
rmg51off to PACS talk to the bear13:04
teddy-dbearMorning peoples. dogs, hamsters and everything else13:48
TengokuNoIsanGood bacon to all, and to all some good bacon!14:31
waltmanI don't remember if PACS has windows. They're going to be surprised when they go outside!20:17
rmg51waltman: the meeting was called at 1pm due to snow20:27
waltmanI was driving home from my mom's place in NE Philly when it started. It wasn't supposed to start until 1, but it was more like 12:15 on the turnpike.20:28
rmg51we hung around long enough for Teddy to get his own calendar :-D20:30
rmg51features him and some of his minions20:31
waltmanI figured he's still be hibernating this time of year.20:34
rmg51one of the guys there always takes a picture at lunch20:34
waltmanadmittedly, it can be hard to tell if Teddy is asleep or awake.20:35
rmg51he had a calendar made trough shutterfly20:35
rmg51he nas to go to PACS20:36
rmg51he the sig leader20:36
rmg51linux sig leader20:36
rmg51says so right on the sign in sheet20:37
rmg51mostly because nobody else wanted to be the leader20:38
waltmanI'm sure there have been worse sig leaders :)20:39
rmg51jedijf: was before Teddy ;-)20:41
waltmanLike I said!20:42
rmg51but only for a short time20:42
rmg51people came from near and far to close the door because of all the noise :-D20:43
waltmanNoise? Teddy's pretty quiet. Is that how he got the job?20:59
rmg51jedijf: was the loud one21:00
waltmanMaybe the word I'm looking for is "stealthy" :)21:00
rmg51^^ Teddy's calendar ^^21:20
waltmanClearly as sig leader Teddy wears a lot of hats.21:23
rmg51even for a teddy bear21:25

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