
rwwapparently he got bored and is now in #ubuntu+100:05
rwwi think i'll go the ignore route00:05
elkyit worked00:26
elkymeanwhile i'm trying to figure if psyke is worth keeping around00:31
elkyeverytime i look they're saying something baity or stupid00:31
k1l_oh. timebomb imho. uses any chance to stirr up the channel.00:31
=== idleone_ is now known as io
rwwjasonmchristos in #xubuntu as bry8knight. knome's in there talking to him, and I let elky know too.02:09
Unit193Ah, that's who.  Danke.02:09
rwwUnit193: you see the usual rww tactic for dealing with him. He tends to pause or leave when named.02:12
rww(if he's trying to hide on a non-jasonmchristos style nick)02:12
rwwaww, I guess pause.02:12
elkyalso psyke is currently being himself in #freenode02:13
bazhang<omgitsmit> #LayingPipeTho03:31
bazhangmore commentary than support03:31
bazhangubuntu-studio> deep web you03:54
bazhangretroispresto> Who kicked fazz?04:13
bazhangknown issue^ ?04:14
Skypewhy did i get banned from ubuntu-offtopic?05:17
phunyguySkype: see the line you just posted upon entering this channel.05:17
phunyguyThat is the reason you were banned.  Stuff like that.05:17
Skypei cant see it anymore05:18
Skypethe window closed05:18
phunyguyokay.  Well I am afraid I am not removing the ban at this time.  If there is nothing else, please part the channel.  Thank you.05:18
Skypei remeber mentioning something about my nick being an anagram05:18
Skypei got banned and dont even know why05:19
FlannelSkype: You were banned a few minutes ago for ban evasion.  You were banned a couple of hours ago from #ubuntu-offtopic, and simply working around the ban is not correct.  You should instead come here to discuss the ban and hopefully resolve it.05:20
Skypewould lighting a candle help?05:21
FlannelProbably not.05:21
Skypewhat about saying "my bad" and pound on my chest?05:22
FlannelNo.  You should come back here tomorrow when you're interested in being genuine.05:23
Skypeforgive me father for i have sined05:24
Skypeill be floggin myself till then05:25
bazhangskype just seems set on being nonsensical in #u06:44
lotuspsychjehi all, i would like to report a dead link on trigger !mailserver in #ubuntu09:02
lotuspsychjethe second link is dead: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html09:02
steviedale99Rory's swearing in #ubuntu-offtopic11:50
steviedale99Thanks in advance11:50
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (halp)12:26
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
DJonesWhy does !pt point people to #ubuntu-br as the first option? Surely !pt should point to #ubuntu-pt first, with !br pointing to #ubuntu-br, just seems disrespectful to native languages16:39
DJonesI don't speak portugeuse, so wouldn't want to suggest different factoids, but 2 different loco channels probably should have different factoids16:41
IdleOneI believe it is because -pt was mainly a Loco channel and not really a support channel, also because the -br channel was much larger and did support.16:41
IdleOnewas/is maily*16:41
IdleOneThe factoid also explains what I just said, so the .pt user will go to the channel they are looking for after they read the factoid.16:42
DJonesok, fair enough16:42
DJonesHeh, google translate converts #ubuntu-br to #ubuntu-us16:44
DJonesIn a way, using the same logic though, !english should refer people to #ubuntu-uk16:45
DJonesWhich wouldn't be appropriate or sustainable16:45
DJonesMaybe I;m just being picky16:46
IdleOneyou are16:47
DJonesHeh, wouldn't be the first time16:47
IdleOneDo you really want all the people looking for support going to -uk?16:47
IdleOne-uk is more for loco activities, no?16:48
DJonesYes exactly, as should -br and -pt16:48
IdleOneand the !br/pt factoids explain the difference16:49
IdleOneI am almost certain that the factoid was submitted by the pt and br admins16:49
IdleOneit has been this way since 1936, why change it now :P16:50
DJonesThats fair enough, I was more wondering why it was different, if both loco channels are happy, then no issue, just seemed odd compared to normal #ubuntu-* channel naming and usage16:51
DJonesIt would be like telling all us/nz/aus users to join -uk for support but to use their own individual loco channels for chat16:52
DJonesAnd, no I wouldn't want that16:53
DJonesBUt comparable issue16:53
rwwIt'd be like telling us/nz/aus users to join #ubuntu for support, since #ubuntu is the largest English-language Ubuntu support channel.16:58
rwwwe often do16:58
rwwsame with #ubuntu-fr and non-.fr French speakers, iirc16:59
IdleOneI see no problem with that. Those channels are Loco channels mainly which does not mean they don't do support.16:59
IdleOnein -qc I often send people to -fr to get support16:59
IdleOnesometimes because I simply can't help and other times because reasons17:00
IdleOne-fr is just larger than -qc and they are much more active17:01
IdleOnelike -br and -pt17:01
DJonesAs I said, fair enough, just seemed strange refering portugese users to a brazilian channel first, rather than to their own national channel17:01
DJonesBut if if -br is more active, I can understand it17:01
IdleOneDJones: reason 1: br is larger. reason 2: same language is spoken17:01
DJonesFair enough, I was just asking the question17:03
IdleOneI also heard the "admins" of -us are meanies17:03
rwwnobody talks in -us, we all hang out in our #ubuntu-us-XX channels :P17:03
IdleOneThey check ID for lawful citizenship and all that sorta stuff17:04
IdleOne^ just made that up17:04
IdleOnelog readers don't lose your stuff now17:04
DJonesIn other words, log reads, have you backed up today?17:05
rww@mark #ubuntu alteregoa still being the same alteregoa as usual i guess17:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:15
=== idleone_ is now known as io
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, IRIS[Laptop] said: !bing is google better then you19:26
rww!no > IRIS[Laptop]19:26
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!19:29
iode nada19:30
elkyhe individually left #ubuntu-offtopic but is still in kubuntu's offtopic so have fun with that20:00
bazhangTalesOfWinnetou> hi bazhang ! what's price22:26
bazhangbot or super annoying bot22:26

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