
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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zartooshHI does ubuntu 14.04 update have newer kernel version? thanks02:09
Patrickdkhmm, it has for awhile02:13
Patrickdksince 13.10 came out02:13
sarnoldPatrickdk: I think zartoosh meant the new 14.04.2 release02:15
sarnoldzartoosh: lookslike a 3.16.x kernel is supposed to be in 14.04.2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:15
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Patrickdkyes, that is the 14.10 kernel :)02:18
PatrickdkI'm running it on a few machines with 14.04 for several months02:19
zartooshsarnold, Patrickdk  thank you so much02:19
Patrickdkman, unbound uses a lot of cpu02:28
zartooshsarnold,  I am reading the link that you kindly forward to me. It seems the support for kernel update 2 stops after  18 months. Do I read this correctly? Thanks02:39
sarnoldzartoosh: yes, when 14.04.5 is released you'll need to upgrade to that kernel to continue receiving support02:41
zartooshsarnold,  It seems if I stay with  14.04 update 1 I do not have to do that. the reason I am saying this is because our system is embedded system.02:43
sarnoldzartoosh: right, the original 14.04 kernel will be supported for the entire five years02:43
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zartooshsarnold,  thanks02:44
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zartooshHi I am using ubuntu 14.04 I want to update the system to 14.04 update 2 but do not want to update the kernel. Is there a way to do it? thanks04:02
sarnoldzartoosh: apt-get update && apt-get -u upgrade04:03
zartooshsarnold,  would that update the kernel package also.  I do not want to upgrade the kernel package? thanks04:04
sarnoldzartoosh: that would keep you on the original 14.04 LTS release kernel04:05
zartooshsarnold,  thanks so much.04:06
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lordievaderGood morning.06:36
jamespagejodh, around? would you have some time to help kickinz1 with some bcache initramfs troubles he's having?08:42
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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kubblaihi guys, I have an ubuntu server i login via auth from a windows domain but when i sudo -i i get this error is /var/log/auth.log pam_unix(sudo:auth): authentication failure; logname=myuser uid=10019 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/0 ruser=myuser rhost=  user=myuser10:46
kubblaihowever it does allow me sudo access10:46
kubblaii can see in visudo that domain admins have access to ALL10:46
kubblaioh and its 14.0410:47
lordievaderkubblai: sudo su?10:47
kubblaisudo -i10:47
lordievaderkubblai: That was sort of a question, does 'sudo su' work?10:48
kubblailordievader: sudo -i10:48
kubblaioh sorry lordievader i'll give that a shot10:48
kubblaino still logging an auth failure lordievader10:49
lordievaderkubblai: What is the output of "grep root /etc/passwd"?10:51
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lordievaderkubblai: Could you pastebin your /etc/sudoers file?10:54
kubblaiok sec but i may have to redact it slightly10:54
kubblaihttp://pastebin.com/upLdUQ5Q lordievader10:56
lordievaderUgh spaces in group names, I take it you are in 'Domain Admins' group?10:57
kubblaiyes lordievader10:57
lordievaderkubblai: Hmm...11:02
lordievaderkubblai: In the error message you stated above 'myuser' is a replacement of the actual username?11:02
kubblailordievader: my username is first initalsurname11:03
kubblaino spaces11:03
lordievaderI had a similar issue with setting up  LDAP, it tried to authenticate the root user through LDAP instead of the system. LDAP didn't know root... You might have a similar issue.11:04
kubblaiok lordievader how did you fix it :D11:05
lordievaderI didn't, I do not understand LDAP well enough for that. A co-worker fixed it for me...11:05
kubblaiaw shucks, ask him lordievader :)11:07
lordievaderOh right, the fix was to copy the pam config from another VM...11:07
kubblaiah well its happening on all vm's11:08
lordievaderWhat does your /etc/pam.d/common-account look like?11:09
kubblaiim just looking at that now, give me a sec lordievader11:09
lordievaderkubblai: Or I am looking wrong or I am missing: account sufficient                                      pam_localuser.so11:12
kubblaii dont know lordievader im not thqat familiar with pam config11:13
lordievaderNeither am I but that line looks like it allow local accounts ;)11:14
lordievaderAnd root is usually a local account.11:14
kubblaiits not really something i can just change lordievader I'd need to raise a request for change11:14
kubblaiok i'll give tht a shot lordievader11:15
kubblaithanks for the help lordievader :)11:16
lordievaderNo problem, however I do not advice you to go against your system administrator policies. Raise a request, let them  handle it ;)11:16
cluelesszacpersohello everyon11:17
cluelesszacpersoI'm having great difficulty getting used to ubuntu, and I've been usign it for years.11:17
cluelesszacpersoI'm growing tired of staring at man pages for every command I need to use, surely there must be easier ways to handle things.11:17
cluelesszacpersoam I missing soemthing abundandently obviously to make life easier?11:17
lordievadercluelesszacperso: If you use a command enough you'll remember the syntax.11:18
lordievaderThere are no shortcuts.11:18
cluelesszacpersolordievader, That's not much of an answer.  I put up these servers to run web applications.11:18
ikoniacluelesszacperso: you've had this explained ot you in #ubuntu11:19
ikoniaso asking/complaining that you can't grasp things in here - isn't going to be welcoe11:19
ikoniawe can help you with problems, if you can't grasp the concepts, thats up to you to learn/keep with it11:19
lordievadercluelesszacperso: It is the best answer I can give you.11:20
cluelesszacpersoikonia, It's not a matter of grasping concepts, asshole.  I can grasp concepts perfectly fine.11:20
ikoniathen whats the issue ?11:20
lordievadercluelesszacperso: Watch your language.11:20
ikoniacluelesszacperso: and do not call people names11:20
cluelesszacpersoikonia, You're answer is "spend more time with it"  when seriously, there has to be a better answer than slam your head against the wall11:20
ikoniacluelesszacperso: if you can't grasp it - we can't help you11:21
ikoniaand it's not an "ubuntu issue" if you can't learn it after the  many years you say you've tried11:21
cluelesszacpersoikonia, It's like digging a hole for a pool with a shovel versus a caterpiller.11:21
ikoniano it doesn't11:21
ikoniait sounds like you can't grasp it - which is fine, learn however you feel best11:21
lordievaderThe only way to learn something is to spend time on it.11:21
cluelesszacpersoikonia, I described that I repeatedly come back to ubuntu over the years and it's overwhelming and frustrating to spend so much time on man pages with arbitrary syntax for each.  It's unrealistic to expect people to spend that much time to just have a machine up.11:22
ikoniacluelesszacperso: it's not unrealistic11:22
ikoniaI can  get a machine up in minutes11:22
ikoniayou can't11:22
ikoniathats because I have grasped it - you have not11:22
ikoniawhen you grasp it - you will do it in minutes too11:22
ikoniait's really that simple11:23
ikoniahow you get to the point where you can grasp it - is up to you, people learn in different ways11:23
ikoniabut thats not really what this channel is for - as you where told in #ubuntu11:23
cluelesszacpersoikonia, I can run the commands in minutes too, that doesn't mean it's at all intuitive, at ALL.11:23
ikoniayou're just being silly11:23
ikoniaits that simple11:23
cluelesszacpersoasking for something to have flow and be intuitive? really/11:23
ikoniaif you expect to login not knowing the commands and randomly guess them you're unrealistic11:24
ikoniathe norm is "research what you want to do , then do it"11:24
ikoniaif you're not happy with that - you will fail11:24
ikonianothing more to really discuss11:24
cluelesszacpersoikonia, I do tons of research, but you have to look up how to manipulate the basic firewall for christ's sake.11:24
ikoniano you don't11:24
ikoniathere are guis11:24
ikoniacommand lines11:24
ikoniaso looking up how to manipulate the firewall is a basic requirement11:25
cluelesszacpersoikonia,  And how the hell do you expect ANY ONE to even know about those when they come into ubuntu?11:25
ikoniathey read the documents11:25
ikoniait's well documented11:25
ikoniaofficial docs11:25
cluelesszacpersodo manipulate a stupid FIREWALL11:25
ikoniain the same way in any OS you have to read how to do something to learn how to do it11:25
cluelesszacpersoyou shouldn't have to read much to be prepared for that11:25
ikoniaof course you should11:25
cluelesszacpersoon windows it's a simple point and click "on off with this port"11:25
ikoniait's a security feature11:25
ikoniaif it was a toy it would be worthless11:26
ikoniaeither way - this isn't up for discussion11:26
cluelesszacpersoit's literally fool proof in its simplicity.11:26
ikoniawe can help you with your issues - thats it11:26
cluelesszacpersothe only reason it's not done by laymen is because of laziness, but ubuntu takes it to another level entirely, by making you look up a freaking manual for the simplistic commands11:26
Odd_Blokecluelesszacperso: I would have no idea how to configure the firewall in Windows, because I have never used Windows as a server (or, really, at all for ~10 years).11:27
Odd_Blokecluelesszacperso: So I would have to consult documentation.11:27
ikoniait's not an ubuntu issue11:28
ikoniacluelesszacperso: if you need help with issues - ask11:28
ikoniacluelesszacperso: if you want to complain - don't bother11:28
ikonialets get back to the focus11:28
cluelesszacpersoOdd_Bloke,   Click "Start" -> Control Panel -> Firewall -> "Rules" -> "In: 80" "Allow From: *"  Just fill in the fields, it's ridiciulously easy and intuitive.11:28
cluelesszacpersoOdd_Bloke, I'm not saying windows is perfect or preferable to windows, but it sure is easier to use right off the bat, that's why the entire world adopted it.11:29
cluelesszacpersopreferable to linux*11:29
lordievaderRight, that's why there are so many Windows servers compared to Linux servers...11:29
cluelesszacpersolordievader, that's more a question of overhead and customization.  That hardly means it's just easy to use.11:32
ikoniacluelesszacperso: drop it please11:32
cluelesszacpersoand before you call me lazy, tools are supposed to make life easier*11:32
ikoniaeither ask for help with what you need with - or do what you want to do11:33
cluelesszacpersoikonia, I originally asked for compiled resources, and if there was something major I might be missing that people have run into before.11:34
ikoniathats called FAQ11:34
cluelesszacpersoikonia, Then you essentially called/acted like I'm an idiot.11:34
ikoniaand documentation is well published on https://help.ubuntuu.com11:34
ikoniaI didn't say anything of the like about you being an idiot11:34
ikoniaplease don't make random things up11:35
cluelesszacperso><ikonia> so asking/complaining that you can't grasp things in here - isn't going to be welcoe11:35
cluelesszacpersoikonia,   That is explicitly an insult in the modern world.11:35
ikoniathat is  nothing to do with you being an idiot11:35
ikoniano it's not11:35
ikoniathere is no shame in not getting somethings or being slow to get them11:35
cluelesszacpersothis isn't a question of grasping concepts, you're claiming I just need to practice freaking muscle memory.11:36
ikoniaI suck at various things not matter how much I try11:36
ikoniano I'm not11:36
ikoniaI'm saying you need to understand how to do things and how to get the info you need11:36
ikoniait's that simple11:36
ikoniayou don't want to read - so you suffer11:36
ikoniano more discussion on it please11:36
cluelesszacpersoikonia,   I understand how a freaking firewall works.11:36
Odd_Blokecluelesszacperso: It's not entirely clear what you're looking to get out of this conversation.11:38
cluelesszacpersoikonia, I work for a Fortune 500 company, handling Fortune 100 clients, full time.  I'm learning programming architecture for multiple languages on my own using online resources, while also going to classes nearly full time.  I'm up at 5:40 in the morning, reading over man pages, and you have the audacity to tell me that I just don't want to read, and expect me to not just mock you for it.11:41
cluelesszacpersoOdd_Bloke, What resources do you usually refer to?11:41
cluelesszacpersoOdd_Bloke, in various circles there tend to exist tools that make life really easy.11:42
Odd_Blokecluelesszacperso: Honestly, man pages and Google.11:42
cluelesszacpersoOdd_Bloke, This for example, http://paletton.com/#uid=1330u0khF9id6mFdIipnH4wmX2p   is a wonderful tool for web design that helps people come up with color schemes, no grasping in the dark, you can visualize and mold it.11:43
=== robher_ is now known as robher
jadesoturi__hi all. iv installed vsftp, without chroot, but now the normal user can only read files outside his home dir, he cant write to /var f ex.. and i dont want to allow root ftp access.. is there a way to make the normal user be able to write to the folders?11:44
Odd_Blokecluelesszacperso: Sure, but it's also a very constrained domain; configuring firewalls is more akin to actually implementing that colour scheme in a web page.11:45
ikoniahe's gone11:45
ikoniaenough complaining11:45
ikoniamore support11:45
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
KlausedSourcehey, does any of you have a vserver at strato(.de)?13:41
KlausedSourcei use the preinstalled ubuntu 14.04 LTS there, but it feels like i can't access any block devices13:44
KlausedSourcewhen i want to run parted it says "Error: No device found"13:44
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
TheEagerPadawanany one around here that has experience with linuxacademy?13:56
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med_jamespage, dosaboy I voted up your presentations. Hope to see you (and the whole gang) in Vancouver.14:18
jamespagemed_, ta!14:19
jamespagemed_, I should be there at least14:20
marruslme too!14:20
med_marrusl, will def. cu there too.14:20
* med_ probably owes jamespage a pint or two or three14:20
cbHi, are there any security-measures on an 14.04-server that prevents the answer of `pings` from an host which MAC-Adress is not resolvable? The Client that want's to ping is connected to the network through ipsec. All other systems in the network don't care about an unknown mac. Only my Ubuntu-Server installations don't respond. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10325022/ my tcpdump.14:20
marruslmed_, excellent!  really looking forward to it.14:21
cbiptables and ufw are disabled14:21
* med_ still probably owes zul a few pints too14:22
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hikenboothi I am looking for the sample files for my ubuntu install on amazon cloud instance for easy-rsa. what package provides the sample configuration files for easy-rsa?15:59
rbasakhikenboot: easy-rsa.16:00
hikenbootit does not appear to have all the sample files in particular I am looking for /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.016:01
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rbasakHave you looked in /usr/share/doc/easy-rsa?16:14
jamespagecoreycb, nice work on that backwards compat patch for utopic btw16:19
jamespagecoreycb, that's always a good approach16:20
coreycbjamespage, thanks16:20
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hikenbootrbasak, yes of course I looked there. They are not there17:08
hikenbootreinstalled easy-rsa and easy-rsa sources and there not there trying to compile the source and see if it generates them but looking at the files it does not appear to be the case17:09
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
xcyclistIs there something reasonably well trusted for a web GUI oriented password database on Ubuntu?  I'd really like something that uses ssh pp keys, github data storage, and some nice password requirements, for password database access.18:02
sneezewortI have a strange problem. If I am running ubuntu 12.04 lts as a VM on ESX I can serve large files with no problem. When I run do-release-upgrade to get to 14.04.2 then suddenly the download of large files is fast at first, then stalls.18:04
sneezewortAny ideas?18:04
bekkssneezewort: Which ESX version and which VMware tools are installed?18:16
bekksAnd are you using the vmxnet3 adapter?18:16
sneezewortbekks, ESX 5.1, VMwareTools-9.0.0-782409, and we are using E1000 as our NICs. We removed the E1000 and added a vmxnet3 NIC, but the behavior was the same.18:22
bekksDid you reinstall the VMware tools?18:23
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sneezewortbekks, You mean after the upgrade? nope. Let me try that...18:28
bekkssneezewort: Change the adapter to vmxnet3, and after that, reinstall the VMware Tools.18:40
bekksAnd you could start debugging here: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=100408718:41
hallynSpamapS: presentty sounds great18:53
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rberg_anyone here running ubuntu server on dell server hardware? I am wondering about how to get these dell tools installed like dset, racadm, and wsman..19:23
bekksrberg_: Download and install them.19:23
rberg_the rpm?19:23
rberg_and with the apt repo, the package "sblim-cmpi-base" errors with "CIM server type could not be determined, specify with -t."19:24
bekksrberg_: Which server is that, exacxtly?19:26
rberg_its getting lots of ecc errors and Dell is requiring me to run dset to get logs..19:29
SpamapShallyn: yes! It is the ultimate geek presenter. :-D19:30
bekksrberg_: Dell doesnz ship drivers for the R630 for Ubuntu. so your only chance is to use that .rpm19:31
sarnoldheh, when magicpoint looks like an extravegance..19:31
rberg_they claim its "supported" who knows19:32
bekksrberg_: "supported" doesnt mean "we ship drivers for that thing" :)19:33
rberg_if I had any say around here I would say lets not use this hardware19:33
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a|3xhow would i purge all log files, logrotate -f doesn't seem to delete older files23:48
sarnolda|3x: /var/log/*.[0-9]* matches many old log files, if not all23:49
a|3xsarnold, hopefully i don't delete anything important..23:51
sarnolda|3x: I think the only 'active' log files that will delete are Xorg logs; most people won't care much about those anyway and in #ubuntu-server it seems even less likely :)23:52

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