
mavsghostso i switched to xubuntu from crunchbang and my one problem is everything is very slow00:33
mavsghostlots of hanging00:33
mavsghostand my laptop isnt super new but it is pretty fast on win7 and was hella fast on crunchbang00:33
mavsghostany ideas on why x is running so slowly?00:34
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bry8knightWhat is the process to upgrade to the newer ubuntu release?01:23
krytarik!upgrade | bry8knight01:25
ubottubry8knight: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:25
bry8knightnothing there shows the process from 12.1001:29
krytarik!eolupgrade | bry8knight01:30
ubottubry8knight: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:30
bry8knightnothing about 12.1001:30
knomebry8knight, the process is what is described there, even if 12.10 isn't specifically mentioned01:31
bry8knightwhat is the process?01:38
knomedid you read the page?01:38
bry8knightit only links to several other versions01:40
bry8knightso  sudo do-release-upgrade01:40
knomethe page clearly says you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
bry8knightthat has been completed01:41
knomethen you want to do: sudo apt-get update01:41
knomeand then the command you posted01:41
bry8knightit looks to still have problems01:41
knomewell it's an unsupported EOL upgrade...01:41
bry8knightwhere is the arm cluster?01:43
knomethe arm cluster?01:44
bry8knightthat is what my version was used for01:44
bry8knightnotice that 12.10 had omap ports01:46
knomei don't know what ports ubuntu support, xubuntu only supports i386 and amd64 for the latest versions01:47
bry8knightknome are you a volunteer?01:47
bry8knightdo you enjoy it?01:48
knomeyes, but this discussion out of the scope of this channel01:48
bry8knightit is not a discussion01:49
bry8knightand it is within scope01:49
bry8knightknome: you are the support01:49
bry8knightthe scope is Xubuntu support01:49
knomedo you have another support question?01:50
bry8knightWhat is in the private ppa those sources include?01:51
bry8knightAny clue?01:56
bry8knightknome: still there?01:59
knomei am, but i have no idea.01:59
bry8knightknome: do you want to do paid support?02:00
knomecanonical offers that02:00
bry8knightAre the freenode channels not officially associated with canonical?02:01
bry8knightIt looks to be downloading the saucy package list now.02:02
knomethey are not canonical channels, they are community channels.02:02
bry8knightEven #ubuntu and #ubuntu-kernel?02:04
bry8knightThe website links to the channels doesn't it?02:04
knomeyes. the fact that canonical employees might or might not use them does not make them canonical channels02:04
bry8knightDo canonical employees lie?02:05
bry8knightI do not negotiate with lies and liars.02:05
knomethat's not in the scope of this channel.02:06
knomedo you have a support question?02:06
bry8knightOk then you go back to the in scope question.02:06
knomethere is no open question i have the answer to.02:06
bry8knightNeed a pointer?02:07
bry8knightDo you want to do paid support?02:07
rwwbry8knight: Hi Jason.02:07
bry8knightrww: Hi Jason.02:09
bry8knightknome: I am awaiting answer.02:12
rwwbry8knight: You haven't asked an on-topic question yet.02:13
rwwPerhaps try doing that first.02:13
bry8knightDo you want to do paid Xubuntu support?02:15
knomebry8knight, that is not an on-topic question.02:15
rwwbry8knight: #xubuntu is not for negotiation of paid Xubuntu support, it's for community Xubuntu support. If you don't have an Xubuntu support question that you plan on actually asking, please leave the channel free for people who do, thanks.02:15
bry8knightHOw can the private ppa id be found?02:42
bry8knightIt shows, while updating the repository, in the list as a private ppa but doesnt give the id.02:43
elkybry8knight: you'd have to ask the people who make launchpad i'd guess02:53
bry8knightelky: It is not listed in the sources.list but it shows when running do-release-upgrade02:54
bry8knightIs it something that unpacks in the scripts for old-releases.ubuntu.com?02:54
bry8knightlaunchpad has an id for each ppa02:59
xubuntu16wi want to know whether we can update xubuntu 14.04 to 14.04.2 without a fresh installation04:07
xubuntu16wand the easiest method for it04:07
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crank__is there anybody out there?  ðŸ˜Š18:55
holsteincrank__: yes.. just ask if you have a support question, and a volunteer may be able to assiste19:01
crank__holstein, tnx, i just learned, that i had to right click to open a link here in my browser19:04
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crank__- new to xubuntu19:04
holsteincrank__: that depends on many things.. your irc client, etc..19:05
holsteincontrol click usually works as well..19:05
holsteincopy paste is always an option...19:06
crank__holstein, oki - i just used the default client (XChat)19:06
crank__I'm used to Hexchat in Mint where you just click on the link  :)19:08
holsteincrank__: install what you like.. its likely the exact same version of hexchat in the ubuntu repos that mint is using.. if you are comparing the same versions19:09
crank__holstein, oki - I'd like to say i really like this xubuntu dtp19:09
elfyholstein: I think there is a bug with this and ff v3619:09
holsteincrank__: if elfy says there is a bug, i would note that.. since, i use irssi..19:12
crank__holstein, if i install Hexchat, will i get my nickname 'crank' here?19:12
holsteincrank__: i have no idea.. though i would expect to set that up again19:13
crank__holstein,  and how do i do that? I'm not sure i'm correct registered in Mint. But the nick always shows up19:14
crank__holstein, are you german? with that nick :)19:17
bekksYou're crank :P19:17
crank__KrankImKopf  ;)19:18
crank__bekks, and do you hide yourself behind a VPN?19:23
crank__holstein, and what is irssi?19:32
ObrienDavecli irc client19:36
elfycrank__: assuming you actually have crank as a registered nick, then xchat and hexchat setup is pretty much like for like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto19:39
crank__elfy, tnx. that look difficult :_/19:44
holstein!info irssi19:47
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.16-1ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 652 kB, installed size 2617 kB19:47
elfycrank__: it really isn't as long as you're registered19:47
elfyI managed ...19:48
crank__i don't know my pwd and what email adr. i have used  :-/19:52
crank__you can register your nickname by typing the following command in XChat19:52
crank__    /msg nickserv register <password> <email>19:52
crank__maybe i can get my code on my other comp.. but will that do?19:54
brainvvashplease join the offtopic channel to discuss this matter19:55
elfythe information might be there19:55
elfycrank__: and if you join -offtopic I'll tell you something else19:57
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=== zabius is now known as elfy
xubuntu14whi I have some problem, there's a code that pops up longhaul enable not set or something like that and my sound doesn't work only on headsets20:18
holsteinxubuntu14w: so, you have a message about loughaul at boot?20:20
holsteinxubuntu14w: i wouldnt assume thats a problem, unless it is.. but, i would want to see the exact output.. for the headset, i would not assume its supporting linux20:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:20
holsteini woud troubleshoot it like an audio device, and use pavucontrol to route..20:21
holstein!info pavucontrol20:21
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (utopic), package size 111 kB, installed size 962 kB20:21
xubuntu34iHello. Is there a way to install Xubuntu to usb drive directly from linux desktop without going through the usual procedure?20:31
remlineWhat's up with the EFNet #xubuntu channel? There are 166 people in there but it seems to be silent.21:40
bekksremline: We dont know, since that channel isnt an official support channel.21:40
remlinebekks, understood, I'm sure the freenode channel is far superior anyway. But it does make me curious what is going on over there...21:41
bekksremline: you have to ask the people in there then.21:41
Unit193First I've heard of it, can you PM me the topic?21:42
remline"Welcome to EFNet's official #xubuntu help channel! Need help with xubuntu or xfce or ubuntu in general? just ask! don't ask to ask!"21:43
bekksThats the EFnet official channel, but not the Ubuntu official channel :)21:48
remlineI rarely use other servers than freenode, so I was surprised to see such a large (non-official) xubuntu channel on another server.21:50
remlineNonetheless, as far as I can tell it has been silent the past 24 hours, merely increasing my confusion!21:51

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