantly? Let me fetch my phone, I should be upgradable as well08:51
jibelsil2100, yes08:51
jibelToyKeeper, can you check on your device in /var/log/system-image/client.log08:51
ToyKeeperjibel: I've reflashed too many times to still have that log.08:52
jibelToyKeeper, then flash 240 and try to upgrade08:52
ToyKeeperAlready started.  ;)08:52
jibelafter 222 and 234, 241 was not a nice build number for a release anyway08:53
jibelsil2100, bug 142383708:59
ubot5bug 1423837 in system-image (Ubuntu) "OTA from 240 to 241 fails with systemimage.gpg.SignatureError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142383708:59
ToyKeeperI really should make it beep when it finishes flashing.09:07
ToyKeeperSo... yeah, same error jibel got.09:08
ToyKeeperI get the impression that it might just fix itself on a new build, assuming the build process simply didn't sign the image correctly.09:09
ogra_well, its not the image, its the channels that have a bad sig09:10
ogra_and i fear we need stgraber or slangasek for this ... i doubt a re-build will fix it09:10
ToyKeeperHmm, okay.  Not sure how that part of the pipeline works.09:12
jibelit means not before 4 hours min.09:12
ogra_yeah ... but i'm in the same camp as ToyKeeper here09:13
ogra_not sure if mvo has more insight into channel handlin09:13
sil2100I would say 241 can be tested anyway, but not the OTA parts09:13
ToyKeeperI started on that, at least.  It fixed the wizard bug in 240.  Woot!09:14
mvoogra_: not much more insight, no, I get the same error on snappy fwiw09:14
ogra_right, that what i assumed09:14
ogra_i suspect the /var/lib/system-image/keyrings/image-signing.tar.xz doesnt have the matching content09:15
ogra_or some such09:15
ToyKeeperI started pretty late though, since the build was delayed, and got sidetracked a lot by the weirdness which probably won't exist in 242.09:15
tsdgeosMirv: greyback: ↑ ?10:32
greybacktsdgeos: check the option like "don't check for twins"10:33
Mirvtsdgeos: greyback: ignoring the twin package for now, doing another build10:33
=== ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping ev | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ubuntu-rtm landing gates now closed
bzoltan_Mirv:  would you throw me a silo please?10:47
* Mirv throws a heavy silo in the general direction of bzoltan_. it has "0 2 4" carved on the side of it.10:48
* bzoltan_ cathces it like if it were a beer can10:49
Mirvkalikiana: tsdgeos: ^ u1db-qt is ready to be tested in vivid silo 1910:49
ogra_sil2100, jibel, i think we have the channes.json fixed11:01
ogra_my phone just started an OTA ...11:01
ogra_might take a while for you, i had to kill system-image-dbus to trigger it11:01
* ogra_ hits the install button11:03
Mirvgreyback: tsdgeos: ^ qtmir built11:10
tsdgeosdavmor2: ↑ can you try this one (not sure if you were one of the ones seeing the slowlyness)11:10
davmor2tsdgeos: nope regression testing ota1 latter I can11:11
MirvI think I have to play more Robots vs Robots to be sure about the performance fix ....11:17
MirvI'm sure I'd suddenly find a horde of QA volunteers to help, though11:17
davmor2Mirv: I'm on hard level 6 it's enough to make you weep I tell you11:28
MirvI'm enough weeping on level 1, but I'm also quite confident the silo 021 is very helpful for perf11:29
popeycihelp: can someone help me understand why https://code.launchpad.net/~flscogna/ubuntu-terminal-app/json-keyboard-profiles/+merge/249754 is failing? specifically "ubuntuuitoolkit._custom_proxy_objects._common.ToolkitException: No actions in overflow" from
=== _salem is now known as salem_
fgintherpopey, The problem appears to be unrelated to that MP, those tests are also failing on trunk and on the dashboard , http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/vivid/touch/mako/106:20150220:20150210/12348/ubuntu_terminal_app/12:12
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popeyfginther: its running the wrong tests12:23
fgintherpopey, the dashboard is running the wrong tests? or jenkins too?12:24
popeywell the dashboard seems to be12:24
popeythe new terminal is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-terminal-dev/ubuntu-terminal-app/reboot12:25
popeywhich doesn't have the circle menu which the old terminal had12:25
popeyso perhaps it's pulling tests from the wrong place?12:25
fgintherpopey, ack, I see now that the branch was switched out.12:29
fgintherpopey, have the terminal app tests been updated for the reboot branch? It appears that the tests directory is identical between the lp:ubuntu-terminal-app/reboot and lp:ubuntu-terminal-app/trunk branches12:41
popeyfginther: I'll file a bug to get them updated12:41
pmcgowansil2100, do we have 241?12:49
sil2100pmcgowan: yes!12:49
sil2100pmcgowan: but...12:49
kalikianaMirv: silo 19 looks to be fine as far as u1db using apps goes, no explosions etc.12:49
sil2100pmcgowan: we had issues with making it OTAable, not sure if it's fixed already12:49
sil2100pmcgowan: but all in all QA is testing it already12:49
pmcgowansil2100, ok great, for some reason I didnt get a notification for it12:50
kalikianaMirv: as we talked about this I'm actually wondering if it'd be good if I could easily run unit tests against the silo…12:50
kalikianabut that's pretty much the issue you were already describing… it's not12:50
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, OTA might be still b0rken12:51
pmcgowanstill, didnt know it was12:51
kalikianaMirv: (well, I did it by hand in addition to manual testing, just is a bit awkward)12:52
Mirvkalikiana: ok, thanks! did you test it on device, and if so, which device + image?12:52
Mirvkalikiana: it'd be nice indeed12:52
kalikianaMirv: d'oh good you're asking about what image… my testing it on rtm was kind of pointless…12:55
kalikianaI'll re-do that on vivid :-]12:55
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Mirvkalikiana: hah!12:56
pmcgowansil2100, I didnt know u1-db was broken on rtm, only on vivid with qt5.4? Mirv ?13:00
sil2100davmor2, jibel: how's testing going so far?13:02
sil2100pmcgowan: I think it's only on vivid13:02
jibelsil2100, it is looking good so far. Still have to run a bunch of telephony tests and upgrade tests13:03
pmcgowansil2100, I am confusing myself looking at both dashboards :)13:04
jibelsil2100, I could upgrade frmo 240 to 241 after ogra fixed channels.ini but didn't receive the notification13:04
sergiusensplars or cihelp, can I remove the "backwards" compatibility from u-d-f already?13:04
jibelwhatever he fixed13:04
sergiusenspmcgowan: only vivid and the silo fixes it13:04
sergiusenspmcgowan: telegram works again at least13:05
pmcgowanjibel, I wonder if he can manually trigger the notification13:05
pmcgowansergiusens, excellent13:05
kalikianait's really annoying that udf just ignores typos and wrongcommands13:08
kalikianaI want those 10min of my life back13:08
rsalvetiogra_: what happened with the channels that made ota to fail?13:10
rsalvetiI had to run the importer by hand yesterday as it was disabled13:11
rsalvetislangasek enabled it after that13:11
ogra_rsalveti, cahennels.json apparently got edisted by hand instead of via s-i-shell13:19
ogra_rsalveti, s-i-shell gpg signs it after every change ... editing by hand doesnt :)13:19
ogra_so we had to re-generate the signature and all was fine (simply calling hide_channel and sho_channel for a random channel in si-shell did that)13:20
rsalvetiogra_: oh, looks like someone didn't know what he was doing :-)13:27
rsalvetibut cool that you could easily fix it13:28
rsalvetiand it worries me that it's so easy to break it13:28
ogra_rsalveti, well, and someone else who didnt know what he was doing fixed it by pressing random buttons ;)13:28
ogra_this is how system-image maintenance works :P13:28
* Mirv blames someone13:28
Mirvogra_: is there a todo item about making that process more.. solid/less errorprone?13:29
ogra_why ? it worked fine :P13:29
ogra_(i dont think there is a todo ... but by the wiki documentation it was guess-able what was needed)13:30
boikotrainguards: rtm silo 11 failed to build because it says there are some symbols changed, but by running strings on the rtm library I see the symbols were already there13:33
boikotrainguards: any idea?13:34
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sil2100boiko: let me take a look at the error13:35
boikosil2100: thanks13:37
kalikianaMirv: seems good. now also vivid on the device :-P13:41
Mirvok, so #image 106 mako? or krillin?13:42
kalikianaMirv: 106, mako13:50
kalikiana(and on vivid desktop)13:50
Mirvkalikiana: thank you, marked so13:51
Mirvboiko: looking13:52
sil2100boiko: hmmm13:52
sil2100boiko: how are you making those symbols files btw.?13:52
boikosil2100: so, it is my first time updating telepathy-qt on rtm, I actually didn't even know I was supposed to update those symbol files13:53
boikorsalveti: do you have an idea when/how the symbol files were updated?13:53
sil2100boiko: ok, looking at the source now13:53
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rsalvetiboiko: you usually know by building and checking the diff (after it fails to build)13:55
rsalvetilet me check the build log13:55
Mirvboiko: sil2100: rsalveti: ^ looking already13:55
Mirvand updating symbols13:55
rsalvetioh, great then13:55
rsalvetiyeah, Mirv knows it all13:55
boikoMirv: so, any idea how the .so had the symbols but the deb didn't have them listed?13:55
sil2100boiko: oh god, those are raw symbols, I would simply copy the version returned from dpkg-gensymols and just use it instead13:56
sil2100boiko: problem with C++ symbols files is that the linker exports everything by default13:56
boikosil2100: ah ok13:57
sil2100boiko: so without proper linker handling the symbols that are leaked have all the inner symbols like Qt, C++ STL and similar13:57
boikosil2100: got it13:57
sil2100But anyway, I guess this can be solved easily, Mirv will certainly fix it in a moment ;)13:57
plarssergiusens: hi, which backwards compatability do you mean? the assumed "touch" mode in the command line?14:04
Mirvboiko: what sil said, c++ :( uploaded another build and monitoring how it goes14:06
* Mirv more than familiar with C++ symbols files via Qt14:06
Mirvboiko ^ watch that space, x86 built already so unless armhf has anything special it should also succeed14:18
sergiusensplars: yes, that one14:24
plarssergiusens: I believe so, let me check a couple of things first14:30
sergiusensplars: sure, not going to do today or anything like that; I'll add you as a reviewer to the MP when I get to it14:32
plarssergiusens: it looks safe14:33
plarssergiusens: ah, the gatekeeper job for autopilot at least still uses the old method, no idea why14:34
plarssergiusens: will try to talk to veebers about it14:34
boikoMirv: thanks!14:42
kalikianahmmmm ^^ Mirv what does this mean?14:52
Mirvkalikiana: something wrong with the branches. I don't see anything wrong, but lately there has been more and more of this. looking.14:57
Mirveh... bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-79771920:///~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport15:03
Mirvsil2100: could you look at wtf is https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-019-3-merge-clean/37/console for kalikiana, or further delegate to robru when he's online?15:03
MirvI'm obliged to start doing other "important stuff" (cleaning the house...)15:04
sil2100Mirv: looking15:04
sil2100Mirv: ok ;) Good luck!15:05
Mirvsil2100: something else too on the air, looking at boiko's silo: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-011-1-build/104/console "cupstream2distro.errors.CITrainError: dpkg-source: error: unpack target exists"15:06
Mirvthanks :)15:06
Mirvthe build itself with updated symbols was fine, so I'm happy15:06
sil2100Silo 11 looks like we're missing some clean-up ;/15:06
sil2100jibel: how much more testing left?15:30
jibelsil2100, we are done. I'm reviewing the bugs and writing the report.15:31
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pmcgowanjibel, sent you my two cents on silos, but I am weak :)16:44
ogra_sil2100, is there anything important for me in the landing meeting ? i'm in another one, but if it is important that i'm there i can drop off there for a bit, to join LT16:50
sil2100ogra_: I think we're fine, just a 'thank you' for fixing the OTA's ;)16:54
boikosil2100: so, any update on what is going on now on rtm silo 11?17:05
Laneyev: hi, looks like autopkgtest some host or other is out of space: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-cairo/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console17:24
sil2100boiko: it's strange, robru is looking into that as well as it might be some strange condition in the new code17:25
Laneyev: ah, wazn17:25
robrusil2100: I have a branch for that first log you showed me. were there any other problems?17:26
robruMirv: readonly transport means the bot doesn't have permission to merge that branch. you gotta ask the team admins to add the bot if they want to use the train for landings.17:26
robruMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/trunk if you look here, the last release was done by the old bot creds, so they never added the new bot when we switched over, and now it's their first time trying to use the train with the new creds.17:27
robruMirv: and apparently you are an admin ;-)17:28
boikosil2100: oups, ok17:29
sil2100jibel: just double confirming - 241 gets a +1 on promotion? ;)17:34
jibelsil2100, yes, krillin 241, mako 199 and x86 19117:37
sil2100x86 191? Not 193?17:38
sil2100jibel: ^ ?17:39
jibelsil2100, you're right, 19317:39
jibel191 is flo17:39
sil2100== IMAGE RTM 19 promoted ==17:41
sil2100(for other platforms it's mako 17 and x86 16)17:42
sil2100john-mcaleely: ^17:42
sil2100It's in the rc channel17:42
sil2100Ok, I need to drive home now, I'll write up the e-mail later on17:43
robruMirv: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/view/1.%20Build/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-011-1-build/106/console ok, fixed that one for you, sorry about that.20:16
robruboiko: ah, looks like you need to rebuild and retest!20:23
boikorobru: ah oups, forgot to rebuild telepathy-ofono in there, thanks for the heads up20:26
robruboiko: you're welcome!20:26
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping ev | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: -
kgunntrainguards i got something i've never seen21:26
kgunnany help ?21:26
robrukgunn: looking21:27
kgunnstrange one21:27
kgunnto me at least21:27
robrukgunn: oh great21:27
robrukgunn: yeah unicode handling is a bit weird, I've been working on it, looks like I made a mistake21:27
robrukgunn: let me just revert that so you're not blocked...21:28
kgunnthanks man21:28
robrukgunn: alright, retrying: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-000-1-build/338/console21:32
boikorobru: silo 25 rebuilt and retested, all good21:41
robruboiko: great, thanks21:41
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
robruboiko: just need a packaging ack ;-)21:42
robrukenvandine: mterry: anybody around for a packaging ack? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-025-2-publish/21/21:42
boikokenvandine: can you take it a look?21:44
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
mterryrobru, seems fine21:46
robrumterry: thanks!21:53
kenvandineboiko, sure21:54
kenvandinemterry beat me :)21:54
kenvandinemterry, thx :)21:54
robrukenvandine: thanks anyway!21:54
boikomterry: kenvandine: thanks21:54
robruW. T. F23:00

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