Kilos | morning all | 05:19 |
Kilos | ai! | 05:35 |
* Kilos wonders if there was method in pro's madness | 05:41 | |
mazal | Morning everyone | 06:07 |
Kilos | hi mazal | 06:11 |
mazal | inetpro: you around ? | 06:13 |
mazal | Oom Kilos , I started to do that re-install an that external , gonna try and fit it in during the day between work | 06:14 |
mazal | But something I need to know about that seperate /boot partition | 06:14 |
Kilos | you going to do the install from the lappy? | 06:15 |
mazal | No , installing on one of my machine here at work , then will test on lappy tonight at home | 06:15 |
Kilos | sjoe | 06:15 |
Kilos | what do you need to know about the /boot | 06:16 |
Kilos | hi Xethron | 06:16 |
mazal | I was wondering , that is a small partition ( made mine 450mb now ) , but won't that fill up quickly when kernels update ? Doesn't the kernel lie there ? | 06:16 |
Kilos | no | 06:17 |
mazal | ok kewl | 06:17 |
Kilos | where are you putting the /boot | 06:17 |
mazal | Kilos: The plan is , do the whole install and updates today. Then tonight I will plug it into lappy , and do that update grub you teached me to add it again on lappy's internal drive , reboor and test | 06:18 |
mazal | That /boot is a partition on the drive | 06:18 |
mazal | Small partition on it's own | 06:18 |
Kilos | i always make seperate partitions | 06:18 |
Kilos | / /boot and /home | 06:19 |
mazal | I was just worried with it being so small that it will fill up quickly then I can't boot ( google suggested 250mb ) | 06:19 |
mazal | When I installed , 250mb wasn't big enough , it asked for 368mb , then I made it 450mb | 06:20 |
Kilos | i make mine 2g always but i think its always under 500m that gets used | 06:20 |
Kilos | i dont know what the pro was planning with you\ | 06:21 |
Kilos | he knows better | 06:22 |
Kilos | download this thing and put it on a cd | 06:23 |
Kilos | handy to have when drivges wont boot | 06:23 |
Kilos | it can actually boot into the system | 06:23 |
mazal | I have had that somewhere many moons ago | 06:26 |
Kilos | lol | 06:27 |
mazal | Messed up one of my drives though | 06:27 |
mazal | Never used it again | 06:27 |
Kilos | ai! | 06:27 |
mazal | It was at least 5 years ago , can't even remember what happened | 06:27 |
mazal | Ag nee , install finished , but now the updates is giving me issues | 06:31 |
Kilos | ai! | 06:31 |
Kilos | what issues | 06:31 |
mazal | Looks like it's hanging and not downloading | 06:32 |
mazal | But same line and router than this pc I am chatting on , and this one is fine | 06:32 |
Kilos | patience it will say something if it cant work | 06:32 |
mazal | It's reporting 16k/s , instead of 200k/s :( | 06:33 |
Kilos | what repo? | 06:33 |
mazal | **sigh** , why must I just be struggling with everything this month | 06:33 |
mazal | shees | 06:33 |
Kilos | i use the neology repo, its always nice and fast | 06:34 |
Kilos | and up to date | 06:34 |
Kilos | all my bzr and nikola stuffs be broken | 07:21 |
superfly | *yawn* | 07:42 |
Kilos | morning superfly | 07:43 |
Kilos | hi TinuvaMac | 07:45 |
TinuvaMac | morning Kilos | 07:45 |
TinuvaMac | how you doing on this fine friday | 07:45 |
Kilos | as normal just sukkeling alone | 07:46 |
Kilos | losing myself in all the things ive done wrong and trying to correct | 07:46 |
TinuvaMac | that sounds very deep for a friday | 07:46 |
Kilos | and making chilli and garlic sauce so i can burn something open | 07:47 |
inetpro | good mornings | 08:00 |
Kilos | hi inetpro | 08:00 |
* inetpro joins in the *yawning* | 08:01 | |
inetpro | why is this stuff so contagious? | 08:01 |
Kilos | lol | 08:02 |
superfly | inetpro: because, like me, you didn't have enough sleep last night? | 08:05 |
inetpro | hmm... maybe | 08:07 |
inetpro | funny thing is just that the moment I noticed your yawning I also had to do it | 08:07 |
inetpro | like being remote controlled | 08:07 |
Kilos | hi SDCDev | 08:08 |
SDCDev | morning Kilos | 08:14 |
mazal | Kilos update: Everything finished , updated , data put back and all. Now is just to plug into lappy tonight , do the update grub and test | 08:20 |
Kilos | yay lets hope mazal | 08:22 |
Kilos | but try boot directly from it first | 08:22 |
mazal | I will | 08:22 |
mazal | I really have hope for inetpro's plan , lots of logic in it | 08:23 |
Kilos | always logic in his madness | 08:23 |
Kilos | i just miss it most of the time | 08:24 |
mazal | If I get that strange grub error , I will then do the update grub to get an entry for it on the internal and test that | 08:24 |
Kilos | ya | 08:24 |
mazal | maaz tell inetpro Re-installation with seperate /boot (450mb) complete. Just plug in and test left tonight. Will give feedback | 08:25 |
Maaz | mazal: Righto, I'll tell inetpro on freenode | 08:25 |
Kilos | haha | 08:25 |
inetpro | mazal: even 100MB should be enough for /boot | 08:25 |
Maaz | inetpro: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell inetpro Re-installation with seperate /boot (450mb) complete. Just plug in and test left tonight. Will give feedback" 30 seconds ago | 08:25 |
mazal | oh hi inetpro , didn't know you are here :) | 08:26 |
mazal | inetpro: I had it at 250mb and installer refused. Wanted 368mb minimum | 08:26 |
Kilos | he is always here, just lurks most of the time | 08:26 |
inetpro | mazal: only thing I'm not sure about is whether the limitation is a drive limitation or a partition limitation | 08:27 |
mazal | It's booting fine on pc here at work , updates done , just the test left tonight | 08:27 |
inetpro | think it might not even work | 08:27 |
Kilos | oi | 08:27 |
mazal | We'll know tonight inetpro , if it doesn't work is ok , it is worth a try | 08:27 |
inetpro | think the limitation was something about INT13h-extensions | 08:28 |
Kilos | lets hope | 08:28 |
mazal | Thanx for the help inetpro , I think you are spot on with that it might be a size issue. Now we must just wait to see if it is drive related or partition related | 08:29 |
inetpro | really old stuffs | 08:29 |
inetpro | must be old type hardware | 08:30 |
mazal | Well I estimate the lappy at 4 years | 08:30 |
inetpro | if it is teh same problem | 08:30 |
mazal | Bought it second hand , so don't know exact age. But seller estimated about 3 to 4 years. | 08:30 |
inetpro | mazal: you really don't have a small USB stick around? | 08:31 |
mazal | Yeah I do inetpro , but it is here at work , didn't have it with me last night at home. This problem lappy is at home | 08:31 |
mazal | Will take that home with me as well tonight | 08:31 |
inetpro | cool | 08:31 |
mazal | And it already has a live ubuntu on it , so it's just plug in and test | 08:32 |
mazal | and I know it works as I used it today to do the re-install | 08:32 |
mazal | Only thing I see now , it's 16gig | 08:33 |
mazal | I must search for a 4gig one , must be one here somehere and put live iso on 4gig one as well me thinks | 08:33 |
Kilos | mazal save you archives somewhere else | 08:34 |
Kilos | /var/cache/apt/archives | 08:35 |
Kilos | then if you need to reinstall tonight there is only the update data to fetch | 08:35 |
mazal | Kilos: I don't think I will re-install again. If this doesn't work , then what else can I change that would require another re-install ? | 08:39 |
mazal | And the lappy's internal has exactly the same OS. So I can use that archives if that need arrises | 08:40 |
mazal | inetpro: | 08:44 |
mazal | Is that one ^^ | 08:44 |
mazal | Mine is the i5 , 4gb RAM model. Still trying to find info about what year it was released | 08:45 |
mazal | This page was created Sept. 2011. So ja , it looks like its about 3.5 years back. | 08:47 |
Kilos | mazal when all else fails the remove the lappy drive and install from dvd to the external directly | 08:49 |
Kilos | then it will sort whatever is causing your hassles imo | 08:50 |
Kilos | you can also turn off quiet splash so you can see what grub is doing | 08:52 |
Kilos | sudo nano /etc/default/grub | 08:52 |
Kilos | where you see "quiet splash" just delete the quiet splash between the " " | 08:53 |
Kilos | and you have to hash another line | 08:53 |
Kilos | sorry unhash GRUB_TERMINAL=console | 08:55 |
Kilos | then do sudo update-grub | 08:55 |
Kilos | on your external im talking about now while you have it working | 08:55 |
mazal | Oom Kilos , tell me that again tonight , no way I will remember that :P | 09:04 |
Kilos | lol you must do it now in the running external | 09:05 |
Kilos | can only be done when running | 09:05 |
Kilos | hi magellanic | 09:18 |
magellanic | heya | 09:19 |
inetpro | mazal: perhaps an upgrade of the BIOS will also help | 09:19 |
mazal | inetpro: I'm very scared of that. Don't trust myself with that | 09:26 |
mazal | It looks like they have nice bios update software , but it's for Windoze :( | 09:29 |
Kilos | lol | 09:47 |
mazal | Can't see another way , it looks like I will have to format it , get Win 7 on it just to update the bios | 09:48 |
mazal | There comes the more re-installations Kilos :P | 09:48 |
Kilos | eish | 09:49 |
mazal | I'm gonna have to drag my whole work toolkit home tonight , nevermind a stick | 09:50 |
Kilos | never mind, when you are done everything will work lekker | 09:51 |
mazal | I think I'll image my laptop first though , and put image back when done. Otherwise I have to re-install it twice :( | 09:51 |
mazal | But first I'm going to try the drive as is , that all might not be neccesary. | 09:52 |
Kilos | ya first things first | 09:52 |
Kilos | and one step at a time | 09:53 |
Kilos | hee hee | 09:53 |
Kilos | who does that sound like | 09:53 |
mazal | And I wanted a nice quiet weekend | 09:53 |
Kilos | na quiet weekends are boring | 09:55 |
mazal | ai | 09:57 |
Kilos | but its lekker when your system works fine and you can just battle with other things | 09:57 |
mazal | Well let me put it this way. If I can get this thing working , it will solve a huge headache I have there. So if it works in the end , it will be worth it | 09:58 |
mazal | Is a very important reason I need this external to boot on that laptop | 09:58 |
Kilos | yep | 09:58 |
mazal | But I won't tell ANYBODY the reason because I will get slaped | 09:59 |
* mazal updates his trello to-do list | 10:00 | |
mazal | And that list was nice and empty | 10:00 |
Kilos | lol | 10:01 |
* mazal mumbels | 10:01 | |
Kilos | trello is kinda lekker hey | 10:01 |
Kilos | yours is better than mine though | 10:01 |
Kilos | on mine the fly and pro can slap me | 10:02 |
Kilos | Maaz it doesnt work | 10:03 |
Maaz | Kilos: What? | 10:03 |
Kilos | Maaz it dont work | 10:03 |
Maaz | Kilos: Sorry... | 10:03 |
Kilos | hmm... | 10:03 |
mazal | Oom Kilos: I have another Kubuntu question for you | 10:31 |
magellanic | you are flashing the bios to boot usb? | 10:31 |
mazal | Updating it magellanic | 10:31 |
mazal | Well , planning to anyway | 10:32 |
magellanic | it doesn't boot usb? | 10:32 |
mazal | We suspect it can't handle the big drive | 10:32 |
mazal | So things going to be tried , a. Small seperate /boot partition , b. update bios | 10:32 |
mazal | magellanic: Nope , it refuses to boot my external that boot fine on two other pc's | 10:33 |
mazal | Last night we double checked that grub is ok with some repair options , but it seems to rather be hardware related ( due to too big drive ) or something similar | 10:33 |
magellanic | possible. how far does it get? | 10:34 |
mazal | crashes immediately | 10:34 |
mazal | When booting straight from the drive I get a weird grub error about trying to read outside of hd0 | 10:34 |
mazal | Then we added a grub entry for it on the laptop's internal drive , when booting from internal and selecting the external to boot it blank screen for 2 seconds and reboots | 10:35 |
mazal | Then it doesn't even give grub error | 10:35 |
magellanic | yeah I was going to suggest the second option you tried there | 10:36 |
magellanic | hmm I see | 10:36 |
mazal | So I re-installed it today , and made a seperate /boot partition of 450mb | 10:36 |
mazal | ( it was only 1 big / partition ) | 10:36 |
mazal | If that don't work either , then going to try and update bios | 10:36 |
mazal | Problem with that though , it only has an app for Windoze to do that | 10:37 |
mazal | So there comes lots of hassle | 10:37 |
magellanic | yeah I had similar issues updating a bios | 10:37 |
mazal | I will have to first image laptop , install win 7 , update bios , put back image | 10:37 |
mazal | So I rather hope that the smaller /boot partition does the trick | 10:38 |
mazal | I really don't want to go that bios update route | 10:38 |
mazal | Is a 1TB drive btw | 10:38 |
magellanic | agree, sounds too painful :D | 10:38 |
mazal | very :P | 10:38 |
mazal | BUT | 10:39 |
magellanic | thinking, grub tries to load stage 2, might be failing in stage 2 when booting off external, might be things you can do/try there | 10:39 |
mazal | If I do get it to work , oh man a huge logistical problem would be solved at home | 10:40 |
mazal | So am willing to go that bios root if I have to | 10:40 |
mazal | Something else I am also gonna try is to boot from my live usb stick , just to confirm the size of drive theory | 10:41 |
magellanic | if you can, paste the grub error you get when booting from external | 10:41 |
mazal | Unfortunately it was lying here at work last night , else I would have tested that already | 10:41 |
mazal | It wa something along these lines : | 10:42 |
mazal | error: Trying to read or write outside of 'hd0' | 10:42 |
mazal | starting recovery mode | 10:42 |
mazal | grub>_ | 10:42 |
mazal | That's of the top of my head , not exactly that , but pretty close | 10:42 |
mazal | and when booting from internal drive's grub and selecting the external's entry , no error , just black screen for 2 seconds and reboot | 10:43 |
mazal | During that 2 second black screen I could see hdd light flickers , it tries to access it , but then reboots | 10:44 |
magellanic | try the smaller partition, sounds like it, from a quick search.. | 10:45 |
mazal | Will do tonight | 10:45 |
mazal | Don't have that lappy here at work | 10:46 |
mazal | loadshedding permitting of course | 10:46 |
magellanic | oh yes, I better check the schedule too | 10:49 |
Kilos | magellanic youre an old ubuntu user, when are you applying for membership | 10:49 |
Kilos | we need more members | 10:49 |
magellanic | where do I apply, at the site? | 10:50 |
Kilos | lol its a major job | 10:50 |
Kilos | let me see what i can find | 10:51 |
Kilos | | 10:52 |
magellanic | mazal: one useful comment I saw, if you don't want to reinstall the external, is to shrink the partition within the limits, and then re-run the grub install stuff | 10:52 |
magellanic | depending on the size and use | 10:52 |
mazal | Is ok , re-install is already done | 10:53 |
mazal | re-installed , updated , tested , all done | 10:53 |
mazal | Boots 100% fine on pc here. | 10:54 |
magellanic | cool | 10:54 |
mazal | Ready for testing on the problem lappy hehehehe | 10:58 |
magellanic | Kilos: cool, looking at the membership requirements, I don't think I'm eligible though | 11:20 |
Kilos | well together we work on it, are you still registered as active on launchpad? | 11:21 |
magellanic | I would like a signed cert from Mark though :D | 11:21 |
Kilos | lol | 11:21 |
magellanic | no I'm not active on launchpad | 11:22 |
Kilos | oh my thats first then | 11:22 |
Kilos | just get your ~email there | 11:22 |
Kilos | did you let renewing slide? | 11:24 |
magellanic | will consider later for membership | 11:24 |
magellanic | no I was never a member | 11:24 |
Kilos | wow | 11:24 |
Kilos | | 11:25 |
Kilos | maybe thats the wrong link | 11:25 |
mazal | oom Kilos: I have another lekke question for you | 12:01 |
Kilos | ask mazal | 12:04 |
Kilos | sorry was outside3 | 12:05 |
mazal | usb memory stick | 12:05 |
Kilos | ya | 12:05 |
mazal | kde partition manager | 12:05 |
mazal | format to fat32 | 12:05 |
Kilos | nee man | 12:05 |
mazal | Tells me adding a label is not supported by this file system (fat32) | 12:05 |
Kilos | have you got disk utility running on unity somewhere | 12:05 |
mazal | Same os , gparted , format fat32 and label | 12:06 |
mazal | why ? | 12:06 |
Kilos | disk utility gives the option to format to mbr | 12:06 |
Kilos | it needs the mbr bvit added to make it bootable | 12:06 |
Kilos | bit | 12:06 |
mazal | is just interesting why 2 different partition managers have different views on label for the same file system format | 12:07 |
Kilos | lol | 12:07 |
Kilos | you can format to fat32 but without the mbr it wont boot i think | 12:07 |
Kilos | hi drussell | 12:07 |
mazal | If the file system format doesn't support it like kde partition manager states , then gparted must also not be able to do it , it's mos the not supported by file system | 12:08 |
Kilos | you can do it from cli as well but i dont know that | 12:08 |
Kilos | are you using kde now | 12:08 |
mazal | Just something interesting , doesn't matter | 12:09 |
Kilos | you can try install gnome-disk-utility i think its called | 12:09 |
mazal | Two software not agreeing about the same thing | 12:09 |
Kilos | when i format i label the size of the stick there | 12:10 |
Kilos | like 16G or 4G | 12:10 |
Kilos | and my external is ext | 12:10 |
mazal | Yeah I also like to label , but kde partition manager refuse if it's fat32 , while gparted do it gladly hehehe | 12:10 |
Kilos | i gave up with kparted thing | 12:11 |
mazal | hehehe , computers | 12:11 |
Kilos | ya | 12:11 |
Kilos | are you using unetbootin to make it | 12:12 |
mazal | I think unity's "disks" app also label fat32 | 12:12 |
mazal | If memory serves | 12:12 |
Kilos | or are you installing your os to it | 12:12 |
mazal | No this is just a stick that I put av updates on every week | 12:13 |
Kilos | oh you dont want it bootable | 12:13 |
Kilos | ai! | 12:13 |
mazal | So picked that up now when I formatted it | 12:13 |
mazal | Every week used to get a different label | 12:13 |
Kilos | lol | 12:13 |
mazal | Then kde pm said , no way boet , can't do that | 12:13 |
Kilos | ya i dont use it either | 12:14 |
Kilos | gparted is a wonderful tool even for moving and resizing drives | 12:14 |
mazal | When I was still on unity the app was "disks" I think that I used. Is the default one anyway | 12:15 |
Kilos | now before they named it disks it was disk utility | 12:16 |
mazal | So I finally found 2 little hickups in kde | 12:16 |
Kilos | thats where the free comes in, you are free to use what you prefer or what suites you best | 12:16 |
mazal | Oh btw , I like Kubuntu so much , when I re-installed that external I put Kubuntu on that as well. So all 3 my ubuntu machines are Kubuntu now | 12:17 |
Kilos | lol | 12:17 |
Kilos | it is catchy once you get used to it | 12:18 |
mazal | Indeed , and the hickups I've had so far is now where near major problems at all | 12:18 |
mazal | no even | 12:18 |
Kilos | mine works perfectly | 12:18 |
mazal | I think I must go home , bit tired today | 12:19 |
Kilos | its the other stuff i struggle with | 12:19 |
Kilos | haha you want to go play not sleep | 12:19 |
mazal | Nah I must go sort out that external thing :( | 12:19 |
Kilos | see | 12:19 |
mazal | First grocery shopping though | 12:19 |
Kilos | ah | 12:19 |
mazal | oom that drive aint playing , that's sukkeling :P | 12:20 |
Kilos | haha but you are learning all the time | 12:20 |
Kilos | make notes of how probs get solved | 12:21 |
mazal | The learning part is nice ya | 12:21 |
inetpro | lovely!!! | 12:25 |
Kilos | what inetpro ? | 12:25 |
inetpro | Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS has been released | 12:25 |
inetpro | :-) | 12:25 |
Kilos | lol | 12:25 |
Kilos | i thought you won the lotto or something | 12:26 |
mazal | Ok guys , I'm off for now. Will return maybe later , hopefully with good news | 12:33 |
Kilos | oh my is the @confluency the same confluency that was here years ago? inetpro | 13:41 |
Kilos | superfly ^^ | 13:44 |
highvoltage | probably | 13:45 |
Kilos | ty highvoltage | 13:49 |
inetpro | Kilos: where do you see confluency? | 14:18 |
Kilos | 14:21 | |
Kilos | @confluency | 14:21 |
Kilos | adrianna | 14:22 |
Kilos | lol maybe i chased her calling her a guy | 14:24 |
Kilos | need to invite her back sometime now that we are getting more active again | 14:25 |
mazal | inetpro: You're the man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 14:25 |
inetpro | mazal: it worked? | 14:26 |
mazal | Drive boots perfectly with that small /boot :) | 14:26 |
inetpro | great, well done! | 14:26 |
mazal | Thank you so much !!! | 14:26 |
inetpro | Kilos: ah | 14:27 |
inetpro | Kilos: get him back here | 14:27 |
Kilos | yay mazal | 14:29 |
inetpro | mazal: you're welcome | 14:29 |
Kilos | lol inetpro | 14:30 |
Kilos | you the tweeter | 14:30 |
Kilos | thats a stupid lappy that methinks | 14:30 |
mazal | inetpro: And it works straight from booting directly from the external. I didn't need to do the grub on internal thing | 14:35 |
Kilos | lekker man | 14:35 |
inetpro | that really is how easy it should be | 14:36 |
Kilos | maybe we can do some bzr tonight | 14:36 |
Kilos | hehe | 14:36 |
inetpro | and if your usb port is fast as well it should fly without you even noticing the difference | 14:37 |
mazal | I worked permanently like this for at least two years. Only worked on usb so that my OS went where I went. And never had any real performance issues | 14:38 |
mazal | Only recently switched to internal | 14:38 |
Kilos | im happy for you mazal | 14:42 |
Kilos | now you can minetest with a happy heart | 14:42 |
mazal | ook Kilos: You have no idea how reliefed I am this is working now :) | 14:47 |
Kilos | lol | 14:47 |
Kilos | now you can have your quiet weekend | 14:48 |
mazal | yes !!!! :) | 14:49 |
Kilos | maybe learn some bzr | 14:51 |
Kilos | its really easy | 14:52 |
Kilos | haha | 14:52 |
Kilos | you just need a clegver mouse that knows what to copy/paste where | 14:53 |
Kilos | clever | 14:53 |
mazal | Now I just need to get the wi-fi that keeps disconnecting fixed | 15:54 |
Kilos | hi kulelu88 | 16:42 |
kulelu88 | hi | 16:43 |
Kilos | confluency wb how are you? | 16:55 |
kulelu88 | HP Lovecraft | 16:56 |
Kilos | yeah was here all the time some years back | 16:57 |
Kilos | now i just gotta find hodgestar | 16:57 |
Kilos | hi captine | 17:01 |
captine | hi Kilos | 17:01 |
Kilos | 3 more nicks and we break a years old record | 17:02 |
Kilos | 4 actually | 17:02 |
captine | anyone here read the article where a KDE developer "predicts" pc-bsd to overtake linux | 17:02 |
captine | | 17:02 |
captine | Kilos, ? nicks?? | 17:03 |
Kilos | peeps in the list of nicknames here | 17:03 |
Kilos | hi superfly | 17:03 |
Kilos | hi gremble | 17:25 |
gremble | Hey Kilos | 17:26 |
gremble | How is everyone doing? | 17:26 |
Kilos | we good ty | 17:26 |
Kilos | and you? | 17:26 |
gremble | Excellent | 17:26 |
gremble | Eh. Not too bad | 17:26 |
gremble | Just busy | 17:26 |
gremble | haha | 17:26 |
Kilos | evberyone is just too busy | 17:42 |
Kilos | every as well | 17:42 |
gremble | Ya | 17:42 |
gremble | I haven't been able to stop and rest yet this week. I don't think I will be able to get a chance this weekend either | 17:42 |
Kilos | wb mazal | 18:18 |
mazal | ta | 18:19 |
Kilos | hi magellanic | 18:21 |
magespawn | good evening | 18:21 |
Kilos | hi magespawn too | 18:21 |
magespawn | indeed | 18:21 |
mazal | lo magespawn | 18:21 |
Kilos | i need to remember double tab with you | 18:21 |
magespawn | hi mazal | 18:22 |
gremble | Hey magespawn | 18:22 |
magespawn | now it is a double tab | 18:22 |
gremble | I think Kilos just made an inadvertant zombieland reference | 18:22 |
mazal | On hexchat now | 18:22 |
magespawn | howdy gremble | 18:22 |
magespawn | hah indeed, the ubuntu-za version | 18:23 |
Kilos | sjoe gremble whats that | 18:23 |
gremble | It is a movie Kilos | 18:23 |
gremble | A pretty good one, in my opinion | 18:23 |
Kilos | ah | 18:23 |
gremble | About zombies, and still getting a shag when most of the human race is dead | 18:23 |
magespawn | i thought it was quite funny | 18:24 |
Kilos | sjoe | 18:24 |
gremble | I liked it a lot | 18:24 |
magespawn | cute girl | 18:24 |
confluency | Kilos: Hi | 18:24 |
Kilos | hows confluency nice to see you back | 18:24 |
Kilos | can you hook hodgestar too? | 18:25 |
confluency | I got pung on Twitter; thought I'd check it out. | 18:25 |
gremble | Does any one here work for an organisation that hires applied mathematicians? | 18:25 |
Kilos | lol | 18:25 |
magespawn | i have a friend that has a chair at rhodes, that is about as close as i can get | 18:26 |
gremble | He owns a chair at Rhodes? | 18:26 |
confluency | Just learn programming; that's what everyone ends up doing. | 18:26 |
Kilos | lol | 18:26 |
gremble | Pretty fancy for a homless person | 18:26 |
Kilos | he sits on one | 18:26 |
magespawn | she, something like that | 18:26 |
confluency | (Hodgestar is technically an applied mathematician.) | 18:26 |
Kilos | gremble programs too but prefers not to | 18:27 |
gremble | I'm almost technically, but I'm looking for places that uses/hires them so that I can solicit for a bursary | 18:27 |
gremble | :P | 18:27 |
magespawn | universities usually have departments for that | 18:28 |
* inetpro looks at his chair | 18:28 | |
magespawn | otherwise maybe CSIR? | 18:28 |
Kilos | lol | 18:28 |
Kilos | inetpro see whos here | 18:28 |
inetpro | it's all mathematical | 18:28 |
inetpro | good evening everyone | 18:29 |
inetpro | Kilos: oh and is that the real confluency? | 18:29 |
Kilos | yeah | 18:29 |
inetpro | hi confluency | 18:29 |
confluency | No, it's a cunning forgery made out of cat hair and gum. | 18:29 |
inetpro | wb to the new #ubuntu-za | 18:29 |
Kilos | now just to drag hodgestar from nairobilug | 18:29 |
magespawn | very lifelike | 18:29 |
confluency | I try. | 18:30 |
magespawn | will the real confluency please stand up | 18:30 |
inetpro | lol | 18:30 |
inetpro | confluency: how do you like our new site? | 18:31 |
Kilos | hi danfowler | 18:31 |
confluency | I should probably go to look at it. | 18:31 |
Kilos | welcome to ubuntu-za | 18:31 |
danfowler | heya | 18:31 |
confluency | Looks nice. | 18:31 |
inetpro | ha that's an understatement | 18:32 |
Kilos | inetpro there is still work to do at the site | 18:32 |
inetpro | Kilos: what you wanna add now? | 18:32 |
Kilos | look in trello | 18:32 |
Kilos | to do | 18:32 |
mazal | lol | 18:33 |
mazal | Hou hulle op die tone oom | 18:33 |
Kilos | lol | 18:33 |
danfowler | thanks | 18:33 |
inetpro | Kilos: you mean the africa site or the za site? | 18:33 |
inetpro | danfowler: hi | 18:33 |
magespawn | inetpro it might have been a mistake to show Kilos that tool | 18:33 |
Kilos | za man | 18:33 |
Kilos | bottom of todo list | 18:34 |
Kilos | you want to borrow my glasses | 18:34 |
magespawn | lol | 18:34 |
inetpro | Kilos: you want a link in site to see existing za team members? | 18:35 |
Kilos | i want to see all our members there in the site not a link | 18:35 |
Kilos | that was to get nyou thinking | 18:35 |
inetpro | uh | 18:35 |
gremble | Where can I find a link to this trello thing. I'm curious now | 18:36 |
Kilos | lol | 18:36 |
inetpro | gremble: | 18:36 |
Kilos | its a lekker tool | 18:36 |
* mazal trello home to-do list shows 100% complete again :) | 18:36 | |
Kilos | lol | 18:36 |
inetpro | Kilos: create a page on the wiki | 18:37 |
Kilos | well done | 18:37 |
Kilos | hmm... why me? | 18:37 |
mazal | Kilos, plus I finally have a permanent ubu running at home also | 18:37 |
inetpro | Kilos: you know what you want | 18:37 |
mazal | and my gaming rig survived | 18:37 |
Kilos | nono man im a delegate now | 18:37 |
Kilos | just a list of past and present members and place for more | 18:38 |
inetpro | Kilos: delegate to mazal for a change, he just gave away he has no more to do's | 18:38 |
mazal | lol | 18:39 |
Kilos | hahaha mazal dis jou beurt | 18:39 |
mazal | That site will never be the same | 18:39 |
inetpro | mazal: what is your trello name? | 18:39 |
mazal | inetpro, lemme check | 18:40 |
mazal | It's either WD or wikusvandyk | 18:41 |
mazal | Don't know which one is actually the username | 18:41 |
Kilos | man just get the link at the top | 18:41 |
inetpro | mazal: the one in brackets | 18:41 |
mazal | wikusvandyk | 18:41 |
inetpro | cool | 18:42 |
Kilos | give the link so we can all fill his todo list | 18:42 |
* inetpro added mazal as a member of ubuntu-za | 18:43 | |
Kilos | confluency you tried trello? | 18:43 |
Kilos | inetpro you tellim | 18:43 |
mazal | Your stuff looks nice guys | 18:43 |
Kilos | it has to otherwise the fly sjamboks us | 18:44 |
Kilos | wb Private_User | 18:47 |
inetpro | Kilos: remember to use pwd to see the path. remember to learn more about paths | 18:47 |
Private_User | thanks | 18:47 |
Kilos | it doesnt work anymore | 18:47 |
Kilos | i cant even see the za site here anymore sigh | 18:48 |
inetpro | Maaz: it doesn't work | 18:48 |
Maaz | Look buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Does it waste its time on IRC all day long? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it isn't doing. | 18:48 |
inetpro | Kilos: ^^ | 18:48 |
Kilos | lol | 18:48 |
Kilos | i see that directories list | 18:49 |
Kilos | gave up now | 18:49 |
* inetpro is lost | 18:49 | |
Kilos | maybe i must stick to breaking things | 18:49 |
Kilos | the site dont open with gui | 18:49 |
confluency | I'm pretty sure I have a Trello account. | 18:49 |
Kilos | looks similar to the africa site | 18:50 |
inetpro | Kilos: gui or wui? | 18:50 |
Kilos | the thing where i can see whats there | 18:50 |
Kilos | the ui thing | 18:50 |
inetpro | confluency: what is your trello username? | 18:51 |
mazal | lol @ maaz | 18:51 |
mazal | I get that all day long , " it doesn't work " | 18:51 |
inetpro | Kilos: ai! | 18:51 |
Kilos | i broke something and havent been able to figure what | 18:52 |
mazal | Maaz can you come work for me please | 18:53 |
Kilos | haha | 18:53 |
mazal | Hey hang on , I finally asked something maaz doesn't have an answer for :) | 18:54 |
Kilos | he will huh you just now | 18:57 |
Kilos | or blink at you | 18:57 |
Kilos | hes searching archives | 18:57 |
Kilos | inetpro chair confirmed | 18:57 |
Kilos | dont you read your trello | 18:58 |
confluency | Looks like it's adriannapinska. | 18:59 |
confluency | I tried to change it, but both confluence and confluency are taken. | 18:59 |
inetpro | confluency: hmm, ok... you been added | 19:01 |
inetpro | Kilos: another one to go delegate to :-) | 19:01 |
Kilos | hee hee hee | 19:01 |
inetpro | confluency: he's the chief now | 19:01 |
Kilos | ya he be clever | 19:01 |
Kilos | nono | 19:02 |
Kilos | dont chase him now | 19:03 |
inetpro | confluency: you wanna run away then you better do it now | 19:04 |
inetpro | :-) | 19:05 |
magespawn | too late | 19:05 |
inetpro | hmm... | 19:05 |
inetpro | ok, ok, I was only joking | 19:06 |
magespawn | hmmm lol | 19:06 |
Kilos | oh ya i looked at the vintage sewing machines , we like and use them all the time | 19:06 |
Kilos | bernina hostess genome | 19:07 |
confluency | inetpro: I didn't say I'd *do* anything. ;) | 19:08 |
captine | evening all | 19:08 |
Kilos | haha its hard to be here and not get involved confluency | 19:08 |
Kilos | hi captine | 19:09 |
magespawn | confluency kilos is a little like a force of nature | 19:09 |
confluency | Kilos: I like the cast iron Singers. | 19:09 |
inetpro | confluency: haha, no choice really, you always been part of the team | 19:09 |
Kilos | i saw some beuts there | 19:09 |
Kilos | beauts | 19:09 |
inetpro | btw, if anyone of you is interested in tackling any items on trello just drag your name onto the relevant card | 19:11 |
inetpro | any item(*) | 19:11 |
Kilos | ya | 19:11 |
inetpro | damn! | 19:12 |
inetpro | any item(s)* | 19:12 |
inetpro | oh and if you're busy with any item, please drag it to 'Current Activities' as well so others can see | 19:13 |
Kilos | wb Neo31 | 19:14 |
Kilos | inetpro see the numbers | 19:14 |
inetpro | Kilos: grembleis the numbers guy | 19:14 |
Kilos | ai! look man | 19:15 |
Kilos | 7 more | 19:15 |
* inetpro can add 7 very quickly | 19:15 | |
Kilos | then i retire | 19:15 |
Neo31 | yo Kilos | 19:15 |
Neo31 | :) | 19:15 |
Neo31 | ssup? | 19:15 |
inetpro | wb Neo31 | 19:15 |
Kilos | see how strong we are Neo31 | 19:16 |
Neo31 | thx inetpro | 19:16 |
inetpro | Kilos: -1 | 19:16 |
Kilos | aw | 19:16 |
Neo31 | u are talking about what exactly Kilos ? | 19:17 |
Kilos | the numbers on this channel Neo31 | 19:17 |
inetpro | Neo31: he wants to retire when we've reached 50 nicks in the channel | 19:17 |
Kilos | sigh | 19:18 |
inetpro | only he forgets, it was never part of his contract | 19:18 |
Kilos | for the night only inetpro | 19:18 |
Neo31 | lol inetpro | 19:18 |
Neo31 | ok i see Kilos | 19:18 |
Neo31 | good luck :) | 19:18 |
Kilos | lol | 19:18 |
Neo31 | i can connect my phone and some bot maybe | 19:18 |
Neo31 | lol | 19:18 |
Kilos | confluency they made me work hard these geeks | 19:19 |
Neo31 | lol | 19:19 |
Kilos | check out #ubuntu-africa and read the links in the topic bar | 19:19 |
Kilos | inetpro whateve happened to whizzy | 19:25 |
captine | anyone here know how to use apt-cacher (setup a 01proxy file on my machine to point to the cache proxy) but allow ppa's to skip the proxy or to include them? keep getting an error on the ppas | 19:29 |
captine | may have answered my own question... | 19:30 |
captine | give me a minute | 19:30 |
Kilos | keep notes captine so you can tell the next one that asks | 19:31 |
captine | will do.. if i figure it out | 19:32 |
Kilos | lol | 19:32 |
Kilos | oi silence | 19:39 |
inetpro | is golden | 19:42 |
captine | will have to try figure this out later... eish | 19:42 |
inetpro | captine: been a long week? | 19:43 |
Kilos | ai! | 19:43 |
captine | yip | 19:43 |
captine | 5 days till daughters due date.. | 19:43 |
Kilos | sjoe | 19:43 |
inetpro | oi! Good luck captine! | 19:43 |
captine | thanks | 19:43 |
Kilos | yeah | 19:43 |
Kilos | lots and lots | 19:43 |
Kilos | you also a ballie like the pro | 19:44 |
captine | lol. | 19:45 |
captine | will have a 14month boy and a newborn little girl by next weekend, if she agrees with our calendar... | 19:46 |
Kilos | sjoe | 19:46 |
Kilos | same like me just a small age diffs | 19:47 |
magespaw1 | captine it will be the first(in history) and most definately the last if she does | 19:47 |
inetpro | he called me a ballie? | 19:48 |
inetpro | ai! | 19:48 |
Kilos | doesnt everyone go with the caesar thing nowadays | 19:48 |
inetpro | wb octoquad | 19:49 |
Kilos | just needed to see an ai! goosie | 19:49 |
Kilos | wb octoquad | 19:49 |
captine | yip | 19:49 |
magespaw1 | inetpro we are all getting over the hill a bit | 19:49 |
captine | magespaw1, our son was a week late... didnt want to breathe the jhb air i guess | 19:50 |
inetpro | magespaw1: not me, never | 19:50 |
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn | ||
Kilos | haha | 19:50 |
magespawn | i didn't even notice that | 19:50 |
* inetpro be a newbie all the days | 19:50 | |
Kilos | oh no | 19:51 |
magespawn | can be two things at once | 19:51 |
Kilos | newbies arent tired all the time | 19:51 |
magespawn | newbies also do not have full famalies | 19:52 |
Kilos | ya | 19:52 |
magespawn | or experience | 19:52 |
Kilos | or the ability to fix it | 19:52 |
magespawn | indeed | 19:53 |
mazal | Night everyone , sleep well , God bless | 19:53 |
Kilos | night mazal ty you too | 19:53 |
magespawn | good night mazal | 19:53 |
magespawn | so Kilos going to write Linux + exam somewhere in the next two months | 19:54 |
Kilos | good luck magespawn | 19:55 |
Kilos | study hard | 19:55 |
gremble | Oh nice | 19:55 |
gremble | Where? | 19:55 |
magespawn | i did find out that it is LPIC1 and also allows you to claim Novell certification | 19:56 |
magespawn | probable at the Boston Business college in Richards Bay | 19:56 |
magespawn | i just oicked up the stufy guide | 19:57 |
magespawn | picked up too | 19:57 |
Kilos | lol you also tired magespawn | 19:57 |
magespawn | study guide might all make more sense | 19:57 |
Kilos | lol | 19:57 |
magespawn | yup hard week | 19:57 |
magespawn | wow i think that those last few lines only really made sense to me | 19:58 |
captine | magespawn, so boston colleges to the linux exams? | 19:58 |
magespawn | yup they are pearson vue testing centers | 19:59 |
magespawn | so comptia but i am not sure about the lpi | 19:59 |
Kilos | i wonder what happened to theblazehen | 20:01 |
Kilos | Maaz seen theblazehen | 20:01 |
Maaz | Kilos: theblazehen was last seen 1 month, 4 days, 4 hours, 25 minutes and 51 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-01-17 07:35:18 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2015-02-12 03:35:30 PST | 20:01 |
Kilos | theblazehen ping | 20:01 |
captine | ok. going to sleep. night all. will look at the trello site on Sat or Sun | 20:02 |
Kilos | night captine | 20:02 |
Kilos | ill be here | 20:02 |
captine | i would expect nothing else... | 20:02 |
magespawn | captine: good night | 20:02 |
captine | :) | 20:02 |
Kilos | lol | 20:03 |
magespawn | that is me for tonight as well, good night all | 20:03 |
Kilos | night magespawn | 20:03 |
Kilos | sleep tight | 20:03 |
inetpro | uh, good night magespawn | 20:04 |
kulelu88 | new folks here | 20:10 |
Kilos | yeah | 20:11 |
Kilos | danfowler tell us a bit about yourself | 20:11 |
Kilos | like where you are and what you do etc | 20:12 |
Kilos | iceland is rather cold | 20:13 |
inetpro | ok Kilos, what you so busy with? | 20:39 |
Kilos | sometimes i sits and thinks, other times i just sits | 20:39 |
Kilos | just sitting now | 20:39 |
inetpro | ai! | 20:39 |
Kilos | just looked whats new in trello | 20:40 |
Kilos | haha | 20:42 |
inetpro | mooi! | 20:43 |
* inetpro likes it when the list is shrinking | 20:43 | |
Kilos | hehe | 20:43 |
inetpro | superfly: have you registered a site for Kilos yet? | 20:44 |
superfly | inetpro: negatory | 20:44 |
Kilos | hes busy inetpro | 20:44 |
inetpro | Kilos: he's busy with what? | 20:44 |
Kilos | working | 20:44 |
Kilos | not gaming im sure | 20:45 |
inetpro | I just see him sitting here and doing nothing | 20:45 |
Kilos | sjoe | 20:45 |
inetpro | no output, zero, zulsh, lutho, niks | 20:45 |
Kilos | did you arrange for that troll to attack me? | 20:46 |
* inetpro ducks and hides in the corner | 20:46 | |
Kilos | lol | 20:46 |
inetpro | Kilos: nope | 20:46 |
* inetpro is onskuldig | 20:46 | |
Kilos | ok | 20:46 |
inetpro | soos altyd | 20:46 |
Kilos | was weird | 20:47 |
inetpro | you really worry about that nonsens? | 20:47 |
Kilos | i thought someone was just trying to break my cool at first | 20:47 |
inetpro | ai! | 20:47 |
Kilos | ruffle my feathers | 20:47 |
inetpro | shake it off and move on | 20:48 |
Kilos | i have man | 20:48 |
Kilos | it was really stupid because now the whole of freenode knows about him | 20:49 |
inetpro | hehe, a quick way to become famous? | 20:50 |
Kilos | stupid imo | 20:51 |
inetpro | by grembies | 20:51 |
Kilos | lol | 20:51 |
Kilos | Maaz tell gremble You are supposed to say goodnight before leaving | 20:52 |
Maaz | Kilos: Okay, I'll tell gremble on freenode | 20:52 |
Kilos | hehe | 20:52 |
inetpro | Kilos: so what events are you planning to arrange this year? | 20:52 |
Kilos | ai! | 20:53 |
Kilos | oh ya im the delegate | 20:53 |
Kilos | inetpro so what events are you planning to arrange this year? | 20:53 |
inetpro | uh | 20:53 |
Kilos | lol i love copy/pasting | 20:53 |
inetpro | what type of events can one arrange even | 20:54 |
inetpro | ? | 20:54 |
Kilos | well have first meeting soo on africa | 20:54 |
Kilos | that will have to be done by clever peeps | 20:55 |
Kilos | i miss maia she was a lifewire here | 20:55 |
inetpro | Events: Ubuntu Global Jam, Ubuntu Hour, Installfest | 20:59 |
Kilos | ya but no one has the time anymore | 20:59 |
inetpro | Ubuntu Developer Summit | 20:59 |
inetpro | Release Parties | 21:00 |
Kilos | i still have to try sort my ubuntu email addy thing | 21:00 |
inetpro | SoftwareFreedomDay | 21:00 |
Kilos | all that stuff i cant attend | 21:00 |
Kilos | lol you so cheeky you know | 21:03 |
Kilos | what are you doing? | 21:04 |
Kilos | no output, zero, zulsh, lutho, niks | 21:04 |
* Kilos ducks | 21:05 | |
Kilos | zilch | 21:05 |
inetpro | Kilos: have you not seen the activity on Trello? | 21:07 |
Kilos | by me ya | 21:07 |
inetpro | look under the Menu | 21:08 |
Kilos | oh | 21:09 |
Kilos | i need to learn more about how those things get done | 21:09 |
Kilos | how do you archive stuffs | 21:11 |
inetpro | click on the little pen on a card, top right | 21:12 |
Kilos | aha ty i dont see a pen there | 21:13 |
inetpro | you don't or you didn't? | 21:14 |
Kilos | i see a circle with a spot in | 21:14 |
Kilos | very faint too | 21:15 |
inetpro | ai! | 21:15 |
Kilos | oh i just saw a pen popup when mouse hovers there | 21:16 |
inetpro | nou verstaan jy! | 21:16 |
Kilos | ja dankie | 21:17 |
Kilos | i sommer archived a whole bunch | 21:17 |
* inetpro noticed | 21:18 | |
Kilos | that circle at the top right does them all at once but i first moved one out, archived others then moved it back | 21:18 |
Kilos | im sad about ibid. no one has the time to rewrite it in python 3 | 21:19 |
inetpro | patience! | 21:19 |
Kilos | i can only be patient when sleeping | 21:22 |
inetpro | good idea | 21:22 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 21:22 |
inetpro | good night | 21:22 |
Kilos | superfly get some rest | 21:22 |
Kilos | night my goosie | 21:23 |
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