[01:28] i start to think janmsistooschr] (~jatosmson@ realname is the j4s0n guy. [01:55] k1l_: janmsistooschr = jasonmchristos = network-wide problem user [01:55] idk who j4s0n is, might be the same one [01:56] thanks for confirming. [01:57] see ban 65036 and 65429 [01:57] but yeah, he's easy to find, he always uses anagrams of his original nick [10:04] lotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (backbox) [10:38] hello Guest85589 [10:39] hello ikonia [10:39] how can we help you ? [10:45] ikonia, it says you are banned [10:46] from where ? [10:49] #ubuntu [10:50] I am attempting to have the system upgrade and it doesn't show the newer releases. [10:50] Guest85589: one moment please [10:50] let me look into why you are having problems with the channel [10:50] @btlogin [10:52] Guest85589: it would appear you are a the user janmsistooschr who was earlier banned from the #ubuntu channel [11:05] Guest85589: probably best to /part the channel now and go about your day [11:08] you calculated the probability? [11:10] no - I'm sure [11:10] hence please leave and go about your day [11:12] I am not pro-bably [11:12] pro-life [11:15] what now ? if this is more time wasting I'll just ban you here and be done [11:15] I am never done [11:15] j4s0n on it again? [11:16] yes === Myrtti is now known as msample === IdleOne is now known as io === idleone_ is now known as io === idleone__ is now known as io [23:50] HELLO!